Michelin Guide Street Food Tour!! $0.64 THAI CURRY NOODLES in Chiang Mai, Thailand!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day at smart queens i'm in chiang mai northern thailand and today we're gonna go on a thai street food tour eating at three of the street food stalls that were featured that are featured in the michelin guide of chiang mai we're gonna have braised duck which looks unbelievable uh some khanom jeen which is uh rice noodles and then thai chinese dinner to end this street food tour though so in this video i'm gonna share with you all of the food from three street food stalls featured in the michelin guide [Music] and so we've just arrived to the first restaurant which is famous which is known for their petun which is braised really soft tender braised herbal medicinal duck you can just smell it as you walk in love the feel of this restaurant it's it really is their home and then just set up in their yard there's a series of tents there's a shelter they display the ducks at the front and then over at the front of here they have a whole glass cabinet and you can just smell that broth that master stock [Music] we wrote down our order got a duck noodle and a duck rice uh and then you come up with your you can write it on a little piece of paper put it on the front here that's typical often high street food style [Music] the soup immediately goes in on top of all the ingredients on top of the duck on top of the noodles then she sprinkles on a little bit of pepper looks like white pepper very fine white pepper and then immediately delivers to you to your table it's hot it's fresh you can just smell that trail of medicinal spices the star anise the the cinnamon in there there's probably like a mix of 20 or so different spices that go into that master stock and ah before we start eating they have self-service vegetables that you can garnish your noodles with your duck noodles so let's go get them ourselves self-service [Music] oh mostly just cabbage right just cabbage to go in the noodles so it's self-service oh bean sprouts as well this looks like um napa cabbage plate of napa cabbage i don't get bean sprouts as well all right and i don't know if i mentioned it yet but the restaurant is called and i got the large sized bowl comes with a bunch of noodles slices of duck a whole duck leg and then some of the duck blood and you can also see that garlic in the broth they add a little bit of garlic oil [Applause] wow oh that is oh that is masterful stock it you can taste the different soy sauce flavors in it and then at the back of your throat you just taste all of those chinese braising spices the star anise the cinnamon maybe the mace almost a nutmeg taste to it it's just smooth and comforting and warming at the same time i gotta take a bite of that drumstick before seasoning you're gonna order the feet he's ordering another portion of the feet the way that's been braised it's just absorbed all of that stock it's juicy it's so tender but now it's time to season time for the chili oil oh and just add aroma the smoky chili oh yeah this is gonna take things to the next level and just that fragrance is just unbelievable yeah a bit more for good measure and i will reach over here for a little bit of chili vinegar as well [Music] a little bit more of the chili vinegar goes in okay now that's the that's the color i want to see when i eat noodles let that go into the broth mix that around bean sprouts oh yeah [Music] [Applause] oh wow yes the smoky spiciness coagulated duck blood [Applause] [Music] that is the broth of wonders and the coagulated blood is just kind of like tastes almost it almost has the same feel as a really soft tofu um just kind of melts in your mouth and kind of like it's jelly blood jelly napa cabbage a little bit of napa cabbage on there a little bit of bean sprouts and then you can you can keep on adding vegetables as you keep on eating i love to just mix it around get them soaked in the broth and the spice and then keep on eating [Music] a step above and the spices and the care and the texture of that duck okay i'm gonna move over to the rice and for this he used some of the maybe the duck breast slice that up over the rice and then they drizzle sauce on it with sesame seeds on top [Applause] [Music] oh wow i love the the coriander and the sesame seeds on top too to contrast that sweet flavor of the duck but then usually for a kanape which is rice and duck you use this sauce the dark soy sauce it's mostly dark soy sauce and chilis but are not that spicy that's good too more of a sourness more of a little bit of a sweetness coming from the dark soy sauce as well oh yeah really light you really taste the the radish boiled in there that makes a great broth a great stock and then as we were digging in ying ordered one more dish which is a combination of blood the feet duck feet and the duck wings so this is just a ball of like bones extremely flavorful bones to just knot on and get all of that flavor but you can see how long it's been braised and how that skin has just dissolved into the soup broth and that's what makes it so flavorful and she said specifically this is the sauce that's used for the for the duck pieces oh that smells incredible all the ginger in there the ginger it looks like coriander roots as well and maybe fermented bean yeah it smells like perhaps fermented bean sauce as well oh that sauce smells amazing should we go for a wing this looks like the type of sauce i just want to apply as much as possible into every single bite maximize your sauce per bite [Music] wow yeah that sauce is amazing [Applause] the ginger the umami of the fermented bean perhaps the coriander root in there and then it kind of has a sweetened sour taste and then the meat on the wings is just like fall apart tender it's so flavorful it's so easy to lick the bones clean and he just slides up [Music] their chili oil here is just bumping with flavor [Music] add a little bit i really want to get the full flavor of that chili oil on this bite oh there we go [Music] this chili oil is masterful cup in my cup that was impressively delicious and it for sure is one of the better bowls of a breeze duck that i've had in a long time in thailand they really do have an edge a step a flavor notch above many others that i've tried from here we're driving back into the center of chiang mai about a 30 minute drive or so and we're going to the next place which is in the market okay and yeah as we're leaving now which is uh it's still only 10 30 as we're leaving they're starting to really get full though people are coming in people are parking on the side of the road guaranteed they have a lot of regulars they have a lot of regulars from this area and probably a lot of people from chiang mai that make the journey out here just for the duck and yes it is worth it [Music] here we are that actually just took that was about a 15 minute drive only we're gonna walk into the market for this next place it's to a market that should be called i think it's that one across the street [Music] spray the fingers with alcohol welcome to the market never been to this market in chiang mai but it's a big market looks like there's a lot of food court section pre-cooked food food made to order not just although they do also have fresh ingredients lots of fresh ingredients as you can see walking around as well but lots of restaurants lots of smoothie stalls juice stalls little bakeries little places and we are gonna have to walk around for a little while to try to find this place funny story we walked all the way we made a full circle around the market i couldn't find the stall and i look at the map and it actually looks like it's at that market that we got out of we parked the car right next to this other market which is right across the street i think it might be back at that market but that market looked completely quiet i think i think it's back over there this market is called bala but the stall that we're going to is called kanamjin sampacoi which is that other market so that's a little bit of a confusion but i don't know the story maybe there there's probably a story behind that we are in the right spot now i can almost smell the curry [Music] this is the spot called you can already smell they're just setting up right now they're just opening you can smell the herbs you can smell like the finger root in that curry that he's just dishing out right now they have five or so different menu options but one of the main one is the kanamji nam-nyao which is a northern thai favorite uh stew of pork and uh especially tomatoey broth but i think i'll probably order maybe two or three different versions to try a lot of jeans me [Music] and then immediately three different types of curries onto the noodles straight to the table that took about 10 seconds to order and get my food and we are here also at the perfect time right before the lunch rush but you can already tell there's some delivery drivers just waiting for their orders well look at the size of those curries too and even yeah look at yeah okay now we know why the market is so quiet right now because they take they occupy the seats of the entire market look how many tables there they have the green tablecloths all the way down to the other side of the market but i mean just look at the size of that pan of the which is one of their main dishes the the northern tomato stew it's huge it smells incredible i gotta begin with uh this is one of the dishes of northern thailand one of the dishes you cannot miss in northern thailand and it's it's really a comfort dish for the people of northern thailand it's tomato based usually pork and there's pork bones in here and then another spice another herb and it's actually a flower that is mandatory for meow is called dak new which is the flower it's the cotton tree or bumbacks [Music] oh wow that is fantastic oh that's like rich it's porky kind of earthy tasting you know what really comes through for me is the i think it's the tua now the fermented soybean the tartness of the tomatoes that's outstanding and the toasted garlic and really quickly just one more bite before we taste test the others i want to taste them all while they're hot but let me one more bite with a little bit of that pork bone that broth that soup is just ultra flavor okay next up for the kiawan this is the green curry with chicken it's very aromatic you really smell the basil the sweet basil really comes through and there's eggplant in there too [Music] that's excellent too sweet you can taste the rich coconut cream you can taste a little bit of cumin jira in there and then just the i like the eggplant actually just soaks it up it's so tender and you really what's really nice is you really taste the flavor of the the sweet basil in there very vibrantly [Music] i want a whole bowl of the eggplant third bowl is the gaeng petnua so it's a beef curry should be spicy you can see all the tenderness of that beef you can see the basil in there again and there's more eggplant as well again very fragrant you can smell the herbs [Music] oh wow it tastes like brisket the beef just melts in your mouth it's so tender this one has amazing balance of flavor though you taste the dry spice mixture definitely cumin and coriander seed in there then that's paired with a sweet coconut milk so you have that balance of sweet and spicious so when you take a bite like i just and you take a bite of the noodles it just kind of the curry and the flavor just gushes out of the noodles [Music] that beef is amazing let's get back to the nam yeah the noodles themselves are really good right like even though they've been sitting in the curry sometimes they'll get really warm they'll get uh inflated they'll get soggy these noodles they've been sitting in the curry for a while and they still remain remain nice and fluffy and airy and individual [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] wow that was so good and it went down so easily and so fast if you hadn't already eaten a giant bowl of duck noodles or braised nut noodles i'm sure you could eat five of these bowls in a row and be very happy but outstanding flavor uh for me the highlight was the nam nyo that stood out the most i love that earthy floral tomatoey tartness the umami of the tomatoes and also that the fermented soybean in there delicious what a spot now i know why the market was so quiet when we got here they are the market [Music] what a special restaurant and it is a full-blown production of a curry it's like a a curry assembly line within the market they're friendly it's such a cool spot the the plate that i had the namio is just 20 baht per plate it's affordable it's flavorful the market atmosphere eating in the market i loved it so that's two for two two outstanding street food stalls spots and one more thing remember to come to this market not the sampakui market which is across the street this is the market you're looking for from here we're going to take a little break this afternoon on this michelin guide street food tour of chiang mai and then there's one more restaurant which is a dinner restaurant that opens uh later in the afternoon at about 4 p.m so we'll go there late this afternoon for the final meal but for now it's time to take a little nap had a little break this afternoon and a heavy rain in chiang mai this afternoon and now it's just kind of drizzling it's just kind of wet uh but we're at the final restaurant just here again just as they open they open in the late afternoon at 4 p.m it's about 4 30 now this restaurant is called and it is uh restaurant which is boiled rice very thai chinese and then you get all sorts they have a huge selection of different stir-fry dishes fried dishes meats and vegetables huge menu of different dishes so this is really family style eating and we're going to have a big meal to end this tour but this restaurant was also featured in the michelin guide i think normally they do have some tables probably outside as well uh but due to the rain no tables outside today this is the type of place the very family restaurant where you order a bunch of different dishes and then share all together super bad they have all the different chinese stews and herbal mixtures going on here as well so often how it works at restaurants in thailand is that they have a bunch of ingredients at the front of the restaurant that they have on display that can be vegetables that can be different meats fried fish um and then when you make your order then they kind of take out the portions for that dish they mix up if you order a salad they mix up the salad right on the spot if you order one of the stews they dish just dish it out on spot uh but then if you order like a stir-fried dish oftentimes they'll get the ingredients from the the case right here they'll grab the ingredients put it on a plate send it back to the kitchen where they'll stir-fry it in a cloud of fire and smoke and then deliver it to your table joel is joining us for dinner tonight on the final leg of this tour the final meal of this tour food comes out just fast and furious but depending on how busy they are but of course the food every single dish takes about 30 seconds to prepare one of their specialties is the the clams with roasted chili jam and basil you can immediately smell that whoosh of basil as you set it down man it looks good i'm hungry it's awesome i'm going straight for those those clams first cheers on the first bite yes thanks man cheers [Music] oh that's the sauce you're just gonna lick lick the entire shell oh it's salty it's so fragrant from the chili jam not too sweet and so fragrant from the basil enjoy it's not really spicy but just it's so the roasted chili almost has more of a tomatoey flavor to it and i'm gonna follow that with a bite of my cotton and you can do it both ways you can take a bite of the the dish and then take a separate bite of the rice or you can put a little bit of the food into your your rice and then eat it from there okay i'm gonna move in for the eggplant next this looks incredibly good it's so fresh the eggplant is sliced fried there's basil in here again there's minced pork and then there's uh some of the soybean some of the soybean fermented soybean in there as well wow [Music] this is a dish that i always order oh that's tasty i love eggplant and i love how it just acts as a sponge to absorb flavor the taste of the fermented bean i think i will add a little bit of this to the rice because it's so tasty [Music] and that's the perfect balance okay next up for the yamabasali is gurami fish which is dried and then for this one they deep fry it um and then make it into a salad with lime juice with chili with peanuts with onions on top this is always a standard always something i look forward to ordering and eating i'm going in the spoon so i can put a chili on it i love it every time because of the dried fish it gives it the age the aged flavor yeah the crunch is beautiful and the crunch of the onions that's amazing i have never had that dish before no i don't think so yeah next dish is guichai so there's tofu in here and these are white chives i'm just going right onto the rice for this and i think the tofu is fried too so it has a little bit of a skin on it [Music] this is great what's great about the white chops is the texture the texture is very very crisp and chewy and that's just stir fried maybe a little bit of oyster sauce and maybe some garlic in there but very light but salty to go with the rice and then for vegetable we got pad mara which are stir-fried chayote leaves [Music] i love that crunch i love that freshness i love how the stems have a different texture from the leaves we get a bit of everything in one bite i'm gonna try this sauce i think it's a thai seafood sauce salty and sour and garlicky okay one more dish we have to try which is the soup the tom yum this is the type of tomato i love just that clear broth clear style herbs dried chili and just thin slices of fish but this looks clean and herbal [Music] yeah i know i was gonna like it just from the color just from the herbs in there could do with a little bit more dried chili but it is a really good balance the sawtooth coriander the sweet basil and then just thin slices of fish [Music] that is extraordinary yeah that is one of the better places i've had in a long time just nothing more or less than it needs to be this is just really classic thai chinese food katom restaurant just but really done really really well very family family oriented food they've really done an excellent job the taste is just like it's just pleasing is what it is it's just pleasing it's just comforting yeah yeah it's great if we lived on the street you could guarantee this is the kind of place that it's the default like if you don't have any other other idea you're coming here every time it's that good step outside the rain has just about stopped and that was just another meal that put a smile on my face that's three for three today just a fantastic day of food uh so i'm glad that all three restaurants were featured in the michelin guide and they are extremely well deserved and thank you for the recommendation from the michelin guide i'll have all the information the places in the description box below that you can check out and i want to say a big thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed you can click subscribe and also click the little bell icon so you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i publish good evening from chiang mai thailand and i will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,727,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thai food, Thai street food, street food, street food videos, Chiang Mai, Mark Wiens, food videos, travel videos, ข้าวต้มย้ง, ขนมจีนสันป่าข่อย, ก๋วยเตี๋ยวเป็ดตุ๋นสารภี, green curry, Thai curry, Thai green curry, Thai duck, best Thai street food, Michelin Guide, Michelin guide Thailand, Chiang Mai Michelin Guide, street food Michelin Guide, Chiang Mai street food, street food vlog, food vlog
Id: 2hV2MQpTdCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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