All Blunt Weapons Ranked Worst to Best in Cyberpunk 2077 2.1

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Blunt weapons are a seriously underrated melee  class in cyberpunk 2077 from hammers bats and   batons to other everyday bludgeoning tools this  playstyle has a lot of different options all very   powerful and fun as always I looked at them all  so you don't have to here's how to acquire each   their best uses as well as of course which is  best though there's plenty of cool details to   learn along the way so let's get to it the build  I constructed for this video is a special thing   indeed speccing entire into body reflexes and Tech  with absolutely nothing in intelligence or cool   you'll want the health regen perks from body as  well as obviously the blunt weapon ones eventually   aiming for these powerful Buffs at level 20 reflexes  then purely for air Dash and you can leave off   any gun related perks then into Tech and its cyberware Buffs as well as heals/Pyromania with   ticking time bomb and EdgeRunner particularly  useful into cyberware and it's finally time to   break out the berserk our panic button for when  things get tough with other important items being   adrenaline booster to regen stamina dense marrow  to increase attack speed and adreno Trigger to   bolster our physical movement speed after that  grab the best armor health regen and damage   mitigationware you can afford and try to fill  every slot as it'll reduce our berserks cool down   but with this seriously powerful build out the way  it's on to some seriously powerful weapons bottom   of this list the classic Hammer is very much a  style Choice when running a Berserker build in   2.0 with superhero Landings and barreling into  people looking especially cool with this weapon   but when we take a look at the stats this thing  does no more damage than a baseball bat despite   the cumbersome debuffs of increased stamina cost  and classing as a heavy weapon forcing us to move   around slower I tried adding a cyclone mod to  unlock maximum attack speed though it didn't   feel particularly effective with Barbarian being a  much better choice to batter everyone you're going   to stagger despite losing out to the bat on the  attack side of things that though I did eventually   realize the hammer gains an upper hand in Protec  blocking with this makes for a very satisfying   clunk and attacks do drain your stamina bar a  little lower than a bat just don't take this   up against enemies with a tendency to dash away  from you as it can be too slow to swing forcing   us to rely on quake and barreling fortunately the  hammer is a very easy weapon to come by and the   crafting spec is bought from the animals vendor  in Rancho Coronado I don't know about you though   but I've still got that glitch where he's hostile  Precipitating the need for optical camo if I ever want   to trade with him if you find one of these earlier  on in the game then just be a little careful its   slowness after all can make it harder to escape  tight situations this is going to be a 3 in-one   entry as whilst the steel pipe tire iron and basic  crowbar are all different items statistically they   are completely identical all found as common enemy  drops from Street goons and scanner hustles though   I can confirm buying a pipe and crowbar from coach  Fred with with a definitive spawn I found for tire   irons over here in Rancho Coronado each of them  is a relatively decent balance between attack   speed and damage with each being slower but also  more deadly hit for hits than the other one-handed   weapons they all have slightly different sounds  too with steel pipe being clunkier crowbar not so   much and tire iron about in the middle and that's  probably the best and only way to distinguish   which you prefer unless maybe you're a proud  plumber mechanic or theoretical physicist from   MIT they're very basic everyday things arguably  more so than anything else but slap on a mod or   two and they actually start to shine there's not  really a weak entry to the three blunt weapon   mods with KO straight up doing more damage but  becoming slower if you want to shift these more   towards the hammer bat damage end of the scale  bloodBruiser if you're happy to go lethal and   want an added bleed effect that matches the chance  of stun or best of the bunch but also rarest is   Barbarian dealing a 40% damage at tier five to  anyone stunned staggered or knocked down compare   that with the Wrecking Ball Barrel ability and you  can take on crazy big hordes I am amazed at just   how easy it was to defeat pla MaxTac with this  method using just these common unassuming items   and I seriously don't get why berserk builds  aren't more popular though I guess it's because   of edge Runners think of caretakers Spade in 2.0  as essentially an iconic Hammer after all the   statistics line up and the Spade 2 classes as a  slower heavier weapon though of course it's much   cooler albeit only attained after completing  one of the game's endings the Sun and it's pretty   easy to miss with a number of different spawns  generally around the arasaka rainforests meeting   table you'll have to rummage through trees until  you see the gold icon whilst it may literally   have belonged to Arasaka's rainforest caretaker  it's actually also a very on the nose reference to   The Witcher 3 the caretaker in that is actually an  other-dimensional faceless entity forever bound to   serve the Von Everec state after defeating it  geralt can similarly loot the caretaker's Spade   which heals 10% of the damage dealt with every  hit our caretaker's Spade alternatively has an   inbuilt very powerful heal on kill which if you're  taking out tons of opponents very quickly can help   keep you very far away from Death I'd recommend  heavier attacks with this as well for maximum   Effectiveness what's more if we look closely  there's even sometimes the same dimensional   green glow from swinging the thing could this  tie in with the ending to ff06B5 and the other   dimensional stuff going on there well maybe but  there's nothing solid tying them together as of   yet for now just enjoy an easily superior but  still pretty cumbersome Hammer variant and one   of the biggest Witcher references in game Once  Upon a Time sasquatch's Hammer was simply a red   textured non-iconic weapon that uselessly couldn't  be upgraded now though it is by far the highest   damage per hit melee weapon in the whole game  sitting at Double the the next best thing striking   the ground with this thing just hits different it  hits better with its Superior bludgeoning power   ignoring almost all armor and knocking down most  everyone in the first hit so why then isn't it   sitting higher well you see where this weapon does  accentuate the Hammers best strengths it does the   same with its weaknesses a very heavy weapon which  much like the O'Five sniper removes sprinting dodging   and dashing as well as overall just being very  slow and cumbersome after all it weighs over four   times more than the hammer and certainly wasn't  built for us but rather for this abomination of   muscle whom we'll loot it from after defeating her  in the I Walk the line quest in fact it's impressive   that we can wield it at all but I figure for  those wanting to become a hammer wielding tank   this is probably the best choice after all the  regular Hammer is just a slower equivalent to   the baseball bats and at least with this one it's  a different style of play a heavier more damaging   Style just remember to sheath it anytime you  want to move more than 10 ft or do any climbing   and maybe keep your berserk in reserve for when  you're almost dead as it can be a real pain to run   and find cover with this a trio of melee weapons  with a bit of a kick next the batons are a lower   damage but also much faster swinging tool which  dish out an electrical charge to inflict bonus   shock damage additionally swing it against a  tightly packed enough cluster of combatants   and each will take damage and potentially shock  which is particularly great during heavier-handed   encounters with l enforcement no crafting specs  for these that I could find but they are generally   discovered throughout the world and I bought  a model of each from coach Fred with a little   wait-scumming Alpha has a studded design with  just 25% armor penetration but only a half second   between electrical charges the more liney beta is  .75 seconds but does ignore 50% of armor whilst   gamma does the same with a 1second charge time but  also 5% greater chance to shock personally I would   run with Alpha for more shocking hits overall but  honestly it doesn't make a whole ton of noticeable   difference in practice what is noticeable is a  reduced damage compared to other blunt weapons   something the shock Factor only makes up for  again when facing down multiple foes at once   against the common singular enemy especially  in later game where stun is less noticed and   appreciated because we're just so damn powerful  I would say higher damage and fewer swings to   take an opponent down is more important still  one of the best things to have against crowds   though I know we already covered the Crowbar  earlier but trust me this iconic version is   completely different but to get it you'll first  have to side with Reed during firestarter and   pursue that path for a bit once you then get to  the somewhat damaged Quest make sure to rummage   around the Waterworks we initially go through  before you jump down this big hole buried at   the back here in the dark is a crate containing  the Diary of someone brainwashed by the AI below   to merge with the system but I went over that in  the Phantom Liberty ending Secrets video today we're   talking about their trusty as always crowbar with  double the attack speed of the regular one but a   40% reduced damage significantly noticeable but  a higher overall DPS problem is though once you   factor in the same stamina cost per swing this  doesn't translate so well in drawn out fights even   with cyberware Buffs like adrenaline booster the  higher damage slower weapons or even the electric   batons all feel just as effective as this thing  and then I realized this isn't really designed   for berserk see rather than swinging in a triple  Arc pattern like melee weapons the Crowbar much   like Byakko has an unlocked speed particularly  effective to use with a sandevistan so whilst   it's one of the weaker weapons in the build  I've been using a simple switch from berserk   to a Sandy made this one much more effective the  perfect byakko alternative even were you to take my   endless sandevistan build and switch out the  blades perks for the blunt weapon ones essentially trading out lunging and bullet deflection for  barreling and and superhero Landings not a bad trade depending on how you like to play if you're  a fan of The Walking Dead then you'll already   know this but never underestimate the seriously  deadly bludgeoning power of a simple baseball bat   one of the best weapon types in game striking a  perfect balance of speed power and stamina cost   after all they are literally designed to be swung  easily and with Precision with the same level of   damage as the hammer but with an action less  like hitting a big nail and more like hitting   a home run Indeed heavy attacks with this will  send enemies flying and I would highly recommend   if you're into this class of Weaponry using  these at any given point throughout the game   we can even buy a crafting spec for it from coach  Fred in our Megabuilding though it's also pretty   common around the place with most gangs it seems  having decided to design their own custom respray   it works great with pretty much all the melee mods  including Cyclone which can boost swinging speed   after Sprint attacks or even the Chimera core mod  Severance to occasionally instakill enemies at   the lower end of their health pool and believe  me when I say Chooms there have been few things   I've enjoyed more in my whole time with this game  than dashing around with the baseball bat in a   highly powerful berserk build easily beating the  hammer on account of not being heavy and weighed   down alternatively if you're an individual of  culture specifically Japanese culture you can   instead run with the Kanabo statistically identical  to the bat as far as I can tell and meaning metal   Club in Japanese studded metal club by the looks  and this one can also be bought from coach Fred or   I found mine at Sofia's in the stadium there's  also plenty to loot about the place too though   the best overall base variant of this weapon  is obviously its XMOD2 model in Dogtown across   from the Heavy Hearts Club nearish to where  we find the Achilles towards the end of this   suspended walkway now not only can we upgrade  this variant and overwrite mods with different   ones to test different combinations but the fact  that it's studded similar to negan's barbed wire   contributes to a 30% chance of bleed on top of  the standard stun not a huge difference once you   have a powerful berserk build but certainly still  a bonus effect appreciated especially earlier on   when you're less powerful plus this one is free  so might as well be your go-to unless you prefer a   different design an easy and early blunt weapon to  obtain cottonmouth is the property of jig jig's   creepy ripperdoc fingers who now that all cyberware  is available at all rippers has absolutely no sandevistan   or pain Editor to hide behind anymore  regardless this weapon is and always has been   fair game to pick up during the quest automatic  love you'll want to do this as it's one of the   best one-handed blunt weapons out there hitting  with the same speed as the steel pipe and all that   Lot but with a slightly reduced damage made up  for by both a 25% chance to shock and to poison   pretty straightforward a nice balance of speed  and damage like the regular tool weapons and easy   to deal with hordes of Maxtac in this later  game berserk build I'd say the definitive ease   by which to acquire it and the doubled Elemental  damage though do give it a slight Edge and make it   a very strong early game blunt weapon especially  then using it later and watching how much extra   health is depleted over time under both these  effects it's clearly a very useful passive extra   which lasts for a few seconds after our attacks  not a game-changingly interesting weapon compared   to some but gains plenty of points for being  effective and reliable with the regular versions   of the baseball bat performing so well then how  could the goldplated iconic possibly top that well   with metallic spikes protruding from the end this  one has no less than a 100% chance to bleed on   every hit as well as a slightly boosted stun you  can't of course mod this one so technically the   xmod 2 could still win out but the maximum bleed we  can get on that is still only 70% with two blood   Bruiser mods fair enough if you still prefer that  but this is a very good alternative not to mention   also totally free and picked up during the end of  second conflict after it's rageful tossed away by   the total rock legend that is Denny and if this is  good enough for one of North Oak's three residents   then it's good enough for us it was tough  choosing which of the very powerful baseball   bats ultimately came out as best but in the end  I've got to hand it to Lina Malina's baby boomer   you can get this after the Dazed and Confused  side quest but only provided you choose to say   Tool is Lina's sister or an FIA clone I've gone  over every choice and the morality of this quest   in my terrible decisions video alas choosing one  of these Lina will immediately leave behind this   on the counter as a thank you it's definitely the  bat with the coolest pattern I would say even if   it's functionally less deadly in reality though  it does offer the unique ability to Mark enemies   as losers when hits massively increasing the bat's  crit chance when we follow that up that's pretty   cool by itself but not really much difference to  guaranteed bleed in practice the real difference   is this bats 20 % increased attack speed from 1.2  to 1.5 and only 10% reduced damage contributing   to a higher overall DPS it also makes it the  fastest swinging two-handed blunt weapon in   the entire game with a constant edge of speed  that even carries through into the overpowered   late game Tinkerbell behaves very similarly  to the electric batons its abilities lining   up closest with the gamma variant albeit with  a higher shock chance still though in terms of   its speed and stamina use it swings far more in  line with the steel pipe crowbar and tire iron   though with quite the reduced damage however  none of this really matters and what secures   Tinker bell this spot on the list is its iconic  ability of potentially instantaneously knocking   out an enemy with a strong attack making it a  particular standout whatever level you are now   I assumed this only extended to the regular  foes and didn't therefore apply to bosses but   I summoned Maxtac anyway just to check however  turns out that yes indeed with a little luck   this can also drop Maxtac members who are still  at full health of course that does still require   said luck and a surrounding builds strong enough  to withstand going against them in the first place   but even still that makes this one well worth  holding on to just make sure not to miss it   by looting Anthony Harris's secret room when we  come to Edgewood Farm during the hunt there'll be   a hidden button under his desk in The Farmhouse  and that pretty much ties up just how this guy   sedated so many unassuming victims a creepy  weapon with a creepy accompanying static sound   effect Murphy's Law is the pessimistic but often  true view that anything that can go wrong will   go wrong like switching to a shorter queue only  for the first one to then start moving faster in   this case though Murphy's Law is the name of the  iconic barghest baton owned by the engineer Albert   Murphy dropped by him during our Escape From The  Stadium but only provided we side with song bird   Reed fans cannot get this sadly it's very similar  to the gamma Baton but with an additional 20%   chance to bleed fortunately the everything going  very wrong aspect appears to apply more to our   opponents than us with additional unique Buffs of  increasing our attack speed the second we start   hitting knocked down enemies as well as already  powerful strong attacks dealing yet more damage   it hilariously puts multiplier effects on the  worst possibilities and even with this insane   berserk build I very much noticed that in combat  with these strong attacks especially if you're   wanting more knockdowns for that extra speed  as well then the best ways to get those are with   superhero Landings or charging with wrecking ball  overall this weapon easily held its own with the   slower higher damage ones on offer with its speed  and ability to hit multiple enemies at once making   it one of the best crowd control weapons to take  sure it doesn't have Tinker bell's rare instakill   but aside from that this does have more going  for it plus the green paint and the Blood look   awesome just a shame it's locked behind one of two  ending paths Sir John Phallustiff has been cyberpunk's   joke weapon since day one a tool not traditionally  designed to inflict pain unless you're into that   and one which when held will permanently vibrate  previously property of Meredith Stout she leaves   this behind for us after our encounter during the  Venus in Furs quest which itself is only unlocked   if we side with her and go against Maelstrom  during the pickup at the start of the game   bearing in mind this will lock us out of getting  the doom doom revolver later assessing it purely   on weaponized potential then is Sir John worth  it hell yes whilst the speed is registered at   2.2 slower technically than the iconic crowbars  2.6 sir John feels like it swings faster against an   individual and technically it does executing a  triple Arc of swings but then needing to pause   where the Crowbar never quite swings that fast  but then also never stops technically averaging   out faster but that is to say taking down weaker  enemies in three hits or less with this is more   effective and and sir John despite being made for a  totally different purpose utterly excels at [ __ ]   people up its damage is lower than the other tools  but the speed makes that pretty much unnoticeable   and vulnerability analytics especially really  makes this a nothing Factor when we can simply   hit those destructive EMP points a lot quicker  additionally hitting people in the head will   shatter their dignity so much that it increases  accurate Chance by a very nice 69% while strong   attacks will stun The Living Daylights out of  anyone again with a 69% Chance oddly specific   but I don't know there's just something nice about  that number so once again this seeming joke of a   weapon is actually one of the best melee options  out there in terms of its OPness and definitely   not one to be slept on but recently added in 2.1  was a John Phallustiff alternative longer harder and   readily available to find even to those who  didn't side with Meredith over here down from   the damn viewpoint is a crashed AV and a dude  named Hugo selvig seems we aren't the only one   who realizes what deadly weapons these things can  be and deciding were a threat Hugo opts to defend   himself with the BFC 9000 a doom reference first  and foremost but I'll leave you to figure out   what BFC stands for here now this encounter is a  little bugged and many have had trouble getting it   to come up hopefully the next patch fixes that  but if not then just plug in this command you   don't need to hit people specifically in the  head with this one to proc that same 69% crit   chance it can be anywhere on their body but only  if you're above 50% stamina getting tired with   this one can lead to Performance issues range is  also increased by 50% that's a very useful benefit   and I suppose must be a scientific representation  of real life averages finally strong attacks don't   stun in this instance but rather just straight  up to 10% more damage I guess because of the   additional you know anyway it's a close call with  these two but in the end I guess size really does   matter well that and general availability though  there is one other body part which I'd argue is an   even better fighting tool I really didn't want  to undermine this entire list by putting these   at number one but the thing is the results just  speak for themselves I merely test these things   and attempt to offer the fairest judgment and  after hundreds of thousands of years of human   evolution tool upon tool for every purpose  you could imagine continually redesigned and   perfected it turns out that the best and most  deadly blunt weapon was under our nose all   along quite literally admittedly gorilla arms are  a highly modified equivalent to our own fists and   where before our hands have acted as a middleman  by which to hold our instrument of death turns out   it's far more efficient for they themselves to  become it they don't even occupy a weapon slot   instead functioning as our arm cyberware leaving  our options far more open there's also the choice   of 20% chance to bleed burn shock or poison which  could be made out of pure pressure reference or to   synergize with other weapons they do deal lower  damage than several of the normal options but   win out with their tremendously faster attack  speed of 2.6 beating just about everything else   in the game save for the Mantis blades like I  said fists just are more efficient and on top   of all this the charged shock wave emitted when  using strong attacks unlocked in The Relic tree   and that just about settles it basic brawler V  is definitively one of the most GOATed builds   along with the rest of the arm mods which I've  talked about in this video though please don't   let any of that put you off trying the other  blunt weapons too after all total power is but   one factor and fun should take priority over  that so let me know in the comments which of   these weapons you've had the most fun with and  subscribe if you haven't already and are curious   to see what comes next huge thanks to the patrons  as always for supporting the channel especially   for videos like this that don't always perform  quite as well but that I still want to remake for   2.0 completionism hopefully you found this one  useful I'm Sam Bram and thank you for watching
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 52,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, sam bram cyberpunk, cyberpunk phantom liberty, cyberpunk blunt weapons, cyberpunk blunt weapon build, cyberpunk blunt weapons 2.0, cyberpunk blunt weapons ranked, cyberpunk best blunt weapon, cyberpunk best blunt weapon 2.0, cyberpunk all blunt weapons, cyberpunk 2077 blunt weapons 2.0, cyberpunk baseball bat build, cyberpunk hammer build, cyberpunk melee weapons ranked, cyberpunk melee weapon build
Id: s0k3CSGAs8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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