All 10 AWAKENED Devil Fruit Users Explained!

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in the world of One Piece there's a rare phenomenon of devil fruit Awakening that only a handful of characters have managed to achieve this mysterious process makes devil fruit users infinitely more powerful and grants them many impressive new abilities so today we'll be explaining all 10 devil fruit users who manage to awaken their powers starting with the strongest member in cp9's history Rob Lucci at some point in his life Luchi ate the Neko Neko no me model leopard and despite it obviously granting him the ability to turn into a human leopard this fruit also dramatically increased his physical strength as shown when he easily threw Luffy and Zorro through a building across the whole city upon Awakening this fruit luchi's hybrid form undergoes a physical transformation where its size increases his body becomes more slim and a dark flame forms a main down his back and arms Luchi mostly uses this fruit to make his rokushiki techniques like shigon and rankyaku more powerful utilizing claws on his fingers and the strength in his legs he also learned to use SEMA kikan which allows him to freely manipulate his body parts Luchi mostly uses this to shame can compresses muscles transforming him into a smaller more human form in which he's much faster than usual although Luchi had incredible growth throughout the series and became much stronger he ultimately proved to be no match for Luffy in his gear fifth form and thereafter deserves to be placed in a tier Charlotte karakuri karakuri is the strongest Suite commander of the big mom Pirates and the governor of the komogi island his devil fruit is called Mochi mochinomi and it's a special paramecia devil fruit that allows him to create control and transform into Mochi karakuri uses this ability in many unique ways like transforming his leg into Mochi and using it as a weapon creating thick Mochi and using it to entrap his opponents and even enlarging his limbs to a gigantic size and stretching them to increase his attack range heck I wouldn't be surprised if this guy could even make a subscribe button out of Mochi and then make people click it please guys just subscribe so I can stop making these stupid subscribe jokes every video thanks anyway on the one hand Kara Goody's fruit is pretty similar to Luffy's fruit as it allows katakuri to extend his limbs but one major difference is that due to mochi mochi no me being a special paramecia fruit can also fully transform his body into Mochi similar to lobium users once katakuri mastered and awakened this fruit it even enabled him to transform nearby material into Mochi greatly enhancing the range of his attacks and allowing him to manipulate the environment to his Advantage even though katakuri eventually lost his 21 episode long fight against Luffy it's obvious that he's an incredibly strong fighter and therefore deserves to be placed in a tier there are still eight more extremely powerful characters left to cover and the next one is the Puppet Master Don Quixote do Flamingo no flamingo is a former warlord of the sea whoa Ito Ido no me a paramecia type devil fruit that allows him to create and manipulate strings though Flamingo usually uses this fruit by bending his fingers to move strings as he pleases and manipulates people like puppets he can also use these strings to cut his targets and destroy their weapons Show when he managed to cleanly sever little Lord Jr's leg in One Swift motion and even decapitate crocodile his defensive capabilities are also no joke as he could cross his strings to form a net slicing in half an asteroid in order to protect himself due to him mastering the power of this fruit he managed to awaken it which made him an even bigger monster his awakened fruit allows him to transform the ground in buildings around him into Strings and use them for his attacks when utilizing this new power doflamingo tends to stay on the ground shaping his strings into sharp tentacles and unleashing them down on Targets in addition these new awakened strings can also be infused with Armament hockey grabbing doflamingo even more offensive power it's needless to say that doflamingo was one of the strongest Warlords in the series and therefore B tier should be a Fitting Place for him Awakening and so in devil fruit can be a bit different than paramecia Awakening as it comes with the risk of the animal's nature consuming the user this can cause them to lose their personalities and become simple mind abuse which is exactly what happened to the next characters on the list the awakened zoens of impell down these characters are Mino zebra the user that ain't zebra fruit Nino rhinoceros the user that ate Rhino fruit minotares the user who ate Holstein cow fruit and Mino koala the user that ate koala fruit before awakened Jailer beasts are the most feared creatures within impel down due to their great strength bloodlust and ruthlessness due to them being being awakened Zone users they're also incredibly durable and recover from injuries really fast however even with these abilities they can still be relatively easily defeated by strong Fighters such as Luffy jinbei and crocodile it's also important to mention that although they're the strongest guards there's some stronger people working in prison such as Magellan Hannibal and maybe even Saudi these Zone users are obviously the weakest characters on the list so far and deserve to be placed in D tier caucus Kaku is currently a member of cp0 the strongest intelligence organization working directly under the world Nobles we were first introduced to Kaku during the water 7 Arc and later during any sloppy we witnessed him acquiring the power of ushiushi no me model giraffe this Zone type devil fruit allowed Kaku to transform into either hybrid or full giraffe form at will although giraffe is a mostly harmless animal Kaku quickly demonstrated how effective and deadly this fruit can be in the right hands especially when combined with his rokushiki skills in the four sword style allowing him to overpower Zoro in battle and almost defeat him upon Awakening his fruit Kaku could assume a new much more powerful hybrid form which greatly enhanced his physical strength speed as well as his recovery rate in this form his already long giraffe neck becomes even longer in serpent-like enabling him to perform powerful cutting movements with it same as Luchi Kaku didn't lose his personality while Awakening The Zone fruit which made him infinitely stronger than impel down jailers who completely lost their identity due to the fruit's power as noted by Zara the only real weakness of this devil fruit is having a long and very exposed neck that can be easily exploited however despite this Kaku proved himself to be a pretty tough opponent for straw hats and I think BTR would be a perfect place for him with this we're exactly halfway through the video which means that there's still 5 more characters who fully managed to awaken their devil fruit Powers so let's continue with the one you may not know about Guild Tesoro DeSoto was the owner of the largest entertainment City ship in the world and served as the main antagonist of the one-piece film gold the fruit he ate is called gorogoro Nomi and it allows him to manipulate gold at will for example he can quickly change the state of gold to either liquid or solid and can shape it in any way he desires you can even encase living beings in Gold turning them into golden statues in terms of defensive abilities Tesoro can cover his own body with gold creating a strong golden armor that's hard enough to withstand extremely powerful in attacks including hits from gear 4 Luffy and cuts from zoro's three sword style techniques since consuming this devil fruit Tesoro has been able to awaken his powers gaining even further influence over gold this enabled him to use all of the gold on the ship as an observation system allowing him to detect break-ins or attacks on the city with this he also gained the ability to unleash explosive beams of metallic energy that were powerful enough to destroy the entire Marine warship although this fruit is extremely powerful it has some weaknesses namely DeSoto can't create any new gold he can only use the gold present in his surroundings which means that this route is pretty much useless if there's no gold lying around I mean no wonder this guy lived on a huge floating Casino eustiskin Captain used his kid is a notorious pirate from South blue as well as one of the strongest members of the worst generation kid ate the jiki Chiki no me a paramecia type devil fruit which allows him to create magnetic force and use them to control metal kid makes excellent use of his devil fruit during combat for example he can repel metallic objects away from himself such as cannonballs or attract objects within his vicinity and create mechanical Contraptions this ability also makes him extremely powerful against fighters who use metal weapons as he can easily disarm them using his devil fruit and use their weapons as building materials however kids favorite way to use his fruits power is to form gigantic metallic arms connected to his actual ones and use them in close range combat after fully mastering and Awakening his devil fruit kid unlocked a new ability to manifest magnetic properties onto his Targets this basically means that if kid targets someone with a significant amount of metal surrounding them they'll quickly be crushed with Force being strong enough to even rip large structures towards them he can also stick opponents to a piece of the environment like a magnet rendering them immobilized and vulnerable to all attacks despite his newly awakened abilities being incredibly strong kid is not yet used to them and therefore only uses them as the last resort during tough battles with this in mind I don't think I can place kid any higher than b tier truffle guard D waterline same as kid lies also a pirate captain and one of the strongest members of the worst generation as devil fruit is called obey ope no me and it allows him to create a force field in which he can freely modify anyone or anything this fruit is renowned for allowing the law to perform miraculous surgeries and cure untreatable diseases it's also known as the ultimate devil fruit because of its unique power to Grant another person Eternal youth in exchange for the user's own life for this reason the world government is willing to pay 5 billion bellies to anyone who can deliver this route to them besides the fruit's medical capabilities law is also very skilled in using it during combat either to redirect attacks coming at him or to disarm his opponents furthermore the obey obey no me makes law Well Suited at fighting long-range battles since he can practically control the entire fighting area as long as his powers are active having achieved The Awakening of this fruit lobbycame capable of coding objects with the spaced distorting Essence allowing him to increase their size or make them phase through targets mom primarily utilizes these new powers with his sword releasing powerful internal shock waves on his victims after piercing them although Law's devil fruit is arguably among the strongest ones on this list since he's still not used to its full Powers I can't really put him in s tier before we cover the strongest awakened devil fruit user on this list let's quickly go over one of the former members of the Roger Pirates Douglas Bullitt during his youth mullet was a member of the Roger Pirates and was later captured and imprisoned and impelled down for over 20 years however after Luffy and Blackbeard broke into the prison he escaped with other inmates while it ain't the goshagasha know me a paramecia type devil fruit that allows him to telekinetically disassemble and reassemble objects into whatever he pleases with the fruit's power bullet could create large mechanical structures including submarines and robot suits in order to increase his fighting prowess like other characters on this list he also managed to awaken his fruit which allowed him to manipulate objects from a much greater range and even restructure the landscape of entire Islands as he saw fit bullet can also use this power on himself along with Armament hockey in order to enter a powered State similar to how Luffy enters his gear 4 forms in this state his body turned shining blue with red eyes and his arms are expanded and compressed to Grant him maximum offensive power one major downside to this fruit though is that it's entirely dependent on the resources bullet has at his disposal and he also must know exactly what he's making and how it's made meaning it's also limited by his mechanical knowledge ultimately since bullet isn't a Canon character I can't place him any higher than C tier Monkey D Luffy as we all know at the beginning of the series Luffy ate the gomagomanomi a paramecia type double fruit that granted his body the properties of rubber effectively turning him into a rubber human however only recently in the manga did we discover that louvi's fruit is actually called hidohitonomi Model Nika and that it's actually a mythical Zone proof that allows Luffy to turn into the sun god according to the five Elders this fruit has not been awakened for centuries before Luffy did it and based on their reactions it's clear that they're terrified of its power the first time he awakened this fruit Luffy's appearance changed drastically with his hair enclosed turning white his eyebrows resembling Spirals and steam wrapping all around him however this Awakening didn't only change Luffy's appearance as he also got many new combat abilities such as freely manipulating the shape and size of his body manipulating the environment around him like it's made of rubber and even stretching anything he touches with all these new abilities Luffy was finally able to bring down one of the four Emperors of the sea kaido and if he managed to do that the other characters on this list should pose no real threat to him therefore Luffy is the first character that deserves to be in the S tier click on this video where we explained what would happen if some of the strongest one-piece characters ate devil fruits
Channel: Yeagerists
Views: 1,820,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, awakened devil fruit users, devil fruits, gear 5, rob lucci, trafalgar law, charlotte katakuri, kaku, doflamingo, strongest devil fruits, captain kid
Id: CnEjhIveBIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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