WHY Your 3D Camera Tracking FAILS... 7 Things You SHOULD DO!

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[Music] foreign [Music] that's how I look when my 3D tracking goes wrong in After Effects boils my blood now all the anger aside every filmmaker has done some tracking in their life from a following text on a drone shot to a super complicated 3D track for some VFX and let that be a coincidence the last couple of weeks I have been creating the VFX shots for jordy's big Pharaoh Island project ocean one Geordie zero like you already know he is making an avatar inspired film and of course the Avatar can bends stuff meaning let's blow up with Fire Let's blow it up however because Jordy made moving and dynamic shots I first need to track everything otherwise I can't add the VFX for example if your avatar creates a flame floating above his hand it needs to stay above the head even if Jordy Sprints around like a maniac and this can be done with the 3D camera tracker but sometimes that tracking can fail or it doesn't solve the right points so here are 7 tips to make your 3D camera tracking work all the time tip number one starts with with how you take your shot of course you can move around go handheld and whatnot but don't move too fast or too Snappy it will create too much motion blur and tracking on motion blur is super hard an easy fix for that is to increase your shutter speed so there is less motion blur another thing you need to pay attention to is to have a floor and wall in your framing this will give After Effects an idea of the space you are filming in don't be like Jordy and forget about this all the time and finally think about the texture on the ground and the walls is there enough variety and contrast good this will make the tracking go better tip number two we have a shot but there's some crazy lady moving around too much such moving subjects or objects will confuse After Effects which brings me to the realization on how confused after effects really is the average error number within the 3D camera tracking settings gives you an indication on how good the tracking is the lower the better now let's say you do 8 tracking with a moving person in the shot after tracking is done you can see how good it tracking is with the average error number and as you can see it can be better you can delete the tracking markers on your moving Talent simply select them and hit delete this will let After Effects know that it can ignore the part of the seed making the tracking most of the time better tip number three and don't hate me for this or call me stupid stupid but doing your tracking again after it kind of fails can also work ask an artist to remake a painting it won't be exactly the same you can do the tracking over and over again and speaking out of experience oftentimes you end up with a tracking that works or is better alright enough yapping Yannick I want to show you guys how the edit is going of the fruit project so right here we're inside Premiere and as you can see this is one hell of a timeline there's still lots to do and we're hoping to finish the video in two weeks wish me luck actually it's all gonna depend on Yannick and how fast he can do the Via vix now I have something for you guys that you probably didn't know existed yet that is this right here this right here is 30 blocks they are sponsoring today's video but we're also looking at their plugin which works right in inside Adobe Premiere Pro you get access to over a million high quality royalty-free stock assets I can also just search for something in here like a lens flare I can just then download any lens flare I can choose a format and it will automatically be imported into my project so no longer I have to leave Premiere go to a browser or whatnot and everything stays very nicely organized within my project now it doesn't stop at Lens flitters we have other overlay effects as well as green screen Clips animated backgrounds finger Pro templates and it even goes beyond that guys so you can find high quality music sound effects which we use the library all the time for images vectors photos and of course the high quality stock videos in HD or 4K resolution all of that can be accessed within that plugin this is probably the best thing out there to try out different stock assets to see what works best within your edits you're not losing time anymore by staying in Premiere and thus you can focus on what you can do best and that is create so take back your creative control with storyblocks in a brand new plugin to access unlimited royalty-free stock assets and tools you you can click the first link in the description down below or just go straight to storyblocks.com forward slash cinecom to learn more and now back to Yannick and back to me the next tip I want to share with you are some settings that will help after effects to do a better job let's start with the shot type and it's kinda self-explanatory but here you can determine how you made your shot if you were zooming of course choose the variable Zoom option but if you didn't and used a fixed focal length then pick the fixed angle of view option these two options will help the tracker better understand what is going on now for the other option the specify angle of view this is actually the lens you shot with the focal length but after effects wants to know the horizontal angle instead so for 15 millimeters that would be around 100 degrees how do you know that Google for the solve methods the options are again pretty obvious the typical option is for when you have a lot of different objects in your shot mostly flat is for flat surfaces like a table or the side of a building and the last option the tripod band well I think the name says it all now if you aren't sure what to choose you can always keep it set on auto let After Effects make the hard decisions but keep in mind it can be wrong tip number five and it sounds silly but there's an option called detailed analysis enabling that will actually do a better job or most of the time after effects will do a more in-depth tracking but to make sure that it worked just look at the average error number and see if the tracking is better tip number six and this one isn't really to make your tracking better it's more like an inspection to really make sure that your tracking and the scene is ready to go when I'm done with all the tracking I will always look for a point where the target lays flat on the ground or what should be the ground if I found one I right click and choose set ground plane and origin this will tell After Effects hey hello there this right here is the origin of my 3D space and you need to align everything around that point meaning that if I would add some 3D assets later on they will always spawn at this origin point and now that I have set my ground plane I can again right click and choose create solid and camera but why do I need a solid well if when I scrub through my timeline the solid will show me if my tracking worked easy as that I also use this solid as a reference to place other objects in my 3D space for instance if I would animate some fire around the Avatar I can create a solid at their feet and then I know where to animate the fire to go around the solid making the sense of location in 3D much easier and finally for tip number seven normalizing the 3D tracking sometimes when I do a tracking I get this huge 3D space and it seems like the tracking worked but the camera is actually doing a super big movement this indicates that after effects interprets our scene scale a little bit wrong or very wrong but we can fix that with a simple free script from workbench that normalizes your scene scale I'll leave a link below for that script after you have put it in the right folder you can find it back in the menu on top window and then all the way on the bottom it will match the track scene scale more closely with the default After Effects scene scale now here's a great exercise to practice 3D tracking animate the line going through the environment in your shot I happen to have a great tutorial about that on my left thank you so much for watching thank you storyblocks for the support and as always stay creative
Channel: Cinecom.net
Views: 139,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects tutorial, adobe after effects, 3d camera, 3d camera tracker, 3d tracking, camera tracking, how to, visual effects, video editing, fix analysis solve failed, after effect cc tutorial, after effect cc, adobe after effects tutorial, 7 tips, tips and tricks, 3d camera tracking, fails, adobe fail, adobe
Id: m2bF4U6EBZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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