Ramsay SPEECHLESS After Chef Insults His Palate! | Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell and Back

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ladies and gentlemen could you just listen for 30 seconds please all of you I'd like you to stop eating wait wait wait what are you who are you [Music] Sorry Sorry watch the damn ropes coming out yo anyone roaches okay there's not like that these are some ridiculous as people I told you when you came here make sure you got show sit setup other than what I'm doing you didn't do that devil would know how to cook in the daytime if y'all life depended on it so just coming here and everything is made for y'all for the most part we all want to disappear oh wow Sarika first off half of that stuff in there is not especially the roaches we've never had a roach issues I wish the roaches were the only problem Chuck we've been open for a year right and we haven't made a dime yet and we're losing money that doesn't sound like a daughter that's concerned about losing money we can't even start to fix that restaurant until we're a little bit more honest with ourselves it was some of the worst Creole Weaver retn doesn't matter of your opinion my opinion yeah it's a matter of the palace the matter of my palate now you have the nerve to say that to me when you're being trained to be where you are I'm definitely trained to be where I eat no no he went to culinary school okay that's the basics you graduate Congress school then you go into the big bad world and then you learn how to cook why are we in this mess mismanagement and not having the experience who is the manager front of the house rights give me an insight over the last five years the Russians you worked in before you never worked in a restaurant ever managed to wrestle you never but you're the manager and you've never what I've been a manager I've never managed a restaurant yeah okay it's a big deal but what you managed I'm gonna be respectful to you you're gonna be respectful to me a quarter million dollars in debt and you want me to kiss your ass if you want to see my art folder you can watch me walk out the door because I'm not gonna say and take this from you that dilute a hold on a minute I'm just getting tired dealing with stuck-up precious little princesses what go back to the beginning when Daddy bought your restaurant stop saying your mommy and daddy gave you a restaurant this is all of our restaurant equally who put the money baby what does it mean to you that taking them down are you yes I know your parents on the version of separating why would you see me ruining our parents marriage are you crazy calm down now I know that you're helping the situation since my visit I'm pleased to share that this restaurant is stronger than ever sharika has continued to be a leader instead of a tyrant and his earning the respect other teas both she and Shana have begun to take the advice of their father charge regular parea and the day-to-day running of the restaurants has improved dramatically with less stress on their finances the relationship of Chuck and Arthur is back on track meaning this jazz family is truly back in harmony you
Channel: Channel 4 Entertainment
Views: 11,706,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel 4, all 4, ramsay, gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares, gordon ramsay cooking, gordon ramsay animated, gordon ramsay steak, gordon ramsay scrambled egg, gordon ramsay burger, ramsay screaming, ramsay fires people, ramsay family drama, ramsays kitchen nightmares, stones throw restaurant, bayou on the vine gordon ramsay, bayou on the vine full episode, bayou on the vine 24 hours, bayou on the vine 24 hours to hell and back, bayou on the vine episode
Id: Vy_QTMp45x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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