TEN Must Have Tools Every Mechanic MUST Own! I NEVER Work on Cars Without Them!

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welcome back to the wizard shop today we're going to talk about 10 tools I would never run a shop without whether hobby shop or professional shop let's get [Music] started before we get started you definitely are going to see some progress on the Duramax swap rcsb Chevy that you guys have seen a video on there is a video coming soon I've made great strides on that one and is coming together very nicely I've actually had people ask me if you had to start a shop from scratch which I the people that have asked me were people looking to start a shop even a do-it-yourself shop what 10 tools do you absolutely have to have there's several tools that you use once in a while or specialty tools that you use once a month or something like that but definitely 10 tools that are absolute have to have in a shop the first one is my Milwaukee fuel halfin drive impact wrench very very powerful I guess I'm an old enough guy that I come from a time where I can remember where there were air tools in a shop where one of my mentors worked with me and we had all air tools we had a very big air compressor as well because you had to run all the air tools but they started to come out with these battery operated impacts and we tried multiple different brands and we were happy with this one happy with that one you know it worked it did the job but when they came out with the Milwaukee fuel line one of the other Techs in the shop decided to take a chance and buy one this is years ago and we were all just in awe there were nuts and bolts or lug nuts and things that are Snap-on or Matco or different brands of halfin Drive impacts just wouldn't take loose these always took it Loose now keep in mind as we go through all these tools there are multiple different brands these are not advertisements these are what I've experienced in the shop with certain brands that I know that work I've had this one for many years and it has never broken it always works and I just couldn't imagine working without one of these if I was going to start a new shop my tool list of things I'm starting to buy definitely this would on be on top of the list I wouldn't even have to think about it I'll just be like click that would definitely be in the basket I've actually had a few salesmen stop by and say what kind of air compressor do you have you got to have a three-phase big boy you need the big ones we can sell you a $5,000 compressor today and I remind them we're in a new era now keep in mind some of these salesmen are older gentlemen they're used to the old days of air and I remind them there are weeks in the shop where 3 days will go by we didn't even turn on the air compressor we're like wow we didn't even use it why do I need a $5,000 compressor so we are definitely in the era where batteries have taken over now let's move on to the next tool this one's actually made by Snap-on there's multiple different brands we actually have one of these in our Amazon and fuel Link in the description below actually a lot of these tools are in there but this is a hose clamp like the spring style clamps this is a special tool that as you squeeze the plier end it clamps down like that you can see and what these are useful for is sometimes you want to get a radiator hose loose and you've got this much room and you just can't get in there and you're fighting and you're getting so mad I remember when I first bought these I was the first te in the shop to buy these and I had my buddy next to me in the stall next to me was fighting and getting mad and I came over with this tool and just and took it off just that fast he just looked at me in silence he was like he goes okay I'm going to go have to buy one of those that's for sure this one saves so much headache there's many times where I'm fighting with a spring clamp and I'm like nope I'm not going to fight anymore I'm just going to get this tool get it off and move on very very good tool this one is a very useful tool no matter what you do carpentry auto mechanics building a rocket I don't know whatever you do these things are so useful these angle grinders I think in the shop we use mine or the other guys have one as well probably 10 times a week a bolt that won't come loose or something's in the way or something's jammed and you're like I just need to cut this off of here and I could really move move on and cuts right through especially exhaust where we've had to cut a small piece off or put a muffler on these things just they just zip right through they're really really handy I would not run a shop without an angle grinder with a cutting wheel on it I just couldn't imagine without it so let's move on to the next one the next one is a multimeter or as Jake on 100% Jake calls it multimeter m o l ta multimeter just as a joke it's it's just a joke this is a Fluke 115 true RMS is what it says I've had this one for many years do you need expensive $10,000 oscilloscopes and all these fancy tools when you're first getting started no they're nice they're nice to have they're really good to have we have them here in the shop but this can do a lot of the work it can do ohms volts which should be AC and DC it can check amperage it can check dodes all kinds of things you can just verify there's voltage somewhere you can check resistance with maybe like a hall effect sensor or wheel speed sensor or something I grab this thing several times a week I don't even think about it I I real I open the door and I'm always grabbing this thing constantly these next two are actually I'm going to consider one tool they're both a stethoscope my mentor actually called them rabid ears I don't know why he called him that cuz you look funny with them on this is Omega autoc clinic but it's not that type of a clinic although we do use these stethoscopes this one is just a hose you can breathe into it and you could hear it you could probably blow someone's eardrums out if you did that they probably won't appreciate that but you can listen to vacuum leaks you can listen to any kind of anything could be air coming out a a tire leaking there's so many different uses for this there's many times where there's a noise or something and the guys aren't finding it maybe an injector or something I'll always just reach for these grab it and just I start listening I find it within 5 minutes it's really really handy the next one doesn't use a a hose it's actually a steel rod and this is great for listening to wheel bearings like you can barely just hear it but then as soon as you put this on the housing around the wheel bearing while the wheel is turning you can just hear it it's like and it really really helps with that these are great for wheel bearings or water pumps you can listen to the water pump and listen to the bearings while it's spinning be careful not to get this in the fan or in the belt or something but very very handy again this is a tool I probably use several times a week as well I'm constantly grabbing for my rabbit ears as my mentor called them so that that would definitely be on my checklist of things to buy if I was opening a new shop on to the next one the sixth one you guys have seen me use several times in the shop is a power probe you connect these two to a battery and then from there this little looks like a little handle or something it has a button here and if I'm doing electrical testing I can give something a power or give it a ground or I can just touch it and test if there's power or test if there's ground it will let me know it actually makes beeping noises kind of like R2D2 and there's been many times where we're like is this blower motor any good good and they're fighting and trying to figure out this and I'll grab the Power Probe and back probe the connector to the blower motor give it power and the motor comes on we just eliminated that move on to the next thing that's really what this thing is so powerful about is it it cuts the BS there's no games there no figuring or guessing you can just go down the line and say this is good that's bad I got power I got ground this is good and pretty soon you found the problem and it saved you hours of diagnostic time there's been many times where we have a headlight out and I wonder if the bulb is burned I grab this put it on the connector Boom the light comes on obviously it's not a bulb move on you guys know I like decisive answers yes and no and that's what this thing does is it this or that yes or no okay move on to the next one yes or no okay move on to the next one you can use this in fuse boxes lights blower motors any kind of bulb or anything that's on the car there's so many many different uses for this thing electric fans for radiators very powerful tool in a shop and they're not that expensive they're not like 8 or 900 bucks they're like one or 200 bucks definitely get one of these the next one are really small we're going to have to get up and close personal here and show you these little relays they they look like a normal relay they plug in just like a relay but the trick to these things is that can just like the Power Probe it can answer questions yes or no black and white no in between no gray area it gives you solid answers if you look on this one which actually all of them have this it's an onoff switch so if you're curious if something whatever this relay is supposed to control the actual relay is working or not whether it be a fan or a headlight or whatever I can take the relay out put one of these little testers in and now the computer doesn't control that anymore I control it with this switch let's say I'm testing a radiator fan I put the relay in or the relay tester I turn it on the fans come on I now know from this relay to the fans there's nothing wrong the problem is from this relay to the ECM it divides your diagnostic work in half very very powerful tool again these aren't $600 or $700 they're like 80 or 90 bucks I've actually had people mention that these are hard to find on my Amazon Affiliates page they're actually listed in the testers and diagnostic section of the all the tools listed I don't get the choice of how they're listed Amazon does that for us we really don't get any say in that but testers and diagnostic is where these are located extremely powerful little switches on to the next the next one is a jump pack to jump cars you frequently have dead carss in a shop whether it's your own personal cars or customer cars you go to move a car and it's dead it's probably why it's in there the battery has issues and he's like well I just need to jump start this and move this thing I don't have time to be fooling around these things are so good this one actually comes from bpack or Ranger products which there's a link in the description for that they Supply us with these it has a very powerful 2,000 amp jump starter which you connect these to the battery turn it on and it will jump start vehicles for you this one also has an air compressor built in for tires you can see here's the little air Chuck and you select the PSI you want here down here and you click pump it'll fill up a tire for you using the battery pack that's inside many of us experienced the extreme cold last week where our tire pressures dropped our battery levels dropped all kinds of things went haywire this can get your air pressure back up to Snuff really fast and you don't have to wheel out a large air hose or something like that it also has a very bright light on if you're working on something and you need some light there you go and it's blinding trust me it's very very bright I don't want to shine it at you that's probably not going to be very appreciated but thanks to bpack for sending these to us these are so useful I frequently see one of the guys in the shop going to grab their jump packs like this thing won't start they click it on start the car and move it and do whatever they need to do so definitely one of these guys in the shop the next one kind of looks like a battery or some kind of a jump pack but it's not it's actually a smoke machine you connect these two connections to the car's battery or just a battery and you hook up an air hose here it has an automatic regulator built in and then it'll actually put out low pressure one PSI half a PSI it's not High Press pressure like a smoke generator this is so handy for finding vacuum leaks or exhaust leaks or all kinds of different leaks that deal with air or gases or things of that nature you just plug this into a vacuum Port somewhere on an intake manifold and it'll fill the whole manifold up with smoke and before you know it smoke will come pouring out of the exact area where your leak is Boom you just found out where the vacuum leak is this is one of the few tools that still use air it needs air for pressure we uh we do need to hook air to this for it to work this is an old unit it's still working it's amazing it's still working but uh you use baby oil or mineral oil that's all we use actually has a little dip stick right here I'll show you it tells how much oil is in the tank we can see that it's full and it just heat up the oil enough to make smoke come out and it answers the question where is my vacuum leak and you get the answer in like 2 minutes or less you wouldn't want to run a shop without one of these on to the next one the next one if you're a do-it-yourself a hobby shop you need a a kind of a mid-level scan tool some way to read codes actually in our Amazon if fit link there's a crp123 from I think it's from launch it just basically reads codes in OBD 2 data and stuff like that but if you're running a professional shop you really need a professional level scan tool not the $50 one at the part store but the two three $4,000 one very expensive actually just had a guy not too long ago stop in the shop he's looking to start his own shop several cities away from here and he he was like I got to know what scan tool I should buy there's 10 of them I could buy which one for us since we do a lot of Euro and exotic the only only thing that works on a broad spectrum a general spectrum is here we have the autel MS 906 we also have a 908 and we have also an im608 which Grimes uses to program modules program Keys things of that nature it's very expensive this one here is kind of a cheaper model it does 80% of what the other ones can do you can pick them up for 12 14,600 depending on what features you need we've had very good luck with the AEL tools they do require a subscription each year you have to upgrade or update it's 5 6 700 bucks depending on which model you have but we've taken this same tool and diagnosed a Lamborghini Gallardo and turn around and diagnosed a Honda Accord and then a Jaguar XF and then a Maserati and then a Porsche kind I mean this thing does all of those very very powerful tools so in today today's world of electronics and ecms and computers and things you have to have a powerful professional level scan tool but just wait there's more here's the bonus feature we've actually gone through all 10 tools this is actually number 11 I've had some customers come in that are so crazy they can't be from planet Earth there's just no way and they bringing their car in and I'm thinking what if this thing's from Mars or Venus I better scan this thing with my guide counter so I'll turn it on and usually I don't find anything but if it does this then I say no bro get your car out of the shop I don't know where you're from I don't want to get radiation poisoning by Bye Felicia so this is also a very good tool actually I'm just kidding guys you probably don't need a Geer counter when you're starting up your new shop that this just a joke I use this as in videos to make people smile but all joking aside the 10 tools I just showed you are extremely powerful tools they will get the job done and save you so much time and headache and again on all the tools I just showed you today there is no paid endorsements there is no advertisements being done this is all things I've experienced in the shop myself and what has worked for us the best like I mentioned a lot of these things are listed in our Amazon Affiliates Link in the description below if you purchase anything we get a small cut and really appreciate it it we use all these tools I just showed you every day in the shop also check out Mrs Wizard's way she's got videos on there you can subscribe over there she's got part work she's working on some really cool stuff is going to be coming up soon we got Duramax content coming up soon so you definitely want to hit the Subscribe button here as well many more cool videos to come for you guys thanks for [Music] watching a
Channel: Car Wizard
Views: 317,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car wizard, david long, hoovies garage, tyler hoover, car issues with tyler hoover, omega auto clinic, car repair, car maintenance, Hoovie, mechanic, Car issues, BendPak, Car trek, Car, Repair, car mechanic, auto mechanic, automobile repair shop, mechanic car, engine, vehicle, tools
Id: UJ2GIjOrFc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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