Always Be Kind 🧸 | VeggieTales | 1 Hour Compilation | Full Episodes | Mini Moments

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[Music] we're finally in London I want to go see a musical musicals are so unrealistic people just bursting into song for no reason Mike I fetch your bag yes please get my bag you're going to hurt yourself I can carry five more carrying more bags doesn't mean a bigger tip you don't know that Papa what is it Sarah what are you thinking is this my new home is it Papa it most certainly is sweetheart we've reached London [Music] England let's see if we can give you a better view you don't like it do you well I suppose soldiers even the bravest ones like you don't really like going into battle either that's one way to look at it incoming oh Father I do believe I am in great pain you have to admit traveling on a boat all the way from Africa was a real Adventure I suppose all I could think about was that you're going to have to leave today oh Sarah I'm going to miss you terribly but I know you'll be brave of course just remember you're never alone no matter what God is always with you all the time because he loves you always you're his princess princess she's royalty take a picture H I told you we'd see somebody famous on the train or my name's not razy Papa [Music] razy my little princess I'm so blessed to be your papa you're my [Music] everything but little princess what's truly best is that you're also a child of the king it is God the Father to whom you belong and no one can take that away in good times or bad times he's right by your side your's princess and there he will stay my little princess you'll never guess how much love that your one life can bring my little princess I confess for you are loved by me and loved by the king oh bless you as you hold your head high the world will see God's heart through your life his love it will sing and as you live you'll find that the king's Love Will Shine whether good times or trials in the lows and the highs if your dreams live or die you'll [Music] be God's Little [Music] Princess smile at this rate you're going to need to buy more film film ah here we are the mention school for lovely little ladies are you ready sweetie Captain Crew oh you must be the head mistress me oh goodness no Miss Amelia is that the captain she is waiting for you [Music] inside hello I am head mistress menion lovely and this must be a Sarah it will be a great privilege to have charge of such a beautiful and promising child Captain Crew Sarah's a true Joy she's my little princess we rode a boat all the way from Africa there was a storm one night at dinner and the waiters kept dropping the dishes dropping dishes funny a clever child is a great treasure in an establishment such as mine uh where should we put these bags before they crush us oh oh I'm terribly sorry thank you for your trouble lowers thanks Captain Amelia take our new guest's bags upstairs oh please allow me no I wouldn't hear of it Miss Amilia loves to carry things don't you Amilia but of course z down stairs is much easier sometimes I'll do my best to return for Sarah's birthday but until then she's to have anything she needs I'll pay every bill you send me without question my goodness Captain Crew are you certain the room you have asked for is very costly nothing to worry about I have my money securely invested and diamonds diamonds how exciting where did you come from I am a very spray be sure to buy Sarah a mountain of dolls Papa stop being silly I only need one doll to talk to while you're gone you mean like this one a little bear a teddy bear they're the latest thing he's perfect and he's short and Squishy so I will name him Mortimer like our old old neighbor Mr Mortimer owned a whole bunch of monkeys and he taught them to juggle [Music] bananas I seem to be allergic to your little doll she sneezed on Mortimer maybe keep him tucked away okay okay time to go are you learning Me by heart I know you by heart you are inside my heart think about me every day I will every day I love you so much no matter what I love you too [Music] [Music] Papa now you will put on your uniform and report to class attention French class good atten your new companion is here and I expect you all to be very agreeable to her this is Sarah crew all the way from Africa bour Sarah bonjour we have reserved this seat just for you but miss menion that's my seat that was your seat linia but miss Amelia you may begin here are the words we will be learning today oh n Leia what a pretty name I wonder how they say Pony in French La Pon maybe what what are you doing being incredibly bored but we've hardly begun I'm mingard but you you can call me hery pleased to meet you hery did you know that French people have a different word for everything thing oh but it's so exotic every French word is a thing of beauty every French word is a thing of beauty true Miss crew a knowledge of the French language is a mark of the well educated which is why it is of the utmost importance that a girl such as yourself learn it and know it it well now Chop Chop come up to the front unless you have been forly taught French already I have never really been taught French but but you must not say but when you are instructed to do things what I mean to say not disagree with your elders Miss crew it is impolite what where did she learn all those words what is she saying that she did not learn French from books because she and her father spoke it to each other often Madame there is not much I can teach her her accent is exquisite you might have told me I tried I I suppose I did not begin right did you guys hear that silence on watch I tried to tell you I can't believe you speak French you really are so clever aren't you I don't [Music] know it's as big as Westminster Abby look at the Frills on this dress hey that's a soft horsey are these B she silk I'm in heaven you're funny you're so nice to me why wouldn't I be nice to you I don't know most girls aren't especially linia every French word is a thing of beauty let's not make fun of her everyone deserves kindness even lania even miss mention even that wow you don't actually have to read all these do you have to I love to read it's like an adventure on every page it's like school on every page you haven't read any of these oh hery the adventures we're going to have together how we'll imagine them let's imagine we're princesses in a palace I'm going to feel like royalty there's a throne and a crown in front of me where all I say is a foot stol it's so fun and inviting it's going to be so exciting huh it all makes quite a difference life's much more unadventurous you try you will see what I can say now now you try imagining something I think I see a chimpanzee marvelous idea look he's over there swinging tree to tree can he jungle banana oh I hope he'll be a friend to me it'll be so fun to Swing Swing Swing imaginary now and then life's much more an adventure when you imagine with me that was awesome are you okay Sarah Papa and I love to imagine together oh you're not going to cry are you oh goodness you're a perfectly wonderful friend hery well thanks Sarah let's do this again tomorrow absolutely well hello again Mr Mortimer what have you been doing while I was away huh oh little girl oh Mortimer look how tired she is I hate to wake her of course she would be in such trouble if she were discovered hello hello little girl huh wake up what oh miss oh miss oh I done a bad thing don't be frightened it doesn't matter the least bit I didn't mean to sleep n it oh it was warm and I was so TI this could take a while oh miss oh miss I done a bad I know I know I'm so tired all the time it's really quite all right you ain't mad you ain't going to tell Miss menion why would I do that I ain't supposed to be around you all the others Miss please call me Sarah and why can't you be around us we're the same we're both just little girls oh no Miss we ain't the same at all but we are what's your name Becky Becky what a beautiful name i i best go now you're welcome to come play with me anytime thank you Miss Sarah thank you every so much you know what Mortimer I think Becky and I are going to be marvelous [Music] friends look at the size of this cake I don't think I have enough room to write bday oh honestly the impertinence of this girl always smiling always pretending to be so kind I think she really is that kind miss mention what is it now lenia Sarah's letting the servant girl play with us Becky bring on the cake Duck Duck Go s yes miss menchion my dear it is time for Becky to scoot along and finish her chores yes aome oh but I haven't even opened Becky's present yet Becky's present come on Sarah open the one with the big blue ribbon it's for me and I want to play with it I'll open yours in a second silly but Becky's present has me very excited indeed Okie do while I wait I'll open it myself it's just a thing I made it looks like a perfectly delightful little monkey do you like it Miss oh Becky it's wonderful a monkey Rock fantastic but now Becky you must leave if you please miss mention I would like for Becky to stay what what Captain kro say when he arrives to find you playing with a servant it is simply not appropriate papa will say that Becky is a little girl too Sarah Becky is a a servant she is not like other girls we will discuss this in a moment you stay here little help I'm coming already Oh Captain Crew we are so thrilled you [Music] could I suppose Miss Amelia explained matters to you yes ma'am your father has died and what is worse he lost all his money in the diamond mine you must know what that means you're not a princess anymore all of these clothes and books they will be sold to pay for your party you may remain in this school but not as a student you will be a servant no more pretending the time for that has passed you are like Becky now I am like Becky and this is no longer your room you are to sleep in the Attic we must be brave now Mortimer like Papa wanted all little princesses are brave [Music] Becky I'm so tired and so hungry when I was a student you never told me that servants get so little to eat Becky wake up I was talking to you oh I'm so sorry Miss I've done a bad thing and I suppose I don't look very much like a princess anymore but you are Miss no matter what remember that's exactly right Becky even if we look like servant on the outside we can be princesses on the [Music] inside it's hard to stand strong by yourself when it feels like everyone else wants nothing to do with you it's hard to love those who rejected you most until you realiz who you are in God's eyes keep going and growing keeping on keeping on and before you know it I'm Standing Tall feeling strong slowly becoming keeping on keeping on someone who's loving all no matter what yes I keep proving and trying keeping on keeping on till there's no denying Standing Tall feeling strong I am becoming keeping on keeping on someone who's loving all no matter what no matter what no matter what I am love I am love so I will love so I will love no matter what no matter what father please help me to love no matter what God please help me to love no matter [Music] what and now it's time for silly songs with best friends forever the part of the show where best friends forever come out and sing a silly song You're my BF you're my BFF F you're my B FN f l my b f f l n m w g I think you're SW t for b u TX U2 u r w l o l my b f f l n m w g I think you're SW there's no one like you you're so easy to talk to it's a all we need is punctuated conversations brief abbreviation one thing I know I m h o go i a n a l I'll always be your less threez G I think you're I think so too you c m you'll never be o t l with u i m n v g c g I think you're SW there's no one like you you're so easy to talk to it's the green all we need is concise communication with a Lou conversation [Music] f a i c a i s d r t t l y c i c a m b i o n u r t d t t y s m i heart you so y t i m o i you too l r [Music] o I think [Music] your got to go see you later what oh okay this has been silly songs with BFFs in the www nmw tune in next time to hear Laura [Music] say but Joseph said to them don't be afraid you intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done who's there who do you think hery oh Sarah they haven't let any of us come up here but I tiptoed I'm sneaky how on Earth are you surviving without your nice clothes and your broom and my books H you can have mine it's not so terrible I have Becky even miss mingard please don't call me iring guard I'm depressed enough as it is Miss aming God it's like a dungeon up here I would be miserable Papa wouldn't want me to be miserable he said I would always be God's Little Princess Miss Sarah says God loves us no matter what like Joseph who's Joseph here Joseph went from having everything to having nothing he was even dressed up all fancy like a prince but then oh not so much but did he give up no no no because Joseph knew who he really was a child of the king loved by God and because he knew that he was able to love others even in prison a prison like this this attic isn't all bad there's still plenty to be thankful for like what yeah like what well like the sunset [Music] wo this is the best view in the whole school ain't it though you see even if we look like servants on the outside we can be princesses on the inside is very true Miss Sarah well I got to go mention would pop her cork if she finds out I'm gone you know how to find your way back I'm not sure it's like a maze of staircases getting up here well I'll show you miss mingard you got to start calling me hery yes Miss God our bour was not intended to frighten you it was only intended to bonjour you bour are you our new neighbors if we are not then we are in big trouble for sitting on this roof I am and I am Pi we work for your new neighbor Mr krisford we are here Butlers we are great at butling aren't you afraid you may fall off the roof oh no no before we worked for Mr krisford we were shimy streps we were we lived on the rooftops this is lovely oh how I miss sweeping the shimy oh me too soay soay is the Master's puppy go on back girl back back to the butling it was a pleasure to meet you neighbor oir beautiful neighbor indeed oh friend I have failed you I may have recovered your fortune but I cannot find your sweet daughter I've jacked with every school in the city but it's no use oh Sarah crew where are you good evening sir hurry inside that note will spoil while you daydream [Music] oh to have just a little money [Music] wo four penny oh thank you thank you ever so much if you please did you happen to lose a 4 Penny piece in the road outside if you found a coin I'm pretty sure you needed much more than I do in that case may I buy four hot funds please I I'm sorry I said four I don't have enough money for six I know keep them oh thank you God for your many blessings I am so so oh this is nice and hot eat it and you won't be as hungry you won't be as cold oh my Thank E oh Miss Sarah did you bring any food Miss minion took my dinner away for being a few minutes late last night we pretended to eat cakes and cookies chocolate but tonight we're pretending fancy I don't know nothing about fancy Miss Sarah ooh look it's roast Goose flaming ywn esaro is that chocolate it's cooked snails sounds nasty trust me it's delicious no thanks Miss I'm sorry I can't pretend no more I'm too hungry no hello er is it safe to come out come out come out come out I'm dying to have a tea party with the food my mom sent food fruit chocolate golly you guys act like you haven't eaten all day oh hery thank you Miss Ming gos all I did was open the box chocolate first wait we should give thanks first thanks for what Lavinia was right mingard has been bringing you food you know it is against school policy flatten eyes with these servant girls they're not servants they're my friends please we're so hungry and we were just enjoying something special special my patience has run out with you miss crew what is it going to require for me to teach you that you are not an exception you are not give me that bath oh no Mortimer to your room at once Miss mingard and I shall write to your papa what would he say if he knew where you are tonight what what are you thinking of why do you look at me like that I was wondering what my papa would say if he knew where I am tonight how dare you we'll see how much wondering there is when everything is taken away from you even Becky what please I will leave you to wonder now perhaps you'll have some time alone to consider what your behavior has cost you yeah I have a marvelous idea come with me I know you will work everything out God but when when I know I am still your princess but sometimes I am afraid I am only pretending I don't feel like things can get any [Music] worse oh papa right now when I need you is the moment I miss you most oh papa I wish I could see you hold your hand and hear your voice I know I am not fatherless for you were right my God has never [Music] left but Papa in this moment I don't know what to [Music] do I trust you God the poor girl in the Attic has nothing yes what a very good idea you have then you may use whatever you wish do you think it is possible that that poor Sarah crew wherever she is could possibly be reduced to any such condition as the poor little s next door I hope not M Caris [Music] for that is a signal let's get to it [Music] [Music] I'm Dreaming I must be dreaming the best dream in the world world if I am dreaming then I should not be able to taste this m no chocolate has ever tasted so Grand Perhaps it is a dream oh miss AR and night was so bad it was oh Becky what a delight you are in my dream as well I'm not in no dream Miss Sara are you sure oh you must pinch me pinch you oh yes you must I must must be certain ow it's it's real it must be I am not I am not dreaming who would have done such a thing God did it he's taking care of us we keep going and growing keeping on keeping on and before you know it I'm Standing Tall feeling strong slowly becoming keeping on keeping on someone who's loving all no matter what yes I keep proving and trying keeping on keeping on till there's no denying Standing Tall feeling strong I am becoming keeping on keeping on someone who's loving all no matter Jo they are returning scram [Music] oh my oh Mortimer isn't it wonderful soay now how' you think she got in here she must have smelled this food and wandered over we'd better return her before her master starts to worry I have tried my hardest to unspoil that girl and she keeps acting like a prince princess I have held my tongue for far too long Miss menion silence she is not spoiled she has lost everything oh no we're trapped and yet she still loves everyone around her that is quite enough why can't you see that you are fired Miss Amilia you will never work with me again that would be my pleasure no what on the earth girl oh I'm so sorry I must have slept and how do you expect to pay for that I think tonight we should bake the girls a secret cake with a secret surprise inside like a pair of very nice shoes inside the cake I am only brainstorming the little girl from next door anday what in it do adorable surprise Mr Caris the girl from the attic next door she has returned soay soay such a thoughtful thing to do but I shouldn't be surprised I'm told that you are quite a delightful girl I have to admit I was very excited to finally meet you it brings me much joy to see all of you out my window it helps me not be so sad I've been sad for quite a long time and and I'm no closer to finding what I'm searching for maybe I can help you it would take a miracle oh I believe in miracles Mr krisford my friend my very good friend died and when he did he left his daughter poor and alone all alone poor thing I have recovered his fortune but I cannot find the girl then I will most certainly pray for that girl she's very much like [Music] me I must go now miss minion will be looking for me Mr krisford what is the little girl's name so that I may pray for her her name is Sarah Sarah is my name Sarah what is your father's name name his name was crew Captain Douglas crew it's you me it's a miracle a miracle it's you Sarah Sarah de I finally found [Laughter] you oh Sarah I'm going to take care of you from now on you'll not be alone any longer why did we not ask her name zum it seems so obvious after [Music] effect I ever so humbly apologize but some of my girls said that they saw one of my servants step inside your home she most certainly did I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience and I assure you she will find herself in great trouble great trouble Mr krisford and what exactly would you mean by great trouble Mr krisford you need not be bothered with such matters I will take the child now you will not I am the girl's benefactor not anymore what the girl is no longer in your care Miss [Laughter] minin but no butts as I promised her father I will take care of her now you have not undertaken an easy charge Mr krisford I suppose that you feel you are a princess again I always was even if someone looks like a servant on the outside they can still be a princess on the inside well I it turns out that Mr krisford next door got all of his money from the diamond mine that he owned with Sarah's father no way way so now Sarah is Rich again and she's moving out Sarah has diamonds now you know I always did think she was like super nice I don't know why you guys didn't give her more of a chance Becky Miss Sarah I knew you come back I'm happy for you I am but I'm going to miss you something awful I'll just be right next door plus we'll see each other every day in class you know Miss minion don't allow servants in class Miss Sarah well then we'll have to make you a student won't we to the left [Music] you live here now I have a family now when I saw your kindness I realized how much I have to give thank you as we hold our hands World sees God's heart through our Liv his love it will see as we live we find that the king love will shine in night times or Tri in the and [Music] the God's Little [Music] Princess Now Dave lived in a land called Israel a long long time ago so long ago that there weren't any cars or telephones or vacuum cleaners or anything there were mostly just sheep especially around Dave's house because Dave was a Shepherd no no that's not him that's one of his brothers nope another brother uh NOP another brother Dave had a lot of brothers aha there he is no not the Sheep he's behind the Sheep uh Sho there fluffy hi I'm Dave I have a lot of brothers yep seven to be exact Now Dave and his brothers spent most of their time in the fields taking care of their sheep which could be hard work because their sheep had an unusual problem they tip over oh look that goes wor now but Dave had an even bigger problem you see of all the brothers he was the smallest that's right everybody's bigger than I am and sometimes his big brothers would pick on him oh Dave one of my sheep fell over would you come pick it up for me I'm kind of busy right now do you remember the time we dipped you in tar and stuck you to the backside of an angry water buffalo I'll be right there hey Dave one of my sheep fell too just a minute oh my sheep fell over Dave oh Dave after you pick up our sheep could you run and get me a bite to eat I'm famished oh yeah me too get me something too you know sometimes I think I could eat a whole camel oh yeah well sometimes I think I could eat a whole spaceship uh what's a spaceship I have no idea that's how things had pretty much always been for Dave nothing really exciting happened around there until one day when their dad Jesse came running out with some horrible DS uh Dave can you pick those up oh oh boys oh oh boys I got I got horrible news the V the pH the the Philippines are they're [Music] attacking the lima beans are uh lacking the nectarines are quacking one more time please and let's work on our anunciation the Philistines are [Music] attacking uh Bob what are the Philippines the Philippines are a group of islands off the coast of Southeast Asia but that's not important now the Philistines were people who hated Israel they wanted to take Israel's land and make make the Israelites their slaves so they'd have to do whatever the Philistines told them to do oh that's bad you're right so the Israelites needed to protect themselves we need to protect ourselves but how King s is putting together an army to stop the Philistines he needs your help you must help save Israel must is we must is [Music] must hey hey hey hey Dave where do you think you're going I must help save Israel it's very nice that you want to help but saving a country is a big thing you're a little guy big people do big things and little people do little things so stay with the Sheep they're big I'm little they go I twidle why can't little guys do big things [Music] too by the time Dave's Brothers arrived at King Saul's camp battle lines had been drawn between the Philistines and the Israelites and as was the custom in their day the armies lined up and yelled at each other hello Israelites you are Beats and soon we'll put ABS in your mouths and stick you in our F Evans oh yes after we defeat you you will be our slav and you will have to fet out our sleep Bears yes and iron out and wipe our little noses ah and scratch that SP backs we cannot reach no matter how hard we [Laughter] [Music] try don't you have anything to say um do you guys have any Fried Chicken I've got a real hankering for fried chicken yeah me too this is going to be easier than we thought you know I think I can save us all a lot of time how about if we bring out our strongest man and you bring out your strongest man and they will fight if our beats your Champion you will be our slaves but if your Champion defeats us we will be your slaves what you think about that well the Israelites were getting kind of tired of the yelling and the Philistines did seem a little on the small side so King Saul agreed that seems like a reasonable idea all right we agree send out your Champion hey Goliath [Music] we'll be back with more Dave and the giant pickle after this break and now it's time for silly songs with latty the part of the show where latty comes out and sings a silly song one day while talking with Dr archal ly confronts one of his deepest fears if my lips ever left my mouth packed a bag and head it out thatd be too bad i' be so sad I see that'd be too bad you'd be so sad that'd be too bad all righty if my lip f aiio I don't like you I think your growth that'd be too bad I might get mad H that'd be too bad you might get mad that' be too bad fascinating if my lips move to the loose left a mess and my tooth that be too bad I'd call my dad oh dear that'd be too bad you'd call your dad that'd be too bad hold it did you say your father fascinating so what you're saying is if your lips left you be too bad i' be so sad I might get mad i' call my dad that' be too bad that'd be too bad that' be too bad why cuz I love my [Music] lips oh my this is more serious than I thought ly what you see see here um that looks like a lip what about this it's a lip and this it's a lip it's a lip it's a Lip lip it's a lip it's a lip it's a [Applause] lip lar tell me about your childhood when I was just 2 years old I left my lips out in the cold and they turned blue what could I do oh dear they turn blue what could you do oh they turn blue I see on the day I got my tooth I had to kiss my great aunt Ruth she had a beard and it felt weird my M she had a beard and it felt weird got a beard oh 10 days after I turned eight got my lips stuck in a gate my friends all laughed and I just stood there until the fire department came and broke the lock with the Crowbar and I had to spend the next six weeks in lip preab with this kid named Oscar who got stung by a bee right on the lip and we couldn't even talk to each other until the fifth week cuz both of our lips were so swollen and when he did start speaking he just spoke polish and I don't know like three words in Polish except now I know four because Oscar taught me the word for Lipa your friends all laughed AA how do you spell that I don't know so what you're saying is that when you were young they turned blue what could I do she had a beard and it felt weird my friends all [Music] laugh I'm confused I love my lips [Music] this has been silly songs with ly tune in next time to hear lty say have I ever told you how I feel about my nose oh look at the [Music] time and now back to Dave and the giant pickle who will I fight [Music] the Israelites were so terrified of Goliath that they all ran away and hid nobody will fight I'll come back tomorrow and that's exactly what he did Goliath came back the next day and the next day and the next day for 40 days but every time he showed up all the Israelites ran away and hid finally Jesse started to worry about his boys so he sent Little Dave to the battlefield with some food now Dave got to King sa's Camp just about the time Goliath was going to come out so all the Israelites were hiding hello is anybody here sh he'll hear you who him that big pickle over there who will fight me well who's going to fight him what are you nuts he'd have us for lunch speaking of wit what' you bring us here you go M pizza oh cheese in the crust that's tremendous come on guys have you forgotten we're the children of God the what the children of God the Bible says that the Israelites were God's chosen people God LED them through the desert he helped them walk across the Red Sea and whenever they went into battle God was there with them they had always known that if God was on their side no one could stand against them wow but King Saul and his men were so scared of big tall Goliath they forgot that God was even bigger oh dear uh Larry you've got something on your uh huh oh never mind once again no one would answer Goliath's challenge oh no one to fight they told me that you are the children of God you are cowards I come back tomorrow I can't believe you're letting him say that somebody's got to do something what are you going to do Dave remember you're a little guy leave this big stuff to ask big [Music] people you think he saw me no you're okay pH well Dave knew exactly what he had to do so he went straight to King Saul and announced his plan I will fight Goliath King Saul took the news rather well I'm sorry my ears must be failing I could have sworn I heard you say that you'd fight Goliath but you didn't say that did you yes I did oh I say that's very kind but let's be reasonable you are a tiny little fellow and well Goliath he's he's enormous no no no no that's a job for a big person not a little boy like you you're not going to sing are you couldn't you just play your harop and I'll throw things at you oh you're big I'm little my head only comes to your metal but I say little guys can do big things too yes but Goliath he's he's big but God's bigger and when a think him the twi figure with his help little guys can do big things too [Music] oh I see what you're saying all right I understand now let's suppose that this is true you still look rather weepy but I know what we can do just step behind this curtain it will only take a minute there's a closet in the corner and you'll like what I've got in it you'll find my Royal armor there now Del put it on yes now you'll look much bigger when the battle lines are drawn one more thing you'll need I think pick up my Royal sword it's a big one and a beauty the best we could afford once you got it all together I think you will agree you're bound to do much better if you try to look like [Music] [Applause] me oh dear you know I think maybe I should just be playing heard me oh yes well I suppose but have you seen Goliath why he's he's just he's he's big the God's bigger think K the one figure with his help little guys can do big things with his help I know I can do big things with his help little guys can do great things too all right if you sure you know what you're getting into oh dear well Dave wasn't EXA L sure what he was getting into but he knew God would be there with him so he went down to a stream and found five smooth Stones then he went back to the camp and waited for Goliath who will fight me I will fight you Goliath you know if I didn't know better I'd say that sounded like Dave oh yeah [Music] you know if I didn't know better I'd say that looks like Dave huh Dave Goliath was equally surprised who said that eduh am I a dog that you come at me with sticks I don't exactly you know what you mean but you are not a dog you are a really big guy that wants to beat me up and I come at you not with sticks but in the name of the god of Israel who this day shall help me defeat you we will see who defeats who now we fight it's shut time wo woohoo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] the Philistines were so scared of Dave that they all ran away and hid and Israel was saved and that's the story of Dave a really little guy who did a really big thing [Applause] [Music] [Music] once upon a time in a make believe land where Scotland and Rome are right next to each other there live two friends do norus a barbarian and pompus Maximus a Roman as friends often do they played together but somewhere along the line their playing turned to pranking and their pranking escalated and got out of hand until once good friends became bitter foes gorus you overgrown bru I'll get you pus you pesky little G I'll get you and so it was that the best friends never spoke again the kingdoms were divided and a great Feud [Music] endured it's time once again to repay our enemies my son mlar is joining us today for yet another attempt to pass his initiation test eighth time a charm uh nth um that's what I meant ninth time a charm eighth time is practice thanks Dad I'm really feeling it this time I've got this really cool new invention yeah Dad no inventions okay sure no inventions let's do this so so I said I'm not standing I'm [Music] Roman CH your Withers and'll never stop our prank until the r call us never [Music] Mantic J best prank in [Applause] we [Music] we terrible haircuts weep at the fury of a prank boys give them bad haircuts bu cup beehive pwor mullet SC it Mar seos lazy Surfer not bad frosted tips you monster go ahead son this one's yours give him a bad haircut and you'll have earned your place Among Us come on M lar you can do [Music] this mlar what did you do sorry mcbob j [Applause] no I'm sorry mlar sorry Dad I tripped it's okay son 10th times a charm barbarians let's go home come on mlar let's get back to the [Music] Village I failed again Bob maybe you need to practice a little more it won't help I'm the worst Barber Barian ever not worse just different exactly I can't do anything the rest of you guys can do I just don't fit in just because you're different doesn't mean you're any less important what about all that stuff you make your inventions those are pretty cool well sure I love inventing but I don't think inventions matter much around here another Victorious raid barbarians Victory prepare for the Chug TOS ready let's do this ow I thought you were ready what huh oh counter attack quick just get to our side he got me jump [Music] some meet me Downstream with styling gel lucky Escape son of chog worst of the barberians they cannot Across The Gorge they are too puny we shall return with an even greater gag H they've returned all hail CH norus greatest of the barberians did you prank them good Mr norus I that we did lad awesome glorious CH glorious his exploits ever glorious CH glorious torious returns again Victorious who bests the Romans with his might who strike cannot be match who Victory on this night and claim the bigest chus who's the big bad wolf afraid ofus who dreams of clever pranks to drive in PS and Brilliant who this we are for all the world to [Music] see excuse me jeez they pranked us while we were out how can this happen if they can cross the gorge air they have employed the silly goose I can't believe it we've been Goose to the Long Haul we will plot our revenge over juice and macaroni macaroni not you mlar you've got homework to do you need practice good lad oh come on you don't have to sing my theme song Every Time save me some juice hey Macary strike out again yep well maybe you can hang out with us can you R to us from one of those what do you call them books yeah that's it books sorry kids I got homework a pleas come on Ma lar oh okay the book of archim Mees he's a really great inventor he's one of my heroes like CH I guess so but different I'd really love to meet him one day here look at this it's called a lever you put something heavy on one end and you can move it up and down really easy uh why would I want to do that well because it could be really useful for a prank well no oh here's a good one what is it watch this what good is that how do we prank the Romans with it we don't it's not for pranking it's just interesting I'm thinking of calling it a Flying Bridge or a norus cradle maybe you could attach giant pies to it and it would swing and slat the Romans right in the face no it's not for that they could hit and explode and shav cre and go everywhere no no no that's not what it's for what do you think you're doing is for the love of myel stop singing I told you to practice and you're out here playing with toys sorry Dad I was just spending your time with worthless Contraptions when we need your help on the front lines but Dad you're my son and we have a Heritage to uphold why do things any differently what good is this can shiny metal best your foe can this give an awful haircut can whatever this is win the feud with the Romans no only a truly unbeatable prank will win it that's why we're going after the cheese of a tiller the cheese of a tiller rumored to be so so stinky so foul it's wrapped in rotten eggs and ludus just to Shield the stench the teas of a Chilla Su within Mount limberger to protect the world from its all consuming de penetrating odor this is a private conversation would you excuse us please once we roll a till of stinky cheese into Rome the Romans will have no choice but to bow to our Superior prsm ship but it's already decided why can't I be more like them alone in a village of many trying my best to fit in Barber skills well I haven't got any the worst Barber Baran I cannot be like them I try but I choke impr practically lame with a practical joke I give it my all plus 100% but nobody cares about a boy who invance alone in a village of many trying my best to fit in the worst Barber [Music] bear I blame myself son you're not a great Barbarian because I haven't pushed you hard enough I haven't worked you until you were too tired to form new thoughts or properly swallow your food to win this Feud with the Romans we'll need you to pass that test uh sure Dad you can count on me good let's do this [Music] [Music] all right I'll s your [Music] [Applause] [Music] book oh oh mclarry why'd you have to go and use one of your foolish Contraptions it's just that I wasn't I it was a miscalculation destroyed it I can help I can rebuild it you done quite enough already boy this is no time for inventions and no place for an inventor mtin grab me some Timbers M lesle fetch me some [Music] Pitch okay Archimedes maybe I could be your Apprentice maybe we could build stuff he currently resides in Greece H [Music] grease and now it's time for silly hold it and now it's time for silly songs with Scottish Larry the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly Scottish song I can't tell you how proud I am at this moment I dance on stilts while he knits quilts nice quilt sing with simulated Scottish Highland l oh beautiful he plays his bag pipes he T melt we feel so smart in our redart Scot is killed sing it in our redart kill we feel so smart in our R Scottish technically you Stitch a quilt but otherwise lovely of the morning toar I'll have you know that's not in Scotland I dance on stils excuse me sir Stitch Quil what you doing sing with simulated Northern Irish L Irish he plays his whistle whatat salt it smelts it's not on the menu we feel so smart in our green tart and Irish K I got nothing against me IR GRE tart feelart our IR this is a sky song tiip I dance on stilts he stitches quilts what you doing sing with sing English he plays his trumpet Crumpet give mepet we feel so smart in our George well you shouldn't [Music] geish how you stop it you you're ruining me moment ons he stitches Quil americ I sing with ordinary uned feeling play banjo eat chedd Smart our starled starled our our star this has been silly songs with Scottish Larry tune in next time to hear ly say just get him some Scotch tape and butterscotch he'll be fine oh my bunny Lies Over the [Music] Ocean well I can't decide whether I want to be a a waiter or an actor I don't know maybe a doctor I'm good to sales I'm going to be a ninja big city here we go let me tell you guys something it'll take a lot more than just wishful thinking to make it in the big city we need a break we got to look for an opportunity look at here like this we find ourselves a barbarian and boom we're set where we going to find one of those yeah where we going to find the barber Varian huh wao W oh look who just fell off the turnup truck can I help you fellas with something [Music] fellas friends Romans country fans [Applause] lend me your [Applause] ears it is I your beloved leader pus maximus in all my awesomeness my Maximus awesomeness I wish to be entertained by a checker match to the death which is just a figure of speech of course you cannot die playing checkers but the loser will suffer great humiliation and I love that is there anyone even close to being as awesome as me a barbarian what a barbarian you guys have cash I suppose I can take a check a barber Barian in my city the turn-ups kidnapped me I was headed to Greece to to meet Archimedes and help in his Workshop I'm an inventor just like him an inventor you say then and I should welcome you as my honored guest that's right you are under arrest what sir I like him this inventor what is your name my new inventor friend mlar mlar norus norus yes of course I'm sorry for the misunderstanding with all these pranks going around one can't be too careful but if you're interested in meeting the great archim mes well of course I'd love to he's out of town but I'll send for him in the meantime why don't you have a seat oh okay thank you you are surprisingly nice I'm cool like that remove the turnip thank you bye-bye hey I know my rights I didn't just follow off that turnip truck this is the pop oh pictures in the dirt I like this game that a horse a bad haircut a good haircut a pretty sparkly unicorn what this is the path to the cheese of a tiller it'll be very dangerous we'll need all the brute strength and courage we can muster um Chief have you seen mlar he's not going with us on this one mcbob as I was saying okay but I haven't seen him since yesterday well as long as he's not destroying our meeting Hall I'm okay with him having a little me time let's just go fetch this cheese mcbob MC Jimmy Muna McNear Mac scooter everybody ready yeah and Donald sir really no Mac nope just Donald fine mcbob you carry the jumbo nose pins in the case of fabreeze trust me we're going to need it so tell me are you enjoying R so far everyone is really nice actually I feel so important here you and I are exceptional creatures we deserve popsicle versions of ourselves no wait that's just me say I I have a problem that I could use some help with something someone awesome like you is uniquely suited for oh okay what do you need my help with well the thing is Archie Drew these up for me last time I saw him lovely plans but there seems to be a page missing you want me to build you an Archimedes design you are an inventor invent only a truly gifted inventor could pull this off okay I'll try excellent and then I can meet archim minis yeah sure whatever mhm [Music] oo pretty just like the drawing you like it you bet I do come let's go try it out let me get my Legion I mean my friends nose pins at the ready man the breeze covers the cheese of a tiller cities fall before the power of its stench there is none ranker get a load of that stink that is seriously terrible it's it's the worst thing I've ever smelled that's better prolonged exposure will drive a man insane mad I tell you mad Chief are you sure this cheese is safe to take back to the Village I brought a jelly jar these things are amazing seals in the rankness ready everybody how it just smells like cinnamon [Music] dyed well my friend let's see what your little machine can do wow that's cool you could March a whole Army across this thing I wonder what Archimedes would think about this you know interesting fact about Archimedes is actually in Rome already that was fast hard to leave really seeing how he's in prison what that's right when he found out I wanted to use his Bridge designed for getting across the gorge to majorly prank The Barbarians here is refused to build it so I threw him in the dungeon good thing I found another inventor oh no seiz him what are you doing throw him in the cage you came all this way just to help me break your own father now the jokes on you ready men cream and the fruit fillings left and loed let's go what have I [Music] done hey did we order nuts mlar has anyone seen mlar mlar are you here I can't believe you fell for that and now for a delicious mlar can't I'll have snakes Chief sorry M lar isn't back I don't know where he is he's not in his Hut working on some project no see he he's not here his tools are gone and his book oh no what I think he must have left the village for Greece Greece it's so far away what if he's captured by Romans the poor boy he'd be pranked into Oblivion what are we going to do it's my fault he's been trying to be a good barberian how how many times did he take that test again uh nine nine times I like to throw things and break them in half I'll shave off your chest hair if it's good for a love but he likes inventing to build and create he does it so well and it makes him feel great what I thought was important and worthy of Praise are qualities missing in the son whom I've [Music] raised maybe I've pushed him a little too hard to force him to earn his Barbarian card maybe I haven't loved him the way that I should and miss seeing all in him that is good what I thought was important and worthy of Praise are qualities missing in the son whom I've raised he's different from me I break he creates my boy different from me all [Music] myar and that's great that's the way God made him mcbob and I love him I have to find M lary I have to go after him but Chief he's my boy he needs me what about the cheese the cheese will need the way the got him got him all this reclining and gently swaying has made me winded we'll rest here for a minute plus I need to use the little Emperor's room too bad you can't get out of that cage and warn The Barbarians about us excuse [Music] me what is he doing I think he's making something what are you doing are you making something cage reverser ooh cage reverser how does it work hopefully like this hey wow that was great sorry fellas got to go where my dad you guys are coming okay good luck can you believe this yeah that was cool what are you doing the Barbarian made the cage reverser look pretty cool no [Music] let's go catch him before he warns the other barbarians how can we we're in the [Music] cage hey all right fine you go after him the pr is [Music] escaping M Dad thank goodness I found found you huh oh son I'm so sorry so what if you're not the world's best prankster you're my son and I love you you do I do son I love you too Dad you know what I think it's great that you like to invent stuff really really get him oh well H about the inventing thing what did you do I'll explain as we Run for Our Lives what is it Roman get along little lny r boy you guys are going to love camping anybody bring a t hey turnup can we borrow Your turnup Wagon the clutch sticks thanks how are you steering this thing I thought you were steering I'm teaching myself to drive [Music] hey mlar on hitch barar barians the Romans are coming break out the the water balloons and someone bring me my wingy [Music] [Applause] helmet is that what I think it is the cheese of a tiller son I'm glad you're back now just stay here where you'll be seen Ban's home let's do this in Taste of banana cream they got me Chief and it's delicious I'll get you for this ppus let's go French [Music] silk we can't take much more of this the calories alone my diet I used to be a size six it's time bring me the cheese nose pins and Fa is at already you wouldn't dare I'm lactose intolerant Romans prepare to smell like milk that is spoiled for a thousand years sour cream raisin quickly tee look out [Music] [Music] bring me the cheese I will be watching from a safe distance the cheese don't let our enemies capture it jees you're no spin [Music] don't want to R the mirle anymore it's got to BL it's no use what do we do no one's left to save us I can give it a shot dad I'd like a chicken sandwich and a mango milkshake hold the cup I have an idea please do something I'm too handsome to be stinky for the rest of my life here's what I need c Stone rope Kilts go you guys bring me the bridge machine Romans you can't trust them forget about the prank Feud we're all in trouble if we don't get this cheese out of here now go lower the bridge huh get cranking we're going to need a counterweight bring me something heavy I hope you know what you're doing we brought the heaviest thing we can find I'm not heavy I'm your father good but I think we need a little more What It's Time cover me be careful [Music] mlar stand back everyone it's going to blow you can do it son cut the cheese [Music] that is nasty no Barber Barian ever risked himself like that for a Roman you guys are all right that's my son oh mlar God has given you a great gift I'm so sorry I refused to see it thanks to your inventiveness we're all safe I'm so proud of you thanks Dad mlar mlar mlar [Music] m r bar barar IDE [Applause] CH old buddy I know we've had our differences maybe it's time for a fresh start friend what's all this silly pranking gotten us anyway by Imperial decree I declare no more Roman pranks from now on and I do the same barbarians no more pranking let our two kingdoms once again be at peace glorious glorious glor glorious glorious bringing to all us to m mlar m m
Channel: Mini Moments
Views: 43,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VeggieTales, VeggieTales Theme Song, Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Christian Stories, Children Christian Stories, Bible Lessons, Singing Vegetables, Animated Vegetables, Junior Asparagus, Petunia Rhubarb, Laura Carrot, VeggieTales Full Episodes, Biblical Children Stories, Dancing Vegetables, veggietales silly songs, veggietales penniless princess, veggietales penniless princess songs, veggietales the penniless princess ending, learning to be kind to others, kindness
Id: Tk0B-E_BvEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 54sec (5754 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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