What happens when Pacific Rim Jaegers face off vs Monsterverse Titans? | Kong, Godzilla, and Mecha-G

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[Music] [Applause] what if jaeger's made themselves present in the monsterverse in this episode we will analyze different scenarios where these giant mechs dared to wage war against these types of kaiju but not just any monsters today we will feature not just one but three different titans kong the g-man and mechagodzilla all with different combat philosophies weapons and objectives that would make each scenario unique if this is your first time here please remember to follow or subscribe to our channel to be the first to see epic kaiju fight content coming up pacific rim jaegers in the monster verse before we start we want to quickly show you another way you can take control of the battle and that's with our sponsor rage shadow legends available on mobile and pc this game's got over 600 unique champions to play as all from unique factions each with their own lore use this link or this qr code to download in this game the high elves are the faction to look out for because of their 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thanks to raid for their continued support for the channel and now let's see some jaeger action before we throw our jaegers against our monster vs kaiju we need to first understand what these things really are why they were built and how they physically compare against monster vs titans these mechanized giants are featured in pacific rim in this cinematic universe earth is attacked from within by super intelligent alien life forms that unleash massive sea monsters via underwater portals and attack populated areas after seeing that nuking these creatures only led to self-destruction the united nations greenlighted an initiative to build massive human-shaped mechs which would leverage human mobility dexterity and intelligence and amplify these abilities on a larger scale enough to fight monsters in hand-to-hand combat by fighting them in this manner humanity would no longer have to use nukes and destroy their own cities building these could come at a massive cost however for example just one of these could cost up to 100 billion dollars and some are rumored to cost a lot more but how big are these compared to monster vs kaiju these jaegers varied in size from 230 to up to 280 feet in height in terms of weight these were a lot lighter than anticipated now admittedly the official weights for these jaegers are all over the place some ranging from 2 000 tons to up to 7 000 tons for the purposes of making these as realistic as possible in this video we will align with the higher end figures provided by comparing the physical proportions of an average jaeger to our monster verse opponents we have a massive gap in terms of weight and height meaning that it would be illogical for a single jaeger to successfully defeat any of these three titans with ease all three of these titans especially mechagodzilla would have a massive height advantage over any of these jaegers not to mention that a single swipe of these extremely heavy kaiju would pack enough force to destroy a jaeger with a single hit especially since all of these kaiju here have some serious upper body strength the only way to make these scenarios at all interesting will be by assigning a number of jaegers to take on these kaiju not a 1v1 match but a squad of these to carry on an assault against our monsterverse contestants now that we have a clearer picture of how these jaegers could perform let us now start analyzing our first battle scenario number one jaeger's versus calm we will begin with a kaiju whose best strengths include high problem solving skills high dexterity mobility and weapon wielding capabilities defeating a titan such as this will require immense upper body strength and definitely handheld weapons that can counter its own fortunately for the jaeger program it has a plethora of mechs with different types of handheld weapons that could possibly aid in inflicting damage to kong by housing humans inside a mech this will allow these pilots to literally know what it would feel like to fight kong just as if they were fighting another human except kong is far superior compared to an average jaeger build kong is much more robust wider and not only that he has proven to be one of the most intelligent titans in the monster verse in terms of combat ability almost as intelligent as a human knowing this we can rule out the possibility of a single jaeger defeating kong we will need a lot more for this specific fight we think the most important factors to consider is one dexterity to mobility and three intelligence in terms of dexterity both humans and kong will be able to wield handheld weapons kong just happens to be a master at this sort of thing once vastly outnumbered an intelligent titan like kong would quickly look for anything that would give him the edge before he engages in close combat anything such as his axe for instance would immediately give kong the edge in handheld weapons as there is absolutely no weapon possessed by any jaeger that could successfully counter this axe this weapon alone is estimated to be approximately 207 feet in length more than two-thirds the length of the largest jaegers imagine someone hurtling an extremely heavy axe at you the results would be catastrophic this weapon with these swing speeds would be able to send a single jaeger flying or potentially cut it in half dispatching jaeger's in this form would only mean that kong would quickly be able to render down a squadron of jaegers to half their number in order to defeat kong the remaining jaegers would have to resort to their numbers and strategy one thing that kong has a serious advantage over the jaegers inn is mobility now it's important to note that not all of these are created equal some jaegers such as the mark vi seen in pacific rim uprising were a lot more agile than its predecessors but compared to kong these pale in comparison jaeger's do not have a leap ability like kong does meaning that in terms of movement kong would easily be able to pick these off one by one by flanking them and taking them out on their weaker sides the only way to defeat this creature would be by teamwork and a clever use of some of their better weapons such as the arc whip capable of lassoing kong's appendages disabling a limb for some time or furthermore the use of a gravity sling a weapon capable of hurling objects at kong leveraging centrifugal force a constant barrage of objects hurled at a distance would potentially weaken this titan but then again kong's ability to throw back these objects would cancel this out leaving the jaegers with little to no chance of defeating this titan a giant ape with supernatural leaping abilities immense strength dexterity and intelligence grants the monsterverse its first win though realistically if any kaiju were to side with humans it would have been kong so in a real life situation we would most likely never see this happen up next humanity will face a titan who will voluntarily attack humanity if provoked number two jaegers versus the g-man after a crushing defeat against kong the jaegers now have to switch their attention to a titan that if provoked could unleash calamity and destruction to all humanity godzilla now picking a fight with a massive 390 foot tall kaiju with atomic weapons will be no easy task especially since this kaiju is a whopping 99 000 tons more than 13 times the weight of a single jaeger assuming jaegers were actually that heavy to put this into weight perspective this would be the same as a 160 pound person fighting against approximately 13 overweight house cats except you're armed with atomic ray weaponry and they aren't if you were a jaeger pilot you would now have the honor of being able to combat godzilla in hand-to-hand combat at a larger scale but you're not alone now how would the jaegers fare against such odds to begin let's bring out some of the most important factors to consider ranged weaponry overall strength and corporal builds in the past we have seen the g-man go up against different enemies in 1v1 confrontations godzilla proves to be a champion in single-hand combat but against many foes godzilla will struggle a bit more this time the g-man will now face an entire squadron of jaegers so the best thing we can do to simulate the outcome is to think like godzilla we know this guy has a solid strategic acumen and will try to exploit any advantage he can before engaging in hand-to-hand combat as godzilla sees these approaching he will most likely be met with a barrage of explosive weaponry in response godzilla will deploy atomic breath and will attempt to wipe out as much of the opposing squadron as possible since he's severely outnumbered can godzilla destroy jaeger's at range yes this atomic blast is so powerful that against much lighter opponents these would literally be sent flying or simply obliterated due to the blast once seeing that long-range combat is detrimental the jaegers would have to close in and fight godzilla as one which brings us to our next attributes strength and builds a 99 000 ton kaiju equipped with extremely strong upper and lower body strength would be able to easily dismantle the smaller jaegers with ease using its jaws and sharp tipped claws but a more devastating weapon against these jaegers would be its tail this particular titan would be more difficult to attack from the rear thanks to this weapon we have seen this tale in action sending kong flying and even executing another titan a much lighter jaeger hit by the tip of this tale for instance would instantly be sliced down the middle getting hit in the thicker section would make this jaeger fair game to get smashed to pieces or worse suffer a solid impact by the smaller dorsal plates but will any of these weapons cause serious harm to godzilla harm yes but serious not likely godzilla's skin is capable of withstanding very high temperatures its thick hide helps mitigate deep flesh wounds and a body so dense that it would be proportionally difficult to penetrate given that the weapons are very light compared to the g-man's dense body almost like trying to cut through lead with a knife although possible it would take an immense force behind the strike to cut deep another challenge is that most of these blades used by these jaegers are super heated meaning that if they do cut these would most likely cauterize the wound stopping any bleeding as we can see bringing down godzilla at any proximity would be a difficult task even for an entire squadron of jaegers almost impossible without taking heavy losses although fighting against godzilla could be necessary on some occasions godzilla doesn't voluntarily attack unless provoked the final monster on this list will attack without provocation number three jaeger's versus mecha godzilla we left this one till the end because this confrontation is interesting in different aspects in many ways both jaeger's and mechagodzilla are very similar both being controlled by a pilot or pilots via neural handshake or in mechagodzilla's case psionic link mechagodzilla's pilot would basically have to enter a transitory state in which his brain would intermingle with mechagodzilla's ai or more specifically ghidorah's consciousness both being very trippy processes but not as trippy as kind to sharing a consciousness with a homicidal three-headed bloodthirsty killer in this scenario we will have to take into account the mechanical and technological aspect of this battle or war against mechagodzilla the factors to watch out for are ranged weaponry melee weapons and psionic infrastructure we are potentially entering the most brutal of these fights given that mechagodzilla is pure evil and is equipped with precisely the type of weaponry to exercise its brutality go check out this video to see what we're talking about but first let's draw up this scenario a squadron of jaegers advances to face off a massive 400 foot tall mecha godzilla this titan almost doubles the height of the smaller members of this squadron equipped with buzz saw hands industrial grinder jaws spinning titanium blade tail and a lethal proton scream this battle will be nothing short of devastating if you didn't know mechagodzilla's ai is built to resemble the g-man's own thought processes meaning that this standoff would probably resemble the one against godzilla with the mech figuring out that it would be better off by killing a good chunk of this squadron at a distance this gets all the more interesting once this guy gets up and personal with the jaegers in terms of physical strength we see that mechagodzilla was up to par if not stronger than a ward out godzilla and kong at the end of gvk its supercharged punch was enough to send godzilla through skylines and its tail impact enough to smack kong to the ground jaegers easy except that an evil pair of pilots would humiliate these jaegers this animal's strong four limbs would literally dismember the jaegers one by one resisting any missile barrages or impacts inflicted by less dense weapons but the most devastating weapon of all is its scythed tail one pierce of these tips is enough to put any of these smaller jaegers out of commission in seconds but how would humanity defeat mecha godzilla although it has become clear that beating this mech with jaegers is almost impossible we must remember that mechagodzilla was also human built and that there are also other forces at play here no not like this though up in the heights of outer space there is supposedly a satellite which transmits psionic signals or commands back down to the mac this network allows the pilot and ghidorah to control the mech remotely without them having to be housed inside the mech itself meaning that a well-targeted missile strike to any of these two locations would cause necessary disruptions for this thing to lose contact lag or even shut the whole thing down jaeger's fortunately don't require a satellite uplink to relay commands which is their most important edge against this particular mac but shutting down mechagodzilla is not guaranteed on the contrary if this network's architecture was built in such a way that it allowed it to go rogue instead of shutting down humanity would have instigated an even bigger problem by having to deal with ghidorah's consciousness as the one and only pilot of this killing machine do you think humanity can stand a chance against any of these kaiju how do you think jaegers would fare against some non-alpha titans in the monster verse hit that subscribe button and follow us for more content on your favorite monsters kaiju and more thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Goji Center
Views: 1,704,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pacific rim, pacific rim the black, jaegers vs kaiju, otachi, raiju, slattern, megakaiju, pacific rim size comparison, pacific rim uprising, mechagodzilla, godzilla, kong, godzilla vs kong, king of the monsters, obsidian fury, king kong vs godzilla, monsterverse kaiju size comparison, gojicenter, gojira, monsterverse titans, behemoth, titanus scylla, titanus behemoth, titanus methuselah, ghidorah, rodan, monthra, battle face off, face off analysis, monsters, kaiju, dinosaurs, jurassic world
Id: 2nAxpUJOSjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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