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hey guys it's bro you wack welcome back to another ranking video now we've been doing a lot of these ranking videos with gold guns with maps and most definitely with a lot of hero skins now normally these ranking videos would involve a hero that has upwards of 20 or even sometimes 25 plus skins but because ana just recently got a brand new overwatch league skin i want to do a ranking video of all of the honest skins that's also why i have my honor jacket on because i thought it would be cute anna i feel like is a very underrated hero when it comes to her skins mainly because she doesn't have a lot of them 21 in total compared to someone like widowmaker who we did do a video on last time that has 29 total skins but as always i want you to comment down below what your favorite honest skin is it could be the newly released overwatch league skin it could be one of her awesome legendary event skins or it could be your classic skin if it's the classic skin what's wrong with you like out of all the skins why classic as always i start with the rare skins at the bottom of the list because i feel like they shouldn't affect the placing of the epic and legendary skins because they're just recolorations of the classic skin but the ranking of the rare skins go period which i know that's not how you pronounce it but i like saying it like that citron garnet which is my bird stone and turquoise that turquoise hey that's pretty clean like if you're a broke boy and you're not a man you should get this one because it's only 75 credits beginning our ranking of the best honest skins is the most secured pick i've ever felt in this whole entire series and at 18 it's wagjet what the heck is this skin normally when there is an obscure skin in overwatch it always fits some sort of lore or backstory or at the very least fits the character that it's made for this skin does none of that or at least one that isn't too obvious to the general overwatch player like we all know how ana lost her eye to widowmaker we all know that she was a sniper in overwatch and we know that she's the mother of pharah and that's all pretty obvious lore but this it's just like why is she in a fallout suit when was there some nuclear explosion in overwatch to the point where she needed to go and save people and why does she look so creepy that's also another thing this skin just looks terrible which is why at number 17 wasteland is going to be taking the spot above wagette why because the colors are at least a little bit more bearable i really don't like the white and teal look where this it looks a little bit more fallouty it looks a little bit more suitable for the silhouette design but it's still a terrible looking skin well this definitely has some inspiration for maybe the fallout series or just hazmat suits maybe in the more modern era i just don't think it's fitting for anna anna is a sniper grandma and while she has a bunch of skins that are very outrageous they at least look good wasteland and radjet i never see on the battlefield i never see people talking about it all because it's just it's not a good skin this is the definition of a bad skin now at 16 we got a skin that is at least a little bit more understandable for why it is a little bit boring not to say it's bad but upon looking at merciful you kind of get this feeling like this was maybe the second iteration of what a possible classic honest skin could look like like do you want anna with a hood or without a hood where her white hair is showing i mean we got matching hair so maybe this skin is a little bit cool but besides the matching hair it's just it's just on a man i mean it's anna in a white cloak without the hood which i don't know how you guys feel like do you like her with the hood without the hood i kind of like her without the hood because i like her white flowing hair to be out and free but other than that the gun is still the same she has the same accessories too like there's really no difference here same thing with the number 15 spot with gingerbread it is just merciful with christmas colors now i understand that this was a free winter epic skin but come on blizzard we already went through this with zarya with her winter skin whatever other classic skins you literally just recolored a different epic skin with red and green i mean it looks cute i can't deny that the gingerbread on the apron and then the colors doesn't make this skin way better than merciful but like you could have done a little bit more like giving her a different hairstyle or something how about we talk about a more classic looking honest skin with classic you see it looks like classic skin it's a it's the classic honest skin now do i think the classic honest skin looks better than the previous skins that i talked about absolutely like why would i put it at the spot if i didn't think so like would you rather pay a thousand dollars to look like wasteland or save a thousand dollars for a different skin and just have the classic honest basically i'm asking you would you rather pay a thousand dollars to look ugly or look ugly for free i mean i'm a living embodiment of looking ugly for free so i choose the latter and she also has an eye patch a cosmetic edition that adds additional lore to anna because as you know widowmaker and anna got in 1v1 on russ and widowmaker completely 360 no scoped her in the eye which is how she lost her eye but she's still out here kicking butts which is why ana's still one of my favorite heroes of all time she's a fun hero to play great character great lore awesome skins and just an overall ba of a character at the 13th spot we got a skin that admittedly i was a little bit confused about because why does she look like this and this is shrike so let me explain why the skin looks the way that it does because you might be wondering the same thing like why does she have a mask with a triangle-like design so in terms of the name i don't really know why they named it strike but for the mask at least that's supposed to look like the crosshairs whenever you scope in with on it like when you have the skin activated scope in with it next time you're gonna see the exact same mask that she's wearing along with the hood and silhouette so she's really just supposed to look like her crosshairs just in real life with her skin besides the easter egg the colors are nice the sniper didn't change at all like it's really just on a with a different looking mask which hey we see a lot when it comes to honest skin surprisingly but it's definitely not supposed to be anywhere higher than at the 13th spot but now ladies and gentlemen for the 12th best honest skin we got probably the most controversial pick on this list surprisingly so let's talk about tall so people are either gonna really love the skin or probably really hate it i think most people really hate this skin not because it looks ugly but because it looks so creepy and scary now if you don't know why this can even exist to begin with back in the original lunar event in 2017 this was supposed to represent i think the mask dancers and the chinese new year festivals but like i just don't understand why the masks have to look so creepy the reason why this is so scary is that when you have this skin activated along with a shh highlight intro it's like she's you're like see paralysis demon you know whenever you're sleeping in your bed and you see like a shadow in your doorway and you think it's like a monster this is the monster right here anna with a tall skin like if she didn't have the mask easily top 10 best on a skin but because it's so creepy look it's not supposed to be in like an offense to mask designers and chinese culture but like come on now you can't deny that this looks like a scary looking skin with the eyebrows and the happy face but you know they got a gun in their back pocket that's gonna sleep you and you're gonna die in your sleep why because they want to see you perish but i like the cloak color's so cute taking the 11th spot is what i consider being now the standard of epic skins well beforehand epic skins were just recoloration but skins like cyber medic really shows that epic skins can be great skins for those who don't have deeper pockets i absolutely adore cyber medic mainly because well at the end of the day it is an epic skin they're not supposed to completely re-transform ana but they did enough to where it separates itself from merciful which was the original design of cyber medic here they gave her the advanced cyberpunk 2077 goggles with some sombra like implants which looks so painful plus i think the best part about this skin which you guys know i'm a sucker for is that it is an animated skin at the bottom of honest cloak and the inside you see like digital stuff just moving we very rarely see skins like that so for a free epic skin yeah this is a pretty good skin for ana because ladies and gentlemen we are finally at the top 10 best honest skins with what is one of the most underrated honest skins horus the name of the skin is inspired from ana's tattoo the horse eye tattoo which is supposed to symbolize the sky god in egyptian culture but i also like how this was the start of the archive skins while this wasn't a part of the archives event it was just part of her base legendary skin set this was a call back to honor in the younger days originally in overwatch as just a sniper not the grandma sniper that we know of today and that's obviously she's shown with her black hair now it's not gray her skin is a little less wrinkly and she also just has a different cloak design with the overwatch colors implemented with the orange and white and also the overwatch look i just noticed this that this is basically the jacket that she's wearing with the overwatch logo on the side of her arm if you guys are wondering the horse tattoo is at the back of the jacket she looks cute but she still looks like a ba military sniper and her outfit very very nice but it's not better than captain amari obviously the name is inspired from her name amari and she was the captain in the overwatch division now the only difference between horus and captain amore and the reason why it ranks higher than horus is the color palette here it is her notorious blue color it can go really either way i mean horus is a little bit more suitable for the battlefield because it is the more desert theme coming at number eight is on his very first event skin but the very first one was ghoul coming out of the original halloween event we got a really good epic skit for the time you gotta remember that blizzard was still trying to figure out skins because originally in the summer games event they were still doing the two skin set where they gave a hero two legendary skins just different color schemes the halloween event changed that and set the bar for future overwatch events where they gave them single legendary skins but also brought us really good epic skins in the form of ghoul ana like this could have easily been a legendary skin and i'm sure they had plans for it but they just decided to make it an epic skin for all the pork boys out there but i really like cool because you have to remember this is 2016 where they commonly just recolor their classic skin and call it an epic skin where here they gave her a jack-o'-lantern pumpkin mask and changed her colors to fit the halloween theme black and orange also her gun has a little spider web on the side of it well yes it's not completely re-transforming anna you got to remember this is 2016 her very first epic skin and it looks good man it looks really good especially with the sh emo now this next skin was the second skin challenge that we ever saw and once again set the bar for what we can expect for free skins especially in skin challenges but on a bastet i feel like it's a very underrated skin not only was it a free epic skin but one of the original skin challenges again the second one so not a lot of people have this one but it's just an overall cute looking skin like she's a cat with a mask and little ears and a bare 50 cal sniper like what else would you want your cat rocket but besides the q sphinx mask in the ears and the slight recoloration to her cloak there's not really too much going on with the skin i mean you see egyptian hieroglyphics on the side of her sniper along with imprints of like the egyptian pyramids which i do like anytime they play into her egyptian culture and make skins around that idea i really do like but my favorite part about anna is that they don't only just play into that idea they don't only just play into the idea that she is a grandma sniper sometimes they just make skins for her because well she's cool they literally made her into a pirate with corsair from the halloween event now the obvious indication as to why blizzard gave her a pirate skin when we have so many of them with roadhog torbjorn and baptiste just name a few is her missing eye the eye patch like i mentioned before she did get quick scope by widowmaker she has an eye patch so why wouldn't you give her a pirate skin to match that already lore inspired cosmetic edition but they did just give her a pirate eye patch and call it a date no they gave her quite possibly the greatest pirate skin that we have ever seen in overwatch they gave her a pair of that moves they completely retransform her sniper to have a bayonet at the end of it so that she can stab her prey and her cloak now is a pirate outfit like they just went all out with this otter pirate skin and i don't know why i mean i'm not mad about but that just goes to show how good honest skins are and depending on what anime you ask corsair could easily be number one which is why the rest of this list was so hard it's like this was the hardest part of this analyst but also just these ranking videos was trying to decide okay what are the best legendary honest skins i mean here cracking into the top five we have the recently released on a scan the reason why i'm ranking on skins to begin with is harris horus harris did i pronounce that right now this one is also a little bit controversial and it's mainly just in the helmet people really don't think the helmet is suitable for anna and it's kind of surprising because well anna receives so many skins with masks with ghoul or with wasteland you know it's not like she's too unfamiliar with covering her face the rest of skin is absolutely amazing the cloak where it's hawk like feathers taking the form of the bottom part of the cloak the hawk emblem slapped onto her chest along with the claws and feet plus the sniper like this skit is absolutely intense but it's mainly just pointy it's really sharp like if i'm just looking at the skin i feel like i'm getting paper cut but of course my favorite part about this skin and the piece of resistance is her sharingan instead of having an eye patch covering her missing eye they just gave her a piercing red eye she's straight up looking like akashi right now like whoever designed this skin knew exactly what they were doing with the exception of the mask i saw a redesign of the skin where they got rid of her mask but they kept the hawk eye part and i feel like that is a way better design choice for ana but it's not like the helmet is completely ruining this skin but now at the number four scott we got one of my personal favorite honest skins of all time and i think it's also because it reminds me of my mom that's a little bit silly to say but we got sniper like i talked about before horus and captain amore was anna's original archive skins even though they were just her base legendary skins so i'm sure it was kind of difficult on trying to decide okay well what did she originally look like in overwatch when we already made what she originally looked like and i really like the design choice that they went with with the more egyptian like attire with the cloak and also the bandana around her neck but also her sniper like she has a freaking bear at 50 count it just feeds into this narrative that anna is a complete ba sniper you should not mess with her and she really is this motherly figure not only with pharah but also just the overwatch organization like she belongs at the captain rank and i also like the haircut that they gave her it's more shorter with the iconic jet black look which is the exact same hairstyle my mom has which is why i think i like this skin because it is very reminiscent of what my mom is but while sniper was a callback to honest sniper days cabana anna is a call to her retirement days i love this skit because anna needs a day to relax she's always working she's always fighting which i appreciate but girl you deserve to chill out on the beach once in a while i absolutely love when blizzard gives heroes casual attire and this is the definition of casual you got the slump beach hat with the sunglasses also a little hawaiian flower slipped into her hair and her cloak it's not a battle worn cloak it's just a nice little sun dress and unsurprisingly they didn't change too much for her sniper i mean she is on vacation she's not really going to be traveling with a bear at 50 gal she's probably traveling with like maybe a lightweight sniper and someone pulls up at the tiki bar and tries to steal her drink like honey you must not know who i am but the second spot we got what is probably my favorite honest skin and i know some people aren't gonna like it because it is more on the creepy side but we got snow owl let me explain why this skin is so good so the first and obvious reason is that we have so many owl elements you have the iconic snow owl mask where whenever the eyes move it moves as if it's like an owl's eyes moving but we also see owl feathers not only in like the emblem of the belt but also the cloak at the bottom of it and at the shoulder part of it like they really went all in with the snow owl they made her look like a freaking snow like they made her into a snow owl okay like it's not like she's wearing a snow owl hood no she's a snow owl i also love the snow owl emblem on the side of her arm where it replaces the overwatch logo with an owl but it says snow watch instead of overweight it's it's a play on which because overwatch snow watch she's a snow owl i know that's silly but the owl references don't stop there not even close my boy the sniper one of the coolest sniper reasons of all time because you have the snow owl insomnia on the side of it also the scope has a snow owl nail at the tip of it you also have the winter aesthetic raft scene at the stock and also the barrel events it's just a cool looking sniper and that's the thing that you're going to be looking at the whole entire game is the gun so why wouldn't you want to get this skin when you have such a cool looking gun i'm just wondering why did they make her into a snow owl like why who came up with this idea i'm glad that they did because they made a good looking skin but why but i know why they brought this skin take it the number one spot and reigning king as the best honest skin and you're gonna see why that's such a good play on words pharaoh is the best honest skin inspired from egyptian mummies or king tut you see how like this is the king of honest skins and king you see i know that was stupid in a cliche fashion egypt is obviously portrayed by their pyramids or their desert but also their undead mummies where they wrap them in their cloth and anna is no exception to what their traditional mummy looks like we have the headpiece where it replaces her white hair with white cloth but still covers her eye to give it that eye patch look but she has this glowing green eye that is always looking at you but then when we get to her body there's there's just so much going on we see a lot of jewelry like in her chest area where i think that's a beetle i want to say or or maybe that's some sort of insect i'm not too entirely sure but i do like that design and then moving down we still see the wraps of the classic mummy look i love the glowing green color inside of it to match her eye also her nano boost but more importantly the snake eye on her gun this is also another reason why it deserves the number one spot not only is her sniper also wrapped in that same cloth but it also takes the form of a snake you see the snake protruding from the stock biting onto the barrel of the woven sniper barrel it is just a recipe for the perfect honest skin inspired from egyptian culture fits perfectly with anna she looks fantastic as a mummy she looks cool and intimidating as a mummy and also her sniper the thing you're gonna be looking at the most is also really dope too one thing that i just love about honest skins that i feel like a lot of other skins don't get are just the little details like with pharaoh you see lots of snake references and her kneecaps or maybe the egyptian hieroglyphics on her cloak they just don't make her into a mummy and call it a date no they go all out with the jewelry in the design also with snow owl or maybe with corsair with the pirate design like honest skins just get a little bit of extra love compared to other heroes and i feel like that's why honest skins are completely underrated because there's not a lot of them widowmaker she has a lot of them like what 29 skins anna only has 21 and only six six legendary skins but all of them are home run so that's why i raking on skin specifically the six event legendary skins were probably the hardest to rank because for corsair could be number one or sniper could be number one or pharaoh could be number one which is why i want you to comment down below what your favorite honest skin is maybe it's not even one of the event legendary skins maybe it's an epic skin maybe you like cyber medic or maybe you like the classic skin but let me know but i love you guys thank you guys for watching more overwatch videos to come and bye
Views: 88,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BRO YOU WACK, Overwatch, overwatch ana, ana, ranking every ana skin, overwatch ana skins, ana skins, skins, ranking overwatch skins, ranking ana skins, best ana skins, best overwatch skins, all ana skins, haroeris ana, haroeris ana skin, haroeris skin, ana overwatch league skin, overwatch league, overwatch 2, ranking every skin, best skins in overwatch, overwatch best skins, top 5 ana skins, ranking every gold gun, ranking every map, ranking heroes, ranking skins, ow, ow2
Id: na5DDnAKmc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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