High Rollers: Aerois #175 | Stonemaw

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[Laughter] hello welcome to uh high rollers DND I am baby Humes uh and I'm here to be your Google [Laughter] um I said dungeon monster I mean hey everybody Welcome uh to this episode I am joined as you know by these people hi I'm a person we got Trot we got Kim I'm on the other side we got Tom and we got we Annan for some reason I just imagined like what would happen if you just punched me in the face it's always chaotic over on this side of the table and REE just immediately just [ __ ] Xbox it's gonna be one of them streams no Katie unfortunately she's not very well so F F's in chat uh get well yeah that bad she's got a call I meant to say she's got a cold like messages in chat and but my brain just locks on to Progressive wow exciting I'm very tired guys I've had very little sleep I've been traveling all day so I'm gonna it's gonna be one of those streams today um a couple of quick things to talk about before we jump into the game uh we got a couple of lots of other bonus streams going on loads of extra stuff going on at the moment first things first very high roller specific if you didn't check it out last Wednesday we did the first episode of our brand new Warhammer fancy role play fourth edition game um so if you want to see other ttrpgs this is your perfect chance to go and watch us play a very different system very different to d d still fantasy still elves and dwarves and all that kind of stuff but very very different one of the party members is a lawyer um so that's something to look forward to we did our first episode it was really fun um those are that is available on Twitch vods and episode one is going to be available on our YouTube channel it's gonna you can go watch it right now I think not right now not right now but very soon when you watch this VOD uh it will be available there you go so from later it will be available um but in the future future episodes of Warhammer are going to be patreon and members only so you can still watch it on Twitch if you don't have patreon if you can't subscribe to patreon or members don't worry you can still watch it live on Twitch for free but but we're kind of doing this as a way to help promote our YouTube members and help promote our patreon but also because it is this bonus content we kind of want to keep things you know locked in for the mainstream on YouTube and stuff like that so yeah there you go so that's extra Warhammer content it's very good it's very good it's this crew um Casey's not joining us for it because it's not really her kind of cup of tea but she's going to be in other stuff in the future and we're going to do like things like the one ring and do other sorts of games but it's really fun it's very very different come and check it out and support different RPGs right DND is not the only ttrpg out there we want to show off and play some more games but speaking of more DND uh you can also check out me and Rhiannon as players uh in in fact well throw over to Rihanna because it's not just on my face tell us what we're going to be doing Rhiannon we're going to be playing a game it's been on my face for too long I feel like it shouldn't be on my face playing the game tomorrow from six till nine GMT nice me and Mark are going to be doing uh Idol champions a little six-week mini campaign with Fury of the Black Rose yes it's all Dragon Lance stuff it's gonna be really cool so we've got Mark as a player I'm playing we've got um as who Sentry oh what Mark is a super secret just been revealed character yeah brand new character coming to Idol Champions uh miria electron uh who is a silver Mastery elf from cream you found another character finally have a character that goes in the game yeah really cool um but we've also got Johnny from Ox Venture and Ellen as well yep and we've got Gabe Hicks who's also playing and then it's being dmed by b-day Walters which is going to be amazing we've been chain away we've got so there's some exciting things happening already I think that there's been like some votes as well they're doing this thing where you can vote to a kind of effect the story and stuff like that I think the first one was all about century and what Century's gonna have to deal with you can also give Sentry some bonuses and stuff and that's going to be going on for the next six weeks let's see any games see any games yeah that's where it's going to be check out mine and Reeves Twitter yes it'll all be over there yeah uh perfect so you can check that out that's going to be tomorrow uh on see any games twitch uh and it's gonna be for the next six weeks and it'll be available on their YouTube and stuff like that as well um it's gonna be fun um and uh yes yeah cool very cool um and that's think that's it for everything we got a fan art video that's oh man fan art video in the break yeah assembled together the finest of fan arts thank you so much if you have been providing art since June 2022 wow that's when I've been sourcing it from apologies but there is over a hundred piece of fan art all exciting some people are really prolific yep there are some people that do a lot do a lot of art don't you so you can look forward to that in the break but before then we have to play a bit of tnd oh all right yeah if we have to final fight Dino fight [Music] foreign [Music] hello welcome back to Eros last time our Champions have journeyed into the dense Woodlands of Al Seraph accompanied by a party of wild elves and boroughfolk they have engaged in a hunt a great hunt a Monster Hunt uh to hunt down one of the three great Beasts of atelicus the mutated T-Rex Stone more after trekking through the forest and going about their way making sure that they were following the chat tracks correctly making sure that they weren't being pursued and hunted by stonemor itself they laid an ambush and have gun the battle against the giant creature this creature seems to have unique defense systems where it mutates and adapts to things that it is fighting and as such many of its uh defensive mechanisms and offensive abilities are things that the party will need to adapt to and change as well as not just defeating this Beast they must defeat this beast at the same time that two other parties elsewhere around al-sarath defeat their own great beasts their own giant mutated creatures for if all three of them unless all three of them are defeated at once they will become protected and regenerate and come back even stronger and that is where we left things off right in the middle of combat um do we just find out the percentages of the other monsters I believe you had found out their ones but you don't know your own you don't know stonewall's Health yeah so Vitality Vitality yeah Danica's Vitality their monster is 80 and um I've just written Coral's song down I can't remember her first name anyway that one is 90 yeah maybe it might be easier as well it's storm Wing which is the one Danica is fighting which is the giant lightning Rock massive giant lightning rock that storm Wing who is currently at 80 vitality and then surge scale which is the giant sort of underwater Hydra um is at 90 Vitality um because they are technically around behind you guys so you are in your sort of third round of combat or technically your fourth round now you're about to begin and they have only been engaged in the creature for a few seconds so we also did a big hack and whack on this boy with many crits and hopefully big damage if we're not keeping that no well yeah currently but hopefully when we find out the Vitality of our one I I like to think we're ahead hmm if we're not we need to help our game even though we're screwed yes um and you do know that there you know as I mentioned there are different um traits to this creature first of all it has these weak points these armor plating um it's head its body and its tail Are all uh different armored sections of its body and you can choose to direct your attacks at either of those three um there is you have to basically break through its armor in order to actually start doing damage to the creature um certain types of damage can bypass the armor but if you do too much of certain types of damage it will become resistant to potentially even immune to certain points of damage as well yeah um and who knows what other tricks and techniques this thing has none did I do a form of spell at its tail last time we did start attacking the tail yeah well since you tried to grab the tail but proved and then realized how strong this creature is he um I don't think it's you the last thing I remember you doing is getting thrown away by breather's chain and chain special oh yeah she's rubbish absolutely useless um you are going to run Ayla today yeah that's fine in that case you just decide what she does I'll do all the rolling and stuff like that every turn regardless of the situation in combat even if she's right next to someone and can heal them she's gonna recklessly rage attack okay that's not them them or the dinosaurs no matter what me is in the way you will specifically yeah well we are going to stop at the top of a brand new round uh it is able to go first but before that happens uh Stonewall their Legend directions work slightly differently to Raw d d monsters they occur at the beginning of the round and then you've seen before that they almost seem to threaten where they are going to uh what they are going to do um with this time as we begin the kind of combat we kind of focus focus in on this Glade this Ambush site that you'd prepared there's a dense tree line all around you you have hunters um various wild elf and borrow folk Hunters all hidden on the outskirts and you have some of your NPC allies with you as well you have rethra Sana Morgan Frost blessed and you have Vania the hunter with the hunters in the tree line you also have two dragons that you can call down as well at any point we have someone cool down yes you do yeah and Morgan uh reference Santa sorry are both on Google two rounds left on retro and one round left and Center that's right good well spotted and Santa has taken a bit of a beating as well like she's looking injured um have a cool down because I got him that was that was the same one yes so we did I don't think we rolled for that did we um that cool down yeah not the cooldown yeah can we roll can you roll a D6 it's a D3 so one and two is one two and three is two so one so it'll be two rounds basically before you can use vania's attack again um Stone more the plating you watch as it basically grows back at the star baler's turn it's going to grow back um you see it very quickly spread over where it's been ripped off and broken almost like a trolls regeneration these thick carapace armor plating grows back and it does seem to grow back thicker and tougher as well as you see it's almost has like a Sheen to it um as if it's almost adapting to the attacks and things that it's been taken Stonewall itself very little sign of any sort of like big injuries you don't see blood or anything at this point but it may be it's movements seen a little bit more sluggish than they had before or it seems more enraged by this threat uh if you want to think that absolutely and you see uh as it's kind of preparing itself just before Ayla begins to react you you see as those kind of funnels those almost like volcano like protrusions from its back um they begin to glow and all in between its armor plating all over its body steam begins to Rise um and you and uh Nova you can feel the creature's body growing very warm and hot um and then it's ailer up first you tell me what you would like Ayla to do she's currently uh on the ground she's currently stood in some difficult terrain and she's going to take some damage at the start of her turn uh because she's only stood in the sort of lava meteor slam uh she's gonna take 12 points of fire damage rage attack the lava yep she's gonna punch lava um don't listen to them so that was I've done the damage to Ayla she takes that but she's prone in the lava um well sort of like fiery ground also which clarify that slight rule change as well that the armor breaking uh regenerates at the start of the person who broke its turn rather than the start of uh stonewall's term which allows basically allows Lucius to get her yeah it was yeah I wasn't gonna go into too much detail because I think it wasn't gonna be a huge Factor but yeah we basically changed it because the way I was doing it previously would have meant that Lucius never got a Chomp a chance to actually attack the creature so yeah or like not properly with magic it was a bit different because magic can still damage it even with the armor plating up anyway but it beside the point um it's a thou good anyway for Ayla to Intuit what this glowing Stone more is attempt you could do always attempt to do stuff like that this would probably be I would say Ayla can make a nature check would probably be the only thing that Ayla can make because she wouldn't be able to make an Arcana she's not trained in it or anything like that she's she's trained in Navy sure and she has a plus five so plus five yep uh 21 21. um you Ayla kind of is like hey Nova you need to get off that thing now like it's it's it's venting heat I can like and she can basically tell kind of like maybe her like travels like to geezers and hot springs and things like that she can see that like wear it use that attack to kind of blast the fiery kind of meteors out it seems to have the ability to almost vent heat from its body um and yeah she's basically yelling out like yeah it's gonna and the volcanoes or just everywhere everywhere on its body mechanically the way this is going to work is if you're within it you know whether it's a certain range or touching it or attacking it or something like that you will take fire damage if you remain too close to it pretty sassy for this thing to vent carry on please carry on please don't allow him this a bogus so that's I'd say that's like a free action list and just yeah I mean feel free scam she will stand up to get out of this lava movement so that would be what 20 about 20 movement um so if she moved in to whack yeah keep in mind it is difficult to rain and it's about 10 foot radius so that'd be like 10 20. so I'd say that she's pretty much about here all her movement to get close to it and not even accounting for getting away from it when it does burst so maybe instead where she was prone was she in like the threatened range of this guy oh yeah so she could even spreading range is 15 feet by the way right it's 15 feet all around it holy crap I guess his tail is long yeah his neck is long yeah and his arms are yeah and also keep in mind that like because I saw some comments about this the mini is not necessarily a representation of its size I think people were expecting like a Godzilla Kaiju it was never going to be that big this is like big monster and Monster Hunter kind of big so it's like you know five times six times your size right like you know even Century seven foot you know this is probably close to sort of like 20 25 feet tall kind of thing is a huge creature um I'm sorry what was the burst or probably close to um the the reaches really yes no the burst of this then oh she didn't know that you just know that he's gonna basically you know there's gonna be an aura of heat of fire damage um I think she'd be smart enough to it it sounds weird to forego a couple of Ayla whacks but she'd be smart enough to get out of the burst range if possible but stay in its 15 feet range okay so where would you like it to go if everyone agrees again I'm just playing this so you want to be like what on the cusp of that cost of 15 feet but hopefully out of the range of this first 10 20 25 30. action is that like oh true yeah that once it's burst she goes in for a whack you can't hold movement and attack if it comes into range of Ayla for whatever reason children so if it moves up to Ayla she'll take away and I guess she'll aim for the body I mean even though it's so tall because we're working on the tail at the moment yeah it's gonna be shouting like Nova can be like go for its tail yeah yeah after the body and the replay growing we started working on the tail I imagine it's also now resistant to bludgeoning because it was bludgeoning that destroyed the armor yeah yeah sure aim for the tail then all right if it comes close okay all right uh that is going to be ayla's turn uh we then have Sentry cool um I'm gonna move up to Sana I'm gonna do a level one cure wounds on sauna 10 yep uh you don't need to roll for Santa just to make it a bit easier I'm not tracking their him points individually you can do level one yeah all right so just one d8 plus your normal modifier yeah all right in that case I will I'm tracking it in a different way I'm using like boxes basically um okay nice it's enough to like kind of patch her up give her a bit of energy and she still looks a little bit wobbly on her feet but like she looks better than she was like she you know you you have the impression that if she'd had one more bad hit she probably would have gone down okay um you've basically given her like a second chance like if she she can probably take two whacks now nice and then I'll still dangerous but a bonus action use the old uh vitoculus right joculus spectacular activated so you kind of pull up and it's like a Dragon Ball Z scouter but with like a steampunky kind of like different like lenses and things you kind of slot them in place and you have to flick through a few of them kind of adjusting it and it kind of Zooms in and zooms out you begin to see like not like it's organs or things like that but like the life energy flowing through this thing um and you see like uh in a classic I like to imagine that there's almost like a UI like a magic like runes and stuff and there's like a little cute chibi Azaria and she's like with a slight smell doesn't she like points at like a bar that fills up bye it's like a skull that goes up and down it's like [Laughter] um and it kind of reads along and it estimates uh that currently Stonewall has about uh 70. again you don't know if that's like a high 70 or a low 70. okay it only does it in increments of ten can I really winning is that rounding or the team you don't know like I said it is just an increment of 10. cool that could be 71 it could be 79 all right I will relay that to the team um I'll tell Lucas to let the others know we're winning okay yeah yeah I mean it's easy for Century just to be called out uh 70 ahead right we are around ahead yeah so we're about on track I think so we did 15 per round whereas storm Wings done 20 percent oh and around so they're technically bad they did Two Rounds oh they've done two rounds yeah they've had two rounds before you've had three what oh I thought this is your fourth round yeah yeah they've had two rounds so far so they're on there around yeah and they've done 10 around okay [ __ ] we're the best we're currently winning we'll win we're winning we're just gonna die first um all right quilly boy um I currently have Elder quill and bacon of Hope but uh healing wise how are individual people looking as of the start of the session I'm fine fine yeah I'm all right fine lucious tippy top you know I think anybody's really been hit heavily so far stonewall's attacks have mainly missed I think Sana was Sana was bad because she was in the range of like the aoes and things like that but I think um but she's just been healed so I'm gonna do a uh focus on the tail I'm gonna do a guiding bolt okay uh at level three all right um so guiding ball I do where is it where the hell is guiding ball oh my god do I not have guiding hang on if it's not if it's not prepared on your sheet you don't got it prepared my guy oh no what did I you must have taken my unprepared guiding ball was it a wand no no no yeah it's a clerics belly would have prepared this is unheard of someone's I've been hacked I've been hacked padar has hacked my account he's removed you must have taken off or something no did you swap something in Greater restoration Maybe I think because it is basically it's not like a per level it's like you unprepare it to prepare something else I I must have you must have done I must have done um I'm going to shouldn't have died I'm gonna I'm currently um I do have grammatical but I'm really good with it as well but no I'm gonna go fly down to Ayla behind Ayla so I don't get into these things on the ground flying down yeah because I need to be within okay touch range and I'm gonna cast holy weapon [Music] it's not but sure uh you can remind me what that does when we hit with it yes and stuff all right is that end of course then um and as a that's a bonus action [ __ ] yeah I'll um I'll use a uh sacred flame on its tail a deck save uh secret flame on lethal foreign uh so fail great 548 plus six this is radiant damage right radiant damage this is uh 90. this will bypass the armor it just does damage to the creature itself great all right 19 damage it means that you don't damage the armor for the other people though so uh so 19 that's what I did I think I did that I think you bypassed yeah yeah like energy types basically just do damage to Stone more they don't necessarily damage the armor so I think I remember you saying like the tail might can start game results certain attacks like force and certain damage types deal extra damage to the armor if you attack with it was it 19 19 damage yeah and uh and that is wait [ __ ] carry on her new weapon is concentrate I lose Shield of faith all right lock that off all right with quill done we go to Nova uh Nova at the start of your turn as the creature is currently venting heat um and you are currently on its back and grappling it you immediately take 20 points of fire damage [Music] okay um it's gonna be a bit of a utility round for me just to get out of the danger zone danger zone [Music] um first thing I'm gonna do is cast thunderstep okay I don't think it's gonna do much damage but it's more I just want to get out of Dodge and do a little bit of yeah a little tickle uh Constitution saving throw 19 which you're almost definitely gonna pass with this guy most likely but we'll see I did not roll great but he does have a lot that's going to be 25. yeah you take half damage and it's not good damage either so six seven points of damage seven points of damage and you are currently on its back aren't you um well actually I was wondering could I like slide down to its tail and then thunderstorm yeah that's absolutely fine it's Thunder damage the armor is vulnerable to thunder damage it takes double damage so it's about 14. it's a thunder step AOE as well when you when I'm wondering if you hit the tail and the body um for this purpose is because the creature's so big I'm gonna say that unless it's like a massive radius right it's you choose which location like if you Fireball it even though it's like a 20 foot radius I'm gonna say tell me are you hitting the head the body or the temperature because like you're going to get most of it in one and you're also be tripling up damage exactly yeah and like maybe that would light people up but that makes sense I'm like well that's not how to make it it's only 10. so basically you can no no no no no sorry the the range of damage is 10 foot 90 feet where would you like to go can I go um it's pretty much 90 feet I'm pretty sure you can go anywhere on this map I guess like I kind of want to go to the tree line like back away yeah yeah so you're probably just like there um and then hide you behind all the trees yeah and hide like a coward yeah baby coward yeah yeah wow I've just died I'm coming back from it I'm getting used to my body that's fair I'm fighting out of everybody yeah you get a pass everybody else is cowardly yeah I'm gonna be on you like a sack of [ __ ] yeah stay out of its range please oh no no you've flown down exactly where I want you to be yeah uh anyway fighting without tiangong for the first time this is weird yeah I need a tree I need a tree um bonus action I would like to take out my new weapon sire books it's not Tian gong and then whisper the command word heavensward and it will light up oh right and that's just the activation for the Starlight Trail right nice heavensward nice I love it big fan uh so yeah you watch as the blade that uh New Yorker Shadow for my next for my RPG I'll just call All The Relic weapons after yeah fantasy expansion I'd like to summon Ivory the thing is my thought is because it's specifically I've actually been thinking about summons for my own opportunity such an iconic thing right um it says it's summons like glittering Starlight yeah so it's like a trail so like as you move it it leaves like almost like a flowing river that then gently Fades away kind of thing yeah um I'm ready yeah that would have been plus six that would be 12 because it's doubled does it do the same damage as the thing damn it if it just says damage I'm just gonna argue that it's the same one bull creature it just says I'm gonna say it for now don't worry about it yeah stonewall's turn a couple of things [Music] um who wants to roll a D6 form me Rihanna you told me two all right all right the writing Doom does not recharge no more it's gonna turn rotate even doing a heck and rotate right now so the step in is that within Ranger Baylor uh yeah I'd say that way it can get a free whack uh so her attack bonus is uh Plus 15. he's so cute one a natural one sixteen uh so not only does Ayla Miss but attempting to make a melee attack against this creature triggers its Aura its vent heat so it should take 20.5 damage good job Tom okay Katie's just like yeah why is Tom doing here so I mean okay so now we know melee attacks vent heat um and the vent heat is not a so and you realize this now it's not like it's gonna go off like it's like building up to explode while it is venting heat it just has this continuous Aura around it um and that lasts for an indeterminate the amount of time however as he steps up Ayla takes a swing and just clashes against the armor um and Stonewall uses this moment to like like lift its head up and you almost hear this kind of like disgusting like regurgitate noise and it comes down and it is going to spray acid um in a 60-foot cone which is going to catch rethra quill Ayla and Lucius uh you have resistance it's a good job Elemental Adept you do does anyone have anything like that makes you you ignore resistance of it no I think it does rules Mark what are you saying is Ayla raging so would she take all fire damage and all yeah damage is only a her Barbarian is only it's only weapon damage like bludgeoning slashing Etc uh so I need everybody in the acid spew just to make a dexterity saving throw spell this is not a spell it's an ability yes in okay dexterity same through and telly now the DC is 24. well oh wow I don't have any dice oh my God we have like the studio where we stole all of our dice it's right there hey yeah you're all nice I will oh well uh retro uh the NPCs I'm handling a different way rethra is just going to take a certain amount um based on how much damage it goes um 10 total and taking full damage can I try and absorb it if you have a reaction if you've not used your reaction I haven't yet all right you can cast absorb elements you gain resistance to acid damage does it not suck up the entire breaths nope [ __ ] um well and can you roll a D20 for Ayla as well so for me I got 17 with Advantage she gets to roll as well because of danger sense uh got 19 I have her sheet now uh so she would get 24 just enough so what did you get for quill 17 oh sorry she got she got 19 total oh with the plus oh you've got the bones unfortunately it's a failure I just remembered I'd cast Prismatic master of myself you did well you a big channel to presented Mastery yes it's not spell which means I have resistance to fire acid lightning poison called Thunder Force radiant necrotic damage doesn't even need to cast absorb elements you already don't even need to do it so you're gonna take half damage because you failed the same but you have resistance you can take half damage um quill Ayla and rethra all taking full damage yeah um I'm gonna have to roll this manually because you need to be on up at the moment I think I'm gonna kill Eiler again you need to bear with me ayla's fine she's tough yeah I know right I'm not worried I like this tree everyone else is I'm gonna need I'm gonna need my calculator app why because I gotta roll a lot of dogs I'm not doing it on YouTube so how many dice we talking you know maybe it's just really bad at mass and he's rolling like two dice the word die is in dice cool thanks dye's not a number you got it though what the hell no happening today degenerating I had two coffees and I I need a [ __ ] no don't you'll get sleepy I will it's so exhausting yeah merging into one year I do as well every but Lucius yeah 70 points of action holy mother of God 25 points of acid damage Solutions you are Level 19. holy [ __ ] yeah I'm glad I didn't find the coward bait uh I will I can do ayla's HB for some reason I've got 20 10 HP and I can't remember why but um it was he used his Chain Swing so hang on yes a concentration save on that DC 35. it's not possible it's not possible you fail I can try you found possible don't forget your importance as well not for this yeah natural 20 can't succeed anyway yeah that's a lot uh yeah so you just watch as this acid just like engulfs all of you um and yeah just completely stick around uh no it's just an acid breath kind of like a dragon's breath kind of attack however but good it does also get to make its other attacks this turn um and it is going to uh probably go for squishy spell costy boy delicious no you I'm not a spellcaster boy you are um it's gonna try and bite you quill with a 29. it bites you with its enormous mouth like it right uh you're gonna say yes we do I think I'm about to get child swallowed oh sorry those would I need to do two twelves not d10 I hope he's been swallowed by a lot of things if it doesn't happen this way I'm gonna be disappointed uh you're gonna take 22 points of piercing damage quill you are grappled as it holds you in its mouth until this grapple ends you are restrained um time I was a hungry boy that's a Hungry Hungry Hippo oh it fits and then he's gonna use his tail attack to basically because he can't make his tail attack against anybody in front of him he's gonna whip him he's gonna know he's gonna hit uh uh who hit him out of um more games not hit him who is it Santa's done a big kick and then that's why this guy should be over here so he'll hit more game um rethra uh is looking very bad after the acid spray um and more game just takes a pretty nasty blow as well how do I solve a problem like in fact actually yeah and then when she gets hit by the attack Morgan is knocked back and not prone it kind of like and she goes flying through the air and skids through the dirt um sorry I just love that sound effect uh that is stonewall's turn rechargeable it didn't go off it's currently venting heat I have no more turns to make um the NPCs would you like any of the NPCs to move anywhere away uh yeah if any of them in the front Arc yeah then yes away if anyone's injured get behind something yeah breath will move and sort of take refuge in like these trees which one does the arrange the tank Vania 15. more games actually kind of okay and I think that she would sort of move around to sort of help what's their invoke fire ability uh that is where they did the Chain Swing they throw you throw you around because the The Stonewall is immuneifying so rethra can't really help attack it uh but more game can still take another hit so she's gonna move same thing sorry I'm just repositioning quill in his mouth okay for the cameras there you go there you go nice perfect that's incredible um that brings us to you going to ruin turn this is your turn five The Other M teams are now that is their third turn finish thing am I at the end of the round sorry yes Lucia sorry yes you're okay uh so I would like to use my stormcaller's chain to call lightning okay and I'm going to Target obviously Stone more yeah so it creates an area above which fills this complete map basically tone of clouds yeah but then it's a final Point Ten Feet Tall oh 10 feet radius um uh it's five feet yeah so deck saving through yep which area would you like to Target head body or tail I'm gonna hit the tail which I I've already hit yeah uh this is gonna be a thunder whoa well that was with Nova here yeah lightning damage will bypass as well but it's just I I need to know for other reasons yeah this is lightning but it means it will just do damage to the body okay yeah I thought something it's fine deck save me through it um just regular DC that's 19 yeah so it fails and then I do 1d10 but each slot above level three I should have told you I cast at level four well cool lightning is set it has a set level I'm just don't call this chain okay it is it's eighth level I believe holy [ __ ] yeah you don't use your spell slots for it you just use it from the ice d10's up in the wazoo how many more one d10 but after every third level so I need Five Sixty ten three that's it nice oh that's a pretty good roll 10 10 20 . yeah no this is the time though 10 10 31 31 points of damage now okay roll give me a second will you wow okay go so the lightning hits the tail like strikes down from the heavens um as it kind of probably at the art just after it whacks more gain and you do see the creature kind of stumble for a second as like the lightning almost passes up through its body after being struck um but it's still yeah you see this the tail smoldering almost from the blast of lightning um you can see maybe like Little flickers of lightning up and down its body interesting gonna whip open the sending Stone Crystal thingy yep and inform the others that I believe we're at 70 percent okay of their Vitality all right we're still at what we told you last time but we're making progress are you doing all right over there any just about okay yep Danica just responds it's it's brief because like they are trying to coordinate other fights still there right anything else lucious on your turn any movement I'm just gonna keep to the side of it not so I'm gonna move maybe to uh yeah little bit yeah I'll stay near big Century yeah her Aura yeah yeah um okay I don't think is it still look like he's very as an FYI you were here weren't you if you you're actually technically within his threaten range so my skirt round threaten range then if you move if you stay here yeah that's fine then you're fine but you that he can still mellate you there good Lord yeah okay yep all right we go back at the top with Ayla um at the top of the round uh yeah he continues to Bent Heat it lasts for a certain number of turns okay so wacken is another 20 damage and she also just took a massive acid spray uh is the name of this location is there it for this area this area yeah it doesn't really have a name the locals would probably call it like I don't know the forest the the dino Woods uh the stone spear forest and we'll write that down okay sure we just canonized everybody I know because I think I called them the stone spear mountains nearby but then they are nearby so maybe they would just be like this is the forest of the stone spear mountains okay it's in my notebook now listen I don't I'm bad at naming stuff well then you're correcting him no no no no no no yes you know that's how it works when Kim writes it down when the wiki team writes it down when it goes in that book I'm helplessly Nova is a God can't be killed oh my God so war is dead stone more is dead yeah it's not the Death Note oh right I've changed it it's Shadow can I eat another Potato Champion I've changed its shadow in lieu of making an attack I feel bad not using Ayla to whack but why don't you want to whack 20 points of damage meh nothing he's being a sassy Barker right now and quill is in the mouth yeah but he is very strong I was thinking Ayla expends a charge gains a flying speed jumps up and tries to push open the mouth so the quill can escape yeah as an FYI touching this creature like Nova was she was on its back touching the creature is the same as striking it with a melee weapon so Ayla was done right in its mouth which means at the start of your turn you will also take Finance you will also take more damage because it is biting you like at the moment it's like not just holding you in its mouth it's like crushing you and it's like your armor and like you know you're maybe using a bit of magic to kind of keep it off you but you will take extra damage at the start of your turn quill I'm going to die at the start of my turn um that'd be fun so that would be exciting wouldn't it yeah kill him off Craig Davis why do I have to be little Alex horn um it's like a mole wow didn't like a read fine for broadcast listeners I'm saying like a read did you just do this no because he's got glasses okay [ __ ] you um Ayla unless anyone else has a suggestion is going to flying speed up okay try I I know it's so strong but some kind of assistance to get cheap you can definitely assist you for sure uh I will mark off the charge on the owl Lincoln Beast and then she is going to Le jump up to little marathon with this don't move all right um so what we'll do this as is you can basically use uh you have a choice on your turn to escape this thing so well I'll let you make a choice either Ayla can make a check now to try and free you basically making the action to try and prize open the mouth and get you out right um it will be a slightly more difficult you'll probably have disadvantage because she's trying to free you whilst not hurting you at the same time it'd be a bit different if she was inside it sure um so she can do that or on your turn after you take all this extra damage you can use her bonus with Advantage because it will be the two of you working together you're basically getting the help action I mean the devil's bargain what does everyone else think all right this is up to you you gotta make this call this is like quill and Ayla coordinating um I mean the help action is going to be worse I think than Ayla just trying to wrench this thing open because her strength is so high maybe she breaks tooth it's tooth not how to yeah I mean after this she is also going to shock its um so 13 on its own extremely didn't use that button I rolled I'm not gonna use a 20 on this I'm gonna use it to kill the thing I I rolled a two I got 15. okay that is not enough yeah insufficient so Ayla is trying to open it Ayla takes another 20 points of damage by touching the creature as well yeah um however yeah she you know is trying to open it but because of the way you're in it she's trying to do it without also hurting you um and is not able to kind of just get the leverage and the grip flying in the air she's not used to you know she doesn't have the ground or anything to really press against so she's just struggling to find the leverage to do it uh currently um so yeah I mean that's gonna be her action her bone section and move wait that was her bone section as well all right so activate the fly speed I think it's a bonus section which is just expend a charge a little la la la la la you can expand three charges you can expand one charge and make a range you can yeah you can just expenditure it's not better section okay you're right in that case bonus action I'm gonna shock its throat uh one on the deck save and she does three T6 I believe [Applause] yep yes three to six oh my God cheese roll the [ __ ] better person three points of lightning damage oh dear noted yeah Christ no Ayla does have a long bow by the way um Sentry I go a foot um activate Aura vitality um I punched I punched the flat end of a D6 but it was pointing our points diagonally it was right next to the d4s as well I could have lost my hand Jesus that sounded crunchy Century so action or a Vitality or Vitality okay and then does that have an immediate effect or is that yeah that does yeah yeah um and I'm gonna move up sort of in between Lucius and more gain I think is that uh over here uh sort of back a little bit so towards towards the trees uh behind yeah just from out of the way okay do you want to sit out of the attack yeah you're out of the way here nice and then I will bonus action use Aura vitality and I'll heal uh Lucius for 2d6 thanks [Music] something has changed so you guys were so happy you were like we're kicking this thing's ass last we're winning nice um is that your forego no you're my four go all right tyboy yep 20 points of fire damage turn first no it's quill then you I have it in Manish so 20 points of fire and then and then I mean I think you uh if a creature starts it's 10 restraining this way it automatically takes 1 D12 plus nine piercing damage okay I mean it sucks but uh 20 points of piercing damage that's a good role that was a good role uh so that's 20 points of fire 20 points piercing okay do you have any other concentration spells up no no no I haven't I haven't had a turn since I got Goldstone uh you passed holy Oro so did you lose that when you got buzzed holy holy weapon yeah yeah that got gold you have no active concentration as well okay um so an attempt to free myself from this would be Athletics or acrobatics and this thing's mouth or foreign [Laughter] but or you can just stay in the smell I could I mean I could stay in its mouth because if I blast it hard enough it'll probably open his mouth right maybe a little tickle yeah keep in mind whilst you're restrained you have disadvantages on attack rolls yeah but obviously if the spellers doesn't require an attack roller I could Sunbeam through its entire body which is one thing I'm thinking so for now I might just attempt to stay alive in its mouth for a bit longer because I think a lot of people need healing here okay um whilst you're being like whipped around like a ragdoll quilt's gonna be like healing everyone yeah I guess I'm gonna do a mass kill wounds which will hit everyone within 60 feet or six targets within 60 feet okay that's pretty much going to be everybody from your position so I think it's set maybe Nova yeah yeah Nova's like quite far away you can pretty much hit everyone sweet these Maps aren't huge cool um yeah I'm gonna do that at levels so who's which six that's basically all of you guys and then you can choose an MPC me Ayla yeah ayla's taking quite a lot of damage uh who else got uh schnozzed lucious took a little bit fine now that's three yeah but you've got you've got six targets like if you're taking damage I don't think Nova's really been hit badly I've not really had to be hit since the tail one I'm like sorry out of the NPC's rethra looks pretty bad Morgan took a hit but there's always okay I'll do yeah me Ayla retro Lucius I'm not too bad I mean if you've got six targets two two others you might as well just do an over in Century over in Century you might as well and this is a sixth level so I do uh four D eight plus six okay one two three no bacon no bacon that got again Galls the way that is 24 healing two three I'll do Ayla where are we tasty Ty everyone Which is less than damage I took this turn I'm on 169 nice nice and that is a action bonus action uh squirm movement and that's my entire turn all right hello [Music] I would like to bring out my shield and cast Vortex orph on quill it has a range of 90 foot uh and I can teleport them 90 foot to an occupied unoccupied space if you want to fail a constitution saving throw but he can choose to fail should he want to okay all right 90 feet 90 feet you can go anywhere on the on board where would quill like to go isn't it not your choice um it technically is an open Choice actually I guess I'd probably bring him to me right [Music] um so that was action that's I'd like to manifest an echo oh for now it's the basic one yeah yeah all right but I will do the other ones I will I will get to them um here's okay it's gonna be the normal one mechanically for now but but quill is the only one who would see this anyway because he's the only one next to you um unless you're gonna manifest the echo closer towards Stonewall within 15 foot within 15 feet of you so it would be it's all around yeah you watch as and you've seen Nova do this when Nova had Tian gong almost a sort of tiang gong image kind of would almost apparate out of Nova and sort of then manifestes it in a physical space and become a creature you've seen them do that before Nova sort of closes their eyes I imagine and tries you try and will this pouch you've not done this really since um and you're like I need you know there's never have thoughts or like feelings as she's doing this because it's kind of a big deal I think it would almost for her right now she's almost automatically done it because she's just it's dangerous she needs it it's dangerous and you're seeing quill almost get munched she needs help yeah so it's almost like an automatic she didn't even think about it it just happened just happened and she immediately pictures Tian gong yeah but yeah so what happens is a form emerges from Nova but it's faded um it's more like the kind of ghostly spiritual kind of echo right of like this isn't this isn't another presence within over this is like a memory of a mess it's almost like an illusion of it but when it appears out of Nova it doesn't quite look like T.A gone becomes tiangong by the time it manifests by the time they manifest in the space they do resemble the tiangong that you remember but there's a moment as they're manifesting that is a longer and pointed and their hair almost seems to shift like it's maybe made of fire or wind and it's almost like things floating around it for a second and then it reforms into tiangle mechanically it will be the standard manifestation for now any butterflies there would be a smell of wet grass you go I'll take it smells like wet ass here no no no oh you say wet grass sorry went wrong maybe yeah slap you sir wet grass with that hint of the Fey wild but also an earthy scent like the land hmm sorry yeah any movement um I'm just gonna yeah hang out in the trees like maybe get some cover from the tree that's who they are right now are they who knows right right um in that case you're done Stone Mars turn Rhiannon hello could you roll two D6 for me this time gladly Qing gong is going to uh so more sorry it's gonna turn around and rotate yeah uh and uh is gonna make a tail attack against Ayla I'm laying on my laptop and cocked uh 27 to hit Ayla um I need Ayla to make a strength saving throw for me please she's also going to take some damage strength saved she's just out of my aura so she won't get there is there any benefits from raging uh not for saving throws no I don't believe so I think it's on ability checks uh that is a it might be I don't know T4 that is enough that's a success uh they're also going to take she's gonna take night it would be 18 points of bludgeon damage but she's raging so that goes down to nine points of bludgeoning damage which I can do don't worry about it thank you um and she's not pushed back or knocked prone by the tail attacks Lucius uh Stonewall attempt to bite you this time and again it does seem intelligent enough to be like hmm this one is like less armored I'm gonna Target these ones with certain things yeah these ones are weaker uh that is going to be a 25 to hit yep also you're lucky I misread the damage on its by attack last time quill should are you lucky yeah I did uh two D12 it should be 4012 on this but I think I needed one D12 no that was on the when you're in it I mean I could uh bad like [Music] six points of piercing damage to Lucius on 48. I rolled a twelve eight eight nine she she and also Lucius om nom nom yeah it's happening he fits hey Roll Another D12 uh why just 12. Jesus Christ I'll take that damage why because I would have done oh no that's fine I forgot done it all right okay um technically it was 2d12 if you're taking that extra damage uh take another three I did two D12 plus I'm still within the range of being alive which is okay I didn't think it'd be another one um but yeah unfortunately it was just it Chomps down wraps its jaws around you lifts you up into the air and again you are grappled and restrained yes [ __ ] yes um and that was piercing damage 46 points of it okay [ __ ] out that's one of the best roles of damage rules I've ever done um it has none of its recharge abilities it is currently still venting heat uh we go to uh the NPCs none of them have really been given specific orders uh so Morgan will do some damage um Santa is still injured so she's just gonna move around and like move around behind Sentry um Vanier is in with the guys uh rethra has backed off uh rethra's just going to take a moment to try and gain his second wind but more gain is in close enough damage to do some damage to the Beast um I'll do that okay so you watch as more game is kind of like striking at the creature's legs it's torso its tail whatever she can kind of get her blade against um her two blades her twin blades uh striking against it um Lucius unfortunately at the start of your turn uh you are in its mouth it is currently venting heat you take 20 points of fire damage so 10 because you're resistant that's right and then another uh 12 points of piercing damage as it currently is biting down on you in its mouth not resistance bad timing unfortunately um my core lightning I can still do yep uh do that is concentration so can you just make a concentration check for me the 46 would be DC 23. 17 plus uh that's possible because I think you have Proficiency in your con con save Constitution seven three plus eight yeah yeah so you actually succeed the lightning you succeed on it you would then need to make two more for the fear of fire and Pearson damage dc10 on these though 14 yeah as long as you don't roll a one or two lightning is still active you can pull that down good [ __ ] now retro is too far away from me for the chain I assume yes currently is too far away has to be within um 60 feet I think yeah and like can I calculate Bells am I yeah you can still cast Bells yeah yeah just any attack crawls have disadvantage okay I'm gonna cast uh armor of agathis on myself smart and there's a bonus section for call lightning I'm gonna Quicken the spell so I can do armor back this maybe it has to be if you if you Quicken a normal spell the next spell has to be a can trip you can't you can't Quicken a regular spell and cast another one cool lightning is a it's it is still a spell it's like it depends I guess if it's an action actually yeah let me have a look at it and actually yeah you're not casting the spell again yeah that's true that's true [Music] um yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're 100 right yep it's an action so you can Quicken armor back at this and then you can use your action to cool down and call any what level are you casting armor back at this it's level one two five temporary Point C and 25 damage 25 cold damage yes it attacks you which I will count it biting down as being yeah um all right and then yeah uh cool lightning where would you like to Target tail head or body now I don't know if spreading the damage is going to be beneficial detrimental so I don't really want it a whole body to be resistant so I'm going to tap the tail again and see what happens sure yeah yeah the Tail's not I mean the armor on the tail hasn't been hit that badly yeah and you guys kind of the last turn you didn't really attack it very much so okay yes it fails it's dexterity zooming through so can I chromatic control the cold lightning to this turn I'm just going to do lightning damage okay sure all right 60 10 I think or what is it is it 60 10 yes right 60 10 damage uh after this by the way it will be Ayla on the top of a brand new round um then Century you guys want to think about what you want to do and it's still venting um although again it will be the top of a new round and you'll find out whether that changes or not 39. 39 points thank you and that was lightning damage isn't it bonjour so that goes to oh okay with that cool lightning as it strikes the tail you watch as the bolt of lightning blasts into the tail and it kind of runs so you can see the power of the lightning kind of courses through stonewall's body and it does let out this like this billowing Raw and you watch as that lightning and very much like you know Ayla when she got her scarring from being struck by lightning all those years ago on the Airship its body its plating almost seems to warp almost like incorporating lines and you see out of its talons spikes almost seem to grow into the ground oh assistant to lightning threshold of it passing over in damn um that's really grounded himself yeah yeah what a smart boy another girl we're gonna put on some Wellies yeah so also just let me um just before the top of a round let me just do some No in fact I'll do this during the break I'll do some quick maths about where we are and stuff like that quick maths okay uh so Ayla we have a top of the round uh the venting of heat stops good okay however it happens it's a brand new legendary action it begins to raise its tail again and you've seen this before and it kind of lifts its tail up into the air uh as if preparing to slam its tail down so the last time it did that it was like a crazy cone of blasting that launched people back but that's okay because they can just move um at least for now she can um she is going to double whack that tail okay since she's behind it um so what is her attack is Plus 15. uh yeah Okay cool so first one okay this is against the tail against the tail is a 7 plus 15 22 22 is not enough remember this case got a big tough AC for the hammer slams into it uh do you like Rihanna to roll for you instead I can do this all all NPCs uh refresh now sweet okay thank you for keeping track that Chris Trump oh yeah so remember you can you can use one of yours so if you have multi-attack you can make one attack and then call an ally to make an attack with you basically cool so as a reminder vanu has arrows like he calls in the arrow Squad more gain uh she does offensive but she needs to be with him she needs to be within five feet of the Target and within 30 feet of you and Sana is uh you both need to be 15 foot and she does the big lunar eggs cook and rethra is a Propel and invigorate type yeah Morgan I'll give you some more information on more games one as well and she has like these two like swords like that she coats in ice and when she's straight likes she does you do extra cold damage but also she gain advantage to the next attack you basically like when she does it you then gain advantage on your attack and deal extra coal damage is it and slows it down to make it easier to strike and that's more game more game is currently within five feet of it yes I mean I think Ayla would call on some sort of pincer attack yeah exactly and just be like well again now and then more game is just like very well Storm Walker when she begins swirling the blades around and you watch as she does kind of like Isla has this Aura of lightning Morgan has this Aura of frost and ice and it begins building up on the swords until they become these Colossus like frozen ice swords and she just goes deadly blizzard and smashed it against the creature um and it kind of slows it down you watch its legs kind of freeze in place uh ayla's next attack has advantage and does 40 10 extra cold damage get to working now if that's crits the 4d10 does that also crit as well dice does normally increase with a crit Tom Hazel you gotta do it I mean it sounds like now is the perfect time for quill to use that Porton so I think I'm gonna do that wouldn't that be exciting that would be exciting it would be it would be really exciting I'm gonna do that so what does this look like for coil day because this is quill at cenovich this is what portend represents is like quill has seen this happen is this like quill shouting out like Ayla wait and then like tells her when to attack or is this like I mean maybe as the Ice is like coating over the entire or the affected area I suppose uh and is she gonna attack the tail as my next question as well it would be the tail right um I think it's it's like slowly coating Ayla would like be in the middle of this multi-attack ready to strike before the frost really gets there but quill is like wait like half a second yeah it's just like just wait one second and then she kind of pauses and then and it perfectly times up um as this does This is Gonna Cancel the legendary tail smash because more game freezes it in place it can't bring it up to raise it and then Ayla comes and brings that hammer down um so that's a that's a that's just a guaranteed hit that's a guarantee she automatically hits uh so we know that with Ayla it's 4D 10 base damage so it's 40 Bass it's another 4D 10 for the coal damage which is another 40 cold it's also she's now got that recent critical bonus which is 4012 actually that is just rolled though so that's one okay sure um so what's her modifier because it's currently with let me work this out I've got it here so it'd be plus 13 for the rage damage bonus so you need to roll for me uh we'll just every he wrote 4D 10 for me first Tom Hazel for the 10. I need to split the damage out as well to bludgeoning in cold and lightning okay so this is nine ten uh so 19 uh 23 plus another one 28 from the d10s right so that's going to be uh in terms of bludgeoning damage 81 points of bludgeoning damage and I need you to roll 4D 10 for the cold damage uh that is oh that's not as cute that's not bad actually um 13 14 and an extra one Seventeen Seventeen 57 cold damage Jesus Christ now I need you to roll 4012 uh uh oh wow that's uh 4 8 12 19 19 um plus one more D6 for me oh D6 God yeah cause the hammer has a base plus D6 plus three so that's 28 points of lightning damage the lightning damage is sadly gonna be halved because it is now resistant old damage was 57 points of coal damage yeah your spreadsheets out everybody oh I've got them this is a handwritten spreadsheet and then 81 points of bludgeoning damage oh my God to the tail yeah which is enough to break the Tails yeah nice and also do seven extra points of damage to the body wow wow the armor was huge then um the armor is still pretty 100 points 100 points okay it starts off as 100 and goes up every time you destroy it so you watch as the uh the ice of morgane straight freezes this tail before it has a chance to raise it Ayla like leaps up into the air and just with one big Colossus Smash and you watch it's not only the ice breaks but all the armor shatters with it and breaks away leaving the tail now fully exposed and stone more vulnerable temporarily um he does become dazed and staggered kind of interrupting the legendary action and preventing him from making more than one attack on his turn um wow wowie big turn and uh that that leap also had some extra lightning to it as a bonus action so the deck save yep yep yep I'm gonna I'll fail the deck safe yeah yeah uh that is nine eleven extra damage eleven so it becomes half to five oh oh yeah because it's yeah it's currently resistant all righty so amazing turn from Taylor we go to Sentry next and I'm going to try and get through this round and then we're going to take a short break because I got to do some maths yeah I'm gonna add up all these different damage types to see where you're at in total HP does it drop Lucius um it does not drop lucious unfortunately this creatures [Music] I will say it's tail is now vulnerable it's the only time that piercing damage um yeah I believe I'm gonna go with it's not doing the uh slam attack anymore as well so yeah I'll go around and hit the tail yep yeah well you don't you can just get into melee okay yeah you can just sort of go no no no yes if you get to sort of like here you can still attack the tail as well with the starbreaker as well alrighty let's have a go at this then all right so we get the giant the enlarged Century with the gargantuan Giga Lance 16. uh 16 total yeah unfortunately that is not even enough even with its lowered AC it's AC low it is 21. right let's try again that's better three Thirty is gonna hit all right let's make this count um Big D level four Divine Smite please Divine Smite oh okay it's me okay hit it with that D Smith these these boys two four this is such an anti-joke it doesn't make any sense stop it stop enjoying that so much I love fancy jokes they make me laugh [ __ ] 39 on that one is that um Paul radian or is that uh the radiant was oh because it's Force as well isn't it it's Force damage yeah okay um yeah if you can split the force in the radiant out for me sorry that's right it's right um if you need to re-roll it that's fine um integral uh 12 take 30 whatever it was that I rolled 39. -12 yeah 17 17. so 17 27 27 27 4 27 Force I don't know how that happened I think I'm so sorry wait no because I can't walk 27 on two d12s please forgive me [Music] just re-roll all the damage but if you can split out the radian and the force for me Force damage nine nine points of force damage cool radiant three four eleven 16 20 24 so that was worse than my last draw 24 radiant and then there's no reroll a D4 order for 28. maybe piercing damage to the D4 yes what was it was it four it was just a fall on there 28. and then plus seven my bonus my brain is so [ __ ] today that's right I've got it don't worry I if the individual numbers I can assign them where they need to go it's fine I got it my brain yeah cool nice um so the second fret the First Rate just glances off maybe it was the ice kind of being thrown off it just deflected starbreaker at the last second but that second strike slams in and does a hefty blow nice uh two two Stone more as you strike and can I bonus action 30 feet towards refra yeah so you missed these steps yeah and can I tell him to get Lucius absolutely you can uh that will happen on his turn nice for mine which is great yes it is yeah all right yep I'm done I think quill three times for more gain FYI also because I'm not oh thank you did you roll the D yeah was that plus one D3 plus one oh D3 plus four turns and I rolled a six yeah yeah so it's four turns for more game um remembering well quill then FYI Nova is next I'm pretty sure you know what you're gonna do then Stone more okay um he is open I'm gonna do a chromatic orb seventh level okay uh please hit because I normally Miss all right lower AC plus 10 is when you bought 21 in 11. great fifteen plus ten uh 25 so it's 3D what type of energy 48 5d8 68 78 88 98 damage uh lightning obviously wait [ __ ] I've thematically locked chromatically called to lightning Royal 98 lightning damage please why did I have to make such an intricate and cool historically accurate camera she's coming in with the save reaching out from Stone this does use your reaction keep in mind so you won't have a reaction left yeah all right um I reach out with a bloodied glove and I in the air you see your lightning convert into let's go with ice into a spear a lightning spear frozen lightning Spirit you have to yell frozen lightning spear Frozen storm spear doesn't do that you do otherwise it doesn't work that's the rules why do you keep shouting your attacks is it some sort of vocal activated system [Laughter] um so yeah 98 cold damage cold damage which does work it's not resistant too currently rash apparently too much damage uh everywhere 36 damage 36 points skull damage wonderful the frozen lightning spear strikes um impaling into Stonewall uh thus again seems seems to be wounded by it does seem to be uh seem to take it quite badly nice and if anything else on your turnquil uh I want to separate from this group because he likes groups him he does and I'm Gonna Fly just like 30 feet South just some uh oh he's going south for the winter I'm uh I'm gonna hibernate contamination time flying up in the air quilt how high off the ground you want to be I'll just be like 20 feet up 20 feet up yeah good to know all right Nova um both the Echo and I will search forward okay and go for the tail 30 sure if you're going to be a traditional range these are Big points right there yes but you have to be within five feet of them poop distance of me he's got big [ __ ] am I am I aware or not you are currently not in melee you have to be within five feet for your attacks he has a reach of 15 feet but you do not and again I know the mini the tail is like ugly but you know the creature's moving around you have to move in belly range um so you if you don't have a bonus set if you bonus action yeah well I can I can Misty stuff because I have the um unfortunately huh the echo can't get further can it yeah no um so that means just a little bit of non-damage because I was gonna unleash encarnate with the echo but yeah I guess if I fry my um bonus section I was gonna miss you step away so I'll probably just have to take damage from whatever's coming next um well I mean it's it's legendary is interrupted but it will get an attack yeah yeah potentially uh okay I'll use my bonus sword I can now bonus action miss you sir every turn so I will miss you step within range um and then you sort of like Leap Forward and you just disappear in like a a portal of Starlight basically a reef and then you come out of it striking uh yeah let's go all right first attack the natural one that's gonna miss unfortunately natural one always misses I love this game uh 19 to hit still not enough unfortunately 21 even when it's weak and state oh that's unfortunate I love this I love this game so much I seem to be enjoying it oh my God I mean you did have like three natural twenties last time the dice calmer is just like no no it was a 19. one of them was a night which is still technically a grip for you it didn't know that I know it the dice that really sucks I'm really sorry buddy but yeah unfortunately um maybe it's the you know you're not used to this blade uh and maybe just that strange oddness of that Incarnation and you felt that there wasn't quite right I think it's not right this isn't yeah I think probably something still fills off she's really put off by this Echo it's not right yeah you know that it it is an echo of chiangon but it isn't slash wasn't yeah something really weird so unfortunately no Nova dashes forward but the strikes aren't ineffective um I'm sorry so that was bonus action move and action so unless you want to action surge I action surge last time yeah that's right and you've only got one use all right in that case Stonewall on stonewall's turn uh is basically can't really do too much at this point being dazed um and everything else um it's just gonna slam their tail down on Nova uh they currently have Lucius in their mouth they can't make another bite attack whilst Lucius is in their Muth um why not uh because they've got you in its mouth they can't bite more things if you're in it you're in between the teeth yeah they're not gonna bite down though uh it could bite you but you're already taking damage each turn so it's going to try and smack somebody that's you know charged up one attacker turn as well because yes that's what I mean it's day sorry against one attacker turn so I'd rather just hit you with it already yeah you know in in place bite uh that is going to be I know you want me to hit you because you've got armor of agathis I know you want that but I'm smart uh that's gonna be a 30 to hit you Nova hmm let me just check yeah yeah that'll hit yeah you make a strength saving crew for me no well I'm afraid you need to uh I'm gonna use indominable to reroll my strength sewing through please because that was a five minus two thirteen minus two you're still gonna fail unfortunately and you're gonna take 21 points of bludgeoning damage and you are knocked back 15 feet Next Century and not prone because it just Swatch you with its tail whack okay can Rhiannon roll 2d6 for me well before you give her this can you share that with the class said if it's day new condition next you watch as the volcano plumes on its back seem to respark to life recharged erupting Doom Factory [Music] but then that kid brings us to the NPCs [Music] you factored by that can I have a blessing from the DM no uh to attack um just lucious can do it on his turn then away from I'll go into this rock yeah I'll slam into the Rock next to it yeah okay so referee is going to do the same thing he kind of like he sees you in the mouth he like throws the not again now all right this time like maybe you grab onto the handle of it and then he whips you across you gain 20 temporary hit points um holy crap you're gonna be stocked up on those so now you've got the armor of ice and then you're wreathed in magical flame HP right now yes um just remember that the the cold damage the bonus of armor of agathist will go after 25 when you've only got 20 left it it still disappears um but he does he throws out to you and he whips you across to the side um another D3 huh that's right yeah can you roll a D3 actually delicious I'll have you do it seeing as it benefited you that will be four so it's a two so three turns so that's possible that's for rethra three three turn recharge um Morgan is currently engaged um I think they're basically breath has already moved um Vania will do a ranged attack and the NPCs are basically seeing that it's currently weakened they're gonna attack it in its weakened State they currently do double damage whilst it's weakened so they're going to do some extra damage to its body um so that'll be 10 points of damage each so between them they do um 30 points of damage oh nice LOL so it'll be 10 each rather than five each system all right um Lucius you're gonna be the last one in our round uh this is gonna call lightning okay so that's your action it's resistant now right it is resistant to lighting is it immune it's not immune currently no I'm gonna do it all right thank you action to do it's in action six yeah I mean I can make it I'll try and make it oh look nine savings for debt 38 38 points all right once it takes uh 26 points of that it then becomes immune to lightning uh it caps out a certain amount of lightning damage so you watch as the lightning strikes it and all of that the you know you see it still affect its body but now it plunges those spikes into the ground and you see that a lightning kind of Arc up and down its body um and yeah it kind of grounds itself and then you watch as the lightning just dissipates away from it it can become lightning it and become lightning um you also begin to see now it's immune uh where you saw like the glands for like it's fired like the volcanoes on this back where it spewed the acid lightning is now crackling up and down its body as well similar to Ayla it gains a new rechargeability called storm aura stole more you knew that like when it took up something to damage it adapt so I'm gonna Quicken a spell again okay and for my bonus action I'm going to Chromatic orb fire into the stone okay whilst moving forward and I'm going to use defensive dichromancy to pull upon that fire to give someone in front fire resistance okay I will allow it yep uh who is [ __ ] uh what just any anyone emotionally I can do it within 30 feet so I could basically give fire resistance to one person how long's that last hey look defenses like Mercy until in his Biz uh the end of my next turn Okay end of lucius's next time just seeing the vents yeah Ayla does actually yeah look kind of yeah like kind of beating up Ayla has fun she's probably still got more hit points than Quail but she does but I'm out of range yeah well I we'll find out of Lucius I mean ah yeah that's true yeah right so you're gonna give Ayla fire resistance yes all right Tom remember that um so I just slam my hand into the yeah you kind of well you just yeah you basically chromatic orb you slam it into the Rock but then you pull the fiery energy away and sort of create the shield around the Halo this fiery Aura Shield um great love it great turn with that that is going to bring us uh so you guys that was your fifth round yeah yeah so that brings our team up to four rounds and then you guys are on round six in that case uh that is where we are going to take a quick five minute break thanks for joining us in this first part we'll be back very soon to continue this battle against stoma whilst Chris Trot breaks our set we'll see you enjoy the fan art video enjoy the fan art video we'll see you soon hey I probably should have mentioned the final video in this bit but yeah it's fine uh we're gonna go on our break now uh enjoy the fan art video um you can go check that out we'll be back I think it's like what seven ish minutes so it's wow um and then we'll be back over 100 pieces uh and yeah and then we'll come back and we'll continue this battle all right see you in a minute welcome back to part two of Heroes hi rollers oh enjoy that one Tom uh we find Our Heroes still in the battle against Stone more uh they have Unleashed some pretty devastating attacks against this uh Hunter this Predator this apex predator uh however despite this immense amount of Firepower and tremendous martial Force they have brought down on it the party it is still in fighting condition I'm not sure where they stand as they are relying on their allies to also be able to fight off this beast and delay things it is the top of a new round but on top of the new round to you then Jack Jack will come after us okay you can't do that um before the round begins before Ayla takes a turn a couple of things happen the armor on stonewall's tail regrows back uh he watches the armor plating thicker harder regrows stronger faster the next thing Stone more when those last couple of attacks um as they struck Stonewall uh the the you know colossal blow to the tail centuries pierce with the Lance um the lucius's uh this the Spear of frozen lightning as it impaled it you watch as for the first time blood kind of sprays out and scatters on the ground um dark thick coagulated blood kind of hits the ground and you watch Stonewall kind of hunching itself down not like a wounded animal that's afraid but a creature that is Furious that you have harmed it and it lets out this bellowing raw that just Echoes through the forest and the Very air around you seems to grow heavy thick even though you began this Ambush maybe sort of in the mid midday hours begins growing dark as if the Sun is setting and the trees seem to almost stretch their limbs and their Shadows seem to extend and in the distance and Century specifically you feel like something shaking in your Vines and Briar is holding on to you trembling in fear like absolute abject Terror the rest of you begin to look out and you can see on the horizons of the Glade almost being called to stoma as their Primal Fury their rage their pain has been building dark Spirits beginning to sort of lurk on the edges um oh he's got fistfuls of minis again bloody hell what are they oh gosh race and these dark Spirits they have distorted appearances if you've seen stuff like Princess Mononoke and stuff you know these look like Woodland creatures but just like strange spirit-like you know versions um they have too many eyes dark red eyes they have too many limbs where they shouldn't um there's one that almost has like a deer-like appearance but its antlers seem to become twisted and almost resemble like hands oh reaching out to try and grip you um and they all seem to be being drawn towards this Glade where this battle specifically that's uncool um four of them yeah cool four for now okay um you but you can see more than four like you see them all around like the outskirts um you hear crimes from several of the hunters the borough folk and the wild elves who have been lurking in the trees firing arrows like they've been contributed to the battle but they know that their weapons are going to be fairly ineffectual against Stonewall you hear several of them like God no and then they vanish they get dragged off into the darkness by some unseen Force um uh but yeah that's and that's what you see in that quick moment right like if you want to analyze these guys you can do but that's going to be on your turn it'll be a free action if you want to try and figure out what's going on with these guys um and yeah we kick things off with Ayla um well these things are at the very edge of the battle and Ayla is in the middle one quick thing yes uh Lucius would get a report on his messenger Stone ah it's Kim Possible no um you hear uh you hear Danica Lucius we're currently uh just to let you know we are currently at 50 uh of Vitality against well done and I believe that uh I believe that Aaron the baroness is currently at 60 oh against theirs well done to you it's not a competition but yes um and then yeah like uh once you know what you're at let us know I I it Hazard a guess but I don't take it as accurate no it's fine just let use the use the Vitalis and let us know when you can message her all right collect it okay uh sorry storm Wing 50 yes and surge scale 60. 60 okay yeah um okay well uh Ayla is going to continue the assault this time on the head okay uh so with the head you will need to climb up on the creature the body and the tail you can strike From Below but the head is like a good 20 feet off the ground um okay well she's still got charges on fly on the hammer she does so I think um that's the land before the end of our next turn so land on its back then yeah she could do yeah absolutely you can just fly up and land on its back and just start whacking the top of his head yeah stop bonking absolutely get to that bonkin kept bonking um and we'll go with a yeah just a regular old double whacking all right go for it uh so Plus 15. the first one is 19. that's not enough the second is Reckless [Music] uh 25 25 just hit yeah I know that does it does not it's 26 AC base it's 21 when it's reduced even Reckless so Ayla just put the armor plating thick as it is the attacks do not strike wow also Reckless is uh plus 15 on the turn Ayla has to roll in 11 or higher so it's just you know it's bad bad average yeah uh well that's it that's the two attacks and then deck save deck save um actually doesn't matter it's now immune to lightning so the lightning damage won't affect it at all that would have taken ah 11. all right so Ayla done we now go Century then it's coil then Nova um can I try and deduce what these Spirits are uh this would be a you can make Arcana religion or nature and because you have Briar you can do this with Advantage oh cool okay eleven jaunting 14. what kind of religion nature of my religion is 19. 19 is enough you remember kind of talking to the borough folk and learning a bit about the spirits of the forest when you were in uh star watch and you know that this place this Elsa wrath is saturated in Primal magic here the Rocks the rivers the trees the grass all have these nature spirits but if those things have Spirits it's likely that other things have spirits too blood bones death rage fear all of these things probably can manifest as Spirits uh if you've read things like storm like archives like the Sprint like fear Sprint and Agony Sprint um these are representations of that as well and it's Stone more is so powerful in terms of Primal Magic it is calling to these spirits and it is looking to absorb them to grow stronger it is going to try and absorb them and use them to grow more powerful right okay mechanically if these things get within a certain range you don't know how close if these things get within a certain range of stone more uh it won't heal Stone more I'm not going to do that this fight's already long as it is it will massively increase how much damage stomach can do it basically is gonna supercharge him each time currently four I know I'm okay yeah and they may have their own sort of abilities and threats and dangers as well you've heard you can already tell that they've killed some of the hunters in the Woodland um oh boy okay yeah if you want more details you can also ask the other guys but for now Century that's going to be all the information you can gleam on this turn but like characters like Santa and Vania and uh you know those guys might know more okay um I'll just start to shout but don't let those Spirits get anywhere near Stone more okay all right that's a free action by the way so that's just you kind of like having a quick look around and figuring this stuff out um I'm gonna go up and try and attack the spirit that's up in the north this one yep so please stop being over stopping over the body yeah and these things do look like you know they can be struck they do look like you know active creatures basically all right I'll give it that oh yeah they're not like ethereal no no no but they kind of are but they look physical enough that they can be struck with weapons and things like that 27 to hit that one 27 will hit nice all right let's do this let's do this properly this time do this I say the word like these are dark spirits but they're not like ghosts they're like nature Spirits right they're not like ghosts or anything like that so turn Undead won't probably affect them I'll say that Sentry knows that these don't count as Undead okay babe all right okay doing a level one Divine Smite so 3d8 so then my base so my Force damage for starbreaker is six okay uh Divine Smite damage was garbage uh six as well so 12 total 12 total so far and then 13.94 so yeah 13 Co counting the D4 and then so 20 total with my bonus all right okay uh so the Lance does strike the first attack pierces through and the spirit kind of this one looks almost like a kind of warped uh bore or like a wild hog and it kind of oh and you see its face like open up like the Predator they're all like filled with teeth on the inside nice nice rim 17 17 hits oh nice yeah these things are like Stonewall is like covered in armor and tough hide these aren't you know these aren't you know as armored offended so that's eight Force damage [Music] 17 damage for divine Smite as a level radiant yeah and then d43 so that's and then plus seven as a bonus and then plus seven thirty-five nice so that's a total all right great the second strike you can see that this Southern spirit is nearly kind of de-apparated but it is still present um after those two strong blows it is still currently present okay um and I will bonus action use my aura of Vitality um I'll give Nova 2d6 healing because I'm more than 30 feet of her okay it's five healing all right it helps we have quill next hmm yeah I'm uh trying to think of the thing I want to do but healing seems to be a priority right now uh I'm gonna fly down so that I'm within range of 60 feet of six targets again uh ideally lucious because he got chomped hard pretty much gonna if you kind of go to here [Laughter] yeah I want to be out of range of that uh saying that I think you pretty much do it from pretty much where you don't even need to fly down at 60 feet range um and yeah it's another mascular wounds okay um another sixth level so it's 48 to me Lucius Ayla um currently no uh both rest or all of them rethrem orgaine and Sana uh Vania is too far away really to have been involved um they all have taken they basically have like three boxes of like if they get hit three times they're out um all of them have got one checkbox mocked uh checkbox marked okay it has a Sentry um all right not not the worst Sentry as well uh Nova I'm fine what like full fine or near uh in that case the two that are right in front of Stonewall right now so Santa and Morgan Santa and Morgan um and there's over a certain threshold it basically gets clears a box for them so they can take another hit nice so that's uh 48 plus six one two three four um and that is gonna come up right now it is this 32 32 to everyone cheers in um for anybody wondering at home uh obviously if I didn't trust these guys I wouldn't use that kind of system for health because you could absolutely gamify him you should be like well just make the MPCs tank it all the time because they're easy to heal I could I would do that if I'd interest these guys but I trust these guys I don't want them to take the hits yeah exactly also yeah this is uh kill steel yeah yeah exactly that uh great anything else Krill um as a feature I'm going to harness divine power to a bonus action to restore a spell slot okay a level three all righty so we have Nova and it'll be stonewall's turn is the echo with [Music] you the that with 30 feet it's all cleared by the way I'm going to clear all this difficult Terrain nice no more fire until he does that ability again what He is building up his volcanoes 20 25 30. I'm here okay yeah um um okay can I stand up please yes half your move and I'm just trying to think which one to attack centuries one is is nearly destroyed but not quite I'm just wondering the one that I was trying to send um the echo to like if they were uh like if it's more smarter to go for the one that is attacking Lucius because I can make it with move and Misty step in fact I'm going to do that I'm going to go towards the one um on lucius's side so 30 foot movement 30 to here and then 30 10 15 yeah yeah I think that one you could because you were here 25 30. yeah you can absolutely get to within the range of this one uh in which case I'll um start a whacking on that alrighty uh let's hope it does something that is a 6 14 plus 13. that's gonna hit it yep uh so 28 so that's gonna be seven so ten points of slashing damage and six points of radiant damage a second uh repeat that sorry 10 points of slashing um and six of radiant okay uh you can just add the tofu against the spirits it doesn't really matter they all take the same damage so 16 points of damage from that first attack uh 19 plus 13 to hit on the second one is a crit oh no it's not because um 12 points of damage yeah um that attack oh actually that Echo can go to the one that's on um that's on Century 10 15 20. yep I'm sure you can um so can I unleash incarnate well do you roll your third attacks you've got three attacks against this one you're currently playing Okay so 13 plus eight that went to hit yep 21. uh four five six seven Fourteen Points of damage two more points of damage sorry hang on oh yep uh and then if you want to you can unleash your contacts and make an attack from the uh Echo space so I can do that uh every time I make a melee attack every time I make the attack action yeah so once so it's you can do it once basically because you make the attack action once and then you make three attacks as part of that action and then you can have the echo make one extra attack um but that would be without the 1d8 radiant because that's specifically it's no it's it's it's it's it bases on your it's you making the attack through the echo space effectively 17 to hit 17 hits yeah these guys aren't super tough to hit uh five 13 points of damage 13 points of damage is actually enough to destroy this Spirit you watch as uh the echo of maybe Tian gong um sort of passes Surya and you see that same kind of Starlight uh thing phase through it the spirit just becomes dissipated I think the center just like glance down at the tiangle and it does look like Tian gong to you it was only it was only quill though it it's like a faded like a ghostly version of them doesn't respond oh interesting all right Nova anything else in that case after Nova Vega Stonewall Chris Trot hello roll a D6 for me two all right that case uh Stonewall is gonna do several things no longer days busy boy busy boy oh he rotate you're only about talking around weren't you uh yeah the French size how convenient I like to make things easy for everyone chicken wings um he's gonna do a couple of things uh so the first thing he's gonna do is I'm just gonna do his normal attacks uh so he's gonna make a bite attack against quilt it's like a T5 to hit that does it yeah no that will do I'm gonna remember all the correct d12s this time it's okay I'm an honorable boy you are you're a good boy uh uh 40 points of piercing damage you're grappled oh again and he goes yeah you get grabbed him like burb um so he Chomps down and quill grabs him and his mouth bites him um instead of making a tail attack he's gonna try and throw uh Ayla off I need Ayla to make a acrobatics check to try and keep her balance uh okay there's a bonus from rage on that that is a 15 15 is not going to be enough Frozen off she lands praying on the ground that's going to replace his tail attack and then the last thing he's going to do erupting Doom so he shoots these kind of four uh great meteors up into the air sorry how much right behind me how much damage was he immediately do damage this one uh yeah this is uh they're coming down their Shadows right now yeah so this is the telegraphing phase yeah okay how much time you're supposed to bite again sorry it's 40. that's basically over you Lucius I just don't want to control your mini uh so yeah the Shadows are looming up um and it is you don't know when this is gonna land uh um that is moves erupting Doom are you fight attack yep okay uh so we go to NPCs uh NPCs these two are just gonna run the [ __ ] out of you yeah I would I'm just gonna in fact they're going to try and engage this spirit I'm gonna run over with Century calling out to them they'll absolutely run over there breath will do the same thing and try and back up Lucius for just right there yeah um the spirits unfortunately then uh they get a taxable yeah well I'm gonna just basically because they're all moving at the same time engage them I don't know are you getting attack opportunity over I will take that attack of opportunity that's a two plus 13 15. 15 is not enough unfortunately so you just swipe kind of like not used to kind of almost used to chiangon guiding you for these kind of instances your reflex is not quite honed enough as it is Lucius uh Lucius is gonna move around and away from the shadow oh I'm just gonna quickly do some damage to those at spirits to the NPCs whilst you uh yes tell me what you're doing um I'm going to Chromatic orb at first level second uh so basically the NPCs pretty much guarantee they always do Five Points of damage so 10 points of damage to the Eastern spirit and then five points an image to the north spirit you know a hit against the spirit yeah okay 3d8 level one okay which is six points of ice six points of ice but a Northern Spirit I have Prismatic Mastery which means my dichromancy is 24 points of damage okay upon it okay um all right and I'm gonna call out Sentry um we've been requested to get an update on its Vitality if you don't mind okay right is that the end of your son Lucius I've forgotten What percentages they said actually I'll ask again next time yeah I'll be fine yeah I'm sure we're doing fine they said uh 15 on storm Wing 60 on the other one speaker um in that case we'll drop you into seventh round um with Ayla at the top of the round uh at the top of the round uh Old Stone more I'm just gonna prepare another legendary action oh okay as long as he's not venting he's gonna look towards Nova Vega no because he's seen he's going to look towards Lucius oh no and he's going to start lowering his head ready oh and if he charges that way he hits the spirit yeah because he charged me and I just accept that away yeah he did so it hits that Spirit he might absorb ayla's turn uh gonna stand up gonna move slightly out of range of this uh meteor that's coming down yeah where's that gonna be uh just round uh to the to your left this way that's right this way yeah where'd you want to go just out of the range of this uh this thing but still within range to whack this boy yeah okay um remember if you need to strike the head it needs to be you need to strike the head [Music] strike your head for massive damage giant enemy crap join enemy crap uh I think she still has her look at its massive claws charge on her jump ability I believe crab battle so let's take me back to my games journalisto he's just gonna do that I think just yeah use the slice the last charge yep yeah use the fly speed to just get back onto its head and keep keep whacking away yeah um and maybe try to control this thing when it does its Dash move so it hits a wall becomes stunned for a turn which is when we can you know listen I'm not putting all of the Monster Hunter mechanics sorry is it fire immune it is yes yeah couldn't really steer into its own meat Hill to take four stash really right yeah um well either way make any damage from his own YouTubers either way I'm gonna go recklessly all right to wax on the head on the old Noggin double wax 15s natural 20. yes let's go big boy I'm playing the game you are so uh we know it's 14 plus 13. it's 53. lightning damage no longer takes any effect it's immune so it's just roll 40 10 for me and then it's Plus 53. 4010 plus 53 sure because it is high level Bobs man like they're they're the the [ __ ] [ __ ] babies [ __ ] bub that's uh 17 20. so so 73 points of damage to the Head one yeah yes oh the you see Stone were almost like reeling like as it gets smacked from on top of its own head I also take damage from the force of this being in its mouth oh I don't it forces yeah um and the second attack uh 11 plus 26. uh normal here so uh so 40 10 plus 13 40 10 no rate no lightning damage so 16 20 one and another one 23 total wait is that with the plus nine sorry I've added yeah it's the plus 13. that's included stuff as well um you watch as that second blow you see a big crack form along the skull plating but doesn't break and um bonus action can't do the lightning thing I don't know what other bonus actions Ayla can do not many um so I'm going to leave it there yeah okay do you want it to stay up on its back stay there hold on okay this Dash is about to happen all right she wants to stay attached to it okay Sentry then we have quill then Nova can I move 30 feet up to Stonewall just on his side [Music] and then if I do destructive wave can I hit um both of these dark Spirits what's the range on destruction about your feet 25 30 you can does it hit every creature or just creatures you choose each creature you choose within 30 feet so you can ignore the only thing I'm going to say on destructive wave is it can't hit stonewall's head because it's on like the it's like a that's fine is that all right yeah that's cool um but you if it what type of damage does it do it's Thunder and radiant and necrotic and if it fails a con save it um yeah so you can take it takes five D6 Thunder damage as well as five D6 radiant or necrotic okay yeah so anything I say is you can't do damage to its head but you could do damage to its body or its tail yeah I'll just damage the whole guy okay yeah do you want to do tailor body this do body okay all right y so con save please con save okay okay 30. oh yeah it succeeds so half damage and not mocked prone I'm gonna assume not much right so let's do yeah do the first dude do the um Thunder damage first eight nine ten eleven twelve Thirty fourteen fifteen Thunder damage 15 points of Thunder damage to the body foreign nine nine uh 12 17 oddly radiant damage 17 radian damage to you okay uh you watch as the radiant damage um it really has an effect you actually see the radiant damage kind of pass through this thing uh breaking the the Thunder damage kind of breaks some of that hardened armor over its body but the the radian damage seems to sear and burn at the inside and you watch as you begin to see stonewall's physiology change as it now becomes resistant to radiant damage um the threshold has been reached um and you watch as there's almost this glow now to its uh like its belly and it's like flesh underneath it almost seems to have this radiant light to it um and then the wraiths do they need to do con saves as well the rates no I'm just gonna have them fail um so they'll just take uh just roll once for both of them okay here it's gonna be six ten 14 16. 16 uh of Thunder damage yeah so that's to the South and West was it 16 right yeah okay that was the Thunder damage sorry there's a lot going on in my brain 16 radiant damage I'm almost 16 points of radiant are they not prone they will be but give me a second okay the one next to Nova is destroyed nice good and this one is just two left yeah the one next solution is not destroyed it is knocked prone but it almost seems to become like a liquid amorphous form and it just restructures itself where it's standing up is technically immune to being not prone but it's kind of like it does it's like you knock the legs out from under it and it kind of flips over and then it almost just merges its legs into its body it orientates its head and then pushes itself back up yeah um and then I'll give refer a 2d6 healing with aura of okay all right you get six healing okay yeah it's not gonna be enough to mark off checkbox but it will total up all right nice okay uh all right Sentry full done all done all done quill uh I'm in its mouth you're in its mouth it's no longer venting heat um but you are going to still take some piercing damage what's this going to be it that's gonna be 20 points of piercing damage oh no oh I can't just quill over by two damn it wait can Elder quill it stops an attack it's not an attack it's automatic damage hey can't save you from this one I am that's at the start of your turn down just as I was about to do something [ __ ] awesome [ __ ] [ __ ] do I make a death scene no no start with your turn you make a death scene okay starting your turn's already happened due to the damage you're unconscious rethra can only save you in two terms time yeah Nova video after Nova Stonewall yeah I better get quill out I don't know and give it 10 Rounds yeah I could think about it can't I I mean technically he's got three deaths aiming throws yeah but if it's stonewalls go he's probably gonna do something crunchy and start swallowing him and digesting him and it's gonna be a really tricky teleporting something out that's like you know just wait until I come out the other side yeah exactly oh I could wait until you come out the other side yeah I'll be safe in there he's quite acidic and fiery inside though so and lightning and radiant now and lightning and radiant now so it's going to be turbulent make a video I will stop delaying get out of the way of this um teleport uh meteor yeah smash okay I think actually I'm just gonna go further I'm not gonna go further back now swing me around towards um yeah Central about there not too close like um yeah yeah yeah okay um and then I'll cast uh another Vortex warp on quill okay um it was unconscious so I don't know how that's gonna work let me check the spell it says I mean I would make a save right I think you choose to fail though what type of saving throw is it cons uh Constitution 19. yeah I think so you magically twist space around another creature you can see within range the target would succeed on a con saving throw the target can choose to fail or the target is teleported to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range then that's funny no there's a three it doesn't matter anyways I can't make the save regardless yeah incapacitated unconscious I think capacity coming automatically fails during the next seven throws yeah I'd say I would say quilcon willingly fail this because he's not conscious he doesn't automatically fail Khan saves because he's unconscious you only automatically felt strength and dexamethrows and because I think his body make a con save because it's like a body naturally trying to resist this effect like like almost like you know unconsciously trying to resist the effect I did as a joke and roll a three all right so he fails you get to teleport him away oh five I start slapping around like a Gmod character um next to Century and then I'm just gonna be like Century I've got like out of the stone Wars like yeah there is no way you can put him next to Century whilst without putting him in someone's well just between me and Century put him under the shadow of the incoming meeting yeah and then I'll be like Century I've got no heels I've got no heels okay um I don't have any potions I don't have any actually oh wow how can I help what's the worst one news what is happening who else has the question as part of that is if we could assist in whatever that was oh no okay I like this game so um it says as a bonus action for maddening hex you can deal plus five psychic damage to a Target curse by your hex spell um but I don't have to like hit it like it doesn't have to be an attack or anything I can just can it be hex by curse or does it have to be the hex it says maddening hex yep as a bonus action you can deal plus five psychic damage to the Target cursed by your hex spell this is not you don't have or any other cursing bottle like feature oh right and you can see within 30 feet yes so I'll give them a little tickle all right psychic damage points of psychic damage oh [ __ ] no problemo I don't know what he looks like when he's immune to psychic just a brain oh oh uh yeah it could be get like a mind Flay it just becomes like their brain becomes exposed it's like those Star Trek aliens I mean ayla's about to do that let's not find out uh all right end of turn yeah no provision that me is that you do is that me stonewalls go is that him oh I would like Kim Richards to roll me a D6 please recharge acid reflux good nice good at the start of his turn though beat yours nobody's in range it doesn't matter I'll leave those there for this uh the meteors crash land they create difficulties right now those terrain the the meat will Slam in and they leave behind this kind of smoldering Crater of difficult terrain and burning ground uh which will be dangerous if you walk into it um right it doesn't have erotica dudes it doesn't have any animation uh will activate its new storm Aura uh which means Century uh and Ayla I don't think anybody else um need to make uh dexterity saving throws uh Ayla will have advantage on this oh cool and a plus three from can you get plus three from me too oh Mine mine's so good really good 20. oh look at you guy uh plus a million 20 plus tax 25 28 400. total yeah eleven four hundred eleven Twenty Eight twenty twenty it's hot 28 number 28 20 January 28 genuinely 28. I can never tell with you um Ava is also resistant to lightning I believe so she's going to take a quarter damage cool um Central you're taking the full amount yeah yeah rock and roll Buckaroo 20 20 30. I want upstairs oh perfect 40 points of lightning now as just the body like like Ayla stormwater just blasts lightning around of it uh catching everybody within a certain radius nice um concentration icing just goes uh dc20 so you can succeed on it so it's Constitution saving through this I'm so pissed no I don't it's gone all right so Vitality Aura six yeah our Vitality is gone um so Ayla would take uh 20 to takes ten yeah do you want me to do that please I don't have control oh that's fine I've lost control damage I've lost control um I hate to study this tail attack is gonna slam down on the little broken bird boy who's unconscious next to you I'm not there I'm gonna protect you please you are there yeah I know cool that's where Nova put you all right so disadvantage yes please all right from centuries protection reaction Shield raised disadvantage you are however you are prone which means I get advantage against you so it's a normal attack I mean yeah that is going to be 28. son of a [ __ ] to death saving throws automatically I really want upstairs please yeah you didn't really have anywhere else you could put him because of his range if you wanted him next to Century yeah uh yeah I had 90 photos that would have just put him out to die on his own in the woods essentially goes before him so as long as you can be in him it's fun um but yeah unfortunately he slams the tail on quell and you hear like the snapping of bird bones uh as they get slammed I'll fix it catch you up they don't have to break [Music] you snap stuff back into position it's amazing turn around was he gonna charge oh yeah that's right no I completely forgot about that sorry that's fine it's good because you really Tom that one he slams quill on the way um as he touches the spirit he absorbs the spirit into his body [ __ ] uh and then he is going to uh so uh Lucius and rethra both need to make uh the x37 throws sorry I missed you out of the way no no that's we call that pulling a Tom Hazel and I respect it uh [Music] uh is actually referee is gonna uh pass on this what me being you no um Bree just said I miss absorbing Spirits into my body it's been a while and it just really I I took a long time to think about what the hell she was talking about let's 14 points damage to Lucius and you are not prone is that what's that from uh from being charged being transporting Five Points well it's not an attack though does it say it has to be an attack but I mean he's charging at me that is kind of attacking it's very aggressive make an attack roll it's very aggressive though I didn't make an attack roll um if I run at him yeah if you run some things like that if you attack him it doesn't trigger it it's when they physically try and strike you this guy just runs at you and is trampling you as he goes and stuff yeah it was at least it's fine because he is about to make an attack against you so it's gonna go off uh he makes a bite attack against you um he is now empowered however by one of these dark spirits cool I don't know if you'll let me do this because I didn't say it fast enough Shadow martyr you've got to do it before you roll right yeah I said I was going to attack my brain checked out very quickly just go back in time for a second Bucky Shadow Martin uh it is you can make your Echo throw itself in front of attack directed at another creature that you can see before the attack roll is made I did say I was about to attack yeah yeah I'm sorry it's uh yeah it's just yeah you gotta yeah answer the question mark was that an actual 20 it was um yeah oh I don't enjoy doing this how I could the thing is is like part of me wants to be like I want to give Kim the shadow monster thing but I also want the drama of this attack hitting I I didn't say it no but it's also like it I I said I was gonna check and then I rolled like you didn't have a lot of time to do follow the rules yeah I vote but I hate those okay how about the attack goes off yeah but the charge proxy this is going to proc the armor of agathis anyway yeah I get there yeah okay you're gonna get that anyway and this is gonna take out those temporary hit points and the rest of them yeah probably I know he's got 45 of them which is good because it's going to absorb a ton of this damage but I need to work this out what's 31 left now um Christ hang on how much actual HP have you got okay I mean it's not bad ideally me is nice yeah I don't know how empowered this attack is it's only the one Spirit I'm gonna be absolutely fine yeah I mean we're going to be just from our perspective it absorbed a spirit and decapitated Illusions so we're like these Spirits are bad oh my gosh how many dice you roll in there bud how many Macs all right rolls are you getting there's four D12 on its bike normally when it is empowered all of its attacks get increased damage bye in this case plus two D12 that was 60 12. next and then I rolled and I rolled very well lucious you take 123. [Music] hit points basically all go and then you take the rest so that you would have taken so minus 45 uh that would have been what 123 minus 45 I mean you did it all on yeah you did it on there but yeah it's uh live HP 5 HP and I believe it takes 25 points of cold damage is that correct yeah I think I think Lucia's just tanked the biggest hit bites down the armor of anger fish just shatters around you the Flames of rethra kind of burn the inside of the creature's mouth and sort of protects you um and you it pierces through but like Frodo in the minds of Mario that are the chain of the stormcaller chain just stops it like completely crushing you um you are grabbed in its mouth unfortunately you are currently now being held um [ __ ] hell uh so charge went off tail whacked by yeah that's that's it done for this turn um that was like I I saw that 20 come off and I was like oh no no no oh no disease activate and my healing that's the only Spirit left all right drawing closer and closer uh yeah rethra Will basically circle around he can't move without getting attack opportunity so people just sort of like these guys are going to chase after the Spirit uh retro will attack Stonewall the Santa and morgane will attack the spirit and Vania needs to be called on so he can't really he can make a range attack and he will make that range attack against me yeah I think he would Target the spirits because they know that they're the Hunter's weapons can actually affect the spirits so uh reth reveals some damage to Stonewall and then the remaining spirit is going to take another 15 points all right that is brings us to Lucius you start in its mouth Lucius uh uh damage has all increased he's gonna need 31 points of piercing damage so you go down and get you the same way as it got me yep so just holding the two the two squishies in its mouth is bitten down the damage will in here yeah um and so that's at the start of your turn Lucius your turn then ends you don't make death scene throughs because that already happened we jump into round eight boy see what he's gonna do first before Ayla yep so his uh legendary action this turn he just did his charge you begin to see his body heat up against event begin to heat up or it's just as in it's now active he is now venting heat uh Ayla so is that on every melee attack she'll take the damage she has fire resistance she does have fire resistance for a turn still got it even actually know lucius's turn ended yet the fire resistance is gone I mean she's still got like 130 hit points yeah it does seem very a lady to tank damage in order to deal damage especially in the face of what's Taylor starts her turn so she takes 20 straight off the bat because she's on top of the creek so it could take 60 this turn if I double attack I mean I know what quill is going to do on this too has 101 hit points left now what would Ayla do wwad because like if Lucius like gets hit too many times he'll die all right now she jumps off stonewall's head grabs lucius's leg and rips as she's coming down and just hopes gravity pulls him out Ayla would make an Athletics check with Advantage wait wait that's what's happening she's she's jumping Health ahead and in the process pulling you out of it I suppose yeah um in plus 13 but with advantage are you [ __ ] on my face right now apparently you know someone has [ __ ] on my face 21. there's no more holds on uh I say that Layla didn't jump down she's still on the creatures back she was trying to prize open yeah yeah but she's she's gonna have to get away that would be her action it's like a dog with a sock aggressively and ayla's on the other end trying to yank out his mouth um still jump off and try and get away from this thing I think um properly all right makes you want to go um she who climbs down so she doesn't take damage um I guess she will take an opportunity if she goes further than this she'll take an opportunity attack she'll stay it's a 15 feet staying there is good because it's near Century and not out of range of it but she just won't attack at this Jam basically correct that thing okay um she does I will point this out she has a long bow can she just use that now pacing damage doesn't do any damage against the armor so no but if the armor breaks she can still attack it okay um all right in that case we go to Sentry then it's quill all right I'm gonna heal quill my own hands lay on hands the boy I'm gonna give through deaths weren't you I was yeah because I whacked him on the way do you go 30h Chief little whack 30. yeah [ __ ] phenomenon it's better than any dice I've rolled on healing so far so yeah I get that that's your action um 15 20 25 female I can't reach stonewall's mouth from here I don't think um can I call to refra to get Lucius out of stonewall's mouth all the references he have is he recharged still got turn left um um leave everybody but rethra uh and more game the game has two turns and wrath roses are both still up we haven't done dragon breath yet yeah you haven't done any drying breath although the blue dragon won't be effective anymore it's immune and the cold dragon is now resistant too I think no the god Dragon hasn't got the result yeah it's not yet yeah not yet oh um um is it just blue and red blue and uh white blue and white yeah it's immune to all the other damage types I'm just I'm just also got one section to use the vitoculus don't forget as well oh yeah I could do that I'm gonna do that then yeah yeah so bone section for that um do you want to move just before we do that yeah on a move just close to Stone more and just try and act as like a distraction yeah okay nice so a few times ago storm Wing was 50. that was a few turns ago eh you don't know where the others are right currently but I can tell you this Century uh you see the little Azaria and she sort of gives you like a sort of like a well done thumbs up uh as the little thing kind of uh as it goes to uh 30 30. okay again you don't know where on that 30 that might be okay bad not bad at all um all right that's my turn done okay yep and then we go to quilly quilly quill uh I don't stand up with my movement I levitate up and I am born Anew and the stomped ground around me the flowers start to rise everything seems to become whole again because I'm casting level 9 Mass heal 700 healing goes out to anyone that needs it Stonewall I'm Delirious I'm thinking there's a weakened creature how are you dishing out your 700 hp's well I'm going to take 119 of that to heal myself to full all right um which means get your calculators out because it's time to calculate how much do you actually carry 700 yes anyone within 60 feet that wants it right so hang on 700 you're taking 119 for yourself so I've got 500 581 left five eight one left yeah I thought that was a Tom joke no I'm serious 700. I think you need to pour a ton of that into Lucius how much you've won two two is my mate so to take you to Max 122 take that from that you're going to Max I'm pretty sure he can basically heal almost every mini to Max uh Eiler is currently missing 200 180 hit points Ayla is missing how much 180 power points so that is 106 back to Ayla so you want 106 okay 106. I know what you did I know exactly what I did maximize Ayla all right another 79. oh she had way less than I thought nine 274. 274 left were you on I'm on 138 this one missing 41. who else wants it I'm gonna do one to every NPC to bring that little check mark back up it doesn't work like that I'm gaming it you have to beat a threshold to get their check marks back up and to be honest everyone except retra is uh fine you got 233 points left I need like yeah 77. take it off you're healed you get a heal right you can just basically I mean you can spend the rest of it there's nothing there's nobody really else for you to spend the healing on at this point everyone is recharged everybody so many archers out there who got killed by Spirits they come back to life sure yeah some of them who were like on death's door that got injured you heal those guys you watch as quill no no joke like literally as he comes off the ground just ream like Winds of magic are flowing off quill as he like spreads his wings and just a swirling around everybody who watches life is restored um probably with like an element of like Starlight but then the Winds of hesper and the Starlight of Siesta kind of mixed together uh as they kill everyone that's a big move he's so happy with him he's so pleased you got 206 points Left Boy anything left I'm gonna put the rest of the 206 into myself okay it doesn't do it has no effect anything else cool no so half move to stand up I'm assuming I think I'm done um if I'm out of its range I'm Gonna Fly further away okay higher than 20 feet away well he's limited because you were thinking you say 25 feet I'll just can I just fly 25 feet along the ground then okay rather than up yeah I don't want to get into mouth height again that was a bad mistake you're there all right after quill it's Nova no one [ __ ] up is his head looking I'm pretty the armor is close to snapping because armor is real close to breaking okay I'm gonna give a go with um uh Eldritch blast um so just checking that is a d2080 16 uh 27 to hit 27 will hit the head um so because he has hex blade cross on him that is 11 plus five points of damage as the blast from Elitch blast breaks the last piece of armor oh yeah it just snaps the remaining armor that was there nice causing uh Stonewall to be dazed does Lucius fall out of his mouth no unfortunately not it's the date it's not like it's like unconscious the dazed is more like okay I need to sneeze um uh no the unfortunately it's like it's kind of like it's eyes are sweating but it's not enough it's still conscious enough to hold on delicious but the armor does Break um I will keep damn it don't put that on Tick Tock am I sneezing that's that I guess I'll keep blasting um yeah I'll keep going for her yep so this will now be all against its actual main body hit points okay so okay that is oh 18 plus uh 11 to hit so that's it lots yep it's um 11 16 points of damage uh 26 to hit yes hits um 11 plus 9 is 20 points of damage three that's the third beam last beam um 14 to hit as in the total 14. yeah yeah unfortunately does not still it's tough and high there's still enough to reflect that one back that is my action and then bonus action I'm gonna yeah I was gonna say movement and bonus section do you want the echo to start moving up um yeah if Echo could move 30 feet 30. and if I could zip uh so I've still got like a bonus action Misty step um when my bestie step in movement can I get to where this rock is on this side yeah on yeah so a little bit of cover maybe I don't know all right okay and then that's me all righty uh that was Nova's turn at the beginning of stonewall's turn you can see now stomor is very badly hurt you can see blood pouring from its various wounds kind of Staggering around I'm not quite sure of everything that's fully going on uh as it has now lost armor in all three locations it recharges all of its abilities wow all of its recharge abilities automatically recharge um and it will turn its attack uh it will uh also it is still day so it only gets to make one attack this turn but it does recharge all of its abilities can I shout like as I finish like um remember we need to kill it at the same time as everyone else you absolutely can do that can I get Bonnie to attack or is that correct um did you have a bone section left no I didn't and you cannot it's a bonus section or as part of your action to do it it's one of your attacks you would have called Vania to do it okay I was just gonna ask him to attack which I don't know it's using their ability is different to just attacking Vanier is attacking it as often as they can if you want him to attack that instead of the spirit he'll attack Stonewall so uh stonewalls go uh currently has Lucius in his mouth he is pretty stunned I the natural thing this Predator would do is Chomp down on Lucius has him in his mouth it's injured it makes an automatic bite attack against you two two deaths no you know he's healed one two two you're right so it makes an attack against you with Advantage uh another [ __ ] okay I was like can you imagine uh that is still however gonna be it wasn't great because I rolled bad on both rolls but it's still gonna be uh 23 to hit oh yeah so that's AC not damage yeah yeah okay uh oh Jesus these damage these d12s are doing me some work I'll tell you that stand down to 12 Stand Down you've done enough 58 points of piercing damage as a size bites down and you are still restraining 64. nice that's great Nintendo 64. nice um recharge but it is dazed at the end of its turn its day's condition is going to go but we moved to the NPCs um these two are going to attack this Spirit trying to like lock it down uh but I think the spirit is actually going to reach Stonewall before yeah they can't actually do enough damage so they kind of Stonewall gets impound again these two instead uh Sana and Morgan will move into close combat range ref will move into close combat range um and all of the NPCs are basically going to make their normal attacks against this thing uh which will do uh is currently weakened because his armor has been broken so that's going to be uh 10 40 points of damage very good sizable uh the that was the last remaining Spirit but you can see now that as that second Spirit becomes absorbed it's like stonewall's muscles almost kind of like thump and you know in swell and in Gorge uh it's like spikes seem to become serrated and fanged and it now looks even more deadly and dangerous uh Lucius hi uh sorry if this is a bad time uh we're below 30 can we get an update from you yes this is at the end of that round so this yes I could be on hold uh Danica will say both both of us are at 30 years but we're at 30. can you do it in a round unlikely two rounds that's more likely let's do this all right how do I hang up oh you hung up all right bonus action felicious main Action level seven armor of agathis [Music] it's like making a Bubble Boy armor suit of ice and uh I'm just going to annoy it by like just being taking its tongue and stuff yeah yeah it's agitating it yeah yeah it does not like having you create this freezing cold ore in its mouth it hates it yeah lovely love it uh it doesn't hopefully oh uh Stonewall just had its turn so its armor would have regenerated oh no no who broke sorry I'm getting confused with things um um I've used my burnt section so I can't call in support okay yeah no you've used your brain section so that's Loose as you've done and everyone's on 30 percent all bosses okay oh sorry lucious it did start venting me take another 20 points of fire damage as well please is that pretty or post arm of agathist that was before you cast iron about it wouldn't start your turn off isn't it and also you were in its mouth at the start of your turn sorry you've got to take some more damage as well is it 25 for fire uh no it's 20 points of fire damage but also you have to take more damage from being in its mouth as well 13 20 more points of piercing damage that was before Armor of God damn I'm glad I put that on yeah yeah like being in this thing's mouth is really bad it's not I wouldn't recommend it I wouldn't recommend it no I mean at the top of a brand new round you guys are now on round nine that they are um retra is back more games still got around to go mate you've got everybody else don't forget like some of these guys like Santa did a ton of damage and stuff like that as well so make use of them because they are there to help you um at the start of the turn uh The Stonewall continues to vent heat for another world is uh what they do because they have shouted to everyone two rounds okay yeah 12 seconds 12 seconds [Music] two hits each is there a way yes for Ayla to delay armor regrowth no okay not just it's armor is it's currently vulnerable or if you put herself in the fleshy bit got in the way if you want to try something like that I mean you can certainly try it it grows I mean yeah if it's like growing back yeah just finding the bit that's about to protrude and cover the area and just hold it back um maybe because it grows I guess because I feel like if Ayla goes in now and hits it super hard and the armor regrows it's going to be really tough for us to kill it at the same time as everyone else unless we delay the armor thing and then go nuts yeah it doesn't have to be precisely the same time as everybody else but it has to be very like you have to you can't like yeah you have to basically do it within like around two rounds basically um it doesn't have to be because there's no way for you to really know exactly when that's going to be but it has to be pretty damn close yeah like if you leave it too long there will it will carry over bear in mind it's gonna be Ayla you and Century who has attacks before it regrows yeah and all of us true um all right in that case she's gonna attack as best she can but to get to the Head she has to climb it um well it depends on which one so Morgan and Sanders have to be used instead of an attack so if you make the attack action in place of one of your attacks they make an attack um but they get to do you know cool damage basically um to climb up on stonemor is an Athletics check do you have to climb up on him to to get the head yes if you want to go for the body then anywhere else but currently the head is what's exposed well try an Athletics check if if she gets up to the head she'll do one whack then maybe Sana okay um yep so Athletics with Advantage because she's Regents with Advantage run up the tail try to get to the Head 12 plus 13 25 is enough so yeah Ayla jumps up runs up the tail avoids those flaming bits I know she touches them she takes 20 points of fire damage Still Still takes the 20 but she's at 286 now which is Max yeah so then brings the hammer down onto the fleshy dome recklessly right for the first one she takes another 20 points of fire damage but I'll just do that now yeah um that is um not incredible probably enough though actually eight plus fifteen twenty three 23 is enough and it's weakened armor State yes with its armor broken that is enough so how many detents just the normal 1d10 1d10 Plus 13. 10 plus 13 23 23. um and then the second part of her act her attack will be to call on Santa for that right yeah so uh she needs to make another Athletics check to help Santa uh this is dc15 DC 15. 10 plus easy uh 10 plus 13. again like ayla's like hey do it again and like throws her hand out uh Santa's like got it runs up like bounces off the Rock and then stonewall's thigh grabs onto him Ayla throws her up in the air lunar ax kick comes smashing down 40 points of damage nice um slamming down on the top of uh off of the top of his head um you see it almost kind of stuns the creature as well reeling it as it takes this massive blow to the forehead um and try and stay up on the on the on the head and that is I just need to do anything for that on his Tony tries to shake her up so that's that's done yeah oh Santa oh yeah 1D 1d3 plus one that is a six so three four ones I'm done not so good at those Century um then quill sound is basically out now for the rest of the yeah yeah thing well I mean they'll still chip damage while she's present so yeah yeah uh that will say I will mark off a checkbox for Santa because she took damage from being uh from touching Stone oh of course yeah all right I'm gonna call it a referee to get Lucius this turn okay yep um and then can I move 510 15 coming 20 feet up to the tree and if I use the rest of my movement can I climb up the tree so I'm like level with yeah I mean you are large and starbreaker has reached so I'd say you don't need to climb the tree because you've already got like your you know past five six feet then start breaking has like a 10 foot reach as well I'd say you with an enlarged form or okay with you know you can strike it from the ground large Century I mean if you for flavor if you want to still find the tree I'd say that yeah it's more like you put your foot on the top of the tree and like ah yeah absolutely nice um and I'll make two attacks again all righty Stone more I just do standard attacks because my radiant damage is resistant against now ah and if you get the armor like you can still do damage to Stonewall even if the armor is not broken depending on the type of damage you do as well most likely ice it currently does not have any resistance to Coal damage yeah unfold does ice go through armor it does cool yep so does um necrotic none of you have dealt necrotic damage yet we don't got none just in case touching with your bone hand it's gone isn't it all right Century 20 to hit yeah uh is unfortunately not enough it's 21 with its broken armor 19 plus 13. that's gonna hit sick all right let's just do two D12 and for this one just give it to me all as one damage total because right now uh it is I actually know it is resistant to radiant so I do need to damage separated okay um cool so 2d8 radiant to standard come here come up alrighty so Force damage is 16. so Force damage and then I got two sixes no I've got an eight and a six for my radiant damage uh sorry uh eight and six or sorry 16 14 radians so seven points of radiant and then the D4 is three the second what's the D4 D4 is three three points and then my bonus is seven plus seven yeah okay totaled all up so the line strikes through Stonewall looks very badly blood is just dripping out as starbreaker pierces through into its neck where its armor plane is broken away you pull the Lance free it's just gallons of this black congealed thick blood begin gushing out you can see it's almost swaying like it's uh like it's becoming light-headed just kind of Staggering around looks pretty rough anything else Center in your turn um I've done my bonus actions so I am good for this turn thank you well um does a thingy thingy thingy refer a go to uh on his turn he'll rescue Lucius he's um resistant to reading right now isn't he he is not immune yes I will uh which is all my spells are either lightning or radiant um but I will just do a sacred flame on him all right probably my best damage for free 18. 22 he needs yeah uh that is an additional 23 points of damage so half that so 22 half it is 11. yeah um and uh bonus action I will healing word Lucius okay uh fifth level uh which is like a million Health you get back just straight away million one million I never use healing word normally 1d4 2d4 3D 4 44 5d4 Plus six so you get 16 healing that's not bad all right so yeah for default done I am done Nova video it looks real bad right I feel I kind of don't want to attack it because I feel like I could really [ __ ] the whole thing no maybe I don't know it does look bad but difficult to say this creature has taken such its Vitality it's it's stamina its endurance it this is a terrible creature um I'm just gonna get to the end I'm kind of too scared to attack it because I feel like if I do especially with three attacks like I could kill it before everyone else and we could like hold off until yeah Century everyone holds an action but wouldn't the action I think it's to a brand new turn like if it gets to your turn again you lose the hell down there's no point just hold off I'm gonna I'm not gonna attack this turn um if you don't have any action you can always take the Dodge action which means any attacks against you have disadvantage referee is gonna um he's gonna try and grab Lucius because I can't I have one more charger Vortex warp so I can get Lucius out what's up to you century did come on the right through it to do it so literally after stonewall's turn will do it do it yes but it would be after uh Stonewall goats so Stonewall will have a turn first I'm gonna get delicious out correct because I think seeing this thing at Chomp it's real bad so I'm gonna use my turn um to cast my last charge of Vortex wall right I can move him 90 foot so I will put him next to well lucious do you want to willingly save or do you want to resist yeah I wanna say wait save and resist yeah do you want to fail it will it I want to fail okay all right so where do you want to put Lucius next to quill next to quill okay no first your action that's my action um I'd like to move um my um Echo further up to closer to Stonewall yeah it's right next to me and that's gonna be me I should keep playing around the rock yeah all right done yeah all right we're gonna go to the end of this round and then we're gonna that's when we're gonna wrap the episode uh it's so close yeah Stone Moore's turn I did say he recharged all of his abilities yep first thing he's gonna do is try and throw Ayla off his back can Ayla make an acrobatics check please uh ax is very important is a 17 plus 5 22 not enough [ __ ] DC 24. [ __ ] throws her behind him on the ground [Music] and just spews acid in a cone striking the echo Ayla Morgan Santa Lucius and quill oh I need dexterity saving throws from all y'all um if they lose pruned after being thrown off uh let me check what prune does to dexamethrows uh the quilt duck sound no no no effect just she makes the save as normal she has Advantage as well it's good okay Advantage as well I'm not going to be returned okay okay so as well as deck save deck swimming throws please and you do still have resistance lucious so I do yeah I was just trying to see if I could yeah give some funky stuff yeah 18. not enough 20. uh on the echo hopefully Echo I mean yeah it fails it was gonna die anyway wow it takes one it takes half uh seven for quill and then for Ayla 21. all fail uh everyone fails uh it has been empowered as well I forgot about this right uh no it's been in powered twice so it basically adds four dice to every attack so this is bear with me Spacey how you looking Lucius acidic right I got my armor packages I didn't maximize my healing I panicked for a second there I thought he only had 30. I'm okay yeah I mean he's going to roll a load of dice I think it's only maybe Lucius it's in shrub basically oh God high level d d man calculators you tanked him before one more time easy peas one more time like I said before nothing bad gonna happen I did that last episode when I did it everyone started rolling twenties everybody but Lucius 99 points of ass 45 47 I think [Music] I don't know right no your Echo gets wiped out but you're fine Echoes are fragile little child one HP um as yeah just uh that is uh it's it threw Eiler off that replaces its tail attack and then it's gonna try and Chomp um and it's gonna Chomp probably Ayla because they're prone in front of it not a natural 20 but definitely still enough that's a 30 to hit yep and this is going to be 8 D12 now bugger oh my god do this I gotta get a calculator out again sorry I know this is not super exciting but no oh it's a lot I mean it's a lot of damage I don't want to be in the room when Ayla died 68 points of damage but that's half it she does half it because she's raging oh he's gone he's gone into hiding Four Points of damage 34.34 that's not too bad this one's fine she's fine she's fine you healed her for like 180 hit points I'm sure Kate's gonna be fine with it she's at Max mate right he's gone he's gone he's gone he's left the country I really wish he didn't do that it's left the country so that was the bite that was the acid reflux that was everything NPCs uh Santa and Morgana down uh the 99 damage is Gonna Knock those guys out echo's gone those guys are down uh retro and and uh that I just can do a little bit of Chip damage but it's not much um rapist Lucius I'm going to call up okay hiya um we've really got into the last legs so any moment now is going to pop Danica is just like the same for us uh about 10 of its Vitality left but I think the others are still a little bit behind they're at 20. all right we'll try and hold off for one just just a few more seconds and then deliver the finishing blow let's say six six seconds yes all right perfect let's hope that the others are quick enough okay bye bye bye and with that that's where we're going to end today's session because we're running late I'd love to go a bit like but I think that there's enough of this where it's not going to be like a 15 minute thing this could be like a 20 minute thing so yeah fair enough 25 minute thing so I mean yeah I mean I I would go but I know we've got Sam and I don't want to no that's unless unless you have a full time like working at the rest of you guys I'm like are we still going I don't think that's fair yeah yeah next week no I've told Ted to watch the stream okay come get me when it's over babe hey Sam is is that okay with you if we go a little bit longer going if you want then we just got the okay he's already going longer we go I think it might be another 20 minutes but I think it's worth doing we're very close now I need a picture and yeah you go yeah uh you've done your rounds so it's fine um all right we're gonna keep going extended streams extended stream we don't do this very exclusive to patreon no it's not right uh yeah okay it's not here yeah okay it's not here so it does it wouldn't matter if we we delayed it anyway uh all right in that case uh have you told the hobby I was gonna say It's like because I know that you've got a yes he knows okay all right in that case at the top of the round it's a brand new round uh the uh the tale of uh Stonewall does rise up again uh kind of threatening to slam it down in a shock waving like pulse are you threatened by that well it hits in an area around it but it's behind it creates like a cone attack as well yeah but it does affect anybody around stone more uh oh okay um oh it does a spin it kind of does it slams the ground which causes all the Earth to like churn up around it but it hits like a cone of force behind it as well so me yeah um and then it is Ayla does does the rock save me from that no prog they might cause more damage as the if the rock blows up oh sorry it's telegraphing yeah yeah it doesn't happen right now it's like raising its tail up and it you don't know exactly when it's going to come slamming down and just last question from me yeah has the plating regrown on his head uh yes because it's it's you broke it right so yeah some plating is now regrown on its head so when we attack it now it's back to Playboy damage it is if don't forget there are some damage types that we'll go through so at the moment it's cold and necrotic but those are two types that you know will work yeah not radiant though radiant is resistant all right Ayla uh is she in it s she got bits she is yeah she did get bit so she she's currently in his mouth so it has disadvantage to attack him yes disadvantages are all attacks what was that oh his hands cold and wet and he just touched me uh yeah no so uh she has disadvantage General attacks um at the start of her turn uh she takes uh some damage yeah you're gonna do that for me yep I'm gonna sort it out because I gotta roll it as well uh so it's gonna be 14. you're a monster oh my God five 43 halved is 21 which I will now apply okay um if you ask disadvantage and she Reckless does it neutralize if you recklessly it would make it a normal role a normal I mean but don't forget then it would have advantage on the attacks against it what's up to you I like Reckless I know Katie doesn't but ayla's gonna go Reckless okay that's what you're gonna do yeah um just recklessly swing the hammer inside its mouth so going for the head yeah okay about those teeth in play them like a xylophone that was just a regular roll um so that is 16 plus 15 31 is a hit that's a hit um so the d10 this one called Smash Hit plus oh my God so that's a six on the roll Plus uh 13 yeah yep so 19 19 points to the armor on the head uh the second roll six plus fifteen so 21 is not enough enough um bounces off the reinforced armor that one plays a dud note all right the song is ruined anything else dead tooth uh that's I mean I think she's enjoying herself all right century um I'm gonna look at its power level first before I do anything uh the little Azaria is like blushing and super excited because it shows between the naught and the one oh oh [ __ ] ten percent or less I'll relate to the team but we're at 10 or less um we just have to hold for one whole success [Laughter] okay yeah Sentry's gonna um skirt around to the prone party at the front of them well these guys are unconscious oh they're unconscious they are they got that acid wipe them out [ __ ] all right I'll heal is that more gain yeah I'll do some do some lay on hands on more game let's see I'll do like 20. all right that's enough lay on hands all right and I've done my bonus action and move so that's me done for now thank you all right that's all you good so I'm good all right I'm good that's that is all right Morgan is now within five feet so her power can be used and it just requires an attack roll so even like a spell like a chromatic orb or something can trigger on Morgan's attack as well I mean essentially just pointed out you are currently at 10 or less we're in smidge territory smidge territory Lucius is basically just waiting for the call right he's just had it and it was like successful like hold for six seconds yeah on ten percent yeah so Danica's team so the Stormwind team is on 10 as well the other team is on 20 yeah they need more so we need to get to one more turn just we'd save this round yeah that's for you to decide I feel like it needs to survive this round at least um but you also probably want to set yourselves up right like you want to break its arm or whatever so you can get the punch in uh uh okay I'm going to cast something really cool okay super cool yeah no is it um well I need to describe it first no I'd like you to tell me now one of the description we're already over time is quill starts to like look around and he he's gonna bless Lucius all right so he passed the bless spell just on Lucius and also uh what's the range on it 30 meters century and Ayla B4 right thanks it's an extra D4 yeah lovely on attack rolls and seven throws that's right hey that's my dude D4 can make a huge difference let's turn a Miss into a hit I believe I believe all right so one blood spell anything else quill no VA video he's doing isn't he slashing and piercing whilst the armor is up yes so I can't really do anything but Eldritch blast um she started Ayla starting hitting his head didn't she yes she did okay I will keep uh I'll just blasting the head all right the AC is increased now because it has been destroyed once 16 to hit it's not enough did you get burst no no 21 to hit it's not enough I don't think Nova was in range of me that sucks unfortunately the new armor plating just is this the Incarnate uh 18 no plus uh 11 oh 29 29 hits um 11 points plus four is 15 points of damage 15 points of damage uh I will also summon the echo again within 30 foot of me I'm just going to keep them kind of out of range no no out no no no this way it's like yeah you put where you want all right okie dokie uh anything else over on your turn oh I need to move because it's gonna [ __ ] tail blast me oh yeah so um I will move uh 35 well not 30 but I'm gonna just move next to me Echo okay and out of the tail yep is that out of the tail you don't know maybe you go where you think you're gonna be safe and then I'll tell you 15 20. all right you dumb I'm done all right so same almost turned the tail comes smashing down at the start of it uh striking any creatures Within Reach 15 feet it's gonna make a tail attack against so retra Sentry the unconscious Santa and Morgan um so I'll do the attack against the PC first because that's what matters uh mainly I know you guys care about NPCs but I don't let's die but she's a bunny girl it's gonna be a 24 to hit you Century yep has got increased damage because it's been empowered by the spirits so this is going to be going to be 44 points of bludgeoning damage and I need you to make a strength saving throw on because of enlarge I believe you get an extra D4 to them um Target also's advantage to strength checks and strength savings there you go so you have Advantage nice blip five of that five again wow beautiful so thirteen total you are pushed back 15 feet bye and you are not thrown it slams against you uh more gain is just barely standing uh but is actually no because you only had one check box so would uh rather is up more game goes down again Santa is this Shockwave hit Sana and you just see her body kind of twist in an awkward way oh no fan of of all of them whether she's alive or not you don't know but you it did not look good um uh that was at the beginning of stonewall's turn because of the legendary action on its turn itself it's going to chop down on Ayla yeah uh that's gonna 100 hit um foreign I mean she's still sad truckload of help Taylor and she does have resistance to this it's just making sure rage Carries On 61 half to 230. she is not a truckload of Health she is not I mean this this is you are facing now at its most powerful dangerous form um that was it my attack it's used its legendary action uh it is gonna move to engage Sentry quill and uh Sentry and then it's going to unleash its lightning Aura I need all of you to make dexterity saving throws cool [ __ ] including Ayla include Ayla yep feel like in fact Eiler I think automatic fails no she doesn't fail she does she not have resistance she does have resistance yeah oh but we all get bonus from Sentry yeah you'll get plus three yep doing what it felt something I think um why are you natural 20ing now yeah yeah it has disadvantage on the deck 73 but she has Advantage because of danger sense so it's just a flat roll for Ava okay uh so what do we get LOL I got 24 not 20. 24 just succeeds so you're gonna take half damage quilt uh I got uh 22 fatal unfortunately uh Ayla gets 25 25 she succeeds can take half damage and then half again because of resistance uh Lucius 10 10. that I hate that noise horrible sound he just dropped his dice bag right yeah that wasn't a damage rule yeah that was just casual just casual cash 45 points of lightning damage so 45 points of lightning damage those of you who took half it would be 22 and then Ayla will take 11. I'm down you're down I've got five HP Jesus you watch as Morgan is also uh the lightning rips through her body and like spasms and twitches and you see it just the skin begin to smolder God ah that is stonewall's go retro the only currently still standing in PC he's gonna stand up okay that's nice and he's just gonna try and get as close to the battle as he can just try and be useful uh where when called upon um that is unfortunately the only NPCs that can really take a govania will take a shot but it's only going to do a little bit of Chip damage but new round end of the six seconds oh yeah if you are unconscious I needed that saving through if we get an actual 20 years it's the start of your turn so you get to act 17 17. so success success top of a brand new round this is your round ten so we need to bring it down now yeah well well first things first legendary action oh yes I've got to have them it's going to look towards Nova Vega prepare a charge while you're wearing red does not vela's turn she takes damage being in its mouth oh God what's her health out now uh she's at uh she's at 51. whoa God he dealt out a truckload of damage since that heal that was tons okay it's a high level no I know it's it's impressive you know what the two points so half that to 26. oh my God yeah David because like those Spirits Empower all of its attacks and when it's in the mouth you just automatically take damage at the start of your turn um okay let's close so ayla's turn begins now but this is the turn like the six seconds have gone now right I mean this is if since the Lucius book like as far as Lucius is concerned you think that this is the turn that like the last thing he said is like now is like basically what Lucia says right yeah oh yeah like he said like a few set like six seconds ago he was like one six seconds apart like that's when we go or even can hear him she's screaming and raging and swinging and whacking all right uh uh inside that maratha his so that move uh recklessly um 13 plus 15. uh don't forget that would have been disadvantage to only the first world would have counted I'll reroll it no that's my first one 12 plus 15 so 27 just hits the armor okay because remember the Armor gets upgraded every time it gets broken yeah um this is a normal hit so that's a nine plus 13. uh 22 20 22 points the next attack is 16 plus 15 so that'll hit as well yep four seven plus that 20 damage 20 points of damage the armor big cracks in it but not quite broken just yet oh it's either just like slamming it into the mouth as she's being held um and yeah I mean yeah that's that's that cellular I think all right Century she could break out but she's been I know like she knows it's well it's an action to break out so it's either attack or breakout I'm gonna stand up from prone down trees rage breaking them down you kind of pull yourself up you see your your wounded allies on the ground Ayla like bleeding like Ayla is like punctured like you know blood pouring from stonewall's mouth um Lucius is currently unconscious um okay um with my half movement can I get to Lucius and 15 yes you can nice all right I'm gonna heal Lucius I'll use the last of my lay on hands so it's 45. oh my points delicious very cool yeah everything everything I've got Lucius might be your last chance to finish this guy off as well yeah because he is the last one to write don't just have all 45 away I have two okay all right anything else Sentry um can I bonus action get retro to get Ayla out okay yep you order everything he's like on it um that's my turn yeah quill uh um okay I'm going to try and break through its armor not break through its armor but do an attack that will go through armor uh with a Whirlwind would be pretty fun but where I am now I'm going to Sunbeam yes uh it's half damage so it'll be double hmm [Music] yeah well I'm gonna do well we have Nova I'm gonna just I'm currently stood underneath it I'm gonna Sunbeam right through it yeah just through his body up his butt out his mouth not at his mouth sorry can't save yeah oh which he rolls sorry I heard that role but you didn't say it does that count carry on he rolls a what was my other portent where's that gone where's it gone he rolls of three I rolled the two well and what's your spell save DC uh 22. 19. failed anyway so he's resistant but it means instead of taking a quarter he's only he's taking half damage now yeah give me that zombie 68 damage he takes 32. no so he takes 16. 16 points ah I'm okay with that looking pretty badly the radiant energy of the Sunbeam is partially absorbed through its now glowing radiant body as it's adapting to the radiant damage stoma staggering around holding Ayla in its mouth gripping down it looks towards you quill and it raises tail up you know looking to retributively strike against you when it's ready um but uh not quite able to just yet anything else quell on your turn that is me Nova Vega can my echo get to them and is it 30 feet 15 20 . you can't attack them then yeah we literally like one more space and I'd say it could or actually technically two more here in which case um move my echo out of the way because I want to keep it up for a potential readership yeah just out of the way of whatever this charge attack that's going to come is um ah I want to try attack with but I have slashing and radiant damage and it's resistant to those so I feel like I've got to keep going with Eldridge blast you know it feels weak but a week it does decent damage damage yeah you also hit three times but four times three times three four beams but oh four beams that's right nope um that is a 16 to hit okay fails uh 29 to hit it's 16 points of damage that's to the head's armor isn't it yeah okay how much was it 16 16 yeah good hit yeah there's a hefty Hefty blow against the armor it's cracking but it's not quite broken just yet I forgot about Bliss [ __ ] yeah so 15. not enough last one last beam uh 20 324 24 is not enough unfortunately against the reinforced armor badly cracked maddening herx Five Points of psychic damage Five Points of psychic damage Hey listen right now you need all the damage yeah great stuff just no saving throws just it takes it takes that damage just movement up the way where would you like to move to uh to the left yeah my left it's in single digits right I like to believe it is right end of turnover video yeah that's all I got all right guys uh no it's gonna make a before it does its charge it's gonna make a tail attack against quill Shadow master yeah perfect I literally yeah you were clearly making it Tian gong Dives in front of the way of the attack there's a flicker quill as the tiangle moves in front of you you see the hints of almost like water as it moves in front of you it almost becomes like a flowing liquid and then and it like splashes and then it kind of just dissipates completely absorbs the hip takes the hit then it will charge forward very cool oh they're definitely Gonzo Sana and who is that oh my God yep oh they've become one with the earth now we don't have to bury him no and then finally this is the prequel to The Maya oh in its mouth as Advantage I mean I think that's still gonna hit on a 24 it does he's only got 25. you're in trouble son I I thing is I think ayla's mentality is why Escape when you can kill it quickly keep going yeah um and she is taking half damage as well so I think she might be okay oh he just said 42 though 48 half is 24 points of damage nearly twice in terms of HP yeah that's nuts yep uh that is its full turn almost 600. Trot Kim Tom can you each roll a D6 for me oh no all of it's very charges recharge two okay two doesn't five five one yep so uh everything but it's everything but it's vomit comes back okay uh then we go to refra grabs Ayla throws her down probably throws it towards century and the others nice um hmm uh do we need to reroll for his ability uh I'll do it quickly two plus one three turns but that's not gonna matter anymore we come to the last person the last person who can really make a difference here Lucius it's all on you if this is indeed your last turn to do this Lucius has to kill Stonewall right now uh except aren't you I know you're up on you I'm up he's up I've got to lay on hands no I just too met a gaming if I say something use your bonus action to use the messenger Stone I mean you could say no right now I'm just gonna go for the you do what you want to give them a call all right I'm gonna chromatic orb at Ninth level and it's going to be ice okay yeah I'm going to use my 15 feet of movement to get closer to it okay so I'm just building up this ninth level chromatical Vice running towards it basically my fling it acid yep with my bless yes 20. did you roll the D4 the D20 already you just roll the D4 did you actually roll the attack roll yeah oh I robbed on here oh do you want a seeking spell yes so if you reroll the D4 from that keeps the default blast unfortunately plus 13 is not enough 21 right however do I have to hit to do dichromancy no just cast the spell I'm going to do dichromancy and with my Prismatic Mastery before you do that so the actual chromatic orb you build this powerful spell you throw it but almost like it senses it coming like some Primal Instinct the tail smashes The Ore before it has the chance to like build up enough power and strike it and it turns and Stonewall just looks directly at you uh holding Ayla who looks like she's about to like pass it or like is just furiously trying to hold this thing is out sorry so it just looks at you like a pull on that cold that smashed from the tail coalesce it and I'm going to use chromatic control to turn this necrotic and fling my dichromancy at it with how much damage do you do it's with the Prismatic Mastery and Ninth level was it adds 24 to it so it's my sorcerer level plus Charisma bonus is what it says it the Prismatic Mastery it's the level of the spell plus your sorcerer level plus your charisma that's nine on 24 so it's 33. Point are you actually joking 33 are you actually joking that's what level nine plus five I can't believe I genuinely wait cannot [ __ ] believe that it is exactly no way oh my God you've chosen cold it would have pushed it over and it would have been resistant to half I know that's why I chose and you chose the product which you've not dealt to it this entire fight I was wondering yes as it stares down lucious pulls out what's it look like what is the diagram describe the spell of like how this attack works so I literally started drooling coalescing the cold that pulls from the tail the smash and you see it just turn into an Inky black oh and it's got a flash of red in there like hedaris okay is it like a kind of Vault like a spear of it you watch as this creature just turns and it Roars trying to intimidate and that's the moment where and it gets lodged in its face and its skull up into its brain where that armor that Nova had nearly broken just all right it stumbles and it looks like it's going to perform one last charge as it turns and just before it hits lucious it slams into the ground turning up dirt and uh Stand My Ground only because I'm looking for the you watch the watch as this green aura begins to form around it almost like a shell like it's trying to protect it and you see like um Vania and some of the others are like no we need to keep damaging like trying to Fire and attack it and things like that and you watch as this green filled in and as you kind of pull out the messenger Stone um and you start to call in Danica's like we've got it we've got it Aaron Aaron do it now and you just hear this Final Call and you watch as that green shell is almost about to complete over Stonewall like encasing it in like a cocoon and then it breaks the whole thing breaks apart and you watch and Stonewall goes through Rapid decomposition the armor just Fades away it kind of breaks away disintegrates its bones its flesh meltaways if it's returning to the Earth itself you watch as the bones melt into the Earth itself just blending away until there is nothing left flowers and trees begin to grow in the patch almost forming like a shadow of its outline as it fades down very cool well done the [ __ ] switch to necrotic that was yeah well played that was awesome I can I'm [ __ ] badass it's so good oh my God you have a few moments there is Victory but I'm cost yeah Morgan and Santa dead their bodies mutilated Beyond Simple repair these would require expensive resurrections to return them to life as you're even beginning to contemplate marrying them as you are trying to recover your strength of your lost strength there is a flash of light a purple triangular doorway opens up and you see a panicked Valor Champions you need to come now and now you need to come now and you can see the halls of infinite resplendants in the doorway behind her oh okay uh they drag you uh you see the others you see like rethra just like go we'll deal with the others go I'll kind of like fall into Kingston we've got to go and that's all I do I throw the messages down okay uh retro pick it up and that's the last thing you see is the port closes as you arrive in the halls of in front of splendence it's just Valor and Maximilian the whole Shake Valor looks at you weary and panicked I can't believe it he was far more cunning than I expected him to be um what's happening atelicus telecast as soon as you defeated those beasts a few moments ago I felt him he was high I don't know what he was doing but his domain he wasn't where I thought he was and she says it's better if I we just show you um and she gestures to a wall on the infinite resplendent and she swipes her hand and it almost becomes translucent and you see the vast oceans of Heroes out Beyond you knowing that this point in space is somewhere in the Starfall archipelago but these just vast oceans but in the distance something churning the water something emerging from the sea it must be so massive to see it from this distance as you see this form those beasts they weren't his weapon against Heroes he was using them using them to grow stronger himself and she points he's here he's coming for mother and you all look out as you see italicus not 20 feet not 30 feet not 40 feet two three four hundred feet tall emerging from the sea you have drawn world champions your skills as Warriors cannot be denied I have learned much from you and when I consume my sister and my mother I will be strong enough to destroy kallus and her door you have done everything you need I will take it from here a form very similar to the tarasque [Music] Z and that is where we will end oh this is the coolest [ __ ] every one of the YouTube comments he was like I thought it was going to be big I thought Stonewall was going to be bigger I was like son of a [ __ ] even someone was like I was thinking a tarasque i was and I was like amazing we were warned by starving we wrote porn he said well now we might need him yeah as a point of reference uh just because I don't want to scare the [ __ ] out of you in the audience uh thanks to valor's Magic you will be able to all take a long rest that'll be nice she rewinds time she she will use her Godly powers to allow trolls in time generate like displaced sleep yeah basically we'll cover that in the next episode but I don't want everyone at home God like David who stole that powerful smash to be honest I've got spell slot spare just to do not against a what 500 feet Titan yeah yeah um and and everything you like everything about those beasts you know all of those immunities and the armor and stuff like that yeah this thing you're not sure weapons might not even work against this thing yeah it's like we might need um something I don't know if orange or Fleet of airships or a giant Battleship or something what would that make called again the Titan killer but hey thank you for singing Rose I know we went a bit longer we don't normally do this but that fight was so close to finishing good it's a rare thing that we go long but I felt that that was deserving of it yeah um yeah amazing fight really really really cool do you enjoyed that one yeah I love the long one but sometimes at high level we can't avoid that so I think I might need more just to make sure this was great yeah you know just to read well how about a fight against a super tyrant no I'm not I'm not joking actually no joke about not joking there [Music] it's basically you're fighting Godzilla just as a point of reference [Applause] already and they're charging the breath and charging the lightning I was imagining when Godzilla what do you think where'd you think still more guts all those powers from ground where'd you think they went this guy knows yeah anyway stayed there didn't go down uh do we want to quickly blast through some messages because I know we want to do a quick answer hey that's what I really want to do hey I forget thanks very much for watching that's the end of this episode we'll be back with more hi Rolls-Royce next time see you later bye
Channel: High Rollers DnD
Views: 65,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high rollers, high roller dnd, dnd, dungeons and dragons, critical role, 5e, wizards, wizards of the coast, mark hulmes, yogscast kim, yogscast, trott, hat films, chris trott, tom hazell, katie morrison, trailer, channel, youtube, twitch, stream, aerois, lightfall, campaign, rhi, rhi gower, rhiannon gower, kim richards
Id: tehRT3CZZtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 51sec (12591 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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