How To Make Tofu Taste AMAZING! | 3 Easy Recipes

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hey what's up everyone welcome back to my kitchen for another recipe video so today i'm going to be sharing with you three ways to make tofu taste amazing so i'll be sharing with you a seasoned soy crumble an amazing sweet and salty sesame tofu which is probably some of the best tofu i've ever had and then a simple prep technique that helps firm tofu up and make it chewier and take on flavors even better so whenever i share my dinners on my instagram stories and they have tofu in it i'm bound to get a few dms from people that are like bro i tried tofu but it's so boring how do you eat this crap well the truth is like yeah tofu on its own is kind of boring i'm not going to lie it is kind of bland but that's why you have to season it and you don't just like throw a little salt and pepper on there and call it a day with tofu you really have to work at it to get the flavors inside the tofu not just around the outside and i know there's still some people out there who are on the fence deciding whether or not tofu and soy are good for us to be eating or healthful foods but i will leave some links in the description box down below which will hopefully clear it up for you guys if you are still curious and undecided but quick spoiler alert it is all right but let's get started with these recipes so the first one i'm going to show you is the smoky soy crumble so this is a really simple one it's really tasty you can use it in like wraps in burritos you could add it to like spaghetti stir fries uh crystal even added it to like a chili the other day and it was so good so it's really versatile let me show you guys how we make this so if you're new to tofu generally you want to get firm or extra firm tofu this is kind of like the best tofu for beginners and like the most likable sort of texture so first we're gonna get this out of the package and drain the liquid off of it oh we got a bleeder next you just want to crumble it into a bowl mixing bowl you can just use your fingers for this it's really easy just to squish it between your hands so this is pretty much how you want to look like so you guys have probably seen me make tofu scramble before this is kind of how that starts but we're doing this one a little differently and next you want to season it so we're going to use a teaspoon of garlic powder one teaspoon of onion powder a teaspoon of smoky chipotle powder if you don't have this you could use smoked paprika as well and then two tablespoons of nutritional yeast and then you just want to give that a really good mix you could use a spoon if you want but i'm just gonna use my hands so you can even kind of squish it in between your hands here to really work that flavor in oh yeah and i just realized after tasting it i forgot to add some salt to it so you definitely want to add a pinch or two of salt so next you just want to spread it out evenly onto a baking tray i have a silicone mat on here as well just helps it from sticking to the baking tray but the idea here is that we're just going to like dry it out a little bit and of course cooking it is going to bring out a lot of those flavors so next i'm just going to put it in the preheated oven it's preheated to about 350 or 375 degrees and probably leave it in there for about 35 minutes but you do want to check on it just to make sure it's not you know burning or anything after about 30. [Music] oh dude it's ready okay so the crumble has been in the oven for about 25 minutes now and i think it's ready like if you want you could probably give it a little stir and then put it back in for another five or ten minutes to like really crisp it up but it's really good as it is right now and yeah it's ready to use for whatever you want so yeah it's really good lots of flavor um it's nice and chewy and crunchy at the same time and it doesn't taste like unseasoned tofu surprise surprise so yeah this is really likable like i can't see anybody you know taking offense to the flavors that are in this it tastes just like some sort of uh like a veggie crumble that you'd buy so one of my favorite ways to use a soy crumble like this is in a burrito so i'm gonna make one of these up really quickly i've just got some refried beans here put that on first and then i just quickly sauteed up some onion and corn so i'll put that on there too some bell pepper a bunch of fresh cilantro some fresh tomato and then of course the crumble hit it with a little that cilantro on top and then bam there we have it that is one tasty looking burrito so i'm not sure if i'll be able to get this closed but i will eat all this i promise all right next let me show you how to make this amazing sweet and salty sesame tofu man this recipe is so good so for this one it is as much about the recipe as it is the technique that i'm going to show you so i like to call this one the two bowl technique and i'll show you how this works in just a second how it's going to help us but first we just have to get the tofu ready so we just have to get it out of the package drain off the extra liquid and cut it into cubes so if you really want to get your tofu nice and dry so it like crisps up really good which we kind of want for this recipe you just want to dry it off as much as you can so you can just wrap it in a towel or paper towel like this just kind of squeeze it get off all that excess moisture so once you have all your tofu cubed like this just put it aside for a second because we got to make the sauce or the marinade for it so next in the bigger of your two bowls you want to mix one tablespoon of bragg's liquid aminos of course you could use tamari or soy sauce instead of this so one tablespoon and then two teaspoons of hot sauce of course if you want it spicier you could add more if you don't want a spicy you don't add any two teaspoons of rice vinegar [Music] and then one teaspoon of garlic powder one teaspoon of onion powder and then i'm gonna be adding one teaspoon of this toasted sesame oil so you don't have to use oil if you don't want to but it is part of this recipe we're making the tastiest tofu ever not the healthiest so add some of that and then you just want to give this a really good mix so for the next step you want to put all of the tofu chunks into the bottom but you want it only one layer deep and you'll see why in just a minute yo how bad is everyone's ocd going off right now with the square chunks into the round container so this is where the second bowl comes into effect and i just like to use it for pressing all the tofu down at the same time and helping it to absorb some of those flavors so it's going to get pretty squishy sounding here you guys will hear it oh yeah that that is the sound you're looking for so if crystal goes from the top you can actually see you can see it kind of starting to absorb some of these flavors so tofu is very sponge-like so if you put in a little bit of work like this and kind of like squish it around it's going to start to absorb a lot of those flavors so this is just like basically a really quick way to marinate tofu you could just do this like overnight i suppose but i mean you know i don't really think that far ahead a lot of the time so i like to just keep pressing it down as much as i can until the tofu just starts to break apart and that's probably when you want to stop pressing on it or else you're going to make like tofu crumble again so we're actually going to be cooking this one in our air fryer but you can definitely cook it in the oven if you want you'll get really good results as well um you might just want to put it on like a non-stick baking sheet uh some parchment paper would work as well but yeah those silicone sheets work really good so that marinade is good for about a half a block of tofu you can see here that we don't really have too much left so if you guys want to do a full block of tofu you probably just want to double that recipe and i'm actually going to mix up some more just so that i can season the rest of this tofu bake it all at the same time so once you have it all loaded into the airfryer or you have it all placed on a baking sheet you just want to fire it in there for probably about a total of 30 minutes but i'm gonna take it out after 20 and then i'm going to mix it up with some more stuff but i'll show you guys that in a sec all right so after about 20 minutes you can see it is definitely starting to brown up and starting to look amazing uh it's you could eat it right now i mean it would be great but i'm gonna take it to the next level and i'm gonna share with you guys how to do that we have the leftover marinade here and i'm actually going to add some of this sweet chili sauce to it so if you don't have this or you can't find this you could always add some maple syrup so what we're basically trying to do is just make a sticky sauce so that we can put the tofu back in here mix it around a bit and have some sesame seeds stick to it so once you have it all mixed up you just want to put it back into the airfryer or if you're doing it in the oven back onto the baking tray and then just back in to cook for another 10 minutes or so ah all right it's ready so here's the sweet and salty sesame tofu and oh my gosh it looks so good [Music] oh my god wow so this is definitely like my favorite of the three recipes that we made today the other ones are good don't get me wrong but this sweet and salty sesame tofu is just like leagues above virtually any other tofu i've ever had it's so good so yeah if you guys have someone in your life or even you that's like oh i don't like tofu i've never liked it it's just so boring and bland or whatever make this recipe for them and i guarantee you are going to convert them into a tofu lover next i'm going to share with you the freezing technique so oddly enough if you freeze tofu it actually changes the texture of it quite a bit so it makes it firmer makes it chewier and it also tends to like open up the pores of the tofu to allow flavors to get in there even more all i did was just take a full block of tofu in the package and everything i just threw it in the freezer so then on the day that you want to use it you just pull it out on the day of let it thaw on the counter or if you think about it a few days before you could let it thaw in the fridge and that's it it is ready to use but do be mindful it does release some liquid as it thaws so you do want to make sure that it's in a container that will hold the liquid not spill all over your fridge or counter so freezing it also allows you to strain a lot more of the liquid out of it so you can see here don't worry it's not going on the counter but yeah you can see it's really easy to squish a lot of that liquid out and that's what you want to do because the liquid that's inside of here doesn't have any flavor so you want to take that liquid out somehow so it's nice and dry like a sponge ready to soak up the flavors that you're gonna give it [Music] so once the tofu has been frozen thawed and then cubed like this it is pretty much ready to go like this stuff is ready to soak up some flavors so you could definitely use it in like soups or stews it would be great in there but what i'm gonna use it for is a stir fry and because of like you know how willing it is to soak up some flavors and the like new texture that it has like the firmness and the chewiness is so good in a stir fry so i'm just going to make a really simple stir-fry i'm just going to chop up some veggies i'm gonna add it all to a frying pan and then i'm gonna add some fresh ginger [Music] some fresh garlic and tamari and that should be it's going to be amazing [Music] so once everything's cooked enough for your liking it's pretty much ready to eat of course you could add some more sauce on top of this and you guys know i have lots on my channel if you're looking for one but i'm just gonna taste it like this to see how it is of course i'm gonna try the tofu first [Music] hmm really good hot so the tofu is really good it's definitely not overly flavored or anything but that wasn't the idea with this recipe exactly like i kind of just wanted to show you guys that technique of freezing it and then thawing it to change like the texture and enable it to take on flavors even more so it's definitely a lot chewier than if i just chopped up some tofu out of the fridge and put it in here and it has taken on a lot of those flavors from the fresh garlic and ginger as well man it is really really good i think you guys are gonna like this all right so i think that is probably it for this video i've showed you guys three ways to make tofu taste amazing so don't feel like you have to copy these recipes exactly i just wanted to give you some ideas on different ways that you could season it and prepare it so that you could take your tofu to the next level so i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope you enjoyed seeing all these amazing creations if it gave you some ideas definitely hit the like button do me a favor and subscribe if you want to see more from me if you haven't already and leave a comment in the comment section down below let me know your favorite way to prepare and have tofu thank you guys so much for watching i will see you soon with another video i'm going to go eat all this tofu bye guys budweiser washes down though give me a bud hey crystal give me a bud hey you don't have to find a pull-up bar around here [Music] hey [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Simnett Nutrition
Views: 372,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simnett nutrition, vegan nutritionist, vegan youtube, vegan youtube channel, vegan recipes, easy vegan meals, vegan fitness channel, tofu recipe, how to make tofu taste amazing, crispy tofu, sesame tofu, tofu crumble, easy tofu recipe, how to cook tofu, quick tofu recipe, tofu marinade, can you freeze tofu, vegan taco filling, spicy tofu, the best tofu
Id: KO06a_g7yhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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