Create 3D ANIMATIONS without knowing Anything about 3D!

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i think that 3d animations are really cool and when i see someone else modeling and texturing something i always think myself damn that's a lot of work honestly it's not my cup of tea and that's why i hired yannick and lorenzo so if you're like me you love to create visual effects but you don't have any patience then this video is for you we're going to create and animate a 3d spaceship the millennium falcon without knowing anything about 3d step 1 look for an interesting object in the real world anything that could work as a spaceship step two we're going to scan this object using our phone to turn it into a 3d model now there are two ways of doing that the first one is by installing a software called regard 3d it's completely free but it's not easy to get good results with the many parameters and options that needs to be set and processing takes a long time as it's using your own computer the second way to scan object is by using a simple app called polycam and i want to thank them for sponsoring as well now we made a video about the app a month ago but that was more of an overview of what the app can do so anyways you install and open the app unfortunately it only works on ios but they are working on an android app so definitely keep an eye out for that once you open the app you can instantly start scanning on the bottom you get two options lighter or photo mode lidar uses the lighter sensor from the iphone and this is the iphone 13 pro max by the way brand new but we did some tests and it you know it does kind of feel like polycam is able to bring better results with this new phone and i'm not really sure if that has to do with the new hardware or the lighter sensor maybe got an upgrade i don't know anyways lighter is used for large surfaces or spaces when scanning small objects like we're going to do we're going to choose the photo modes and from a new update we now get two methods within the photo mode either we snap multiple photos from our object manually or we'll let it take photos automatically which is what we're going to do so you just point your camera to your object try to take as many different angles as possible and automatically the app will start taking photos now this is optional but we found out that the masking feature works better if you hold a white or black panel behind the object we also attached the falcon to a pin so that we could capture the bottom as well and once you're done we're going to enable object masking which is automatically going to remove everything and just leave us with the model itself then hit upload which is going to upload all of the photos to a cloud server which is going to use apple's new object capture api to create and texture the model for you now it just takes a couple of minutes because of that powerful cloud server and once the processing is done you can view your 3d model in the app no worries about that spin we're going to show you in a moment how to remove that but if you're happy with the result we can now go ahead and export it to use in after effects and i recommend picking an object or obg file now unfortunately you do need a paid subscription to be able to export but i've made sure that everyone can follow along with this tutorial so you'll find a free download link to our scan in the description down below now there's one format which free users can export to and that is a gltf format which is normally used in augmented and virtual reality and we could essentially convert that into an object file but i was unable to convert it with textures maybe someone else can find a solution and if you do please let us know in the comments so we've got our 3d model next we took a simple handheld shot in which we're going to place and composite that millennium falcon in and yannick our vfx artist is going to show you how to do all of that hey guys yannick here and let's start right away and composite the millennium falcon in our own shot the first thing we're going to do is place our footage into a new composition now because we are going to add objects in our scene we need to track the handheld camera movements so we selected our footage layer and went to our tracker panel here we can hit the track camera option and after effects is now going to calculate a bunch of stuff and once it's done you can now see these color tracking markers on our clip so let's set our ground plane and origin we just hovered over our points and looked for a spot where our target is laying flat on the floor here we can right click and choose the option set ground plane and origin once we have that we can again right click on the same spot and create a solid and camera the solid isn't mandatory we just want to use it to check if our tracking worked so scrub to your timeline and if your tracking is a success it's time for all the 3d work and now now comes the best part did you know that everybody who has after effects also has cinema 4d oh really yeah i'm not lying every after effects user gets a light version of cinema 4d you won't have all the same features as the bait version but for simple 3d animations just like we are creating today the light version is perfect and this leads us to the next part of our tutorial animating our millennium falcon however we first need to open up cinema 4d lite and also integrate our tracked camera to do this we just go to the menu on top and after effects and go to file in this menu we go to the export and then we choose the maxon cinema for the exporter option now we just save our project and once done import the cinema 4d file back into our after effects project we place the cinema 4d file in our composition and next we are going to open up the 3d software we right clicked on our cinema 4d file and went to the open option and here we clicked on edit original now this will of course open up cinema 4d lite with the camera tracking already inside we just have to import our 3d model now and once imported let's scale it up to a realistic size we all know that the millennium falcon is huge so we scaled it up a bunch next up let's remove the pin sticking out of the bottom we can of course use the select tool for this and simply delete the pin piece by piece but now we have a hole in our model however because we are using cinema 4d lights we don't have the proper tools to close it so we are going to fake close it just create a plane and with this object we are going to cover the hole then we use the millennium falcon texture and added that to our plane making it all blend together next it's time for the animation but first let's make the new planes we just created a child of our millennium falcon this way they are connected and will move together for the animation we want the millennium falcon to hover upwards and then shoot away this is a simple animation but of course we need some reference to base the millennium falcon on so first we are going to create a background and on this background we are going to add a texture of our original clip now we can simply place the millennium falcon where we want hit the keyframes for the xyz axis and then go further in time next we animated the millennium falcon to go upwards but try to keep the animation dynamic meaning that the spaceship won't go upwards in a straight line but maybe the front part will go up first and the back part of the ship will follow a little later oh yeah one tip don't forget to hit the keyframe button every time you do an animation by default cinema 4d doesn't auto keyframe so all your work will be for nothing if you forget to manually push the button don't forget push the button and that's it for the animation next we just have to play some lights to match the spaceship with the rest for this we are going to use an hdri and if you want to know more about how to do that we'll leave a link to a video where we explain how to use it in the description below now we can just disable every layer except for the spaceship and the camera then save our project and now head back to after effects here we can now see our animated millennium falcon what we now want to do is add some extra details like placing our buildings back in front of the falcon maybe give the engine some light it's all up to you how far you want to take it and voila you are the new george lucas [Music] and that was it for today guys thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this episode and learned something new thank you polycam for the support and as always stay creative import the cinema d cinema 4d we right click we right clicked click clicked or arms it would snort mm-moms before the attack [Music] for the millennium falcon we want to
Views: 48,189
Rating: 4.9586096 out of 5
Keywords: learn 3d animation for beginners, how to create 3d animation for beginners, After Effects, Cinema 4D, C4D, Star Wars, millennium falcon, Animation, 3D, Visual Effects, VFX, 3d animation, Easy 3D, HDR, Polycam, 3D Scanning, iPhone, iOS, Regard3D, Free 3D Model, Cinema4D Lite, Tutorial, Object Scanning, CGI, RedShift, Render, Digital Art
Id: 0ah9PLajPZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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