WHAT IF ERWIN had the COLOSSAL Titan? | Attack on Titan

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what's going on guys today we're going to theorize how things would have changed if ever inherited the colossal during season three of attack on titan as we all know levi's choice to give this shifter to armin was a big surprise even to the freaking people who wanted it to happen and in evan's absence hanji became the newest leader of the survey corps over the following years they did learn a lot about the outside world but failed to take significant steps when it came to protecting the island frustrating aaron so much that he met elena in secret infiltrating marley without permission and then started a civil war when he returned to paradise in my opinion many of those things wouldn't have happened if evan survived because he usually had a solid plan for any situation meaning if he was alive he could have found an alternate path for survival that no one thought of in the main show this video is part one of a new series that will examine this alternate reality but before we get into it i'm giving away one thunk of the commander himself and all you have to do to enter is simply sub to the channel and leave a comment below the winner will be chosen at random using comicpicker.com and we'll be announced during part two of this series next month but remember you have to be subbed if you want your comment to have a chance okay so the best place to start this video off is when levi was about to give evan the injection because the syringe was literally in his arm and realistically speaking all leave i had to do was push down in the original timeline the captain paused at this moment as he briefly thought about army's dream to reach the sea but more importantly he also thought about the wise words of his favorite uncle according to kenny ackerman all humans need something to chase after or else there'd be no reason to keep on living and for evan his motivation was to avenge his father's death by uncovering the truth about the world earlier he'd mentioned how this was more important him than the survival of humanity but as the commander of the survey corps he was backed into a corner where he really had to give up on his dream to defeat the beast titan he knew the scouts wouldn't charge at zeke unless he was leading them and it was nice to levi's harsh words that evan accepted it was time for his dream to die this acceptance of his dream being over is a major factor in why the captain decided not to bring him back but in this alternate timeline that obviously can't happen for argument's sake let's just say levi no longer hesitates at the crucial moment and turns the commander into a pure titan straight away like he intended following that transformation everyone will wake up many hours later having eaten bertolt and the first thing he noticed is the brand new right arm that would have grown while he was asleep this arm was bitten off by a random titan in season two but with it returning he would instantly realize that he's now become a titan shifter as with most people who gain these abilities the commander would have no memory of the event surrounding it so for all he knows he could be the new beast item the new armor titan or even the new cart titan he genuinely just had no idea levi would likely be the one to update him on everything that happened and once that's explained they'd set out to find the jaeger family basement with mikasa and aaron leading the way while i think aaron would be a complete mess thanks to arman's death back in trust mikasa did show composure when it comes to this kind of thing so i feel like she'd be able to calm him down and refocus him on the task at hand obviously you could argue that she wasn't that composed a few hours earlier but with armin now actually being gone i feel like she'd accept there's nothing they can do to bring him back after searching the basement long enough they'd eventually find the three hidden notebooks left behind by graciaga and this discovery would be the culmination of evan's dream as he said he had to be there when they learn the truth about the world and now having learned that truth he'd realize that enemy is a massive nation that wants to steal the founding titan because mali failed in their mission everyone know they will return at some point to try and capture eren so strengthening the island's defenses becomes his new top priority over the course of the next few days nardoc would apologize to evan for never taking his theory seriously when they were younger while separately eren and mikasa would still be made to survey short jail centers for trying to give armin the injection the time would then come for the leaders of parodies to decide what they should do with grisha's notebooks and of course this is a perfect opportunity for evan to give one of his classy speeches something about how the truth needs to be made public or else all those deaths would be for nothing just like in the original timeline it's likely that during this meeting and would realize how to access the founders power but aaron being aaron he'd stay quiet because he wouldn't want to risk his story being turned into a titan especially now that he's already lost one of his closest friends anyway the contents of grisha's notebooks would then be released in the newspaper a day later revealing the truth about the world to the people of the island the release of this information would also serve a secondary purpose for the commander as he would be starting a recruitment drive to rebuild the survey corps to numbers never seen before when you combine high public morale with the charisma of leader like aravind thousands of regular civilians could be convinced to become new recruits while hundreds of existing soldiers would defect to join the scouts nile in particular is someone who i think would leave the mps to join the survey called ranks as after everything that went down i think he'd want to follow his old friend for whatever's about to happen in the months after this evan would spend time revamping what the cervical are about slowly turning them into an army that's more prepared to fight back against an invasion all the soldiers who recently joined from other military branches would now be trained to use thunderspears while the fresh recruits would mainly focus on how to kill humans and titan shifters this type of evolution is a logical set that i think everyone would take as in the past he mentioned how he viewed the scouts as a spear made to eliminate threats given that marley's biggest threat comes from their shifters and the humans who might be helping them it only makes sense that the scouts would need to move on from their old ways of thinking while all of this training is going on the executioner from hell would be systematically wiping out most beer titans on parodies and by the winter 99.9 of them would be gone fast forward to the spring and the scouts would conduct their first expedition to the sea with the commander planning to construct a military base where the malian wall currently stands he'd know that when mali returns they'll likely come to this location given that you know they made it themselves so the idea would be for the base to be fortified with weapons and have at least one titan shifter present at all times later that same year while the base is under construction marley would send their first feed of service ships to inspect the island and on board would be elena on yankpon and a very suspect amount of malian wine in the main show the arrival of zeke's anti-malian volunteers caused a serious debate with certain people believing they should all be executed while others like kanji believing that the volunteers could be useful when it comes to irvine i think he'd initially be somewhere in the middle cause on the one hand after seeing what zeke did to the scouts there's no way he'd believe the beast titan suddenly wants to help the same people he killed the commander would probably think that the volunteers are part of some kind of trick to steal the finding titan a sentiment that was shared by zachary as well on the other hand evan would also realize that these guys can provide technology and knowledge that they can't get anywhere else so it could be a mistake to not use that to their advantage for that reason i think that working carefully with the volunteers is a gamble the commander would be willing to make because the benefits will outweigh the costs as long as they can keep the founding titan safe now for those of you that maybe forgot when elena arrived she instantly revealed a lot of important information about mali including the size and structure of their army the type of weapons they use and the development of their airships on top of that one of the more interesting things she says that often gets overlooked was that mali couldn't invade parodies at this time largely because they were involved in a completely different war after losing the female and colossal titans they were perceived as weak by other countries and so mali's many enemies gathered together to try and take them out in the original timeline this was mentioned once by elena and never spoken of by hanji again but for someone like irvin he'd see the war as a chance to crush their biggest enemy he said himself that his goal after reaching the basement would be to eliminate threats on the other side of the walls and with the right strategy the mideast war provided a perfect battleground to wipe out mali and potentially make allies at the same time hear me out on that one while it's true the entire world seriously hates parodies based on everything we know you could argue that mali military is almost equally as hated for a hundred years they used time shifters to dominate the planet invading countless countries along the way and forcing civilians like onyankapon to join their army many of those victories were only possible thanks to the titans so it's fair to say that if the warriors could somehow be eliminated then mali would very probably lose the mideast war in the main series we saw how the mideast alliance was beaten thanks to the beast and armored titans but in this ultimate timeline irving's new strategy could destroy the warrior unit before this even happens in doing that they could change how millions of people around the world perceive parodies and while it wouldn't magically stop prejudice against eldians at the very least it could allow the island to make allies with the middle east obviously there are a lot of steps that need to happen for this to be a possibility because for a start it would take some serious convincing for the alliance to put aside their prejudice and accept help from the scouts i know some of you watching might even think it's just impossible for that to happen but when it comes to war certain countries are willing to win by whatever means necessary mali itself is perhaps the perfect example of that because they were oppressed for 2 000 years by the titans yeah as soon as the opportunity presented itself they didn't hesitate to take seven titan shifters and use them for themselves it's fair to say the middle eastern alliance would likely be no different all it takes is for someone to convince them that they can't beat mali without assistance from the titans of parodies more details about this potential team up will be shown in part 2 but for now let's move over to what would happen in the month after the volunteers arrive to start with aaron would reveal the secret he's been hiding about how to activate the founding titan and in this moment the possibility of a rumbling becomes known to everyone in the room in my opinion the commander would treat the rumbling as a backup option in case they were like being bombarded or something but no way would it be his number one choice cause i mean first of all a full-scale rumbling was never anyone's first option and even a partial use of the rumbling would only make parodies a bigger target to those who survive if ervin's idea to join the mideast war is going to happen they need to avoid making new enemies by doing a rumbling and instead focus on diplomacy starting with asia and the middle east by establishing peace agreements with those other nations it could be the start of a relationship that in the long term can turn parodies into a modern country that doesn't need titans to survive in the year 842 history would then make their initial visit to the island and at the time of their arrival the midi sword would still be raging on this meeting would be important for a number of reasons but above everything else it's a chance for evan to persuade kyomi to abandon zeke's proposal and follow his idea instead as we all know zeke's plan required erin to activate a small-scale rumbling to scare off other nations for the next 50 years and in that time history would then help build parodies into a modern country the big downside was that historia and her descendants would have to inherit the beast titan so that they always had a titan of royal blood and could therefore always do the rumbling the problem is that this is something aaron was desperate to avoid and i think with armin having died in this new timeline he'd be even more determined to make sure the rest of his friends can live long lives because of this aaron would 100 be against zeke's rumbling idea and will put his faith in the commander instead who you know his plan by contrast doesn't require a titan of royal blood but what it does need is cooperation from other countries starting with the asian clan history's resources would enable the scouts to infiltrate mali at which point they can split into teams and steal the draw armoured cart and possibly the beast tyson whether they take the beast titan will depend on certain factors that will be discussed in the next video but the main point is that by launching a surprise attack on the warrior unit mali will be weakened to a point where they can potentially be destroyed it should be said though that if kyomi was to assist the scouts in this alternate plan it would be a massive betrayal of zeke's trust since if they're not going to do a rumbling then there's no reason why paradise would bring him to meet his brother that being said zeke's troubles aren't really kyomi's problem as the anime showed us she's capable of betraying people or lying to their face if it serves her best interests given that her country's been on the decline ever since the great titan war i generally feel like she could be persuaded by irvine to go along with his plan as long as it still involves her getting access to the iceberg stone reserves the ice burst stone is a special fuel source found only on parodies and according to hyomi it's so valuable that it could return our nation to its former glory so she be desperate to reach a deal with the aldians even if it's not the one she originally planned in return for access to the iceberg stone hizuru can provide the scouts with travel to mali and the middle east as well as passing on the tools needed to build the island into a more civilized society the way i see it both sides of something the other once so for that reason kiyomi and erin should be able to reach an agreement that doesn't involve the rumbling and yeah you'll see how that develops in part two before i end this one there were two things i didn't get the chance to talk about yet the first being whether berto's memories would be affecting the commander in any way in the main timeline we saw how berto's influence made armin fall in love with a crystal but for the commander i personally don't think that would happen unlike armin he had no pre-existing relationship with either bertolt or annie and you know that was clearly a factor in why armin was being haunted from the very beginning most of the time the memories of a predecessor don't majorly affect the next person anyway as you've seen with yamir reiner and even berto himself they were all unaffected by the previous person i think everyone would likely be in that same group but let me know what you think in the comments down below the second thing i didn't get to mention were the events surrounding this ceremony as in the original series erin kisses storia's hand causing him to see memories from different points in time this kiss would still happen in the alternate reality where evan survived although the visions aaron sees now would not be exactly the same i imagine he'd still pull the same face though because there are a few ways in which this timeline is actually much worse than the original one but we'll get to that in future parts if you enjoyed this video then be sure to smash that sub button if you haven't already and until the next one peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 1,254,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Attack on Titan, erwin colossal titan, AOT, Attack on Titan the final season, Attack on Titan season 4, colossus titan, erwin smith, ancient titans, armin backstory, eren colossal titan, original titans, founding titan, titan shifter, fritz, wall titans, AOT s4, AOT season 4, arminseason 4, subjects of ymir, titan hardening, shingeki no kyojin, turtle quirk, eren season 4, first colossal titan, former female titan, new colossal titan, What if Erwin, Marley
Id: 2B2TlU8T8ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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