All Sith Eras In Star Wars Explained | Star Wars Legends

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greetings acolytes of the force and welcome back to the archives the sit Lords of every era each held their own beliefs and principalities that shaped the order of their time in fact one might say that their entire plan of Conquest hinge on the philosophies held by the current dark lord we plan on releasing a video and a holocron detailing the full Legends timeline of the Sith order starting from the ancient Sith pure Bloods and finishing with Darth crate's rule of one for this holocron though we wanted to take a look at each era of the Sith order and take an analysis of the philosophies and the general mindset that each order had explaining all of their different eras and beliefs and by doing this we will be able to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each era of Sith Lords so enter the debate Hall with us my friends as we dive into the very minds of these dark Lords from ancient to modern times but before we begin our Mystics have seen terrifying Visions some of our viewers have seen our holocrons and have yet to join our order if you enjoy these videos such as this one be sure to search your feelings and force Crush that subscribe button now into the ancient temples we go of course we must begin at the very beginning the time of the ancient Sith pure Bloods these days of Corban the Sith pure Bloods were a race of people with the dark side embedded into their very culture the general philosophy can be summed up to survival of the fittest the strong rule the weak are slaves this very simple fact of life was in all honesty the only fact simile of what you might call laws or a justice system of this era of the Sith if you were of the Sith pure Bloods and you had many things then they were somehow taken from you then all that meant was that you were too weak to have them in the first place even if the thing taken from you was your very life it was a barbaric time that was fraught with war between the separate tribes and Clan from what we have observed it is almost as though the way they lived was a very representation of the most raw form of the dark side itself though one thing the native Sith species seemed to respect more than others was bloodshed and their Pantheon of Gods like most primitive species in the galaxy of their time we can expect to see their culture revolve around serving deities the god of the ancient Sith was known as typoe or the left-handed God which we have also made a holocron about before the Sith revered this being so much that they had thought that the king Adis was The Reincarnation of typo and from this stem the legend of the sithari or the Sith version of the chosen one fast forward to the year 6,900 BBY and the dark J they were exiled by the Jedi Order would land on the world of Corban forever changing what it meant to be a Sith Lord we can basically count this as another era in and of itself as aunap pal the leader of the dark Jedi would be the very first dark lord of the Sith ever aunap pal along with his followers believed in the freedom to subjugate life as they saw fit through use of the dark side this is what caused the Second Great Schism in the first place of the Jedi since the dark Jedi had discovered new powers and new ways to manipulate life life in the force itself they were labeled as Heretics but to adune to Pal and Sor of sin they were Visionaries they regarded themselves as the true rulers of the Galaxy and would begin their Vision by Conquering the Sith people and putting themselves in the place of their gods and indeed the Sith people revered them as such interestingly though the dark Jedi would all actually be too afraid to ever claim the title of the Sith arri as they noticed that it was the one thing that the Sith species valued and regarded as utmost of sacredness fearing an uprising the dark Jedi would wisely leave that title to Legends and theirs alone however the dark Jedi soris sin would be the first to slowly be convinced that the legend was a little more than myth and she began to wonder if she herself could be this sithari in the end they were primitive and Colonial just finally stretching their wings on their dark paths the third and next era of Sith would begin right around the great hyperspace War when Naga sadow became a dark lord by this time the Sith had done away with their old gods and superstitions focusing entirely on their powers in Magic and their worship of the dark lord a living breathing entity that they could see and touch they also did away with the titles of King and refused to kneel before a king of any time instead the Sith genuflected before this dark lord who was essentially the term for an ancient emperor this dark lord would preside over a council of Sith Lords though the Sith Lords had their own politics and could suggest things the buck stopped when the Dark Lord made all the decisions and his voice meant finality we can think of it less as a monarchy and more of like a fascism to put this in a more clear light it would be as if the Jedi Grandmaster was also the ruler of the Republic in the galactic Senate with the Senate simply being comprised of Jedi Masters from The High Council nevertheless the focus of this era was thought to be entirely on the Empire itself and not the individual at this point the sit themselves weren't a religion yet they had moved from being a people group to being a government system in this point in their history when someone said Sith it meant the Sith Empire in the same way that the Republic was its own thing we can thank marar ragnos for this school of thought of the Sith era since he was the one who ushered in the Golden Age of the Sith which this era has been aptly named it was a time when the dark side was used for the Empire itself not so much just for the Dark Lord but I think the issue with this era was that they placed an enormous amount of importance on their empire and Corban as well as a physical place so when all of that was taken from them the Sith would scatter and would essentially be nothing after nagas saa's defeat however that's when we entered the era of the dark lord being the centerpiece and no longer the Empire the focus as the Sith moved from being an established Empire to rather an order or a religion one where the dark lord of the Sith would now take the mantle of being the very Foundation of their existence once men such as freden NAD and xrun took Center Stage it became a reality where if there was no dark lord there was no Sith in a sense we can say that the new Sith were more of like a cult they learned the dark side from their trusted leader who demanded full loyalty and admiration from his followers by utilizing this they were less concerned about building a kingdom and more about becoming more powerful in the dark side and destroying their enemies but the issue with this era of Sith was the role of the dark lord itself they had the opposite problem that the Sith Empire had where the Sith of this era simply had nowhere to really call home at all the dark lord was their home their drive and their entire reason for doing anything by the very word of their leader the Sith had no life so when the dark lord was taken away the Sith would once again die out the second problem with this is one that Bane later points out which is that these ancient dark Lords are incredibly powerful but when their weaker minions rise up with Superior numbers they can overthrow the powerful dark lord and then repeat this in a cycle that ultimately leaves the Sith much weaker the next era of the Sith begins in the days of the Old Republic which is around the year 3,950 BBY when Darth Revan began the Jedi Civil War his and Darth Malik Sith called the fleet of Warships their home in this era the Sith began to be heavily militarized xaron had been the one to really kick off the idea of the Sith becoming their own formal military though when it came to Darth ravan and Malik they treated being a Sith Lord as something quite meaningful Darth cion and crayo would also follow this template in their empire as well in Revan and Malik's movement along with the triumphant of the Sith not just anyone who joined their cause earned the right to be a Sith only those at the very top only those in charge and who led were Sith the rest were dark Jedi Lackey who were desperately trying to climb to some level of importance while not really understanding that they were just being used this is the first time we can actually see the Sith order make the clearcut master and Apprentice Dynamic take Center Stage which is Monumental we can look at the influence from the Jedi as the reason for this in fact ever since Fred and Nat who started the trend of Jedi falling into Sith Hood we can begin to see small influences of jediism that is carried over into the Sith order which would later become the very foundation of the rule of two in fact Darth tra and the Sith Triant would be when they finally see the Sith begin to place their very complete and total dedication to the dark side itself Beyond an Empire and Beyond an individual finally becoming the religious order that we know them to be today so not only in this era did they adopt taking on an apprentice but also it became a religion rather than an order or an Empire however there is also another version of Sith residing in this era when Darth viette would return with his Sith Empire as well visette conducted his Empire the same way that marar ragnos Sith Empire was back in the day the day when vishet was born born however vat's Empire was much more powerful it would make sense that the Sith Empire would eventually go back to the old ways seeing as how that was the Empire that Darth viot knew the Sith Emperor had absolute and total control but delegated a lot more power to the dark Council so that the council could manage the tedium of the Empire as well as help with the war effort we see a sort of combination between the militarized Sith and the Imperial Sith where they Place less importance On the Dark Side itself and mostly use it as a tool for their soldiers perhaps the only one who cared for the dark side in all of its true power would in fact be vient though perhaps we can say he mostly like to worship himself and like the idea of himself becoming a God by using much of the force and using as much of the dark side as possible rather than him actually worshiping the dark side itself in fact visot saw himself as outright owning the force later on in his life unfortunately for the Sith Empire the dark Council was far more focused on their politics which would hurt them in the end as this began a cycle of infighting and backstabbing on a very high level which of course put the Empire at risk the fall of the second Sith Empire gave the Sith a much-needed rest when Darth ruin arose and caused the fourth Great Schism we see him taking after Revan in the Sith triumvirate as well being inspired by them again we can look to ruin implementing the influences of the Jedi Order into the revived and reenvisioning with more fervor looking to it rather than to themselves for power and guidance like how the Jedi did the light however this is where we begin to see a death cycle of assassinations and the Sith take one step forward and two back as all the Sith began to desire the position of power that came with being the dark lord since the dark lord itself was not intrinsically tied to the survival of the order it made it easier for another Sith to backstab the dark lord and then take that role for themselves but with that strength came a glaring weakness who needs to fight and destroy the Sith if they're always fighting and destroying themselves and with this finally came a solution made by The Sith Lord Lord Khan Lord Khan introduced a communism into the Sith order by rallying all of the Sith Lords together and claiming that they are all equal to one another and it is here where the Brotherhood of darkness is born a peaceful Coalition of sit Lords that make themselves stronger with a handshake and an acknowledgment of each other's fellow lordship they dismissed the Darth title altogether believing that it represented bygone eras of the dark lord and the dark Lords Rising Above the Rest rather than fighting as a single unit this may have worked at the time but it soon became frighteningly clear that perhaps the Sith had taken too much influence from the Jedi and now had almost become like a Dark Twisted parody of the Jedi order itself the man to correct this would be one that we all know well and that is none other than Darth Bane who not only brought back the Darth title but as well the old ways of the Sith however he made a major change the philosophy of the rule of two can boil down to this one master and one Apprentice one to embody power and the other to Crave it Darth Bane is the Creator and author of the rule of two Bane believed that the dark side was like a Venom powerful in one but weak when diluted among many too many Sith Lords made the dark side somehow weak not only this but removing infighting took away the aspect of the dark side that made the Sith strong this being their conniving nature however Bane had another problem he observed how the ancient Sith Lords would be destroyed when their many lesser minions overtook them leaving a much weaker Sith in command Bane sought to literally reverse this process by setting up a cycle that would ensure total Victory the rule of two would have it so that each Sith Master would secretly train an apprentice when that Apprentice would learn all they needed from their master and become too strong for them they would kill their master and then take their place then they would train their own Apprentice for the same reasons starting the cycle a new theoretically the cycle would continue with each new Sith Lord more powerful than the last making the Sith order as a whole stronger with every passing generation what resulted was of course Darth cidus a man who embodied everything the Sith had come up with until that point and for all intents and purposes the anointed one of the dark side itself cidus himself was an absolute zealous for the dark side and spent most of his time in deep research of it collecting many artifacts and much knowledge even though he considered himself the final fruit of the rule of two era he still lazily maintained it since that was all he was familiar with though in cidus would fall it created a vacuum that was filled by a man who brought about a new order which observed the old ways the one Sith was created by the dark lord Darth crate who considered the rule of two to have been a massive mistake one that Darth crate in intended to rectify instead there was the rule of one the one being the Sith order itself under which there would be many minions acolytes and Lords with only one dark lord of the Sith under the rule of one the followers of crate were taught blind obedience an absolute loyalty to the dark lord of the Sith instead of plotting and infighting of previous Sith organizations similar to the Jedi Sith Masters trained a single Apprentice however after their training was completed apprentices were required to to slay their masters as a test of allegiance to Crate Masters who deemed their apprentices ready would allow themselves to be killed as long as it was on crate's orders it was a strange and a backwards way of doing things but it did produce results having said that the one Sith had a terrible flaw that was crate himself Bane predicted that this rule of one would never work as if something were to happen to Crate then the entire thing would collapse and he was ultimately proven correct and the rule of one did eventually come to to an end with the death of crate the same downfall of the ancient dark Lords well my friends this was the philosophical and cultural breakdown of the various Sith eras and their orders based on whence they came as well as a breakdown of what they believed in and their weaknesses we sincerely hope you enjoyed this style of video and look forward to seeing your feedback on observing history such as this in the comments down below and until next time my friends and fellow acolytes of the force thank you so much for watching May the force guide you and I hope to see you [Music] soon [Music] down
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 20,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars Theory, Star Wars Explained, Jedi, Sith, All Eras of Sith
Id: epCOkq947Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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