ALL THE GREG - Custom Afterbirth+ Challenge

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today is the day not messing around anymore you guys Greg the egg challenge except for every floor I get five Greg's fair fair oh come on that would make me I'll Greg the egg head have to this is perfect yeah this is the run this is the run sign it's a sign from Jesus did you know that Jesus his first name was Greg nice whoa what a reroll machine it's not right to take items besides a head - shut up you know that was a smart move I'd like to hear someone try to challenge that no you shouldn't have taken that item that turns your head into an egg what are you stupid anybody who thinks that instant ban I don't need people like that in my life let's go Greg's yeah you know I would like to try to farm the Greg's but there's probably specific rooms in which we can make that happen the soul arts the hell if this is fantastic my d6 is here so that I can reroll oh you know what we got to give herself chaos let's not forget that gonna kind of ruin my my egg look gonna make me look stupid I don't want to have that stupid grin what it is important oh you took away my [ __ ] egg head no the hell is the name of that item noggin conehead remove conehead give item conehead yes suck it try to take away my Agnes sorry Greg Greg's are just [ __ ] out all the best stuff guys this is the run this is it yeah turd lengths not the most simple starting boss with these eternal fly boots of course we get nobody that shoots out or anything that can break an egg all the fever's dude easy peas the hell's up with the freaking bomb items chaos is so busted you guys somebody fix it please chaos more like yo dawg i heard you like bombs boss greg pill Oh balanced fair and balanced room though I didn't give myself five more Greg's I totally forgot you're right you're right you're right Oh time monster oh yeah we could probably farm some Greg's in here definitely spray me that [ __ ] look at that this is great Gregory fields forever I'm hiding in the Greg fields uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh [ __ ] dude this is perfect I can't wait for the bountiful harvest of bomb items that I'm gonna receive who's cracking come on I'm gonna accidentally pick up one of these freakin items you guys hurry up one more at least one more and now the shoe sting begins another one it's gonna be hard not to pick up these items I can always remove it but maybe actually just pop my bomb probably another one okay we're getting out of hand here got him got him got him got him got him got him don't take the boss item that's not allowed deals the devil also not allowed you're doing well we did get bomb items that was not wrong about that but sad bombs being probably the best of look--if secrets is absolutely worthless to me 99 keys sure and the void I can't take the I literally can't take the point because I need my d6 Emily's gonna check this room out I'd like angel rooms for the health no [ __ ] it double room for the health works for me and leaving dark bomb behind is just that that hurts all right Greg's not a single DPS upgrade come on maybe I'll get a bombs Archaean they'll have 99 sad bombs 1 2 3 4 5 let's go team we'll just have to find a very controlled room to bust some eggs like a trap room or something like that you know what the turrets oh great broke weird all right I wonder if they share health I'll paperclip even more of a reason to get bombs or keep ill you get myself another charge I just give item d6 there we go but I'm wonder whether Harlequin baby you guys why is this such a cursed cheetah there we go I'm trying to be sad right now game stop making me laugh this could be an okay room to farm Greg's check that [ __ ] out look at all the damage just coming in that's easy wonderful oh he's there ah Greg's dude come on teamwork here yes holes what he got put up if I open up the item rooms it'll be a bomb item and it'll remove it from my item pool good job they still gotta tend to Drock good work draw bury Greg's forever another Greg broke all over the place but he got but literally the worst items look at how sad I am right now Greg get away no I'm even worse now my [ __ ] god death card I forgot I had that perfect another one of these rooms good workout that's three fish in a barrel ah weights we got for me no bombs please well at this point in time I wouldn't even mind going hard on bombs but it's give me something please the [ __ ] double chaos the doesn't one day what what what are you smoking this could this frickin challenge is cursed look at my face mister mama mega way no one asked you this copy though guppy would be a big deal this has been such horseshit there goes a bunch of nice items that I'll never have but I didn't buy it I don't think it's removed from the item pool but then again we got to que haces so I don't think the item pools are really making sense right now Big Horn I don't even have enough Greg's even care about cracking him big heart doesn't shoot out any bullets anyways so whatever bullets tears blood guts whatever you at the hell you want to [ __ ] call it every really thought about the fact that it's really only Isaac that shoots tears we just call them all tears right what the hell dude enemies shoot then poop blood guts what would you call that projectiles whites going well though goddammit where's my angel Rama Rao liver for one heart nice deal every floor five more chances glory nope nope nope this damage and fire rate is pana farmable room I can handle this ah [ __ ] a ah hey damage shabam these four bums are key pills another farmable room if I just you know what if I just like go away for a while we'll get some some Greg items Hey Dude thirds baby stock up on help probably buy bombs - oh no still alive still love it in by clubs please [ __ ] the more pedestals we get the more chance we have of removing guppy items so avoid pedestals no more going into deals the devil I know it doesn't remove from the item pool if I don't buy from the shop or the devil room but like what if there's some weird thing we're like it you know puts it to the back of the list or something I don't know how it works chaos is so busted oh okay we roll it give me guppy give me guppy give me face it's something I guess another one oh solid oh yeah so I talked to mad dogs you guys and there's like there's a catch there's a catch on making our super-amazing Junkin style egg - Greg super mod and what that catches is that we can't get a hold of the original Greg the egg mod creator because we don't feel like it's right to use Greg's likeness in a different mod without the permission of the person who originally drew them up so 66 you're watching this please allow us to continue our research donate money to the Machine so we get more chance for angel room so it worked out really well thanks I don't know why everything seems to go wrong whenever I have Greg in my life or we're almost a mom five one nine damage better than three five this guy just keeps running into the fire we'll be set demon babies just like me I respectfully decline to fire on them nice angel room appreciate it sweet did steps to starting to look pretty grim you guys Gowan what he got for me guppy guppy guppy guppy Cup a golden bomb is delicious I've got the golden ticket except that the golden Doody golden bomb fast bombs that is intriguing go bombs oh but bombs would have been kinda nice at this point in time come on fight what I mean spamming bombs is dangerous prove it work for me we need to find another room to farm Greg's in please try farm in this room I guess let's keep shooting at this guy no what the [ __ ] did everything that you say to me brings me one step close to the edge and I'm about to [ __ ] break come on come on come on come on demon baby I will find your mom and I will destroy her demon baby I swear to [ __ ] god literally if I could just have those familiars at this point in time at this stage of the game would be better off than the [ __ ] that I'm getting from the others would actually do something maybe we should just do a great DHL or I just collect all the familiars if I had 30 familiars by the end of the game might be super-powerful we're farming though thank God I think of all the King babies I would have though they'd be garbage that's five this is good this is good we needed this I'm thinking guppy and fire-rate you know what let's just make it spicy give me dr. fetus dr. fetus please fix like a charm I wonder if Greg has like HP or if it's like a random chance on taking a hit well save some we'll save some we'll stop there - for potty bind all right you guys like it's almost guaranteed at this point that I'm gonna get guppy ready go do I want health upgrades hot bombs let's just get the bum upgrades out of the way fine BFF extra-large Gregg's I'm bad hey we didn't get buff bombs it came back for me acid baby interesting choice final just take the health upgrades it doesn't really even matter let's roll you guys no fire right though no damage no fire rate literally dr. fetus would be a game-changer one thing at a time though we got guppy so I'm happy did I thought I only had two Greg's left one respawn not two chef with cup hey you you guy I don't want the health I'm taking key pieces those don't count their sacred shut up letter trinket at this point in time yes Emperor card yep let's go I think you myself Greg's wait wait wait wait wait one two three four five now go it should be a Greg cracking room maybe we should just wait a little bit here that's one I don't they think racked with the laser beams though so then now what alright flies take care of it I guess cool I can't see what it is let's hope it's good it's not bad we're doing it well I feel good about this still cut an absolute [ __ ] for items besides guppy but I can't really complain because of guppy there we go that's much better another one mm put a link the games aren't even trying dude it like it didn't even want to give me guppy but it's like if you get chaos that's bleep I think roughly ninety nine point seven percent chance to get guppy that's that's the play here you take chaos to get guppy it will also guaranteed get every single bomb item in the entire game these are known facts her do this Isaac you got nothing on this I like the sticky bombs with the homing bomb it's not bad you drop it next to them and it just grabs on them oh we should have totally been farming Gregg's now that you mention it yeah you're right very easy egg farm room one fly is gonna kill him though he's at the death's door or I could just you know get hit in the corner that could be fun - I'd really enjoy that and he's done one makes you larger [ __ ] and I'm gonna be the biggest egg known to man excellent egg Norma skew Magnus but I got okay interesting better damage better fire rates didn't think it could happen did you chest let's go hopefully we can crack some Greg's here also gotta look like an egg the lies it's all for nothing no I'm not getting a single good room here to crack eggs mine and we're already there you guys alright let's just finish it let's just do it the bomb upgrades ended up working out for me I'm not gonna lie it could maybe crack some eggs but I think diamond baby's gonna [ __ ] everything up by spawning eggs there's one oh yeah there we go scatter bombs like fourth of July baby [ __ ] it thought we entered on a good note but here we are in the void the only reason I was accepted scatter bombs is because it's good with sad bombs this is fine I'll probably probably do more damage to them than I do to my own self we can farm Greg's here this is doable stand in such a spot that I curbed the bullets wanted style right Adam oh it's working only 20 more minutes all right I'm back with lunch what'd I miss let's do this thing here it goes you guys one final round of this [Music] garbage nobody cares don't want it what does this even doing here gave up all my health balls [ __ ] okay what nice bra hey bomber boy not too shabby and bum bag don't mind that AK yes Oh demolish how do we get on the Greg back it's very magical creature very misunderstood it's Greg's supposed to respawn after cracking maybe that's how he normally works golden bah Oh spicy Gish I feel sorry for you but the fireworks begin honestly just want to make it there as fast as possible I can't take any of the other items anyways so Delirium please upload good I love bombing myself though top-notch found him oh boy I'm dying no drop bombs drop bombs and run [Applause] done easy oh it only took us giving ourselves what fifty plus great the eggs let's hear 55 yeah I had a great time though Greg the egg the Greg inning complete thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed watching this as much as I enjoyed playing it as always I will see you in the next video see you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 317,309
Rating: 4.9396353 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: hdnoxY3h03g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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