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hello Dino peeps this is an update video on the gigantic Raptor just a few hours after my first video went live I received numerous hints about unmentioned mechanics and explanations of the mentioned but not understood mechanics so thank you for your messages briefly the gigant Raptor is much more complex than we previously all thought the Buffs that I couldn't explain have their own game mechanics link to them so let's see what we can add to our previous video first of all forget about the cheese method that you can trap the mother was patched out the same day my video came out so good thing we didn't waste our time with that new methods of trapping will probably be patched as soon as they become public then also some additional info on how the feeding of the babies work in the baskets the babies are only fed when you are sitting in the sadle otherwise they starve this is important because if you take the baby's hunting it can take a while for you to get back how many rounds the hunting imprinting has depends on the level of your baby so that will keep you busy for an afternoon I spent the weekend also testing things and writing them down and then asking the depths for some details again so I can be sure that my assumptions are correct in the process I was also able to report some bugs so that is a win-win situation so first of all a brief explanation of the position the Gigan Raptor takes in the game play the gigant Raptor is a creature that could be interesting from early game up to the end game in the end game however it is very Niche but I will explain that when we get there the gigant Raptor is the only method that is supposed to give you extra levels when claiming a baby and I know that currently babies will get extra levels when the server single player game had a freshly restart but that is a bug that will be fixed so getting the extra levels will in every situation require the gigant Raptor but before you're disappointed about this it is a good thing because the gigant Raptor has the ability to influence where those extra levels will go when you claim the baby or rather let's put it this way you have the ability to influence it if you use the gigant Raptor for claiming if life is the highest base stat of your gigant Raptor mutations included then babies will get more levels in life when you claim them and if your gigant Raptor has more levels in melee damage then the baby gets more levels in melee but of course there are more details here to maximize the bonus and then also getting the maximum amount of levels the giganto Raptor could get in that stat your claiming gigant Raptor must have 60 base points in life and 254 mutation points before that he will get the bonus but not maximized and this is your hint that you should start mutating your chickens now this mechanic has a few more levels to it to get the full number of extra levels your gigantoraptor must meet two conditions he must have a 100% timing Effectiveness and he must be completely leveled up because only then he will pass the 100% timing Effectiveness also to the baby and to get a 100% timing Effectiveness you must either have a bread and race gigant interruptor or a baby that was claimed with another 100% gigant interruptor And before you now turn off and think 88 levels that will never work if your gigant Raptor it is important that both the baby and the gigant Raptor are imprinted on you goes hunting with imprinted babies he gets up to a 25% experience boost and that should definitely help to get there and that's the other buff we didn't understand but now we know how it works if you Bond let's say two rexes to your gigant Raptor then if they are near the G to they get a 10% damage resistance and 5% more damage we already knew that but for every kill your rexes make your ganto gets a stack of elop Parental Pride you can see this from the yellow Cloud once you have more than 15 Stacks it changes to El parental rage and that gives you an even bigger boost I will show you the screenshot how both of the boosts differ for the children adopted love changes into adopted rage and this makes your gigant Raptor an interesting teame that you can take to bosses because for your boss animals it is a small imprint on top and you can also level your gigant Raptor plus you get 50% more damage on your gigant Raptor when you have 25 stacks of el parental Rage which can be useful for certain things I then pushed the whole thing to the Limit and looked if gigant Raptors imprinted in a chain could do a boss fight theoretically yes but all must have a rider that has imprinted on that specific gigant Raptor otherwise the gigant Raptors are too light and will be pushed around by minions and bosses however I think it could probably be a nice experiment to check out different combinations now to my updated opinion of where the gigant Raptor fits in game playay early game in my opinion a good fast mount with which you can Farm it doesn't need much of a setup to tame the first one and from there you can just work your way up to get better levels mid game it helps with raising and boosting breeding tames of course also excellent as a nny for easy organization of the babies in the basket but just remember to have a feeding TR nearby because he only feeds when you are sitting in the saddle and game is interesting because you can mmax your base stats here it is probably only really important for hardcore breeders who also want to get like the last four or five points per stats because it takes quite a bit of preparation to get there however I can imagine a good set of mutated gigant Raptors will be a standard for every long-term tribe now a short to-do list for you what you should do to prepare for the future content tame high level gigant Raptors start mutating them with mutation stacking it is important that you keep the lines separate how mutation stacking works I'll show you in the video linked at the end then make sure that you power level some of your animals in between to get more gigant Raptors with better levels only claim wild gigantoraptor babies with an adult gigantoraptor when the animal is completely leveled up otherwise it will get fewer bonus levels after the claim compared add to the emote dance but once you have a level gigant Raptor use exclusively that gigant Raptor to claim the wild babies because it's more efficient level your gigant Raptor by going hunting with animals imprinted on it and that's it so far later also make sure that everyone in your tribe has a Gigan Raptor of their own to train babies I will write a detailed article in the arkmc later on so you know I will pin it here in the comments when it's finished so also see this video as a compliment and partial correction to my first video thanks for watching see you next time bye
Channel: TiiaAurora
Views: 8,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, Gigantoraptor abilities, Gigantoraptor gameplay, ASA gigantoraptor guide
Id: A3fXrrDKMoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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