Longest Possible Jump in Minecraft?!

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do you ever ask yourself a question that you think is gonna have a mundane or outright boring answer but then you look into it and it's actually fascinating how complex the answer really is that that's what today's video is for today's video all i wanted to do was ask myself a rather simple sounding question inspired through a video posted by uber i wanted to know what really is the longest possible jump that you can do in minecraft is it the 18 blocks that they show off is it something more well that all depends on what you consider to be the longest jump do we only count jumps that have no outside assistance what even counts as outside assistance is getting a running start cheating or running and jumping what about getting a speed assist from jumping on ice what happens when we add potion effects i mean in uber's video he got hit by a cactus in midair on a server with a high ping so that he could receive the jump boost at the most optimal time if we're including the assistance of outside forces like this what other forces could propel us further yeah you see how this question gets really complicated really quickly how would you like to jump over 50 blocks without levitation or tnt in minecraft yeah this video is going to be a lot of fun so let's go ahead and let's jump right into it [Music] so starting off on screen throughout this video will be a speedometer which works via a data pack that i'll have linked in the description down below on the left side your speed in two dimensions and on the right side including the y-axis so the third dimension in order to test this out properly i'm going to divide this experiment into a few different schools of thought one how far can you jump with no outside assistance two what happens when you add effects excluding levitation and three what happens when you then add outside assistance excluding tnt and then number four well you'll see so let's get started with no outside assistance jumps throughout all of these experiments our solemn goal is to accelerate to the highest possible speed before performing the jump which means we need to know what causes us to go faster prior to the jump in a nutshell the first and main thing is jumping every time we perform a jump while sprinting we gain a little bit of speed which takes a few moments to trickle off the more times per second that we can jump the faster and faster it will go now i think most of us are aware that the longest open air sprint jump that you can comfortably perform is just over four blocks but here's the thing what does no outside assistance really mean if we're just straight up running and jumping why not give ourselves the best possible advantage and sprint jump as fast as we can in the tightest corridor that we can which is a two block high corridor with trap doors right above our heads with all of that in play we can pretty easily perform a five block jump but let's keep going no outside assistance just means no interaction with other entities or damage sources the most efficient way to gain speed with this limitation is actually running and jumping on ice because your speed when you land diminishes more slowly causing your overall speed to be higher the more and more that you jump so what happens when we run and jump on ice specifically blue ice which is barely faster inside of a tunnel spamming the space bar as fast as we can in my case 10 times per second well now instead of being limited to a 5 block jump we can now execute a 9 block jump as far as a jump done without any outside assistance is concerned this was the farthest i was able to get however with a lot of luck i think a 10 block jump might be possible so alright let's crank this experiment up a notch so part two what happens when we add effects and enchantments into the mix within minecraft 1.16 we got a new enchantment called soul speed which allows us to run a lot faster on soul sand i wanted to bring this up because i knew people were gonna ask about it but the speed we get with this combination is far slower than just running and jumping on blue ice so we'll stick with that what this leaves us with is speed 2 jump boost 2 and slow falling 1 which are all the highest level effects obtainable in survival minecraft starting with speed 2 our maximum speed goes from 26.5 meters per second to about 28.5 meters per second allowing us to comfortably soar through a 10 block jump and then after adding on jump boost 2 our speed doesn't increase at all but our jump distance certainly does allowing for us to comfortably clear a 12 block jump with 13 feeling like it might be barely possible and finally there's slow falling one which when added on to the other two effects extends our jump range to 16 blocks with 17 feeling entirely possible maybe once every 500 jumps or so from this point on i've got to be honest with you things are gonna get really crazy for part three we're gonna be adding the assistance of damage boosting excluding tnt this leaves us with a few options the easy route is to mimic uber's video and get a damage boost from a cactus or we can do things the hard way and introduce the assistance of punch two arrows which is what we're gonna do but there's a problem so far as i could find there is no way to directly summon punch to arrows in minecraft there's no nbt related information within the flying arrow to indicate any enchantments that might be affecting it there are potion tipped arrows within the game but this doesn't help us because none of them involve having additional knockback which is an item enchantment so what do we do about this well the solution is actually pretty easy and way more fun summon in a bunch of invincible skeletons all wielding a punch two bow and have them hit each other with arrows once they're all mad at each other enable a command block contraption that teleports all arrows to the entrance of the tunnel and then modifies their rotation and speed so they fly wherever we want but no faster than a normal bow would be able to shoot them and after hours and hours of extensive trial and error here's what happened next i can only describe what transpires from this point on as pure and total chaos it took me about five hours to precisely pinpoint not only what angle i should be directing the arrows to but then how many times i could even get hit in the air in a single jump at first all i was going for was the most optimal single damage boost but then i realized pretty quickly if the first arrow hits me just right it'll propel me multiple blocks upwards allowing for multiple mid air damage boost all with the punch to effect applied and then the real discovery not only can we take advantage of multiple damage boosts in mid-air we can also travel faster along the ice path if we get hit by a punch to arrow right before jumping so instead of jumping with our speed at 28.5 meters per second we leave the ice path at over 38 meters per second coupled with all of our other prior effects and the assistance of four total damage boosts i was able to complete a 69 block jump this jump is possible in unmodified survival minecraft so is that the final answer 69 blocks no what even is a jump to me a jump is having your feet leave the ground followed by a landing in between anything goes so that begs the final question if we're including the damage boost arrows why not include tnt i mean i wonder how far a tnt-assisted jump could go [Music] [Music] uh yeah there's no way to definitively figure that one out but since you're obviously a curious one i tried it anyways with my old school 1.8 tnt cannon and i made it over 3 000 blocks away from the cannon using just potions and tnt so yeah this video was obviously a little bit silly but in the end i learned that this is actually a pretty silly question to ask either way i hope you enjoyed the way in which i conducted this experiment now before you go if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing to the channel for more videos like this one about eighty percent of you who watch my videos are unsubscribed so if you'd like to it would really help out myself the channel and the video quite a lot but anyways guys i hope you all enjoyed my name is ant venom and i bid you all farewell thanks so much for watching you
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 785,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TAGS minecraft, antvenom, minecraft parkour, minecraft jump, minecraft experiment, breaking minecraft, minecraft enchantment, minecraft potion
Id: NY_FTN44vFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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