AMAZING Transformation! | First Wash In 50 Years | How To Restore Your Patina Paint Job | RESTORED

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[Music] so this is an old 1946 international kb1 pickup truck that me and dad rescued out of the woods now the family wasn't quite ready to sell the truck off but they allowed us to go ahead and cut it out bring it back to the shop where we were able to get it up and running now we're just going to kind of go around the truck clean it up the best we can before we drop it back off to the farm and let them pick up where we left off [Music] so this is a pretty cool old truck and apparently at some point in its life it was an old service truck so you can still see the door logos here some sort of machine shop in hope arkansas so as we're going to clean this up we want to try to preserve that the best we can it's awfully flaky there so we're going to have to be really careful in that spot on the inside of the truck you may have seen on the last video pretty dirty inside here a bunch of stick and debris and mouse poop from from rats got a bunch of cobwebs up top here we'll have to clean up but we'll probably just try to scoop all this out the best we can and then maybe go ahead and pressure watch it on the bed back here we've literally got a vegetation growing in the dirt and stuff that's been just set up in time so we'll just have to shovel all that out best we can put it in trash cans and then go ahead and take a pressure washer to it not really sure how well this truck's going to actually clean up on the outside it's got a really cool patina to it and that's what we kind of want to preserve with it not exactly sure what the owner if they're going to want to keep the patina to it or if they're wanting to go back and paint this truck but for right now we're just going to kind of see what it is up underneath this dust and rust and uh see how she turns out from there all right i see back here but i don't see a whole lot of anything worth keeping maybe a couple of things but oh no those kids look pretty valuable i don't know what was in these cans he's got a lot of them back here i don't know kind of an odd shape together and they're kind of remind me of like a little soup cans but i felt that that's what that is i have no idea what that is some kind of a strap or something ain't it i think once we get all the little i mean the bigger stuff out then we can just kind of scoop it into the wheelbarrow from there on so yeah i think most of it is most of it's just it's dirt good dirt yeah really good dirt that may not be as deep as dirt as i thought it was yeah it really is these little cans and stuff below man this whatever this strap or tape is it is everywhere [Applause] so to start you just want to take it yo i've got that shovels right there and we'll just scoop it up put it in the wheelbarrow and all right somewhere else getting a ton of that out then coming over here don't throw it at my head i think it's getting just about all the the bigger stuff [Applause] yeah i think we can use that shovel in that now [Music] may have a metal [Applause] metal bed there don't sound like wood well with all that dirt on it you would think they'd just be holding in that moisture it might be rusted but hopefully not hopefully it's in pretty good shape gonna be better than if it was wood i'm sure it'd be oh yeah for sure we'll be gone what in the world is that i don't know if it's i don't know you can have that though oh thanks yeah i'm coming across a little bit of rust right in here all along where it's welded together oh it's actually all all the way down i think expect for me to stand back here don't you hold me or no if it don't hold you then you'll just go through i'll tell ya i'll get the majority of it the rest of it should rinse out okay i see if i can't scoop some of it now not too bad i mean oh well you got some you got some pretty bad rust over in here yeah but i mean other than that i didn't like the edges it's not well there's lots it's not as bad as some cars will come across as long as it's been sitting nice anything left there oh yeah that's why i said shocking because it's so much water and stuff just being held here i was expecting to be way worse i think we could call that good i think so well that right there is the work of a true hard-working pack rat it's a shame what he's got it packed full of most well it had have been something pretty big because there's some pretty big sticks over here well that ain't sticks over here so oh yeah i don't know what that is but i'm not gonna worry with it i got a couple pieces of trim i'm gonna lay up here on the fender for right now for the grill and we may end up having to pull this seat out of here oh there's the panels to the i guess the battery tray there yeah maybe here just get what we can and then get a vacuum or pressure washer and may have to get a vacuum after that big old pile of turds there yeah well this seat don't fold down does it just probably pull forward but it's probably so rusted they don't even do that i don't feel anything man there's a lever but it doesn't feel very [Music] good think i'm just going to get it out on the ground i mean a good bunch of sticks in the back back here i think they have this old toy paper i don't know what the floor is going to look like it ain't terrible oh it's a big old mud flap like an 18 wheeler oh yeah [Applause] i don't know if i'm pulling out mouse house or [Music] seat stuffing yeah i think it might be one in the same one in the same well the doors ought to shut a lot better once we yeah i'm gonna grab the vacuum see if i can't get these loose turds up top here soaked up well they're not fresh because they're tasting them they just dry that is a lot of poop now there's some rust yeah but there's some floor too yeah it's repairable we'll have to pull that seed out to get all that yeah there's high in there try to see if we can get slide forward if it even will so now that we pretty much got the bed of the truck cleaned out the inside of the cab the best we can we'll end up pressure washing those down just to get some of that dirt loose paint debris cobwebs out of the way we pretty much cleaned up the engine compartment pretty well when we were getting it running so just a pressure washer will do the trick on that now we're going to try the exterior of this truck with the pressure washer going to try to wash off some of this old moss and stuff like that going to be real careful in this area of the logos because we want to preserve that the best we can as you can tell on this side it's already about to come off completely anyway so just going to crank up the pressure washer hit it with a little water a little elbow grease see what she looks like after that [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so bob got this truck pressure washed and as you can tell some color is starting to come out just a little bit so what we're going to do is we're going to take some clr scrubbing into it just a little bit and see if we can get this color to enhance i'm just going to wet it a little bit and then all right there's some scotch brites there we'll just take and just start scrolling on it okay not too hard but enough go lightly and just see how it does all right and then you'll have to rinse it off as you go okay looks like it was green though [Laughter] [Laughter] good luck on your side yeah i think i'm starting to see it come off just a little bit may take a few scrubs yeah definitely be careful around any chrome not just use it on the chrome all right i hit my side see what it does [Music] oh yeah it's taking it off it's going to take a lot of rubbing oh yeah may hit yours yeah go ahead yeah that's a pretty green yeah like an old hunter green yeah who would have thought 40 years i know i thought it was just i didn't think there was any paint left on it that would even show up i just thought it was all surface for us i don't know that this is tough but it's gonna yeah it looks a little iffy yeah i don't know though i think it it's coming off dirty like it is slowly taking it [Music] wow wow there you can see it's just slowly running off yeah wow pretty cool huh that's pretty neat you never would have thought and try all these fenders yeah see if they start you can kind of see compared to the door a huge huge huge difference oh yeah yeah we'll have to be careful on that door i may just use some degreaser and a sponge pad or something on yeah don't mess up the logos none yeah try out these fenders [Music] i feel like i'm seeing a little bit of color on my side but it's going to take a lot a lot a lot of scrubbing well this is coming off easy is it yeah down lower i mean yeah that's that's coming off real easy how neat yeah i would have definitely guessed it was at least a red or maybe even orange never would have thought green well you can tell by the grill there it's been painted a little bit of everything [Music] yeah there's some spots you probably won't be able to get up nah some of it's just going to stay surface for us yep [Music] keep scrubbing we'll get there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we've been scrubbing quite a bit on this old truck and i'm actually surprised how much of the original color is still on there and showing up now on these doors this side was the worst side of having the logos on there so i need to be most careful on this side i'm just going to use just some super clean degreaser and hopefully a sponge and just try to be as careful as we can to save these old logos on here just because it tells a little bit of a story about the truck a little bit of history of the truck and i hate to lose that but we won't know until we start scrubbing at it so i'm just going to hit that with a little bit of degreaser scrub around on it and then we'll just keep going around the truck scrubbing around until we get the look we like and we'll come back after that with some bold linseed oil that'll really make these colors pop so so there's not going to be a whole lot left here that we're going to be able to save but you can at least see where it says truck repair and then the town that it was located in so we took a lot of before pictures of the other side if a person wanted to recreate these we could definitely have that repainted on there but once again not exactly sure what the owner wants to do so pretty happy that that much stayed on there we'll just keep going around the truck and see how she looks like totally done [Music] so we got this truck pretty much scrubbed down everywhere uh the cab cleaned up really well in comparison of the old bed there uh it just amazes me how much of this original green color showed up up underneath that surface rust so the clr worked pretty good on cleaning that off now where this heavy rust is like up on the flat panels like the top of the roof top of the hood that didn't clean up as well but it's got a really cool look to it i love these old door logos here you can actually see this one really good now so that's outlined and just just mother's nature's paint job here just outlining that natural patina on the inside pressure washed it out the best we can a lot of paint kind of flaked off the dash and the door jamb areas have to wipe that seat down just a little bit like i said on the bed uh obviously this truck had been painted painted at some point in time with like an orange or a red whitish color maybe a couple different paint jobs so the bed just looks a little different than the cab the floor back here uh about as good as it can be it's got some rust over here on the front front edge of it there and also took a pretty good uh something with a lot of weight which probably put in here and been been in the top of that bed and the cab as well so wheels cleaned up pretty nice tires look brand new even though they're who knows how old so i guess the next thing we're going to do is just try to wipe this truck down with a bold linseed oil it's really going to bring out a lot of these colors on the truck so it'll make that green a lot more vibrant as well as the rest of these colors so we'll get some of that mixed up just start applying it around the truck and see how she turns out after that so just a little bit of this stuff really goes a long ways you want to wipe it as thin as possible and in direct sunlight as well it'll help it to dry as you can see already how much more that green shows up just by wiping that on there and literally anybody can do this it's just as easy as wetting your rag and rubbing down the panel try to do half this hood here to kind of show a little before and after try to stay away from your chromes and stuff don't wipe it on that just keep it on the on the sheet metal that's looking good so you guys can tell quite a bit of difference here in comparison from where i've wiped this linseed oil to how it was so it just enriches these colors a whole lot it'll last about a couple of months depending on where you're storing the vehicle so after a couple of months you may have to reapply but it'll actually preserve this the sheet metal better than just leaving it exposed like that it kind of protects it from the element some we'll just keep going around the whole truck it's really going to make these colors come alive and give it the look that we're looking for [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] you
Views: 1,817,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, classic car, classic truck, rust, abandoned, rescued, bogata, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, neglected, woods, saved, uncovered, rusty, forgotten, be restored, vgg, vice grip, clean up, international, international kb1, rescued from woods, ih, kb1, corn binder, ih kb1, binder, revival, detail, first wash, how to wash car, transformation, cleaning, filthy, pressure wash, wash, linseed oil, dirty, pressure washing, clr, first wash in years
Id: Agt8DW-kkXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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