VeggieTales | 2 Hour Marathon | VeggieTales Best Moments

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the rain came down the streams Rose and the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the Rock once upon a time there were three Builders who worked in very different ways they all lived in a town named cabbage Ville it's a sunny day in cille a is warm and dry the birds are Ching working and no one wants to cry it's a play cage for bright and happy song all the folks are nice all the hes price what could possibly go wrong on a happy sunny day in cage cabage good morning gentlemen busy day ahead still sticking with it a bob oh yeah I'm a stickler for sticks hey what about you that is correct I'm all about the hay hey hey hey whatever is the quickest and easiest well boys Breck a leg huh Breck a what brick break he usually it's break a leg but since I'm the brick guy I said we get the brick part yeah it's more of the leg thing not getting that these Builders never agreed on much especially on how to build a house Larry will put a house any place place anywhere as long as he built the straw hey Bell stack nice and neat and hardly way to think hey hey hey hey [Music] hey Mr Lunt didn't care where he built as long as he built with bricks they were stackable and went up fast bricks Nature's rocks rocks are nature's rocks bricks Nature's stackable interlockable rectangular baked clay rocks that's [Music] catchy Bob built with sticks wood to be exact more importantly though he thought long and hard about the best place to build and having laid a strong Foundation he knew it was the kind of work that lasted strong the town was proud of its homes and its builders in fact the first ever builder of the Year award had just been announced the deadline to win it was fast approaching but so were three very important new [Music] citizens think going to move in here good choice may I suggest building a lovely straw house no no no no no more require fires slake come on it's cheap it smells like the farm and it's 20% more energy efficient Larry liked to make up statistics that's only 50% true I dig efficiency watching my carbon hoof print oh eoso it's going to smell like d what about bricks bricks are hard as bricks oh catchy hear that they love me well sticks are strong too and when you lay a good foundation they make a a great house ah don't listen to him sticks are terrible for building I tried them once and they fell right over uhhuh remember where you built that house on the beach on the sand you need more than sand under your house I learned that from one of the greatest Builders ever old man Zuki sticks bricks toothpicks forget about it none of that matters if you don't got a strong Foundation it's all about the foundation listen up strong in the ground you stick around this isn't just about houses this is about life God is our Firm Foundation if we build our lives on his word we'll stand strong when troubles come it's a metaphor uh I I believe that's actually a simile what are you some kind of Professor old man zucchini should know he was the leading Authority on the master Builder's handbook Oh you mean my booster seat booster seat books intimidate me trust me the weatherman says a big storm is coming it's big seriously I'm talking [Applause] R everybody knows that 20% of all weather men are 30% wrong 40% of the time I don't even know what that means no one did all I know is that the stronger your foundation the better ultimately they each chose a different Builder more likes the tomato is that certified stanic the bricks are great I mean they're great wise choice choice step one the key to solid construction is a solid foundation take 6t holes every 3 ft pouring concrete set with rebar wow that's a lot of words I've said it before and I'll say it again he is for houses Foundation mation that's just a racket started by the cement companies my Brick House will be stacked by lunchtime and my lunchtime will be done by dinner time and then I'll need a snack Firm Foundation check Yep looks like I got everything I need to build this place on solid stuff everything but a [Music] song it's okay if the going gets rough winds and rains May huff and puff sinking sand is not enough just build it on solid stuff Take These Bricks playay them straight I work fast I don't have to wait built on mud it looks just great with nothing on solid stuff who needs solid stuff it's a lot of work and I'm not too buff this soft land will be enough besides my house is plenty tough why build it on salid stuff pack that straw stack it high my little piggy will be warm and dry it's so awesome I want to cry with nothing on solid stuff who needs solid stuff all that talking is a lot of Guff old zucchini I call your bluff your words are nothing but silly fluff why build it on solid stuff why build it on solid stuff we need solid stuff mark my words it's going to get rough when the storm clouds hop and puff you're going to need solid stuff build it on solid stuff hey slow Pokey it's quitting time not for me that's because you'll spend so much time on stuff under the ground that nobody's even going to see I've already got the walls up and that the porch swing I even put in a fireplace whoo back up hey look out a straw fireplace really what why not see you at the ceremony when I get that builder of the Year award this isn't about winning an award that's what the person who loses usually says with the house is almost done the pig seemed happy this little piggy had a latte oh yeah that hits a spot this little piggy sent a text L LOL and this little piggy bought a group on for laser hair removal this will save more so much time but the houses in cabbage Ville had never been tested the way they would be today oh the storm was coming rains can turn a mountain stream into a raging River and that raging River can send a whole lot of water down a mountain at once yes Wolf River was flooding into the huff and puff Dam and fast wolf huff and puff HH are you thinking what I'm thinking guess not took you long enough I just want to make sure it's as strong as it can be well it certainly looks good to me this house is simply gorgeous you must be Bob the Builder that'll never stick is it for sale oh no th this house is spoken for then I want one just like it I want to live in an awardwinning house what do you mean by that uh-oh who will be builder of the year looks like Bob's got the edge the judges are already on the lookout and they like what they say oh you're too kind and now I'm blushing you are there is no way scrawny sticks are going to win over beefy bricks Bob's house isn't even finished yet you should see mine I got a lot of cool stuff in my house too but you still don't have any kind of foundation a swing set a ping table I'm thinking of putting in a hot tub really I've always wanted a hot tub the hot tub isn't nearly as important as the F hot tub I'll have a hot tub in there by dinner time I'll have mine in by lunch oh yeah yeah we'll see we will see won't we very well boys I'll take a tour tomorrow it's not about hot tubs and awards it's about what's underneath it all but no matter how hard he tried to tell them it seemed that Bob was only talking to himself I could talk to you but I'm the narrator that would be awkward oh if only Larry and Mr Lunt had listened if only they understood What mattered most is that the luxury tub deluxe model the last one they had then it's the one one they were holding for me first come first serve that's the golden rule that is not the Golden Rule it's he who calls ahead gets the hot tub I'm paraphrasing of course too bad hey you don't mess with another man's hot tub [Music] [Music] hey finder keeper you found it on my forklifter don't killed me with your red tape on your rules fancy pants [Applause] [Music] stop that hot [Music] tub oh [Music] [Applause] uhoh uh if you allo mind I'm going to go narrow it up on Higher Ground later looks like grave little water W Slow Me Down w oh no piggy dude piggy dude let me in I'm getting out cuz I can't piggy girl piggy girl let I'll try [Music] in weather today I told you so looks like the whole town is sinking sand now I should have seen this coming they say that 85% of all floods are started by water guess we're just going to float away no wait we can jump under that bridge in straw Mills nope that was one of mine I know we'll grab on to that brick gazebo and Brick Landing Park no there it goes there hey Piggies come on let us in not by the hair of Chin Chin Chin uh Mo's chin however is hairless thanks to [Applause] laser nice hot tub it's not so hot it could use a paddle come on let's get to Higher Ground then we can get to work repairing the dam thanks Bob maybe we can build it on some of that solid stuff you'll keep talking about about after the town dried up Bob was indeed awarded the prize for builder of the Year thank you everyone I'm honored I'm just glad everyone is okay old man Su you better believe it you done good kid you followed the words in a book instead of sitting on it strong in the ground you stick around that's one of my favorite similes it's actually just a catchphrase I think you pardon College boy hey Einstein you learn your lesson foundations houses God's word huh you get that but the other two pigs decided they wanted houses with strong foundations too hey looks like I'm going to be busy you two want to come work for me you bet but I guess I'm going to have to say goodbye to my bricks actually no bricks are great you just need to give them a firm foundation oh good I can keep my straw in uh no probably better ditch the straw okay let's get to it boys we're building on a firm foundation whenever Trouble Comes to Cabbage we'll stay warm and dry when the winds get rough when they hop and pop and the rains fall from the when Trouble Comes to Cabbage we'll he the Master's plan the best location on a foundation all else is sinking sand sun for rain day in cabage cabbage hey that was a pretty good Parable wasn't it actually that was a oh you're right that was a parable and now it's time for silly songs with ly the part of the show where ly comes out and sings a silly song I remember the day you came my way I was so young my chewing days had not begun then I saw you protrude oh there you are I put away my baby food when you pee out at me I knew it was meant to be it was meant to be my only tooth my lonely tooth my all by itself in the middle of my mouth too happy today to you [Music] happy Toth to you happy happy happy Toth to you happy happy happy Toth happyday happy Toth to you happy so happy happy so happy happy so happy you grew up so fast and as time passed I thought there'd be more Two Three or maybe four but there you stood so white nobody's to your left or right and I knew I was done you be my only one my only too my lonely too my all by in the middle of my mouth too happy to to you I got you a present since you've been all by yourself I got you some buddies some to Buddies happy birthday to you happy happy happyday to you happy happy happyday happyday happyday to you Happ happy what's up a little crowded well just give him a [Music] chance SM anding you can share with your siblings no more Ching allone no more GRE hey Larry can I borrow some I'm you imag how much more no shining alone no [Applause] [Music] shining oops my only tooth my lonely tooth my all by itself in the middle of my mouth too that's okay lar we all got you tooth Buddies happy happy to tune in next time to hear Bob say happy toothday Larry once upon a time you've probably heard various rhymes from an old mother bird if you remember these tales and enjoy listening still then you might pay a visit to the town of gooseville from Days spent in diapers one yet may recall a brief tale of an egg who fell off a wall if you assumed it complete then it's probably time to hear on a bridged Humpty dumpty's full rhyme as the mayor of gooseville Humpty's main chore was helping his neighbors but lately old Dumpty preferred just to snore from loving his neighbor Humpty's heart had recoiled and lately had seemed a little hardboiled from the stress of his job his shell now showed crackage how he longed to escape on a vacation package maybe one day pondered the mayor with longing just as his doorbell started ding donging [Music] oh hello baby bear good morning Mr Mayor can't wait to Grant a favor to anyone who needs our help pardon little neighbor you'll have to come back later I'm trying to repair my shell but I want to lend a hand out to any needs that stand out I could be a neighbor saver you're a great debater but this mayor's opting out poing out he heard baby bear say I don't have time to help my neighbors today but I've made a list and checked it twice of all of our neighbors who've been naughty or nice no all of our neighbors who need help or [Music] advice what a long list of favors more favors than their's neighbors I don't have time to help them out don't be silly Miss Mr Mayor you're the greatest neighbor it's what be mayor's all about I guess we best get started before my shell gets parted time to be a friendly neighbor or a more exhausted mayor our friends could use some helping out no chance you'd come back later you're so silly Mr Mayor our neighbors need some helping out why don't we start with little B peep guess what has happened to all of her sheep this isn't the first time that I've heard this rhyme I don't know anyone cooler than you one day I'd like to be mayor too it's true B Peep's sheep were RAR beside her and today they all seemed especially hyper wow watch where you're going you could have broken my sh said the delicate mayor with a frustrated yell little B PE help me please I've lost my sheep they all seem to be playing hide and go seek you need to remember to close the Sheep's pen if you do then I'm sure this won't happen what do you think he was going to say probably again how could you tell because it rhymes on the back of the sheep of little boep May a humpty rode briskly all over the streets but when the Sheep stumbled on a stack of burritos Humpty flew through the air like a St torpo know as MMA bear placed the lovely bow in her hair Humpty landed head first in her living room chair mayor Dumpty my goodness what a pleasant surprise I did not expect you till a quarter past 5 as mayor Dumpty ruled so his head pointed upward Mama Bear told him I am indubitably flustered we have neighborhood problems we'd like to address I mean what you just look at that mess it was sad but true that living inside that cookie old shoe was old mother hubard who had so many children she didn't know what to [Music] do it's simply a terrible sight don't you think our property values probably gone down the sink neighbors who lack such obvious maners dve me totally crazy bananas I'm coming for you you crazy furball but wait we're not done complaining at all [Applause] Hi Neighbor want to go jogging or lift up some weights today is a very important date I've got to be nimble I've got to be quick cuz I'm about to jump over a Candlestick right you know I'll catch you later as Humpty Dumpty ran up the hill and back he nearly tripped right over Jill and Jack they desperately wanted help with their art because according to them world is falling apart me and Jill ran down the hill to fetch construction paper but we both fell down and broke our crayons and then we lost our stapler well have you tried looking at the uh well the well and why would we look at the well prer well um in case your stapler fell down it faw and the mayor ran away leaving more Neighbors in dismay hello there little lost sheep would you happen to be looking for something to eat well here's a little treat and just as Goldilocks fed him some straw I gotta sorry about that my your screams really are something it's quite a surprise finding the mayor on my street maybe you could help me find some por to eat porridge why would you want to eat that gooey goo go and ask your mom for some toast and beef stew but porridge is what I like eating most more than peanut butter jelly or beef stew with Toast of course my tummy is pretty rumbly today I could probably eat a whole porridge Buffet how about your neighbors you should knock on their door perhaps they'd have some extra porridge to pour [Music] although he had helped only little B peep May a Dumpty return to his own home to [Music] sleep don't worry Mr Mayor it's just me and the rest of the town they all needed help and you weren't around so I brought them all here to the foot of your step M what is it Miss Muffet I need your help badly there's a thorn in my toppet forget about that what about my front lawn I need your help training for the decathalon a stapler we never found at zel oh we located was this old Cowell with so many neighbors who needed attention his poor shell continued to crack from attention what should I do he wondered aloud well on his front door than neighbors did pound and that's when it hit him like a full ton of smackage I'm going to go on that vacation package while Humpty escaped from his mayorly house he did so as quiet as a little hi he didn't so as quiet as a really loud Mouse uh Mr Mayor do you have just a second for me my bug net needs fixing you see Humpty gathered His Thoughts with some conation baby bear I'm sorry I I'm on neighbor vacation I I've had enough helping everyone else I'd like to right now help only myself oh okay baby bear said kind of sad and Humpty in turn felt a little bit bad and when I say little I mean just a tad yes I'm looking for goose ville's great whole vacation then look no further than this elevator sir for the elevation vacation to which you [Music] refer okay um shouldn't we be moving by now whenever you're ready the bill hop said with a bow then Humpty began to have the realization that gooseville Great Wall was a help yourself kind of vacation Humpty Dumpty scaled the tall wall Humpty Dumpty had a few minutes to stall from all the exhaustion Humpty started to Swoon causing a drop like a big Li balloon what a close call with such a delicate shell I'm sure you're afraid to fall [Music] where's all the hammocks the tea lemonades and Siesta Mariachi playing nap serenades I'm sorry sir but didn't you see everything here is b y m l a t b y o m l a t bring your own Mariachi's lemonade and tea what about napping supplies the sad mayor said yeah it's also B yo NS a b bring your own napping supplies in a bed I've worked here for years and I can attest that helping yourself is what we do best but when Humpty considered his neighbors in town his frown began turning and stopped upside down from all of the stress he was finally free which made Goose ville's Great Wall the best place to be and so Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great sha that his grandmother gave him for such an occasion who needs all those neighbors with so many needs I'm doing much better helping just me oh perfect but baby bear was still being a kindhearted fellow aren't you a helpful lad to remove a thorn from my pillow and amongst the flamingos Goldie stood in a chair hoping tonight her mom would prepare a great bowl of porridge which we all could share meanwhile Humpty was feeling quite dumpy not comfy enough and clearly not snoring he was finding this place to be rather boring and trying to look for a new thing to do he saw something which promised a spectacular View help I M my nothing spectacular that I can see just a town still in need of assistance from me but then Humpty saw something which made his heart heavy sweet little goldian family with just two strings of spaghetti mama is there any porridge I can have spaghetti gives me the hiccups real bad I'm sorry sweet Goldie her old mother said but I've no other food to give you instead why that little girl should have more food to eat what uncaring neighbor she has on her street if I weren't up here and she weren't down there I'd give her every last bit of food I could spare huh what are you doing don't walk on their grass mama will go Bonkers if she thinks you've trespassed hello no one loved porridge more than Ma and Paul Bear is anyone here so Goldie dropped by hoping they'd have some to share por what are you doing don't eat the Bear's food if they find you they'll be in quite a bad mood no no no that one's so hot it's steaming but Goldie was too distant to hear Humpty screaming that one's so chilly it may give you frostbite well that one should probably be about right but according to Goldie it was more than just right that bowl of porridge was just right go get out of their house or you'll be in a pickle and that's when the telescope ran out of nickel oh I simply can't fix every problem I see I have plenty to do taking care of just me and so Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great ball oh yawn from which he would knit while ignoring his neighbors and kind of sort of feeling bad about it and while Humpty remained in his vacation bubble sweet Goldilocks fell more deeply in trouble immediately after her warm porridge snacking she said to herself I'm ready for napping but just then downstairs that family of bears sat down to eat in their dining room chairs and when Mama looked down at their table so fair her heart was a flutter and she felt quite a scare baby didn't you used to have porridge in there I think maybe I heard something upstairs look there's somebody sleeping in my bed then a startled Goldie screamed with Dread goldilock streak was hurt everywhere even all the way up to the ears of the mayor what in the world going on here what was going on here you might have guessed was the makings of an epic nursery rhyme mess one of baby bear's spiders frightened Miss Muppet who jumped up and down on top of her puppet spilling her curtain way on the hill while Jack and Jill looked for their stapler still both of them slipped and fell on their backs then slid down the hill and bumed into Jack and although he was Nimble and although he was quick unfortunately Jack ran into his stick which proceeded to shoot a flame in the air and landed at top the very Bond where little bo be keeps the rest of her sheep not knowing what was happening the Sheep went insane charging right toward H like a woolly bullet train she the frightened creatures rammed into the brick with a smack fracturing the wall causing humpies to fall and land on his back help I'm fallen and I can't get up Mr Mayor Mr Mayor bear could you Mr Mayor I have terrible news for you ghost bear has been ruined and no one knows what to do well don't look at me it was clearly the fault of little B peep what made all this mess was her stampeding sheep my sheep and I are not chiefly to blame jumping Jack's candle set my barn into flame I'm usually Nimble and really quite quick Jack and Jill are the ones who caused me to trip but none of this would have happened today if Miss Muffet hadn't spilled her curds and whe oh could you make such a borish connection it's theault of this bear and his bug collection no no no default belongs to this last there her scream was so loud it broke all our glass wear this trespassing girl likes all sorts of bers what's more I'm afraid I've gone cucko bananas I'm sorry goldilock said looking blue I didn't mean to trouble any of you when I was hungry for food I came to your door but I won't make that mistake anymore so like does this mean you're not going to help me find all my sheep your sheep what about our house and our lawn our stapler my tet the spring Marathon but Humpty was thoughtful as he realized that he was the cause of poor Goldilocks cries excuse me excuse me as your mayor I've made a lot of mistakes and right now I have a confession to make this mess is my fault because I didn't care if only I'd been more like you baby bear in The Silence the town's folk all fell hum's pain then upon introspection they all took the blame I see that at times we have each been uncaring from now on we commit to be helpful and sharing oh well then if someone could help me get unstuck from this plight we have now a matter we need to make right oh heyy what are you going to do with that that's a lot of pressure compressing compressing Humpty Dumpty shot up like a big c bowl and Humpty Dumpty had yet another great fall but this time his neighbors were there after all and though Humpty dumpty's shell was quite cracked his friend needed help and he needed to act little Goldie we're sorry for being unkind will you forgive us my dear for being so blind I called every neighbor here on your street to help you and your family get more to eat is that por as your mayor I'd like to officially say we'll all be better neighbors starting today so on behalf of all of your friends let the porridge festivity and then it happened again but this time when Humpty Dumpty recovered the town was amazed to discover that the porridge filled cracks and bonded so well it instantly mended Humpty's eggshell now every time Humpty looks at the wall he remembers his great disastrous fall with no one aware till Along came a bear who knew what it meant to be a neighbor who cares when you get stuck in a pickle a friend to lend a little hand when you're short a d more nickel a friend l a little hand theill is way too steep a friend I lend a little hand when you're tired of chasing sheep then a friend will end a little hand whether little or a big friend whether tiny or a tall friend there's no such as a small friend but I can do it all la la la when your patience isn't lasting a friend l a little hand when your neighbors are trespassing a friend L little everybody a friend little a friend little a little a a my friend Belinda whittles [Music] Belinda our next entry in the Greensburg talent show is a family band they've got a swinging song and I think they're going to go places give a big hand to the veggie tones hi oh come on kids okay Robbie go [Music] ahead everybody says I'm crazy to be talking with a guy like you [Music] they say I should stop but I can't do what they want me [Music] to telling me that you're no good don't think they ever that it's true that a girl got to do what a girl's got to do cuz [Music] baby hey you guys are really good you folks want another gig a paying [Music] gig well hey mister what's the Bella got to do to get a test drive around here a foing I'm wasting my time I need to make tracks start packing up and leave you behind they could see through your maybe then they realize nothing anyway if you haven't heard them yet folks you will they're called the veggie tones the song's called I got to show you see your R around the edges baby I agree but he's telling me from up I got to show you love these guys are going to be huge you got a and to Polished and refin you stand out from all the others baby you kind ladies and gentlemen the veggo before we take a final bow let me introduce the family on the drums guitar and bass are my son's buddy Bobby and Rob my daughter's Katrina and Sabrina singing those High harmonies and our little sweet potato on lead singing with the voice of an Angel Mirabel baby God see something in you they can't see you help around the edges baby I agree but he's [Music] telling I'm the proud papa Larry Dill you just heard the vegg tone hello vegetable Square [Applause] Gard Mr D great CH night here's your check for the gig $500 oh thank goodness we sure could use this and here's the bill for the new stage the extra lights and all the food you ate for $94 that's almost uh not including tip why don't you just keep this careful Lo up boys those are new instruments evening ladies doc Cota daily fish wrap you veggie talans are sure on the rise yeah it's pretty cool we're very excited it'll be great for you know the exposure and stuff your song on the radio is sure catchy the crowd loved it tonight Max him then again thanks very much it's no it's really rewarding to be able excuse us um here you go guys that should be the last of it thanks beell waa little lady surely you don't have to haul your own gear do you I know I just thought the boys could use their hand talented and a heart of gold Mirabel goody Tes let's go veggie tones everybody on the bus I got big news what's up Paul I just got a call backstage we've been involed invited to play vegetable Square Garden what's that it's vegetable Square Garden the venue that launched some of the biggest bands around bands like The Groovy Brothers the potatoes and the yam yam yams we got a long way to go and only a few days to get there so sit tight we're going to drive straight on through it's supposed to snow pretty hard tonight pop you sure you want to drive are you kidding we're not missing this for anything let's rock it [Music] [Music] roll I'm so cold I can't feel my toes you don't have toes oh that's why really getting bad out there shouldn't we find a place to that's it we have to stop look around for shelter I can't move my eyes anymore there it's alive sure let's just stay here because nothing bad ever happens at a creepy dark Hotel this place only gets one star from Madam Shalo I can see way be right there please don't be a ghost Bobby stop it don't away welcome to beats Alpine sweets come in come in oh my this is exciting I'll have someone fetch your bags from your bus [Music] Templeton won't be a moment I'm on it boss no phone service no internet where's your Wi-Fi my wifi not what why what why I don't know why you asked me why can't we ever tour in the Bahamas those ugly shorts remember oh you some kind of singing group not just some singing group they're the one and only veggie tones H this is our cook we call him cook easy to remember it's a family name I can't believe the veggie tones are here in our little shall what an honor I'm your biggest fan that's totally cool I have all your albums we only have one album and I have it you know we give autographs for hot food well we don't get many Travelers these days I can't imagine why oh be nice the veggie tones eh I'm sure that Superstars like yourselves will watch a whole floor of executive sweets you bet we're a very close family maybe just one sweet oh just one and it doesn't have to be a sweet it can be not so sweet just a room then we're down to earth you know want to keep in touch with a common man and keep in touch with our last $10 ah you are in the same family the kids take after their mother where from France the south of France how about a little dinner while you wait Feast your eyes then Feast the rest of your body this looks fantastic thank you ah just a little something I whipped up on short notice oh dear are you sure you don't want to sh more rules no thanks spending money on the road can be a slippery slope speaking of slippery slopes that bus of yours wasn't expensive was it why do you want me to park it somewhere else no it just parked itself down the hill huh way down the hill at the bottom I'll go get your key this gets worse and worse oh cheer up you haven't had to dirt yeah here Daddy have one of these chocolate roses oh no not the chocolate roses thank you this looks lovely anything but the chocolate roses those are forbidden sayy what eat my roses eat my roses who do you think you are to DARE and eat my favorite dessert my one and only guilty pleasure made for me and me alone how dare you we didn't know sir what a beast it's beat fin J beat the third is the name I'm so sorry Mr beat we can make this right sir these are paying guests they're here to rent a a room you remember rooms well one room now this just keeps getting better and better one room seven guests what kind of cheap skate freeloaders are you the kind who love free food news flash this food ain't free you can pay for this meal and then kindly throw yourselves out thank you we offered them a complimentary meal sir we could use the guest did I ask for your opinion no but if ever you did Sir I suggest a little mouthwash noted now what are you going to do to pay for all of this I can play base solo what we might as well work this out their bus is um a bit out of commission [Applause] and the road out of the valley won't be cleared for a long time there must be some way we can stay here and pay you back sure we can earn our keep surely a topnotch hotel like this needs a little entertainment we've already got a dinner show Tada hey smart guy get back into my rabbit stew my name's not stew it's Harvey nobody sings for their supper here if you're going to work off your bill there are plenty a chores to be done well what can you do to repay me we can wash dishes what we can clean mop the floors make all the beds we can we can we can do anything you require to repay you for your hospitality and I'm sincerely sorry that we ate your chocolate rose it looks so delicious we simply could not help ourselves we had no idea it was special to you sir I'll show you to your room yes here we are I call the bed me too On th will there be anything else sir I call the bathtub seven people one room musicians oh don't worry Daddy this won't last forever it'll be okay worst tour ever 6 a.m. B down bed time to start a brand new day up with the sun much to be done take a moment to pray thank you for all my bless blessings come from a place of Love even for a certain basely someone that I'm thinking of it's what God wants me to do it's who God wants me to be it's as simple as that he wants me to do it and even though it's hard he'll help me through it fill up my heart with love and share it generously because that's the person God wants me to be you think loving the unlovable is a bit of an uphill clim and try building an ark or parting the Red Sea sometime yes beat is a bully but what might he do if I were to show him kindness maybe there's hope if I were to help him from his disinclined fill up my heart with Al share it generously because indisputably irrefutably that's the God wants me to be and shine vegie tones we've got work to do up and out of five more minutes we got a big day ahead of us lots of cleaning lots of fun she's W to enthusiastic in the morning morning Daddy time to get up we've got a motel to clean I got to come up with a plan to get us out of [Music] here good day Manuel my usual table of course Mr mcneel you're my favorite guest I'm your only guest oh not anymore we just had a family come through here beer through here I don't what root beer I'll have some sweet tea and a side of fries in the kiche I love a good kiche all right I'll give you a nice kiss hands off Romeo nobody's kissing anybody Hey when's the next floor show you said you're going to get some new rled desel around here I don't want to see the magic up here again because his show was lame lame lame paper bag puppets I'm not going up up there you can't make me you'll do what it takes to keep the guests happy I have enough magic to do in the kitchen thank you and you have world class entertainers right under your nose those freeloaders give them a shot boss you'll see they're fantastic I'm serious you bring out that old magic act again and I'm checking out for good so you people can sing you bet just like little birds nice then get up there and show me what you got you make that guy smile lame and I'll let you work off some of your bill by performing yes sir I'll round up the kids we were inseparable except when we were apart you said you needed a break but that's when you broke my heart now that you're gone now that you're gone it's always WI now you're gone now that you're gone now you're gone I need a war more now that you come now that you this is the final R now that you now I told you we should depict a different song huh not bad not bad at all what' you think fine consider the nightly Dinner Show one of your chores one of your chores now get back to the rest of them everything all right here at the front desk ship shap manwell just finishing a few plans for tomorrow welcome to beats Alpine sweets may we help you good people we're here to see the the awesome show yeah we're pumped man well you've come to the right place right this way how exactly did you guys get here in a blizzard we came on skis and you're going to get out of here on skis of course [Music] skis no that's a terrible idea but he's telling me from above I got to show [Music] you thank you thank you so much thank you oh she's doing something with the plates is this part of the show no just part of the job Mr be it's dinner leave it by the door here it is don't let it get cold wow that's quite a collection those records are private thank you and that's the way I like it this seems like a nice spot to listen to music a private place yes it is I had no idea you were an opera lover no one does do you know what the definition of private is it looks like you have some song books on the Shelf Do you ever sing no of course not I just listen music it um well it calms me down it helps me forget about a lot of things what sort of things please leave this is none of your business I love singing you should try it sometime who would want to hear that I'm a cranky old grump with a nasty voice now good day Missy it's Mirabel maybe I could teach you to sing well I didn't say I wanted of course music lessons that's another way I can pay for the room we could start tomorrow no there will be no lessons and there will be no singing now good day to you and get out I have dinner waiting you think about it I will do nothing of the sort you're thinking about it right now I am not yeah he's thinking about it okay surely Manuel has something that can help get us out of here [Music] Rockets nah that won't work either H this place is so dreary I know what if you had to live here e what a disgrace just look at this place in the darkness and glue I say out with the dreary and in with the Cheery let's fix up and brighten this room this were my I'd start by it a good scrap off the crust where crust is SC the where the is home this for my home I'd all the furniture up for shine all the silare up for sure then put up some lights and P down the curtain this were my home I'd redecorate and renovate the place from top to bottom it'll take the skills of T Martha Stewart and honey I got [Music] [Applause] them home GRE every with a friend smile seresta with Flare and style let them see we always go the extra m If This Were my home if this were my home if this were my home yep our work here is done I'm going to bad and now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song We join Larry as he recounts the amazing tale of his family's invention of macaroni and cheese it's true I will explain it to you as only an opera can do my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather and my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother I forget how many greats well they lived in different familyes lived in different families who didn't like each other my name's Antonio cuccaroni and we eat a pasta only Ron we like a penny can don't call [Music] him my mama extremely cheesy oh it smelly but I still want some in my belly that's because we like her food ofly cheese have You Met My sonon makes a maoni My Maria makes a Charming sausy cheese someday she me to man who comes from her own plan no son of mine Mar a my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather and my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother I still forget how many great though their families were enemies Maria and Tony liked each [Music] other it's his fault her fault your fault no it's their fault the families were having a fit Maria and Tony were tasting it's in posibly delicious it's in Chad be delightful there's a piece on your lips we should miss this bite oh wait wait wait wait a minute this is my grandparents nothing to see here let's just skip to the end that's how my and my great great great great great B great great great great grandmother I still don't know how many greats but they brought together the family brought together the family and invented macaroni and cheese it's a cheese and macaroni it's a macaroni and cheese it's great great great great great great great great great this has been silly songs with B tune in next time to hear Antonio say it's a great what who's wallpapering without my permission then not B Hop's ready to hop with bells on good then get out of my sight good morning sir not much good about it get back in the kitchen it's almost lunchtime get the buffet out here yes sir Mr bit have you thought any more about those singing [Music] lessons where are all my pots and pans we need them for cover for cover from the food fight wa never start a food fight with a chef boys [Music] [Music] that's all you got ah good shot she is never going to leave this alone is she just one lesson not interested all right maybe a half lesson really oh good that's wonderful we'll start to [Applause] I warned you it it wasn't so bad everyone has to start somewhere is anyone hurt in pain I heard screaming we're fine Manuel Mr beat just needs to warm up his pipes my pipes sound like they need a plumber just repeat after me when got s stop you not a single thing it doesn't matter if you get it round it only matters that you sing that song just make some lyrics up and sing round all the rest of it will come in town now let me hear you sing la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la come on come on why don't you give it a rest come on come on now you're just being pass as what you being one more word I swear I'm gone hey I'm doing it [Music] [Music] wow I don't even know how that happened I'll see you tomorrow no one can know about this as you wish that went well Brave girl got to find something to get us out of here what's this uhuh what's in [Music] here I can go without water or food won't affect my attitude I'm totally set as long as I get my five servings of you per day servings of you day I can go without sunshine or sleep sunshine or sleep long enough to make aown man I won't break a sweat as long as I get serving of you Diamond I don't need to be a millionaire I never wish a cuz you're the answer to my I can go without shelter Shel I can go without On My Feet on totally as as I get serving of you per day serving of you [Music] [Applause] five a five serving I'll sure miss them when the snow melts yeah then she'll be gone she they they'll be gone you know all of them you know you could make them an offer to stay permanently oh no no this is a good investment that's all they're renovating the hotel they're renovating you admit it nonsense the snow is melting soon that'll be the end of it I guess it will be [Music] sir I tell you Mirabel I'm about ready to give that beat a piece of my mind I mean who does he think he is yeah he's pretty grumpy he's so scow and ugly and mean he must be unhappy I'm the one that's unhappy Mirabel maybe Mr beat just never had anyone show him any kindness I can see why sometimes the best thing to do for someone like that is to show them love who would do that God would what God would do that Katrina trade you deal you can listen to her talk about how much she loves the beat e don't make me ill come on mirb you can't love someone who doesn't love you back especially that old grump Katrina we can all be nasty sometimes but everyone deserves to be loved totally ridicul ow good morning well good morning Mirabel any new songs today well we've got some for the show tonight but I thought you might want to join us what no don't don't be silly you've been doing so well with your lessons think of how surprised the guests would be it might bring you more customers or scare them away look this place doesn't need any more bad publicity believe me we got plenty of that from Madame Shalo you I mean the travel critic she really gave you a horrible review I mean really one star one star you give one start to a truck stop Motel to a dump you want to talk about it I'm here to listen no now just go away okay but I'm here if you need me stop being so sweet I mean everyone knows it and that's why I get one star don't you get it yes you are me you're nasty impatient and you push everyone away then why are you so nice to me because I'm not perfect either but God loves me anyway I'm just showing you that same love too there will be no more singing from me tonight and I think I've had enough music lessons Mirabel Manuel what happened to this place why did Madame shello give it such a poor review ah yes um come with me there was a terrible blizzard that year she showed up out of nowhere said she was lost and Mr beat turned her away well I can't take you in with no money I promise I promise I can pay you back no money no room now get out please just fall tonight it's so cold out here I don't run a shelter for penniless vagrants go bother someone else where will I go I don't care Madam Shalo yes but she wasn't The Madam shulo not yet anyway it was that incident that made her write her first and to this day harshest review of any hotel that's right weary Travelers it's me Madame Shalo I'm here at the Beats Alpine suet an inn whose owner was rude to me so rude and in fact that I'm afraid I'm going to have to give this establishment a onestar review I cannot say it too strongly avoid this awful Place wow I know right M Belle Pop's got big news come quickly I've invented snowshoes what is that on top I don't have any idea but these little babies will walk right on top of snow drifts right through that mountain pass and out the valley pack your bags we're back on tour what's all the Halo dad found a way to get us out of here well that certainly is good news happy day kids it's time to get ready for our farewell show cuz we're leaving in the morning after vegetable Square Gardens what then B after that in the next in the next [Music] Mirabel I would like to apologize for my behavior earlier and if you are still willing I would like to resume the singing lessons I'm sorry finnean but Daddy's figured out a way for us to leave we're leaving first thing in the morning excuse me I have to get ready for the show tonight you'll need a hand with zip plates tonight no that's okay I need to get used to working the kitchen by myself again just me all alone luie doie somebody better give me a key and quick a big fat what ladies and gentlemen grapes and gourds I'm I'm proud to present our dinner entertainment sadly giving their final performance of the evening please enjoy the final show from those wonderful singing Sensations the veggie tones [Music] they say you are hard to love that you are Unworthy of kindness and [Music] sympathy but I see it [Music] differently I'm not afraid to show the love I've been GI [Music] so I will be strong I'll sing my song with hope I'll move on I wish you were stay still I am praying down in my heart I find I can show love to anyone at any time if life is a play and we are the players then faith is the lyric and hope is the music and love is the song faith is the lyric hope is the music God's love is the song Thank [Applause] you so you don't need your equipment nope the venue's going to set us up with everything we need so long as we get there on time thanks for everything sorry about Mr beat not coming to see you leave that's okay we'll send for our stuff in a few days Mirabel Mirabel coming [Music] Daddy glad to finally be rid of that place yeah at least it has better wallpaper now on to bigger and better things [Music] boy do I miss those pot PES from cook make sure you're rolling all the time but stay hidden what about you I'll be in Disguise of course Adam shalom it's the only way to catch the what do you think she's doing here but what about the r you use they said the dinner show is fantastic just because someone FS a great band doesn't mean they deserve a better rating on my show but we'll see either they impress me or I might just have to invent the half star review wow be is going to get the second chance at the good review if he doesn't blow it again come on gang I want to make this gig vegetable Square Garden here we come hello my weary Travelers welcome to another edition of Hotel Undercover the show where we catch horrible hotels being horrible this particular Chalet has got my worst rating ever I have heard that they have had a comeback of sorts let's see shall we welcome to beats alide and sweets may I help you forgive me but I have no money for my long journey I need to stay the night and play later yes I'm sure we can work something out everyone is welcome here please come in so friendly I hope that we live up to your expectations Sam by by what a table you set all for our guests I just tried to serve food that would make people want to stay forever how can we leave the Chalet like this easy in these snowshoes one hop at a time Dad beat really needs his best foot forward right now to get his reputation back and save his hotel we know our show could really help him do that it's not our problem but if we can help him shouldn't we why go back for the beat he's been nothing but mean to us yeah what's he it for us nothing we don't love to get something in return or to get love back we love because God loves us always whether we deserve it or not we are made to love one another it doesn't matter how Mr beat treated us or if he deserves it we need to show him love anyway but vegetable Square Garden we have to go back Daddy come on family we've got an encore performance to get to by thank you I hear you put up quite a dinner show here yes ma'am yes we do they're warming up right now excuse me and then I say the last ingredient is Magic and I pull the chicken out of the pot then you come out juggling silverware me I don't juggle silverware well Chop Chop you've got 10 whole minutes to learn oh this is preposterous we're not entertainers this is going to be worse than watching an empty stage Mr beet it's them it's who the veggie tones they're coming back I don't know why but they're coming back looks like we won't have to perform after all oh well then the veggie toes are coming back the veggie toes there they are the veggie toes are on their [Applause] way Avalanche [Music] Avan run everybody no out of my way [Music] move sir what are you doing you're crazy keep the Home Fires hot fellas I got me family to [Music] say uhoh hold on fashion this time I'm going to SP you to safety ladies and gentlemen at home and in our studio we are watching what may be the ultimate Act of hospitality ever performed by a hotel manager everyone off the boat wow that's some kind of be you said it I don't know what the regular Dinner Show is like here folks but I am glued to my seat hang on [Music] [Applause] these Reds are going to be through the r well that was dramatic you saved me Mirabel you're the one driving the snowmobile uh no I didn't deserve it but you've been kind to me even though I was so rude to you to your family I don't know how R you are welcome finin excuse me pardon me excuse me this is Madame Shalo on location at the pets Alpine sweets I'm standing here with Manuel the mat D tell me Manuel what do you think of working for a Bonafide hero am I on [Music] [Applause] television there some who are hard to love they say they're Unworthy of kindness and sympathy but God sees it differently don't be afraid to show the love that he gives you his love is strong so pass it on as you sing along glad that I'm I'll keep on PR that in my heart I find I can show love to anyone any time if life is a and we are the players faith is the lyric and hope is the so viewers if your future travel plans include a bit of skiing and snow fun I heartly recommend you try out this adorable Hotel it gets a FIV star rating from me well hello M lady you look like you could use a good Kish oh my for you still got it love is the song Love is the song Love is the song God love is the [Music] song my dinner's one huge chocolate bar diamonds and Jet ples I'm a star yeah living The Sweet Life but that's not everything no no from T little I'm about her I can get whatever I ask for but never brings me what I really want it's not everything you're watching veggie beat television and that was Vanna Banana's newest hit that's not everything only Vanna banana could have everything she wants and still want more oh snap are you one of the special peeps who catch her soldout show live this weekend at the onion Flats Arena I'm rock and Robin and I'll see you there you won't see me there and then I said no way and she said uh-huh and I said uh-uh and she said no way papaya you ran into my squeezy fuzzy bunny with your dream Corvette that's cuz she's filled with candy corn and rainbows paprika parsley can't hear my show this is our house too yeah forget it the only thing around here that's really mine is where's my radio pepper pepper no sign of Life on planet poy SE wait I sense a life form hope hope it's friendly pepper you took my radio again ah you alien pepper come up and play with me Princess what's going on Dad he won't come down and give me my radio pepper just pretending thanks you need to go easy on your little brother but he's always touching my stuff he just wants to play with you fah banana doesn't have to put up with a grabby little brother or house crammed with peep or I'm sure Vanna banana has plenty of troubles of her own her life's perfect how awesome would it be to hear yourself singing on the radio be adored by millions of fans wear fancy clothes and be in a cool music video God made Vanna to be Vanna and he made you to be you he put your life together just like he wants it to be princess well I wish he' put it together more like Vanna bananas what are you doing to my pogo stick turning it into a robo Pogo now you'll really be able to get the fruit down from those High branches there goes nothing W yeah that hops a lot higher loose in the wild as nature intended what are we planting today apples could you get the milk and eggs okay Dad what can I do to get away from my annoying brother my own space where I'm not always feeling Smo push and smothered where can I go to find where I belong my life's so crazy it's more difficult than many others if it were different I'd be free without so many bothers where can I go to find where I belong I'll play my music sing my songs one day I'll be discovered the crowds will cheer I'll live the life for me that's like no other that's why what I'll do to find where I [Music] belong 30 minutes until we leave for the music video shoot sweetheart okay why aren't you dressed yet what on Earth is the matter this little Peas on zip Prairie the little girl she plays with her sisters and there are hugs and skipping through a meadow and a horse thank you Lord for this food aen enough EAS enough Vanna you've got to pull yourself together and get dressed for the video shoot Entourage good morning let's make you beautiful first first first fresh fresh but horsey your life is amazing why would you want theone in that little box they don't have anything you have but they aren't lonely how can you be lonely at your last birthday parties there were 2,000 fans I know how to cheer you up Entourage selection of foreign cheeses Diamond studded cookie B need help floing Wireless scalp massager no that's not what I want I do music videos instead of playing I rehearse instead of making friends what kind of a life is that a special Superstar life but we leave in 20 minutes what's so great about being special if it means I'm always [Music] alone Herby Scooby that girl can say Y and if you want to meet her now is your chance to win what be the 99th caller and sing me one of Van songs to win a ticket and backstage pass to this weekend's concert mom you took the head off my pony doll he wouldn't fit in my lunch box I'm [Music] way pepper [Music] coming oh there you are princess I can't talk I got to win a [Music] ticket wow bub you're our 99th caller what's your name what me I I'm princess princess poppy seed all right popsy sing me one of Anna Banana's songs to win move my to the be down in my soul singing for the people that's how I roll who would guess that a regular girl could get sing for the whole wide world who turned on the radio that's princess really L Van van shouts the crowd I'm a radio sweetheart a radio sweetheart H oh no oh no seem to have a bad connection looky doggy oh well under the car 100 how could you I'm so sorry princess that ticket was important to me it was an accident I was going to meet Vanna banana [Music] princess he was only dancing to your song He tripped I just really wanted to win I need to go to the park to sell some pies why don't you come okay princess invite pepper what can't you see how bad he feels but invite pepper pepper you want to come to the park yay [Music] medic I could stand and face this crowd alone but to me they only sound like thunder look at me there are millions here who cheer but I don't really know one single other the world knows my name so why do I feel with all of these crows I should not be is there something somewhere a special some place out [Music] there where I'm not on my you on my you [Music] stay nearby princess I just need to sell a few more pies then it's back home [Music] okay hi want to seesaw you want to play with me sure why not we're about the same size perfect for seaon wa so you don't have any kids to play with either are you kidding I've got way too many kids to play with too many Vanna Vanna Steve Rusty what can we do for you Mrs banana Vanna is missing and it's time to shoot our music video we are so on it yeah on it and then my brother danced on the phone cord and accidentally hung up no way it wasn't funny at the time there he is over [Music] there it sounds like you have have such a fun life are you kidding living on a farm kids everywhere everywhere always out in the sun smelling like horses horses I'm telling you it's not so great when you're never alone oh never alone wow that sounds like the exact opposite of my life opposite I'm lonely a lot because there are never any kids around you should come to my house sometime I'd left to really but I never get to stop working long enough to do anything fun work but you're a kid who exactly are you what would you say if I could get you a backstage pass to that [Music] concert over there there that's the unmistakable sound of a van banana fan you're I don't want anybody else to know so do you want to come hang out with me backstage of course but I don't have anything to wear I can't go dress like this oh don't worry about that I have tons of extra clothes y I'm wearing Vanna Banana's jacket it smells famous we look exactly the same exactly is a strong word but I [Music] wonder wow it's like looking into a mirror we are looking into a mirror Hey kid have you seen van a banana around here they're here to take me back I don't want to go back what but you got the best life in the world i' do anything to be you oh yeah well I do anything to be you don't look much like a banana wait a second I wish I were you and I wish I were you and we look exactly the same why don't we give it a try banana here I am gotcha the carrot has landed I repeat the birdie is back in the cage yeah Bernie waa what's going on quickly get her to this stage princess that was weird come on princess got to go well come [Music] on and now it's time for an installment in the history of fashion with Aral the part of the show where Aral comes out and shares a lesson in the history of fashion in the olden days the biggest craze with the folks who live back then of the Bourgeois an accessory for the women and the men not pant or shirt nor blouse or skirt or anything made from thread but woven hair from horse or bear situated on the head our astonishing wigs they're enormously big we love our astonishing wigs astonishing wigs astonishing wigs so you like our astonishing wings from most famous Queen of greatest means to the lonely Duchess Fair ran a Common Thread to pull in the head for those unhappy with their hair now you can bet that even pets and livestock would confer so Wigs they took to improve the look of their bristles and their fur our astonishing wigs they're enormously big we love our astonishing wigs astonishing wigs astonishing wigs do you like our astonishing wigs we are the pigs and wigs yes our locks are very big and we sque without a care in our artificial hair our hearts are most in thr since pigs like ball so we'll sing and we'll smile and we'll probably the sty of our Asing wi and so it said this fashion spread from the lofty to the low from Prince to Pig the look was big and continued thus to grow hence girls and boys would dress their toys in manufactured mops then Bush and tree soon too would see small wigs upon their tops our astonishing wigs they're enormously big we love our astonishing wigs astonishing wigs astonishing wigs do you like our astonishing wigs Wigs Wigs yes our are very big and they Dan without a in their artificial hair we don't if their hair gets problematic just back and smile for the fabric sty [Music] ason so you think I'm silly well yes this has been an install moment in the history of fashion with archabald tune in next time to hear archabald say so then after a while wigs went out of fashion and everyone turned to bell bottoms oh brother ourishing [Music] qus you cannot just disappear like that sweetheart I was worried sick it's time to stop daydreaming and start acting like the Superstar now play [Music] play now anyone dude sing [Music] um move my feet to the feet down in my soul singing for the people that's how I roll who would gu that a regular girl um could get to sing for the whole wide world what's happened to her voice this is a dream I can't I'm up here I love the microphone and the camera lens yes I do you know the audience is my best friend and when the fans call out my name hello can you hear it I take the stage and entertain yes I'm here when they sing along it's such a rush so with this I must be a radio sweetheart a radio sweetheart h I don't I don't want to meet the president Mommy I want to ride the horsey princess wake up what princess good [Music] morning what is that wonderful smell what do you think family breakfast family breakfast will you pick those socks off the ground these are hot be careful I'm coming through can I have some okay wash your hands something smells delicious princess I got it I got it oh morning princess what have you got a homing device for the robo Pogo watch whoops guess I need to teach it to use the door better go get my wall fixing tools hurry up children we all have our choice to do yours what's this what do you think it is breakfast pie your favorite it's perfect hold on we haven't said Grace oh sorry thank you God for this food amen amen amen oh it's so sweet it's just like little Peas on the Prairie okay I need more bread anybody seen my mil please honey [Music] noing good morning what what's happening breakfast who are you save your voice three different outfits to try on this morning and we've infused your eggs with all the nutrients you'll need for an energetic day I scraped the bumps off your toast dress number [Music] two perfect brush brush brush brush brush brush hair brush brush brush brush brush spr you leave for rehearsal in 2 minutes the band is waiting on you looks like you're done here good [Music] morning what a way to wake up la la la la la la la oh sounds like you are getting sick la la la la la no third pair today Vanna what's the matter nothing's the matter just a little nervous let's do it again uh okay after the Piano Man fixes his glasses and buy some ear plugs I don't need need the piano I'll just sing it aapco it's Acappella Vanna you are not yourself this morning what who else would I be I I mean it'd be impossible for me to trade places with some other girl okay Vanna if the performance is as bad as your rehearsal this tour will be over we've both worked too hard to lose everything now I I don't want to lose everything Vanna you must decide right here and now to put aside this foolishness and do whatever it takes to be the Superstar you were made to be whatever it takes are you ready to do that I'm ready got my fancy outfit on while I sing my favorite song yeah I'm living the highl but that's not [Music] everything my dinner's one huge chocolate bar diamonds and Jet ples I'm a star yeah I'm living the Sweet Life but that's not [Music] everything I got to get lazy from TOA to too I'm a popar hero I can get whatever I ask for but it never brings me what I really want it's not ever how hard could this [Music] be again it's not [Music] everything look at my fancy mansion home yet I live here all along yeah I got everything that my money can buy but that's not everything that's not every thing good night princess good night pepper pepper what are you doing up best day ever I've enjoyed seeing you be so kind to pepper today it's almost like you even like him he's a great little brother so you don't want a life like Vanna bananas anymore I guess not I'm glad you know the Bible says you are so special to God that if you tried to count every time he ever thought about you it would be like trying to count every single grain of sand in the whole wide world wow that's a lot it is a lot God thinks about you all the time princess and do you know what he thinks what he thinks you're really really great and so do I let's say our prayers God we are grateful for the life that you have given us even when it's tough we know that you made us special and you put us right where you wanted us even when it tough princess God uses the good times and the tough times to make us who he wants us to be every life has both every life has both good night my sweet girl you CW so fast but you'll always be my little princess [Music] good night sweetie oh no she has run away again I'm over here oh you're sleeping in a dresser drawer the bed's too big this just feels more like home huh Vanna I appreciate you working so hard today but I cannot help feeling something about you has changed no oh no it hasn't I promise I'll be back to myself in no time I've never heard this song when did you write it I I don't remember you've never hidden one of your songs from me before would you mind singing it for me I could stand and face this crowd alone but to me they only sound like thunder look at [Music] me there are millions here who cheer but I don't really know one single other the world knows my name so why do I feel unknown with all of these crowds I should not be [Music] alone I did not know didn't know what I thought being a superstar made you feel special I did not know it made you feel alone it is good that I know this Vanna it gives me much to think about good night sweetheart good night the alien is attacking oh no oh no not just any alien I'm a kissing alien Mah kissing me Princess coming I just don't understand it well there has to be some explanation what's going on we're in trouble big trouble this is the second morning in a row that the chickens and cows haven't given us enough that's probably the singing what singing you always sing to the animals they love it I don't know why you stopped you stopped that's got to be it I've got to admit when you sing it does make the animals very happy you make him feel like giving more milk and eggs it's like a cow lullabi you're like a Dairy Queen what should I sing what you always sing [Music] Banana um any requests oh that's not everything radio stuff Mar it's radio sweetheart like that makes any sense okay move my feet to the beat down in my soul singing for the people that's how I roll who guess that a regular girl could get to sing for the whole my songes on they play it Loud shouts the crow I'm a radio sweetheart what are they doing I don't think that worked I don't understand the animals are treating you like they don't even know you princess that's because they don't know me what don't be silly princess I'm not you're not silly I'm not princess what what it's true I'm sorry I lied but I just wanted to trade places with Princess trade places with Princess we met at the playground and played on the Seesaw I saw that sea saw and realized that her life is exactly what I wish I had and my life is exactly what she wishes she had that's impossible the only person princess wants to be is Vanna banana what I can't believe ban believe house Vana banana kissed me sh Vanna where is princess she she's at the arena getting ready for tonight's show everybody in the truck let's go bring Princess [Music] home hurry hold on ho she's a diesel got to give her time to warm up [Music] [Applause] [Music] to I'm a pop star hero I can get whatever I ask for but it never brings me what I really want it's not [Applause] everything look at my FY Mansion home get I love BL yeah I'm playing with monkeys but that's not ever R [Music] than that's not the last line of the song I couldn't remember it was the first thing I thought of playing with monkeys was the first thing you thought of Leave it to Vana banana to mix it up for the live crowd yowa who wants free t-shirts Vana come here I'm sorry I I'm just distracted I know Vanna your heart is clearly not in this anymore no I'm just the song you sang for me last night it made things so much clearer perhaps we take some time off give you as you said a normal life for a while no I want to be famous but your song that wasn't my song what I I mean it's not what I want anymore it is not no this I really really want this give me one more chance to show you okay Vanna if that is what you really want she she really said that on stage yeah playing with monkeys that's hilarious hold on wait till it to a complete stop Steve Rusty it's me Vanna you've got to let us in hardy har Vanna banana is inside little girl besides if you're the real Vanna you would know our names I just called you Steven Rusty right but I'm Rusty and he's Steve please guys I have to I thought I was Rusty you're not getting in without a ticket that's okay I have a ticket you do a hot scrumptious chocolate ticket I'm not princess I'm b banana not princess I'm BNA banana not princess I'm princess BNA banana oh thank goodness I found you you've got to come home I tried to be you but it was a disaster what I'll explain on the way come on excuse me who let you backstage mom I've missed you so much what's going on Vanna who is this farm girl I'm your daughter we traded places a few days ago on the playground Vanna yes Mom not you the other Vana is this true I don't know what she's talking about what princess you can't be me and I can't be you Steve Rusty did you let this girl backstage um she had a ticket and the lense ticket don't you see how special you are princess you grow pies no one does that this this is the life I always wanted um we're running out of t-shirts over here let's go little missy Vanna's got to get back on stage princess you've got to tell them the truth my name is not princess it's vaa [Applause] banana no more pies for you a man I don't understand my little girl this is all my fault we should have never traded places wait where's pepper once again the one and only V banana princess why don't you want to be my sister what did I do wrong dude BNA sing just give me a second dude oh my feet to the feet down in my soul singing for the people that's how I roll they a regular girl princess help I'm scared you've got to let us back inside don't make me call my Robo Pogo mommy who's that that's my child come on Mom princess what happened it's pepper he's stuck up there what is going on here rusty I'm Steve and there's a boy up there help we've got to rescue that boy what do we do I I don't know I got it veggie pyramid you to my bad I'm so sorry Princess you didn't do anything wrong but none of this would have happened if I hadn't made you lose that contest now you don't want to be my sister anymore sister is what sucessor girl said actually true who are you I'm not Vanna banana my name is Princess poppy seed I traded places with B a banana because I didn't think being princess was good enough I wanted what Vanna has I wanted to be special but God made Vanna to be Vanna and he made me to be me I Tau her that and now my brother's in danger because of what I did I'm so sorry it's no use there's no other way up there there has to be another way not unless somebody can jump really high jump hi the robo Pogo uh what do you say a robo [Music] Pogo I'm a coming pepper no dad let me let princess it's my fault he's up there I need to go get him plus you're not very good at pooing true pepper princess oh pepper it's not your fault it's mine you said you weren a princess you didn't want to be my sister anymore well that's impossible isn't it it's scary up here then hold on to me and I'll get you back down Safe and Sound Don't Let Go I Won't little brother [Music] [Applause] [Music] pepp I don't want to be Vanna anymore I'd really like to be a poppy seed again oh sweet girl I'm so sorry Mom I love you princess poppy seed family hug oh van I am so sorry no I had forgotten what an amazing life God had already given me sweet girl we both forgot you are special just for being the wonderful Vanna the daughter who I love Vanna Mrs banana family hug [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think it's even Cam and your [Music] side I've got my mother and my father sisters and my brother my friends and neighbors were so happy cuz we love each other it's a lot of love and right where iong my life as challenges it's just as hard as any other but our God cares for us we get through it and it's no it's a lot of love and it's right where I [Music] belong a lot of love it's right where I belong this so much joy in life it's something I had to discover cuz God the Father made a laugh on me that's like no other it's a lot of love and it's right there love a lot it's right there
Channel: VeggieTales Official
Views: 203,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggietales, veggie tales songs, barbara manatee, veggie tales cheeseburger, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales where is my hairbrush, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggie tales Jonah, belly button song, veggietales anniversary, veggietales in the house, veggietales movie, veggietales rap, veggietales silly songs
Id: cuGO4tJLc0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 40sec (7660 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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