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today snowy and I are hamsters look how cute we are snowy yeah Tyler we have the tinest little ears and whiskers we're adorable and our owners are awesome look at this giant house they let us live in so this right here is where I sleep and this right here is where we get our exercise on the Hipster wheel this is so fun I want to go on the hamster wheel I want to go too come on Sly run on the hamster wheel oh this is so fun this is where we eat our food and drink our water and this right here is the seasaw come on silly get on it with me wo wo wo guys this is the best house any hipster could ask for look at this Sil look at this oh I guess I'm heavier maybe I've been eating too much hamster food and check this out Sil there's a tube right here that lets us run all the way upstairs let's go let's go let's go and just like that I'm upstairs what more could a hamster even ask for hey Tyler did our oders leave the house already yeah I think so they go to work every morning well I think they forgot to close the door no way they left the door to our habitat open wo we've never been out there before come on silly let's go explore their house wa the world is huge yeah when we're little hamsters look at this snowy we can fit inside of their shoes come on Tyler let's climb up to to the top of the desk I want to see what it looks like up there okay let's see it hey look at this keyboard right here oh my gosh look silly I'm typing on the keyboard let's type them a message bring us some McDonald's on the way home uh where's the send email button I don't know Tyler but hopefully they'll get the message I want some french fries I don't think we're typing this correctly snowy wao look at the view from up here so that's our hamster home that we're used to living in we've never been outside of it before come on Tyler let's check out the rest of the house okay SE let's go what's through here hey look zo it's the bedroom let's go on top of the bed oh my gosh our owners are so lucky they get to sleep on this massive bed this is way more comy than the beds that we sleep in hey buddy this is occupied get out of here wait what who said that it's me Freddy Fazbear wait what that's Freddy Fazbear right there that's kind of creepy didn't you know that sharing is carrying Freddy Fazbear hey Tyler if you look out the window you can see the outside we should try and find a way out there wo the outside and there's a treehouse I definitely want to go explore outside SE come on let's go check it out but first Sye before we go on our adventure today I got to use the bathroom real quick look at this thing hey Tyler should I hit the flush button uh go ahead snowy see what happens here we go I'll jump in with you while it flushes woah woah woah woah it's making me spin around oh man that made me dizzy luckily it didn't flush me down the toilet come on Sil let's go downstairs look how big the stairs are in this house compared to usce it's really fun to jump down them we just have to remember to be back by tonight because if our owner sees that we left the cage and escaped they might get worried about us hey hey what's this what the snowy there's a giant fake rat hanging from this thing what could that be for I don't know Tyler it kind of looks like a toy but not for a hamster come on Tyler there's a door open let's go outside oh no look snowy I think I know whose Mouse toy that was it's a cat right here oh no don't cat it mice yeah and hamsters like ice most cats would gobble you up like a fancy dinner but I won't teach you I prefer tuna myself oh okay so can you let us pass so we could go outside we want to explore the world sure but you better be careful there's a lot of other animals out there and most of them are not as nice as me you hear that snowy it's dangerous out there but we have to be brave if we're going to go exploring guys we need your help to stay safe when we go outside so hit the like button if you haven't already yeah guys we could really use your help out here it's dangerous for little hamsters like us oh my gosh snowy we made it outside where should we go first let's go in the pool Tyler it's a hot day outside today hey look there's someone in the pool but he looks sad and there's no water in here there is no water oh well uh how can I help you I guess can you turn on the Water please come on silly let's follow the hose and turn on the water to fill the pool then we can make the bacon feel all better where does this hose go it goes all the way around the side of the house this way I think it's going to the backyard it looks like the hose goes this way oh no look there's a cat running around over there I don't know if this one will be friendly remember what the house cat said well look Tyler the host goes right there we did say we'd help that kid okay let's see if the backyard cat will let us by oh excuse me backyard cat can I go turn the water on I've eaten a lot of rats but I haven't seen one that looks like you oh uh we're not rats we're actually hamsters hamster sounds delicious uh oh snowy what should we do I think this cow wants to eat us let's ride Tyler Run for it let's go let's go let's go that was too close I don't think we'll be able to turn the hose on for that kid let's go somewhere else o oh Tyler look the Park's across the street let's go there good idea snowy that's going to be so fun uh Tyler what's on your head oh you like it it's my new disguise hopefully we'll be able to blend in with the surroundings and then The Cats won't capture us that's a great idea let me grab one of those oh my gosh look at us this is so funny oh no there's a yard Cat Run snowy run towards the cones Tyler we'll blend in that way oh no oh no I do not want that yard cat to eat us come on Snowy let's stand by these traffic cones oh my gosh look he's right there he's walking by where those juicy hamsters go oh my gosh our disguises worked snowy now come on let's get to the park guys since snowy and I are these tiny little hamsters one small slide at the park is going to be giant compared to us this is going to be so fine I can't wait to go down the slide come on Tyler we can get up there going this way so far soe it's been kind of scary being out here but I'm having a ton of fun me too I love that the world is giant to us let's jump up these stairs come on Sye let's go down the slide woo this is so fun I love the park as a hamster Tyler wao look at the Seesaw right here snowy this is giant compared to the one that we have at home come on Tyler I'll get on one end and you get on the other okay I bet this will be even more fun than the one we have back at home let's go let's go oh no Tyler I think we're too tiny for this giant one maybe if I get on that side zo we weigh enough to do it come on come on come on it's not working oh man we're definitely too small Tyler I'm getting kind of hungry let's go check out that hot dog stand come on S let's go let's go I want to get some of these hot dogs oh my gosh these hot dogs are compared to us this is awesome I'm going to be so full it tastes so good oh man I barely ate any of that and I'm already so full hey Tyler what's that in the distance it looks like it says toy store oh my gosh we have to go to the toy store let's go let's go I cannot wait to see what they have at the toy store oh no it's another cat wait it says cool cat yep that's me I'm the coolest cat around town and if you dudes are going to be going to my town you're going to have to look cooler than that wait so you're not going to eat us no I just eat hot dogs there's two of them waiting for me on that hot dog car uh-oh snowy do we tell him that we ate his hot dogs no Tyler don't say anything just play it cool before you guys come into my town you're going to need some new outfits follow me you can find some pretty cool clothes on this spot us I don't know about this one snowy do you trust this guy we don't have any choice Tyler we ate his hot dogs remember yeah that's true okay let's get some new outfits on this BS so right up here is the changing room oh yeah look at this backpack snowy what's in this backpack wao look at all this stuff we can wear okay guys cool cat is selling me that I got to look cool and honestly he looks pretty cool so I want to wear a baseball hat like he had I'm going to wear this one right here oh my gosh it's so cute on my head now I need to get some sunglasses or I could get a mustache what okay a mustache would be hilarious let's see what the mustache looks like it looks so funny okay let's see for the hats I think I want to be like cool cat so I'll do cat ears and I'll make them pink this is looking good now for some sunglasses ooh these ones would match perfectly check it out Ty I look way cooler now oh my gosh snowy I love the little cat ears you look so cute check out my mustache wo that's the coolest mustache I've ever seen on a hamster maybe these will act like disguises snowy and when we go into town people won't be able to tell that we're even hamsters they'll think I just work at the toy store come on let's go see the toys look s this toy store is huge compared to us I cannot wait to see see all the toys in there this is going to be so awesome hey it looks like someone broke the window with a baseball that's good for us wo look at this guys we've made it to the Holy Land check this out Tyler this toy car is perfect for us oh my gosh this is awesome come on S let's drive it let's go Tyler I found something even better than that what is it snowy what' you find this ball check it out this this is awesome oh my gosh we got hamster balls this is the funnest Day Ever snowy we can travel way faster now through the toy store I hope we can bring these back home tonight me too I hope our owner doesn't notice them maybe our owner will let us roam free inside of the house now that we have hamster balls yes it's the ultimate Freedom guys we went back to the park because we have these new hamster balls and I'm going to go down on the slide oh my gosh this is so fun that was awesome your turn snowy here I go wo that was so fun that was so fun let's see what other awesome toys we could take from this toy store oh no there's another cat it says it's a security cat hey you guys have been stealing toys oh I didn't know you had to pay for them as punishment I'm going to eat you ah run Sil run I don't want to get eaten by a cat oh no oh no where do we go where do we go hey this vent's open come on Sil we'll Escape through here look Tyler he's not following us that was a close one Sil guys we've almost been eaten a ton of times on this adventure today Life as a hamster is kind of hard we'll need extra help to stay alive so if you still haven't hit the like button yet hit it right now to help us and subscribe if you're new to the Channel where are we now Snowy oh my gosh look we're in the laundro at look at all these washing machines I wonder if we could go inside there Tyler Tyler come here there's a vending machine and we're small enough to fit inside of it oh my gosh no way let's get some free snacks this is so awesome snowy I got the soda we're getting a lot of free snacks today like those hot dogs we ate earlier where should we go in this town now oh look sow it's cool cat hey cool cat don't hate me what did you say about the hot dogs oh um the hot dogs uh they tasted really good those hot dogs were mine and now I'm hungry oh no snowy I don't think cool cat's going to be very cool to us anymore come on let's run away run Tyler Run and don't look back let's run in here snowy let's run in here what's this place ooh it smells good in here here it kind of smells like ice cream cones yeah it does and look snowy someone spilled their ice cream on the table oh my gosh this is an ice cream store let's get some ice cream yes this is awesome Tyler this is the best day ever I want some ice cream let's go let's go look Zoe there's the cones and here's where they have the ice cream and look they have the best flavor vanilla ice cream Tyler didn't you mean to say that the best flavor is chocolate ice cream no way s what are you talking about everybody knows that the best flavor of ice cream is vanilla that is just not true because the best flavor of ice cream is chocolate guys vote in the comments down below are you team vanilla ice cream like me or team chocolate ice cream like me I want to prove to snowy that Everyone likes vanilla better so vote in the comments if your team vanilla team chocolate people let's prove Tyler Roy this is the best day ever let's go to the arcade next oh my gosh cool Cat's In Here Cool Cat found us Tyler what are we going to do we have to run away snowy come on before cool cat sees us luckily this vent open right here luckily we got away from Cool Cat and look snowy we made it to the beach this is awesome Tyler this day has been so fun and now we get to go swimming play and look snowy there's a burger for us yay before we go swimming though snowy I need to change my outfit real quick that's better now we're ready to go swimming check out our snorkel and our goggles they're perfect for a hipster heads well guys we're going to be playing at the beach all day long while we're doing that you should click on one of those videos that's on your screen right now and if you still haven't already hit that subscribe button see you bye
Channel: Tyler & Snowi
Views: 762,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, funny moments, funny, moments, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funny videos, roblox funny games, superdog tyler, snowi fox, tyler and snowi, Tyler and Snowi, roblox escape, new roblox games, roblox story, roblox story games, roblox hamster simulator 2, hamster simulator 2 roblox, roblox hamster, hamster roblox, roblox be a hamster, roblox hamster simulator, hamster simulator roblox, hamster games roblox, roblox hamster sim, roblox animal simulator, animal
Id: OP8ofiy_yJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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