*AMAZING* LOOK FOR LESS DUPES | High End Decor on a Budget

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if you have been here for a while you probably know about the look for less challenge in this video i am going to share my top look for less dupes of all time hey everyone my name is yami i am your latina next door welcome back to my channel if you like high-end home decor diys on a budget make sure to hit like on this video and subscribe so that you too can become part of the familia if you're like me you probably get inspired by high-end home decor stores like balor designs and pottery barn i love their style and their products but they're usually pretty high priced items which is why i created the look for less challenge where we would create some of those items that we love from those stores for a whole lot less in this video i'm sharing my top favorite of all time that i have created but at the end of this video i am going to be sharing an update on the look for less challenge so make sure you stay tuned to the end in case you have been waiting on this update let's see which ones of my dupes made it to my all-time favorite list so for my very first look for list challenge i wanted to recreate one of these trello smears that were so popular and still are i saw this beautiful white one over at pottery barn for 199 and i thought i'd give it a shot now this is the mirror that i found at my local goodwill it was 5.96 so i just basically used my rustoleum chalk paint in linen white i already had this from previous project and i gave it two full coats [Music] then i purchased four dowels these are 3 8 of an inch and i got these from home depot they were only 98 cents a piece and i also painted them in the same white [Music] and once everything was dry i started placing them on top of the mirror trying to figure out exactly where i wanted to put my grid and what size i wanted to make my squares and then once i had that figured out i started making my marks on my dowels and measuring to make sure i had the right measurements before i cut it then i use this little miter saw kit that we had on hand in order to cut them i'll link to a smaller one below that's much better for crafts and then i just started sanding down the edges to make sure i got a nice fit inside the frame mirror [Music] when it came to add my perpendicular lines onto the frame i made sure that my corners were even and i also marked the frame where each of the dowels were going to go because i was not gluing them as i went i was actually just laying them down trying to get my grid and my pattern down first make sure that the squares were both four inches wide and in height once i knew i marked where i was going to make my cut and then i also marked the dowel underneath it on both sides so i knew where to place it once i made that cut and i went ahead and kind of created the grid on all four corners that way i can see how it was going to turn out after they were all put together and then i just kept cutting and adding more to the frame now these are not glued as of yet [Music] now since this was a smaller mirror i could only do two diamonds in the center so what i did was i measured out each center of the inside squares this is where the diamond corners were going to touch the frame and i made those marks on the dowels as you see [Music] here then i took my dowel at an angle and marked where i needed to make those cuts and inserted those diamonds here's mirror with the two diamonds in the center [Music] now once i was happy with the placement of the dowels then i started adding little dots of wood glue to the tops of them not to adhere it to the mirror but to adhere it to each other because i was gonna pop it off and i was gonna clean the mirror underneath i ended up adding a few more dowels because i thought it was kind of empty then i added more glue on both sides to reinforce the frame and i sanded the corners down i gave the mirror a good cleaning and then i erased any pencil marks painted over them and i did the same thing with the actual frame insert and i used e6000 in order to glue the frame insert into the mirror that way in case there was anything that seeped out i wouldn't really see it now there were a few areas that needed to be cleaned up so i just took some rubbing alcohol with a q-tip and i just erased those areas away now to give it a little bit of that rustic look i took some acrylic gray paint put it on a paper towel and just rubbed it lightly on all the corners of the mirror to give it this look and here is the finished product the thing i like most about this project is that it's so customizable you can make this a round mirror a square mirror a full length mirror you can make it any color you want to suit your color scheme i did pretty good the original on sale cost 199 dollars versus mine which cost me ten dollars for the mirror and those dowels everything else i already had on hand but if you needed to buy them like the paint and maybe even the glue it might cost you up to twenty dollars or so but even still that's still an amazing bargain another one of my all-time favorite look for less scoops were inspired by these faces over at pottery barn these vases ranged from forty nine dollars all the way up to seventy nine dollars a piece but i know i can recreate these with some items that i already had on hand i had originally started with this face that i had picked up at my local goodwill i spray painted it with white semi-gloss spray paint and i also picked up these little stencils over at hobby lobby now after i spray painted this vase white because it was not this color i added painters tape and i started adding this clay like martha stewart paint to the bottom [Music] now you can get that paint at your local michaels or hobby lobby i took a little fan artist brush and i started adding it throughout the top adding like little pieces of clay kind of like poking through the white and then i added a nice little rim as an accent to the top of the vase then i use a simple acrylic paint in this color and i cut the stencil from the larger piece and started adding it throughout the vase in this pattern now it will get a little messy and the stencil won't come out perfect i did use a little bit of spray adhesive to hold the stencil in place but as you can see it just kept coming off now i did think it looked a little bit emptier than the original so i started adding a couple of extra dots in a different color using a little craft matte stick and that was basically it for the round one i also had two square vases which i also painted white and then i used painters tape to add that really pretty clay color on the bottom of both then i had a stencil and i used that same blue in order to add an even pattern all throughout the front and back of both of them and oh my goodness look at how these turned out these are absolutely my favorite [Music] and i even like how the stencils didn't come out perfectly even i think it makes it look even more authentic [Music] now i think i did pretty good you guys if you recall the originals were 49 to 79 a piece i already had two of my vases and the pink colors all i had to get was basically that one round vase and those stencils which i got both for 40 off with those little coupons that you get so honestly i was only in for eleven dollars for all three pieces i think i did pretty good for the next look for lust which is another all-time favorite i am going to be recreating these booker hurricanes that used to be available at pottery barn and when they were being sold they were going from 39 to 69 a piece depending on the size and style now the first thing you're going to need for this project are some large hurricanes i found a couple of different sizes and in different prices but they were all fairly inexpensive now continuing on with the rest of the supplies i'm actually going to show you guys two different ways to create this project now the reason i'm doing this is because i found these candle holders in my last thrift store haul and not everybody is going to be able to find these so i wanted to make a version that everybody could do no matter what they have access to and for this you're going to need this little round right here as well as a candlestick from your local michaels these are very inexpensive but i did find this one at my goodwill for 99 cents now you will also need embroidery hoops depending on the style you decide on creating and then you're gonna need these little unfinished wooden discs i got these at my local hobby lobby and they were four to a pack since these were chipping i was gonna have to give it a fresh coat of paint so i decided to go ahead and rub it with some alcohol and get them cleaned off however before i could paint them i needed to adhere these little disks to the top of those candle holders that way they were large enough to either hold the glass hurricane or the larger candle and i just made sure to center them and i used e6000 to hold them together now while those dry i am going to make the other version so with this candle holder that i found at goodwill again you can find these at your local michaels i am going to cut the bottom off all right then after i cut the bottom off i am going to sand the top and make it nice and smooth then i am going to glue it to both that small disc and the larger round now this round is the same size as i used as my little buffalo check mini tray and if you look at them once i put them together it looks just like the other piece that i just created with my goodwill candle holders [Music] now because i wanted a stronghold i went ahead and used wood glue just make sure that you center the little candlestick to the big round and also the small little disk and then just hold with some tape all right so while that's drying we're going to start with the top accent piece of the hurricane now this one is going to be the more complicated version and it involves an embroidery hoop you're going to want to take off the little screw that ties them together and you're going to have to cut off those end pieces with the metal because if you remove the metal the wood actually splits so you're going to have to go ahead and cut it off all right so the reason this is going to be a little bit complicated is because the embroidery hoop wasn't the exact size as the hurricane and since i couldn't find anything closer i had to you know just kind of work with this and steal a little bit of wood from another embroidery hoop to kind of make the correct size that i needed if you can find an embroidery hoop that fits your hurricane by all means just go with that alright so in order to get the same look as the pottery barn hurricanes i needed to use two embroidery hoops for the top section and what i did was while one was drying with the smaller pieces that i needed to add the other one on top was holding it together you can see what i'm talking about here now since the outer ring had to be a little bit bigger and i took a piece from it i had to add a piece from somewhere else so i just took a little piece of a craft popsicle stick to fill in that gap that you see right there and these clips are actually fabric clips and they worked just fine for holding this together and as you can see i actually placed one hoop a little higher than the other now because the embroidery hoop was a little hard to work with i actually used hot glue and e6000 to put them together and then i used a wood filler in order to fill in the little gaps between the new pieces of wood and i just sanded it and smoothed it out after it was dry [Music] once everything was sanded and dry i did add a little bit of extra support by adding a little bit more hot glue between the rings as you see here [Music] and then it was after spray painting and i just used this rust-oleum ulra bronze that i had left over from another project [Music] now here is my goodwill candle holder after it was spray painted and then here is the one that i made from scratch now i may have to repaint it with a different paint because in some areas as you see right here the paint didn't take but overall i think it looks pretty good [Music] now once you decide to use these please make sure to use e6000 did hear the hurricanes onto the candle holders but for video purposes i'm actually just gonna place them because i'm gonna change them around to show you guys the different looks now remember when i showed you the hard way to do the top portion of the hurricane this is the easy way and all you do is spray paint one of the same bases from the bottom and just place it on the top now in this version you flip the hurricane and you encase the candle holder inside of it and then just add the top portion and then here is the easy one to the right and then i'm going to show you guys what the other one looks like with the embroidery hoops now if you want to actually put a real flame burning candle you would have to use the left one because the one on the right there would be no oxygen but those little dollar tree um luminescent ones with the batteries work just fine as well and here you see the wooden one on the right and the metal one on the left and i think you can barely tell them apart and if you want to be extra lazy and don't want to do any of the top portions of the hurricanes i am using this little dollar tree smaller hurricane here and all you have to do is place it or glue it on top of the candle holder and then just leave it and it looks just good without the top rim as well alright so let's see how we did the pottery barn originals were 39 and 69 and i was able to recreate the hurricanes from anywhere between four and twelve dollars now the little one with the dollar tree hurricane was the one that cost me four dollars and the other two cost me between ten and twelve dollars now that's without the paint but if you have anything dark on hand just go ahead and use that and skip that expense i think we did pretty good here [Music] for this next look for less i am going to be recreating this carrera marble serving tray that i found over on house and it's listed for 175 dollars the first thing i knew i needed was a piece of wood or something that i can cover up and make look like marble so i picked these brass cabinet pools at my local home depot and i got two of them to look very similar like the originals now i didn't get any footage of this but the latino engineer so nicely measured both sides of the board and its centers and drilled a couple of holes on either end for those cabinet pools so depending on what you use for the base you may not need to do this but i wanted to make sure i had a nice smooth surface so i covered up any knots and any rough edges with wood filler then once i was done i let everything dry overnight then i went over everything with a sanding block to make sure everything was nice and smooth [Music] i made sure to wipe everything down and make it nice and clean because then it was time for some marble contact paper i got a nice heavy duty one from amazon and i'm gonna try and link to the exact one that i got below i cut it so that it would actually give me a few inches to wrap around the edges of the board i actually separated the contact paper and i laid it down on my table holding it with a few things on the edges and then placed the board right on top of it then once i flipped it over i used a card to smooth out any bubbles working from the middle and out to the ends once i flipped it over i made sure to pull the edges really tight and again work from the center outwards if you do attempt this i suggest that you take your time and pay attention to details the smoother your edges are the more it will seem like it's actually marble and here is how i got those crisp edges [Music] then once both ends were done in the same way i pulled it up and over this part is also optional but i decided to cut another rectangle just slightly under the size of the entire tray so that i can cover up the board underneath [Music] next i began to feel where the little pre-drilled holes were on the tray and then i started making little incisions with a box cutter with a small screwdriver i poked the holes from one end to the other to open it up for the screws then all there was left to do was add the hardware [Music] [Music] and if you were looking closely you may have seen this tray in my dining room reveal video all right so let's see how i did the original was 175 now i had to purchase the handles or the little cabinet pools which cost me seven dollars a piece now that's usually more than i would spend but since it was only two of them and i really like their look i thought it was well worth as a splurge and the contact paper was actually about eight or nine dollars and i didn't really use that much so let's just say i used four dollars worth so it came out to be about 18 because everything else i already had on hand now this look for less had been a long time coming because i was a huge fan of these sun burst mirrors that i would see all over the place and they were quite expensive no matter what style you were looking for and since there were so many styles available i couldn't decide so i thought the next best thing would be for me to just make my own so for this you're going to need shims i got this at my local home depot these come in a pack of 12 and for this project you're going to need 16 packs and they come for under two dollars you're also going to need wood glue and you're going to need something to clamp them down or if you don't have clamps it's totally okay you can use rubber bands but you will need a lot of them you will also need a mirror i got this one from dollar tree all right you're going to open up your first pack of shims and you're going to take out three and you're going to glue them together like this when applying the wood glue make sure you spread it out because the more surface area that touches each other with the wood glue the stronger hold you will have oh and if you're wondering why my husband's hands are in the video and doing this it's because he wanted to take lead on this project he said he wanted to make sure that it was done correctly so there you go i kid you not and then you're going to want to put them together like this now the shape that you're going to want to make is that one that you see to your right first you're going to clamp those three together like he's showing you right here he's pretty particular about the wood project in the house so he told me he was going to demonstrate this one now if any of your shims are bowed in the center you may want to add an additional clamp in the center or again if you don't have it you can use rubber bands now you're going to take the next four shims from your packet you're going to apply wood glue in the same manner and you're going to put them together like you see here you have just created one of the sides this will go on one of the sides of the three that you have drying right now and as you can see he's using rubber bands to hold them together while they dry so it's totally possible it can be done with rubber bands [Music] then you're going to take the next four shims and you're going to do the same thing for the other side of the form so by now you should have two sides and one center you should have used three for the center and four for each of the sides using 11 out of the 12 shims of the package but make sure you keep that 12 shim because you are gonna need it okay so after those have dried and we usually let them dry overnight you are going to put all of three pieces together again more wood glue make sure to clamp them down and then let dry you will do this 16 times okay so a year later i'm just kidding now after you have all of them done you're going to start assembling the sunburst remember that 12th shim from the package this is where it's going to come in handy see you're going to need one shim between each of the forms because each form is the exact same shape which means when you put them together the two pieces at the end are gonna be the same length that additional shim is going to add a differing height between the two and i chose to make it longer again make sure to use a lot of wood glue and spread it evenly because now you're building the structure and the more glue you have the better it's going to hold together also as you are putting the sunburst together make sure you have something heavy at the very end to hold it in place while you keep adding them on the other [Music] side [Music] oh my god [Music] and then you're just going to continue this all the way around until you reach the other end you're going to be alternating the form with the single shim the form single shim and so on [Music] right so once you reach the other side you're going to want to wipe off any excess glue and also make any minor shifts to make sure it's the perfect shape that's the perfect thing about wood glue is that it has a little bit of give before it dries and once you have the shape that you want you're gonna douse the center with more wood glue i mean you want to drench that thing don't hold back this is the area where you're gonna place your mirror and i just took the mirror out of the dollar tree frame and i placed it right in the center over all of that glue you're gonna let this dry overnight as well all right the following morning you're gonna flip it over and i'm sorry this is the only footage i have of that but you're gonna do the exact same thing drenching it with more wood glue on the other side and you're gonna take that little sponge and you're gonna really get it in all of those creases again the more wood glue you use in all of those little crevices the better the structure will hold [Music] i let it dry overnight and as you can see here it is one solid piece now i did think the mirror was missing a little bit of something so i took an 8 inch embroidery hoop and i decided to use it for the frame of the mirror i needed the embroidery hoop to look a little bit more weathered just like the shims so i added a little bit of pickling wash and i also used a little bit of antiquing wax by foal guard that i love so much and i was able to kind of make it match the sunburst a little bit better then i used some e6000 to apply the embroidery hoop onto the mirror and as you can see it is a perfect fit i removed any e6000 with a q-tip that might have seeped out underneath the embroidery hoop and i laid a heavy book on top to hold it together and again i let it dry overnight the final piece was to install the hardware and my husband decided that the best thing for this was one of those wire hanging kits so he screwed these on either end and he added the wire between them making sure that everything was nice and taut and it would not come undone and of course being the gentleman that he is he hung it up for me and here is the completed product i am so proud i was able to finish this it was a lot of work and waiting but it was well worth the effort i decided to keep the mirror like this and not paint it or anything i liked the rustic touch it had i like the color of the wood but of course if you want to add color change it up do a nice gold glaze on it or something you can definitely do it [Music] alright so let's see how i did the closest looking sunburst rustic mirror that i found was at overstock and it was going for 282 dollars so each of the shin packs were 1.96 a piece i used 16 of those i also needed the mirror and the embroidery hoop so my total came up to 35 dollars because i had everything else on hand all right so for my last all-time a favorite look for less tube that i have created so far i'm going to be tackling this two-tone square geometric wood wall plaque i saw it at kirkland's first sixty dollars and i knew exactly what to use to recreate this for so much less now for this project i decided to use the 36 inch poplar wood pieces that you can find at home depot these are only a dollar and five cents a piece and i used 10 for this project i also use these same ones when i created those faux farmhouse shutters this past winter now you will need to cut these down and you can use this small miter saw kit which is only ten dollars i'll go ahead and link to it below or you can use an electric miter saw you're also going to need some form of tape measure and i personally like to use my fabric one the original piece of art was 30 inches square but this was too big for me so i cut these down to 24 inches and i cut four of them in this size [Music] now once everything was cut i made sure to sand all of the edges to make sure they were nice and smooth i used a hot glue gun for this project since it's going to be fairly light and it holds very well also since all of the pieces are 24 inches in length in order to make a perfect square you're going to need to attach them like you see here all right so now that the frame is done we're going to move to the next part which is the large x in the back so for this i placed two pieces of wood diagonally across the square and i made my marks with a pencil as to where i needed to make my cuts i cut these pieces sanded them and then i attached them to the frame with some hot glue as well then in order to add a little bit more stability to the corners i took some large popsicle sticks trace them on the back corners cut them down and hot glued them to the ends that way it made the frame a little bit more sturdier alright so now we move on to the white square part of the frame okay so for this you're going to need two more poplar pieces i cut them in half and i used 45 degree angles to cut the ends down the outside measurement is going to be 18 inches and the inside measurement is going to be 15 inches you're going to assemble these into a square and you're going to hot glue these pieces together as well i cut down more popsicle sticks and use them to reinforce the joints on this as well hold off attaching this to the larger frame for right now now we're going to assemble the final piece which is the smaller square with the four pieces of wood at all of its corners for this you're going to cut four pieces of wood the outer edge being 10 inches and the inner edge being 7 inches again assemble your square and then put together with more hot glue [Music] use a couple more popsicle sticks to reinforce those corners as well now you're going to place a new piece of poplar wood all the way from the top to the bottom down the center of the frame make sure the piece of wood is inside of the frame and then lay down the small square directly on top of it making sure it's centered [Music] to make sure use some measuring tape at the top and the bottom and make sure that they're both in the same distance from the frame make your markings with a pencil and then cut your pieces now we did use a jigsaw for this because it's a little bit trickier however you can use a small mini miter saw kit or if you have a heavy duty box cutter you can score the wood and snap it make sure you cut four of these after they're cut sand them down and then glue them on to your small square then use more popsicle sticks to reinforce these joints as well okay so the next step is to either stain or paint these pieces now the large square was white so i had my cute little helper who was dying to get her hands on some paint and paint the large square white i used my favorite chalk paint white adirondack from folk art all right so after that one was done we use some of the pickling wash in the color driftwood since i wanted it to have a coastal feel and we went ahead and used this on the smaller square then finally for the large frame and the x i use some of the wood tint in walnut and i went ahead and stained everything i used a chip brush to apply and i wiped off any excess after all of the pieces were dried i went ahead and sanded over them to give them a light distressing and then i began to assemble i laid the white frame down first making sure it was even from all four corners and i used hot glue to apply it on to the x then i place the third piece right on top now since this was the final piece that was going to kind of hold everything together i used some e6000 to adhere this square onto the white one i then flipped over the piece and began hot gluing all of the pieces together from behind to make sure that everything was nice and secure i made sure to hold on to any pieces that needed a little bit of extra pressure until the hot glue dried that way it was nice and secure and here is the finished product okay so let's see how i did the original was from kirkland's at sixty dollars and i was able to recreate this for only ten dollars and fifty cents now the only thing i needed to buy because i had all of the paint and hot glue on hand was the wood which cost a dollar and five cents a piece and i only purchased ten of them so i think i did pretty good on this one well that's it for today's video and if you guys are wondering if i still have those items or diys yes yes i do which is why they made it to this list if you enjoyed this video please make sure to give it a thumbs up let me know which one of these was your all-time favorite now for those of you who are waiting for the update on the look for less challenge it will be coming back and i'll be bringing it back may of this year however it will not be every single month this year it will probably be every quarter so i'm hoping that we can get into second quarter this year by doing the invitation in may now the invitations for the upcoming look for less challenges are going to be within my weekly videos but i'll make sure to let you guys know which one of those videos have the invitation so there won't be a small short invitation for the challenge again it will be in one of my weekly videos there you will find the date and time you need to submit your projects now while i enjoyed having a co-host in my previous look for less challenge invitations for right now i am going to be hosting the challenge myself the rules will pretty much stay the same but just make sure you look out for the date and the new times where we'll be uploading as always i will have a playlist just make sure you stay tuned for those dates and times to submit your projects i hope you're excited and i cannot wait for me to come so that we can go ahead and get started on our look for less challenge all right let me know if you're excited for the look for less challenge to come back and i will see you guys again here next week for more home decor and diy ideas until then adios
Channel: The Latina Next Door
Views: 181,154
Rating: 4.953651 out of 5
Keywords: the latina next door, look for less challenge, look for less, pottery barn dupes, kristen mcgowan, high end decor on a budget, high end dupes, home decor on a budget, diy home decor, affordable home decor, make your home look expensive, home decor styling tips, liz Fenwick diy
Id: l-cSWnwjAVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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