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[Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i got two missing [Music] good evening everyone let's stand together it's so good to see you tonight welcome to new life church on wednesday evening amen it's always good to be able to gather together amen be in the kingdom of god amen look at each uh your neighbor and tell them you're glad you're in the kingdom of god amen and there are some benefits tell them there are some benefits to being in the kingdom of god amen let's welcome the presence of the lord we're going to sing tonight and just worship the lord together let's welcome his presence together lifting our hands lord we bring our hearts to you our minds to you right now thanking you for allowing us this great privilege to be in this building tonight thank you for allowing us to be in the kingdom of god we bless you together and give you glory in jesus name amen [Music] we give you glory lord we give you honor we imagine we give you grace [Music] we give you glory we worship you we give you honor [Music] holy wonderful marvelous glorious righteousness [Music] we adore you hallelujah [Music] [Music] we adore you we oh [Music] let's worship him tonight we give you honor we give you hope we give you [Music] [Applause] glory of all of the glory hallelujah let's worship him i'm so glad to be in his presence tonight thank you jesus we worship you lord we are so thankful for this opportunity to come into your wonderful presence hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus cause no one else [Music] i is wanna sit here right your feet i'm caught up in this [Music] oh i'm not here for blessings [Music] jesus you don't owe me anything and more than anything that you can do [Music] i'm caught up in your presence i just wanna sit here at your feet [Music] i'm not here for me [Music] more than anything that you can do [Music] when i've just gone through the motions i'm sorry [Music] when i sing another song take me back to where we started [Music] hallelujah and i'm sorry when i've come with my agenda [Music] open up my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord i'm not here for blessings jesus [Music] nothing else [Music] sing that from your heart tonight [Music] [Music] nothing else and nothing hallelujah nothing else nothing else caught up in your presence [Music] i just want to sit here at your feet [Music] [Music] no i'm not here for blessings [Music] jesus you don't know me [Music] let's worship the lord hallelujah amen thank you lord we bless you together tonight thank you thank you jesus thank you god give you glory in this house lord and express our great love to you father in jesus name jesus name amen matthew 6 33 tells us that if we seek the kingdom of god first and its righteousness that everything else that we need will just come by naturally amen we'll just make him first amen our ushers are going to come this evening and help us with this evening's giving while they're coming let me mention a few things to you real quickly uh this coming sunday we'll continue our tracks here in the sanctuary for the adults right here in the uh this sanctuary space will be battlefield of the mind a great class that we had this past sunday it will continue also in our prayer room will be our church heritage that was a great class you can access that down this hallway on sunday and then also we have uh altar working in our team room which is right through the door over there across the hallway and then mentoring moms is down the hallway in our team or excuse me a hospitality room amen great classes that we've had sunday and we'll be continuing this coming sunday if you weren't a part of any of those certainly you can pick and then if you were here last sunday and you'd like to make a switch you're certainly welcome to do that as well amen also coming up next week starting next wednesday next wednesday thursday and friday we'll be joining across the district the state of arkansas with churches all across the state and three days of prayer and fasting so we'd love for you to put that on your calendar and take a part of that and then on the 25th of this month all the men say that's me amen work day for their men we're going to be doing some some final touches on our property exterior uh and so we'd love to have your help just put that on your calendar amen let's thank the lord for his blessings in our life how many of you feel blessed lord thank you that uh you have been so good to us father and we give you praise for this great church you have allowed us to be a part of not just here locally but globally lord there are people who are devoting their lives to you thank you that you have allowed us to be a part of that great kingdom we bring our giving to you tonight with grateful hearts in jesus name amen step forward bring your giving up to the front and then take time to step across the aisle as well and shake somebody's hand god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] amen wednesday evenings are such a great treat around here at new life church amen last wednesday if you weren't here to listen to brother odle's teaching i would encourage you to go to our youtube channel and listen to that just great inspiration from psalm 23 and someone who knows what they're talking about what a great lesson tonight's lesson will be uh in two parts and we'll be hearing from uh two great men who uh certainly add great strength to this church there's a lot of people in this church in fact i guess it would be all of us that had that quiet strength some of us do to this church that there's not a lot said from them generally but they add such great great strength to our church and these two gentlemen jason weatherly i had such a great strength and he is our go-to scholar on on campus we appreciate his uh wisdom that he lends to this church and then also john nichol john nichol just a great uh strength to this church as well we appreciate these two gentlemen so jason's going to come first and bless us they'll be speaking from a portion of scripture in romans amen righteousness and peace and joy in the holy ghost amen jason weatherly god bless you john i'll follow him let's give jason a good hand amen [Applause] thank you very much before we get into uh any lessons or prelims i got to tell you something funny that happened today so pastor nate sends john and me a text just a text of encouragement you know hey guys praying for you for tonight if you got your scriptures uh send them to the media center so i text back what's going on tonight it was funny at the state of arkansas i'm telling you what in my office it was hilarious and it was one of those ll ols now one of them s lols that's what you text back lol that's a s lol you ain't really laughing that's a silent laugh out loud this was a literal laugh out loud and the longer he didn't text back the funnier it got and then finally he texts back one of those gifs that's got the guy's face just looking back and forth and i said oh man i'm over here busting out laughing and it was just perfect because my wife called about that time and i was just cracking up answering the phone i said you're not gonna believe this so it's hilarious so anyway it is it is certainly an honor tonight uh to be here especially to share the pulpit with the man that we all look up to brother john nichols getting to tag team preach with brother john and now our names can go in that long list of dynamic duos i mean you think about all the great duos in history moses and aaron paul and silas batman and robin rocky and bullwinkle han solo and chewbacca dwight and jim chocolate and peanut butter i mean come on all great duos come in twos right and now there's somebody watching online scratching her head thinking weatherly doesn't do all mean to yes it means to so this past weekend marked the 20th anniversary of the terror attack of 9 11. i'm not going to dwell much on that just to point out that anyone alive and old enough to remember knows exactly where they were when they either saw the footage of those planes flying into the twin towers or when they heard about it i was at work i was in the break room at whit davis lumber at that time and i saw it live on the news and that day 9 11 it changed life in america forever and i never realized the impact those events had on different generations until i saw my son caleb post a meme on facebook some of you may not know two of our sons are in the military caleb is a geospatial engineer in the united states army and ryan is a special missions aviator combat search and rescue in the air force and so caleb had posted a couple years ago this meme that the top image was that image of the towers and the caption across it said we were kids when this happened and the bottom image was an image of soldiers in their battle gear and their rifles and the captions said we're not kids anymore and so my children and many of your children will never know any american culture without terrorism somewhere in the narrative i mean they'll never remember a time they remember when that happens but they'll never remember a time before that and so it really doesn't take a genius to realize that there is something wrong with this world there is something very very wrong with this world the great southern poet charles edward daniels penned the words you know what's wrong with the world today people don't go and put their bibles away but oh my brothers and sisters aren't you glad to know that in the midst of all the chaos in the midst of all the darkness there is a ray of light the bible says light shines in darkness and darkness comprehended it not aren't you glad to know in a world full of wrong there is something that is right aren't you glad that in a world of chaos and a word of everything wrong you can run to a god that is righteous in our text tonight romans 14 17 tells us that the kingdom of god is not of meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy ghost righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost everybody repeat that last phrase with me in the holy ghost you see that last phrase in the holy ghost that's the kicker that's the important part it's not just righteousness it's not just peace it's not just joy it's righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost that's the important part because no matter how right we act our righteousness is nothing the prophet isaiah declared in isaiah 64 and 6 he said but we are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousness are as filthy rags and we all do fade as a leaf and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away the word righteousness appears in the book of romans more than any other book in the new testament as a matter of fact the word righteousness appears more times in the book of romans than any other book in the bible except psalms and isaiah and that's really saying a lot because psalms has 150 chapters isaiah has 66 chapters and romans only has 16 chapters bible scholars refer to romans as paul's magnum opus meaning that it is paul's most important and his greatest theological writing of all of his letters not only does the word righteousness appear more times in romans than in any other new testament book but so also the word unrighteousness appears more times in romans because that's one of the main issues paul had to deal with in the church of rome the culture clash between those unrighteous gentiles and those self-righteous jews you see in the first century church a lot of the jewish believers considered those gentile believers as unrighteous because of their circumcision and because of the fact that they ate things like barbecue pork and bacon and catfish and bacon cheeseburgers and just cheeseburgers for that matter and then the gentiles regarded the jews as self-righteous because they boasted in their circumcision and their genealogies and their heritage you know what's uh funny brother odell had asked me last wednesday about do we have a pet we have dogs we have german shepherd dogs and one of our dogs is akc registered so when you have a registered dog you get a genealogy and so that genealogy is kind of like reading the the first chapter of the book of matthew this dog begat that dog and that dog beget that dog and that's what the jews trusted in their heritage and we have abraham to call our father and so there was a large population of jews in rome at one point in time emperor claudius expelled the jews out of rome and that's how paul met priscilla and aquila in acts chapter 18 but after claudius died the next emperor said hey we need some more taxpayers spoken like a true politician we need some more taxpayers so uh hey how about we let those jews back into rome and that's the setting we have for the book of romans so imagine with me that we are the church of rome half of the church is jewish the other half of the church is gentile and there is this huge culture clash of unrighteous and self-righteous and so this side over here you guys are going to get to be the jews in this illustration so when i point at you and i say jews you're going to say yeah all right let's practice jews come on guys y'all can do better than that you know to remind me of you remember that guy who used to call into the randy rainwater show he was from grapevine he'd be like you know what randy the hogs ain't got no enthusiasm this side don't need some enthusiasm come on jews a little better all right all right so this side you're gonna be my gentiles all right so when i say gentiles you're gonna yell back yeah one two three gentiles oh they got the spirit stick today in the pep rally didn't they so understand in the first century everybody didn't have a bible there was only one book of romans and that book or scroll was carried to the church in rome probably by phoebe and then it was read to the congregation so all the congregation is experiencing the book of romans at the same time so picture this in your minds we're hearing these words for the first time i'm the messenger who's reading paul's words to the church in rome romans chapter one i'm paraphrasing don't worry romans chapter one all gentiles are nothing but a bunch of un unrighteous filthy nasty no good stinking sinners and all the jews said told you so romans chapter 2 romans chapter 2 all the jews are nothing but a bunch of self-righteous filthy nasty no good stinking sinners and all the gentiles said in your face turn the page romans chapter 3 paul said everybody is a nasty filthy no good unrighteous stinking sinner and the whole church of rome said yeah what yeah that's right because romans 3 10 says as it is written there is none righteous no not one it's not my righteousness it's not your righteousness but it's his righteousness righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost even the righteousness of god through faith in jesus christ to all that believe for there is none no difference for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god romans 3 23 but aren't you glad there came a day in your life when god set you free from those shackles of sin and unrighteousness we watched four people sunday night in iglesia nueva vida be set free from unrighteousness and sin through the power of the invoked name of jesus in water baptism and now as paul said in romans 6 18 they having been set free from sin they have now become a slave of righteousness how many of you remember the day you were baptized in jesus name i sure do february 3rd 1991 my wife remembers the day she was baptized in jesus name august 27 1996 she was baptized in a lake at night said they had the cars there with the headlights shining out on that water so they could see what they were doing now i'm telling you what that's old school baptizing right there but it doesn't matter if you're baptized in a lake it doesn't matter if you're baptizing a horse trough we got some of those here don't we i've even heard about people at youth conference baptizing in the water fountain outside of a hotel but it doesn't matter where you were baptized that's not what makes the difference it's being baptized in the name of jesus because when you are baptized in that precious name of jesus the only name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved it's his blood that unchains you from the shackles of sin and then you become a servant of god's righteousness how many of you remember the night you first received the baptism of the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues i sure do february 10th 1991 the church i was in just had two rows of pews and i was standing in the front but these were the two rows i was standing about where pastor gaddy is there was a young lady being baptized when she came up out of that water i felt those little holy ghost doodads run down my back you ever felt those holy ghost dude ads you know exactly what i'm talking about she came up out of that water i lifted my hands in the air and the brother jumped off the platform all he said was holy ghost and he laid his hands on my head and i fell back baptized with the holy ghost speaking in another tongue my second favorite verse in the entire bible romans 8 9 says but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwells dwells in you and if any man does not have the spirit of christ he is none of his and if christ is in you the body is dead because of sin but the spirit is life because of righteousness righteousness peace joy in the holy ghost aren't you glad for the righteousness of god that you felt the night you were first baptized with the holy ghost and aren't you glad to know that you can feel the righteousness of god every time you pray in the holy ghost and the final verse in the book of romans that mentions the word righteousness anybody have any idea it was our text romans 14 17 the kingdom of god is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy ghost the only way you will ever experience true righteousness is in the holy ghost the only way you will ever experience true peace is in the holy ghost the only way you will ever experience true joy is in the holy ghost let's stand to our feet lift god lift our hands to the lord give him some praise for his righteousness you feel in the holy ghost and let's welcome brother john to this pulpit [Applause] you may be seated excellent jason good stuff yeah we were looking at this passage in the scripture and i just really like this verse because it's a summary and i like summaries and here paul is trying to summarize the kingdom of god which is we know it's a lot more than this but this is the main points that he's trying to convey righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit now i like summaries and i may have been guilty in high school to try to write book reports off of cliff notes and that might be true but i do love summaries so we're going to continue with that verse and we're going to look at peace for a little while peace is such a precious thing pieces can be described as freedom from disturbance being in tranquility and i know it can be dangerous to talk about peace on a wednesday night but y'all hang in there we'll get to joy in a little bit i love this saying by marcus tillis cicero he was a roman statement a lawyer he said peace is liberty and tranquility i could preach on that one and i could there's a lot i can use it in this one further in my notes but i'll probably forget so you all have to remember what he said all right and peace brings this is estella elliott she said peace brings with it so many positive emotions that it is worth aiming for in all circumstances peace is so precious peace is so valuable jesus is the source of this valuable peace we'll look at john chapter 14 verse 27 and this was jesus saying peace i leave with you my peace i give to you not as the world gives do i give to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid and this is a great description of peace here that our heart would not be troubled and that we would not be afraid jesus's peace is what we desire but the world has a peace that it likes to sell as well and that peace usually follows with addictions and destructive behavior destructive habits we cannot generate this peace this peace that we need it only comes from him i'm reminded of the story of sadrak meshach and abednego in the old testament the three hebrew boys who were thrown into the fiery furnace because they would not worship the statue that king nebuch king nebuchadnezzar had built i like how that they were thrown into the fiery furnace but and he had them bound but when king nebuchadnezzar looked into the furnace what did he see he saw four four people what were they doing in the furnace walking around they were no longer bound and they were i love this they were walking around i'm in a fiery furnace i mean they're in an environment that looks horrible but they're just walking around like oh that's what fire looks like this close up are you guys doing okay yeah i'm doing pretty good how about you how about this fourth guy here they had peace in the midst of the fire why did they have peace because of that well i'm going to call him an angel i think it was an angel you could call you might think it's a theophany of god that's fine but the bottom line is that angel represented the presence of god when you get the presence of god coming into your circumstance that's where the peace comes from [Applause] god's peace is felt in the freedom he grants us the freedom that they had being unbound and i did remember what marcus cicero said peace is liberty in tranquility let's look at philippians chapter 4 verses 6 through 7. one of my favorite scriptures this is what's on my background on my computer at home paul writes to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known known to god and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through christ jesus what a beautiful promise and i love how it starts out be anxious for nothing i like that because that can't be interpreted really any other way it means exactly what it says there's no condition on this there are no exceptions on this be anxious for nothing but but but you don't know understand what i'm facing no nothing be anxious be fearful for nothing worry about nothing it's so powerful this piece is so precious by prayer supplication supplication means petitioning god for your needs and with thanksgiving thanksgiving is always a key in living in peace god expects us to be thankful i'm reminded of the the ten lepers that came to jesus and he sent them on and told him to go and when they did they'd be healed and only one came back to give him thanks and jesus was a little upset about it he's like yes where are the other nine where are they and that's why he he's always expecting us to be thankful and let us not be unthankful amen another part of this scripture that i really like here is it says it surpasses all understanding you might want to write this one down peace does not need understanding i'll let you chew on that a little bit peace does not need understanding i know my mother she had a time where she had to go to the hospital and the doctor brought me and my sister in there and he was going to counsel with us and he sat us down and he told us that my mom would have a six percent chance to make it and i remember that moment because me and my sister we hadn't talked about it beforehand or anything really but we've been praying we've been praying supplicating and uh being thankful just like that verse says and i remember we both kind of sat up got a little bit smirk on our face and kind of looked at each other and looked back to him goes she's to be all right we had a peace that came from god in the midst in the in the midst of that trial now the doctor was very nice and he continued to talk and i could tell he was looking at us like we're in denial but that is not what it was it was the peace of god so and so praise the lord that peace was warranted it was right on cue and my mom left that hospital amen praise god so it doesn't matter what red sea season that you're going to walk into always remember there's going to be a coming out of it there's always two sides to the red sea my mom went in a second time the hospital after that years later but this time she went on to glory now even though that red sea that second side of that on that was different this time she went to heaven that same peace that kept us when she was in the hospital the first time kept us the second time as well that peace will pass all understanding and i love this once again the children of israel what happened at the red sea they were trapped there did they panic oh yeah oh yeah they panicked they started bickering and fussing at moses telling him why did you bring us out here just to kill us there are not enough graves in back in egypt they were fussing because they were upset and they were panicking they were fearful and very afraid and then moses left the staff and what happened god showed up god showed up he parted the red sea once again [Laughter] and what did the children of the bible say the children of israel did as they went to the other side they walked kind of just like the hebrew boys they just walked they didn't run i mean they were full they were scared earlier but now god showed up and now they're at peace and there's we're just going to walk across this thing this is going to be fine we're going to be okay why because god is here and god's peace is with us and it passes all understanding a very similar story in my life was when selena my wife was in the hospital now lord gave me a piece about that pretty early on and that process i'm very much thankful for and i knew she was going to walk out of there i just had that peace and i kept on held on to it i know one of the aspects of it kind of was interesting to me is sometimes you have to guard your piece and i remember that nurse practitioner would come to me and she would look at me with worry in her eye and she's like john this is very serious and she was you know tears are about to swell up in her eyes this is very serious i go i know but i kind of took that similar stance i did before kind of stood there a little smirk on my face a little smile going it's going to be okay just keep doing what you're doing she's going to be all right and she's like well do you have any questions for me and i'm like no i don't want to know the details i've already got peace you give me the details and the devil's just gonna torment me when i get home i won't be able to sleep tonight no i'm good i'm good so i give you permission if you're ever in a situation that's out of your control don't ask for the details it's up to you another popular story about peace we find in mark chapter 4 was with jesus let's start with 35 through 40. we can read it it says on the same day when evening had come he said to them let us cross over to the other side now when they had left the multitude they took him along in the boat as he was and other little boats were also with him and a great windstorm arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling but he was in a stern asleep on a pillow and they awoke him and said to him teacher do you not care that we are perishing then he arose then rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was great calm but he said to them why are you so fearful and how is it that you have no faith this is a popular peace storm story in this story though jesus brings peace to the situation so god can sometimes he'll bring peace to us in the middle of a situation but the circumstances may not change as quickly or sometimes as a sovereign god he has the ability just to take the storm and dissipate it amen for us he still brings us peace and that's what it's all about he cares about your peace hebrews 12 verses 14 says pursue peace with all people and holiness without which no one will see the lord also a very big component of our peace is having peace with one another and that includes your spouse right honey thank you dear but being at peace with others is important because if you're at peace you can't be offended if you're at peace you can't be offended and the blessing that god is on our lives and a big part of that blessing that strength is it gives us the power to forgive amen so your faith will determine your righteousness and peace in the spirit as well as your joy looking at joy um sometimes we want to kind of we mix or we think we talk about joy we talk about happiness so what's the difference between happiness and joy happiness is an emotion that we have when when things are going good for us on the outside just think life is going good people want you here and just as a footnote this church wants you here amen amen life is going good for you you're satisfied with life you're feeling positive more than negative so we can become happy when when external things are going our way joy is deeper than that joy is internal and joy is something that we feel internal internally and it does not necessarily depend upon outside circumstances and we'll see that in a second here one of the things that we can be joyful about is our salvation psalms 51 verse 12. this is a psalm that david wrote about repentance when he was repenting in verse 12 he says restore to me the joy of your salvation you know if you ever need joy one of the first things you can do is start thanking god for your salvation it's kind of like that song but count your little blessings one by one and that's that's kind of the secret to getting into the realm of joy is looking at the joy of your salvation another aspect of joy that's important is that we we need to have a good healthy identity of who we are in christ poor gideon gideon was a mighty man but he had his weak moments like we all do and in judges chapter 6 verse 15 the lord is is going to use him to to to win a victory to and to be a great leader but here's here's him uh here's him in his self-doubt and his low self-esteem he says oh my lord how can i save israel indeed my clan is the weakest in manasseh and i have the least in my father and i am the least in my father's house sometimes if we so all he was doing was look at him was doing was looking at himself in his flesh and it's not healthy to do that it's not healthy and it's not healthy to look at the negative aspects as well about about ourselves as well that much either but if we have a healthy identity understanding of who we are in god what kind of things can you say about yourself i'm a new creation amen i'm victorious i'm an overcomer i can do all things through christ who strengthens me amen all these things we need to have a healthy identity of who we are in christ proverbs 23 verse 7 for as he thinks in his heart so is he what you think about yourself is important it is so important so you need to know what god thinks about you and stand on that and there's joy to be found in your identity in christ jesus so one aspect of joy that we're finding here is joy is a choice joy can be a choice happiness determ is determined by situations and your environment but joy is a choice and we can have joy in all things philippians chapter 4 verse 8. this is one of the passages man if i could get this one this is a good one for me i'm preaching to myself tonight on this one finally brethren whatever things are true whatever things are noble whatever things are just what are things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of a good report if there's any virtue if there's anything praiseworthy meditate on these things you want to stay in joy that's right there keep your mind on the things that are praiseworthy keep your mind on things that are holy true keep your mind on the things that are a good report meditate on these things not the negative and being thankful is also key to being joyful it's also a key to being joyful another aspect of joy this is one of those scriptures that i've it's hard for me to really process but in hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 it's talking about jesus book of the partner says who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross wow it's hard for me to conceive that jesus looked at the cross and it was a joy for him but why was it a joy because he was fulfilling his purpose there is a joy in fulfilling your godly purpose joy is walking in your purpose joy is in your calling even if there is sacrificing joy is there if you're walking in your purpose so let's talk about your purpose tonight i felt like the lord wanted to help somebody if you feel like you've never been called the lord wants to help you or if you feel like you don't know what your calling is well tonight the lord will give you one let's turn to first corinthians chapter 12 verse 28. here paul um this is familiar to us we cover this actually in the first corinthians in our study it seems appropriate to be talking about first corinthians on a wednesday night doesn't it and here paul was saying and god has appointed these in the church first apostles second prophets third teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps administrations variety of tongues verse 29 it says are all apostles no are all prophets no are all teachers no are all workers of miracles no do all have the gifts of healings do all speak with tongues do i'll interpret verse 31 but earnestly desire the best gifts and yet i show you a more excellent way and we remember paul was talking about here he's really focused on those that were speaking tongues versus prophecy and we know the church had an issue with people were either operated in the gifted tongues and nobody would interpret it or they were just speaking in tongues it wasn't the gift of tongues and of course it was and there was nothing there to interpret and it was causing confusion and ultimately paul was telling them desire the best gifts in other words just go ahead and prophesy skip the speaking of tongues just go ahead and prophesy but but notice what he says there prophecy is a better gift all right prophecy is a better gift he puts them in order first second third and now let's get to your calling so what is your calling your calling is found right there when he says desire the best gifts you can go ahead and put that slide up desire the best gifts if we have it oh there it is so here here we have a list of gifts and he's he lists the ones apostles number one prophets was number two teachers number three miracles and then he says then psy groups group five here will be gifts of healing helps administrations and varieties of tongues and he was trying to get them to prophesy verse two get up there in the number two section all right just so we'll cut out the confusion so what what is your calling here your calling is to desire the best gifts that's you we all need to desire the best gifts that's your calling then as you desire them god will work it out we don't have time tonight to talk about how that process and what it might look like but pastor nate was a good example of that he gave his testimony and he said when he was younger he was somewhere somebody was preaching and he said i want to do that what was he doing desiring the best gifts then there's a process involved of submission there's a process involved in studying he became a study of preachers and preaching so forth and so on that's how the process will kind of look like what is your calling it's desire the best gifts that's your calling what if we were all apostles what is an apostle it can be debatable by some but it means scent ones are basically people who go to a fresh field and start a work oftentimes we think of them as missionaries or home missionaries prophets those who can speak the will of god who usually if you if you feel maybe a calling toward a prophet an element of that is you probably like to pray a lot you like to pray a lot and fast a lot if i say you need hey it's time for you to go for vacation and your first thought is whoa i want to go to a log cabin in the mountain and just fast to pray we might have the gifting of the prophet right there maybe so prophets are fascinating to me in prophetesses i'm married to one anyway um they have some challenges i know brother gaddy kind of lightly talked about them not too long ago they do have some challenges especially as an old testament verse that talks about it they miss they're not a prophet of god which i don't know of any current pastor that i know that hasn't missed now and then but i won't get into that tonight um i put in parentheses evangelists and pastors here in section two because paul didn't mention it here in this list of gifts so that's that's where i put it now if you don't agree that's fine you can put them where you want all right but that's where i put them um pastor gaddy was an apostle he was sent to cabot by god and by the organization and then he planted here and right now he's a pastor right and some some will work in the gift of apostle they'll go start a church they'll install a pastor and they'll move on go start another church install a pastor and move on and that's why i think it's a number one by itself because there's a lot of sacrifice there but that's just me i put it up so uh be a teacher oh i like the one look at that parentheses right there home bible study teachers that's you desire the best gifts teacher teach your family teach your loved ones teach your neighbors teach them a home bible study desire the best gifts that's your calling that's your calling and god will work it out do are all apostles know or all pastors no it'll get worked out but your calling is desire the best gifts that's your calling and i guess i'll better put out this disclaimer as well these the gifts are more excellent in this list when you get as you go up the chart but once again as people we do understand that we are all equal right when it comes to value of people we are all equal there's nobody in here that can't be replaced by next sunday okay all right just the gifts themselves are more excellent once again paul reiterates this in first corinthians chapter 14 he says pursue love verse 1 pursue love and desire spiritual gifts but especially that you may prophesy once again that's alluding back to prophesy before speaking in tongues nothing wrong with the gift of tongues but you need to have the gift of interpretation with it hopefully so in our joy tonight let's look at joel chapter 2 verse 21. we'll close with these three passages real quick fear not old land be glad and rejoice for the lord has done marvelous things in other words be happy and full of joy that's you that's you be happy and full of joy that's your right being in the kingdom that joy is what in the holy holy ghost or holy spirit right amen be happy and full of joy romans 15 13 now may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the holy spirit you need hope you need joy and peace god wants to fill you with it i'm just feeling uh i don't know why lord's reminding me of suicide here for some moment but um if you don't have hope god wants to give it to you and he will give it to you ask him and pray he wants your life full of joy and peace hallelujah and psalms 126 verse 2 verse 2 says it's just a quick little part of it here the but it says our mouths were filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy this one says our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with singing isn't that a beautiful picture that should be us that should be you and it can be you if it's not already i love to laugh i laugh too much i can't take myself serious half the time well no hmm well that's my prayer for you tonight is that your mouths will be filled with laughter and your song and your tongues with songs of joy let's stand god we love you lord we give you thanks tonight we thank you for this wonderful kingdom god that you you have prepared for us that we can walk in and live in lord and walk in power and in hope god we thank you lord for your righteousness that you clothe us in god and we thank you for peace and joy in the holy spirit lord god we give you thanks tonight god for this love that you have for us that you care for us god and we thank you god and we give you praise for it we pray for all of us to walk in the victory that you have before us lord that we could all walk with laughter and songs of joy in jesus name amen amen wasn't this tremendous tonight amen i have filled up my note sheet tonight and they have they've just given us so many things that are applicable to our life right now amen and i thank god for that one of the things that i have tried to communicate over the years when i speak to young ministers is the very big importance of integrating the actual word of god when you teach and when you preach it's not enough god doesn't confirm what i think about the word he confirms his word and brother nichol brother weatherly thank you for giving us the bible tonight thank you for communicating the word of the lord to us tonight and this has been such a good good night i hope before you leave you'll slip by and shake these men's hands and thank them for giving us the word it hasn't it been good to be in church tonight amen sister angie clark it's good to have you in cabot tonight welcome back the friends of the nichols and the great lady may the lord bless you you are dismissed in the name of jesus let's have a great second half of this week and a great great weekend coming up may the lord bless you in jesus name
Channel: New Life Church Cabot
Views: 46
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: y4nv8RHwy5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 32sec (4172 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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