*TOP* BEST DOLLAR TREE DIYS using a GARDEN FENCE | Home Decor Ideas | High End Iron Fence Wall Decor

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hello crafty family and welcome to another tutorial by shiso crafty for today's diy projects i've selected my top five most popular crafts that you can create using the garden fence sections from the dollar tree now these will all be presented in a beautiful wall decor piece and include the garden fence as a main feature of the design now for your convenience i'm going to link the original tutorial that includes the full list of supplies in the description box below now i'm so very excited to share this tutorial with you but before we start i have to say hey hey and welcome back to my awesome subscribers and visitors to my channel now if you are a new visitor to my channel today and you love to create fun and easy diy projects on a budget please go ahead hit that subscribe button and also click that notification bell so you will be the first to know when a new diy tutorial is ready to share with you so now let's just jump right into these projects [Music] [Laughter] [Music] for this project we're going to need three fence sections from the dollar tree we're also gonna need two of the one by two by eights from the home depot for a dollar eighteen each and here's a peek at the barcode for reference and we'll also need some of these zip ties from the dollar tree now we're going to start off by cutting our wood up and we're going to need six pieces cut at 22 and a half inches and we're also going to need six pieces cut at five and a half inches now if you don't have a means to cut the wood the home depot should do this for you at no charge so if you want to stain your wood you can go ahead and do this now but i am going to paint my wood so i am going to assemble my frame first so we are going to take two long pieces and two of the short pieces to prepare to assemble our frame and i'm just going to lay my grid at a grid mat out just so i can have a nice little guide for reference now i'm going to place those smaller pieces in between the two longer pleat pieces at each end now to adhere these together i'm simply going to use some hot glue because i will be screwing these together permanently but the hot glue will give me a nice temporary hold you just want to place it at the end of each one of the short pieces you want to apply it in place and then place hot glue on the end of those short pieces and apply the other long piece and here is our frame all dried and adhered together now you just want to repeat this process for your other two frames and here are all three of our frames ready to go so like i mentioned i wanted to screw my frames together so i will be using these two inch wood screws for my frame now before i apply my wood screws i want to drill pilot holes to prevent my wood from splitting so i'm going to apply a pilot hole on each four of the corners and i'm just going to use my drill to do this and i just want to drill a hole at each corner to make sure it's deep enough for my screw now once all of your holes are drilled i'm just going to take one of the screws and i kind of want to hand thread it in at first and then use my drill with a bit that fits and screw it all the way in now you want to repeat this for all four of the corners and here are all of the screws up in place and now you just want to repeat this for your other two frames and now all of our frames are nice and secure so now i'm going to paint my frames so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to lay out my frames and i'm going to be using this white chalk paint for my frame since chalk paint is nice and thick all i'm going to do is apply one nice coat to it you want to make sure you get the paint inside of the screw as well so it blends in pretty good and then you want to paint the outside and the inside of the frame and the face and this is what it'll look like and now you just repeat this for your other two frames now once all three frames are painted you want to let them sit to completely dry alright so now that they are dry i am going to add a little bit of distressing so i'm going to use some of this nutmeg brown and this black acrylic paint now i'm just going to mix and blend these together until i get a nice chocolatey brown color now to apply this to the frame i am just going to start on the inside of the frame and there's no really rhyme or reason to this i am kind of just dragging the side of my brush along the inside of the frame and it gives me these nice chipping look chipping effect and wear looks and it looks like it's been weathered and so i'm going to do this on the inside and then the outside of my frame and here is what my frame looks like with all the weathering applied and now just complete this for your other two frames to match so now that that's all done you want to sit these all to the side to completely dry so while they're drying we're going to work on our fence sections now you can use a variety of tools to cut these apart and to make them fit you could use a set of wire clippers i have a couple different sizes that i like to use you can also use your x-acto knife to cut the pieces apart if you have a hot knife you can use a hot knife to cut the pieces apart as well or you can use heavy duty scissors and this is my preferred method so the first thing i like to do is cut off those spikes and i'm just going to show you with the scissors it's easy to just cut right through those spikes and you end up with a nice cut now for the second one i'm going to show you how to use the hot knife and this actually took a little longer so you have to have some patience but once i get a nice little line there it just snaps right off and then for the third one i'm just going to use some wire clippers and this actually went the easiest and fastest so i just clipped once and then cut off the end and they're all off and ready to go now you can remove all of your tags from your fence and i'm going to cut the fence into four equal sections along the line shown so i'm just going to use my scissors for this and i'm just going to carefully cut up that center seam right between each section now you just want to repeat this for the remaining three sections until you have four separate sections now place two of the sections to the side and we're going to work with these two sections here so what we want to do is we want to first cut off that arch at the top and we won't be using this part in the project so we'll just cut that off both pieces now to make those edges a nice and round we're going to cut off the bottom as well and then take your wire clippers and you just want to snip off any burrs around it and you want to make it as round as possible on the top and then at the bottom we want that round as well but we're going to cut off those corners first and then for the bottom pieces to make them around we want to cut straight across the bottom now this bottom piece will be butted up against another piece so i'm just going to trim it down with the wire clippers and then what i want to do is um i want to go in with my scissors and what will happen is the scissors will make a nice even cut so we want to set those to the side and we want to work on the other two pieces now for these we're going to start the same way and we're going to cut off that top arch first and then we're going to cut off those side pieces that connect the fence pieces together because we won't be using those in this project now we are going to keep that bottom section on these two pieces so all we really want to do is to cut off that corner edge now these snap off pretty easily it was really easy to kind of manipulate these and cut these since they are plastic so it went fairly fast so now we have our four pieces ready and but for this first section we are going to cut off those little arrow points because we will not be using these on this section now we will keep those on those second sections so here we go we have all four pieces ready to go so now i'm just laying out my sherbonder silicone mat because we will be hot gluing these together so i'm just going to lay out the mat and i'm going to put my pieces at the ends that have that bottom still attached and i'm kind of figuring out how i want to lay those center pieces and what i decided to actually do is i decided to point the arrow in to where the ends will butt up as shown here in the middle and it'll form a heart where they overlap so to start putting the pieces together what i'm going to do is take the zip ties and i want to apply a zip tie at the point where the pieces are butted up in the center now i'm just applying it loosely at first so we can make some adjustments but you want to put it in the top and the bottom loops now once those are together you're going to flip it over to the back to make sure that that connection point is at the back and it can't be seen from the front you want to pull them just a little bit snug and keep checking the connection and then once they are just right what you want to do is take some hot glue and just squeeze it in at that connection point and you just want to make sure it's laying a nice and flat while that glue dries so once that glue is nice and secure and everything looks good you can go ahead and snip off those tails of the piece so now we can apply our end pieces so all we're going to do is we're going to lay that piece right on top of one of the end pieces as shown and you just want to make sure those heart pieces are formed and then flip the middle piece over apply a line of glue where they overlap now you can be generous with this glue you do want to make sure it has a nice secure bond now once that glue starts to set go ahead and apply another zip tie around those overlapping pieces right under the ridges of that arrow point and pull it over to the back side so you can't see the connection point now if it looks good go ahead and snip off that tail and now all you have to do is repeat this on the other end and here is the piece all secured together now on the back side what we want to do is just add a little bit of extra glue where the pieces overlap just for a little extra security and then you want to take just a little hambroom and what i'm doing is getting rid of all of those hot glue webs now you want to repeat this for your other two fence sections and here are all of my fence sections ready to go now this is optional but i'm going to apply a coat of this flat black spray paint and this will hide any of the imperfections the zip ties and all my cut marks and once it dries all of your pieces are ready to go so now just grab one of your frames and you want to flip it good side down and then you want to lay one of your fence sections face side down now as you can see our ends overlap the frame just by a quarter of an inch on each side which make my measurements were actually perfect for the frame so just apply a bead of hot glue on each end and you want to first secure those two ends of the frame of the fence section to the frame now once that does dry then you want to go in on the edges and apply some additional hot glue just to make sure that those sides are nice and secure and here is what our picture frame will look like with our iron-like insert i really love how it's looking now to back this up just a little bit more what i'm doing is taking my staple gun and i'm going to apply two staples at the top and the bottom of the frame just to add a little bit of extra security around the edges and now just repeat this for the remainder of your frames now to hang this all i did was take some jute twine i tied some knots on each end and i'm just going to lay it across the top of the frame on the back place two staples on each end of that jude string knot and this will be used to hang up each one of the frames you do want to make sure there's a little bit of slack so it'll be nice and easy to hang on your nail or hook and now all of our frames have the hanger on them and they're ready to hang up and display and here is the final project you guys oh my goodness i think these turned out absolutely beautiful now i think the fence pieces really look like wrought iron in these pieces and it really gives it a high-end look and using that wood frame was super inexpensive to make and it works perfect in this project whether you painted it or stained and adding unique touches by distressing really gives it character too we have these long bamboo skewers from the dollar tree and we'll also need one fence section from the dollar tree now the first thing we want to do is to cut apart our fence section now we'll be cutting out all of these little swirl pieces individually now you can use wire clippers or you can even use a hot knife if you like but i'm going to use some good old scissors now if you have a heavy duty pair with a long blade like i do then you shouldn't have any problem cutting these fences apart now we're going to start by removing those top arches and then we're going to remove all the arrow points and now we're going to separate those iron swirls by carefully cutting them apart and once we have one section we're just going to carefully trim off that excess to create a clean and even edge around that swirl and then we want to repeat this for the seven remaining swirls and here they all are cut out and ready to go so now we're going to lay out our grid cutting mat and then we're going to grab those bamboo skewers and some painters tape now i'm going to take about four skewers out of the package and i'm going to go ahead and measure them and cut them in half down the center and these are easy to cut with a wire cutter and then i want to grab two full length skewers out of the package and i want to set those cut ones to the side now we're going to lay out each one of those long skewers horizontally about 11 inches apart and we want to tape them down to our mat and then we're going to take three of the skewers that we cut in half and we're going to lay them vertically on top of those long skewers about 11 and a half inches apart making sure that there is at least a two inch overlap of the horizontal skewers and once everything looks good and in place we can go ahead and tape them down with some painters tape and now we're going to take our glue gun and we're going to place some glue at each point where the skewers cross and now we're going to grab our cut out swirls and get them ready to apply but first we're going to have to mark the centers of each side of the skewers to make sure our placement will be correct so we're going to measure each side and find the center and mark with a pencil and now that they're marked we can arrange the swirls as shown making sure that the good side is facing down and that the points where the swirls meet is lining up with those centers we just marked now once everything looks good we're going to apply some hot glue overlapping between each point where the skewer with the swirls touch just to make sure it holds its shape and now we're gonna grab four of the cut skewers and we're going to apply them in a crisscross pattern now for the first skewers we want to make sure to glue them on both corners as well as on the swirls where they make contact and then for the second skewer we will make sure that the corners are glued as well as the center contact with that first skewer now once everything is secured with the glue i'm going to use these zip ties to permanently secure the swirls to the frame now i got the colored ones from dollar general but you can get the white and the black ones at the dollar tree now you simply want to loop that zip tie around each swirl and wrap the skewer and secure it in place now for the center you want to loop the zip tie through both swirls and over the skewer as shown here and now that everything is secure you can snip off all of those zip tie tails and then i'm going to go in and apply a little bit more hot glue on those swirl connections just for good measure then you let that dry and you can remove all of the tape and now this is just about ready to paint but before we paint i'm going to use this dollar tree hand broom to get off any of those hot glue webs off the piece and then i'm going to paint two coats of this krylon flat black spray paint on the front and the back of the piece now while that dries i'm going to cut my 1 by 2 by 8 furring strip down to size for my frame and this was 98 cents from lowe's now the actual thickness is three quarter inches by one and a half inches so i cut two pieces at 13 inches and i cut two pieces at 28 inches now we're going to lay out those 28 inch pieces and take that 13 inch piece and fit it in between now i will be using hot glue to bond these together you just want to place some glue on each end of that 13 inch piece and you want to nestle it in between the two longer pieces at each end and then i'm going to take a clamp and i'm going to hold it together while it sets and then you want to flip it around and repeat this on the other side now while this is setting i'm going to go ahead and staple these together on the back at that seam for extra security and when it has finally dried i am going to stain it so i'm going to protect my work surface and i'm going to grab up my supplies now i will be using this classic gray stain by minwax for this project and then i'm going to go ahead and grab my frame and i'm going to start applying my stain i'm going to make sure i cover the inside and outside edges as well and then we can set these to the side to dry now to make the hardware corners i'm going to be using these scrap pieces of foam board now i made this template that is three and a half inches square and the l shape height is one and a half inches and you can copy this onto a simple sheet of paper now that you've made your paper template you can go ahead and trace that shape onto the foam board four times and now that they're all traced we can use a ruler and an x-acto knife to cut out our pieces and now that they're all cut out we can take some sandpaper and smooth out all of those edges now i'm going to be using these water bottle caps that i have collected to resemble the bolts you can also use the glass gems from the dollar tree now these will be laid out three pieces per corner now i'm just going to apply some hot glue around the edge of the cap and i want to adhere it to those pieces and now that they're all dry we can paint now i will be using this black acrylic paint for these i want to start by applying the paint around the edges making sure you get into all of that texture from the foam and then you can apply that paint to the top and on the cap and here are all of my corners completed now my frame is dry and i can lay it out on my table with the right side down and here is my iron insert that is now dry and we can place that on top of the frame with the right side down as well now we want to make sure that it's centered with about an inch gap all the way around once in place just take some wire clippers and snip off any excess skewer that is longer than the frame and then you just take your glue gun and secure that frame into place by applying it to the skewers that touch it and then we're going to take our staple gun and we're going to put a staple in each one of those skewers for added security then we just flip our frame over check it and now we can add our corners now to add the corners all i'm going to do is add hot glue to the back of each corner and i want to press that into place and here are all of our corners in place then to hang this piece you can just add these optional frame hooks that you can get from the dollar tree and here is the final project all hung up oh my goodness i absolutely love how these turned out now i think that this gray stain was perfect for this piece and i really love how it is paired with that black iron look now wayfarers version is 79 and i think we hit the mark just right costing us only four dollars in additional supplies and check out these bottle caps for hardware i mean what do you guys think i can't wait to display these in my entryway you guys have to let me know in the comments how you would display these pieces in your home now for this project we're going to need two of these fence sections from the dollar tree and we also need two one by twos from the home depot now these come in eight foot long pieces and they're really inexpensive they only cost a dollar fifty four each now you could also use some five gallon stir sticks from the home depot and these are only 98 cents and you'll need three packs to make two frames now the first thing we want to do is to cut down our one by twos into four pieces at ten and a half inches and four pieces at 16 and a quarter inches now if you are using the paint stir sticks we're going to need four sticks for each one of the frames and again you want to cut two of those sticks at 16 and a quarter inches and 10 and a half inches if you want them to butt up end to end now if you wanted them to actually cross over each other which i do recommend if you use the paint sticks you won't cut that shorter stick at 10 and a half inches you'll cut it at 13 and a half so now that all your sticks are nice and cut i'm just going to go ahead and stain with my favorite you know it jacobian stained by mimwax so you're going to choose the prettiest side of the wood and then take your rag and you do want to apply one nice coat of that stain on the front side and the two side pieces now you do also want to stain the ends of the long piece because they will be exposed in your final project now once all of your long pieces are stained you want to go ahead and stain your shorter pieces and you want to stain them the same way but you don't want to stain the ends of these pieces because we will be adhering them to the wood and they will not be showing and now that all your pieces are nice and stained you want to sit them out for two to three hours to dry so while that dries we're going to work on our fence sections and we will be cutting these apart into four separate sections now to cut these i like to use just a pair of nice heavy duty sharp scissors and a combination of wire clippers if needed i found that these two methods work the best in cutting this fence so i like to start cutting my fence by first removing those sticks at the bottom we're not going to be using these so we're going to go ahead and cut those off and now we want to start cutting the sections of the fence apart now what you want to do is you just want to take your scissors and you want to cut evenly down the seam between each one of the sections just making sure that it is cut as evenly as possible until all of them are cut apart into four sections now we will be cutting the trim off of these little swirl pieces because this will be the main part of our project so you just want to carefully take your scissors and cut around all of the curves now when you cut around these you just you just want to kind of make them as round and as even as possible as you go now cutting off that top part was fairly easy and the bottom can be kind of tricky because it is a little thicker but you just want to be careful going around it and take small little cuts at a time i found that doing it that way will help prevent it from cracking so now all we have is these little bits at the bottom and we're gonna have to form these into a little round shape to make it uniform with the other swirls at the top and here is what one of the pieces will look like and we're just going to go ahead and take our small wire clipper and i'm just going to clip off any little burs and you can also use sandpaper to sand it down as smooth as possible if you would like and now we're going to repeat this for our other three pieces until we have all four of our pieces ready to go so we're going to set two of those pieces to the side and we're going to be cutting the two more um in half so i'm going to cut those right down in the middle a little bit um probably a little bit longer on the arrow side than the swirl side but we're going to cut them as shown here and then on the little swirl side we're just going to split those right down the middle in half so in the end we'll have two full swirls we'll have two half swirls and then the little swirls that we cut in half so now i'm going to grab my grid mat and this will help me lay out the pieces and make sure that my design will be perfectly even so we're going to start with those full pieces and we're going to butt those ends up together with the arrows facing out and we're going to slightly overlap them in the middle and we're going to work from the back side on this so flip them over with the good side down and we want to overlap those bottoms to make sure that they're going to be nice and even now to glue these i'm going to be using my sheer binder hot glue on the high temperature and i do have my wood glue sticks in there it does not matter which ones you use i prefer the wood glue sticks i think that they are a lot stronger and i'm just going to apply a layer of glue on there and stack them on top of each other to make sure they're bonded now once they are bonded i'm going to just generously apply another layer right on top of that seam just to make sure that they're nice and secure together and here is what it will look like be generous with this don't be shy now once that glue is firm to touch we are going to proceed with adding our two top pieces that we cut off from the other swirls with the arrows on there again we want to make sure that they are face down and they're nice and aligned now i did notice my ends were just slightly too wide so i'm just cutting the trim off both ends at the bottom to look like shown here just to make sure that they fit right in the area without overlapping and then again i'm going to take my hot glue and i'm going to apply it right on top of that glue that we just applied to it here those two side pieces together and then once that's on there you just want to place the very end of that piece right on top and you want to make sure it's nice and even and we're going to repeat this for the bottom side as well until that glue is nice and secure now once that initial bond is on there you want to apply a heaping amount of that hot glue at that seam where that piece was placed on top i just like to run the glue right down those channels and connect the channel of that piece along with the channel on that side and you can see here how i applied that glue now to make sure that these are definitely secure in place i'm going to take two of these zip ties and i am gonna apply around that seam between the main piece and those pieces we added now i got these zip ties from dollar tree they're really inexpensive and i believe they come in about 60 a pack [Music] so once those zip ties are nice and secure around there you just want to clip off those tails so now we're going to add those little swirl pieces so i'm just going to place one on each side just as shown here i'm going to place two at the top and two at the bottom now to make sure they fit i'm going to trim the bottom of each one of those swirls until it's nice and flat and it'll fit right inside of that little crease now once our cuts are nice and even move those out of the way because we're going to put a heaping amount of glue and we want to put it right at that junction at the bottom now we're going to wait for that glue to get nice and hard and then we're going to go in again and put some glue right on top now adding that glue at the bottom just gives it a little bit of height so these side pieces that we're adding now will fit right on top of there and we're just going to place one in each side of that glue that we just added and we're going to repeat it for the other side as well and now you can see how they are going to be attached so once that does dry we're going to go in with our hot glue and we're going to apply a generous amount of hot glue down those channels and in the middle where that connection happens and this will make sure that they are very secure and as you see here i applied a generous amount of that hot glue so those will not be going anywhere so now this is the piece all secured together so i'm just going to take my little dollar tree broom and i'm going to remove all of those hot glue webs on the piece and then once that's done you go ahead and take your other fence and repeat the process for a second one and here are my both both of my iron pieces are ready to go for my project so now what i want to do is just apply two coats of this flat black spray paint right on top now this will hide all of the imperfections and also give it a nice seamless finish on top now while that dries we can start working on our wood frame because now our wood pieces are now dry so i'm just going to take two of those shorter pieces and two of those longer pieces to start assembling my frame and i'm going to place the longer pieces on top and just sandwich those shorter pieces right in between [Music] so for a temporary immediate bond i am using some hot glue with my shirt binder wood stick glue sticks and i'm going to be using this to adhere it together just for a temporary bond i am going to be adding some screws later but this allows me to keep working without it letting it sit for a while to dry like you would have to do with wood glue so i'm just applying that on all the ends and then applying all the pieces together pressing firmly in place until it sets so i did mention i will be using screws and for this project i'll be using some one and a half inch wood screws to put on each end and i'll need four for each frame so before i like to add my wood screws i do like to add pilot holes and this will prevent the wood from splitting when you do add your wood screws and i recommend that you do not skip this step it definitely will save you some time and just make four pilot holes in each corner and here are all of my holes drilled ready for those screws and now i'm going to take my four screws and i've put my screw bit on my drill and i'm just going to start by hand threading it in and then screwing it all the way in with your drill now you're going to repeat this until all four corners have their screws and this will ensure that your frame is nice and sturdy now you repeat this whole process for your second frame until both of them are complete as you notice my screws my screws do have like a gold color so in order to remedy that i'm going to mix some of this nutmeg brown along with this black acrylic paint together until i get a color close to my jacobian stain because what i will do with this when i do have it is cover up all those screw holes so i'm just going to take that paint and i'm going to take a fine paint brush dip it inside that screw and around it to blend it in to the finish and you want to repeat this all the way around the frame so now that my iron pieces are dry we can start and add them to our frames so sit those to the side and grab one of those frames now what we're going to do is take one of our iron pieces and we are going to center it right on top and as you see those arrows just overlapped the frame just as planned so i'm going to take my hot glue initially and what i want to do is flip my iron piece over and i'm going to put a bead of hot glue inside each one of those arrows and i'm going to apply that to the center of my frame now i'm using this hot glue as a temporary hold because like i mentioned before i do like to use nails and screws in my pieces to make sure it lasts long and i'm going to use just these small brad nails that are only a half an inch long and i'm going to use this to apply this uh the iron to my frame so since they are so small i am using my needle nose pliers to hold them so i'm just going to place that nail right in the center of the arrow and nail that in the middle and then i'm going to repeat this all the way around the frame now i kind of do like how that nail is showing in there it actually gives it a rustic look but if you don't like it you could just take some black acrylic paint and i'm going to do this and show you how to do it i'm just going to take a little dot and cover each one of those nail heads and there you have it and now all we have to do is add our iron piece to our second frame so now both of our frames are mounted and ready to go so now to hang our piece all i'm going to do is add some jute twine with knots tied on each end now i'm going to mount a string on the top and a string on the side and that way it'll give you the option of displaying them horizontally or vertically now to apply these i'm just going to use my staple gun and i'm going to apply two staples at each end where that knot is on that jute string now you want to do this for the top and at the bottom of the frame and here are both pieces in place and now both of the frames have their hangers and they are ready to display and here are the completed frame pieces on display now i think these turned out so amazing now i really love the high-end look of wrought iron and home decor especially when it's paired with beautiful wood tones as shown in this piece and the texture of these fence pieces is so realistic now hanging these horizontally is such a great option too and it opens the door to so many creative ways to display them now i can definitely see them with a candle holder or a bundle of greenery or florals added to the center too now if you don't want to stain the wood you can also add a rustic weather finish like in gray or white and you can add it to the frame or even the iron piece itself you all have to let me know in the comments how would you choose to decorate and display these in your home [Music] now for this project we're going to need one of these garden fence sections from the dollar tree we're going to need three packs of the 5 gallon wood paint stir sticks that were 98 cents from lowe's we'll need one small picture frame stand and these are sold in multiples from dollar tree and we'll need two of votive holders or jars of your choice so i'm going to start with those 5 gallon paint stir sticks i'm going to remove one stick and then cut all the rest down to size now i ended up cutting my sticks down to 15 inches so now what we're going to do make sure all your sticks are unpackaged and bundle them in sets of four now you'll notice that one side has numbers and the other side is blank now this won't really matter if you're painting them but if you're staining them make sure your numbered sides are on the back so i'm using one of these carpenter squares from the dollar tree to make sure everything is lined up and perfect and then i'm going to use those cut off ends of those paint stir sticks to bond these together now i'm going to start by bonding them with my sheer bonder wood stick hot glue and i'm going to apply it to one of the sticks and i'm going to place it at the top of the back of the piece and then i'm going to adhere that bottom piece in place as well and then finally i'm going to take that last stick and i'm going to bond that in the center so now we'll have one solid wood plank to work with now i'm just going to repeat this process for the other four sticks and here are my two wood planks done so now we're going to paint the wood planks and i'm going to be using this white chalk paint now you can stain as well but i just wanted to have mine in a white chalk paint finish so i'm adding the chalk paint to the wood and then i'm going to apply it all over the front and the sides of the piece and here is one covered and we just want to make sure we do the same for the second one and once they're both covered just let them sit to the side to completely dry now while those dry we'll start working on the fence section now i'm going to start by removing all the tags and i want to remove those stakes first now i like to use my scissors but you can also use some wire cutters as well and sometimes i'll use those for some small parts now i have had a lot of questions about what scissors i use and these are called craft gear and i got these from ross a few years ago so i'm just going to cut off those sticks at the bottom first and then i want to remove those side pieces now since these are really small i'm using my small wire clippers just to snip those off as well and i'm going to snip them off on both sides of the fence piece and now they're both removed so now what i want to do is i want to cut these into four different sections and i'm just going to use my scissors for this now the key to this is just to take your time go slow and make sure everything is even as you cut so we're going to cut apart until we have the four separate sections as shown here so now grab one of those sections and we are going to cut this bottom part off so i'm just taking my ruler and i want to measure down to about three inches from that bottom piece now this will be my cut line so i'm going to cut that first and then separate it on each side as well and here is one of the pieces now in order to make sure that same size is transferred i'm just laying it on top of all of my other pieces to make sure i get that same cut and you'll end up with four of these tops and four of these bottoms so now you're going to take those four bottoms now we don't need this extra piece here so we're going to cut this off on all of our pieces as well and now that those are all cut we're going to do the same thing for the top pieces we're going to cut off those extra side pieces as shown here and now all of our top pieces are cut and ready to go so i'm going to lay down my sherbander silicone mat because we are going to assemble our iron piece so i'm taking two bottom pieces and i am going to flip them over with a good side down and i want to butt up those two flat ends together now all i'm going to do is run a bead of my hot glue along that seam you want to make sure you press the two pieces together because you do not want that hot glue running to the other side add a little bit extra to each end crossing over and you want this to completely dry and here it is all dried and we can go ahead and flip it over and continue working on our project now for each side we're going to add one of these top pieces as shown here now we're just going to overlap it on the top now originally i cut these two end pieces to an angle like an arrow but it's really not necessary i thought these were going to be showing at the beginning of my project but i ended up covering them with another idea so you can leave those straight as possible but this is how they will be lined up you just want to make sure the ends of the swirls are touching so what we're going to do to connect this is we're going to run a bead of hot glue on each end of that middle piece now this is adding some additional height because there is a little groove in here so we're going to add some hot glue in that groove and this will just fill in that extra voided space so we can actually connect the bond now we're just going to let this sit to solidify now once all of that has has hardened we are going to go ahead and add hot glue to on top of our existing glue now this should actually make contact with the other piece we're going to lay it on top make sure it's lined up and make sure those swirls are touching and we're going to do this on each side and here is what one of our pieces will look like so now we are just going to repeat the process for a second piece and now both of our pieces are finished now we did do a lot of cutting so i'm going to go ahead and apply a layer of flat black spray paint by krylon to cover all of my imperfections now while that dries our we're going to work on our wood planks because they should be dry now so i'm going to make some nutmeg brown and some black paint together to get a nice chocolatey brown color and what i want to do with this is add a little bit of distressing around the frame so once you get the color that you're happy with you want to go ahead with a small paintbrush and just kind of just drag it along the edge really randomly i mean when you're working with um weathered and wear it's usually just really random so you just i'm going around the edges and making it look like weather and shipping so here is one completely done and i'm gonna repeat this process for a second one and now i'm gonna let those dry so by this time both pieces are now dry after sitting and we can start to put it together so i'm just going to set one of the iron pieces on top of each one of the wood pieces now if you have any little overlapping as shown here you can easily just cut that down so it doesn't overlap and it fits well on top of the board now i did want to do have some extra security so i am going to use some half inch brad nails in these iron pieces to the board and this is just for extra security to make sure it stays in place now i am initially going to adhere these with hot glue and i'm just going to run it down that center seam along the back and i want to place it on the board and make sure it's even between the two ends and this just provides that initial bond [Music] now you want to repeat this for your other fence section on your other board as well and now i'm using my needle nose pliers to hold those tiny little nails and i'm going to apply them as shown here i'm just going to nail one in each one of the ends of the iron piece making here making sure it goes down into the board and here is one fully applied and then once both boards are applied we are good to go so now i'm going to work on my my picture frame holder now this is sold in dollar tree in the picture frame section and i'm just going to use some wire clippers just to snip that little hinge so both pieces will come apart and then use my wire clippers again to remove that hinge from the back so it's nice and smooth and now both of your hinge pieces are gone so you can use these in your project now before i add those hinges i am going to add my picture hangers and all i'm going to use is some jute twine with knots tied on each end i'm just going to lay it across that first stick and then add two staples at each end and this will be sufficient enough to hold up your item now you can add more staples if you like or use metal clips if you have them on hand so now we can add our hangers to our sconces so i'm going to lay the back side you want to make sure it's right side up and then you want to lay the back side of that little picture hanger on your frame now if you look closely you'll see some little dots on there and these were the perfect guide to drill some holes so i'll be able to strap these in so i'm going to drill one hole on each end of this side of the picture hanger with my drill now you just want to make sure your drill bit is large enough for a strap to go through so i'm just going to go ahead with my drill i'm going to quickly drill two holes on each one of those hangers now if you don't have a drill you can use an x-acto knife or wood burner to achieve the same thing [Music] so now i'm going to actually take my scotch piece and i'm going to lay one of those picture hangers on top and i'm going to mark a hole on each side on my wood backing where that hole aligns up this way i'll have a way to strap my picture hanger through the back and then i'm just going to drill a hole on each side where those whole markings are so everything will be aligned and ready to go and then i'm just going to double check making sure all my holes on my hanger and and my board line up now to initially secure this i'm going to add a piece of or a little line of hot glue on the top and the bottom in the center and then place that that hanger right in the center and just press it into place now this is just to have initial hold and make sure it stays in place while we work on our strapping now i will be using the zip ties that i picked up from the dollar tree now these are 60 in a pack for a dollar so i'm just going to run one through the back hole and then once i get it through the front i'm going to run it through the hole on my picture hanger and then i'm going to run it back through the back on the other side in the other hole we drilled now you may need your needle nose pliers to pull it through because i did drill my whole small i didn't want a lot of play then you just connect that zip tie and secure it tightly in place and repeat this for the top now once everything is nice and tight just go ahead and make sure that your hanger on the front is nice and secure and then snip those ends off your zip ties and here is one completely done and it worked perfectly and now you just want to repeat the process for your other scots and here they both are they are ready to go so now i'm going to take my two emotive jars that i got from the dollar tree and i need to add a hanger now you can use jute twine but i kind of want to use something that was black in color so i picked up this wire from the dollar tree now you can get this from the hardware section and all i'm going to do is i'm going to wrap it around the lip of the jar and i'm going to twist it around in a twisty tie and then i'm going to loop it around and i'm going to actually use my sconce as a guide to see how long i want that loop and how far i want my jar to hang down you just hold it in place with your thumb wrap it around once and then clip that end and then all we're going to do is wrap that end around that strap that you have across the top and twist that in place as well so now it's twisted on both sides and your hanger should be nice and secure so now i'm just going to go ahead and just make sure it's shaped nice hang it on there see what it looks like and it's perfect now you just want to repeat this for your second jar so now you're ready to decorate and hang these and here are my garden fin sconces both hung up and on a display now i really love this look i've had so many requests for adding a candle holder to my garden fence diys and these picture frame holders work perfect for this option now i added some rocks and succulents to my jars but you can add flowers fairy lights or whatever you like now these holders are very sturdy and it makes it possible for them to hold mason jars as well and this wood chipping accent is very subtle but it has that little extra rustic touch that i absolutely love now be sure to let me know what you think of this project in the comments below [Music] now we will be using three of these garden fence sections from the dollar tree you want to go ahead and lay down your cutting mat and grab your cutting tools now i'll be using wire cutters and my x-acto knife for this project now we will be cutting off the connection tabs on each end of the fence and all three stakes at the bottom then we'll cut it in half down the middle now to cut you could use these tools or if you have a hot knife that would be even easier now after cutting those connection tabs off we want to go ahead and snip off those stakes at the bottom now we can go ahead and cut it in half you want to find the center and carefully cut dashes down the center with your x-acto knife and then we can slice them apart now for your cut edges you can use a nail file or sandpaper to smooth it out you want to cut the second fence this way as well for four total parts now set those to the side and grab that third fence and we're going to be cutting out four of the scroll designs now we're going to be cutting around each side of the top of the scroll and then snipping at the bottom at the bottom of the scroll like shown here and then i'm going to be using my wire cutters to roughly cut out each piece before making my precise cuts now these are the four sections that you'll be using and now it's time to separate them now i'll be using a combination of my fine tipped wire snippers and my exacto knife for this and here's what your final pieces should look like now all we do is just sand down those edges and make them as smooth as possible next we're going to adhere the pieces together so i'm going to place some parchment paper down on my work table [Music] now we're going to start with the four side pieces so these will be laid out in a square formation like i'm showing here now once laid out you can go ahead and flip the pieces right side down and arrange the pieces so that the two side sections are slightly overlapping the top and bottom pieces now once it's all even we're going to be using hot glue and e6000 to secure these together we're going to start with one side and we're going to apply a generous amount of that e6000 to each corner in like a circle and then i'm going to add hot glue to the center of each of those circles then you just go ahead and place your side piece back into place and you want to add more hot glue around those edges where they connect now we're going to go ahead and repeat this on the other side now you want to wait about 10 minutes for the hot glue to initially set and then we're just going to carefully slide the frame over to start working on those corner pieces now take your corner piece and you want to position it where the side curls touch the frame and the bottom stem overlaps that corner and then once positioned you want to apply that e6000 and hot glue combination to the corner and set that piece into place and then you just want to apply some e6000 to those contact points with those side curls touch the frame and then you want to finish that off with some hot glue you want to make sure you repeat this on all four corners and let them dry for a couple of hours and then your frame is secured so now i'm going to take this dollar tree pizza pan and go ahead and remove the labeling i'm going to flip that pan over and slide the pizza pan under the frame and the back side of the pan and the back side of the frame should be facing you you want to center that frame on the pan as equally as possible then you want to take a sharpie and mark all four edges of the frame on the back of that pan so now you can pick up your frame and set it to the side what you want to do now is grab your e6000 and you want to apply a generous amount along the outer edges of the lines you just marked and then you want to follow up with hot glue now grab that frame and align it on top of the pan setting it into the glue and pressing it into place then you want to follow up with some hot glue along the edges now to help with maintaining good contact i'm setting these weights on top while it dries but you can use any weighted objects that work for you now once that hot glue dries just follow up and you want to add more hot glue to all the gaps around the frame where it contacts the pan and once those dry i'm going to apply a final layer of that hot glue in a zigzag motion over the fence and pan connection i'm just so extra but this will definitely make sure that connection will be solid now let that dry for an extra few hours and then we should be able to go ahead and flip that over and we can work on the front side now we want to start by taping off the edge of that pan because we're going to paint the frame now i will be using this white chalk paint now i'm just going to take my dry chip brush and gently apply the paint and i want to let some of that original fence finish show through this gives that piece that rustic and aged look and this fence is textured so that adds more character and here it is all painted so now this dries pretty quick so we can go ahead and remove our tape so next i'll be using these glass gems around the outermost edge of that pizza pan so to do this we'll be using e6000 so you want to apply a dab of that e6000 to each gem all the way around and the outside round is done so now i'm going to add a mirror to the center now this mirror is 10 inches in a diameter and i purchased it from amazon for about two dollars so before we apply it i'm going to go ahead and remove those little rubber pads off the bottom so it'll be flush to the pan then i'm going to apply a generous amount of that e6000 to the back now you want to carefully center it and apply it in place and once that's in place i can go ahead and apply that final round of those glass gems around the mirror and here it is all done now to hang this i'm going to attach a simple v-shaped hang wire made from wire from the hardware section of the dollar tree and here i'm just curling up the edges of the wire to add some leverage to the hook so now i'm just going to center that hang wire on the back of that pizza pan and i'm apply a generous amount of that e6000 to the bottom inch and a half of that wire and once that's applied let everything dry overnight all right so everything is dry so now what we're going to do is we are testing our hang wire everything is secure and we're good to go there okay so now i'm going to add some floral stem pieces around our mirror and i'm going to wrap those around the mirror like an accent now to apply these all i had to do was really tuck them under the pizza pan edge and they stayed right in place you just want to work them around the shape and arrange the flowers as desired now after letting your mirror fully dry and cure for at least 48 hours you can hang your final creation how beautiful is this piece i am so in love with this design and it looks so expensive that painting technique that we use gives this piece that rustic and farmhouse look that we're going for and it looks so realistic and adding those gems to the mirror really makes this a true showpiece for your home and your guests will definitely do a double take when you tell them about this diy secret now i chose these flowers since i love this yellow but you can choose any florals or greens that you like you can even opt out of using any trims or flowers if you like listen i hope that you all enjoyed seeing these creations again or for some of you for the very first time i hope that you're all inspired to create your own great home decor using the garden fit sections as well now if you love diys on a budget please give this video a thumbs up and share this video with your friends make sure that you're following shisocraftdee on facebook instagram and pinterest for the latest news sneak peeks and giveaways now if you like videos like these and you don't want to miss the next one make sure you're subscribed by clicking that subscribe button below or just click on my shisocrafty logo on your screen and then click on the bell so you will be notified when the next diy goes live thank you so much for watching and i will see you all next time you
Channel: She So CraftDee
Views: 448,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree garden fence, garden fence diy, dollar tree fence, dollar tree diy, top dollar tree crafts, dollar tree farmhouse, dollar tree high end diy, dollar tree wall decor, diy home decor, iron diy, Dollar tree diy, faux iron, Dollar Tree, dollar tree diy decor, home décor, dee hart, dollar tree crafts, dollar tree décor, she so crafty, she so craftdee, dee hart diy, dee hart tutorial, shes so crafty, dollar tree decor, diy farmhouse decor, best diy crafts
Id: xAq9_diEyPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 9sec (4329 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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