Important Themes: Race | The Norman Lear Effect

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hi i'm from the employment agency you called for a housekeeper [Applause] she's right i can see that look at him beady eyes a sure sign of a sex maniac [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i finished upstairs i tell you mr sanford you know what i almost said when i first saw this place i almost said what hit it hurricane agnes i can tell you that upstairs was a disaster area oh you mind if i sit down no no sit down mm-hmm i have my smoke no just don't burn us down yeah oh boy a five-minute rest they'll do me a lot of good i had to wait 45 minutes for my bus this morning 45 minutes there's no bench at the bus stop you know then an hour's ride here oh i still have part of the way my feet are killing me hey mary uh bet you don't take too many jobs like this do you i mean you know uh coming all the way down here to work for uh for black people money's green job's a job and people are people i'm glad you feel that way because some of my best friends are white yeah yeah a fella down the street named goldstein he's a junk dealer he's a friend of mine and uh funny thing goldstein is not only white he's jewish is that so yeah we ate together once oh i think that's wonderful yeah and and something else mary i wouldn't want nobody to hear me say this but i think jack dempsey could have beat joe lewis do you yeah now don't get me wrong joe was good but jack was a real slugger real fighter and outside the ring a real gentleman yes sir real gentleman a credit to his race that's nice well coffee break's over i better get back to work yeah his name is sampler are you comfortable yeah i'm fine let's get tired sitting there anything i can do for you nothing at all underneath why don't i give you a nice alcohol rub that make you feel hey good mary would you give me something cola drink oh sure i'll be glad to what would you like why don't you look at the refrigerator see what we got oh okay he's not nagging at her and you haven't answered michael's question yet are you going with him to the blood bank tomorrow morning blood bank no reading railroad i'll buy it why not all right you said last week you'd go with me i changed my mind i ain't given none of my blood unless i know who's going to be on the receiving end of it yeah all right well what's the difference the difference is some radical blows up a building right he gets shot he needs a transfusion well he ain't gonna get none of watsy bunker's blood you roll the dice please all right i'm rolling here we go there we are one two three four five six park place right next to the boardwalk that's the best monopoly on the board okay come on 500 change all right here's your deed all right look at him gloating you'd think he was really rich yeah well i am rich you know the man is rich who can enjoy himself in the bosom of his family huh [Laughter] you sure are shoveling it tonight archer a man is rich who can enjoy himself you know who said that marcus welby yeah will you roll huh i want to ask you something archie that uh guy that you wouldn't give blood to you know the radical who got shot blown up a building huh how do you know that the blood he finally gets won't be william buckley's be crooked make it solitary confinement huh because bill buckley would never give no blood or fist to some radical who was blowing up building archie if buckley's blood is in a bank he's not gonna know well he might not know but then on the blood bank they know they got names on all the jaws no they don't he doesn't get the concept michael look daddy blood is blood it's all the same no matter who it comes from no matter who it comes from you hear that you send them out to get a normal education they come back with all these subversions where do they get is that huh i can't talk i'm in solitude [Music] well let me tell you something little girl blood is like anything else in life you got your good you got your bad you do not know what you're talking about all right for instance john dillinger had bad bloods john dillinger who was john dillinger listen to this guy he's arguing blood you don't even know who john dillinger you're over your head sonny boy get out of the water look archie i i i i don't want to argue with you i'm just stating a fact all blood is the same well if more blood is the same let me ask you this how come they ain't got no swedes in the mafia [Applause] what's that got to do with anything of course your italian's got a lock on it that's it's in their right the same way it's in your black's blood to do the scooby-dooby-doo oh that's terrible that's true that's not true what i'm telling you archie is an accepted scientific fact you take any two pints of blood two uh one from asia one from america one from a black man or one from a yeah any two pints of blood and assuming that both donors are healthy and the types match those two pints of blood are interchangeable yeah because chemically they're exactly the same right exactly you're both finished yeah uh-huh you want my reaction call me propaganda purity oh that's bull that's straight from the ruski's right off the kremlin line archie aussie what i'm telling you i'm gonna tell you for the last time any man's blood will work in any other man's body period that's a fact college life is science i got some of the same blood in me as katherine hepburn michael what are you doing home from school so early you shouldn't be back for another two hours michael come here now answer me what are you doing home i got suspended suspended for what nothing that's what i used to always get suspended for michael a good student like you don't get suspended for nothing now why were you sent home cause i'm black i want the truth michael evans that is the truth mama i am black michael i want to know why you were sent home and i want to know now i said something my teacher mrs danvers didn't like why i told her that george washington was a white racist what well he was mama he owned slaves you little squirt when do you come off calling the father of our country a racist where'd you pick up such trash in the library in a book on black history well you still don't say things like that about george washington if you had to insult somebody you should have played it safe and picked on somebody like benedict arnold mama i was just telling it like it is look boy mama boy is a white racist word if this child is so black i'm gonna have to lead a protest march before you say i'm his mama michael i want you to go right back to that school and apologize why tell them the truth mama i'm quitting school i'm gonna get a job oh come on grams now don't make a big hassle out of this go on back to school and apologize like your mama said yeah cause daddy's gonna be home soon tired and grouchy for working all night you better not let him see you here i don't care i'm not going to school just to learn what they teach then play it my way go to school and don't learn nothing [Applause] you saved that big mouth of yours for eating jj [Applause] honey i thought you wanted to go to college and be a lawyer i do mama someday i'm gonna sit on the supreme court if your father catches you here you ain't gonna be able to sit anywhere honey in washington's time lots of people owned slaves you got no call to be disrespectful to george washington because he owned slaves he's a great man he was our first president he wasn't our president he was their president no michael he was our president too they're all our presidents why do you think so many black folks are named after presidents washington jefferson jackson lincoln roosevelt every president is because they were all our presidents too a new blacks named nixon look mike i'm no longer asking you i am telling you grams come on going back to school no okay if you don't take back what you said about george washington your father is going to make sure you have a betsy ross behind red black and blue [Laughter] mama i'm ready to take my punishment i knew when i was born black life wasn't going to be easy when you were born you didn't know you was black i got nothing to be ashamed of and i'm not afraid to face up to daddy michael go into that room j.j thomas take him in there and see that he stays in there even if you have to sit on him come on michael it's for your own good mama i still say i didn't do anything wrong i didn't do nothing wrong i knew that child was stubborn from the time i carried him in my belly jj and thelma just kicked he's stunked well you've got yourself an 11-year-old nat turner you better get him back to school and fast you can keep this from james just so long i feel just like those people in california they know an earthquake is coming but they don't know what the heck to do about it like some other people do oh no what's the matter with you the truck is gone somebody stole the truck i'm gonna call the police hey relax the truck's not stolen somebody borrowed it what who did i loan the truck to our neighbor julio who yo you know that truck to puerto rican what difference does it make what the man is he needed the truck and i loaned it to him well i'll tell you what dividend make he don't return stuff what are you talking about i'm talking about how poor we can buy your stuff and then don't bring it back they borrowed harlem remember and i'm sure they'd be glad to return it well you just kissed that truck goodbye you know how bad they drive what is this they don't return things they don't know how to drive what are you a bigot no i'm a baptist i never thought it was possible i'm the son of a bigot say judy what's it like going to school in a place like this um it's a cross between summer camp and sing-sing i mean you got any sisters here no but i have two brothers at home girl you got to get with it don't you know a sister from a sister oh sister sister sure i've got sisters here you gonna stay here much longer until i graduate it's a long time to be living in a ivory tower what are you talking about fred yeah you know what color ivory is somebody must have slam-dunked your brain i'm happy here and i got a lot of friends and they all treat me as an equal mm-hmm oh there you are tutti here's the material for my dress am i interrupting anything well this is what i had in mind you know something simple but elegant you did a wonderful job on this one i love the um pure waist and the spaghetti straps thanks oh and remember i need it in time for the dance thanks a lot tutti she is a gem some equal you do our laundry too it's not like that i want to make that dress sure just like our people want it to pick cotton fred back off can't you hear how she talks down to you that's just blab she talks down to everyone i bet she talks lower to you come on now that's a friend of mine you're talking about yeah you ever been invited to her house no but she's never been invited to mine either are you trying to tell me you girls are tight are you kidding we're we're like a family we're tighter than the osmonds don't you mean the osmos plus one jackson come on fred hey hey i wouldn't get on your case except i hate to see such a foxy chick like yourself fading in front of my face you got it half right i am foxy listen honey let's finish up and straighten up the house a bit before the new housekeeper gets here i think it's ridiculous us getting the place clean for a maid we do not say may we say housekeeper correction noted i suppose we're getting another black housekeeper well how should i know i didn't ask for one mother all right i asked yes and you'll spoil her to death and walter will end up firing her just like marseilles i will not spoil them you do mod you see black and you melt it's not true it is a black mate says hello you say i'm sorry there she is that's the housekeeper carol carol don't you dare open that door straighten up the place fluff up some pillows or something be right there carol listen from that look on your face you are gonna scare that poor woman to death carol you don't know how frightening it is for them to come into a brand new situation in a white household i for one intend to make her feel warm and welcome well hello you must be mrs evans i hope you didn't have any trouble finding us oh no ma'am i heard you all the way from the bus stop may i come in oh wait of course of course come in mrs evans meet my daughter carol carol this is mrs evans exactly ma'am ma'am did i hear you say ma'am oh no we can't have that in this household now from now on i want you to call her carol and me maude now what shall we call you mrs evans i i don't think you understand she understands just fine may i take your coat mrs evans thank you uh mrs evans won't you uh sit down said would you excuse me a minute uh carol i just wanted to ask how do you like her i like her i mean i love the way she comes on you love the way she comes on but you don't see one inch beneath that do you obviously the poor woman is frightened to death now what you call coming on is a defense it's her her way of coping with the pain mrs evans mrs evans have you ever met someone and instinctively liked that person at the very first time no never oil have you heard the good news no but i've got some good news of my own lionel we're having a black family for neighbors yeah they just bought you in bowman's place for 26 000 5 000 down on a 20-year mortgage how did you know cause we move in next week [Applause] congratulations gee i can't wait to see ash's reactions two years go over there on the couch and do something with yourselves when you i gotta talk to lionel come on over here lionel sit down in that chair huh this is very important now lionel you and i have been friends a long time right right it's on the basis of that friendship that i'm gonna ask do me a favor sure jim bowman our neighbor donald way just sold his home to a family of colors no two doors away can you believe it does mike know about this jane knows about it all he can say is 12 percent of the neighborhood ought to be black 12 oh no if you follow that kind of thinking 88 of the harlem globetrotters ought to be white i never thought of that but see it it ain't the color lionel because you know uh many of you black people are fine decent people as you probably know yeah so i've heard but they'd be more comfortable somewhere else right they'd be happier with their own kind you took the rage right out of my mouth now listen this is what we're going to do a group of concerned neighbors has got together and we're going to take up a collection to buy that house cracked from them people who bought it from baltimore but what if they don't want to sell we're going to give them a 2 000 profit [Music] they're nice yeah [Music] so why should they turn down a 2 dollar profit in order to stay in a neighborhood where they want us and you're gonna tell them they ain't wanting it oh no no line you can't go up to people to say a thing like that i mean this is american that's what i want you to do i want you to take them to york see i mean i could do it myself but uh for this job uh you got the best credentials see now uh not that i'm gonna ask you to do it for nothing and you bring this thing off it's gonna be a little something in it for yourself yeah and i'll be doing it for their own good too of course that's what i'm saying ain't gonna be happy here what are they gonna do what are they gonna do for recreation they mean a crap game or a pool hole in a whole neighborhood there ain't a chicken shack or a ribbed giant within miles no ribs blow the mighty what is we gonna do oh wait wait a minute final just a minute we who's we my mother my father my aunt and me well lionel your family i got to tell you something mr bunker my family bought mr bowman's house and we're gonna keep it we like it here we like the house we like the neighborhood and i know we're gonna get along just fine with the neighbors i'll see you later mr bunker [Applause] you
Channel: The Norman Lear Effect
Views: 41,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Norman Lear Effect, Norman Lear, Norman Lear Show, The Jeffersons, All In The Family, Maude, Good Times, Sanford and Son, One Day At A Time, Palmerstown USA, All In The Family Best Moments, All In The Family Season 1, Season 1, All In The Family Meet The Bunkers, All In The Family Norman Lear, Archie Bunker, Edith Bunker, Gloria Bunker, Mike Stivic, Carrol O'Connor, Jean Stapleton, Sally Struthers, Rob Reiner, All In The Family Pilot, The Facts Of Life
Id: 9U3I8K3QND4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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