ALL 12 MYTHICAL ZOANS EXPLAINED AND RANKED! Every Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit User in One Piece

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what are all 12 mythical Zone fruits who is the strongest mythical Zone user how would the mythical Zone users from Bonus materials like the overpowered vampire fruit user match up to the strongest main story mythical Zone users we'll be answering all of these questions as we explain and rank all 12 mythical Zone users from weakest to strongest including the little known non-canon ones that are very interesting so make sure to stay tuned for that now channel parking within and smash that like button if you enjoy seeing one piece videos like this one if you haven't already join the not come up by subscribing and hitting that notification Bell to try all notifications and without further Ado let's jump into It spoilers and all coming in at number 12 we turn to a video game specifically to one Piece unlimited World red in this video game we find out about Inu Inu no me model baked anuki literally translated to dog dog fruit model monster raccoon dog it allows its user to transform into a Tanuki monster and it was eaten by get this a pen Oda designed the mythical Zone pen called Pato and Pato belongs to Patrick Redfield who is a hype figure that we'll discuss later on the list because he's obviously way stronger Pato may not be the most overpowered mythical Zone user but he's definitely interesting he can use the tip of his tail to write and furthermore has the ability to transform leaves into objects and people by writing on them his owner uses this ability to create clones to fight for him but the cute Pato himself has improved himself to be much of a fighter so I wouldn't feel Justified putting him any higher on this list and now it's time to shout out to sponsor of today's video War Thunder if you're like me you're very interested in military history and Anime but it's not often you can combine these two passions while thankfully War Thunder has you covered experience some amazing military action in this game while also enjoying the oh so important anime Vibes use your favorite anime theme skins and decals for your tanks aircraft and ships War Thunder contains hard-pounding combat combined with epic customization so you'll never want to say goodbye to this waifu filled Battlefield picture yourself piloting your dream fighter jet covered in anime girls lying high in the sky and raining destruction down on your enemies like a true pirate king or rolling through Enemy Lines in a tank that rocks your waifu's beautiful face watch your enemies bow before your power and your waifu plus they've got awesome waifu dakimakuras so you have your number one anime girl there with you while you crush your enemies can anything sound sweeter [Music] so what are you waiting for download War Thunder for free right now from the link in the description and get a dakimakura pillow and other bonuses coming in at number 11 we fittingly got stronger who has the uma uma no me model Pegasus or the horse horse fruit model Pegasus and he has seen his fair share of battles stronger is Doc Hugh's pet and as you can see a lot of the lower entries of this list will belong to pets rather than later on in the list where we get to the main Fighters like his owner stronger is very sick most of the time but yet these two are still strong enough to have privileged positions on Blackbeard's crew which is impressive in and of itself although how sickly these two are is an ongoing joke it's notable that stronger survived Magellan's deadly venom and a Shockwave attack from Golden Buddha sengoku who will also get to later on in this list as a horse who ate the Pegasus fruit as you may imagine one of the big benefits is that he got wings now and can fly while carrying doc q and even Blackbeard at the same time but we haven't seen enough yet to put this sickly horse any higher on the list we'll see if other cool Powers besides flight get revealed down the line number 10 we have the non-canon toritori no me model nue aka the bird bird fruit model knew it this fruit was featured in The One Piece art nue a series of artwork created for the one piece X Kyoto event in 2017 that depicts a non-canon story of the straw hats in wano the fruit was eaten by toratsugu a resident abuano which is fitting because the nue is a mythical Japanese Yokai it's a chimera Beast that borrows different body parts from different animals for instance it has the Facebook monkey the body of a tiger the Mane of a lion and a snake for a tail when toratsugu transforms into the Yokai he has the ability to fly but is nevertheless overpowered relatively quickly and easily by Luffy who knocks him out with a single punch Oda himself drew the climactic scene where Luffy battles the new way this user is similar to stronger in the says that he gained flight from his fruit which seems to be the main benefit but the fact that he's a chimera Beast served however shortly as an antagonist for Luffy is not a pet and is not as sickly makes me put him above stronger for now number nine we have the use of the hitohito no me model onudo AKA human human fruit mythical model onudo onyudo translates to Big Monk and is a reference to a large monk Yokai in Japanese folklore the current user is onimaru a fox that used to be friends with Master swordsman shimotsuki ushimaru the Zorro look like which makes sense since we recently figured out that he is the great uncle of Zorro like with chopper the fruit has given onimaru an animal the ability to turn into a human more or less and in his giant monk form where he Towers over Zorro he can speak as well in his humanoid form he's called yukimaru as you'd expect onimaru's mythical Zone comes with increased endurance letting him make it through a lot including arrows and even a bazooka I sort of want to just say that all mythical Zone users have mythical endurance since it seems like so many of them them can bounce back from so much although more so now that a certain plot armored main character was revealed to B1 as well for onimaru it makes sense that his giant size comes with increased power as well it's also noteworthy that yukimaru exchanged blows with Zorro in his Yokai form he's obviously not stronger than Zorro but still you need to be pretty skilled to not get overwhelmed immediately by our Zoro so all in all pretty impressive stuff for a fox and I'll just say that onimoto to me feels like a really cool throwback to Chow Chow the dog from Orange town obviously Oda gave the fox more development in a mythical Zone fruit but they have similar energies for sure they just happen to be protective over different things number eight we got the corrupted Shogun of wano kurosumi Orochi in his heavy heavy no me model yamata noorochi now he's not someone with associate with extraordinary fighting prowess but he has so many lives it's almost impossible to kill the dude this fruit might remind you of Naruto specifically of Orochimaru its English name is the snake snake fruit model yamata no Orochi and it's based on an eight-headed serpent slash dragon in Japanese mythology this fruit lets Orochi transform into a giant eight-headed serpent we've seen that Orochi can easily grab and trap a person within the jaws of one of his serpent heads Having Eight heads also lets you attack multiple people at once which is useful the fruit as many of us predicted also lets you survive being beheaded one mythical parallel of the yamatano Orochi is the Hydra and Hercules and most of us may remember that cutting off one of its heads never did a trick in fact in that example multiple heads would grow back to replace the first at one point kaidobi heads Orochi which wasn't that surprising after all why would such a strong figure want to keep someone as annoying cowardly and proud as Orochi around longer than necessary later Orochi recovered somehow and then ran into the red scabbards fukurokudu informed him that the red scabbards didn't even know that he'd already died once at kaido's hand what might have been a crazy reveal to them ended up being an anticlimactic but hilarious Revenge after Orochi transformed into his eight-headed form and arrogantly talked about how he would finish off the injured red scabbards the scabbards went on to slice off all of his heads effortlessly commenting on how they have no time to waste on the likes of Orochi now this is as far as we got when I dropped my first mythical zones explained video at that point we weren't sure if oroshi would survive having all of his heads taken off but I mentioned it wouldn't be surprising if he did considering his mythical Zone fruit and as if to not disrespect a mythical Zone Oda did in fact have Orochi survive even those multibeheadings it seems that kandro's flame finally took him out and for him to finally die he or he had to neutralize his mythical Zone power with the help of C prism stone nails so to take him out they had to temporarily make him in effect a non-fruit user which still Hypes up how powerful his fruit actually was in the end the yamatano rochi is a very interesting fruit with unique abilities like most mythical Zone fruits I honestly don't even know why but if anything would have killed him if he Ori didn't neutralize his fruit Powers but cool fruits don't always go to cool or even especially strong characters and this is one of those times although I found a fruit fascinating Orochi himself was definitely not worthy of such a mythical fruit number seven is one of the Blackbeard's ten Titanic commanders Crescent Moon Hunter Katarina Devon she ate the Inu Inu no me model QB nokitsune for Pokemon and Naruto fans is pretty much like the nine-tailed fox fruit and in the VIS manga is called the dog dog fruit mythical type model nine-tailed fox Devon is 36 years old after the time Skip and her current Bounty is unknown but we do know that she's a whopping 11 feet and 10 inches tall or 361 centimeters she can use her fruit to transform into a nine-tailed fox and perhaps more interestingly she can use the power to transform herself into anyone and impersonate them during chapter 925 we saw the fruit in action when she used it against Gekko Moria tricking the latter into thinking that Absalom was still alive she does transform back after it's revealed that Absalom is dead and that she had used stole his clear clear fruit it's the best fruit for disguising yourself as someone else because it allows the user to transform their clothes as well unlike the clunk clone fruit I wouldn't be surprised if life with kaido's fruit which we'll get to in a bit more different fruit-related powers reveal themselves as the story progresses for Devon since the cool thing about mythical zones is they usually come with multiple abilities not just one however for now we haven't seen much of this fruit unlike Orochi though Devon was known for her strength even without her mythical fruit ivanko said her name first when she was talking about how only the worst prisoners go to level 6 of impel down then there's the fact that she was one of the strongest of the level 6 prisoners and survived blackbeards free for all level 6 battle then Blackbeard even chose her to be one of the 10 Titanic commanders so for all these reasons it's not hard for me to put Devin higher than Orochi on this list number six is Yamato kaido's child and number one Odin fan as we found out Yamato also has a mythical Zone through daily the inonomi model okuchi no makami or the dog dog fruit model okuchinomakami we're told that it is a rare mythical wolf and that it is a guardian Spirit of wano and that made it all the more painful for kaido that Yamato was using it and claiming to be Odin at first it seemed like she might have eaten it by accident but now with the Revelation that specifically Zone fruits have a will of their own in chapter 1044. it's possible that the fruit in a sense chose Yamato because her beliefs complemented that of a wano protector so well the fruit lets Yamato turn into a wolf God pretty much and we've seen the cool looking hybrid form clash with kaido's own hybrid form not only is it clearly mythical and Powerful it's also very valuable because of its symbolic value for wano specifically it would obviously be easier to rule a country if their Guardian deity was supporting you rather than challenging your Authority another hype fact is that kaido says he worked hard to acquire that devil fruit and whenever Yanko worked hard to acquire a specific fruit like BlackBerry here with the dark dark fruit and even Shanks with the gumugumo know me it's always a sign that the fruit isn't especially big deal keep in mind this is not just a mythical Zone but a carnivorous mythical Zone making the fruit especially well suited for combat and it would have to be special to allow one to repeatedly clash with the so-called world's strongest creature in his overpowered hybrid form we saw how quickly kaido took out Luffy the first time they fought so the fact that Yamato can occupy the former yonko for so long while he's in his strongest form is no small feat we've also seen Yamato fire a mouth blast called the Muji Glacier Fang at kaido that was met with one of his own blast breaths and the attacks canceled each other out it's an interesting attack name that lands a fire versus ice Dynamic to the kaido vs Yamato fight more recently Yamato saved the day by encasing the majority of kaido's bombs in ice and thus prevented kanjuro's fire from setting off a giant all-encompassing explosion Yamato and the mythical wolf God fruit did not disappoint and as I've said many times I would have loved to have a mythical Zone user like Yamato joined the straw hat crew but since we relatively recently found out that we already have one as we'll get into later I'm not as bothered about her not joining the crew I always said it wouldn't make much sense symbolically for the guardian deity of wano to leave the island especially if the will of Zone fruits will continue to be an important factor in the story it was always likely that this mythical Zone would push Yamato towards staying near wano so Yamato can watch over and protect it if the need arises but as far as the ranking goes I don't think I need to spend too much time explaining why someone's so strong and who did so well against kaido is being placed above the other characters on this list Devin definitely seems to have more upper sleeves but can't put her above Yamato from what we've seen and even taking into account that there's more to the Crescent Moon Hunter than we've seen so far it's still hard to picture her being stronger than Yamato right now for number five let's look at a character who is definitely worthy of his mythical Zone fruit Dr Marco the Phoenix Marco is as legendary as Yahoo commanders come he was the right-hand man to Whitebeard the man called the strongest in the world and the closest to one piece he is currently 45 years old and he's October's very own like me so I'm glad to see him in the top five he's six feet eight inches tall and his Bounty is 1.374 billion berries a bounty bigger than Queen's former impressive Bounty of 1.32 billion so even among yako commanders his Bounty is top tier although it was revealed that King actually had a higher former Bounty at 1.39 billion side note how crazy is it that injured Zorro beat a dude with a higher Bounty than Marco absolutely insane to think about how far our crew has come but before Zorro did that Marco was albeit temporarily handling king and queen at the same time he even appeared to have the upper hand although he did admit that not surprisingly it's quite hard to stall two with bounties over a billion of course Marco the Phoenix has the Phoenix fruit more specifically the toritori Nomi model Phoenix or the bird bird fruit model Phoenix another way to trans related is Immortal bird another hype detail about the mythical fruit back in chapter 553 we first saw Marco use his ability and it was to deflect an admiral's attack no less without breaking a sweat Marco's fruit allows him to adopt the properties of a phoenix or to straight up fully transform into a blue phoenix Marco's blue flames allow him to heal himself or others this is one of the reasons that the immortal bird translation is so apt because Marco can seemingly heal from otherwise lethal wounds using blue flames it's like an enhanced logia because Marco can take hits as if they just went through him but in his case he could also use the blue flames to heal from hockey infused attacks as well as mentioned Marco could block Admiral kizeru's attack and he also successfully blocked Admiral akainus as well during the Paramount war and he would later have no lasting damage showing just how Superior this fruit is to Ace's flame flame fruit which was easily defeated by Akainu as mentioned earlier he was able to use his fruit for a while to also hold his own while fighting against king and queen at the same time two yako commanders with both confirmed bounties over a billion berries obviously this doesn't mean he could actually beat them both at the same time and pero Sparrow pointed out that he looked exhausted but it's still very impressive considering how good of a fighter Marco is in battle it's all the more impressive that he can be just as helpful when it comes to Healing others he has used his Flames to help heal others and more specifically he's used them as a way to help prevent the further spread of Queen's virus in many people notably Marco's Flames won't burn you as they burn like conventional Flames but they can definitely be used to reinforce the power of His attacks so the op power comes with both offensive defensive and healing capabilities notably Oda has told us that Marco's healing has limitations in a question corner so he's not necessarily Immortal in his Phoenix form it's quite likely that if Marco drains all of his stamina he won't be able to use his healing powers which might explain why he sometimes leaves minor wounds like scratches or bruises unhealed in battle another way that Marco could definitely be killed is if you expose him to Sea Stone then he won't be able to use his regeneration on Mortal wounds it should be said that Marco's forces fought against Blackbeard's forces in the payback War about a year after the Paramount war and Marco's side was obliterated even so Marco made it out fine without suffering lasting wounds thanks to his Phoenix Powers but I think that's enough about Marco for the purposes of this video his mythical fruit is one of my favorites and though it has limits the fruit along with Marco's own prowess has let him at the very least exchange blows with many of the best fighters in the world without taking any lasting damage number four is the user of the battlebato no me model vampire aka the bad bad fruit model vampire he is the owner of the already mentioned pet pen Pato and also from the same non-canon video game so don't take this one too seriously either this fruit gives its user Patrick Redfield the ability to turn into a you guessed it vampire this character was designed by Oda himself and serves as the main antagonist of the one Piece unlimited World Red game again this is non-canon but according to sengoku Redfield was powerful enough to rival the pirate king in his prime and Whitebeard and this was before he ate his devil fruit with his unique new mythical Zone Powers he can sharpen his teeth and use them too you guessed that pretty much suck the blood of his enemies the age quickly as a result while he becomes stronger and through these means he gains access to Eternal youth now in theory this sounds very overpowered and someone with the power to rival Prime Goldy Roger and Whitebeard plus the power of Eternal youth to stay in their own Prime in addition to cool vampire powers could even be at the top of this list but the non-canon story confuses things and makes me not put him on the top at one point Redfield has his youth again and has taken Luffy's and Luffy still manages to knock him down and then thanks to Luffy's motivational speech Redfield decides that he won't use his powers to stay young and at his prime but will try to be the pirate king as an old man then he fails to beat the straw hats in a fight and again this is not Luffy the strongest this is not the gear 5 Luffy we know today but a much weaker one in this video game so with all of this stuff in mind I just couldn't put Redfield higher than this on the list number three is sengoku the former Fleet Admiral and living legend he was one of the major figures back during Goldie Rogers time along with Whitebeard Shiki and GARP after the time skip this dude is 79 years old he has an especially interesting mythical Zone fruit namely the hitohito Nomi model daibutsu or the human human fruit model Buddha he has the ability to transform into a giant gold Buddha during chapter 578 at Marine Ford we see his giant form launch shock waves at Blackbeard Blackbeard and his crew are shown to be rattled by the attack wedded out eyes blood and all that jazz but obviously the attack doesn't keep Blackbeard down obviously his size and physical power in this form are great and although he failed to execute Ace with a punch thanks to Luffy's inflated stomach and a candle wall his power still led to the execution platform collapsing so that's sengoku we haven't seen much of his power in action but what we have seen was no doubt epic definitely a power fit for a former Fleet Admiral he's passed his prime to be sure but I can't picture this Legend doing worse than Redfield did in that fight with that version of Luffy from the unlimited World Red game so as not to disrespect the golden Fleet Admiral I gotta Place him here number two is kaido the leader of the Beast Pirates and the man who was called the strongest creature in the world before another mythical Zone creature defeated him as we'll get into soon kaido's Bounty was over 4.6 billion berries meaning among the living yonko he had the highest bounty after white beer passed on so the question was for a long time what exact devil fruit did kaido have what mythical zone is worthy of going to the leader who stands at the apex of the animal kingdom that is the Beast Pirates there were theories that he had a straightforward dragon fruit even theories that he was a dragon who had some kind of human fruit but during chapter 999 big mom revealed that on the day rocks fell into ruin at God Valley she gave kaido a legendary model of the fish fish fruit and she even says because of that kaido owes her his life that's how big of a favor this fruit was in her view the official name for the legendary mythical fish fish fruit was given to us in a data book and it was the me model said you or the fish fish fruit model serial the setu is an oswar dragon and if this at first confuses you how a fish fish fruit can turn into a dragon just think of Magikarp and Gyarados and Pokemon Gyarados 2 is based off of the Japanese seru which is a turn based off of a Chinese myth specifically there's a Chinese Dragon Gate myth where there's this giant waterfall and if a carp is able to persevere and make it all the way to the top of the practically impossible to climb waterfall it will become a dragon I'd like to think personally that kaido's Dragon form is a sign that he was skilled enough and worked hard enough to awaken the fruit and usually the user of this fruit starts off as a kind of weak Magikarp rather than as a majestic Dragon this isn't confirmed though and if it does start out as a Magikarp fruit then the question arises can it allow its user to actually swim or at least breathe underwater despite the usual devil fruit curse but that's a topic for another video and back to the question if this is a fitting food for the world's strongest creature it definitely seems to be since Eastern dragons like this one were often considered to be extremely powerful and were even worshiped as Gods it's almost like we need another Godly fruit to take down such a powerful fruit user but back to kaido's specific Powers we often see him transform into his Oswald Dragon form and more recently in the story we even got to see his hybrid form which is accompanied by a very cool tale overall I really like the aesthetic of his hybrid form kaido's Dragon form is the biggest Zone transformation we've seen and he absolutely dominates the skyline when he's flying overhead his Dragon form is so big and powerful that it stated he could obliterate all of kuri if he thrashes about in a drunken stupor while in his Dragon form that's without even trying to he could destroy an entire region of a country the insane durability of his mythical scales has also been noted multiple times during chapter 923 Luffy hit kaido many times with hockey enhanced attacks and although they land it and looked painful kaido got up unscathed like absolutely nothing happened and went on to take out Luffy with one blow it's also been said about kaido's fruit that it gives kaido access to more supernatural abilities than any other mythical Zone we've seen so far although I feel like the mythical Zone that took him down will definitely give it a run for its money one such ability is that you can create flame clouds that for all intents and purposes allow him to fly and can even lift up an entire Island and turn it into a flying Castle additionally kaido has been seen launching devastating fire blast from his mouth in Dragon mode and hybrid mode and the list goes on this truly Godlike creature has turned his Roar into lightning he has released Blades of wind strong enough to cut off a red scabbard's arm and he's able to summon multiple tornadoes which led to zero labeling him a natural disaster it seems like in close combat for the most part kaido's hybrid form is the most powerful since he saves that one for last he's not unheardable because attacks that can bypass his tough scales can cause harm like Advanced hockey infused attacks the open no me surgical techniques and so on apps after all Odin did succeed in leaving a huge lasting scar on him still there's no doubt that this was one of the best devil fruits of all it even makes the sea a usual devil fruit weakness a non-issue because the dragon form can just fly over it not to mention the possibility that even if rendered paralyzed a fish fish fruit could potentially let the user breathe underwater or at least I'm gonna believe that until Oda tells me otherwise the final overpowered form kaido used in his fight against Luffy was Cayenne daiko AKA fire dragon great torch kaido's giant dragon body is surrounded by flames in this form this means that almost nobody could even touch him let alone hit him because the heat of the form melts when it comes into contact with the only reason Luffy could touch let alone defeat kaido is because he mastered Advanced hockey that allows him to hit his opponent without making direct physical contact very few people have this level of hockey Mastery and so kaido would for most people be truly Untouchable but luckily Luffy the next mythical Zone user we're talking about is one of the elite few who could defeat this version of kaido and of course for number one we got the mythical Zone user on the straw hat crew Luffy our protagonist himself long story short if you haven't got the memo yet the gomugomunomi is actually not a paramecia rubber fruit but a mythical Zone fruit its actual name is the human human fruit mythical model Nika and Nika was a sun god associated with Liberation so it makes sense that when Luffy awakens this fruit his hair looks like it's made out of flames and turns white Luffy calls this awakened form gear five and I gotta say it reminded me of the Super Saiyan form nothing wrong with that it's not a bad thing for it to be a nod to the Super Saiyan form in fact it's a nice homage to the very important Dragon Ball series that paved the way for many Shonen like one piece but don't get me wrong either this is a unique form with very unique powers as we're about to get into obviously Luffy's fruit deserves its own dedicated video and accordingly we published one called all five gears explore Lane but for this video I'll summarize the gist of it it's like the most special fruit as far as we know it's the only one that was so dangerous and special that the government changed its name It's associated with the sun god Nika with joy boy and now with our main character and the last time it awakened was more than 800 years ago so since then the users before Luffy only got to the rubber stage of it that's a nice little aspect to it because yeah Luffy still has a super special fruit but at least he had to work hard in order to unlock its specialness many others probably had this Godly fruit and never got to this point the five Elders further explained that they attempted to get the sun god fruit for 800 years and not once did they succeed it actively tried to escape their grasp and as I already explained that type of personification makes sense because specifically Zone fruits are said to contain a will of their own this suggests that the fruit probably picked Luffy similarly to how I believe Yamato's fruit probably picked her it wasn't just Luffy happening to eat it it probably called out the Hem on some level so what are some of the properties of this God fruit we know the rubber part but it's explained that after Awakening the rubbery body of the user gains greater physical strength and freedom it is said by the five Elders that there is no power more ridiculous with two exclamation marks in the official translation it's portrayed as the biggest deal and for good reason it's also mentioned that the rubber body lets the user fight in whatever way he fancies bringing smiles to the faces of the people another name for the Sun God we're told is also the warrior of Liberation now that's a big deal the quote saying that a user of the fruit can fight in whatever way they fancy it seems to imply that Luffy is only limited by his imagination when it comes to the way in which he fights and the powers which he manifests I won't go so far as to say that he can do anything yet because some of this might be more Legend than truth but it'll be interesting to see how accurate the description is as the story progresses and Luffy continues to use his new awakened Powers so far we've seen Luffy use his awakened fruit to grab kaido's Dragon form like he was on a mere Snake toy and pull him up to the roof he proceeded to practically enter a tune world he spun kaido around and slammed him into the ground over and over again kaido's eyes popped out like in Looney Tunes suggesting that Luffy can make his opponents take on these exaggerated characteristics not just himself we also see Luffy pull a Popeye and summon massive muscles all of a sudden I mean if he is strong enough to lift kaido like this I doubt there's any opponent he can't lift he also rubberized the ground and lifted it up to deflect the blast breath showing his awakened powers can definitely affect his surroundings he grabbed and threw lightning like Zeus he created a Beyond giant fist that was able to knock out and defeat kaido's giant flame dragon form but the fruit as impressive as it is is not why Luffy is first on this list if Luffy did not have advanced Mastery over hockey he would have been melted by kaido's flame dragon form as kaido himself pointed out haki is even more important than devil fruits when looking at a character's strength and the great pirate king Goldie Roger became the pirate king without any fruit so although Luffy defeated the former strongest creature in the world and in my opinion deserves to be at the top of this mythical Zone user list it doesn't mean he's the strongest character yet he has awakened an amazing fruit perhaps the most amazing fruit but still has a ways to go before he can rule over the rest as the pirate king the strongest of all and we'll see perhaps more mythical Zone users will be revealed who are even stronger than Luffy is now and this list may have to be revised but for now I feel comfortable putting Luffy at the top as the strongest known mythical Zone user thanks again to the sponsor of today's video War Thunder don't forget to download War Thunder for free from the link in the description now and get adaki makura pillow and other bonuses even though mythical Zone users tend to be strong Yanko tend to be even stronger so if you like exploring strong characters like these ones you don't want to miss my all seven yako and their powers explained video link on screen right now and I'll see you there
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 215,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w8uMtxZjMB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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