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special thanks to World of Warships for sponsoring today's video before we get started there will be spoilers for the Thousand-Year blood War Arc of bleach in the video to come towards the end of the series we're introduced to the single strongest group of villains that bleach has ever known U harbach's personal Royal Guard the shut stole made up of four Archangel quincies whose power verges on the Divine itself and heading up the group are two of the most broken characters Kubo has ever written the leader of the shut stle stun Ritter X the xaxis leil Barrow and the Heart of the Soul King sternritter M the miracle Gerard Valkyrie both of these characters are essentially Immortal demigods seemingly impossible to kill through conventional means and serve as the ultimate final test for Our Heroes it's already difficult enough as it is to decide which sternritter is the most powerful considering the sheer number of them and how many of them have abstract and weird powers but at least in my mind it's these two Titans that are vying for the utmost top spot sure grmy can literally turn his imagination into reality but I fail to believe he has the battle Readiness to take on U harbach's Top soldiers both hardened through years of warfare and sure hashw the balance is a ridiculously broken power but can he really Outlast two immortal angels in battle that one's perhaps a little trickier and a question for another day in this video I'm going to be comparing and contrasting Le and Gerard in particular to try and decide which one comes out on top and what better way to do that than to finally return to our long dormant versus Battle series however before we begin first a message from today's sponsor World of Warships is a free-to-play naval Warfare themed game available on PC that's up dat every single month so when you take to the seas in World of Warship stunning 12 V12 Arenas there's always something fresh to experience from new ships and in-game Nations to striking cosmetics 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completing 10 battles thanks again to World of Warships for sponsoring today's video and I'll see you on the Seas so it's been a long time coming I really enjoy making the versus B videos but when you have a bunch of different series on the channel like I do it's very easy to accidentally let one slip and fall through the cracks one day you're uploading UL Kora versus asod the next it's somehow been nine months since you did that anyway this time we're taking a look at a potential fight between Le Barrow and Gerard Valkyrie two of the most Godly characters in bleach and a versus battle that I'm certain won't devolve in into a headache inducing Clash of Unstoppable abilities about 3 years ago or so now one of the first big projects I uploaded to the channel was my full ranking of every single sternritter from weakest to strongest it was ambitious and at the time we only had the source material to go on when it came to debating who the strongest was now you might be thinking well it's the source material surely that's all you need but the wealth of information that Kubo has been drip feeding ever since the end of bleach plus everything that's come to light thanks to the Advent of the Thousand-Year blood War Ark anime and of course the light novels as well has shown a need to consider all avenues when it comes to these characters when it came to that original ranking I placed Gerard Valkyrie above leil Barrow only by a single spot but above nonetheless and I stood by that ranking pretty much ever since to be honest I may still stand by that ranking it's hard to say that's what we're here to discuss today like I said both of these characters are similar in that they simply do not die at least it seems there's nothing the power of the shinigamy could do to kill them and so with such a fundamental piece of the puzzle not quite slotting in we need to take a much more holistic view to decide who comes out on top in this fight so we'll be stting starting with Gerard Valkyrie first taking a look at just about everything he had to show us throughout his time in the story and seeing how my original front runner measures up these days in my opinion Gerard always made sense as the strongest sternritter he was positioned last in the narrative being the final defender of U harbach's new Holy Ground outside of hashw but then hashw didn't even really get a fight Gerard's incredible rft granted him the ability of God size enabling him to effortlessly take on the vast majority of the goatee 13's forces at once as this hulking Goliath Gerard represented the last line of defense for velt I've discussed it before but one of my favorite little details of the velt subarc is how you can see the progression of the heroes and therefore the Story in real time in relation to where they managed to get to in uabb Bar's new Fortress for example myy takes on perida right at the edge of the floating palace fighting the gigantic hand amidst one of the former cities of the zero division Le and Asin are fought along the walkways linking to the Nexus with leil chasing Kaku back to the start while asins battle takes him closer to the central Citadel and finally you have Gerard who meets the goate 13 at the foot of the stairs once they reach reach that main building giving off the impression that he is indeed the last obstacle the final shutle member ready to give his life to defend this new sacred ground of theirs I love the imagery as well of Gerard being not quite a truly living man but an ancient one resurrected as an everlasting Golem designed to defend the land of his Lord with everything he's got even as he says continuing to swing his sword for his go God even in death and honestly I think that's where we need to start that idea of in death as death Isn't So straightforward where Gerard is concerned his shrift the miracle is a multi-layered and absurd going so far as to defy reason itself the simplest form of his shrift allows him to replace any part of himself that's destroyed with a version that's both bigger and stronger as we see Gerard's arm is sliced off by Ken Pache but a new larger more powerful arm takes its place in a burst of gold light and Kubo really does follow through with this ability right to The Bitter End after his entire body is destroyed cut in two down the middle by Ken paty's banai it is stitched back together again you guessed it both bigger and stronger than he was before there can be no denying that move would have killed virtually every single character in the series now that we're in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc Kubo is no longer so focused on censoring the goriest of scenes so we see exactly what happens to Gerard in this moment and he is split right down the middle and that includes his head in fact it's such a fatal strike that there isn't really any room for debate and I think that was probably the idea up until now the only character to have survived a similar style attack is of all characters and he needed the hogyoku in order to be able to do so Kubo Drew Gerard being killed in such an explicit obvious fashion so we as readers would realize that he can come back from literally anything oh Gerard can't be killed by splitting him in two okay how about we reduce his body to dust and so the captains do just that using all of their power and teamwork to freeze Gerard before obliterating him his colossal form crumbling to the ground surely now there's no way he can return but no the miracle truly is unending as Gerard's body rises again only this time in a more ethereal ghostly form and so we can see that even if his corporeal form is decimated a new gargantuan Gerard erupts from the remains of his last corpse Like a Phoenix From the Ashes unable to die I need to get across that it seemed like literally the only way to kill Gerard was through divine intervention something Kubo again demonstrated when the goate at last got their miracle and Gerard's flesh was stripped from his bones by the Holy Light Of God but that's not all Gerard's the miracle can do his very form is built on the back of the fears of the masses manifested in his own words that's why he grows to a gargantuan size when injured so as to Shield them from that Collective fear his sword Hof Nung is the personification of the hopes of the masses brought to life when damaged the collective masses then feel Despair and that Agony is then etched onto Gerard's enemy like I said earlier it's all very weird and very conceptual but the point is it's ridiculously strong another element of the miracle is to make the impossible possible the higher the odds of Gerard's failure the greater his success will be for example Gerard elects to battle the entirety of the goate 13's forces not because he thinks he can win but in fact the absolute opposite because he knows he doesn't stand a chance against them because the odds are so severely stacked in their favor Gerard amasses immense power as a result of his shrift the same thing happens later when trying to locate the visards due to Gerard's Titanic size at the time he realizes that finding these tiny people will be next to Impossible and so as a result locates them immediately these are the kinds of abilities we are dealing with at this level of power at this Echelon of strength and so with that shrift Gerard honestly looks Unstoppable but there's even more to him than that let's compare Gerard to a character like gremy who I think acts as a decent yard stick for conversations like these even among powers like the miracle grmy has perhaps the single strongest shrift of the lot apart from the almighty the Visionary is very simple but in that Simplicity lies its capacity for Insanity he can turn his imagination into reality that seems like a gamewinner right except for the fact that Kubo neuters gremy by making him so very lacking in many other areas in almost every other area in fact Gerard on the other hand combines one of the mightiest shifts in the series with a Godlike strength incredible speed and a battle Readiness honed over potentially a thousand years worth of warfare I mean you can see it on the page Gerard is capable of duking it out with Ken Pache even after the captain has removed his eye patch and activated his shikai in fact Gerard is so strong that he's powerful enough to even outpace and overpower Ken Pache to the point where it looks like the captain is out of options conversely gremy had no idea what to do in a fight Ken Pache had to coax his power out of him mentoring the boy as they went by the time gremy looked ready to finally start using his strength properly he accidentally killed himself in the process Gerard on the other hand seems purpose Built For War if that wasn't already obvious from his outfit of choice now although we should never take a villain's own proclamations about their power too seriously Gerard does note that he is the biggest strongest and fastest Quincy even going so far as to claim he is the warrior who was bestowed everything presumably by you harbar though that's interesting in itself because Gerard shrift doesn't come from uabar perhaps here he's referring to the soul King if he indeed knows where his power actually comes from anyway before we move over to Le there is one last thing to look at and it's perhaps the most important of all Gerard's weakness you see when I made that original list all those years ago I was working under the assumption that Gerard didn't really have a weakness at all again we only had the source material to use and across his entire fight it really looked like there was no way to actually finish this guy off whatsoever while Le was mostly in the same boat at least we saw him face an actual weakness in the form of Shinken haak yoken as convenient as that may have been and we'll get to that later but the fact that something existed in the source material something tangible that could take Le down on the page stood in Stark difference to Gerard who literally had to be plucked off the face of the Earth by God himself now I've speculated for years that the giant Quincy cross that appears when Gerard is split in half acts as some sort of core which would fit with the idea of Gerard being a Golem likee creation and that perhaps that is some kind of weak point that could be targeted and destroyed but considering Kubo never went any further with it and it was never seen again even after Gerard's body was reduced to dust I mostly let it lie though I brought up the theory in numerous videos over the years since however not that long ago Kubo revealed over on Club outside that yes the Quincy cross is indeed Gerard's core and by destroying it one destroys Gerard for good though Kubo made sure to tack on that destroying the core is virtually impossible hinting that not even Ken Pache and Bar K would have been able to achieve it to be honest it's always been incredibly weird that Kubo would even allude to this method of defeating Gerard and then never actually follow through on it when the fact Gerard never stayed dead was one of the biggest criticisms of his character and that fight even though I actually kind of liked it so I think the anime will change how this fight works and will factor in the core to the battle itself even if the captains ultimately don't succeed in breaking it it will at least be relevant to the fight and the anime is already going some way towards highlighting it such as when we see senjumaru trying to stab Gerard in the heart with her shikai only to fail the heart is seemingly indestructible but regardless this does change my perception of Gerard somewhat even if it is extremely hard to destroy he does now have an actual weak point and something about his previously perfect form that can now be exploited again maybe it is virtually impossible to do so but still it is there this is the problem with characters like this does this now drop Gerard below Le or is that unreasonable who could actually destroy Gerard's core and how does it even work let's move on to discuss Le now before we Circle back around to this point later on in comparison to Gerard I feel like we've talked about Le quite a lot recently likely due to his character analysis last month but it is well known among the community that he is one of the the strongest villains of the entire series transforming from a fairly unassuming yet ice cold sniper into a deranged zealous Angel his base form isn't necessarily anything special I mean I say that he would still defeat most characters in the series but koraku specifically was able to force leil onto the back foot using just his shikai and totally outmatched him in the end pushing the Quincy to use his holy form regardless Le's diagram is capable of punching holes through Captain level Shinigami and Beyond almost killing characters in a single shot and he's exceptionally skilled avoiding kaku's kagoni on the first try though admittedly Le confesses that they have information on koraku zanako so would he have been able to LEAP away if he hadn't known what was coming first simply by watching the first round of his battle with koraku although he is eventually overwhelmed it is clear that LE is Battle hardened just like Gerard both of them occupy the space of UAB bak's ultimate Soldiers with Le representing Modern Warfare and Gerard representing medieval they are two sides of the same coin that being said Gerard definitely has a lot more potential overall it is easy to forget that Gerard is still technically in his base form when he wipes out all of the goatee 13 thanks to his God size he hasn't yet used his holy he's just become a Colossus do I think Le would have been able to fight the goate like that if they had located him honestly probably not but that doesn't necessarily mean that leil is weaker than Gerard it just means they have different fighting styles as we discussed earlier Gerard thrives when he's outmatched that's what his ability is for unlike leil who is far more methodical who is far more patient Gerard is all about flinging himself into the midst of battle getting beaten up as a result and then powering up so Le is a very skilled warrior in his own right but it's when his shrift gets involved that things start to get crazy the x-axis is admittedly one of my favorite shifts I think it's very clever and I like how simple it is anything that exists between the muzzle of Le's gun and his designated Target is completely destroyed without prejudice he doesn't fire any bullets instead he just obliterates everything on that axis this is the most basic form of the x-axis though it permeates everything Le shows and does throughout the fight however once leil has come close to death three times in a battle he's finally allowed to open his tattooed eye and activate his volen dish enabling him to purge all Sinners his holy form zelel is designed to facilitate his x-axis Powers it is a function over form transformation removing most of the human elements from Le's design and turning him into a pure killing machine he goes from having one cataly for the x-axis his gun to 24 as each hole on his many wings now acts as a sniper much in the same way I felt Gerard worked narratively as the strongest sternritter so too does le his entire character is focused on the idea of purging Sinners of being an emissary of God and in that way he feels like uab's right-hand man even more so than hashw at some points Leo even comments that he is the one closest to God he is U harbach's greatest Masterpiece and his terrifying Angelic form only further cements this idea with leil we're now far removed from the more standard Quincy found in the stern RIT below and have quite obviously ascended to a different plane and the further Le is pushed the more monstrous he becomes yet despite all of that he retains his capacity to kill even regaining his arms upon morphing into his second Twisted form adding even more weapons to his Arsenal the Casual way Le is able to devastate entire cityscapes with just a lifting of his arm speaks volumes of his power putting him among the highest Echelon of warriors in Bleach seeing him surrounded by Flames as the city Burns beneath him is quite the Visual and a testament to his strength so we get it Le is an executioner in the truest sense of the word but what good does this do him if Gerard can flatten him in a single hit well so far I've only discussed the destructive capabilities of the x-axis but that's not even his shift's most incredible aspect you see once leil opens his tattooed eye three times he changes in the same way his attacks go straight through his enemies their attacks now pass right through him Le becomes intangible once he activates his holy form he's made virtually entirely of light and nothing can hit him anymore whether that's a zanak toe or a Kido now there's definitely some loopholes here as koraku was able to seriously wound and even kill Le using his banai but outside of magical abilities like that where fatal outcomes are essentially a guarantee Le can not be harmed by conventional Methods at all it takes the Shinken haaken the ceremonial religious blade of the EA Clan with the power to diffuse God's light to actually injure Le and this is in my humble opinion perhaps the most contrived and convenient Daya sex minina in all of bleach the Shinken haken's mere existence is proof that leil is completely and utterly Unstoppable otherwise now we don't know how his intangibility fares against his own kind but I see no reason for it not to still work I imagine that if Gerard were to swing Hoff Nung at leil it would simply go straight through him rendering Gerard virtually incapable of killing leil the thing is what Le has is more than simple intangibility like I said his whole body is now made of light so he's able to Simply reform himself should he somehow be injured now to be honest unlike Gerard where immortality is built into the miracle from day one I'm not really sure how or why Leo is capable of surviving having his head cut off based on the x-axis itself but regardless he is when his head is removed from his body it's simply rebuilt streams of light rising from his torso to form what looks a little bit like his original face before he transforms even further into a draconic Beat so while the theory perhaps isn't tested to the same degree as Gerard's it does seem like Le is totally unkillable as well at least while his divine power is active I think the weird Flamingo Le birds are perfectly capable of being killed in conventional ways but to even reach that state one needs the Shinken haak yoken so Gerard would likely never see this form of Le so basically had Le come up against anyone other than n now he would never have died maybe kaku's Bai could have killed him a second time but even Katen doesn't believe she has the strength to take Le down anymore and so for the fight itself when it comes down to it we are faced with the ultimate conundrum how do you determine who is strongest between two characters that can't be killed who would win this fight initially in my original ranking I made the choice to put Gerard at the top because it seemed to me me like he didn't have a single weakness whatsoever while Le did despite it being incredibly remote but now things have changed in my opinion if we take a step back this matter can be settled by one pertinent question can Le's x-axis destroy Gerard's core because if it can then leil is the strongest of the two of them now Kubo notes that Gerard's cross his heart is virally impossible to break but Kubo makes a point of taking both shifts to their logical Extremes in the source material in order to show that neither of them have any limits at all in the same way that Gerard's Miracle revives him no matter what Le's x-axis simply cannot be stopped no matter what every Target that LE successfully hits is completely destroyed obliterated removed from existence essentially with no exceptions and so with that in mind I have no reason to doubt that leil could punch a hole through Gerard with his shrift and as long as his aim is true he could destroy Gerard's core in a single blast this is all conjecture of course but I mean that's the point of the video even if he wasn't able to oneshot Gerard's core there's still the question of his intangibility Gerard likely couldn't land a hit on Le at all unless Quincy arrows are somehow able to bypass his intangibility and hell if that's the case the battle potentially shifts back onto more even ground once again but realistically Gerard is never getting his hands on the Shinken hack yoken and I don't think anything in Gerard's Arsenal can hurt Le save for one thing hofnung or more specifically Hof nang's special ability you see Gerard Hof Nang Works in a similar though not identical way to the first phase of kaku's banai where wounds are shared between the two combatants though in this case the combatants in question would be le and Gerard sword if Le fired a blast at Gerard and he tried to block it with hoffnung hofnung would be seriously damaged I mean the x-axis would likely just punch straight through it but surely that injury would then be reflected upon Le's body it's not a conventional method of damage it's essentially Le hurting himself due to someone else's ability and we've seen that work on him before you can see then why this is a bit of a headache so let's take a topown look at where we currently stand with both characters and how their fight might play out interestingly I think Gerard's best chance of success comes right at the start of the battle Le is absolutely at his most V vulnerable here and if Gerard can deal him a fatal blow before leil gets the chance to survive a near-death encounter three times then it's game over right now le is squishy and fleshy not yet made of light and so if Gerard can bear down upon him with a momentous strike he might be able to finish the fight right away but at the same time that's not giving Le enough credit Le is also likely to try and end the fight quickly both characters realizing that the longer it drags out the more damage they do to one another the worse things are going to get if we assume Le knows about Gerard's weakness then he might try and snipe him from afar perhaps even hiding at the beginning of the battle to try and score the best shot so right here we have two characters each attempting to control the early stage of the fight in different ways Le is trying to stay as far away from Gerard as possible while attempting to blast him with diagram hoping to score a hit through the heart meanwhile Gerard is likely to rush to try and find leil and the harder leil makes it to find him the more likely Gerard is to succeed perhaps then Le's best course of action is to bait Gerard out staying far away from him while making his presence known so that Gerard's the miracle can't kick in early either way unless Le successfully kills Gerard here the battle is inevitably going to come to blows up close but that doesn't immediately mean the end for Le as mentioned earlier Gerard is prone to recklessly diving head first into battle while leil is a more cautious fighter capable of even dueling the likes of kuraku up close for a while and so at that point leil simply needs to survive three strikes in order to access zelel and by then it might already be over this scenario makes me question how exactly Le's second eye at actually works does he automatically avoid dangerous attacks or is it something he has to consciously do for example in the anime's extended version of the fight between the shut stle and the zero division Le phases through U strike but did it happen automatically or did he need to actually open his eye did he need to be aware of the fact he could have been killed if so what are the parameters for him opening his eye I assume he can only do it when fa with an attack that would otherwise be fatal he notes that he's only allowed to open his eyes briefly when he falls into crisis in battle but to me at least there doesn't seem to be a downside to that it's framed as though it makes his life more difficult but I don't really see how if Le faces a crisis he can open his eye briefly and phase through that attack and then once he's phased through three attacks he can use his holy form I mean where's the problem with that if that's really how it works then Le is far less vulnerable in these early stages than I thought as to me at least it seems to guarantee that he will escape death three times in his base form and then immediately after that his holy form activates anyway so Le succeeds in activating his volon dish which of course spells really bad news for Gerard don't forget as well that Gerard is unlikely to have become a giant against Le that only occurred because he was facing such insurmountable odds and they dealt such an enormous amount of damage in fact it's implied that byakuya outright kills him during their first meeting so we have a normaliz Gerard versus the now Angelic Le here's another question to contend with as well how does Gerard's own volon dish Ash tonig actually work we only see him activate it in the source material when he returns from Death at the hands of Ken Pat's banai and it seems to activate almost involuntary to save his life so then does le need to destroy Gerard's body first before he can transform secondly Gerard's body was being sliced up by Kache against a rifle how does that work Gerard might get a few holes in him here and there but how would that affect the deployment of the miracle would Those portions of Gerard's torso that get blasted return bigger and stronger honestly thinking a little deeper about this Gerard's Miracle really really doesn't lend itself to fighting anything other than a sword anyway let's say to keep things interesting that LE misses Gerard's heart and accidentally blows his head clean off with one shot that would likely cause Gerard to grow enormous and maybe allow him to activate his holy form at the same time bringing him to a similar place as we see him in his battle with the goate and so now both Fighters are using their holy forms on the one hand you've got Geral and his Ash tonig who while able to be injured via conventional methods simply can't be killed even if you reduce his body to Rubble unless that core is destroyed he will return to life bigger and stronger than ever on the other side you've got Le and his zelel who seems to have many of the same advantages that Gerard does he's unkillable and has an ability that works without restraint everything Le shoots is destroyed no matter what and that might include Gerard's core but while Gerard likely can't hurt Le through standard methods his Hof Nung seems perfect for reflecting damage back at his enemy both Fighters are highly experienced both are incredibly skilled and both have additional abilities such as flight or even teleportation at their disposal I wonder as well if Gerard isn't able to kill leil if killing leil is seen to be an impossibility would would he then be able to achieve it after all we discussed earlier that Gerard's the miracle plays with probability that the less likely his chances of success the more likely he will succeed in the end there really are just so many Avenues as I knew there would be ultimately I think Gerard has the more complex and layered shrift providing him with more roots to Victory overall whether that's through hoffnung or through making the impossible possible it does seem like his power is designed to get him out of any unfavorable situation although if Gerard and Le are seen to be fairly evenly matched perhaps he won't get a boost of any kind let's say as the two of them battle it out and Gerard keeps trying to swipe at leil in vain that leil accidentally strikes Hoff nong's blade and blows a huge hole in it resulting in Le's holy form being destroyed Le would still likely transform again much in the same way he did against kyaku and so ultimately Gerard is still at a loss you can replace Gerard with kyaku in this analogy and get essentially the same result if leil can destroy Gerard's core much like he could have destroyed kaku's heart then both of these Fighters neither of whom can use the Shinken haak yoken on their own are doomed sure they might be able to drag the fight out and cause Le to transform a few times which is exactly what we see in the source material but Le will invariably come out on top in the end all he has to do is score that winning shot once they've grown exhausted and bloody neither Gerard nor koraku has anything that can stop Le's trumpet ability unless Gerard has grown so massive by this point that it simply wouldn't be enough to seriously injure him anyway as you can see it's a bit of a mess but I'm here to provide you with a verdict with a winner and I think that while both Gerard and Le would really push each other through each phase of the fight the longer the battle goes on the clearer the Victor probably is despite Gerard bellowing that he is the Quincy who has given everything the truth is that leil too has been given just about everything and then some interestingly it is Le's intangibility that seals the deal for me even more so than Gerard's immortality because leil has that too and so in the end I have to say that I think Le Barrow sternritter X the x-axis would be the winner but it's really not an easy decision to come to but Le being the strongest makes a lot of sense to me he was the first Quincy bestowed a shrift by U harbar and he leads the shut stle Gerard will never have access to a weapon that can diffuse God's power so Le is safe in that regard and Le may be one of the few characters capable of killing Gerard for good with a well-placed shot to his heart Gerard's hoffnung likely can reflect damage back onto leil but you're asking quite a lot for the only way to injure Le being to have him have to hit Gerard's sword bearing in mind that unlike a warrior like Ken paty who is all about clashing blades that simply isn't how Le fights there are an insane number of variables and the abstract nature of Gerard's power really doesn't help either I mean if leil is getting the better of him will the miracle simply kick in to reverse that fact or would it not really help at all in the end as always with these versus battles there's a lot to be said for each fighter and I'd love to know who you think would win down in the comments below of course a lot of this does come down to my own speculation trying to balance the cold hard facts from the source material and other supplementary sources as well with my own kind of guess work based on what we see there's no denying that Kubo placed both of these Warriors at the absolute peak of power within the series fitting for their holy positions beside you harbach beside their lord defending their sacred ground at the very end of the war and don't get me wrong I don't think it would be an easy fight for either of them particularly at the start where I think Gerard has the best chance of overpowering Le in straight combat but once their Halos appear and their Wings Blossom once the Angels rise at the end I think sternritter X the x-axis Le Barrow was perhaps the Most Blessed of them all but that's it for the video guys as always I really hope you enjoyed it make sure let me know down in the comments below am I write on the money with the winner of this fight or am I off base could Gerard kill leil or is the Emissary of God simply too broken would Le be able to put Gerard down for Good by destroying his core or or is his Unstoppable xaxis not up to the task let me know all of your thoughts down in the comments below and I just want to say as we close out another thank you to World of Warships for sponsoring today's video make sure to use the code Bravo when downloading the game to receive the huge starter pack featuring 500 a Bloons 1.5 million credits seven days of premium account time and more and as always I want to end the video by saying a massive thank you to my supporters over on patreon and giving you guys a shout out as really do appreciate your support so so very much it means the absolute world to me if you like what I do here on YouTube and you want to support me over on patreon as well you can do just that to get your name in the credits like this and to get every video I release absolutely ad free all right guys but until next time I'll catch you later and I'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 52,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach manga, bleach anime, bankai, aizen, sternritter, bleach tybw, bleach bankai, bleach strongest, bleach tybw anime, bleach tybw cour 2, tybw anime, bleach tybw part 2, senjumaru bankai, urahara bankai, bleach hell arc, kenpachi bankai, bleach hell chapter, bleach tybw part 3, strongest bleach characters
Id: j6biuzKcZSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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