ALL Kekkei Genkai in Naruto Ranked | THE STRONGEST WILL SURPRISE YOU

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the Naruto Series has given us so many cool abilities over the years ranging from reality bending Feats of what I can only consider to be magic to running fast no Jutsu Kenai or bloodline limits are some of the most unique and diverse abilities that have set the bar as far as Shonen powers and the expectations of how creative they should be so today I want to talk about every one of the K Gen Kai we have seen throughout this long running and beloved series rank them in a vacuum removing the sometimes useless wielder of the technique and consider what the actual genetic limit of some of these Jutsu are I won't be talking about dojutsu as it would double the length of the video and they pretty much would take all of the top spots but if it's requested enough I'll do a dojutsu ranking video next before we begin I want to briefly explain what a Ken Kai is the categories they generally fall into and how a person might obtain one k Kai are almost always tied to ancestry genetics or blood meaning you can either be born into a long lineage that is either developed or mutated or obtain one through the acquisition of someone else's cells blood or in some cases their organs kegen Kai are unofficially broken down into categories differentiating the elemental Ken Kai like lava or ice release and the body mutations like the Jugo Clans the elemental Ken Kai are presumed mixtures between two base elements creating in most cases a more powerful combination though in some cases it really doesn't amount to much as we will see later and the body mutations aren't in any way related to the base elements and utilize cellular structures and the ability to manipulate them to achieve their Feats of Strength it should be noted that K Genai are not limited to a singular Village which either means that genetic traits migrated across the shinomi world which is fairly likely or mutations that create Ken Kai bearing genetics aren't that uncommon given that we have Kenai like lava release that is manifested in three different Villages mumi and kirigakure doai and Kuma gaku and kurotsuchi and iag gaku and unless we can argue that these three are somehow related I think either Theory holds some truth about the genetic leniency that allows the creation of a k Genai as we've seen with K Toto onuki states that mu was the one to teach him and since we don't have any in Canon evidence that would tie the two together genetically we can once again surmise that the genetic traits needed to unlock a k Genai or k TOA aren't as strict as being a direct descendant or child of someone who has previously used these techniques so to kick things off we have a head scratching entry with the abori Clans Kenai this effected gives the clan the ability to turn themselves into smoke yep okay well there are actually some good uses of this ability that can be cool like the ability to possess another person and control their actions they can also enter the body of another person and cause them pain and I guess eventually death I guess if you don't sneeze them out which is fatal to them by the way oh did I not mention that even the slightest Breeze causes their bodies to dissipate and they die so their one technique that they're are afforded by their K Gen Kai is hard countered by a sneeze and if the opponent uses this maneuver they instakill the user of this K Gen Kai I will say if they were fighting within optimal conditions like inside a cave or a house with the windows closed their abilities are somewhat akin to camoy in tangibility that Obito had that being able to convert specific body parts into smoke to avoid physical or chakra based damage however that doesn't really address the gust of wind that's created when somebody throws a punch at you would that be enough to kill them I don't know but what I do know is that this is the worst K Gen Kai in all of Naruto yar's kien Kai is only just barely better than the previous entry and that is solely because it doesn't die to a sneeze and even so it was still close basically this K Genai allows the user to do a singular thing which as we will see later on sometimes diversity isn't necessary to make a kien Kai great but that's not the case here this gives the user an ability to share information mentally or telepathically with his shadow clones and that's it so let's say the user sees a bird somewhere in nature he can telepathically tell the rest of his clones that he saw a bird and now all this ability does is allow the Clones to know about the bird that's it the Shadow Clan Jutsu already sort of does this but in One Direction allowing the user to disperse their clones and receive whatever information that the Clone had acquired in its time that could mean scouting training or whatever so this K Genai is only marginally better than one of the Shadow clone jutsu's abilities which this says to me that tobirama is truly the coolest and most creative hokaj creating what amounts to effectively a k Genai next up we have mud release which is supposedly the mixture of earth and water but it literally is just watered down Earth release the Kirkland brand Earth release if you will it doesn't do anything unique and the one user of it died unremarkably actually if this is an entire K Gen Kai then how can we explain what jariah did in his fight against toochi Mara was Jia secretly a mud release user I don't know but I do know that this is only marginally better than the previous two and while I have nothing bad to say about it necessarily I really have nothing good to say about it at best I can see this technique being used to create landslides which Earth release can do never mind let's just move on next up we have steel release which we can only assume is formed from Earth and fire unfortunately steel release suffers from being hardly more useful than Earth release it allows the users to harden their bodies to the point of what can only assume to be the hardness of Steel but unfortunately earth relase earth spear hardens the body to that of a diamond and while I'm not a geologist I'm pretty sure that makes steel release hot trash otherwise any other JSU you can imagine Earth release doing in theory a user of this K Gen Kai with an insane amount of chakra cost could do given how heavy and dense steel is it would probably cost a lot more to manifest though chakra cost is sort of a concept that died around the war Arc and shipuden but it's still a consideration all right we have a controversial one coming up next and that's shikotsumyaku or dead bone pulse we all know this very famously was used by kimaru in part one and it allows the user to manifest and manipulate their bones for both offensive and defens defensive purposes this also was used by kagia at the end of the series through which she used her all killing Ash bones technique and this makes it the first entry that I'm a bit sadden to see play so low but I can't really take kaga's ability to disintegrate people as the extent of what this Kenai can do and more of an ability of kaga herself which only means we can take into consideration how useful bone creation would be and I think it farewell in the standard field to be honest but it is just basically spiky Earth release with extra steps perhaps the user could be more creative with its usage creating like an exoskeleton which would act sort of like a suit of armor but that's really not that impressive we also have to consider that Kimmy Maro wasn't just a normal everyday user of the technique he was empowered by the curs seal level two which is effectively just a free trial version of sage mode so what we saw was truly the extent of what was possible and before I upset the kimy Maru stands I absolutely agree that if he wasn't mortally sick he almost definitely could have defeated Le Gara that said this K Gen Kai still doesn't even come close to the top spots a boil release once again uses logic in which elements it's comprised of of course being water and fire and is the first Elemental K Gen Kai that can be obtained by becoming the host to a specific tailed beast that being the F Tales kokuo I'll talk about the nonbu version first which basically allows the user to create acidic Mists basic simple and the point however these myths are so potent that they have been shown to melt Sasuke sus a fairly decent feat to achieve considering how durable we know these suso to be and next we have the Buu version famously used by Han the ginu of the F Tales he uses it to buff himself by utilizing the release of pressure he creates using his steam armor to enhance his strength and speed of his movements he effectively becomes a steam engine nothing that amazing but totally serviceable I genuinely think the applications of this technique are quite extensive and applying real world logic to it if the concepts of a steam engine exists why is technology in Nar to so primitive explosion release for whatever reason is comprised of Earth and lightning rather than fire and Earth or fire and lightning but it really does exactly what it sets out to do create explosions truthfully to me this is the first Elemental Ken Kai that is totally serviceable and that I really have nothing negative to say about dear's version with Clay isn't really unique to him as the hand thing is just a kin Jutsu that can be taught to anyone however C4 is actually one of the most deadly Jutsu in the series and if Kishi Oto wasn't trying to gas up Sasuke he would have and should have died to that attack that releases millions of microscopic bombs in an area that seem pretty damn large this one earns its spot here in my opinion pretty much solely due to this Jutsu but stays so low on the list because of it being countered by anyone who has the smallest ability to flow lightning chakra throughout their body Storm release is another K Genai appropriately comprised of water and lightning famously used by Dar ree from kumogakure Hiro some movie villain who will come up a bit later oh and who else all right MOA OA normally the user can manipulate beams of electricity that flow like water and deal pretty significant damage however hio utilized a Jutsu that creates a thundercloud which apparently absorbs infinite chakra and can be used to repurpose this chakra to grow continuously stronger infinite feedback Jutsu should stay in the movie continuity and of course MOA used this K Genai in his juie jinu form which can not only cut through truth Seeker orbs it also apparently moves at the speed of light this Jutsu really broke the entire power scaling section of the Naruto Community cuz now all you hear is that Naruto is faster than light level and beats up your other favorite anime character it is an extremely potent G Gen Kai limited only by the fact that its most powerful Jutsu are locked behind either movies or juie DLC Swift release is apparently a combined nature K Gen Kai like storm or explosion but neither of the base element elements are listed so I think it's safe to assume that it's either lightning or wind considering this only has one ability which is to move really fast like so fast in fact that Hiro the user of this K Gen Kai was able to attack Sakura at completely different angles instantaneously as if he were a character in The Dragon Ball Z series this is pretty substantial as we don't even see characters like Sasuke who Kishimoto once again gases up to be the Speed Demon and he doesn't even manage to Blitz people this immaculately it's pretty much instantaneous movement for basically no drawback and while we only saw it for a brief time we all know how powerful speed is as a modifier considering it helped make the likes of Mino a legendary figure in his time next up we have lava release and the second of the elemental K Gen Kai obtainable by becoming a jingui this time associated with the four Tales this one is comprised of Earth and fire of course otherwise we'd have to have a serious talk with Mr Kishimoto Roshi's version utilizes what you'd more or less expect to see lava he's able to manipulate lava in a solid or liquid state coat himself in a chakra cloak and cause magma to erupt in incredible quantities large enough to engulf the eight tals the nonbu version has been seen to create vulcanized rubber which is strong against the lightning element which sort of makes no sense given how the elements interact with each other but whatever science trumps the rules of the given power system I guess May is able to create acidic mud kurotsuchi is able to create volcanic ash and quick lime which is just another acidic Mist effectively all in all if you were taught this K Genai you'd be happy about its versatility and destructive power Crystal release is one of the most versatile K Genai we have on the list being comprised of presumably Earth and some other element maybe wind I can't be really sure however what we do know is that it's been shown to create immense and Powerful structures imprisoning skilled ninja and in actuality it has the ability to crystallize any living creature on a molecular level this is the second time we've seen an ability operate on that level and and once you get down to manipulating with Precision like this it can get pretty insane I think the trump card of this K Gen Kai actually is the crystal imprisonment wave basically the user sends out a wave of particles and if you're hit with them you're encased in a crystal that can disintegrate you honestly an amazing kienai just held back by its user okay ice release the mixture of wind and water of course and is one of my personal favorites of the elemental KK Gen Kai actually in my top three of all KK Gen Kai in the series and no that's not because I had a childhood crush on the world's first trap Haku you're just projecting much like Crystal release the user can manifest ice structures using the literal moisture in the air using basically no hand seals and the structures they create are so cold that they can cause the surrounding area to begin snowing that's probably a little bit of an oversimplification of what's actually happening and maybe in a later video I'll break down how broken Haku should have been another insane feat this Kenai has is the ability for the user to enter the crystal ice mirrors Jutsu and move at the speed of light this was confirmed by the First Data Book but I should mention that Sasuke with a one tomay Shing gun and Naruto using his initial jingui form were able to defeat Haku using this technique and while we aren't taking users into consideration so much any feat with such a grandio wording definitely deserves a high spot on this list Scorch releases up next and it's a pretty simple one with devastating effects it's made up of Wind and Fire and is a exactly too judu to its name but the second one is basically just a stronger version of the first one with a detonation feature this Kenai allows the users to create Min Suns that hover all around them they don't seem to radiate any heat but if they come in contact with someone all moisture in that affected region is immediately evaporated it's just an instakill K Gen Kai and earns its rightful spot for it supposedly this K Gen Kai is weak to water but I can't logically justify that so I won't be including it in the analysis all in all I think provided the right circumstances this KK Genai could excel in both the 1v1 and 1vx setting where the user is remotely sending these Suns out and attacking all enemies at blind angles given that there's no defined range of the Jutsu and probably is just limited by chakra control or chakra Supply there's no telling at what range you could attack from making this extremely deadly against almost all foes at first typhoon release was going to go near the bottom of this list because it's just a effectively better wind release and while wind release is pretty good probably in the top two of the normal basic elements it's not better than lava or instantaneous movement however it has one absolutely insane feat okay this is Sasuke's complete body suso his suso is roughly the size of a tailed beast who stand around 800 ft or 200 M tall this is the average typhoon user and the scale of its Jutsu if something like this existed with even semi logical physics it would be pulling Mountains from their base this K Genai is insane but has a fatal flaw of leaving the user defenseless in the eye of the storm but with wind speeds upwards of 500 mph whipping everything in a massive radius around I think they'd be fine now given that this K Genai is just described to be wind release 2.0 we have to consider that every single wind release Jutsu we aware of can in theory be scaled to this level given enough practice from the user meaning that Jutsu like U's pressure damage could potentially scale tens of times which would absolutely make this one of the strongest K Genai and earn its rightful spot here on the list next up we have dark release another favorite of mine in completing the trifecta of K Genai wielded by hoko from the wheel of Fire movie it has two abilities that work together to create what I think is an incredibly devastating combination the first ability allows the user not only to absorb chakra but physical and spiritual energy from a person or Jutsu at a close range or at a distance with even a little bit of exposure this can completely drain another ninja of all their chakra and cause death it's effectively an upgraded version of the renegon prabath the second ability allows the user to manipulate the stolen chakra and release it in a stream of blue flames but the kicker is that this expulsion amplifies the power of however much chakra or energy was stolen and sends it back several times stronger this means that the more powerful a Shinobi a user of this fights the more powerful this ability becomes especially if the person is reliant on Jutsu with high chakra costs which is basically everybody in shuin this Ken Kai essentially negates all form of chakra usage in a ridiculous range around them forcing Tai Jutsu but what measures can you take effectively against a long range vacuum that steals your life force energy this is an incredible K Gen Kai Magna releases the combination of Earth and wind which is a bit suspect to me considering Earth and lightning seem to fit much better for what's going on but whatever this is the final K Gen Kai obtainable through a Chui that one being the one tail shukaku users of this K Gen Kai on a basic level are able to generate and manipulate magnetic forces applying them to both people tools and other substances they've also been shown to manipulate this on a very precise level controlling iron sand to manipulate as they see fit creating gigantic spheres of spikes launching tsunamis of magnetically charged iron at an opponent which if they make contact not only will they take damage from the attack but they'll become magnetically charge themselves now this is sort of where the two styles of this Jutsu disconnect and for whatever reason nobody thought to use these abilities in conjunction if a person can reasonably control magnetically charged things and transfer magnetic charge to other objects organic or otherwise then it stands to reason that if a person became magnetically charged they would be able to be controlled by the magnet release user what I'm saying here is if at any point you come in contact with even the tiniest grain of sand of one of these users you would immediately be launched into space or torn limb from limb the concept for a magnetic rail gun is also pretty cool launching small sort of innocuous objects at like six times the speed of sound and while faster than light movement has been more or less achieved in Naruto already this is still a pretty mind-blowing achievement to accomplish okay moving away from Elemental K Gen Kai we have a really insane one so you guys know that guy from Bleach eizen right and you know how his kyokasuigetsu allows him to control the senses of other people that have seen his shikai release and with that ability he was able to become the entire main boss of the show okay well the kurarama clan has a genjutsu version of this but it goes one step further because the genjutsu they use are so powerful that anything someone experiences in the genjutsu they experience in their physical form so let's say for instance the genjutsu makes you feel that you were cut in half guess what you two now are cut in half this is reality bending Magic a ridiculous K Gen Kai that is only held back by the users having a hard time controlling it so basically if they worked a little hard they could Master reality yeah this is ridiculous not that it's important I think the Shing gun would probably counter this as it's been shown to counter pretty much all other non Sharingan genjutsu though it's too bad all the yuch went on vacation at the same time this might be a controversial next pick but give me a minute to explain myself the Jugo Clan K Gen Kai is mind blowingly powerful as we know from Jugo he can basically become the protagonist of the Prototype games yeah you remember them manipulating his form in unique and creative ways creating jet blasts Pistons to increase the strength of his punches and a lot of other things he's also incredibly durable taking blows from the likes of the rag a who was punched through the rib cage of Sasuke suso he also has an incredibly potent healing ability both for altruistic and selfish use being able to absorb flesh from Fallen foes and use it to regenerate himself during or after battle he can also use his own flesh to transfer into an ally in order to heal even fatal wounds it's pretty powerful but of course they're held back by the fact that their bodies are absorbing Natural Energy all the time and are driven insane by this fact but we've seen a 15-year-old Naruto Master sage mode in like a week which is just the balancing of Natural Energy in creating senjutsu I say the Jugo Clan users if given enough training would be so well suited to Sage Mode they'd effectively stay in Sage Mode at all times and if you need a Refresh on how powerful Sage Mode is Naruto was able to dodge the third rag attacks whose speed has been compared to Minos who spammed flying Thunder God instantaneous movement hot take over here we go wood release of all the K Gen Kai on the list it has undoubtedly the strongest list of users hashirama MAA Obito Orochi Maru momoshiki ocera oh yeah and the 10 tales as you would expect it is comprised of earth and water and allows the user to create and manipulate wood style Jutsu it is shown to spawn from the ground or extend from the user itself and has created some of the most magnificent displays of chakra control and power in the entire series creating dragons that can absorb chakra wood avatars that can fight tailed beasts and gigantic flowering forests and of course the Thousand hands Jutsu now this is generally reserved to be a sage mode technique but even the smaller form still has hundreds of hands and still has considerable destructive power I mean this one was a given to be high on the list from what we've seen it do and it's just amazing this is undoubtedly one of the strongest kienai in the series and the only bad thing that I can say about it is it took Nei from us all right our top two spots are occupied by veritable world changing Ken Kai for our number two spot we have the reinha clan K Genai which exactly has one technique it has the ability to absorb a person's chakra and create an exact duplicate of them that they have full control over what does this mean for the world of Naruto well let's assume that they got Itachi's chakra and created a duplicate of him well now they have a totka blade wielding yamir shielded susino clad Shinobi that has no fear of death and can be used until something manages to kill them if that's even possible and nothing is stated that they can't infinitely create these clone puppets or that sealing them would even matter a effectively this is edot tensei if plot didn't matter no ceiling no random Soul manipulation no talkno Jutsu just Mindless killing machines and lastly we have a sort of unexpected one even to me to be honest and it's sack and yukon's K Gen Kai well start slowly because this one's a bit ridiculous to start this ability allows the user to control their bodies at a molecular level much like with Jugo Clans K Gen Kai but it also allows them to invade the body of an opponent and destroy their cells from the inside they become effectively a cancer that invades the body and kills whoever they infected this is all well and good but with just these abilities it would have been placed under Jugo Clan kicken Kai assuredly but there's just one JSU that completely changes the way that we have to look at this it's the strange transmission distant Shadow technique that was used by Kabuto after he absorbed the cells of saon and Yukon this allows the user of the technique to amass hundreds if not thousands of Jutsu dozens of K Genai and dojutsu and everything in between effectively becoming what your friends on the playground would say to win an argument well my dad is infinity plus infinity times stronger than your dad and in this case they would be right with the right circumstances a Shinobi with his KK Gen Kai should just spend years tracking down every other person's K Gen Kai and just taking a little bit of their cells and become the Voltron of Shinobi thanks for watching let me know what you think of the list and if you disagree let me know in the comments if you could like the video and subscribe peace
Channel: Probably Riku
Views: 4,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, boruto, kekkei genkai, all kekkei genkai, shippuden, Sharingan, Uchiha, Sasuke, Itachi, Danzo, Deidara, Chakra, Tailed Beast, Ranking, tier list, naruto shippuden, anime, anime full episode, naruto vs sasuke, naruto edit, naruto tiktok edit
Id: -ZEMwdhIleI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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