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time to fix something the Silverado has a misfire on cylinder number one he changed the spark plug and the wire didn't make any difference at all so I'm going to show you the fastest easiest way to figure out what the heck is going on we're going to start with of all things a thermal imager this doggy phone a Chinese something I'm trying it out it has it built in and it works quite well as you're going to see it makes a beautiful thermal image well it may look cool but you can actually use it for something now first of all we can see all the cylinders there about the same temperature in the same color 38 it keeps telling you it's getting too hot to continue 3 30. they're all about the same then we'll go to the other side of the engine and we'll look at that and that's pretty much the same it's all yellow and about the same temperature these things are really handy not just for looking exhaust temperature so you got an electrical shot you just follow the wires you get to the park that's hot you know that's why the Shard is man they're really handy for analyzing stuff and they got so cheap this particular one came with the foam it's called inferay you turn it on you can take pictures of it and it's the spot temperature readings too so you could tell if one's yellow one's blue you know Booth's cooler but it shows you the actual temperature in this case it's not an obvious thing it's not like it's flooding out with gas it's not firing at all it's not an obvious thing so next we'll get to the computer okay we'll plug it in and while we're letting it control itself here this was building Fort Wayne Indiana in 2004. now it is the V6 engines and unfortunately they often have a lower lifespan than this baby that's 141 000 miles so let's look at the dad it will start with something simple it's not going 3 100 it's more like 800 so it moves but it's broken through Auto diagnose go through all the systems here we go but it's still got 24 subsystems to go through but it's got a nice back on here he just bought it as a work truck for five grand on the radio code we don't care about that that's not what we're interested in we're interested in figuring out why it's misfiring on cylinder number one you tried spark plug wire spark plug wasn't there there's a lot of things that can be it isn't necessary the spark it could be the fuel injection system it could even be a blowing head gasket or computer failure problem so we start with the data always start with the data now I do notice I can feel it shaking and idle and rub it up a little it clears up quite a bit so we're going to look at the data after we look at the code so we'll do diagnosis we don't care about the radio he's not worried about that we care about why it's not running right so we'll go to the powertrain and we'll see what the code is read the trouble code it's probably the misfire here we go engine misfire last test pass this passed and then it failed before it passed and it failed now he said he had missed far and still number one this is different this is PO 300 That Is Random intermittent misfire so it's misfiring all lots of different places so let's look at the raw data we're going to light that engine live data that's all we want that with that I want they are color coded we're going to start looking through all this stuff if anything looks odd short term fuel trim both Banks three two now it's zero that's not bad doesn't seem to be an injector related problem that's not way off although here we have something a long-term fuel trim on bank one and he said it had misfired a number one before is minus six it's subtracting fuel from bank once adding a tiny bit I'm Bank two but bank one it's subtracting fuel some reason too much fuel is getting into bank one causing the misfire now I see this all the time watch it's shaking there now I rev It Up the misfire is completely gone let's say you have a fuel injector that's clogged or dripping fuel if it drips it drips too much fuel it will make it run too rich and it'll subtract fuel so it could be a fuel injection Problem by actually adding too much fuel on bank one we'll look further and see what other information we can get now you can see on bank one the average injector is 4.14 milliseconds on Bank two it's 4.49 milliseconds now the computer tries to make it work perfect Bank two is the one that wasn't subtracting fuel bank one is subtracting fuel but bank one is an average of shorter spray time see now it's 3.97 this is a longer spray time this is the one that has more problems you would think this is spraying less this is spraying more but the one that's spraying less is actually running a bit on the ridge side is subtracting fuel easily could be a problem with the injectors on that side of the engine because you'd think they're firing for a shorter period so less fuel would go in well it's deliberately making them fire that if it has a leaking injector or injectors that's kind of dribbling along and it thinks oh God it's getting too much fuel I'll fire it for a shorter period of time that's how it makes it richer lean it makes the injectors fire for a shorter period of time so less fuel is injected and that's a side to subtract in fuel so that side of the engine definitely something squirrely so let's look at fuel trim there's more data we can look at and again bank one is firing a shorter period of time the bank too now let's look at misfires since it's a misfiring well look at that Dan the misfire is cylinder number one it's showing 18 20 misfires all the other cylinders are not showing any misfire so even though it had random intermittent misbar code this time it's only cylinder number one is the one that's doing the misfire and we look at the history 50 457 misfires the others are just random we don't care about them I know it's only cylinder number one that's doing all the misfiring it's the front one so it could be fuel injector's dirty could be the fuel injector's bad or the worst thing which unfortunately these engines are notorious for is a head gasket that's starting to blow on that particular cylinder so first we're going to do a compression test we'll take out the number one spark plug here so let's look in first we're going to analyze it and you can see the white still wide hasn't this colored it hasn't driven it much but it's not covered with burnt carbon or anything that's a good sign it looks like it normally should look and when I smell it it doesn't particularly smell of raw gas or anything so we're going to do a compression reading of the cylinder that's just the owners here it's easier we're just going to use the one you're push and he's going to crank it and I'll push it in I'll push it in here okay crank it over again okay not looking good okay it's only 90 pounds so let's check another cylinder realize compression tests are relative these aren't extremely accurate for the actual PSI but it's relative to itself it's going to get say they were all 90 you'd know well it's worn but that's not the problem we're going to check another cylinder and see what that pressure is so we'll go to the other side and we'll check the pressure on this side again we'll pull out a spark plug that was a fun job this one's been in there quite a bit longer now you can see it's still a normal color it's not outrageous it's older than the other one is but it's not particularly followed with carbon and the lights white it's as it should go but we're going to check the pressure now we have like 130 pounds now he's not losing coolant it doesn't overheat so this is just plain wear inside I can't say truthfully whether the head gasket's starting to leak or the piston rings are worn but regardless the engine isn't sealing like it's supposed to seal an engine is basically a giant air pump it sucks in air then it burns it with gasoline and then it shoves the burnt gas out the exhaust it's actually a giant air pump that instead of you pumping it it's pumping the energy by burning gasoline and when the compression of one is 40 pounds less than the other there's wear inside you'd have to rebuild the engine either way it doesn't really matter and in these a lot of guys won't touch these engines because they say they're not rebuildable there's too much money needs to be put in to run them right unfortunately he's got a warrant engine here now it is changing the fuel trim quite a bit so we're gonna try one thing we're gonna try Bernie's fuel cleaner it's amazing stuff then we'll see what the field trim is after we take it on about a half hour drive Bernie stuff isn't a miracle but it works quite well for cleaning it's not going to fix the totally worn out engine but this fuel injector cleaner we're going to see if the fuel trims change after we drive it around and make it run a little bit bigger because like I said it's the idle that you feel it on the highway you don't feel anything runs perfectly good it's just a problem that's starting up it's not going to fix the compression of the engine but on the other hand this is a secondary vehicle form you see the thing on the top he's uses it to carry a camper now unfortunately the camper weighs like seven thousand Pounds you're shooting at the VA with he's got the six but it's not something that he's going to be driving 20 000 miles a year if he can baby it along and he also isn't taking it to go camping in California for Massachusetts either so you keep it local you never know but we're going to see if Bernie's cleaner at least makes it stop running so rich on that number one side okay now our ride is up seems to be running so much smoother we have to data and see what happened okay now realize one thing it's kind of a toy he used to take his camper to the beach now he goes from like Fall River of course you bay and stuff all short drives 20 30 miles it's not that far you just want Something's Gonna Last and it runs good gets like 25 miles a gallon on the highway still running good let's see if Bernie's cleaner changed the fuel trim at all to make it run less rich on bank number one and lo and behold check it out a long-term fuel term of bank one that was subtracting like six percent fuel is not subtracting 1.6 fuel instead of subtracting six percent fuel now it's minus 1.6 and granted we only drove the thing around for like 40 45 minutes might get better as time goes on you could always upgrade if he wanted but first five grand hey it's running good he knows now what the misfire is he doesn't have to start tearing his hair out looking for this and that it's just because the engine is worn more I'm cylinder number one about 25 miles a gallon on the highway runs as good as it does and now it's not running as Rich thanks to Bernie's cleaner hey you can easily do look the tools that I use cost you maybe less than 100 bucks learn how to do the stuff yourself get my knowledge save yourself a ton and sure you're not going to put an engine in a vehicle but you might say Well when this goes out I'll find a guy to do it new used whatever you want to put in and you don't have to worry that someone's going to pull a fast one on you know enough knowledge that hey it's good it's solid I'll put some money into it I won't be throwing my money into an endless money pit or I might not even need to do something like he's not going to do anything except driving now because it runs good enough he's got two other cars he uses for regular Transportation tonight it could still last years and years so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 98,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, fuel cleaner, what type of fuel cleaner, cleaner fuel, fuel system cleaner, fuel treatment, fuel additives that work, fuel additives for cars, how to use fuel cleaner, do fuel cleaners work, do injector cleaners work, fuel additive testing, fuel system additive, do fuel additives work, does gumout work, fuel, additive, fuel additive test, how to clean fuel injectors
Id: nNJocXEbBrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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