Do Altoids Survival Kits Actually Work?

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[Music] what is up guys today blade HQ we're gonna be making an Altoid survival team kit for Tim at everyday tactical videos from all of this inventory but first we need an Altoids tin and I think we need some Cheetos let's do it aim fire starter guys this is gonna work this is gonna be good get outta there your Behrman okay I think you got everything we need here now the trick to the outfits irrelevant is how to get all of this in there and we'll see if we can make it all fit and then we're gonna hand it off to Tim Tims gonna take it and try to survive down by the creek at blade show 2017 it's gonna be fun yet check it out this is where we're going yeah there's like hobo camp down there I love her spot all right guys we're down here at rotten wood Creek in Atlanta with Tim from everyday tattoo vids we're all out here for blade Show we've assembled an Altoid Survival tin for him and I'm gonna hand it off to you Tim and we're gonna see if you can survive with it so I'll see you next year here yeah I'll check it okay I got a little log cabin you got up there good all right now I'm gonna leave it with Tim and I'm done here my work is done [Music] hi guys so for me whenever I have an Altoids tin or any kind of survival kit that's relatively small first thing I want to do is open it up and find out what's actually in it all right first thing survival whistle it looks like that's a good quality whistle I'll tell you that got some quick tinder here to get a fire started that'll be good tweezers definitely a first aid type thing and also if you need to do some detail work maybe looks like we got a little the little P lighter here yep got a fire steel Loctite superglue a tiny little container of superglue that's a good accelerant to get a fire started a fire starter Leatherman squirt ps4 let's see what kind of tools we got on here a couple you know helpful options on there certainly the pliers the blades gonna be a big help the file we can use to strike the feral rod so and this is a nice-sized little multi-tool in fact that it fits in a Altoids tin is definitely a win at a tiny little compass Phoenix eo5 flashlight a couple different outputs it looks like yep some swivels for fishing got a safety pin and a paper clip and then some waterproof matches so plenty of ways to start fire which is a big win in my book oh you got here looks like a little roll of duct tape and a small little pen this little whatever it is it's inside a straw sealed at the end that was labeled I don't know what the label wore off but that happens sometimes so I don't know what is what to find that out later on fishing line here we've got a Cheeto so I've got plenty of food for the next couple weeks obviously not but this can burn actually and you could use this if you want to actually make a trap you could actually lure something in with that got some meds there's cheeto it looks like there may be some Fritos in there maybe I don't know if it's Doritos some sort of other snack food inside little cable got a bandaid got an alcohol swab attack survive rescue this is I can use this as a signal mirror it's also got a blade on the edge and you can run a you know a little cordage they're gonna wear it around your neck little survival card with fish hooks a needle with some thread and we've got some water purification tablets in this little baggie and it's also got directions on how to use them and then the last thing here I'll do without cutting myself is a very sharp razor blade so yeah first initial impressions the kids good I mean as far as what you need my top priorities when I'm thinking about a survival situation I want to make sure that I can get fire cuz that gives me a lot of other options to do other things you're not gonna be able to fit a big fixed blade in here so you got to go with something smaller I think that Leatherman does a good job you got a razor blade as well flashlight I think it's underrated a lot of times because people think well I'll just make fire but if you ever had a fire at night you can't get more than you know 15 20 feet away and you can't see a thing so now if I was here overnight at least I could wander around to look for other supplies so so let's base on what we have here let's get some of this stuff back in there and the first step I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a fire [Music] so from the survival tent I've got this quick tinder I've got that and this little lighter and the key to quick tinder is you need to make sure you fluff it up so let's slide this under here [Applause] [Music] got fire going we're gonna talk about water now so we've got water tabs in here which I'll take out in a minute doesn't look like there's anything to actually collect water in but you'll find scraps around often you know especially the places where people have been one recommendation I would make to the kit already has just put a small plastic bag in there even if at the port size bag or even just like a sandwich size bag release it's a way you can collect a little bit of water [Applause] gonna shake it up a little bit and it's going to sit for about 30 minutes and then from there the water should be good to go as far as dealing with those nasties like Cryptosporidium and Giardia let's see if we can actually catch a fish now I've got a piece of bamboo that I'll use my there's my pole we got some fishing line here and then we've got this little card that's got some spoons and also a hook in there so we're gonna pop out one of those hooks using the Leatherman squirt actually were gonna try the cheeto first to see if there are fish like that has made god [Applause] big ol earth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] got a fish I had a bunch on the line I had to up on the edge of the rock and they just kind of flipped off the hook but cachito worked for a while but then it flew off got this guy with a worm step up and offer you some thoughts on the tin that Ben and blade HQ put together overall I think a quite a good job I do like the fact that the bishops work that was kind of skeptical honestly I would generally put a standard set up hooks in there some small some large but a real fish hooks not from the card but the card worked maybe something else that you could use as bait little packets of peanut butter are great or even a little more and then other things that are even just pre-made beats I really like the fact that there are multiple options for fire I think in the wilderness in a survival situation fire is gonna be your best friend in a lot of ways so the fact that we've got the lighter effect we've got a bunch of accelerants in there the fact that we have the matches and the fire steel they've got to win the pen I can do without if you make a fire you can get charcoal and you can leave a note on a rock you could write it somewhere takes up a little bit of space it's not a ton of weight it did allow you to wrap up the duct tape which was good I'd like to see more duct tape in there you can actually make a container out of a duck out of duct tape if you have enough so I'd probably need you know four or five times that amount but again it could have duct tape water we have opt opportunity to purify it I mentioned before I would put a bag in here I would put a plastic bag in so you had something to carry water in or purify water and yeah this is this is quite good one thing I really do like is that we didn't put a ton of just like kitschy survival gear in there that stuff takes up a lot of space is usually a lot of weight and has very little juice the survival cards can be hitting this depending on what you actually put in a tin but I think this one actually did the job it's very small and lightweight as well so I'd give this like I get this probably like a B b-plus for survival tins couple changes but overall I think a lot of wins and what they what they did when they put this survival tin together [Applause] assembled an elephant survival - alright I need that
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 1,421,745
Rating: 4.855567 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, Knife Show, Blade Show 2017, Altoids Survival Kit, Tin, everydaytacticalvids, ATL, SLC, Atlanta, Rottenwood Creek, Survival, Fishing, Water, Fire, Flashlight, Cheeto, Frito, Leatherman, Fenix, Loctite, Superglue, Fire Steel, Lighter, Whistle, Wire, Tinder, Waterproof Matches, Iodine Tablets, Thread, Fishing Line, Tweezers, Tictac, Safety Pin, Bamboo, Wood, Worms, Paperclip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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