Amanda learns how to bale!!

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oh oh that's the power of the straight pipe on there you wouldn't get that kind of performance with a normal muffler that's all to do with the straight pipe so we're gonna stick this son of a and uh probably in i don't know what that is there be probably be one now we got this big thing in mind hey guys how's she going today well we're just raking in the pasture here on this little bit that we do for hay uh over here is pretty decent but see coming up up here it kind of goes to uh this is like half the crop this place usually is but i'm kind of thinking this is gonna be the last year that we can cut this for hay because we're gonna end up needing the whole thing for pasture after but are like in the next years coming up here and what have you but it's all right because it's pretty bloody rough this is all native prairie grass this it's never been touched so we'll get what we get here this year and then yeah see what comes next year but [Applause] anyway dad's gonna come jump in the right here and do some and i'm gonna go fix the uh vermeer the knife on it it's broke for cutting twine won't be too much of a job to repair and then i'm going to work on failing this so tomorrow we're going out to near brandon and look at some more cows four of them uh we actually bought two pears today at candy hack auction mark two more special parts they're papered purebreds even so amanda's pretty happy with them but anyway dad's walking over here so i'll jump out and let him take over and i'll bring it back again in a bit oh yeah that's a hay crop don't even know where the swath is nice i like that so there this shows you how it is here this here too just like everyone else um you go back way back in the videos to about this time last year i got a live stream and a couple videos of making hay here and there's about 30 acres here last year i think i made 90 bales on this i've done one chunk already i got seven seven where i usually have about 30. i mean like here isn't terrible because this is a real low-lying area where a little bit of moisture we did have kind of pools up but on the rest of it like look at that two swaths put together oh man if i knew it was all this late i think i'd have told antoine not to cut the whole thing just do the heavy spots and the rest of it but ah brother whatever i guess is what it is so we'll have uh we'll have a couple more bales anyways i guess but uh thank god it all wasn't this terrible they've been eating a lot of pea straw otherwise um so after this we're gonna go over to uh that'll be tomorrow probably later on after dinner if it doesn't rain there's a chance of thunder bangers so hopefully that's true but uh i got 30 acres of hay at the neighbors there yet ah it's cut i'll go and break it and hopefully uh start on bailing that tomorrow also some tight kitties here trying to turn around there we go but yeah i don't know that's what's happening making a kind of a scruffy bale over here because the grass is so short i got the twine just about to max there but whatever i haven't heard a cow complain yet because the bale didn't look good so all looks the same when it's in a file after they've eaten it anyway i guess i'm going to keep on breaking here now and then i'll jump back in the baler again dad done a little bit but he's gonna go bale some with the 50 20 for uh one of his work friends at the rm his a looks about as good as this so he cut a bunch of ditches too but his uh 2096 he doesn't have duals and uh a little bit too tippy canoe for his likings doing the ditches that he's cutting so dad's gonna go do it for him with the 50 20 in the old soft core and i think he's just about done what he had or he'll be if he's not done tonight he won't have very much left to do for him tomorrow anyways and then he was going to maybe cut a few more ditches and we said we would uh bail it do it on shares kind of he cuts and we bail it or something so i think is kind of the plan on a couple of other roads too but anyway keep raking this bumper crop here together and all uh talked again here in a little bit having fun having fun just eyeballs well amanda's making her first bail here of her career gracie are you gonna bail when you're bigger no what are you gonna do nothing oh well that's not gonna work out very well anyways bring it back again in a few there i made two bales with her that's a good enough lesson she's watched me make lots there's a severe thunderstorm watches for here so hopefully we get something but that's why i'm trying to get this wrapped up don't really want it getting rained on it's such nice hay but if it did it did because that means it's raining so six of one half dozen of another so anyway we're gonna go to the yard get 50 20 in the soft core and there's some lighter shitty stuff at home not very much but a little bit left we're gonna go finish up and a mannequin finish there's probably only six seven acres left here so it isn't going to take her very long to finish but i guess talk to you in a bit what a mental girl same with that i got to put it back inside after we're done bailing here this is a big thunderstorm on the plate i have a couple acres to do in the pasture here with this guy so [Music] i uh mom and dad are going to atletic dad was failing here with this that's how i off with the other baler but he didn't quite get it done here so i figured i'll get amanda bailing on that and then i'd come back here and finish this and then everything will be done uh we went to two miles south of brandon here this morning and we bought four more sim and call bread cows with april-born calves and then we also bought two purebred papered speckled park yesterday out at candiak i'll show you here real quick when we drive by let's go over by the pen here there's the red girls there's the speckles there's quite a few animals for sale since there's uh quite a few places and a lot worse shape than us that are short on feed it's kind of favorable for us buying but you feel bad for the guys having to sell them but they can always buy more here in the years when there's grass again maybe they'll buy mine back here if we're in the same shape as them in a few years but anyway we just got to go over there by the trees and i'll bring you back when we're going [Music] [Music] so [Music] no hard rain yet hard rain but not hard rain that's good well we got done bailing just in the nick of time anyway i like that look at that new tire on there just need four three more now feed stop running over it should be a lot cheaper around here right one what well stubble anyway keep watching it rain rain here nothing at grandpa's the place that really needed the rain but oh well what do you do bring a few tanks over there maybe well it's later on in the evening we had a couple good couple good thunderstorm drill through but there's another uh pretty hairy one to the north here lots of hail in according to the radar so hopefully it stays over there we'll see what happens i guess pretty angry cloud though grandpa's there a few miles from his place had three inches his house not a drop oh god it's funny how that works but we had about an inch and a half here all in all so far so that's perfect i mean i wouldn't turn down a bit more but don't need hail in it anyway i figured i'd show you the light show here so talk to you in a bit of something interesting happens well it's the next day we didn't get uh we got a bunch of rain at home but we a man and i midnight ran around and hit vehicles inside because i will uh put a picture here of the hail that happened in redwoods but our one buddy he got wiped out completely and i'll show you coming up here i get just barely missed us at home this hail storm the stuff is just up here i'm just bringing home the uh 36 foot flex header for the 2188 and i gotta drive without air conditioning because the truck's trying to get hot on me here in the it's so i'm crazy hot outside it's just disgusting it's 32 or 34 degrees feels like 41 oh my god it's just terrible anyway um went and looked at the millet too i plucked one look at that big long bastard back there it's as tall as my hip as high as the hood on the truck here anyways most of it so that should make a couple bales i would hope anyway we're just getting up to the highway here so when we uh get over the highway it's on the other side more than it is over here like this stuff here all looks real good yet the strip that come through at the angle and i mean home is over here and it kind of went this way it it just missed us anyway i will bring you back here in a minute probably kind of hard to tell in the video here yet but it's like a third of what was there what's still standing you can see how thin note it is don't know it's kind of hard to show in the video but see how knocked down and chopped down this canola here was flowering to be held now it isn't not good and it kind of passed through at an angle here and uh i don't know can you see that there's a tower right over that bush well the yard is just over here so like that shows you kind of how close it come to getting us at home there i don't really know how far like i think up here is kind of the angle you can see the the barley starts getting a little bit better as we go here it's not as chopped down like i think this is kind of about the edge of it here almost but craziness now this insane heat and humidity i wouldn't be surprised if we got something else again here tonight there's a chance of thunderstorms all week just about so we'll see we will have a tornado and that'll be that anyway i suppose i'll bring it back when we get back to the yard oh my goodness is it terrible outside uh so my buddies down here that we we sold 100 acres of oats for them and on trade for the work he's helping build uh we're gonna do a half mile offense here at home so he's helping build that on trade for uh the seeding like that figure that's not a bad deal so uh we've been putting posts in all morning we got all the uh big uh like seven to eight inch around the posts about ten foot tall pushed in on all of the corners and now we've got one wire strung for a straight edge or a straight line and we're gonna start putting in the three to fours here so uh i just ran into the yard to pick up a bundle here he's over there with the 40 20 and the post pounder and dad's over there with the dodge and the quad and all the fencing uh tools that we need and uh like i said i'm just on my way back there now just over by the yard there so i suppose i'll bring you back again here in a few [Music] [Music] mind so well it's the next day again uh i'm in the halftime here with a load of 10 bales behind her she's a pretty good pull the old wagon for the old 5'3 but she's getting her done anyway amanda's in the tractor we just went and got the cows out of the neighbor's wheat they decided to go for a walk the whatever they didn't do hardly anything neighbors not too worried about it they used to have cows so they know what it's like so um they uh just kind of pushed through the wire in the one spot i don't know just decided to go for a walk i guess but whatever they're back at home on the the home pasture now they're the ones that we had near town there just on a little grass piece we made not a kind of a quick shitty fence there when we were running out of hay here running out of grass for them before it started raining again here a little bit but whatever all is well so i guess we're gonna go home and unload these here dylan and i had done pretty good yesterday getting posts and we got quite a few done and dad put up a few strands of wire and nailed them in place so this weekend coming up here when he's not at work again there old buddy guy old wes we will uh finish uh well maybe not quite finish the fence but we'll be damn near done it anyways but anyway we're gonna head home and unload these and see what else we can get into but i think this village is long enough so hopefully you enjoyed it make sure you hit that like button comment subscribe all that kind of fun and we'll talk to you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 23,744
Rating: 4.9481921 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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