All Zoan Users and Their Powers Explained! (One Piece Every Devil Fruit)

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what up guys goes in here for anime uproar and today we are going to be talking about the zone fruits and their powers this video is long overdue since I said I'd make it when the logia video hit over a thousand likes and it's already over four thousand five hundred plenty of you commented that you're still waiting for the follow up to that first video so here it is finally thank you for your patience if you want to see more one piece videos on this channel let me know by smashing that like button if you haven't be sure to subscribe and this is really important hit that notification bell so you actually get notified when new videos come out there will be manga spoilers in this video obviously since I'll be covering all known zone users and without further ado let's jump into it first let's look at the first zone to be properly introduced in the series Dalton is the king of the Sakura kingdom and the possessor of mushi oshino me model bison aka the ox ox fruit bison model quick notes on the english names i'll just be using the Funimation translation for the most part rather than listing all of the different translations which would take too long just keep in mind there are different translations used in the manga and in the old for kids version of one piece but i want to keep things simple for the purposes of this video anyways with this fruit dalton gains two extra forms as most zone users do for him it's the bison human hybrid form in the full bison form using the ox Hawks food powers Dalton is shown to be fast enough to dodge bullets and strong enough to take down multiple soldiers at the same time next we have our favorite blue Nosed Reindeer dr. Tony Tony chopper the possessor of the keto hito no me aka the human human fruit in addition to gaining extra forms from the human human fruit chopper also gained human intelligence which lets him think like a human speak like a human and learn like a human it pretty much lets him do anything a human can do except you know swim chopper can take the form of a regular reindeer aka walk point a human reindeer hybrid aka brain point and a human that looks like the abominable snowman with a blue nose aka Hevy point his human ask chibi form or brain point form is the form he takes most at a time after a time skip he can use additional forms without the help of a rumble ball like jumping point guard point arm point horn point and kung-fu point chopper still needs the rumble ball to enter monster point his strongest form but after the time skip he can control himself and communicate in this monstrously powerful form there is so much more detail we could go into but here we're going broad rather than deep since we're covering so many characters so we have to keep moving but you can let me know in the comments if you really want to see a dedicated video on a specific zone user next we have pel the Falcon a head guard in alabasta and the strongest warrior alabasta has to offer he'll eat the tori tori no me model Falcon devil fruit a key the bird bird fruit model to Falcon one of the only five flying devil fruits known to exist he has his human form a hybrid Falcon human form and a full Falcon form that he used to take maybe flying in the past in addition to letting him fly his Falcon form is also strong enough to carry a giant bomb away from the city not surprisingly the fruit gives him incredible speed he's been known to soar through the air at breakneck speeds while firing machine guns at enemies but he can take them out quickly with his talents as well next we have town collapse er dro fee aka mist Merry Christmas she is a former agent of baroque works who worked as mr. force partner she ate the Mogu muginami aka the mole mole fruit the fruit lets her completely turned into a mole or a mole person hybrid the really cool thing about this power is that it lets the user move through the underground as freely as if they were swimming through water miss Merry Christmas can use her giant mole claws to even break through stone walls next we have lasso who serves as mr. force gun somehow the gun gained the powers of the Annina no me dachshund aka the dog dog fruit model dachshund the main advantage here is that the in gun can now move of its own accord firing exploding baseballs at the enemy and just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder the gun because it's gained dog abilities can now get sick and catch a cold if the gun dog sneezes it will accidentally fire off shots at random next up we have chocolate the jackal another head guard in alabasta he ate the ena in uno me model jackal aka the dog dog fruit model you guessed it jackal he gained the ability to transform into a full jackal form and a jackal human hybrid form when he ate the fruit he fights primarily with a sword but his devil fruit powers increases speed attack power and senses so he can use his weapon even more effectively then we have Pierre gun falls bird Pierre a de uma uma Noemi a key the horse horse fruit and gained the ability to transform into a winged horse kind of like a less majestic Pegasus like a lot less majestic God fall uses Pierre's Pegasus form to ride on top of him while Pierre uses his horse teeth to bite people who disrespect his owner now this is some hashtag epic teamwork after the bird horse we have a sword elephant called funk freed funk freed is former chief of cp9 spanned UM's sword who somehow gained the powers of the Zozo no me aka the elephant elephant fruit this sword can use this power to transform into a full elephant or into an elephant sword hybrid in the latter case its trunk is replaced with a sword that can potentially charge in two enemies because of the fruit the sword gained elephant strength and intelligence which can be useful because it allows a sword to follow its owner's orders however now that the sword has intelligence it also fears death which is how Frankie can threaten it into obeying him next we have Rob Lucci the strongest member of what used to be cp9 he ate the neckline economy model leopard aka the cat cat fruit model leopard he can turn into a full leopard or a human leopard hybrid since he ate a carnivorous zone type fruit he is more ferocious than most and excels in physical strength and close combat he combines his powers like his super strength speed and claws with the superhuman martial arts style roku shichi making him a truly formidable not to mention cool opponent following the leopard man of cp9 we have the wolf man of cp9 jabra 8 the Eno in anomie model wolf aka the dog dog fruit model wolf he's pretty much a werewolf he usually fights in his Wolf Man hybrid form in a lot of ways his powers are like Lucchese just replace a carnivorous leopard with a carnivorous wolf Jabra is not as strong as Lucci but similar power boosts apply and he even uses roku shichi as well now cute a giraffe man Kaku another former cp9 member 800 she she know me model giraffe aka the Ox Hawks fruit model giraffe it's not quite as cool as a leopard or wolf but cop who can transform into a full giraffe or a human giraffe hybrid in his hybrid form he still has a huge neck and a blocky appearance along with increased strength Kaku finds ways to use his long giraffe neck to his advantage it increases his reach additionally he can pull his neck into his body and suddenly extend it in the direction of his opponent like a cannon he's also used swords in conjunction with his giraffe powers he's definitely skilled as far as giraffe swordsmen go probably like top three but not skilled enough to take out our boys Oro next we have the younger sister of boa hancock boa sander sonia she was forced to eat the heavy heavy Noemi model anaconda aka the snake snake fruit model anaconda when she was still a slave of the celestial dragons the devil fruit gives her the ability to turn into a giant get this anaconda along with super strength she has impressive reach and versatility when using her snake powers due to her large long snake-like body she can grab people with her tail stab them or even turn her hair into additional moving snake heads whose fangs are as strong as iron sander Sonia's younger sister boa marigold has a very similar story she was forced to eat the heavy heavy Noemi model King Cobra aka the snake snake fruit old king cobra in physical appearance marigold and sander Sonia are pretty much opposites while sander Sonia has a big head and thin body marigold has a smaller head in a much bigger body nevertheless their snake-like powers are pretty much the same marigold also turns into a giant snake and can turn her hair into additional snake heads next up we have minnow Taurus minnow rhinoceros minnow koala and minnows zebra these four are jailor beasts that impel down there awakens own users but we do not know the name of their specific devil fruits because they are awakened devil fruit users they have further increased strength speed durability and recovery however they no longer seem to be capable of complex thought they are more similar to animals than humans in the sense but like humans they do continue to walk on two feet despite the fact that we don't know the exact names of their fruits we can deduce what their specific animal powers are from their appearances and names mineral tourists like the fictional Minotaur seems to have the powers of a bull mineral rhinoceros has the powers of a rhino minnow koala has the powers of a koala and you know zebra has the powers of a zebra although they appear to be closer to monstrous animals than humans at this point they do sometimes use weapons for instance me know Taurus uses a club when he first fights against Luffy for the cover of chapter 662 we also get a look at a new cute but deadly jailer beast called me know Chihuahua as you may have guessed he has the powers of a chihuahua never underestimate zone fruits though since even the seemingly weakest animals can make for insanely powerful zone users and me know Chihuahua definitely wouldn't be a jailer beast if he wasn't extremely strong next up we have Vice Admiral onigumo he was one of the five vice Admirals to lead the buzzer call against Annie's Lobby his devil fruit name is unknown but he seems to be a Spider Man of sorts probably not as funny as that other Spider Man but he can grow three pairs of black spider like arms so compared to Zorro who wields three swords onigumo can wield eight at a time or use his arms detained his enemy instead after vice-admiral spider-man we have Vice Admiral Dalmatian man Vice Admiral Dalmatian ate an unnamed devil fruit and gained the powers of a Dalmatian although we don't know the name of his devil fruit I guess it's called the dog dog fruit model Dalmatian but who knows maybe it's just a Dalmatian who ate the human human fruit model Vice Admiral but whatever anyways he uses his powers in conjunction with roku shichi style and he's definitely not afraid to use it against our favored rubber boy Luffy next we have a ploy de let's just hope that's how it said a new world pirate was allied with white beard as you can tell by his ship in pirate flag employ de is associated with the caterpillar his unnamed devil fruit lets him enter a caterpillar like form which can aid him in battle you wouldn't necessarily think that caterpillars are powerful but employed ax is respected as a fearsome and infamous new world pirate next we have Peckham's who works as a combatant for pirate Emperor or if you prefer Yong ko big mom Peckham's is a lion mink and if you need a refresher minks are human-like beings sort of like fish men who take on the characteristics of a specific animal in addition to being a lion mink pet comes aid the comic commando me aka the turtle turtle fruit with disability pekoms can create a protective shell that is as hard as diamond pekoms has even used a shell to protect himself from bullets following that human lion turtle creature we got smiley the slime Cesar clowns pet smiley is a blob of condensed gas which gained the power of the sight asada no meat model axolotl aka the saw saw a fruit axolotl model the fruit gives intelligence to the slime allowing the giant muck like creature to chase down its enemies in horror movie fashion since it's a slime it can separate into smaller slimes and then come back together into one big giant slime eventually smiley lost the power becoming unintelligent deadly gas again and a nearby Apple became the new sana sana Noemi model axolotl devil fruit now let's turn to 2 dwarfs from the ton Tata Kingdom Kabu a cake is the leader of the yellow Cub squad and a member of the tan Tata pirates he ate the Musha Musha no me model Kabuto Mishi aka bug bug fruit model rhinoceros beetle when he uses the devil fruit powers Kabu can grow extra arms wings and a horn with wings Kabu can fly at quick speeds and he is strong enough to send humans flying with a head but then there's a leader of the pink B squad and fellow tone Tata pirate beyond beyond eight the moshi-moshi no me model Suzumiya chi aka the bagua fruit model hornet similarly to cub beyond gains an extra pair of arms and the ability to fly however since she gains hornet powers she gets a stinger instead of a horn now we finally arrived to the greatest tea pot in all of the multiverses boom buku this tea pot belongs to swordsmith Tengu Yama heated soup bong Goku the tea set gained the powers of the enol in anomie model tanuki a tanuki is a Japanese raccoon dog as with other inanimate objects gaining devil food powers means they gain a degree of intelligence perhaps et cetra kun hybrid is not super useful in battle but if tea set thieves ever show up boon buku can always turn into a full tanuki and expertly avoid capture and that's it for regular zone users but we still have ancient zone users and that's right mythical zone users to cover since I do want to make detailed future videos about both ancient and mythical zone users I'll try to keep it pretty simple here starting off with ancient zones we have ex trake the man who used to be a Marine rear admiral but turned pirate and became the captain of the Drake pirates he ate the you do you know me model Allosaurus aka the dragon dragon fruit Allosaurus model as a result Drake has carnivorous dinosaur powers he is currently a high-ranking member of the beasts pirates page one is another high-ranking member of the beasts pirates ta da doo doo no me model spinosaurus and gain the power to turn into one of the largest of all known carnivore dinosaurs the Spinosaurus is specifically known for its distinctive spine both page 1 and X Drake are two of the strongest headliners a high-ranked within the beast pirates because they're so strong they were both promoted to being one of the flying six headliners they are outranked by both Kaido and the all-stars among the all-stars there are the three disasters otherwise known as kaido's right hand men they're considered to be the highest-ranking members of the beasts pirates after keidel first there's Jack the drought who ate the Zozo know me model mammoth and gain the powers of a giant mammoth second there's King the conflagration weight of you to know me model Pteranodon and gain the powers of a giant pterodactyl like creature Pteranodon were actually some of the largest known flying reptiles to ever exist third we have Queen the plague who ate the you do know me model Brachiosaurus and gain the powers to turn into a giant long-necked dinosaur in his dinosaur form Queen even towers over big mom now we are getting into the most hyped up zone devil fruits the mythical zone fruits let's heat things up with marco de phoenix white beers right-hand man he ate the Tori Tori Noemi model Phoenix aka the bird bird fruit model Phoenix as we know from Harry Potter and x-men Phoenix's are epic and Opie Marco is no exception because Phoenix's can turn into flames Marco's own devil fruit can act a lot like a logia devil fruit the blue flamed Phoenix has insane regeneration powers similarly to how it is said that a Phoenix can rise from its own ashes otherwise he can fly use his talents to slash out his enemies selectively transform only parts of his body like his arms and just kick butt like a rock star next we have sangoku the Buddha before the time-skip he was the Fleet Admiral of the Marines which is actually the highest marine rank sangoku has a very interesting power he ate the hito hito no me model dai-butsu aka the human human fruit model Buddha the fruit allows him to transform into a giant and extremely powerful gold Buddha sangoku can use his palms to launch shockwaves at his enemy these shockwaves are powerful enough to even injure the Blackbeard pirates following the Fleet Admiral we have the pirate emperor aku ankka Kaido of the beasts he is often called the most powerful creature in the world if that ain't an epic title to hold I don't know what is the official name of the fruit that Kaito ate is not known but in a Piercy ate a mythical zone fruit more specifically an Eastern dragon devil fruit now he can transform to a giant powerful dragon at will in Chinese mythology the dragon symbolizes power strength and good luck so you can bet he'll be a formidable and epic foe then we have an infamous female pirate Katerina Devon aka the crescent moon hunter she is considered to be the most dangerous female pirate to have ever been imprisoned at impel down and now she's a member of the Blackbeard pirates Katerina ate the Naruto devil fruit aka the Anu Anu no me QB no kitsune this devil fruit lets her transform into the nine-tailed Fox pokémon has their own spin on this Japanese folk tale and so does Naruto so I'm glad one piece included the nine tails Fox to the nine tailed fox devil fruit allows Katerina to transform into other people which has to be one of the most useful powers in all of one piece and then we have kudos Umi Orochi the current Shogun of Juan oh he ate the heavy heavy Noemi model Yamata no Orochi aka the snake snake fruit model eight headed mythological snake you may recognize this from Naruto as well because Orochimaru is a reference to this snake myth too with this power Orochi can turn into a giant snake-like creature with eight heads all of which can crush most enemies with a single bite and that is it for every zone fruit except for artificial zone fruits and non-canon zone fruits both of which I'll cover in separate videos if there's enough interest in this one and let me just say wow that took a long long time if you guys want to keep seeing these videos make sure to hit that like button and share the video with anyone who likes one piece because a lot of work goes into videos like this one and I'll only do all paramecia if you guys can show me that you really really want it thank you for watching if you enjoyed make sure to obviously hit that like button as I mentioned if you haven't be sure to subscribe and this is really important crucially then hit that notification bell so you actually get notified when you want these videos drop a big thank you goes out to our patrons over on patreon for their amazing support I especially want to thank our pro hero to your patrons the one and only gilgamesh nothing but a fan Jason Wilson and angel Cruz and are the one tier patrons the ones who stand atop all clans baby ray a 17 FTP Steven n grata a lowland autumn Maddie Mac 239 makoto-kun and keelon and lastly the one who transcends greatness itself Regan Harrison the one who has been acknowledged by Lords we go himself if you like videos like this one and they give you value please consider going over to our patreon and donating 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Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 1,097,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, zoan, users, and, their, powers, explained, all zoan users, every zoan user, zoan devil fruit, zoan one piece, every zoan devil fruit, every devil fruit, every devil fruit explained, every zoan explained, all zoan devil fruits, all zoan devil fruits explained, ancient zoan, ancient zoan explained, mythical zoan, mythical zoan explained, carnivorous zoan, onepiece, one piece, one piece explained, luffy, animeuproar, devil fruit powers, devil fruit explained, devil fruit
Id: is0kgJ37M_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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