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you may or may not know it yet but if you install Adobe After Effects beta you can import 3D models and this is really cool as it opens up so much possibilities things that we couldn't do with 2D layers before just just think about the typical time freeze effect I mean this looks cool but it's still flat so let's take this a step further enable 3D and create an amazing time freeze effect that nobody would believe is created in After Effects so first things first we're gonna need a 3D model now you can download something off from the internet but you're gonna have a hard time matching the light as the 3D functionality in After Effects is still very limited ideally you want to turn a real object from the same place that you're gonna shoot your scene into a 3D model that has also the advantage that you can interact with the object before cutting to its 3D object and that makes your VFX even more realistic so we're gonna have to scan this barrel and the best way to do that is with security engine now they are sponsoring this video however I am honestly Blown Away by its capabilities in the past few works with polycam which is also a great scanning app but it has limitations lower quality and not as many free options that's right with Kittery you can export 3 models per week for free plus the app is available for both IOS and Android not many 3D scanning apps work with Android and the ones that do are just bad Kiri is the best 3D scanning app for Androids periods so everyone can follow along with this tutorial no matter what phone or budget you have now let's get scanning I'm actually going to use my Android device you want to take a bunch of photos from the barrel now do make sure to place it in the shadow so that the lighting is as flat as possible if the Sun is out we can bring that back in After Effects later on now if you have the pro subscription you can upload photos from your phone or even use the web app and upload pictures taken with an SLR for the highest possible quality but for now we'll just take photos from within the app and we can either do that manually or enable the video function which is automatically going to take pictures as you move around the object certainly the picture mode is set to automatic which in most cases is gonna be perfect but Pro you do have the option to change the exposure manually so then you just hit record and start walking slowly around the object walk around it from different heights to give Curie engine a good idea of the perspective of the object now what I absolutely love about this scanning app is that you can also move the object itself while scanning so if I want to scan the bottom of the barrel I can just flip it over you can even use a turning table for smaller objects the app doesn't need the object to stay still when done we can hit next and choose how we want to process these photos like the quality of the model and the textures the file format which you have a bunch to choose from and then there's the option to mask your object you see in the pictures we have the entire background and we only need the barrel enabling this option takes care of that and it works surprisingly good so then you upload everything and query engine will do the rest wait some time and when the processing is finished you can view it in the app and that Barrel looks really good the masking went great and it knows what the bottom of the barrel is it's perfect now we are currently viewing it in low poly mode but once exported we'll get a poly count of over 500 000 for this Barrel which is absolutely insane there's also an option to export with quad polygons this is great for surfaces but it also gives you the option to AI generate PPR textures these are things like a normal roughness and displacement map now we can't use that in After Effects but if you're going to use your scant objects in something like Unreal Engine you can take a lot of advantages from this so I guess you guys understand why I'm so excited about this app now it can do everything we need alright let's hop into Adobe After Effects now make sure that you got the beta installed now the first thing you want to do is import the clip and the 3D model and we're going to start off with a 3D camera tracking on the clip itself once that is done choose a point where you want the barrel to be right click and choose set ground plane and origin I also like to create create a solid and new camera on that point as a reference we can then go ahead and drag the 3D Barrel into the comp you can copy and paste the position properties of that solid to get your Barrel on the exact same position in the 3D space now don't worry if it slides a bit over the floor we're gonna make the barrel float so that's going to be noticeable anyways so since we have a 3D model we can now rotate it around which is pretty cool for After Effects the lighting on the barrel matches because we scanned it in the same location however when rotating it the lighting suddenly doesn't match anymore a shadow needs to appear so we're gonna right click in the comp choose new and then lights and we're going to start with a parallel light you can also take a spotlight but I find it a bit too hard the parallel light is a bit softer now if you change your view to default in your composition viewer you can use the camera controls on top to look around in a 3D environment and don't worry we're not changing anything it's just a better way of looking at your 3D scene this helps us to better position the parallel line lights and have the lights come from the same angle as the sunlight you can always switch back to the active camera to see the final results so once you got your light in place you can increase its intensity the lighting however will have an enormous contrast that's because there's only one light in the scene now so let's add a second one but this time choose ambient this is an overall light and you also want to play a bit with the intensity to get the right contrast but you'll notice now that once you rotate the barrel it actually seems like it's catching that sunlight and now it's just a matter of animating dad's Barrel in the 3D space to make it float you can let it move around rotate whatever you like although there is a big limitation which I found a workaround for if you like to add some effects to that Barrel like a distortion and whatnot you'll notice that it's not possible because it's a 3D layer but fear not here is the workaround select your lights the camera and the barrel then right click and choose pre-compose that pre-comp now is a 2d layer so that means we can add some fun effects to it like a turbulent displays and have it morph or even a displacement map which makes it kind of like disintegrates add some red glow on that and you got some crazy 3D effects that nobody is gonna believe you ever created an Adobe After Effects so uh this morning I found out that I got super powers I'm really excited about this because I'm going to try today to lift up a barrel using my mind it's going to be cool [Music] do you have super powers well don't use him at home call us at 900-superheroes we are here to help you Now find out more about the Curie app the link is in the description down below and that way you can get started with scanning stuff yourself and if you would like to learn how to use Unreal Engine instead of after effects to move around 3D objects in a real shot well then definitely check the video here on my left thank you so much for watching and as always stay creative
Views: 114,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kiri, kiri engine, 3d scanning, 3d scanning android, 3d scanning app, free 3d scanning, best 3d scanning app, 3d in after effects, after effects beta, new features, after effects new features, import 3d models, import 3d models in after effects
Id: Mc4vc8vRw8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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