Favorite High-End Dollar Tree Farmhouse DIYS | Farmhouse Decor

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hey guys it's savannah welcome back to my channel for today's video i have put together all of my favorite dollar tree farmhouse diys in my thrift flips that have been my absolute favorite so far this year so let's get started first diy i'm taking this um i guess beer jug i don't know if it's a beer drug medicine bottle i got this from goodwill and i think i paid i tried to show the stick sticker at the bottom but i couldn't remember what it said i think it was two dollars and 25 cents um and i am pulling inspiration from a kirkland piece um and i'm gonna do mine a little bit different but i will insert that right here okay so this is the piece that i saw that i absolutely loved mine is obviously going to be a little bit different but kirkland's has this for sale for 42. yeah so i just start out by taking my paint brush and some waverly white chalk paint and i just give this a good coat making sure that the middle is covered more than like the tops and the bottom because you can see in that photo we do do something different there but just make sure that um you get it as good as you want or you know you know what i mean and i feel like i see these jugs every time i go to thrift stores so these are super easy to find so once that was dry i'm taking the color elephant and i'm dumping this onto a plate and i am then taking baking soda um and i'm dumping this into the paint and mixing this up now i've seen a few people do this and i was super kind of excited to try this because i want this piece to look like a pottery piece like i went out in my backyard not in my backyard because we don't have red clay here but you know what i mean and put this on a pottery real will and made it um so once i got a good texture you kind of saw what i did i just mixed that around i started with a sponge first to try to get that ombre look and it just was not working for me so i do end up taking um a dollar tree paint brush and just you can see kind of what i'm doing here i'm literally dipping it into the paint and dabbing it on to this um jar not going below that little bevel just if i do go below the bevel just a little bit and i just continue this technique for a minute just building up the paint and that texture then once i got the hang of it i kind of flipped it over and did the bottom i'm sorry you can't see this part um i didn't know that it was out of the camera but you will see me do something else to the bottom in a second and it'll be a little bit easier to see you can kind of see what i did there i didn't go up as far as i did on the top so i wanted that to be minimal and then i'm going back over the top again again just building that texture and getting it to a point where i like how it looks now i was gonna leave it with the gray but i wanted to add almost like a brown color in it and i again started out with that sponge and didn't like it so i'm kind of trying to rub off what i just did there and then i go in with that same paint brush that still has a little bit of the gray on there and taking my antique waverly wax and i'm just doing the same technique and just going around building up the texture building up the color until i get it how i like it well i thought i showed the bottom part but i did the same thing on the bottom and you guys i love this for two to three dollars you i just made something that inspired me that was forty dollars and i love love how this turned out our second diy i'm taking three of these dollar tree houses and you guys i know i need a heat gun but i honestly don't think about it until i'm removing the stickers i'm like oh my gosh i need that and i know i can use a hair dryer but gosh that's just too much effort i gotta go find one so once i got the stickers off as much as i could i sanded them down and i'm giving two of these houses a coat of white waverly chalk paint and then i will tell you what i do with the other one i did the bigger one and then i did the longer skinny one in white now for this one we're going to start out with some black apple barrel paint and we're going to give this one this house a good coat make sure you're covering the sides and the edges so that it all looks evenly and it's okay if you don't get full coverage on the sides because we still i still wanted that little rustic farmhouse look but for the front i did want a good black coat and then i am pouring some black paint on this uh plate and then i'm adding some more baking soda so um again just you want to get like a thick chunky consistency um and this is my first time doing it so i don't even know if i done this right um but i was just going for a thick kind of chunky paint if that makes sense then i took my paintbrush and i just start dabbing that paint on the front of the house once that first coat was dry i then wanted to add the baking soda coat on top of it and you guys this turned out so cool i cannot wait to show you guys this i show you a close-up before i show you the finished product and i love this definitely will be working with um paint and baking soda a little bit more and then just set that to the side to dry and then i'm going back to the first two houses and i'm sanding down the edges um making some of that wood come through and make it look a little rustic then i printed off our last name on my cricut um i just measured the house on like my cricut measuring sheet again still working on the lingo and then i uh put it on some transfer tape and then i added this to the house you guys i don't know if it's the transfer tape or what i'm doing wrong but i really struggled with this um and then i did establish in 2017 that's when me and my husband were married so i added that in a different font and then pulled that up once those were on i um because i did struggle with this i mod podged over the letters just to make sure that they weren't going to go anywhere and then i just sanded them down lightly to make so they weren't such harsh wording um and then i did end up dry brushing over them just a little bit um to add a little bit more um you know rustic kind of distressed vibe now for the other one that we painted uh white i printed out five on my cricut because i have three kids and me and my husband that equals five you didn't know you're gonna learn math today did you no i'm just kidding okay so i just added that to there and you guys if you don't have a cricut i went without a cricut for a long time there are so many other options dollar tree has numbers uh they have letters so you could definitely do this not using a cricut again i just sanded over that five and look you guys here's the texture of that house i am obsessed and this is how all three of them turned out i love them so let me know which one is your favorite moving on to our third diy why am i singing so much i don't know okay this i just had i bought this a while ago but dollar tree does have these little square things you guys have seen me use them and i start off by giving this a good coat of waverly white chalk paint and making sure that i covered the middle the most because there was words and stuff there and then i do go on the sides as well once that was dry i just start sanding down the edges the face of the sign not too much because again there were words under there and you don't want those to come through but um just standing it down until i got it kind of how i liked it and yet again i printed something off on my cricut and i did struggle with this as well because oh my gosh i'm just learning but um i wanted to use this as a stencil so i weeded out all of the letters and then i put it on the front of the sign and then i'm just making sure it's straight and if it's not straight it's too late but um i had some more of that paint left over from the uh gray and i thought that would be really pretty to use so i am taking a sponge thank you guys so much for that tip if you guys see me do something and you and you think or you know there's a better way to do it tell me because i'm always looking to learn new things um so this stencil i the letter the smaller parts and like the p and the e those didn't transfer so i'm just going back in and putting those in as good as i can and then again i'm taking that sponge and i'm just dabbing um into the letters and then i do end up going in and adding a little bit of that black because it was still on the plate and um yeah then i remove the vinyl and then i go in and weed out the letters um and stuff that was stuck and the ones that i had to like add back in there because they didn't transfer well um so yeah that's pretty self-explanatory and then i just kind of dry brushed over it with some um that same brush that i used to distress the bottle with and then i sanded that down if i felt like it was too harsh and um i think this is just such an accurate you know saying for what's going on in the world and then what's going on in my house okay so i thought this was so cute i saw this saying somewhere and i was like i definitely want to recreate that um but then i'm just going in and standing down the sides making sure everything looks smooth and it all flows together and um again you guys you can do this how you want you guys know i always say that then i felt like it was missing something so i wanted to add a bow and i'm taking this um burlap ribbon this kind of farmhouse ribbon all these are from dollar tree and then this blue ribbon which i thought was so pretty i found this the other day and i love it um and then of course you guys know i'm adding some raffia to my expo and i twine those together hold it pretty tight and then i take some jute and i cinch this bow so it all comes together and then i just hot glue it kind of catty cornered um on the side of this sign and then if you're new here you guys i love dollar tree buttons and so i picked out like this kind of navy blue one that kind of went with that um i don't know vintage kind of ribbon and i glued that in the middle to bring it all together fluff my raffia out split it and that is it i love how this turned out i think it's so cute and my favorite diy of the day you are going to need one of these dollar tree long signs it doesn't have to be a valentine's day one but if it does have any 3d embellishments on it make sure to remove that because you can use that at a later time and then i start by removing the hanger on the back and the staples next i'm taking some of these dollar tree wood planks now i had two uh two bags of these and i ended up taking some from each bag i'm so bad about that if i can't find something i just open a new one so definitely have to improve on that but i ended up using seven of these and i'm not sure how many comes in one so i would definitely grab two especially if you can find them because i love these but i just start laying them out and spacing them out as far as i want them to be and you guessed it next we're going to start hot gluing them down so i did space these out i kind of just eyeballed them but i ended up taking like my cricut spatula thing and putting that in between them to kind of figure out how i wanted how far the spacing should be that way they were kind of even but i'm kind of i kind of kicked myself because i don't know that spacing didn't work out but it ends up looking good anyways so i would just recommend maybe using like a a half of a ruler i don't know maybe just something a little bit thicker than a cricut spatula then i'm taking some white waverly chalk paint and i'm going over this whole sign mainly focusing on the planks itself but i'm still going in between them just dry brushing almost so it looks already looks a little bit distressed behind the wooden planks then once that was dry i'm just taking my chippy brush and i'm going through and distressing the sign i'm so sorry that this is out of frame the sign is kind of big it's too big for the camera but you guys have seen me distressed a million times i just take it go on the edges and then kind of just dry brush in the middle and then next i'm taking these dollar tree signs um these i got these back at like christmas time but i know they sell clips like this but anyways you guys see that you see that that's a screwdriver but it's a flathead i did have a phillips head and it is gone my kids have taken it but i just removed the clips from those picture frames and then i laid them out i skipped one put one down skipped another put another one down and then i'm hot gluing those to the side then i'm taking some lamb's ear i get this from walmart for 97 cents i'm not sure if they have some out right now i love this i got these last year and um i have them in my stash so anyways i'm just taking them i trimmed off like the long stem and then i'm taking some jute and creating almost like a swag and just tying that off together and then trimming the um the jute so it doesn't hang off and then we are going to create a bow to go in the middle of this so i am just taking some burlap ribbon from the dollar tree and i again i'm sorry i'm out of frame i tried to like keep the sign in frame and then the bow was out of frame but i'm dove telling the burlap ribbon you guys if you are new here i like to make these expos if you've been here for a while you know the drill you know how i do it i just take a bunch of ribbon that i like lay it out in x formation and then cinch it together and make sure when you cinch it leave some tails on the jute because we're going to take those tails and we're going to wrap it around that swag and tie them both together and then we're just going to hot glue this swag to the top now i just used hot glue if you guys are making this to sell i would definitely recommend using like some super glue from the dollar tree or something a little bit sturdier but this swag isn't heavy so i didn't think that it would be an issue and then i just lay that on the top plank and then i adjust the leaves to kind of get them how i want them to lay and then we also are going to add in hanger to the back of this now i don't want the jute to show so i went down a little bit lower and i did use super glue on the popsicle stick just to give it a firmer hold and you guys how cute is this i love this it would even be cute if you put like strong magnets on the back and put it like on the side of your fridge i am just obsessed with this so let me know what you guys think down below why you're gonna need another long sign from dollar tree this should be called the long sign dollar tree video but anyway so you're going to start by removing that burlap heart and then for the first time ever i actually had luck removing this paper no water no heat gun i know it's crazy but it worked and so i just started by removing all of that paper from this sign i gave it a good standing and then i give it a good coat of the white waverly chalk paint next i'm taking these little terracotta pots from dollar tree and yes one is broken i was so mad when i got home because i bought these for this diy and we make it work so anyways i am taking some of these popsicle sticks and i am measuring them to the back because i want them to have a flat surface and something to adhere to so i just start by measuring those and then trimming the popsicle sticks down and then i hot glue those on to the terracotta pots now you guys i used super glue and hot glue just because i wanted it to have a really good hold i did not want these pots to go anywhere next i'm taking some of these dollar tree i don't i don't know face fillers half marbles whatever you want to call them i actually saw this from my friend over at hey y'all let's diy i will leave the link to her channel in my description box she's newer to youtube and i love her stuff and i saw her do this and i wanted to try i think it takes place of the farmhouse beads almost they're a little bit thicker but they end up looking pretty cute so i just started by hot gluing those on and spacing them out eyeballing them i didn't measure but i just glued those all around the rim of these pots now think smart not hard i probably should have painted these pots before i glued these things on because i felt like it was really hard to get in there to make it look like the whole pot was covered so learn from me i would paint your pots first that's just what i think would be easier but i start by going around with some white wavelet chalk paint trying to cover the whole pot almost i still like a little bit of that like terra cotta showing through but i do try to give it all a good coat then once those were dry i'm taking my chippy brush and some antique waverly wax and i'm distressing these as well i go all over this bad boy mainly focusing on like the half marbles bowl fillers um and then just the raised edges of the pot and i do that to all three of them did y'all forget about this long sign nope i didn't okay so next we're gonna take our chippy brush and we're gonna start distressing um the longer sign and i started you guys sometimes i'm like do you even know how to speak savannah i swear i know how to talk i just feel under pressure when i'm trying to explain what i'm doing anyways i'm just taking my chippy brush and some antique waverly wax and distressing the sign i did go down where the ship lap was to kind of define that a little bit more on the edges and then just all over the sign next i took the pots and i kind of laid them and spaced them out how i wanted to making sure the lip of these fell right under that first shiplap mark and then i'm taking some super glue from the dollar tree and then also some hot glue so if you are new to crafting this is the hot glue acts as a fast hold and then the super glue acts as a permanent hold so i do that to all three and then i hot glue them to this side now this part has nothing to do with the finished product because i did change my mind but i was i wanted to leave it in here to show you there's some other things that you can do i put spanish moss in there but i opted out and just ended up putting this greenery and i have this in my bathroom on the lower block shelf in there and i think this is so cute it's definitely like a boho kind of vibe boho farmhouse will go with but so let me know what you guys think moving on to our last diy now you could totally not use this because i do end up changing my mind shocker you guys this video i actually made another project for this video absolutely hated it butchered it so i didn't add it and this one i i liked where it was going and i just i don't know i felt like it needed something else so i ended up changing my mind but it does end up looking really cute so i started by taking this picture frame and then i'm taking this um wall tile from dollar tree i love this it's blue i love the blue but i'm taking the back of that picture frame so this is the only thing that you would need to you you wouldn't have to use this but i would recommend having like a foam board or something for the finished product anyways so i lay this on here and i trace out the size and i cut this wall tile then i'm hot gluing it to the what would this even be called the back of the picture frame that has like the hooks and stuff on it i'm hot gluing it to that and this is why i say if you didn't if you opted out of the picture frame altogether because i don't end up using it you would need like a foam board or something and you would have to add a hanger to it so i just hot glued this on there and then i had to go around and trim the excess edges which that didn't whatever you know and then i took a dry brush and some white waverly chalk paint i love this blue but i definitely wanted to tone it down a little bit so that's why i decided to dry brush over it and then i put this back in the frame again this is not the outcome so you can skip that but it is you kind of have to see it to see what i do next anyways i'm taking another one of these terra cotta pots and i loved the contrast between the terracotta and the blue i thought it was very i don't know california adobe ish if you will but i did want to distress it a little bit so i took my dry brush and just dry brushed some white waverly chalk paint all the way around the pot and then we're gonna do what we did in the second diy we're gonna take a popsicle stick and put it on the back to act as a base then i did go in with my chibi brush in some antique waverly wax and just kind of dry brush it over as well just to give it a little bit more contrast and then i'm taking some super glue again for the long hold and then some hot glue for the short hold and i am putting that kind of in the bottom portion of this diy jeez okay so yeah i just hot glue that right there now this is where i change my mind so you guys remember i have done a couple diys with that sign it was the valentine's day sign that had wood on the outside i did a truck i also did um the carrot sign with one of them but i took the wood off of one of those because it was the exact same size as this picture frame addie is just dressing it for me but i'm taking some white waverly chalk paint and distressing over those wood pieces um just to give them a little bit of washed like a washed look almost and then i am hot gluing those around this sign and then i definitely think the wood looks better than the gold i felt like the gold threw off the other colors but then i'm just adding some lamb's ear into this pot and i think this turned out super cute again it gives me kind of almost like california um i don't even know barcelona italy vibes but anyways i you can style this anyway you could put it on like a built-in shelf or hang it up i think it's so cute so let me know what you guys think down below which one was your favorite first flip i'm taking this cutting board i got this for a dollar 98 we're just gonna round up to two bucks so i spent two dollars on this and i started by removing the juke cord that's used to hang it up i just felt like the jute made it look really cheap you'll see what we do to replace that but then i did sand this off camera because i just didn't want to get this sand on my mat and then i started by giving it a good coat of the white waverly chalk paint i do end up going over this two times just to cover up those flowers and make sure that they did not show through i guess the person that had this before used a pencil so you could still see that and then once that was dry i i normally don't worry about the back but because this is going to kind of just sit in my kitchen i did want to make sure that the back was finished so i did give that a coat of the white waverly chalk paint as well then i'm taking my dollar tree chip brush and some antique waverly wax and i'm just taking it and going on the edges i'm gonna let you guys watch this so that you can see how i do distress things someone asked me do i let the base coat dry before i start distressing yes i do but i don't let the distressing dry before i go back over it with the base coat so this is kind of what i do i just go over distress and then go back over with that base coat to try to blend it all in and then i do repeat that same step on the back like i said because this is going to be in my kitchen and i did want the back finished on this for once then i'm taking some of this dollar tree faux ribbon or faux leather i finally found some of these you guys i just found the lighter kind um but i this is my first time using it and i gotta say i am obsessed but i cut off a piece and then i'm cutting a very thin strip of this um this is going to act as the hanger but i didn't know how long to go i kind of just guesstimated and then once i got that um like how i want it as thin as i wanted i'm going to put it through the hole and tie a knot at the top not at the bottom at the top so it creates a hanger [Music] then i printed this out on my cricut i actually got this from emily long she has her own etsy shop and she gave me a discount code for you guys and i'm going to leave that in the description box a link to her etsy shop and then the discount code under there but she has tons of cute little sayings in there um and so if you don't have a cricut that is an option too but i thought this was so cute it says i will love you until the cows come home um i pick this out and then i'm like when do cows come home hopefully they never come home so um i think it's so cute she does have tons of other cute farmhouse and just cute little sayings on there so go check her etsy shop out again i'm gonna leave the link to that in my description box so then i just started by putting it on the transfer tape and i played around with it i didn't know if i wanted this in the middle and then i decided to go at the bottom so i stuck that down pushed down and then pulled the transfer tape off then i'm just taking that same paint brush that i used with white waverly chalk paint and just dry brushing over the letters just to distress them a little bit and not make them so bold then i felt like it still and needed something else i felt like it was too plain at the top so i'm taking one of these dollar tree um hearts this is the one it's like red sparkles on the front i didn't obviously didn't want that but i wanted one a little bit bigger than the regular wood ones so i stained the back of this and then distressed it with that white wave really chalk paint and then i hot glue that above the wording and that is it you guys i love this so you have to let me know what you think of this flip and hopefully the cows never come home so our next flip is like this wall organizer i saw this and automatically knew what i wanted to do with it it had like some writing on the front that was engraved and it was 3.98 so let's round up to four so right now we are at six dollars so i started by removing the little hooks at the bottom just because i'm not going to use this for like mel and um bills and like keys so i wanted to remove that and then i started by taking some um putty and rubbing it on the front where those engraved words were because i didn't want those to be there anymore and then once that putty was dry i did stand it off camera again because it was like snowing when i sanded that down so i didn't want that to get messy on my desk on my like mat and then once i had that sanded down i'm going in with some white waverley chalk paint and i'm giving this a good coat so i got to tell you guys this was kind of hard to you know get down in the nooks and crannies so it did take time but i definitely think it was worth it so i'm just going to show you bits and parts of the painting process [Music] then once i had most of it covered i'm going in with my antique waverly wax and my chippy brush and i just start by distressing the front sides of these now when i say i got a good coat i was really not worried about some of that wood showing through because we're going to go back and distress it to begin with so i'm just going in with the antique beverly wax you know and then going back in with my base coat rubbing it together blending it in and then repeating that same step for the one above and then i forgot this one side so i'm going back over that with some white waverly chalk paint and making sure i'm covering that as well now i originally wasn't going to do this i was just gonna do the antique really wax but i decided to take my chippy brush in some black apple barrel paint and go in on those edges just to give it a little bit more um i don't know definition and a little bit more i don't distressing character um but i i loved it with the black on the edges and a little bit of black in the middle i felt like it just pulled the whole piece together and then once i kind of like had everything how i wanted to i was just going back up and doing some final touches and doing the top as well and that is it you guys i i love this when i saw this i originally knew what i wanted to do and for once well not for once but it did come out what i had envisioned and i love it so for our last flip i found this box and i loved the black metal on the sides i thought that was so cute and it is a fairly sturdy box and it was 298 so that is let's say three dollars so we are at nine bucks so this will be our last flip and then on today's episode of using whatever you can before actually needing a screwdriver um i am just taking this box cutter and removing these metal pieces because i don't want to get any paint on there then i'm taking my white waverly chalk paint and i'm just giving this box a really good coat i don't worry about the insides and i don't worry about the bottom um and then when i say good coat you guys know i don't mind not doing two coats on anything brown because i always end up going back and distressing and i always like some of that brown coming through then once that had dried i'm going back in with my antique waverly wax and of course my chippy brush and you guys these are from dollar tree and i gotta say i'm really not disappointed i've i love the technique they give i definitely will be buying these again so anyways i just go in with the antique waverly wax and back over with my base coat like normal and then i repeat that on all four sides [Music] then i do make sure to distress the top when i said i didn't worry about the inside i didn't worry about the inside but i did do the lip of this little vase so once i kind of got it all i wanted to i started to go back in and put those metal i don't even know what they would be called metal corner pieces back on and putting the screws back in so i left this part in here because i wanted to show you guys i was originally going to add like these wood uh beads they're not really beads because they don't have holes in them but i was going to leave these on put these on here as risers and i decided to take them off because i just i didn't love it i even tried painting them black but i did want to give you guys another idea because again if you like it personal preference i think it doesn't look bad it just wasn't my style so i did end up removing them and this is complete and i just stuck some greenery in there and i think this is so pretty it would be pretty in the center of a table or honestly just anywhere in your house so i hope you guys enjoyed today's video let me know which flip was your favorite okay so for our first diy you're gonna need two of these dollar tree crates um and i started by removing the stickers and then taking like my cricut spatula and popping the middle out i was so shocked at how easy that was um and then yeah so i just popped these out i didn't want to like bend my spatula so for the sides i just used my hand and they popped out pretty easy i was actually surprised i thought that was gonna be more work um then i'm taking my antique waverly wax and i just start by going around and staining um all of these crates and i didn't worry about the top of this one but the one that we removed the bottom and make sure you get the top as well [Music] then once those were dry i'm just taking my hot glue gun and i'm going around the lip of this and then i'm going to set this other crate on top of it and it's going to create like a little almost like a vase kind of wood holder thing if you will um and then i just kind of like let that dry make sure it's set set up really well then i'm taking um a dollar tree chip brush and some white waverly chalk paint and i'm going back over where i stain this and just dry brushing it i love i've never done like distressing the opposite usually i do white and then distress with waverly the antique waverly wax but i kind of was digging how this was coming out and then same technique that i always uh you that i always use i go back over with the base coat just to tone down where i distressed a little bit then i'm taking this um i don't know what is it hanger thing that i found at dollar tree and i love this sign um so i'm trying to pop that metal sign off it did come off but it left like the holes in the side where they i don't not hammered it down because it wasn't nails but you know what i mean so i'm just taking some dollar tree caulk and i'm filling those in i think it would be super cute like now that i'm looking back at it if you took some like tacks and painted them black and put those on the side um i think that would be really cute then i'm just sanding it down just distressing it a little bit a little bit more and you know getting it how i like it then once that was dry i kind of just sand off the excess that was on top of it and then i'm going to hot glue this to the front of this little box then i'm just taking some more of that antique waverly wax and just dry brushing over this sign as well um you know where i filled the holes that took more to it so i mean it was okay it turned out looking cute but i just wanted this to look like a rusted metal sign and i put some greenery in it this is super simple but i i love how it turned out so for our next diy you're going to need four dollar tree picture frames these picture frames by their self are absolutely adorable they're already kind of like farmhouse um you know distressed so they're really cute and i just started by removing um everything from the back then i'm taking this metal sign it has a little house on the front i think it says like home sweet home or this house is our home something like that anyways um it's screwed in so i'm just using not a screwdriver of course because you know we don't do that here i'm just trying to get the screws out and i'm just using yeah then i am hot gluing the two picture frames together and holding them for a minute make sure they dry before you move them and then i'm just repeating that step with the other two hot gluing those together and then i am going to hot glue all four of them together and then just for some extra security i'm taking these jumbo popsicle sticks these are from walmart and i'm just gluing them almost like a cross formation on the back just to you know hold them together and make sure that they don't come apart and then i'm just taking um my dollar tree chippy brush and some white way really chalk paint and i'm just dry brushing over this frame like i said before these are already honestly beautiful the way they are i just wanted a little bit of more contrast a brighter white some darker distressing so that's what i'm doing here so i'm kind of just gonna let you guys watch and then once i had that covered i'm taking another chippy brush from dollar tree and some antique waverly wax and again just dry brushing over this bringing out some more darker colors in with the lighter colors and the colors that were already there so yeah it's just a bunch of colors then i'm just going back over that distressing with my base coat which was the white waverly chalk paint using the same chippy brush and kind of just toning down some of that distressing um and giving it more dimension brighter areas you know what i mean and then last but not least i just wanted to sand it down like the raised edges because this had like some black distressing in before so i wanted to pull some of that black out as well um nothing much to that just standing on the raised edges so then i'm taking this wreath i have had this in my stash i think it came on something from kirklands that i got on sale um but i took it apart and i love this wreath so um i wanted to use this and then it says bless our home in case anyone was wondering because i could not remember what it said but i'm just hot gluing the wreath down in the center of the faux window and then i'm going to take this house and then hot glue that in the middle of the wreath then i'm just taking this wired juke cord from dollar tree i've never seen this before this is new to me um but i thought it was really cute as a hanger versus just you know like limp juke cord um and then i hot glue that to the back and that is it you guys i love this one i think it's so cute and it will definitely be in my house year round i hope you guys are enjoying today's video so far if you're new to my channel i'm savannah and i love doing dollar tree diys or honestly anything diy on a budget so if you like what you see today i hope that you stick around hit that subscribe button like share it really does just mean the world to me and let's get back into crafting next i'm taking this square um wood thing this actually is from dollar tree it had like a canvas thing on the front it was in my daughter's room she decided she didn't want it so i just it's been sitting in my stash she took it apart i don't i don't even know what she did anyways it's been sitting in my stash and i wanted to use it so i started by taking it some stain and staining um around the sides antique waverly wax of course i wouldn't do anything else and then i am taking my chibi brush with some white waverly chalk paint and just dry brushing around it as well and then i didn't film this part because you guys know i'm like a walking hazard especially things that burn you but i just took this dollar tree poster board and i measured this out and i cut it out with a box cutter i did go a little bit over so this is what i'm doing right here i'm just kind of measuring it with a pencil and then i do trim that up now i've used this before to like craft on so it did have some paint so i wanted to give this like a blank canvas so i'm taking some white waverly chalk paint and just covering that if you did buy this brand new you could totally skip this step then i found these like 3d raised flowers at dollar tree they had silver and they had gold but i wanted this silver because i felt like they looked more like metal and i just start by placing them on this canvas um i do end up going a different direction so i have to end up moving them around which i'll explain in a little bit but there was literally no rhyme or reason to this i just started placing them um wherever i thought one needed to go then i'm taking this like i can't remember the name of this you guys i'm totally blinking if you want to know the name just comment down below and i will give it to you i'm just not near it right now um but anyways i'm just taking some of this paint and i'm just going over everything the flowers the background and just dry brushing not giving it like a great coat because i want some of that white to show through as well but yeah just trying to cover all the flowers and some of the background then i'm just taking my dollar tree chippy brush and some antique waverly wax and i'm just dry brushing over the flowers just to give them a little bit more dimension then i'm taking another one of these dollar tree signs and i want the heart off of this so i start by removing the screws from that and at first i was going to put the heart kind of like in the corner but the more i looked at it i thought it looked cuter in the middle so since i already laid my flowers um there was a blank spot down in the corner where i was originally going to put it so i started um like removing some of the flowers that would not even be seen and filling in some of those blank spots and then since i did move some things around i had to go back over with that um gosh i you guys i am like so upset that i cannot remember the color of this i want to say like cucumber but i know that's not it but anyways i just went around and just covered in some of those areas i didn't worry about the middle and then i'm taking my white um waverly chalk paint and kind of just distressing the heart as well sanding it down and making that look a little bit rustic too and then because these were silver before and they almost looked like metal i wanted some of that to pop out so i took my little finger sander and sanded down some of the flowers and just wanted some of that metal to pop out then i'm taking my hot glue gun and i'm gluing this frame around and then obviously hot gluing the heart in the middle and um i did go around and touch up just a little bit more around on the flowers just to get it how i liked it and you guys pictures do not do this piece justice like you should see it in person i even had to show you kind of in a different light because i just feel like it's so pretty i don't know maybe it's just me and i'm biased but let me know what you guys think [Music] and then for our last diy i'm taking this dollar tree long sign i'm removing the heart just because i can save it for later we're not even going to use the front of this but you guys know i like to keep things so i just started by removing the heart and then flipping it over removing the hanger from this and then i always um sand down where the staples are because it does end up making the holes flush with the sign and then this is what i mean by a walking hazard this was so unnecessary but anyways i am taking some white waverley chalk paint and i'm giving it this back of the sign obviously a really good coat of it and then i left this part in here so i could show you guys what not to do but i wanted to like make shiplap lines at first so i i don't even know what i'm doing you guys i've done shiplap before why i tried to do it different i have no idea but i tried to use the elephant color and just go down and make lines it ended up looking hideous so i repainted that and set that aside to dry then i'm taking these look how pretty these are you guys i normally am not into like dollar trees like florals too much i mean they do every now and then have some cute ones but i loved these i felt like these look like if you pulled over on the side of the road and picked your girls some flowers this is what they would look like so i am putting them all together and then i'm taking some jute and i start by tying off a knot and then slowly wrapping these together almost like a bouquet that way they just all stay together and don't move [Music] then once this sign recovered from the hack job i did on it i'm taking my chip brush and some antique waverly wax and just distressing over it and then going back in with the white waverly chalk paint and just toning it down and getting it to a distress thing that i like then i'm taking this dollar tree burlap ribbon and i'm laying it under and i'm gonna put the flowers in the middle to see how much of this ribbon i am going to need um i thought oh yeah i'm gonna do this measure it out and then i just end up cutting it and guessing how much i need so um yeah so you're going to cut that and then you're going to tie it into a knot and then i do go at the bottom and dovetail the edges just to give it a more like finished look and i do that on both sides and then i go in with that um same brush that i used to do the base coat the white waverly chalk paint and then i just kind of dry brush the ribbon dry brushed the leaves dry brushed everything um and just to give it a more rustic farmhouse vibe then i was gonna leave it like that but i wanted to add like a a traditional bow so i just took some more of that burlap ribbon hot glued it in like a little tube shape and then i took some jute and i cinched the middle of that wrapped it around a couple times you know just to make the middle look like it was made that way and then i hot glued that to the center of the little knot thing like the tails and then i go in and i dry brush those as well then i'm just hot gluing the back where i wrapped that bouquet with the jute just to make sure that it didn't go anywhere and the flowers were going to stay put and then i'm adding a hanger to the back i'm just taking some more of the jute and just putting that on there reinforcing that with popsicle sticks just to make sure that that hanger does not fall and um and then yeah that's it i i love how this turned out i think it's so pretty for spring so again let me know which one is your favorite for this one you are going to need one of these long dollar tree signs it doesn't have to be this one this is just the one that i had so if you do have this one i started by removing that heart and sanding that down because i want to use the front of this one usually when i work with these i just use the back but i wanted to use the front because um it kind of has like that ship lap look um and then i started by giving it a coat of the waverly chalk paint the white waverly chalk paint and i think i ended up having to do three because i didn't want any of those words to come through so it did did take a couple of coats um while that was drying i am taking this dollar tree mason jar and um i end up using that chain i coat it with gray first but i absolutely hated it so i go back and do something different to that in a second then once this part was dry i'm just taking my distressing brush and i'm just going through and i'm just again heavy handing this um with the distressing first and then going back over it with the brush that i used to do the white coat and then i just so on and so forth until i get it how i liked it i didn't want to do too much sanding i usually like to sand my distressing down but i didn't want any of those words to come through so um i did lightly sand it but i would not recommend like going heavy and i just sanded that down a little bit again not too hard because you don't want those um words to come through then i'm taking this dollar tree hanger um i found this like in the home section this one just says bless this farmhouse and i'm gluing it about a half an inch down from the top and then i'm taking i found these at dollar tree they have like a star and then they have this one with a chain and i'm kind of trying to make sure that my mason jar will hang you know as low as i want it to then i went back in and i just painted this white and i put it all together distressed that a little bit i put the chain on and then i hung it up and i stuck some florals in there and you guys this is my absolute favorite i think this is my favorite dollar tree diy i have done yet okay for this next diy i found this candle holder at a thrift store for 2.98 and um i absolutely loved it it is so thick and it's heavy so i just started out by taking some of this waverly moss color and giving it a good coat around everything um and there's really not much to this i just wanted to make sure that i covered it as good as i could because i am gonna go back and distress it but i wanted this all to have an even coat and i guess because this is like such a light but still a color um it definitely needed more than one coat then once that was dry i'm taking my paintbrush and i'm taking some white waverly chalk paint and i'm kind of just dry brushing over everything and you want to do this before you sand it because um like it you want it to kind of like all flow together you don't want to stand it and have some pieces showing and then going back over with the white at least that's how i do it um again you can do whatever works for you but making sure that i go like harsher on the corners um and where there's like beveled areas so kind of just getting it to like a distressing that i like and um yeah then i am going to go in with my little finger sander and i am just sanding down the edges um the parts that are like raised kind of getting some of that wood to show back through and honestly just going wherever i think there needs to be some there's really no rhyme or reason to this [Music] and then once i got enough um how i liked it this is how it turned out and i think this is so cute i don't even know if i want to put a candle on it i might just keep it like as a random piece for decoration i don't know let me know what you guys think so since some of you guys liked um the last video i did with the valentine's um exo with this little box i wanted to do something else that you could use every day for everyday decor so i'm taking another one of these boxes but this time i'm giving it a coat of waverly white waverly chalk paint and then i'm making sure i'm doing the sides as well i didn't do this in the last video but i do wanted to do this one a little bit different and to match like your everyday decor so again you don't have to paint it you can avoid this step or you can paint it whatever color you want then once that was dry i'm just taking my chippy brush and i'm just kind of going um around the edges and um getting the sides and just dressing it as good as i like um i wanted it to like on this there's screws in this sign where it's holding that little front piece together and i made sure that those were just dressed a little bit more than you know versus like the box and then i just go back over that with the same paintbrush that i used to paint this box until i got it kind of how i wanted it then i'm taking you can see that scrapbook paper right there i don't show me actually cutting it out but i measure and then i cut out a little square and i slid that down into the little area where you can you know put something [Music] and then i'm just going in with my little sander and i'm just stressing like the front the sides the corners um getting it kind of how i like and making this look more like rustic and i don't know farmhouse and then you can do whatever scrapbook paper you wanted in here i just thought this one was so cute and then i'm taking one of these little wood hearts um and i stained it or i probably already had it stained and then i'm hot gluing that into the middle this is super simple but i also feel like it's really cute just to stick somewhere or just like extra decor [Music] okay for this last diy i am taking one of these wood um dollar tree signs and this just happens to be a st patrick's day i'm trying to rip off the paper i don't know why i always try to do this so i'm sorry this part's out of frame but all i'm doing is trying to rip off the paper like a crazy person um then i sanded that down and i moved that off the table because there was glitter on this and i did not want to get glitter everywhere does anyone notice how um like at the beginning of my videos it's such a neat clean space and then towards the end of my videos there's stuff everywhere oh my gosh i am so messy when i craft you guys i have got to get more organized um okay so i just started out um i couldn't get all that paper off so i standed that as flat as i could but that's going to be the bottom anyways so i just started by giving this a coat and this is going to need a couple i'm using that moss waverly color and i just love this color i think it's so pretty someone asked me in my last videos why i did everything in white or black or so i tried to venture out just a little bit just a little bit this time um and i love that color then i don't know where the footage wanted this but these are the black little pots of gold that dollar tree has right now and all i did was glue two of them together and i am now coating them with the white waverly chalk paint letting them dry doing another coat and switching back and forth between those two items as they dry once it was dry all around the sides and the front i'm then going in the back because the back is going to be at the top of our um thing that's going to be the thing that we're displaying and once these were dry i'm taking my chippy brush and then that same white waverly chalk paint that i used to paint these and i'm just distressing these these also came with handles um so i did rip those off again not sure where that went but we're just gonna go with it so yeah i'm just going through and distressing this kind of going um you know like in the like in the middle and where it bevels out um the most again you guys know i always like to go heavy-handed with the distressing and then tone it down [Music] and then i'm just stressing the sign um and i'm just going on you know again heavy-handed everything in this house is distressed including the mother oh my gosh i'm just kidding distressed yeah i'm always stressed okay so i um just go heavy-handed with it and then i go back over with the color that i use and that's usually my technique with anything unless wood i like to um sand down my distressing with wood and then i am just gonna hot glue this to the bottom of that and then you know kind of hold it there for a second but be careful because obviously those things are plastic and when you're pushing down you don't want to push too hard because i think they will melt i'm pretty sure i don't know but just be careful then i'm just taking this paintbrush and kind of like clueing like cleaning up the glue and that is it i think this is super cute and just a simple piece that you can style with anything um put a can on there some farmhouse beads and i love how this turned out so for this diy i'm taking this wood little stand i got from target the little bullseye playground and it was three dollars and i just start right by removing the tag because i don't feel like you should ever leave the tag on anything and then i just start by taking white waverly chalk paint and just giving this a good coat i didn't have to do more than one because this was a blank canvas and i still wanted some of that wood to show through then i printed out this saying on my cricut and i'm not going to tell you guys what it's going to say you have to wait till the end because it's i just saw this and i felt absolutely in love with it because i couldn't relate even more um so i just printed it off you guys i'm still trying to learn how to weld things so like i wanted this to all be one piece and like the saying one on top one on bottom you know like one after the other so i didn't have to do them individually but i couldn't figure that out so this is what we're working with also whoever told me to take my transfer tape and stick it on like my clothes or my t-shirt first oh genius did you guys see how easy that came off i am so learning and i bought crooked or cricut transfer tape just to try but this ended up working fine so next i'm taking my next little part of this thing and i'm doing the same thing putting the transfer tape on it and sticking it to the side and again it comes off wonderfully i actually use the same piece of transfer tape that i use for the first one [Music] and then same thing i'm taking the next line and i am using my transfer tape um and you know putting that on there um again if you guys have any tips on how to get like if i'm doing a saying and i want to like enter and then put something down below i tried to weld all these and it just didn't work i googled it and it said you had to have shapes to weld stuff i don't know if that's true so um again this that transfer tape trick worked amazing so if you guys struggle with transfer tape one of my subscribers said to like stick it to something like your t-shirt um and that worked wonderful for me um i'm just trying to line these up as good as i can and then i do the next one um i did struggle not i wouldn't even say struggle like there were a few little mistakes but um i just rubbed them down and it came off perfectly so i am going to be doing that way more often and then i just took these two little greenery twigs that i had in my little scrap area and i am making a little swag um now the placement of this if you can see on the top i struggled with this at first i was trying to figure out how i wanted the greenery to lay because i still wanted you to be able to see the words because the words are the most important part of the sign i'm gonna put this by my front door so when everyone walks in they know what's up um so then i just glued the swag kind of to the top of the sign and um i had to play with it to get it how i wanted and then i kind of glued the leaves down to make sure that they didn't cover it and then i added these two little jupos and you guys i love this it's so simple but i feel like it's so cute and if you have kids i'm sure that you can relate diy or makeover this one is kind of like a makeover i got this 10 sign back from big lots it was probably at most 10 maybe 15 and i've had it for a while and the colors just aren't don't go with my house anymore um so i it's just been sitting in my guest room and i wanted to give it a makeover so i started out by giving it a good coat of waverly chalk paint um and then i go in with my chippy brush once it's dry and i start um distressing it now you guys i bought a tile from dollar tree those little stick tiles it's like a blue colored one and it looks just like that this like it's raised and i can't find it it's somewhere in this house or in my craft room but it would be really cute stuck on maybe like a piece of wood um and then painted like this sammy from unicorn dust designs did a really cool thing with um stick tiles so if you're looking for something like this there's definitely a way to do it um with dollar tree items but for 15 bucks you can't i mean at most 15 bucks you can't beat that this makeover i love how this turned out so once i got um like enough distressing on there i took my sander and i started kind of like standing on the raised edges making that metal come out i hate it in the middle because i felt like i put too much um like antique wax on there which is okay i went back over it with some more white paint and then i sanded back over that again and this is where i go back in with some more of that white waverly chalk paint just to kind of like tone down some of those areas where i kind of went a little crazy with the distressing um but i'm going to show you guys the inspiration for this i saw a picture on pinterest and i was like i mean it was like oh my gosh i can redo that sign so here's the picture i saw and then i went to like click on it to see like how much it was and you guys no thank you so i remember that i just had this sign sitting upstairs from when we moved and i thought it would be so pretty to kind of just you know draw inspiration from that piece and make this one my own so um and i feel like stuff like this is super easy to thrift to even if you don't want to buy it brand new but i love how it turned out this is the final product i think it's so pretty and detailed so let me know what you guys think so moving on to our next decor piece you're gonna need one of these dollar tree um home signs this is part of their valentine's i don't know collection let's see what a collection um but i'm just starting by going over the home with white waverly chalk paint again this wood is kind of super pretty already so i didn't mind some of that showing through and then i took a smaller brush to get like the sides and inside the letters and yeah once i had it all covered how i liked it i'm taking my little chippy brush and i'm just distressing it um i think my light is haunted today in this video because it keeps changing colors but um i just distress it and then i just dry brush over with that same white waverly chalk paint that i used and just get into a distressing that i like um and then i'm taking some scrap greenery now i believe i you know you guys know i keep like a scrap box of greenery but you could use anything any greenery you had you could even use um like if you wanted to make this more for spring you could use like some yellow flowers but i'm just taking some hot glue and i'm going around the o and laying the greenery in o form o formality then once i had like the o kind of like shaped out with the greenery i'm just taking some of this little scrap greenery as well i believe this is a 97 cent pick from walmart that i just pulled a little thing off of and i'm just taking the leaves and just trying to make the oh just a little bit more fuller and to make it lay and look nice and then i i don't even know why i did this but i kind of liked it i just took the dry brush and i just kind of went a little bit around um the wreath i guess the o or the wreath oh um and i love how this turned out i think it's so cute and it can definitely be used year-round um so for our next diy i am taking this little house now i used this before in a previous video but this is a different one obviously um and i start by opening it and removing the blocks and setting those to the side and then detaching the house from the block itself um then i i sanded the back down so there wasn't rough edge edges but we're not going to use that side so it really doesn't matter unless you're like you want to cover it and finish it which is completely fine but i'm tracing that out on some scrapbook paper love this black and white scrap scrapbook paper um and then i used way too much mod podge but um i mod podged that and then i laid the scrapbook paper over that and then i mod podged back over that and set that to the side to dry then i'm taking the farmer's market calendar and i'm cutting out that honey part so i start by taking a lighter and i'm just trying to like burn the edges because i want this to look very old and worn just be careful if you're using a thumb lighter because i burnt myself again and if you guys don't know like a lot of you asked me in my last video what happened to my arm i i burned it on a heater so that i i just i just need to stay away from fire but anyways um i'm just going around the edges and then trying to like remove that because it'll like ash up if that makes sense and just trying to like knock those off and then i did cut it down a little bit smaller and just continued burning the edges until i got it um where i wanted and then i mod podged that on to the house okay guys i just listened to my last voiceover and you can hear my little baby snoring listen so sweet okay moving on so um once that was dry i took some of my antique waverly wax and i'm just dry brushing over the whole thing like don't be afraid i wanted to go over the whole thing to um give it a more antique rustic look and then i sand down the edges so that the house is you know the shape it should be and then i did um sand a little bit on the front side of it as well and it kind of took a little bit off of that calendar and i thought that looks so cute so then i am going to hot glue the little square back on and then i wanted to distress that as well so i just took my sand um my sand my antique wave really wax and just went over that and then sanded that down and then put the little blocks back in and that is it and i think this is so cute for springtime or even year-round on a three-tier tray i love how this came out moving on to our last and most troublesome diy of the day i am taking this dollar tree little canvas wood sign and i am giving it all um a coat of uh the waverly the white waverly uh chalk paint and then i had to do you guys know sometimes i only do one coat but for this one i had to do two because the middle where it's at home um that was coming through so i i would recommend too once that was dry i'm going in with my little chippy brush and i am just distressing um around this and again no rhyme or reason just playing around with it till i get it how i like it okay i this is my second go-round okay you guys you guys know i just got a cricket and i'm trying to um figure everything out and i don't know if it was because like the like the texture of this thing but i tried to just print out the words home and put them on there and it didn't work so sometimes things happen for a reason and i kind of love how this turned out a little bit more but i weeded out the actual letters and left it almost as like a stencil and transfer that onto the um sign and then for as far as the e you just saw i just stuck that in there um and then i am taking some black apple barrel paint and i am going over these letters now i didn't want them to be like so harsh so i took like my i guess scrap t-shirt that i use everything for and kind of wiped them down just a little bit um and then i went back over them and then wiped them down again and then when i pulled it off um it there was a little bit of bleeding but i honestly liked how it looked i felt like it looked almost like it was done on purpose so i was i mean i was okay with that so i feel like you know all that struggle was for a reason so then i'm kind of just sanding down the letters once they're dry make sure they're dry um and you know making them look like this sign is a little bit more worn um and it was made this way now i debated i almost did purple flowers for springtime but i loved how this sign came out and i wanted to make it to where i could use it year round so i just took some greenery and i am forming another o and hot gluing those down and then same as last time i'm just taking a little bit more that little walmart scrap greenery and just filling in the spots that weren't as full or that i felt like needed a little bit more shape or fullness to them then once i had everything like i wanted i just started standing down on the raised part of this little sign because that was the darker portion before and i liked how some of that darker stuff came out and i absolutely love this sign i will definitely have this in my house year round for sure and if you guys made it all the way to the end of this video you are absolutely awesome so leave me a heart emoji and as always thank you guys for watching and i will see you next time
Channel: SavvyCraftsWithSavannah
Views: 77,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farmhouse, Dollar tree, DIY
Id: ykLwLvAohWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 59sec (4919 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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