Allen Chapel AME - September 19, 2021

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] amen we praise god for the opportunity to come together according to worship will be done by the roman accordance um often in prayer will be given by sister cooper and then we'll have a scripture lesson the old testament by the robin jimmy moore gospel by the royal paul jackson and then i will have a selection he met by the praise team then i welcome my sister and thomas last stand as we continue to worship the lord in spirit and truth praise god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] the lord has made [Music] we thank you god for the gift of this day we thank you god for the ability to come together we thank you god for the blessings in our lives and in our world together so [Music] so [Music] road [Music] hello [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] good morning [Music] lord we know that someone did not wake up this morning lord god but we just want to say thank you lord god thank you for another day so that we may worship you lord god in the way that you want us to lord god we just answered your entrance to this present lord god enter into this room lord god continue to do the wonderful things in our lives lord god continue to bless the pastor of this church lord god continue to do whatever it is in his life lord god that you need to be done but right now we're asking that you continue to wrap your arms around those who are dealing with something for god who just needs you to sit right next to them lord god wrap your arms around them to give them that comfort lord god we just ask you continue to do your work bless those who are believing lord god they may not understand what's going on why why then lord god but you you have all the answers we just asked lord god that you continue to be with us walk with us talk with us never leave our side we have our arms stretched by our hearts open lord god we're ready for you to enter into our lives we just ask that you come in another service lord god put your hands on the pastor lord god and continue to be with us this is your servant's prayer jesus name amen [Music] so [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] our old testament reading this morning is found in the book of exodus the 19th chapter verses 1 through 8. that's exodus 19 chapter verses 1 through 8. the word of god in the third month after the israelites left egypt from the very days they came to the desert of santa after they set out from greek heaven they entered the desert of senate and israel camped there in the desert in front of the mountain then moses went up to god and the lord called to him from the mountain and said this is what you are to say to the house of jacob and what you are to tell the people of israel you yourselves have seen what i did to egypt and how i carried you on eagles wings and brought you to myself now if you obey me first and keep my cover then out of all nations you will be my treasured position although the whole earth is mine you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are words you are to speak to the israelites verse 8. the people all respond we will do everything the lord has said so moses brought their answers back to the lord the word of god for god's people [Applause] praise the [Music] reading of the lord the responsive reading of the gospel as recorded by saint mark we are left out in the chapter 10 verses 46 through 52 this is a responsible reading and we will do verse 62 in unison saint mark chapter 10 verse 4 46 reads thusly then they came to jericho as jesus and his disciples together with a large crowd we're leaving the city a blind man by the way that he is uh the son of timaeus was sitting by the roadside biggie [Music] on me [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] immediately [Music] [Music] [Music] he's blessing me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] let's see [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning every time i turn around are there any first-time visitors here today with us but i still welcome you on behalf of my past in our offices and i want you to know that there is a sweet sweet spirit in this place there is a sweet expression on each face and i know that it's the presence of the lord all right i thought for the week is that don't change your originality by the sex of others because nobody can play your role like you your marvelously and wonderfully made and you are the best so be yourself have a blessed week [Applause] amen you are original amen you don't have to be like somebody else but be who god has created you to be amen bless god for all of you for joining us for our in-person worship celebration and those of you who join us via online worship amen we are truly a blessed church and we honor god what god is doing that even in the midst of this pandemic god keeps on blessing us and blessing us and blessing us that god has blessed you even in the midst of everything that is going on let me ask you to please be in prayer for those who have requested for prayer we're asking for your prayers for sister everest thomas who is the holocaust hospital she is recovering well she needs our prayers and certainly our support we are also asking you amen to be in prayer for those families that are in the rhythm the family of the leftist applausey jennings in turn 100 last december and transitioned last week my family needs our prayers during this very difficult time also the family of the led brother justin finley for urban family will also transition back to these breads during this very difficult time let me also solicit your brand for the upcoming 122nd session of the central idea conference which is scheduled for september the 30th and october the 1st please pray for our bishop bishop madison reid iii and the supervisor reid pray for our presiding elders all the pastors clergy leia team missionaries and white medias that god will indeed prepare our hearts and our minds to be able to do what the lord has taught us to do beloved whenever we gather together in the house of god or whatever we gather together in the very presence of god even we do not come before god empty-handed but we come before god with our gifts we come before god with those things that god has entrusted in our hands knowing and believing that everything that we have truly belongs to god and the mother have a little witness that when you are faithful over a few things that god will make you ruler over many that god is still in the blessing business but alan chapel continues to make an impact of this community is membership because of people like you because of supporters like you who continue to sacrifice making sure that we have the resources to do the work of the ministry so this time let me encourage you let me inspire you amen to be able to share in our joy of giving you can share by going to giveaway or push pay or you can text again i said well reverend i'm not so much into you know uh all of that i don't have my debit card i can't prepare since the carl gilles is in the rear she's waiting for you amen to serve you or maybe you can mail in your gift to allan chappa am church p.o box 9717 the turkish florida 32120 or you can come by the church office monday through thursday from 9 00 am until 3 pm and someone will be here to receive your gifts the back of the class is more place to give than to receive another i bless church today because we try to reach out in the community and we try to be a blessing to others what you join me in prayer as we give thanks for this moment this joy of giving father god we thank you i will praise your name of this day thank you for this moment of sharing this moment of giving god you have blessed us god you have been good to us god will give back to you what truly belongs to you bless every giver today god we pray for spiritual generosity in the lives of your people bless the dear god be your nation that they might turn around and testify of your goodness and your body power that do it today in jesus glorious name we pray amen come on put your hands together give god [Applause] [Music] that i can't do nothing without god i tried it on my own but now i've reached the point where god i have to be in your presence i can't move i can't see you i can't breathe [Music] [Music] behold the beauty of your face is either just praise [Music] i will be home i'll still believe i will just break praise that you'll be right here [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] you can go [Music] beautiful [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye right here [Music] [Music] mariah my friends [Music] [Music] me [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from [Applause] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] foreign in 2020 what makes you think but god is not going to answer your prayer in 2021 if god really waiting for is amen [Music] we praise god amen [Applause] for their sacrifice making sure that everything is well prepared for worship remember praise god for you this i shall hoard god [Music] amen to be in the house of god because this day was not a promise to anyone of us but we are grateful that god allowed us to be able to see another day not only did he allow us to see another day but he gave us the strength to be able to and invite your intellect this morning to second chronicles chapter five second chronicles chapter five the old testament uh passage of scripture second protocols chapter five and verses 13 and 14 amen second chronicles chapter five beginning at verse number 13 is here that you find these words the truth betters and musicians joined in years to give praise and thanks to the lord accompanied by trumpets symbols and other instruments the singers raised their voices in praise to the lord and son he is good his love endures forever then the temple of the lord was stealing with the clown and the priests could not perform their service because of that for the glory of the lord field the temple of god amen thus but consequently not to that service lord by the power of grace divine let my soul look up with the steadfast hope and that my will be lost in for the pure delight of the single hour that before that throne i start with thee by god i commune as friend to friend that draws near near to your cross near to your word god we need a word today we need a word in our season god let the words of my mother the meditation of my heart be accepted when i say oh lord you are my strength and you are my redeemer in christ jesus name we pray amen i shall say babysitter in the very presence of that i'm gonna talk today as a spiritual guy terry from this thought when god shows up when god shows up brother remember the context of this passage will reveal that it is on the occasion of the dedication of the house of god that the people of god had been led by king solomon to build a house of worship for the lord the construction has been completed and they are now in the midst of a time of celebration and thanksgiving and praise and the bible says in the midst of their gathering god showed up and it shows up in a rather unique and mystical marvelous and miraculous way that the bible paints a picture of a celebration of god's people a celebration of thanksgiving and praise and in the midst of that celebration the bible says that the place the house was with a cloud if you might imagine if you said defined imagination will allow you that as we are gathered in this place today and seemingly all of a sudden without warning that the place the bible says was filled with a cloud you could imagine that this blood is both thick and heavy and the heaviness of the of the thickness of this cloud aim or hovered over the hairs of the people it gives us the image of the people who are gathered in the presence of god and god manifesting itself in such an unusual way that a place is filled with a cloud a cloud so dense a cloud so heavy that the bible says that the priests could not stand to minister that they could not stand that because ministry was done standing up that the bible says they could not continue their duties for serving in the temple and the bible tells us the reason being because the glory of the lord filled the house and god showed up is this amazing some reasons that people come to church but some can't be entertained some come make a network connection some kind of to make a social connection sometime to see who else showed up and someone come to show off their new outfit but the text gives us insight as to what happens when god shows up well the bible says that whenever the clown showed up when the glory of god shows up number one he will anoint your place with his presence uh the text says the glory of god feared at the place it feel the house it was a tangible observable physical manifestation of the presence of god he was there and they knew it not only was he there but they knew he was there and he speaks of the presence of god in the third person of the godhead i talking to somebody today now when you talk about this glory cloud and the spirit presence of god you must understand that child of god that there was a multi-dimensional concept in the minds of the people of god back then first of all it was the palestinian concept of the glory cloud of the spirit presence of god and they called it the rule it was the breath of god the wind of god but what happens when god shows up in there's the wind that shows up when wind blows you can't quite see the wind blowing but you are in the way of the wind blowing you can feel the wind it is the rule it is when god breathes on the place is when god breathes on your house is when god breathes for your situation it's when god breathes on your children is when god breathes on your problem is when god reads on your finances when god shows up and you can't see him you just know that he is there because you can feel him moving deep down on the top of your heart it's the rule the wind of god and the other brothers and sisters as we got ourselves together in this place we may not be able to seek government look at what you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] and then for the present to the great mind the hellenistic mind that spirit presence of god is the pneuma the normal yes this is the pneuma of god from which we get the word pneumatology and the number of god speaks of the dynamic presence of god that directs the affairs of god's people it is when you can't seek god but but you can sense him leading and guiding and directing your steps when that number of god is working in your life or you might be driving your hollywood bill trying to get to war you are unreachable and somehow the number of god tells you to turn right [Music] when you are connected to god you can hear god directing you you can hear god show you some things uh as about some things that you never thought about god will begin to reveal that self to you that's the name of god [Music] when that spirit presence of god shows up it shows up as the shakkiner it is that radiating presence of god it is that presence of god that seeks to dwell when god shows up he anoints the or any church where the presence of god is not there and that's the reason why children of god i come by to let you know here that every chance you get whenever you walk in the house of god you ought to be able to expect god to move on your behalf you want to be able to expect to see the presence of god in your life it's not about looking at other people but you've got to be able to seek within yourself you've got to be able to experience it within for us to is [Music] [Applause] does he unlock the place with his presence secondly he answers the purpose of your praise when god shows up his appearance is an answer to the purpose of your praise listen to this the text says in verse number 13 the singers raise their voices this is right in the text that the singers raised their voices in praise to the lord and son and said he is good his love endures forever [Music] forever a children of god instead of you focusing on everything that is wrong in your life you're about to learn how to focus on the good stuff that god has done for you and do i have anybody here that can declare preacher god has done some great things in my life i know i may be going through a rough time right now and yet i may feel like using my mind right now but the lord has done some good things in my life can i tell you the lord has been good in the morning foreign [Music] [Applause] one of the tragedies of our time is that some of the times when we come to church we only expect that singers to see i would just sit there and enjoy i don't have that kind of a voice well if you don't have that kind of voice just raise your hand every now and then stack your feet get the lord has been put to you every now and then give [Applause] i god brother chris morrison i'm gonna discover this morning when it talked about god inhabits the praises of in other words when we begin to praise god that's the place that god wants to dwell that's a place where god wants to be in other words it's not our other formalities but we are doing it because we need in the presence of god and we need god to dwell among us with all the health that we are going to give our way to the leader the presence you need to carry the presence of god with your heart when you're deaf not only will he anoint your place with his presence not only does he answer the purpose of your praise but thirdly finally he alters your plans [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] but the bible says that they cannot do they could not it to serve because the glory of god was in that house and i'm looking forward to a place where alan chopra will become in the house of god that will just allow the lord to have his way when god shows up and when the glory is and we're expecting jesus to show up in our lives [Applause] the text says as the people praised god the house was still with the cloud they entered in with a spirit of worship and expected god to show up what do you expect when you come to church what do you expect in your personal life i'm not talking about your name i'm talking about you but what is it that you expect when you come to church do you expect god to do something miraculous something unique something mothers or you're expecting the same old same thing i believe that god is telling the church today that we need to get to a place where we do things that we are listening to the voice of god and allowing god to speak to us and allow god to have his will here because it's time for foolishness but we need to be serious about god we need to be serious about our relationship with god we need to be served because people are dying every day and we can play church all the time we need to be serious about what god is [Music] are you expecting the same thing that you experienced in 2020 are you expecting the same thing that you saw and experienced in others i believe that god is doing a new thing he's doing a new thing in the life of which is doing a good thing in our lives and it's up to us to express what god is trying to do you know this what you say to your people over this you're here today you join us in worship today i want you to know that you did not show up here by coincidence by chance but you're here because god destined for you to be here today and we don't want to take you for granted that you are in a good relationship with god we don't want to assume that you have given your life to the lord the bible says that today if you will hear his voice heartbrought your heart that you can come and surrender your life to heal because guess what we used to say that tomorrow is not promised to anyone else but now the next minute the next second is no promise to any one of us today while you still have breath in your body that you can walk out and walk down there and be able to declare all to jesus i surrender or to heal my friend today is your name that you can come and give your life to the lord secondly you may have been in a good relationship with the lord you used to hear god whisper to you you used to hear the presence of god in your life but because of everything that you go through it seems like it's a struggle you don't feel the presence of god you don't feel the power of god in your life can i tell you god can renew you right now god can renew you right i think it will show you right now today is your day that you can walk down the aisle right now and do the right thing what you can do finally you may be here today so remember when i hear the word i assigned that to the word [Music] today if only you would take a step of faith come on and give your life to the world [Music] please [Music] my [Music] please [Music] uh [Music] oh to me [Music] [Music] [Music] of god to is things [Music] [Music] thank you lord jesus thank you holy spirit and i'm just asking for more prayers i just need more prayers thank you god [Applause] this is brother stanley you don't understand you start to leave for prayer not just for yourself but it's not the need of prayer for his family and everything that you know pertains to him people around him the family there was a lot of loved ones that is praying for us continued comfort and strength as they go through these experiences [Music] y'all keep on going man because saying i was trying to praise god praise god [Music] all right this is uh sister mimi here i think almost like three sundays now and many times today because she says reverend i believe this is where i [Applause] the am i feel the presence of god and i want to be able to serve here at our chapel amen and that's jason phillips [Applause] [Music] great you just extend your hands to us these three persons as you touch the green father that we think i will praise your name thank you for your presence in this place we thank you for your fresh anointing in this house god will thank you for this agree god you know what you're doing in our life the god in spite of the difficulties despite all the problems that god and you are building the inner side of her the god god he has been through so much but god is praising you for all that you are doing in his life god use him as a vessel use them as a conduit to give the glory and honor of your name dr thank you for this name thank you for the boldness that you give to us to be a part of our chapel god you have a purpose for our life god continues in jesus name we pray amen [Applause] presence of our god amen amen come on put your hands together [Applause] i will praise god for his goodness and for his mercy amen [Applause] amen praise god [Applause] [Applause] the outside amen [Applause] to our students who serve today amen praise god for you will celebrate [Applause] uh and uh she's gonna be preaching at initial sermon on october the 8th watson temple jesus christ of christ in tallahassee amen she needs your prayers [Applause] [Music] what [Applause] oh amen it's always a joy to see you praise god for more blessings [Music] hey [Music] [Music] great [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] before the presence of his glory with the exciting cure with all the while [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hello
Channel: Allen AME Media
Views: 129
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: thy0YdHNvJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 53sec (4493 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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