All In The Family & The Jeffersons | A Tale of Two Families | The Norman Lear Effect

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well the only answer to that is daddy you're so prejudiced you haven't even met mr jefferson yet fine and that's just the way i want to keep oh lionel yeah mr bunker when i heard about mrs bunker's ankle i rushed right over oh yeah well uh she's in here resting eden the doctor said you're supposed to stay off your feet dear sit down [Music] see what i mean yeah i see that's a shame it's too bad this had to happen the first time you were coming to dinner mrs bunker yeah well lineless they say casey ray cerrey you know and uh we was both looking forward towards it too wasn't we i certainly was uh but saying mr bunker are you sure there isn't something else that's causing you to cancel tonight oh well i mean you can be straight with me because frankly we're having problems with my old man yeah what's the matter with him well he's kind of old-fashioned you know says he just doesn't want to sit down with whitey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow here we are i invited mr jefferson to sit in your chair audrey it's so comfortable for a man and i knew you wouldn't mind [Applause] louise henry what's going on here your ankle all of a sudden got better huh i'm sorry we had to lie to you my ankle wasn't really sprained it was just an excuse to try to get out of having dinner with you edith i have a confession to make to you uh this isn't my husband it is that's not your husband oh no george didn't want to have dinner with you either oh and when i couldn't change his mind i didn't know what to do i was so embarrassed that i asked my brother-in-law henry to come with me your brother-in-law oh what a lie this is what it comes to i agree to do this thing edith and their real guy doesn't come over we don't want to sit down with whitey he stays home no no no george didn't stay at home well where's john he's at shea stadium watching the mess [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'll handle this hey jefferson are you asking to come into my house no bunker i wouldn't come in there not even if you got down on your hands and knees and sang manny hey come on come on here bob save your breath lionel i wouldn't come in there if he was the last white man on earth watch this watch this ha ha you're in no i ain't i'm out if you've got my stoop that's the same as being in my house stoops don't count stilts always count stupid count don't turn your back on me so finally the great jefferson who always reclined to cross my threshold is into the house all duded it up with a flower in his lapel air or is that one of them things that squirt it wrong no it's weird [Applause] i wear a fresh one every day ah you don't blow money on a fresh flower every day no i steal one every day from a blind flower girl he's joking george they don't know you here he's joking louise i'll tell them what i'm joking i was joking bonker i'm just gonna say what i have to say to my brother and get out i'll gladly hold it up here henry when i was a kid i was always asking mom for a brother you know how poor he was so all we could afford was you oh oh look hello mr jefferson oh hi mrs bunker hey jefferson there how are you listen that uh formal invitation you sent by your wife uh i think that was very whitey that's exactly the way i felt when i did it george why don't you take archie over to the bar and offer him a drink hey jefferson i seen you hosing down your porch yesterday oh yeah when am i going to see you holding down yours yes sir give the man a drink please what'll it be sir uh whiskey any particular brand yeah the expensive brand oh look at this guy with his suitcase what are you moving into hell no this is lionel's suitcase i want to get him out of here as soon as possible he wants to stay in the motel here's the money to pay for it i don't want him asking for nothing from this house if my son wants to run away i can afford it don't pay him any attention aren't you he's crazy well he's not going to any motel he's staying here he ain't going to shame me by staying here louise i think your husband's right george i want you to apologize to our son we don't have a son louise but don't worry we can start all over again you can give me another boy you better call parcel post because i've stopped making delivery [Applause] i don't want to hear this why don't you show mr jefferson your pants oh yeah yeah as long as you're over here jefferson uh maybe you could give me your professional opinion uh on this here it's a hole i bought you some fruit for your trip we only going to manhattan well subways break down sometimes well edith i guess this is really goodbye i know well i'll just say so long so long he did louise did i ever tell you i love you every minute we've spent together you'd better go now people the both of us get awful wet bye louise i mean so long oh hi hi uh george this is diane stockwell diane this is my husband george if you're the avon lady i think it's too late he's a great joker sometimes he's even funny do both of y'all live here uh-huh some place ain't it yeah i didn't know the jefferson's had a couple a couple of what the maiden of butler you two butler what yeah they must be real rich hold it diane we are the jeffersons are you right he's a great joker he's not joking diane or you got to be kidding how can you afford to live in a place like this you ain't tall enough to be no basketball player say what are you too old for a rock and roll singer look this is our apartment then you got to be a number runner i'm getting out of here no hold on i don't run nothing except my own business that's true diane he owns some cleaning stores including the one downstairs oh oh i'm sorry excuse me all right diane wait wait diane what's the matter well i thought you was a maid like me you a maid yes what difference does that make plenty why aren't you out maiden someplace don't mind him diane no it does make a difference mr jefferson is right mr jefferson it's george diane she was right the first time mr jefferson i better be going thanks for the coffee oh oh wait promise you'll drop in tomorrow and have another cup of coffee with me i want us to be good friends well i will if i can bye mr jefferson all right hear that louise she call me mr jefferson mrs louise two can play at that superior jazz diane is my friend no she's not she's a domestic so you make it sound like a disease fact of life louise you own an apartment in the building she's amazed now hold it right there buster ain't you forgetting where you came from it ain't the question of where i came from it's the question of where i am you are east side and she is west side i don't want no crosstown traffic in my kitchen [Applause] george the lord created everybody equal except in your case he quit work before he got to your head now just because we are moving up there's no reason why we have to look down on people i'm not telling you to look down on nobody i'm just saying to shift your angle and let them start looking up to you louise i've done good by you right and i hope someday diane's husband will do good by her but in the meantime she is where a domestic belongs in the kitchen and you are going to be where you belong in the dog house you
Channel: The Norman Lear Effect
Views: 652,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Norman Lear Effect, Norman Lear, Norman Lear Show, The Jeffersons, All In The Family, Maude, Good Times, Sanford and Son, One Day At A Time, Palmerstown USA, The Jeffersons Best Moments, The Jeffersons Norman Lear, Movin' On Up, George Jefferson, Louise Jefferson, Sherman Hemsley, Isabel Sanford, Norman Lear All In The Family, All In The Family Best Moments, The Jeffersons and The Bunkers, All In The Family Crossover, The Jefferson Crossover, Carroll O'Connor
Id: ybmmb6oJIUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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