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hey I'm Jay from the Cub Scouts welcome to the alphabet killer challenge a challenge where we must kill everybody in the school in alphabetical order that sounds easy enough right well it's not as easy as it sounds because I don't know most of these [ __ ] names or even if I didn't know their names who they even are and luckily for me somebody was kind enough to put everybody's name in alphabetical order so thank you so much for that but like I said I don't know who these people are like I know the easy ones like butoh Incubus ook-ook ona CUDA and my wife ooh those kind of people the ones that are more out there in your face kind of thing so what I'm gonna do right now I wrote down in my little notebook as you guys could see and don't [ __ ] on my handwriting please I put their names here I am going to find all of these people right now and put what they're affiliated with like butoh is a martial artist so I'm gonna find all the martial artists and put the martial arts thing next to their name so I know where they're located at it's gonna take me a little while so this challenge isn't exactly very hard but it's gonna take a lot of preparation and it's time-consuming so let's go okay so 20 minutes in one hand cramp later I got everybody associated with their name for example Joe Joe is in the occult Club dokku occult Club Haruto teacher's pet with red hair I put the name of the color of their hair so I can differentiate every [ __ ] boy from one another but anyway I got everything set up and I also rearrange some of the names because they weren't exactly in alphabetical order but I'm so ready to get this started everybody sit back relax and enjoy and let's kill everybody in alphabetical order alright to start things off we got to kill good ol first but we also need to join the martial arts club because we need to kill the teachers so he is gonna be our first target so let me get him outside did he hear that yes he did okay let's wait for him to come outside I boot oh yeah come out here somebody start laughing it's the weirdest thing ever yeah yeah okay let me laugh here I'm gonna hear that too yes you did alright wait for this [ __ ] to go outside come on boot oh oh there he is time to end his [ __ ] life boo bye-bye and for this challenge I'm not limited to any debug commands or you know just doing certain things but I kind of don't want to get caught because students they're gonna run away and then it's gonna miss the whole challenge up so as much as possible I am NOT going to do as many Easter eggs but I am going to cleanse the [ __ ] out of myself so I can get in a cult Club member to come with me so forgive sins and let's go head on over to the occult Club because next we got Jojo all right on my little list of people to kill Jojo is in the occult club but I don't know exactly who that is are you cho jo zuban uh what about you you you look like a chose oh yes you're Cho Cho okay so I'm gonna lap over here bring him away from everybody else and just rinse and repeat just like I did with butoh there is all right hello bye-bye Wow okay let's pick them up and then we're just gonna put them outside too because the next person is taco taco at saw all these occult club puns so doc ooh Otsu oh [ __ ] totally forgot about that okay um doc ooh Otsu which one is taco Otsu I think this guy's taco Otsu mom let me see oh god oh god he noticed me but it's okay are you doc Oh [ __ ] are you doc oh [ __ ] this is shin this is doc who it's gotta be doc ooh doc co-op's ooh there he is cool all right doc ooh here we go and hopefully he heard that no but he didn't hear that okay boom so they can't notice me it's not in the challenge rules that I need to do like anything sneakily I'm just trying to sneak because I want to all right doc oh say hello to the knife whoa okay so he's good put him inside this room so nobody notices the thing the blam and we are good to go so we got Haru toe next this is Haru toe right here let's make sure yep Haruto Yuto can you follow me please I need you to go over here and the reason why I'm killing you is because you are the next letter in alphabet' [ __ ] bye-bye the [ __ ] weirdest death ever so Haruto is dead hi Otto is a teacher's pet with green hair he is next so this is how yato he's gonna follow me as well does everybody say bye bye ah hi Otto Wow and you're dead cool next is Incubus ooh so let's forgive our sins head over to the roof follow me and this is basically an easy ass challenge all you have to do is make sure that you know your alphabet Inc you what the [ __ ] are you doing up there you're supposed to be in the bathroom not through the bathroom god damn it Inc you [ __ ] where are you there you are okay your day incubi suit down juku from the martial arts club is next all right this [ __ ] boy right here on his knees is juku ren hopefully I could just talk to him and get him to follow me can i yes cool all right this is gonna be easy follow me into my office I'm just gonna close the dough and stab you [ __ ] boy yeah bye-bye so this one's gonna be a little bit more tough because the next person on our list is kaho she is a teacher which one of you skanks is kaho is it you kaho yup kaho is right there how the [ __ ] are we gonna do this can I get you to follow me no ah [ __ ] how am I gonna do this I think I might just have to fast-forward time until we start school and then I'll sneak the teachers away from the classroom by laughing and then we'll go from there okay it is now 8:15 the teachers are all going to the respective classrooms we need to kill kaho though and she is this [ __ ] right here right yep kaho okay so let me just keep focusing my camera on her while all these skanks leave there you go bye bye now yep just let me keep focusing on you because I'm trying to distract you so nobody notices when I end your [ __ ] life fool will accept her but she's stretching she doesn't know any better all right good bye bye do your thing all the students they left too all right we're good let me close this yeah go stretching they're stretchy pants and there you go so we are good the nurse isn't gonna notice a thing and bye-bye she's dead cool kaho is dead oh my god no no I'm [ __ ] glitched out guys I'm freaking glitched out you got to be [ __ ] me why does she die like that - what the hell with that neck do what that bag do him like an acrobat oh this is a weird angle okay we have kids watching you know this is a freaking weird angle damn it okay I'm gonna have to restart this challenge because the teachers always seen the bug out for some reason all right let's try this again second time I killed everybody leading up to the letter K which is kaho which is her yep this is kaho and everybody is leaving so please stop rubbing your chin and get over here so you can meet the end of my [ __ ] night boo oh and I turn off sanity animations because I feel like that's when I bug out the most is when I kill the teachers and I have the sanity animations on so we killed kaho next is cotton and she is also a teacher so now we got to look for her - all right which one of you skanks is cotton to you Yuri nope I'm not gonna get you till later not till a long time later because we still have a shitload of people to kill are you caught in please be Reno Reno Fuuka [ __ ] please Cottage you look like a cot in yes cot in Hana baby all right let's laugh let's see if she noticed that please please please please yeah she's staring at the wall like what the [ __ ] was that all right let's wait for that ass to get over here you freaking kidding me right she likes going through these walls for some reason come on go what are you doing there you go okay she's finally coming out and bye-bye [ __ ] ah God that feels good okay let's put her inside of the bathroom because next on our list is kawaru butterfly green I believe she's an art class witch is not here I think she's downstairs right I'm confused butterfly green yep this has got to be her right here oh god the teachers that [ __ ] me so this is ko Haru right here hopefully we can laugh and make her go over here so giggle right here please please please please please please please yes she heard it she's like teacher can I go outside and investigate whatever the [ __ ] that noise was and the teachers like yeah whatever [ __ ] it who cares she's coming out is she coming out oh gosh she's bugging out go go go go go go what are you doing no I need you yes thank you though instead this ho yes SoCo Haru is dead next is cocconi hope the [ __ ] am I gonna get Kaukauna out of that classroom look at that it's filled with people and then I think I killed the sensei already but goddamn hey everybody in class I'm gonna need to Kona to get out of here please do you guys understand that that's our lesson for today Kaukauna needs to get out of class because I have an appointment her and the appointment is to stab her with my mother [ __ ] knife ooh but keep that between me and you let me try laughing real quick right here at this wall and let's see if kikuna heard that please please please please nope senpai her then [ __ ] senpai what are you doing senpai goddamn you the love of my life senpai ahhh how are we gonna do this [ __ ] okay senpai is out of here let me see Hakone I need to talk to you not now what do you mean not now what the book what do you mean not now goddamnit senpai staying here things are about to get crazy I need to kill kokoa is this gonna work I don't know I don't think it's gonna work let me try it let me try it nah it's too risky I'm gonna have to wait until lunchtime alright here we go guys 1 p.m. it is now lunch time I still have to kill Koch ona she is gonna be on the roof talking to sake so we are gonna intercept her when she is coming up here I believe she goes up one of these stairs I think I'm choosing the right one please there's Dakota she is beautiful Oh senpai alright can you please what I can't talk right now where the [ __ ] are you going I mean we know she's going to the roof but she can't talk right now because what because what is it so important wait there we go anybody behind me nope alright Kohn is right here and now got her yes kokumo jutsu so this is gonna be easy oh [ __ ] nope the other guys in there we are just gonna tell her to follow us please because then she's gonna scream then she's gonna cause the scene and then everybody's gonna be like oh my god and I can't be having that right now so please follow me right here yeah your friend is all the way over there but we're good alright so Kakuma is dead now it's cadet a which should be easy because she is just on the roof so let me teleport there and is she reading her little book nope who did a is not there I think who did it at lunchtime is she with everybody else over here I think she is she's in that little social cafeteria area thing right nope those are other people who did it what a [ __ ] is she [ __ ] it's class time again dammit this is gonna be tough where is cadet a which class is she in got a guy totalling like an idiot over there is she in cojones class on the third floor he probably is huh there she is okay this should be easy because she's right by the exit so let me fast forward time a little bit so I'm assuming Chang can just go in there all right there you go bye-bye now and here we go laughs it did it nope Masumi what how the [ __ ] didn't Masumi hear that and not who did it you gotta be [ __ ] me got here just go thank you all right there we go yes good that is right there I'm gonna need you to come outside good data alright cadet is coming out yes she is and goodnight good that brow we're good pick her up and nobody heard that right somebody said some dialogue but I don't think anybody noticed might have been Kadena so Kadena is dead and now it's Kyoshi the gym teacher hopefully she's in the front so this can be an easy kill all right here's Kyoshi the gym teacher and blah Blau you're dead we gotta get her out of here though because the other teachers actually let me make sure this is Kyoshi please be Kyoshi oh god damn it I we can't tell but I'm pretty sure this is Kyoshi so let's get her the hell out of here because the other teachers are gonna be like oh my god and next on our list is my waifu easy well actually my waifu is twirling like an idiot so maybe this should be easy let me see please my wife yes she heard that her and her big old long hair and her Tatas come outside my waifu I'm just gonna need you to come over here and sorry laughs nope I don't want her to be that close oh here my waifu hey hey nope all right laughs right here did you see that [ __ ] damn it's here this is way harder than my thoughts come on my waifu come outside I don't want anybody to hear her die that's why we're so far into this challenge [ __ ] it well risk it well risky I don't think anybody saw that even though some like exclamation marks went up that they saw something but I think we're good so my waifu is dead next is May me Oh butterfly blue [ __ ] she's in this class you know what we are just gonna have to laugh and hopefully she comes through okay she hurt our laughs she's coming outside [ __ ] yeah boy god this challenge is going so good so far there she is let me make sure this is her though hi are you Mamie oh yes you are okay special delivery on our list is everybody's favorite muthoni Kirino yes such an easy kill God but we're gonna have to hide this because people are gonna come on the roof after school so we're just gonna have to toss her like a gum wrapper that we don't want anymore bye bye Midori and also next one is Mina she is from the martial arts Club so let's go see where she's at please don't tell me this is Mina all by yourself this has gotta be mean aha yup Mina Rui alright so we're just gonna laugh hopefully she heard that God Mina I'm laughing listen to me damn it okay laughs right here please God hear it and then come on come a little bit close oh my god come on Mina I need you girl [ __ ] I guess we're gonna have to wait till after class because she's right in the middle of the classroom and me laughing isn't gonna do [ __ ] oh never mind I spoke too soon all right come out here there you go that's a good Mina that's a good Mina all right bye-bye yes meat is dead and now it's time for Masumi as you guys can slightly see miss su Mei is right in the middle but we already took out her teacher Pippi is right there so she's gonna be the one to come out the classroom if I start laughing let me see if I laugh right here this would be where miss suma is let me see if she notices this please please please please please nope [ __ ] Rio so did though [ __ ] boy I'm not trying to get your attention all right I'm not Pippi dammit okay so this time we're really gonna have to wait till after school so let's fast forward time all right here we go it's now after school we are going to get masu mate to follow us because she is next on our list but the thing with that to school is that we gotta be fast because there are people that might leave the school and we can't be having that so I'm assuming step into my office blah Blau then we go and forgive our sins because the next person we need to get is a teacher and her name is not Suki excuse me ma'am are you not Suki yes you are okay I need to talk to you real quick please how the [ __ ] am I gonna get her attention alright this one is going to be extremely difficult because this chick right here is not Suki so we can't even lap on the other side because she's not even gonna hear it watch this guys I'm gonna laugh right here and she's not gonna hear it she even turn to notice nope she sat back down she's the one the closest to us in the green silhouettes are in the green outline so I think I know what I'm gonna do but if this doesn't work I might have to end the day and then get the rest of the people on the second day of school because the challenge didn't say that I needed to get them all in one day it just said that I need to kill everybody in alphabetical order so let's see her office would be somewhere right here right because this is the guidance counselor no the guidance counselor is right here along this wall then this is the faculty this is the nurse's office and then these are the bathrooms right so it's laughs right here yes you did okay we're good she's coming alright Natsuki you're next on my [ __ ] list wait Natsuki let me make sure this is you and not somebody else that's ookay all right perfect bye bye cool so Natsuki is dead now we're going for oka okay now we're really gonna have to wait till the next day because oka she can't go anywhere I can't talk to her and I can't kill her because everybody's gonna notice so I'm gonna have to end the day let me make sure I don't have any weapons oh I have been nice so let me ask the turtle to forgive my sin drop this like it's hot can you please forgive thy sins turtle there you go and then let's end the day and we'll get the remaining people on Tuesday first on our list is oka Cola can you please follow me and I'm gonna need you to come around back on the school I found a demon I finally found a demon you're gonna be so excited to see this the demon is right around the corner you're definitely gonna be shocked but boom told you you'd be shocked next it's Pippi she is gonna be up here so we're just gonna wait for her to come and we're gonna stab her in the back all right we got Pippi here we got fuck-boy there but don't worry he's not gonna notice a thing and Boop good but we need to get her the hell out of here because Rio tow is gonna be shocked once this whole thing ends so let's put her over here and next we got Reyna she is a teacher but luckily for us we boosted up Our Strength at the gaming club so we should be able to take on that fight all right ladies and gentlemen Reyna is right there she's the one at the end of the desk we are gonna close this and then we're gonna laugh right here hopefully she heard that yes she did okay cool but she's not gonna go all the way outside the door so what we're gonna do we're gonna laugh one more time like this right Hey hear me hear me damn it I'm laughing there you go okay cool she's gonna come over here I'm gonna close the door because oh my god she saw me [ __ ] there you go come out here and she's now in here so but a bing bada boom oh [ __ ] I forgot about this nope you're not gonna win you're not gonna win yeah yeah what a confrontation against a teacher suck it [ __ ] whoa okay next on our list is Riku teacher's pet purple Rico is this dude right here the only one with purple hair but we're gonna make sure yup Rico and you're gonna go here not Rico he's not like a Rico he's a Riku Riku his name is Riku but it doesn't matter because in a second he's gonna be [ __ ] dead oh yeah so Rico's down now we got Reno a teacher so let's cleanse ourselves again let's forgive our sins and we got to get another teacher I'm pretty sure this chick is Reno yep Reno with your old chop stick head so let's get her outside and I'm gonna get my fingers ready because Reno is apparently a martial arts master Brown Capone book we're gonna [ __ ] that ass up so get your ass outside Reno because I am about to mess you up girl there you go all right let's do this let's do this one two yes got that [ __ ] that was easiest [ __ ] all right so we got Reno let me close this there you go next on our list is Rios a teacher's pet with blue hair here he is only three more teachers pets left and three more of the social butterflies so I'm gonna get this guy to follow me then we're just gonna go to this room this challenge really isn't hard as long as you have your sins forgiven because if you can't get them to follow you that's gonna be way harder and almost impossible and it's probably gonna take twice the amount of time as it's taken me like right now I have been doing this challenge for an hour and 30 minutes believe it or not and I'm not even done yet well I'm almost done kinda cuz right now we got realto so we are gonna get him right here about a bing bada boom easy next on my [ __ ] list is sake and then sock you so since sock you is by yourself since I already killed oka and sake earth what's her name yeah thank you thank you dot sake sockies right here the one following me yes since I killed Inc you and oka and Midori sock you is all up there by herself so we gotta pay her a visit we are gonna go up there right now and are you by yourself oh she said I feel bad about killing her [ __ ] it we gotta kill them all in order that's the plan and she mashita is the martial artist we gotta kill him next him or her she ma cheetah I don't even know if that's a guy or a girl's name we're about to find out all right which one of you lonely [ __ ] is Shima's at you she mashita all right I'm gonna have to borrow you for a second there's a new martial arts club opening up here I'm the new director I'm better than Buddha by the way it's in this workshop area right here are you gonna follow me are you not gonna follow me okay I was wondering where you were with your big old forehead and your coconut haircut all right this is the new martial arts class we are gonna spar right now if you can please hurry the [ __ ] up and I'm gonna teach you a private lesson and it's trust no one [ __ ] oh yes she mashita is down and now it's shin from the occult club since I know you have a pun named shin is this dude right here all right chinny chin chin you're gonna follow me we are gonna make some sweet love in the closet you ever heard of seven seconds of heaven well this is actually one second hell [ __ ] hmm yes Shin is dead now it's time for the last teacher of today Shiori hopefully this one isn't tough and hopefully I don't [ __ ] up here I gotta get my fingers ready to mash on the keyboard because we can't lose to the teacher right now let's do our young dairy vision oh there we go okay so right here and let's laughs please hear that damn it the one on the end hurt [ __ ] about here yes there you go we're good so we are gonna do something I know what to do we're gonna go back inside and we are gonna distract Shiori to where the other teacher leaves but then she Ori is still chillin like a villain and then we're gonna end them on the [ __ ] life fool are they both really going all the way over here this is some [ __ ] right now please just freaking go go away alright one of the teachers is gone so this is what I'm gonna do you're gonna stay here yep this teacher is gonna go away but I'm gonna let you stay here I'm just gonna keep fast-forwarding time let me see gone yep she's gone okay so we gotta make this real quick because she might end my life real quick so let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go just [ __ ] you boy killed all the teachers that's what I'm [ __ ] talking about oh my god okay so we have show the martial artist Sora the teacher's pet soda teacher's pet soup wanna occult Club Yui real evil and yuna blonde butterfly turning back on sanity animations too because we don't have to kill anymore tea let's get [ __ ] started okay show is the last martial artist you're dead [ __ ] yes all right shows dead now Sora teacher's pet with light blue hair let's get that ass my Loki feel bad for Sora because he's about to get it right now psych oh damn that was anticlimactic I thought that would be more intense but whatever we killed Sora now it's time for soda I would sneak attack this guy but I've come this far so we might as well be as discreet as we can even though I have a baseball bat here with his name on it home run foul and sodas dead so now we got soup ah ah she is just around the corner so dad that up that up that up that up bye-bye huge second-to-last we got you eerie oh please step into my office and I could kill them back to back but cynthaiz there I don't want to risk ending the challenge early so I'm gonna grab this and please keep following me and good night okay you're dead and we got one more but I'm gonna cleanse myself because I really don't want senpai to notice and we're gonna have sin by all to ourself because there's no more students out there for him to love and he's only gonna be loving us isn't that right mr. turtle [ __ ] I got my own problems to worry about I'm still waiting for a girl turtle to be in this tank so I can get someone to call me senpai the last person that we need to talk to is you so I'm gonna have you come all the way out here I'll end your ass with a baseball bat oh [ __ ] wait don't go out here there's a guy out there there's a guy out there there is a dead body out there and there's a dead body out there to [ __ ] me all right so Plan B I'm just gonna end you with a good old night boo let's see here come over here and the last person of the alphabet challenge is yuna and good night bye-bye Wow we did it all we have to do now is forgive our sins and the day and we completed the challenge baby yes oh my god that took forever but we freakin did it freaking demons the police arrived at school the police discovered the courses of oka pipi Reina Riku Reno Rios a real tow Saki Saki sheemish injuries show Sora Soto supona Yui and Yuna and the other names were from earlier but we did it guys so let's see what the school looks like with just me and senpai as the students a lot of people seem to think that if you end everybody's life in the school then senpai is gonna love you but that's not the case because there are still a lot of rivals that aren't in the game as of yet like there's gonna be rivals like the nurse might be a rival a teacher might be a rival senpai sister might be a rival and before you're like oh incest no she's a rival as in she doesn't want sent by to have a girlfriend and things like that like she's gonna be an overprotective sister which equals a rival so the only person here is 10 PI everybody else in the school is dead I did not miss anybody I killed everybody in alphabetical order so if you guys enjoyed this challenge and want to recommend another one please post them in the comments below but if you guys enjoyed this challenge as a whole please give this video one big fat like and tell a friend today that J from the Cub Scouts is dead dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 7,848,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, yandere simulator kubz scouts, kubz scouts, kubz, scouts, yandere simulator myths, yandere simulator challenge, kill everyone, kill everyone in alphabetical order, highlights, funny, funny moments, montage, epic, killing spree, all kills, kill teachers, questions, answers, yan sim, yandere sim, yan simulator, kill everyone in order, winning yandere simulator
Id: rcUl7gwkiww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2016
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