BACK TO SAVE THE DINOSAURS!!! - Jurassic World Evolution - Claire's Sanctuary | Ep1 HD

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hello everybody and welcome to Jamila's the Claire sanctuary DLC campaign and as you can see thank you again frontier for allowing me early access because I think I'm away you in this launches so that was very very very kind of them that's what I me to do this so it's like we actually have like separate through the drastic world evolution and now we have class sanctuary this is the first time we've ever had it as a separate thing it's normally just you know something in your load file but now it seems like it's not it's so wow this is gonna be interesting frontier it looks like paid Bryce Dallas Howard to do both some more voice acting work unless they already had this idea planned out which they could actually very well and easily done but I don't think so they probably got her into the recording booth again I'm excited so we're going back to Jurassic world this is supposedly maybe an alternate timeline if Claire got away and got he returned to Isla Nublar sense of excitement and dread this is where I experienced some of the greatest accomplishments of my life and tragically my most regrettable failures but I've learned so much since then about the dinosaurs about this island and about myself so welcome back this time we do better and when we leave we leave on our terms oh do you see what I'm seeing I'm seeing rocks I'm seeing loads of stuff oh my god okay here we go sorry I should have put on subtitles I didn't realize that that was gonna just start the way it did I thought in fact even some tiles would have been on but anyway new blah North welcome to Jurassic world or what's left of it oh great this time you are not here to build a park you need to save the dinosaurs it's imperative that they'll relocate a sanctuary as soon as possible the eruption of Mount cyber is a very real threat but before you can move them you must ensure the dinosaurs are fit for travel unfortunately every animal in the islands used to be afflicted with an unknown sickness now find the source you want the Cure and save the damsels the world is watching oh okay we both know why we're here it's time to save these animals but we can only succeed if we work together let's get started okay so we need to concert the ranger station control arrange a team to repair the grid and ensure power station is okay we've been given a limited budget to get this operation up and running first we need to restore the power oh my god new blurs existing power networks should suffice once its operational but we won't have the capacity to extend it don't mind me miss Deering I'm here to observe and report oh and make sure the foundation's investment isn't being misused even if it is limited I may also occasionally offer my trademark witty interjections and winning smile gotta get this perfect that'll do or my voice with the sensitivity of that rotation that is flippin crazy all right oh okay oh hold on so this actually I think has the terrain update in it as well so yeah oh my God look at this rock by rock six oh we're gonna get fans we're gonna nah man Rock ones the way to be na rock for Leake so here each new Sun your rook is it Roku Roku Nana but we don't have any Nana was it go sorry I forgot five anyway we don't have power for this stuff for a problem control Rangers team and repair okay so we need act fast we Oh God oh so we have to drive all this way and get to the power that's cool I like it okay well because there's no power we have to drive manually off we go dude dude did a little bit dude so Wow I'm excited not all of them bad mind you we did a lot of great work on Isla Nublar Doraemon is Ronnie he was a good man he realized John Hammonds vision a dream before it became a nightmare in a strange way this feels like coming home I started here as an intern a lifetime ago we gave the dinosaurs a second chance well here I am getting one myself even as Isla Nublar explodes into chaos oh I like this this is cool whoo oh is that an eruption oh my god is it shaking oh this is cool Oh like I look come back here deep down I knew I would be slow Nublar I am forever linked to this island and to the events that showed us who really was in charge well go time we can make it right or at least better there we go I don't know how I didn't do that one sorry I thought I'd take a cheeky photo to get some money quickly we need the paparazzi to make a fortune oh this makes me just want like a first-person game I'm here for them the dinosaurs they're still my responsibility and now they're yours as well together we can show the world how important these prehistoric animals are to our future okay okay sorry mrs. parser olaphis I'm gonna turn this all on first oh this is cool well we gotta look we have create the sauce on noogler wrong again different it right I can oh I got me a new vehicle skin or I can change that quickly Oh God it's gonna say oh if I could only get the Jurassic Park Jeep while doing this oh that would be amazing look well I repent I'm preparing it I think that's me done and then sure ranger station is powered okay I don't know how much we actually have of this we have a lot of dinosaurs which have Malaysia Malaysia no sorry Malays they entire country you've got the power back online now we need more facilities in place to continue our work there's a coffee machine work now I think we'll be oh god it oh that's cool it's erupting is going crazy so are they all just slowly dying actually they seem to all be on 60% so it's not too bad they're also surrounded by one big pilot you know what as Deb is a one Rock that definitely looks like it it's that it's rock one rock rock one is okay and a research centre I mean I don't know how long we're gonna stay on this island this you know this is like the first I don't know a proper campaign we've had it for Jurassic world evolution in a really long time sorry I don't know if for some odd reason my rotation seems to be incredibly messed up I don't know what's causing that okay so it's gonna run through there you go beautiful look at that slowly together like a jigsaw puzzle that's why you're come here that's important part the dinosaurs got it our primary concern is their welfare which means finding the cause of the sickness my team have identified some animals and they want to take a closer look so I need you to locate and capture these dinosaurs then make sure they're housed in suitable enclosures we want them to be comfortable speaking of comfort god damn it Oh God which one is it it looks like it looks to be this one a Cu T movin out fruit I hope it's this one either way if it's not he's gonna have no problem sleeping all this looks absolutely fantastic look at it Morris I think that one fell asleep so now we've got to go find the old God the volcano erupting now why can we go can we even fly over bits that on on the mo we can oh that's glorious so in new Gallimimus is stinking borlik and a since error of sinus our tops oh hello no no no we've got one we've got one this way Oh No hold on oh they actually have a little marker on are you kidding me this thing oh god I is gonna be off in a second Oh God get him your water shut ah please don't cry or another one yes your boy did it we got another one oh that means that I did not assign us our tops that didn't need to be doubted [Music] also nice to see that oh that's got it right oh come on oh oh oh geez oh geez got that one right yes beautiful okay what else yes nice to see them do something with the camera for a bit Oh God we got more apparently there's this oh yes yes yes yes there we go we've got another one no just don't fall in the drink okay right so we've dotted those and now we need to transfer them locate the following mission-specific dinosaurs okay and what do I do locate capture and enclose okay right well either way I'm gonna I'm gonna get all of them so far that I've tranquilized because I think they're all probably gonna be needed to be well the helicopters already making its way over here you fool don't do it no he's still coming back damn wait where is he where is he where is he oh I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you they say this isn't j-pod you ain't gonna run out of fuel mate what the hell what's going on yeah ten we go No Oh what is going on it's doing like a weird Auto control kind of thing right so we've still got some dinosaurs that need to be enclosed right okay James how about we just stick to the ones that have the logos on them what I thought okay okay so what dinosaur have we missed enjoy some of that not-so-fresh share and get us some snaps I'll definitely be judging you on your composition okay let's go let's become Mick van Owen join with the Green Peace Corps a what what brought you there women well we need a lovely shot hold on hold on oh yeah look at that oh that's beautiful I can't keep it cut that man okay well as long as we got them all yeah yes something wrong with my mouse it's super sensitive okay not gonna medicate you guys though it's gonna take lovely little photos of you on the road again can't wait to take pictures stegosaurs now that we have the dinosaurs time to learn everything we can about this illness build an observation tower overlooking the so our scientist can carefully observe what they're doing an observation tower what you mean like one of these a viewing platform Oh Oh an observation tower whoa what is that oh we need to research it is Oh am i doing a right enclosures I'm viewing platform I think is that what she means construct one viewing platform aha I did have it right okay G please no yeah we're gonna go this way oh look at that stagger saw with its high tail the fans asked Burton frontier oblige wasn't that rock texture that I'm when I took that picture of seemed quite a little pony not gonna lie reduce the texture on it itself probably trying to save space I'm sure there's always a reason oh I have to take pictures of the dinosaurs in not enclosure as well well I'm gonna go I'm gonna go right he's right the best way and it's towards the ones with the the photos oh oh look at this smoke the fog on the floor hello Maggie there's loads of this is not a good camera angle actually caught look at them have they improved the hooding it seems like they might have I like the low fog oh we got a shock stick Ebola like shark I like what the cameras now just stuck low oh no it depends actually it depends what it wants to do oh there you go what's a tree what's a Brachiosaurus yeah I like the way this start they did something with the camera they had a sweeping shot of some Brachiosaurus does that look really cool and there's something over there that's ill but apparently I don't need to take a picture of it and also where were all of the the carnivores would be interesting interesting to know whether or not the this takes place in the Canon in the movie canon or if it's so just a separate clad earings thing because I think so far this is kind of beam cannon so I don't know got a lot of things to take pictures of whoo oh look at that tree now that's a nice tree okay surely bring get something here no all of us here a second ago oh no there's something here oh yes sick Apatosaurus is beautiful there's the corythosaurus I'm probably gonna get power all of us in here no oh no I know I did miss them you've almost got it yeah there they are let's get it right up in that grill shall we oh oh no I could have done a lot better oh I want to get a better one yeah so photogenic it's reason why all my favorite dinosaur their couches oh yeah work at girl mm yeah back pose oh well like that tree that tree on the left that was cool towards the final mission that Carla saw hello sorry I know you people don't like having their pictures taken when they're sick but Perry that was part of the mission Oh God okay I almost missed all that and even know if this is part of it I think it is we've got nine ten we've got 12 species on this island no come peas still waiting on that compy though you're feel like I need to get more air than that I think is it four seconds it's something like that to do what is over here lots of Triceratops job freaking the car together and what is over the ridge Oh Pachycephalosaurus right that is that done thank you for cataloging the dinosaurs look it's like they know what I want to do I just run if they put bets on thinking will he put it on the left side or the right side we've actually got money on it we'll give them you know we'll put layer the path a certain way do you think they'll make it that way maybe maybe maybe stegosaurs or oh that they again they're not losing hell nice to see some different skins actually we've got a regular skin you've got this skin you got that skin it's about three different skins there and sure stimuli is viewable and sukkah is v and gala is viewable so I've accidentally nicked somebody who didn't need to be here who was it I don't know this - color - Anita here stinky more like and so yeah strange ok well I've constructed is everything viewable recorded this is work work I thought I heard a little little sniff sniff hmm so how do I make them viewable do I just put another one in good I put another one in just in case even then he's not really that visible is he I guess I could yeah I love it like that screw we'll do it this way but we're bringing in workers to work on this place when it's gonna explode at any second it's gonna go oh yeah look at that oh we just need to delete this little a little bit there there we go Oh gorgeous ok it's just just you that needs to be viewable now - only time will tell I love this smoke that's just on the island that is so lovely if we could have smoke vents or something that would be great ok our scientists are in position and ready to observe the dinosaurs your job is to make sure the dinosaurs remain comfortable and contained oh dear I didn't realize that oh dear what's your comfort oh we need another one we need another one curry oh forgot about that keep mission dinosaurs comfort a book a new freakin you I'll Dodd a human put the human inside because they can we just go left haven't got a good shot ah close oh oh I know that was beautiful now I think there's a there's a there's a certain achievement that you can get if you dot all of the dinosaurs manually so I'm gonna try and do that I don't I mean I honestly haven't cared about achievements since I was about sixteen with the xbox360 glory days but hey if it's an extra little objective let's see fair makes a little bit harder a little bit more fun so where's mod sighs oh how close can we get to it doc that's it that's as close as I can get to it damn it can I see the the world or any bar down I can't see so wonder how long this is now that it's and its own separate thing right is the only one he needs his health is dropping as well now we look at that we've got forest grassland and wetland now so that's quite an interesting thing and hold on if we go in feeders is fish there cool it also looks like Japanese Kanji a common border that's what it is it's like laughs or lay something like that it looks like a fish that's how I remember it anyway keeper mission dinosaurs comfort above 80% Oh looks cool there's a different type of lighting I think in this area it's like a little bit yellow maybe I'm I'm wrong hard to tell well either way while we wait how about we go to capture mode Oh is there anything different No okay well we'll keep the letterbox on London box looks good we'll also give normal time and there we go let's see if Ian gets a look got in the grass it's even got some awesome shots [Music] oh look at that oh god it's making me lag actually Wow whoa I dropped a 20 FPS there oh that oh that this is weird that smokers yeah it's it's doing things to us really powerful computer euros well that's nuts mmm oh god if we gotta I'm gonna get lag when it comes to PlayStation 4 as well and next what's hopefully not do like that oh look we got shadows glitching out over there Oh [ __ ] we push this like no you seem to be doing okay right anything else hell's on 100% okay so oh no comfort keep missions and so comfortable 80% come for the hundred well damnit the sticky Moloc oh where where is sticky Molag dammit okay it's not too far away not too far away you really it come on are you gonna get this plane in the air go go go done twenty percent he's probably gonna break out if I'm not careful there you are yeah you are I'm gonna get closer so I can hopefully get a good hit yes ah [ __ ] the balls are one fall yeah there we go okay back here off we go it's nice as they've tried something different rather than yeah same thing except for make the things then kill the things then make more things and kill the things I quite like they've tried to take power away from you especially the start when all you can do is drive a Jeep I'd like more stuff that's like that you know maybe it's not in the campaign or sorry the story or any other things but just in this campaign something where I don't know you could get out of the Jeep whoa that would be quite cool I'm gonna wait where is the Jeep yeah I'm gonna make sure that you don't die because if you die I have probably failed this whole the whole thing and I'm gonna have to start again on I so that in mind how about we don't let it die there we go just gonna boost Oh always thought to cut all that as a Gallimimus never mind okay well he's alive now just making sure you're all living please don't die no he's beautiful not looking too bad and where's he the one can I shoot him in the air damn I can't go up high enough Oh hold on let's see if we can get him when he comes down we're off ah damn it ah of course the perfect walk well there we go that should fix them are you in the well no you're okay so it seems to be only you guys are losing health who are in here right where's your the one do you only need two are you serious you need more oh damn it okay Buer bad guys right is that the last iggy Morlock you happy I'll definitely double-check before this helicopter decides to hot tail it right back to its base cuz apparently there's something Mary's just loves why are there so many people here wait why you just walking around the island bringing it down bringing it down and forward please there we go we'll see how low we can get Oh God how low can we go wow we can go really low booyah okay a little bit higher damn you did you have to did you also have to leave as well come on I got you oh yeah oh my god everybody's leaving why is everybody leaving come back here but on you cuz you have to make it happy damn it the dog disappeared it's right okay you can stay there oh it's going back to its head are you serious you will be the new friend no comeback stop playing gotcha okay where's your the ones that's around here somewhere ah there you are God really really dammit Wow hitting a moving target is not my forte why is the fence still not fixed what is the point yeah oh my God look at this hmm is that wetland oh so now they've changed that one are they right okay everybody's moving back in all of you you're all going back in bring in the helicopters bring everybody back is that all the mission dinosaurs oh no that there is there is the two over here Oh fantastic you know this would be an easy mission if I had realized earlier on that the the stinky Mohawk needed to so kind of my bad but they're all coming back now [Music] Oh also I think now you can follow dinosaurs even when they go in trees so that's good don't do it don't you hit the fence you're happy I'm a doing you're happy stop it your comfort is on 32 stop in the fence yeah little porker yeah you can do it again yeah there we go that's better yes turn that way turn that way and run look see broken down just the last Gallimimus okay we're almost done feel like we're almost done everyone should be happy 85 78 and 79 okay so we're pretty much yeah there we go I did it ah yes what millions Ranger team Chadron now available ACU helicopter said rune now available amazing job getting everything under control our scientists have the data they need to formulate an experimental treatment maybe even a cure I always believed in you Claire no you didn't let me amend that Dan I'm mostly believed in you better it's more honest now you're just being mean oh oh the bad news is we can't risk moving the dinosaurs to sanctuary in their current condition the good news is I believe we may have a cure wait we oh it's gonna sack on buildings Pegasus isolate the target dinosaur from the others the team needs to study its symptoms before we administer the potential cure all righty well let me just make an enclosure first this will be the little do you know the other one the other enclosure okay so wait what we need to isolate ste em steer oh wait oh that's not good though cuz they're all gonna get unhappy once we do that how do we have to okay guys bright well this is where we're gonna end APIs ode one of Claire sanctuary dream idea and if you enjoyed it leave a like and I'm sure within an hour old also will have part two if you really want to see it that quickly keep a night until next time I'll see you later Oh bye bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 866,492
Rating: 4.9384952 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, jurassic world evolution, jurassic world, evolution, gameplay, part 1, all dinosaurs, jurassic world evolution play through, claire sanctuary, claire dlc, new dlc, jurassic world evolution dlc
Id: lib8d-eT0-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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