If I Could Only Make ONE Dish for guests

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(quirky music in background throughout video) [board sliding] [bowl sliding] [knife chopping] [can opener rotating] [onions sizzling] This was an aroma I was used to maybe a few times a week in childhood. It's funny how all curry dishes don't exactly taste the same but generally a good amount of em have very similar base savor. I used to internalize a game when I was younger to try and guess the curry dish my mom was making within 10 seconds, then you know waltz right into the kitchen to see if I nailed it. It was like that one movie Ratatouille. Ginger, nutmeg, allspice? This curry dish is super simple loaded with all type of anti inflammatories and to top it off it is incredibly flavorful it may look like a good amount of ingredients and honestly you're not wrong but I would say just understanding the purpose behind that list of spices will help it seem you know more collapsible. Curry more simply put is basically a sauce but not just any sauce. It's pretty thick and typically seasoned with a bunch of spices. So, for each curry dish, the curry is the dish. For example, if you're making spaghetti and meatballs, you are creating and seasoning a sauce, you're creating and seasoning meatballs, you're also even salting your spaghetti noodles. For curry, instead of putting seasoning in every aspect of the recipe, you're really just taking all those seasonings and now directing them all into the sauce and the meat and potatoes if you will is being cooked in the sauce. Hence, that's part of why it may seem like there's a good amount of spices. The other part is grocery store curry spices are typically pretty weak and or you know, it's just different from brand to brand. In grocery stores every once in a while they will target you know a particular curry. You know possibly a Jamaican or Japanese or Indian. But often times it's literally just listed as curry powder. Which can be confusing. Like this one for example. It says curry powder on it but doesn't say from where. So then you think let me read into the ingredients and get a better idea. Ingredients say turmeric, cumin, salt, coriander, and spices. I mean, it's colored in green and yellow has some black on it so it's kind of safe to say they were probably trying to target Jamaican curry spices but part of the issue is they completely missed several important and key ingredients in curry spice. So, what we're doing here is taking a base curry and then, we're taking the other spices to guide the flavor into what we want because this is all about the sauce. Doesn't matter what we're putting underneath. Sauce is boss. Bear with me as I go through like this uncontrollable, cheesy rhyming stage in my life. Speaking of underneath, if you're looking for like a chickpea swap, go with a neutral flavored veggie. Something that you just like the taste of when it's paired with anything, if you're unsure what that is, I typically recommend cauliflower, potatoes, and chickpeas. It's best to think of curry like ketchup. For adults. We're using tomatoes in the dish and I ran out of the basic globe tomato. Therefore, I ended up using canned whole tomatoes just to be more resourceful. If I'm at the grocery store and I'm capable of getting the globe tomato or roma tomato, I usually will chop that up prior to adding into the dish and let that simmer and break down for a bit. As for tomato paste, if you're capable, get the tube. Recipes seldom call for more than a few tablespoons when using tomato paste. The tube is a little bit more upfront cost in comparison to the can but the fact that you can reseal it is gold. The coconut milk is a key factor in this recipe. If you're allergic and need to, you know, replicate the creaminess, you can use an almond or a cashew plant-based yogurt. Don't get me wrong, they're fairly pricey substitutes but extremely comparable. The other option which is just way more cost efficient is try using an oat or soy milk because those are fairly creamy and what you will do is just reduce your sauce for just a little bit more time. I've always chopped my spinach down because when you have kids, it's just much easier for them not to choke. On the other hand, after a few pieces of spinach decided to play Indiana Jones in the back of my throat a few weeks ago, you know, I just go ahead and chop em down for myself too. If you're not too keen on spicy food, this curry is not too spicy in the way that I wrote it. Pending your tolerance, you can add your chili flakes at the end of the recipe after taste testing it you know just to bring that heat up if that's what you're looking for don't be ashamed if you're like me and accidentally drop way too many chili flakes inside your recipe like you are throwing rice at a wedding just simply add a little fat you know vegan sour cream or a little bit more coconut milk even you know an avocado on the side use this excellent curry dish and flex it in and out your diet on a good reoccurring as an additional way to keep you and the family just feeling great year round the recipe can be found in the description or you can head right over to my website Make It Dairy Free. com don't forget to check this out I opened up an online apparel shop so I have this one this one and this one there's also options for women children diverse options such as hoodies mugs bags and you can also check that out in the description pro tip no matter how good you are in the just don't wear that white one when making curry. Till next time. Believe in good. Peace.
Channel: Andrew Bernard | The Nard Dog Cooks
Views: 602,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wF1WCnV5Cyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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