Revolutionary After Effects Feature: Import 3D Models and Levitate them

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Adobe just released a huge new update for Adobe After Effects it's a feature which I've been waiting for since years and now it's finally out and in this video I quickly want to show you how you can use this feature how far we can take it and what its limitations are but first of all what is this new feature for Adobe After Effects well if you now use the beta version of Adobe After Effects you can import 3D models in After Effects mind-blowing right you can really rotate it move around it and light it however you want so let's take it to a test just use your phone and record some footage and if you have one you can also use a 360 camera to capture your own HDI because yes hdis are Now supported in After Effects as well but if you don't have a 360 camera that's absolutely fine you can also just download some from the internet to best showcase this new feature I decided to film a little levitation effect as Shadows on the ground are not supported yet so it's really hard to make objects look good good that are on the ground and with levitation effect we of course don't really need any Shadows especially on a day like this so it's a really good workaround but with that it's still kind of limited and I hope they're going to add Shadows soon another limitation is that you really can't use any metal objects I mean you can use metal objects but I found them looking rather unrealistic so I decided to not use them here in my case just take a giant rock or something which I can then levitate and throw away all right so here we are in the beta version of Adobe After Effects you can access it in your Creative Cloud app here under the beta applications just select it and download the beta version of Adobe After Effects once you've done that you can open up Adobe After Effects and get started so first of all um if you have a moving shot we of course need to track our camera I assume you already know how to do it but in case not I'm just quickly going to show you how to do it so first of all we just want to remove everything that could confuse the tracker so in that case that would be me as I'm moving and then the tracker would maybe track my hands and would get confused as I'm just moving very differently from the background so we're just going to take the pen tool and draw a rough mask around our subject once you've done that you can just select the footage press M and set the mask mode to none so we can see it better and then just select the mask right click track mask and then method position just click play Here and After Effects should take care of the rest so once the tracking is finished you can scrp to the footage and see if the tracker did a good job and in my case it shifts here a little bit at the end but that's absolutely fine but if you have some bigger problems and the tracker completely loses you and you can also just do the tracking by hand after that you can set the mask mode to subtract select the footage and press control shift C precompose it and then apply the 3D camera tracker effect and an advanced check detailed analysis once the tracking is finished you can just double click on the comp and press M and set the mask To None now we have a lot of tracking markers here on the ground and we can just drop to the video and check if everything Sticks Fine but um here when the camera moves fast the tracker has some problems um but it seems like it uh even works then so I'm just going to select the position where the circle is flat on the ground um just press on the position and right click on it and select set ground plane and origin right click again and select create solid and camera now we can scale up the plane and check if the tracking has worked which it seems to do it's not not perfect but we can work with it if you have a similar result we can move on by downloading our 3D model I chose this rock here from sketchfab uh the link is in the description down below um so if you want to use this one as spell you can just go here and download the 3D model or if you want to use a different one that's also not going to be a problem just keep in mind that after effects currently only supports three uh fire types which is obj gatf and gab so if your model as one of these formats you can just download it here and then just drag and drop it into after effects and now after effect automatically created a folder with the model inside and if you used an obj the textures also need to be in this folder here with giib and GFS on the other side textures are already included in one file so you just need to import this next we're just going to drag and drop it here in the timeline and then after effects asks us to name it I'm just going to name mine Rock and then we can also scale it up so if you look here we can already see the size um I make mine here a little bit bigger um here maybe uh 4,000 we can always change it later but um this will be a 100% scale later so if we set it now we won't have this huge numbers later in the timeline and and once you're happy you can just click okay and yeah this is quite an unusual View um like a 3D model in After Effects you could do it with element 3D before but now it's even better as you have this box here around the 3D model so you can really understand from which perspective you're looking at it and I feel like it's also a lot faster than element so I'm just going to rotate my rock and move it here on the x-axis maybe I scale it down a little bit more yeah um 80 maybe and then then I can like move it up and just press play to get a quick preview so like you can see it renders really really fast and really really well um it's not perfect and we also can't really make it 100% perfect as it's not Ray traced but a rock is a rather simple object so we should be able to get pretty close and the first step to do this is just to create a new light and then just select a new environment light which is new in the beta version of After Effects as well and the other lights currently don't support uh Shadows yet so we will have to use this environment light and what this environment light essentially does is just using the light information from an HDI and casting the light on the Rock if you don't know what an HDI is it's basically a 360 image with a lot of brightness information so if I just turn down the exposure on this image the bright spots stay bright longer and the dark spots get dark sooner and you can create such an image for example with a 360 camera if you just take 10 images in different exposures and then later merge them together on the computer if you don't have a 360 camera however it's not a huge problem as you can just download hdis from poly Haven for example just search for an HDI that matches the light of your scene and also the colors then just download it in 4k HDR and then also just drag and drop in the timeline here you can look at your HDI again and then just turn off the visibility move it to the bottom and then select it as an environment source and yes you can see how drastically this changes the lightning on your 2D model if you look at it before we just had a strong light from One Direction but this is an overcast day and now we also have this diffuse light but before we will color match the rock um I'm first going to animate it so you can just select it and do do your animation however you want something like this and then move it again down at the beginning so it now moves up and then I'm just going to right click at the last key frame and select Easy E in as I wanted to smoothly stop here um at the top so I'm just going to wait a little bit right here it should uh start move so one tray before I'm going to create a key frame and then just go a couple of frames back and then just drag the rock out of the scene yes something like that and then we can just delete the rock after it's out of the frame now it's perfectly balanced in the air but I just want to make it shake a little bit so we all click on the stopwatch and just write wiggle Open brackets um 1 comma 7 Maybe you can just experiment around with these values but like this it has a subtle wiggle effect next I'm going to duplicate the camera select the camera um the HDI The Rock and the environment light and press contr shift C and create a pre-m called Rock and now we put all of these layers into one single layer because currently you can't apply any effects to the 3D models so we just need to precompose them but now we can do whatever we want so um I'm just going to add a curves effect and um now we could go on the red Channel and move that up and stuff but if you have some problems with tweaking the colors in the correct way and there's another way to do it um or if you're color blind this could be also really useful so if you just go down here you can solo the red green and blue Channel and so I'm just going to start with the red Channel and then select red at the curves effect so I filmed on gravel so that I can just steal the colors from the gravel and match the rock accordingly so I just need to look at the gravel and then match it to the Rock then just select the green Channel and repeat once you finished just select RGB look at the resort and maybe change some settings so I'm just going to go with this and I think this looks a lot better but one very important thing is still missing which of course is the shadow so we can just enable the solid again as selected go to layer solid settings and search for a dark shadow in your video and just select it maybe go in here and make it even darker um call it [Music] Shadow and now we can still go in the Rock precom press p and copy the position go back and paste it on the solid so now it's exactly in the Rock but as we precompose The Rock these layers can't interact with each other anymore um so I'm just going to move it down at the bottom and yes I also copied the key frames from The Rock so we of course need to select them as well and also select the expression and delete them as well also the scene just got a lot slower I think it's because we pre compos to rock um I think it's a buck and they are still going to fix it in the future so this should work and we can now just take the pen tool and draw a rough mask here um in shape of the rock once you're finished just add a garan blue effect and make the shadow diffuse if you shoot in direct sunlight it's of course a lot hotter which is why I would recommend to shoot in an overcast day as as well um I think 700 is a good value here and then just create a key frame for the BR and also press t for the opacity create a key frame here and then just increase the blurriness and decrease the opacity in my case I just take 20% here and 50% at the [Music] beginning and then at the end here of course the key frame the shadow to move out perfect so now it's only about details um motion blow isn't supported yet um but we can add a pixel motion blow effect to the 2D layer basically and put it in front of the curves effect um and then after effects just calculate uh the motion blow maybe still set the shutter sampled up um 16 should work fine we could also add some blur to the Rock so just add a fast box blur maybe 0 0.1 because if you shoot it with the normal camera it's also not perfectly sharp uh but I shot this one with a phone and phones tend to over sharp your image so maybe 0.1 is a little bit too much but feel free to play around with these settings and match it to your own footage so from here on you can really do whatever you want if you want you can add the noise effect um maybe to one to also add some noise to the object um you can also create an adjustment layer with a curves effect um put it some contrast or something or apply a lot um so do whatever you want with the scene have some fun with it and then you should end up with a result similar like this please do let me know in the comments down below what you would like to see next and then I still have a video recommendation for you um this video here took me over 30 days to make um and I tried to produce a viral Tik Tok in that video and if you want to see if that worked then just click here and check it out for yourself
Channel: BSP Studios
Views: 64,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bIUoIY0YiX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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