First Wash in 60 Years: ABANDONED in Basement Mercedes 190SL! | Car Detailing Restoration

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wd detailing, this is the rarest car we've ever   found and it's been sitting  in a basement for 60 years so what you're looking at is the Mercedes 190 SL  but not just any 190 so this is a 1955 which is   the first year that these were ever made and  it's serial number eight that's right this is   the eighth one that they ever produced and could  quite possibly be the earliest example of the 190   SL still intact today so the first thing we had  to do is see if these tires would hold air and a   lot of people are surprised when they actually  find out that after 60 years a tire will still   pump up and then it was time to start pulling  the car out and I thought you guys might like   to hear the actual dialogue between us  for the first time while pulling it out you good dude what are you guys thinking right now what's  crazy is like we're in the middle of nowhere Ohio   and this was just hiding from us and we found it  hiding and hiding and hiding for what 60 years 60.   they put away in 1960. I think it's sweet man  it reminds me a lot of like what is it called   right 300 oh yeah similar we've done a lot of  Mercedes but nothing that's cool as this so while   we actually get the Mercedes loaded up on our  trailer and take him back to our shop I want to   ask you guys the question of the video so leave  your answers in the comments below what do you   think this car is worth in this condition and then  what do you think it's worth when it's restored in   a good running condition and we're getting really  close to 700 000 subscribers which was our goal   for the end of 2023 and it's only October so if  you guys could do us a huge favor and both like   this video And subscribe to the channel because  we have another insane video coming soon that a   lot of you American Muscle guys are gonna love but  also look at the corrosion on this battery I don't   know how long it took for that to accumulate but  when we got it back to our shop we tried getting   the terminal off and it was a pain we made it  home with the 190 safe and sound nothing flew out   on the trip back but we're actually here with the  owner Elliot who uh is probably the most prolific   car collector and Enthusiast that we've ever met  actually going to go through and search everything   that's in here with Elliot and hopefully be able  to piece things back together completely I know   you know what's probably in there but is there  any like anything that you're really hoping we   find I hope the emblems door handles stuff like  that's in there yeah the door handles and the   elbows are really tied all together I'm personally  hoping that we find the grill the full grill with   the Mercedes symbol that'd be but we have a lot  of digging so we're gonna waste no time yeah it   looks like the uh plastic window is as Mike would  say seen better days that's perfect we have in   here it's like seeds armrests man that's a  mildew wait it looks like they're all here you think that's the one that came originally  with the car no or are these ones so I think   that these are these are definitely painted by I  don't know maybe a fourth grade art class but um   they do fit the cars so we're gonna try and clean  them up as best as we can actually they'd look   nicer if they are Chrome but this looks like part  of the front grille really nice oh yeah oh yeah   oh man hey check this out look oh yeah nice that's  sweet what if it goes in needs a little little   finesse Little Bend a little bendy little finesse  oh RJ's new head oh my God Mike put it on put it   on I have to wash my hair after this dude are you  gonna go play tennis so you can get the door open   um no I got it watch out oh first time put it on RJ they're seeing your  bald head for the first time before this thing fits here oh that goes right there  this looks interesting looks like it does can   you imagine how Big Pimpin it is to drive around  this car with the red interior with this hat on   these are these go on the doors and these are  actually in really nice shape there's both of   them right here why did they take it all apart  like this though I think he might have bought   it like this he never drove it he said and  how long was it sitting in his garage for   uh sitting in there since like 60s at least  65 maybe maybe earlier than that my parents   may have been born after looking more at the  vehicle I'm assuming at this point that this   thing was about to go into paint just because  it doesn't make sense to tear apart the whole   entire interior as well as pull off the tail  lights and all the blinkers and everything and   tape it all off so my assumption is they were  stripping this down completely it's actually   painted correctly and they just never got around  to it so let's see a door handle like this hey oh   that's a plus okay oh no that's nice is that  the hood oh dude look at the blue on there   the blue is beautiful you should  place it see how it looks would sit the body line of us are so good the hump in the  middle the big wide fender flares the big squatted   butt hey there's a mouse back here where look  at all this there's this and then a little guy   get it yeah I'm gonna get him here I'll give  him to RJ RJ who's your present oh he's stuck ew   we're gonna pull the hood off put a new battery  on the car and uh we're gonna see if we can get   the lights to turn on and maybe hear the  horn some serious corrosion going on here [Music] [Applause] it's moving is it I think so a little bit oh  well it's gonna come out with it oh um if we   grind right here then we could just take this  out and replace this bolt anyway so there's so   much corrosion that we can't get the battery  terminal off so we're going to have to grind   away the bolt in order to get it off first we're  all going to put on our safety glasses foreign there we go [Music]   so it actually ended up that we went through  all that time and work to get the battery off   and it ended up that nothing worked but  at the end of the day when Elliot goes   to rebuild this car it's one less thing  that he has to worry about starting the   detail we're going to start by vacuuming  out the inside that way everything doesn't   get wet and become impossible to get out  when we go to pressure wash the car oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] and lastly for the vacuuming we'll  go ahead and clean out the trunk [Music] [Music]   so secure it is the brand that makes the glass  still on VW Audi Mercedes they still make glasses   really yeah this is all original glass this is all  original dress which is literally impossible to   find but that's pretty cool sadly they decided to  paint this glass so yeah the overspray is insane   I've never seen anything like this looks like  it's been painted multiple times which is super   strange because not only do we have the the white  up here but we have red dots everywhere too so I   don't know what they were doing I think the red  from here is the re-script inside because this   wasn't the exterior original color but it was a  wrap I think they pulled everything out sprayed   the tub and then yes never got around to spraying  the rest of the outside and the wheels they were   red too because when the on the chipped Parts  you could see the red there's a spare over there   that's red and red I think the cream is sweet  like when this is when this gets cleaned up I   think it's gonna look actually really really  really cool you think we're actually gonna   be able to clean it up I mean we're gonna try  I guess it's gonna be a headache because this   is really not here here's a test for friend do  you know what these are for checkpoints yes sir   but I don't know what those are for behind Mike  these other wheels so as a car rolls down the   street it needs something to contact  the road this is a tire and then this   is a wheel some people call it a rim but  a lot of car enthusiasts don't like that   well I guess now it's time to clean the tire and  the wheel and the rim as Mike explained and if you   guys are interested in any of the products that  we use for that it's all in the description below [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so we actually learned from  cleaning these tires is that they had   overspray on them from back in either  the 50s or 60s from when this car was   repainted because it hasn't been touched for  that long and although we couldn't remove it   it's not the biggest deal because Elliot is  going to replace the tires anyways [Music] now it's time to start pressure washing the  car and see if we can get all this dirt off   leave a comment if you think we're going  to be able to do it or if we're gonna fail   [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] awesome [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] now we're going to go ahead and clean  this original engine and if you know   what engines in this car tell us what it is in  the comments below what I was told is that it   takes a really special smart mechanic  to get these engines back on the road [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music]   thank you foreign [Music] [Music] now we'll finish the exterior later but  moving on to the interior I noticed on   all of the painted Parts what looked like  some iron that might be rusted into the   paint but I thought if we take some iron  remover and acclaim it it might actually   get rid of it and to our surprise it did a  pretty good job it didn't come out a hundred   percent but it definitely made it better  and then we also polished up the Chrome thank you [Music]   we found this in the trunk I think and it  definitely fits right here which probably   was really pretty when it was new but it's  a little uh a little aged it's seen better   days if you know what I'm saying so  Brent's gonna try to clean this up   with some pledge and see if we can make  it to Spruce it up a little bit [Music] all right now that Brett cleaned this  up with some Lemon Pledge it actually   reeks of Lemon Pledge which is okay because  I kind of like that smell so we're going to   set it back here and what I noticed this trim  piece going along here butts up with this one   which is covered in Leather so I'm pretty  sure this was wrapped in red leather like   the rest of the interior which it would be  a really nice touch here but I guess we'll   have to look online see if it is like that  I think so though it only makes sense that   that would be covered in leather too right but  anyways we're going to go ahead and clean all   the other pieces that are not put together  on the interior that way those are done with thank you foreign [Music]   thank you [Music] and this is  a pretty cool piece this is the   boot that goes around the shifter at  the bottom of it but it kind of looks   like a little mini fire hydrant  to me I don't know why [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]   so before we clean this massive Ivory steering  wheel one of the most interesting things I think   I've seen on this car is that my hand is so  incredibly close to the windshield I've never   seen anything like that on any car of any year so  when you're driving you can accidentally bump the   windshield maybe basically like you just slam  the brakes too hard you could just I don't know   punch it kiss your windshield with your fist I  don't even know [Music] thank you foreign [Music] you can't even read the odometer but as soon as we  got some chemicals on there you can actually see   it has 77 000 miles on it meaning in less than  10 years of this car being driven on the road   whoever had it actually probably really loved  it because they seem to have driven it a lot laughs all right guys so to remove all the  overspray on this window what we're going   to do is use a fresh blade on this scraper and  if you get it at the right angle it's going to   come off pretty much flawlessly so if you get  it at the right angle comes right off [Music] and then for the paint we had to do  a little bit of wet sanding because   we wanted it to come out as good  as possible and Then followed it   with a microfiber pad and you guys will  see the transition it's so nice [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]   foreign [Music]   foreign [Music] so now at this point we realized we have  no hardware for the interior so what we   did was we at least mocked up where the seats  would sit so we could see how they would look   and then we revealed the car to Elliot at  the end he could also see them sitting in   there but I feel like it's going to take  a lot to actually get this car back to how   it's supposed to be with hardware and all  of that which is a little bit unfortunate [Music]   foreign [Music] and now we're going to do is cover the paint with  a ceramic sealant and after that I'm going to go   ahead and apply the finishing touch the  Mercedes-Benz badge on the front [Music]   um foreign [Music] [Music] here we go oh my God it looks like a whole different car  yeah it's a different color now you got all   that residue off and everything I have no idea  what that was but we did get it off yeah wow looks a bit better now huh they're kind of just pieced together we didn't put  the frames back on we just wanted to Stage it so   that it looks you know something that's fantastic  yeah they were like moldy before they did clean up   pretty good I'm surprised the dashboard Mercedes  interior components are the best ever I don't care   how old the Mercedes is it always cleans up nicely  it's it's surprising did you think all this dirt   would come off I'd that was that was really caked  on there whatever it was mildew mold I don't know   what it was beautiful the wheels hubcaps yeah  yeah I didn't think it was coming off at all   you got to get it back on the road now yeah that  that's that's the plan absolutely yeah beautiful   look at the wheels how clean oh my God you guys  did amazing yeah Brent even uh took the emblem   here took it off cleaned it and then he went  and Polished it um to bring out that that Indigo   it's not even blue it's almost like a purple it's  beautiful yeah it really came out it looks like a   whole different car yeah yeah and for the eighth  one ever made yeah did you happen to do any more   research on whether or not I haven't yet one  through seven is still around or if they still   I was just gonna contact Mercedes and see if they  could I don't know if there's like a registry or   something it's funny we're actually in touch with  Mercedes on Instagram uh we've been going back and   forth telling them about this car they're really  excited to hopefully share this with um I guess   their viewership so hopefully we can ask them if  they can do the research for us and get back to   us and let us know yeah number eight that really  would eight might be the earliest known model you   know or the last one or if seven and nine are  still out there or something right yeah right   yeah exactly just a heads up but if you guys want  to see me struggle with paint more if you want to   see Brent and Mike work on really cool cars from  their basement tombs or from Barns and garages   all across the nation then please hit subscribe if  you want this video to reach more people it really   helps us out if you hit the like button and we  will catch you with another cool car next week
Channel: WD Detailing
Views: 4,697,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wd detailing, car detailing business, car detailing, the detail geek 2, the detail geek, stauffer garage, asmr, deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, detailing, corvette, satisfying video, satisfying, extractions, barn find, abandoned barn find, ammo nyc, car interior cleaning, barn find restoration project, interior car detailing, detail, mercedes 190sl barn find, abandoned mercedes, mercedes 190sl, mercedes 300sl, mercedes, abandoned mercedes 190sl
Id: OHzTLthiDN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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