TRY NOT TO LAUGH *Weirdest Animations*

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today we found the funniest animations on all of YouTube we're gonna be doing a try not to laugh you guys know the rules we each have three lives every time we laugh we lose a life last man standing wins if you guys laugh you have to leave a like hey squid games [Music] am I laughing strapping boys not the squid games I remember scrap in boys thank you this is not the switch games I watched bro what is all going on right now um [Music] I mean they're doing well they're doing well nobody's died yet their bodies they're all in sync that's a strange tactic but it seems to work they're throwing that thing around it was booty cheeks oh my God [Music] okay now they're just beating the entire game this is so confusing [Music] live like a pro you can do it if you guys thought that was weird you haven't seen weird yet this one's called how to join squid game which one of you two recommended we watch these videos [Music] I found these videos it's recommendation by the way just everyone's my favorite Channel I was not a part of this every single night if I watched at least another video so this is how you join script games apparently dude look at him he is so cheaped up quadruple cheeked up oh why are they just constantly throwing it back oh [Music] just turned into oh something I didn't expect is that a laugh Adam you I don't know you no no I was I was waiting I swear no no no I'm fine with saying you didn't laugh it just looked like you were laughing and your mic wasn't picking it up is what it looked like but I'll believe it I was just fully you know smiling a lot okay all right all right jack watch yeah you're close you're on the brink girl you're right there you're on the brink guys just play video this makes me want to dance man oh my gosh there's so much meat in that boot you could see it from the front show a sportsmanship so that's how you join squid games okay okay I guess I'm learning things now we're moving on to serious stuff this is America I feel like you could be yeah part of these videos Adam what he's trying to shut it oh [Music] come on dude weird [Music] that is not my that always gets Alan come on Alec I'm maturing I am maturing Alec is evolving Hearts no longer to get me Alec you're too good at this [Music] we just watched Captain America get tased in the butthole and that got Alec he just got paid in a bunghole did he farted I think he farted it out it's the first time I've ever seen somebody tased or something and then gas comes out of the thing that you taste oh my God the taser is out now we should try that in real life all right Alec go ahead turn around what go turn around like just just listen to the man turn around Alec just turn around I'm wearing short shorts right now stand up for us Adam throw it up wait why did he have to turn around for that okay Jack's slapping your butt Jack why did he have to turn around for that uh just so everybody could see it Jack's getting weirded he's making me weird this is a weird video you know I'm feeling extra weird today I don't like Jack right now he's he's waiting jack is all in on butts right now he's a big buck up every video has a lot of butts [Music] [Applause] what are we watching these are amazing if you guys are enjoying these make sure you guys let us know because there's a lot more of these I have a lot more videos just like this watch this video I Gotta Go Jack probably has a whole folder saved in these videos the light I'm gonna make it through this video messages at the end are great that is America's booty right there don't question my weird powers hey we have to let it go this kind of looks like Frozen oh my God you restart it all right it just restarted for me is that Elsa I don't know but she is hideous oh is that a respectful gosh Olaf it's all love [Music] mad oh that's like really creeping me out this isn't even funny this is like very scary terrifying Jack Jack I'm really creeped out right now guys I haven't seen this one [Music] it's almost funny how creepy it is though I don't think any character is in these animations [Music] creative mode [Music] what was that I'm telling you guys these are just gonna get weirder we might need a log Shack in his room and never let him out this is this is weird Jack Jack is never in charge of picking videos anymore hold on guys wait wait wait you guys like that one I got one no no no no no no if you guys like that one trust me this next one it's you're gonna love it it's Buddha man it's a butterman booty man where's that shrink coming from literally Booty Man the strings are coming from his buddies farting strings foreign [Music] wow anybody else feeling inspired right now this is literally Booty Man please imagine if this was actually Spiderman oh two-piece him oh he's getting beat up by the Banks bro why are they like moaning why is he beating up with this random guy what do you do it's a train conductor yeah why is he beating him up speed it up okay this Spider-Man is a joke hashtag not my Spiderman shoot webs out of your bottle oh gosh oh no oh no oh [Music] wow I don't know if I want to watch that ever again in my life dolls got ran over by a tree he's ever spitting the web out of that booty again Alec what are you doing to that Spider-Man are you okay buddy [Music] all right jack here's your life and I crushed it you're down to two lives we're all tied at two lives the two lives the two lives let's go dude come on I feel like these animations are only gonna get weird okay Spider-Man is not getting up from that dab dab dab dab no oh my God try to sit on his face don't mess with Spider-Man all right boys don't worry if you like that one you're really gonna like this next one yeah I didn't like any videos today this one's not weird at all trust me I trust you oh my gosh it's the girl from Wednesday it's Wednesday her name is Wednesday I'm not gonna lie I can hit it harder than any of the people dancing right now um I don't even know what these characters are oh gosh when does this ever happen in a TV show oh whoa hey [Music] that was a healthy slap jack what are we watching seriously what are you trying to do you don't watch videos like this in your spare time no I clearly run out of videos to react to [Music] it might have been dream all right guys dead serious look that is dream I think it might be dream actually I can guarantee you this one it's not strange at all I don't I really dislike this I've never seen him smile before [Music] he's so excited yeah this art style creeps me out it's Max foreign [Music] [Music] come on don't shoot your roommate that's a great takeaway from that video that one almost got out like uh I might shoot Jack after this what is it don't don't shoot me all right what is this you're the one that's playing these videos for us to stop all right just just wait until you watch this one trust me this one's Gonna Change Your Life what is this oh my gosh if you're happy You're Happy and You Know It with your ear if you're happy and you know it everybody throws their booty bags he's really hitting that right now if you're happy yeah [Music] on your feet [Music] they're just playing Minecraft now [Music] what is he doing these cavities putting Joker in a hole don't bring Dennis to the hospital guys who makes these videos what are these final messages who are they for guys you wouldn't get it okay I don't get it I don't trust me but what you will get is this next video which is called you wouldn't get it I really don't get it [Music] [Laughter] okay at the same time I guess I don't even know it's it's trigger to laugh I don't know what happened these are very strange but they're funny I will say laugh I don't even know why it's so weird I don't know uh [Music] what's life someone's having nightmares I I I would just like to formally apologize to everyone watching this video to everyone who ends up getting Nightmares From This keep me away from someone guys that one was pretty good however um I have one more that might be a little bit weird who is that Do You Want to Build a Snowman I think she has to poop she has to take a a dumpy oh gosh do you want to die oh she has a [Music] she's about to poop her pants what is going on he got out of him he got at him bro he got at him I don't know what if she wash your hands like this for this is the first time Adam has ever lost come on I never lost before I'm washing your hands he's dad watching we found Adam's humor this is it weird videos I knew he was my brother let's go dude last life I think I won because I don't have to watch this anymore I'm leaving sir you literally have to leave because you lost so get up and go get up and go get up just like they would get up the videos get up and go just get out of here get out get out ready [Music] she's gonna get pooped on my bed [Music] space just for you beware of drop kicks whenever you open doors oh man that was unfortunate timing Alec I have one more for us all right let's do it are you ready yeah here we go Queen's Gambit Queen's Gambit he made me on he's playing against no one I don't understand here she comes she said Checkmate yeah what oh big mistake we died I mean that's one way to win a chess match she is jacked up [Applause] she only does one arm push-ups basic things can be your winning strategy all right we'll leave you guys on that if you enjoyed make sure you guys smash like this video and let us know if you won in the comments down below
Channel: MoreBeckBros
Views: 2,803,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jhKFxcpvDJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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