Vermeer ZR5 baleing cornstalks

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so there's something in my yard i don't know what it is but what all that got here huh i don't know what this is [Music] seems nice maybe we can go bail with it from here that that's pretty promising [Applause] so so 110 of those in america and they're i think it's 110 or 111 or something is what they said but man it's nice it's pretty muchly a claws chopper cab so the claws caps they put on their choppers pretty much like that with a n605 baler mounted on the back of it but it's very it's really nice to use i don't like the depth but it's a nice baler it's really nice you can see it's a claws cab when you look at it it's uh it's really nice though wish we owned one but maybe in the future maybe but it makes really nice bales that's a normal barrel like that and that's the bales that come out of this and there's even i think if i can find it there's a camera right underneath here i don't know where it's at it's right there there it is i wish they'd put it in the middle would be a lot easier to fail but that's fine and that covers up quickly every once in a while you just get it but it's really nice machine it's got the camera i'll show a video that in a minute it's this this summer when you're doing auto you just click this when the bale is done dumping and then you click that button it'll bail the next bill all you gotta do is steer the next time you gotta touch this is when the next bail's done i'm not real sure what all these buttons do they never showed me because we're not going to have this real long i think it's going back tomorrow or something because it has another demo but it's a really nice baler everything's in here turn on to um select where you want to dump it you can dump it over here you can dump it over there and it'll automatically do that it'll if you want it to it'll swing around it'll dump it there or it'll swing around that way and dump it there we just dump it out the back because the other two other mailers dump it out the back and yeah it's pretty easy pto on off speed it's a pretty nice machine and thanks for thank you so so [Music] so so right now i'm driving to baylor on the inside i have my mom holding the camera because i can't hold it by hand it's kind of hard but it's pretty easy to run this baler well after you get used to the steering because the steering is kind of hard and then that happens because it lets you go that fast and then it beeps at you so it's not the best but it works really nice all you gotta do when it wraps is you hold your hand here if you can see it up there it automatically will open and close the door if i wait long enough i'm not touching nothing and it automatically open and close the door and then as soon as i start driving i hit the e then just starts driving which is pretty nice because then take your hand off and just steer steering is pretty hard well for your first few bales after that it's pretty easy but after that it's pretty before that it's pretty hard yeah uh this thing's pretty much whatever generation i am i haven't figured that out yet maybe gen z maybe something else i don't know but all you gotta do is tap the button and steer it's just about hands-free they're actually working on that in like five ten years they might have a auto steer self-propelled baler that means all you gotta do is press the button and it'll do it all for you which i think would be pretty cool because you know i'm not the best steerer in the world and i'm not used to this payload that might be some of it but see it even dumps the bale automatically and then it puts it back down see both hands shuts the door all by itself it's pretty cool i like it i just press a button and i'm back moving again i like that so all you got to do is press the button when you're failing and then steer it's kind of hard with my right hand there now you see if i wanted to i could tap that side of the bale then it would throw the bale over to the side automatically instead of just dumping it out the back and uh if i tap that side it'd fling it over to that side automatically but we want it out the back because our other two tractors won't do that and it automatically stops itself look at that going to do nothing and then it tells you what it's doing so it's rapping or it's wrapping or if it swells and load [Music] or ejecting bail tells you when it's ejecting the bale [Music] and then turning in i don't know what that means and then e must stand for go never read that before and then you make the next bale and in this field we're getting about 20 bales across the field if not closer to 30 because i started at 48 5 bales i think 45 and i'm already at 104 and this is only my second round that i'm not halfway done with my second round with my second round yet so the bales are doing really good and if you see the wind drill the windrows are really big too they're really wide and the ground's pretty black around them so that helps it a lot too i personally like the older braillers better because then i know what i'm doing and it's not so many buttons but i could get used to this one too it's pretty easy to operate and there's a claws cap that's why i like it too and uh it has all the same things as the claws chopper which i don't get to drive very much but i know how to run pretty good so yeah it's a really nice mailer just just a little out of our price range right now there's only 110 of these in america can you believe that they're 111 or 112 something like that and i'm driving one of them i never thought i'd be able to drive one of these to be honest with you but they're pretty easy to operate okay cut that video [Music] that's supposed to be in color but um i don't know what happened which still was it makes more sense [Music] personally [Music] so i wonder if that bar's off [Music] oh there it goes it's working now [Music] that's the level of your bail i'm not real sure these aren't real accurate sometimes but most of the time they are but i think that bar's off that's the percent of how much of the bale is in there so that 56 and that number keeps rising that's how many inches the bale is out of how many inches we want it it goes up a few but that's okay because that won't make a huge difference that right there is how much of your bail is wrapped when you're wrapping it shows you how much the bale's actually wrapped so when it gets all the way around that means it's done that's your moisture it reads dry right now because it's just dry that's your weight it tells you how much the bale weighs that's more for hay people and people that do hay and uh that's your total amount of bales at 709 that this bailer's bailed and that's how many i bailed today 118 pretty good but and then that just particular balers the pickup automatically shuts off like see how it just went up the baler just finished shutting and everything and then when you start bailing it kind of moves around because the amount of stuff going into it that runs about the same the whole time except when the door goes open and that's how many rotations per minute the engine's doing that's pretty pretty self-explanatory if you know what all the symbols are that's how many mile an hour you're going i think the limit in this thing's like seven if the windrows aren't the biggest in the world but these are big windrows so see it just went down to zero shuts the pickup off some less tear on the net wrap and then that will slow down when the door starts to open so it ain't so hard on the just fell down a whole bunch and it's not so on the belts and then when it closes again it'll kick back up to it'll kick back up like i said [Music] then i'm not going to mess with all this stuff down here because i'm not real sure what it all does you
Channel: Bullerman Beef Bros
Views: 27,956
Rating: 4.7030568 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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