Inscryption ARG Update: The Real Solution Nobody Found

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hey so i made a very minor error so and you may have seen the arg video and if you haven't i i definitely go watch that first because this video is kind of an update to that video and it's not going to make any sense otherwise uh and also that video has been popping off i've never had a video do that where i just upload it and youtube picks it up in the in the algorithm and it just gets recommended to people and it's been insane i've seen people just like flooding into my channel and and i've seen hundreds of comments and i've read every one of them so it's it's really fun interacting with people and also i've learned a lot more about the game from everyone i've interacted with and i'm glad to see that people appreciated the video but i talked to daniel molins a little bit on twitter after making the video and he told me that a solution for one of the puzzles was incorrect uh in particular in particular this one the the one with the cabin the the floor equals roof one since you take floor you saw the mirror post-it note and you flipped it and that got you roof so people assumed look at the floor then look at the holes in the roof and as it turns out this is just total coincidence that this worked like it was just complete and total chance that the number of holes in the roof like four and one red from left to right added up to two seven three four one which just happened to be the final third of that cipher or final half of that cypher i don't remember man been a while but it's crazy to me that this was like totally randomly solved and he even told me like no one's found the actual solution and so when when i saw that my ears got all perked up and i knew i wanted to search for it so i asked him for a hint and he told me to go look at the floor textures in the game so that's what i did and the first floor i thought of was leshi's cabin floor like maybe there's something hidden there so let's go take a look at that and so here we are in leshi's cabin so you can't really get a good look at the floor at the moment but uh using the power of of mods this is a mod made by by copy on the inscription mod page i can probably link it in the description if you were interested in this but it's a free cam mod that i have there we go i had to back it up the controls are a little goofy but the game is definitely not made for this i gotta bump up the speed oh i went a little too fast didn't i oh and we're in but we're upside down oh oh there we go okay so we're in in free cam mode here and so we can we stuff our face into the floor here and we can see it's this like wooden plank texture you probably don't even see this also unless she's just a floating head by the way but you probably don't even get to see this when like you're normally playing because you can't really even look down but in here there's a hidden number but you could sit here and cram your face into textures like this for an hour and you probably never even notice it so what you can do is extract the the textures in the game using uh unity asset bundle extractor or uabe or asset studio so this is asset studio where we can load files we can load in every level in the game as well as the assets for the game and this will load every texture every animation every behavior in the game and allow you to like select them so these are all animations right here but i want to filter on textures because we're looking for floor textures and in particular we're looking for leshi's floor so i can i can filter on floor here and it gives you every floor texture in the game whether it's in the 2d section or the 3d section but what i want is wooden floor here which is this looks this will look familiar boom there's the floor so i i stared at this and all the other floors for like a solid hour and i found nothing i zoomed in i played with the contrast colors etc i got nothing but after a while i went back to daniel it was like hey i i spent like an hour i got i got nothing and then he gave me another hint which was a bit more than a hint it was more of just the solution or at least the first part of this but he pointed me back to wooden floor but the important part was that he didn't just point me back to the regular wooden floor he pointed me to the normals version of wooden floor which is just the normal map for the texture and normal maps provide depth and extra detail to a texture and make it look 3d when it's actually just a 2d flat image but what it is doesn't really matter that's not the important part here what is important is that there's something hidden here so if we take a screenshot and move on over to we can take a little closer look at this so i pasted it over here in and i bumped up the contrast just a little bit to make things pop out just a bit more and we we're looking at this normal map here and if you probably can't see it right now because it's very hard to see so i'll zoom in a little bit and adjust it so you might be able to see it now and if i keep going on it a little closer it's a little easier to see now and then if i turn off the red you'll definitely see it now do you see it you see it right there there's like a two just just kind of chilling right right here you see it and it's it this has been here the whole time in the floor and so this was the first one he pointed me to and so if you remember the code was like two seven three four one so that right there is our two and this has been hidden in the floor the whole time and so he sent me this file and i pulled it up and i found the two on my own and so i was like dude i found i found it and he was like well yeah cool now find the rest and he also told me that they appear in sequential order so since leshi's cabin floor is the only floor in part one that would mean these other four numbers here are hidden in parts two and three and so after i found that first two on leshi's floor i assume the next one would be somewhere in part two so i started digging around and looking at every single floor in part two and i looked at all these super close but one of them had a little symbol on it that was kind of painfully obvious on on a second viewing and it was right here it was the the mycologist's hut which i'll pull up a bigger image so we can we can get it we can look at a little better and so here you can you can see it there's this down here in the bottom right there's a seven just straight up here and this was i was really curious how people missed this because like wouldn't this be painfully obvious in the my college's hut uh when people walked in they're like oh what the heck is this little seven in the bottom right doing here but if we go back to the game we can see in the mycologist hut that there is no seven down here there's like a wall blocking it so this is something you would never be able to see in game you have to actually extract the textures and look at them in some sort of extractor program so that's our second number uh the seven here on the mycologist floor and so now we're at two seven and from here i was like super excited because i found two numbers and i never even thought i'd find them uh so i i just kept digging through all these and i looked at all these part two floors and i even looked at a couple that i totally thought had numbers in them like that this dredging floor here uh if i paste it here you might be able to see it but there's like a and here this is the dredgers room or dread treasure dredging no dredger's room there's like this goo on the floor it looked like a three right there it looked like a three right there and and right here but it was just sideways and it could just be goo but so i reached out to daniel again and he was like no the rest are in part three and the finale and and so i can boot back up inscription and show off where the rest of these are in game so our next number is three that we're looking for because we know the code's two seven three four one so three would be our next one and i'm here at the the great transcendence like right before it but our next oh don't pay attention to that our next number is let me get to a good spot here so if i if i whip out my my handy dandy camera here and then whoop move around and now i'm looking at the floor this is our next floor texture here and so it's just like a metal plate and this one's this one was tricky because it's not actually called floor in the game files and it's another one you can just you could look at it for hours and you'd get nowhere and you'd see nothing but if we pull up asset studio again we can filter on it doesn't show up in this list of floors here but we can filter on i don't know what was that like metal something and that comes up with a ton of textures and things but what we were looking for here is i forgot what it was called um it is called there it is what we're looking for here is metal plate 3 which that's the normal map which we're not looking for right now but there boom and so we got color and look at that that is exactly what we were looking at just a second ago in game but you look at this one you don't really see anything again and the the trend from leshi's floor is continued here in that it's in the normal map actually and you you probably can't even again you look at this no clue there's something hidden in here but let me let me pull it up in and show you what's up here so i've got it open here but we don't want the alpha channel because that just kind of makes it so we see through the image which we don't want to do uh again just seeing the red normal map is not what we want to see so i'm going to turn off the red channel and maybe you can notice it right now i'll i'll make it a little easier i'll do that you see it if you still don't see it i i don't blame you but so on this let's see we got we got 16 squares here but on this second row second column one here you can see this little mark right here and what's that look like that looks like you guessed it it's a three it looks like a three and and you know it's special because like none of these other greats have that and it's does that that's our third number it's in pose factory not p3 i've i've learned my ways i've been told too many times it was poe the whole time it was leet speak i was the nerd for not using leadspeak and calling him po turns out it was his name the whole time not p03 that's beside the point what we got we got our three it was hidden in the floor in pose factory and so after that i made i made a dumb assumption here because i was like okay so there's the three in act three that would mean maybe there's something else in act three and this i kind of screwed up here but you can see on on the door there's this is four right i think i think a lot of people know about this but i didn't know about this and you don't really even like if i oh my god my camera's all walked but if you walk over here like you don't even see it but if you go down below you can see a four here and i i kind of assumed this was our fourth digit the four but i was totally wrong if anyone knows what this is for let me know i'm a little curious but our next number is actually in the finale so i'll get moving along with the great transcendence so we can check that out okay so here i am in the great transcendence we're in crypt right now which if you remember he told me that there were textures in part three and the finale and so i kind of found the only floor in part three the factory floor last time so that would mean that our last two have to be in the finale right so if i let me give situate my camera real quick and so what we can do here is look at look at our floor here and so it's this like weird rocky path thing oh look at the lights all right the lights are a little funky when you're when you're out of bounds who knew if you're going somewhere you're not supposed to be goes a little little wonk let me only situate it here there we go okay so you can see it's just like this rocky texture on the ground and so if i whip out asset studio real quick and we go to our floors there's no real rocky floor in here like i don't see it anywhere in here and so i search rocks right i find rock three rocks rocks rocks rocks rock rock rock rock and then boom look at that that's that's that's the one right pretty sure yeah that's that's the one that's the one we were just looking at that's the crypt floor texture and so this is our fourth number here so it'd be a four but again looking at this i got i got no idea what's in here there's there's nothing hidden here right nothing that pops out immediately right uh but if i filter for is so it's called a rough underscore rock o three we again get the color map or just the texture and we get the normal map and again just like the last two 3d ones uh it's hidden in the normal map again so we'll whip it out in again and we'll see what we can find then boom we got our uh our rough rock number three right here but again we don't need the alpha channel that's just gonna make things transparent and it's gonna make this infinitely harder to see and i'll even zoom in a little bit here and you're still not going to see it there's no way you can see it i'll even turn off the red channel there's no way you see it right now right if you see it i'm impressed i'll even i'll even zoom in a little bit and you can probably see it now a little more maybe not still but here i'll just show it off [Music] look at that this this is insane there's a freaking four just like in this tiny ass texture there's just a force in here and no one's found this and i think i think it's crazy well not it's not crazy that no one's found this i think it's just such a crazy solution to this but we're not done yet we got one more floor and there's only really one more floor left in the game because you got the fight with grimora here where you're just in this crypt and then you get taken to leschy which is back in leshi's cabin so that's the same floor as part one so no difference there but then you got the final one at magnificus's ruins or wherever he's at so if i whip back out into free cam mode oh it actually put me in like the perfect spot awesome uh you can see magnificus has a neat little floor pattern here with some uh some nice bricks i get i get a little light when i when i go towards him i'm upside down oh uh but you get this little brick pattern which looking at it you don't really see it because just like the other three they've got hidden numbers in their normal maps but we just got to find this texture first and it's not called floor like the others so i'll whip out asset studio again and so we can look at uh so that one was made of what brick so we can search brick and hopefully filter it and look look at that you get ancient ruins brick which that's that's not what we were looking for at all but then you get paper brick which oh there he is that looks familiar and then obviously nothing and then in the regular colored texture but then the normal map is is where we're going to look again so i'll pull it back up in for the last time this is our fifth and final one and we remove the alpha and so i'll give you one last shot to try and find it here this one is actually one of the most obvious ones so if you can't if you can't see it again i'm impressed but it's less hidden than the rock one at least but i'll turn off the red channel and maybe you can see it now it's this one's pretty obvious so far but i'll do another zoom and you can definitely see it now right right right right right right look at looking there he's been here the whole time mr mr one's just been sitting there it's just chilling just chilling right there that's crazy i i just don't get this and so that's our fifth number here so that completes the old two seven three four one which was part of our floor cipher uh but yeah it was never supposed to be the roof floop that that's what the solution to the floor cipher actually was it was just these numbers hidden in the textures that nobody has found according to daniel mullins uh you know what no one's found him and so i i'm just i wanted to show this off because he pointed me in the direction on the first one and i was able to dig around and find the rest but the cabin was never the answer the cabin roof holes were never the answer to this it was just pure coincidence that you could reverse floor to make a roof using the mirror roaring as the as the hint and then the holes and the roof were four and one it's just it's so much coincidence i can't help but laugh at it now i'm sure daniel was like what the what the hell what how'd they get this it's just so it's so funny to me but that's really it i i wanted to show this off because i was told i was wrong and i wanted to know what the actual solution was and again i hope this was cool to you and thank you for watching and again thank you for the huge amount of feedback and huge positive reception reception to the arg video i've had a video get a little popular in the past but like this has never happened to me before where i just upload a video out of the blue and it gets into the youtube algorithm and just starts getting recommended to people and i suddenly have people flooding into my channel and it's still not a lot of people it's it's only like a thousand people but still that's like an insane amount i've been sitting at 150 for about seven eight years forever and it's crazy seeing that my number finally move i'm super thankful for that and i'm excited to see where the future takes me speaking of which i don't really know what to make after this i kind of want to make a video on the hex's arg like i mentioned in the other one i want to make something on pony island it's final secret that i don't think there's really any video covering it uh and then some other stuff maybe if you can think of anything else let me know but in the meantime i'm going to make those the hex arg video next but i'm going to make that later but after a personal video i want to make it's probably not going to do well but i want to make it and i'm going to try to get that done before the end of the year but i'll see you probably in next year when with the the hex arg whenever i get around to that so thank you thank you again for watching and i'm glad i could show this off and i hope it was cool i don't know what else to say i kind of just talk in circles oh also do you know the bonelord's corpse is hitler turns out the hundreds of comments that told me about that uh turns out there's a bonelord corpse on in the bonelord's zone that has the the karnaval cards in the pocket which implies that the bone lord is the head of that body which would imply that the bone lord is hitler i don't know i got told like a hundred times also i need to go learn morse code apparently oops i'm surprised people watch me ramble about that for like five minutes uh but side notes all of those uh thank you for watching and i hope this was interesting because i i don't think i've ever seen anyone talk about this i might be the first we'll see i'm going to stop rambling because i'm i should probably go so bye i'll catch you later
Channel: Flemmonade
Views: 202,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inscryption, ARG, Puzzle, Secret, Hidden Numbers, Solution, Daniel Mullins
Id: lrE4f3CaKaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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