Bailing the heaviest clover crop I've seen!

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oh oh that's the power of the straight pipe on there you wouldn't get that kind of performance with a normal muffler that's all to do with the straight pipe so we're gonna stick this son of a and uh probably in i don't know what that is there be probably be one now we got this big thing in mind we're gonna just step it out of the way oh wrong button hey guys how's she going tonight well we're almost done my last piece of hay here are on this uh 150 acres 150 acres from hell we've had more issues with the machines and 50 10 went down just it hasn't been much fun this one so we're pretty happy that it's over with from past experience you always have one piece that's a nightmare and i guess this was the one so hopefully the millet and the green oats and the other i don't know there's 60 acres worth of grass hey we have left to cut on two other pieces will be a little bit better than this so anyway i guess we only have uh oh maybe 10 minutes left here 15 minutes and that'll be a wrap so i will talk to you again here in a little bit well it's the next morning and uh got a load of the second load of hay put on the trailer dad took one last night and put one more honor here because i'm gonna take the uh loader off this tractor now to go bale our sweet clover pretty sure it'll bale here shortly it was real close yesterday and i don't think we had much do or anything last night so hopefully it'll be close because there's quite a few days of rain coming now of course i want it to rain but i don't want it to rain on that whatever hopefully if we can get going here with both of the balers we'll have a pretty good dent in it there anyways so but i suppose i'll bring you back here in a couple minutes when we're taking the loader off okay never mind the loader's staying on changed my mind he's got like 33 or so made there already so if it does rain like they're saying it probably it's probably going to we can haul uh one load or load and a half worth of them anyways what's already been made so anyway just bring the loader there with us piss on it it's not the end of the world having it on there anyways so anyway i guess i'll show you how the loader comes off another time well we're giving her here in the over in the alfalfa antoine came and done a little bit of raking there shortly after that load of bales we put on it wasn't quite ready yet so uh raked two together and it dry quick so now we actually have uh uh name is ross guy antoine worked with at the uh seed plant this winter he's like 19 or something good kid so he's running the 46 40 in the rake right now and uh we've got this little bit here up and back again to do and then we'll be caught up to what antoine got done but he's been raking on the other side over there but we'll give him uh a little bit of time to get ahead of us here so the stuff can drive a bit more and uh run over to grandpas and pick up our half tons that are in the other field yet and then by the time we're back here you'll have a uh pretty good piece raked again i think and uh yeah we'll just keep on giving her here so i'll show you how quick it is to make a bale here making a five and a half foot bale about 1300 pounds we're already uh four on the dial there out of five and a half there's some foxtail junk here we're just going around it end up picking a wee bit up when you turn over it here but not very dang much at least so we'll bail that up after i might just take it home run it through the bale shredder cows can pick through it that way and eat what they want and sleep on the rest of it or whatever so near full i see i had issues on that last bale half of it didn't die let's see if it catches this time or not nope yep there both are going i don't like about this machine it doesn't have a buzzer to tell you if one side isn't tying or not i want to put some of those little wheels on there that you can see them spinning with the twine running over them it's like the other baler there's an alarm if one side isn't dying so whatever that'll be one i take home for myself i guess oh well anyway talked again in a few well quite a bit later in the day and a lot of bales later too i'm at 42 here i had to shut down go get twine didn't really realize how much we were gonna go through but when you make over uh we gotta be we gotta be like at 250 or something we've made since two o'clock this afternoon we're uh doing about three bales an acre on this stuff here so that's kind of nice there's bales all over i don't know being really pay and see them there like i mean look at the swap there doing pretty good though four and a half mile an hour five and a half depending on uh we're slowed down a little bit here because it's starting to get a little tougher now that it's uh the sun is gone but we only got a few minutes left here anyways and we'll be having her in the bag i think so i'm just tying again here i got the gate on the electric remote here so [Applause] i got the uh loader down with the bucket like this and the heel and uh pushing the floof out of the sloth it's working quite nice actually i was uh dragging on my hitch pin otherwise need a piece of swather canvas to drag under the draw bars on them but whatever for today we're doing pretty good so that's a 60 acre piece and this one was 44 yeah that we got done since now whatever 1 30 or 2 o'clock this afternoon so plus we had to stop for a little bit there for the rake to uh have a chance to get ahead of us again but yeah anyway i only got a few more swaths here probably make another three or four bales i would imagine and then we'll go shut her down i've got got my fuel light on here too so it's time to be done this tractor is amazing on fuel like i'm very impressed it's been a long time since i put fuel in it we've done lots of cutting and baling and loading bales and everything in between since so a couple trips up and down the road too so anyway i guess we will uh i've almost got another bale again here so it shows you how quick they're coming i mean like you tell looking at the sloth uh you can't quite see the numbers going by there but when we get to five and a half that's a bale and it's just rolling up on five here now so not near full she'll beep here in a minute antoine's cranking out another one there she's gonna beep here in a second there it is so anyway i guess i'll talk to here when we're done well how are you on this day the next day you know that's today ah they're calling for severe thunderstorms today and it's humid it's all hell it uh tried to rain a little bit this morning just kind of sprinkled but uh we're on our way to what we were bailing yesterday and we're gonna maybe haul a load or two here uh the guy who bought them is home today so try and get some of that done with anyway and yeah one's out there stacking them right now and i'm just on my way with the towing truck here so i guess uh once we get there i'll bring you back and we'll get a load on and i'll probably let quan hall bales and i'm gonna go work on a couple things i have in the shop i want to get wrapped up a creep feeder and i want to build amanda a small tree a watering trailer for watering trees and stuff in the yard so yeah good enough talked in a bit well next day again yesterday was a bit of a show and i wasn't in the mood for videoing wheel bearing went on the big trailer with a load on it so around with that then i got a call from the shop that's putting the engine in that dually and the supposedly rebuilt transmission and it is junk so six grand to get that rebuilt so i spent most of the morning phoning around trying to find one at a wrecker and i found a good one for 1200 so i went and picked that up and now i just dropped it off this morning and i went to van l here and picked up some filters and about a bale spear we sold a couple semi loads and they got to get loaded with the face out and that's kind of a pain with the grapple fork loading them that way so for what it's worth juan and i went half on one and uh we're gonna use it to uh load those semis like that anyways but anyway i guess that's kind of what's going on but i think this video is long enough and a bunch of different days all it's like four days worth of videoing all put together so i guess i hope you liked it make sure you hit the like button comment subscribe all of that thanks for watching i'll talk to you in the next one you
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 20,209
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Id: YosuDOeLfPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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