860 does a test in the peas!!!

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oh oh that's the power of the straight pipe on there you wouldn't get that kind of performance with a normal muffler that's all to do with the straight pipe so we're gonna stick this son of a and uh probably in i don't know what that is there be probably be one now we got this big thing in mind hey guys how's it going today well we're bin building today fixing whatever you want to call it uh rob kind of traded labor here to help do this bin for when we used my spray coop to spray his canola right rob yeah yeah we're running out of cut off wheels here kind of going through them quicker than we thought so we might be making a trip into town here to get a few more there's all these spots where the old sheets are crinkled up and rolled over well we can't get to the bolts from this side so we were cutting them off on the inside there's gonna be a few we still can't get we're going to just have to cut with the uh axle after to get all that junk to fall off because we're taking this bottom ring and then there all the way around and about two shorts two sheets short of being the entire bottom of the bin here where things are all catty wampus like that so anyway see if we can zing them off and we'll talk to you in a few alrighty there's a couple bolts like i said all folded in there we can't get to so we're gonna just cut the old sheet maybe cut the old sheet off and uh then we'll be able to just kind of pull the out of the way and get the bolts out after but anyway do some casting here and we'll bring you back in a few so i just figured before i forgot about it my little gamble i took on cutting that first crop of hay there way way back if you remember i was hoping i'd get a second cut on it she kind of paid off here not bad actually look at the regrowth on that so antoine's just out here cutting it right now i mean it's not crazy some spots are really shitty some spots are real good so i mean even if i got a half a bale an acre that's another 15 bales so i'll take it anyway he just wanted me to come over and look he wasn't sure i said i'll cut it all even the shitty spots i got a rake for a reason so anyway um they were the wrong sheets for that bin they're 14 foot sheets and i need 19 for the radius so they're uh too short when you gotta try to stretch them over and when you do that to them being a nice curve they curl that story they'll have to just order me their eight ones so we gave up on that project and i came home and i've been working on the massey all morning and i think we are almost ready to go pull a sample in the fees here so hopefully hopefully we're good to go but anyway figured i'd show you this too before i forgot about it talk to you in a few well we better stop and see what kind of job she's doing nice boys are they dusty they're coming in surprisingly well though i'm just gonna kind of go up and down here get a good feel for the fields on very good overall sample i think there's gonna be a few too many greens in it though and they're having a way to couple more days i think but it isn't very far off so so so so so well they're not quite ready to go yet there's uh just a few too many greens in it yet uh it's real hot out and supposed to stay real hot out so uh ah i'm give it another day or two you know a couple afternoons from now she'll be uh she'll be good to go i think so anyway we will uh just park the old massey here for a few minutes and then uh well the kids want me to go swimming with them in their little pool so i think i'll do that for a little bit and then i'll fire up the 4440 and the baler and we'll bail up that little bit there just to get it out of the way uh i'll move the three ton out of the way here too because dad's gonna be on his way or should be back here anytime now with the uh towing truck in the last load of millet bales they're getting stocked there making a big pyramid because they're running out of room so i was kind of hoping this stuff would combine so we'd have room for the rest of the bales but whatever couple days from now we'll be good so anyway i guess i will talk to here in a few well fairly late the next day is it smoky bc there is on fire and there's aren't they overdue for an earthquake they were gonna fall off into the ocean might not be a bad thing for him and put the fire out ah god anyway i've been uh working on the swather all day and uh charged up the ac i know sooner i did that it's not overcharged but it's like the ac pump is seizing up so all i have is a gauge for the low pressure side i can't check the other side so i'll have to get someone to come tomorrow and take a look at it and i'm kind of suspecting maybe the uh receiver dryer i mean the expansion valve or the receiver dryer one of the other uh buggered up on it and it can't push it through it it's kind of my theory anyway but whatever so dad's working on 4640 and antoine is bailing his green oats and i said to him if i got things done here in time i'd jump in the other baler here and come give him a hand so i think that's what we're gonna go and do anyway throw some fuel in the old girl here and we'll be on our way so talked in a little bit well i just got down to tuan's green oat patch here he's got some pretty gross coaster kosher patches he left but um he done his headlands but he got into the main part of the field and it's not quite ready yet so i think we're gonna go back to the yard and hook the uh v-rake up and uh he's gonna come flip it around and then that way tomorrow after dinner the rest of it will bale we can hit it with the both of them and be done with it that way so but i think this bridge is long enough so i think that's where we'll leave yeah look at how smoky it is though you can't even see the sun gross anyway i guess thanks for watching make sure you hit the like button comment subscribe all that kind of fun and we'll talk to all you in the next one [Music] laughs [Music] you
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 17,825
Rating: 4.9856043 out of 5
Id: x8w7ZntzxBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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