Nobody Wants the NEW 2024 Toyota Tacoma... OVER 115 Available Here!

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we got a mayay feature hi mayay we still have a few of you who are confident that these are just selling left and right and they're hard to come by they're absolutely not people are not that excited for a 4-cylinder pickup truck made in Mexico that cost over 50 Grand pretty easily no thank you family feature hi look at oh look at it no shoes on we're just a bnch oh my god look how he a mess this is utter chaos and we got a Mrs feature hi YouTube crushed it hey YouTube Un tamed here so the brand new 2024 Toyota Tacoma is not selling well after I posted my last video kind of talking through that a little bit and the reasons why I had a few people kind of come up on mic and say no that's not the case where I live they're they they can't even keep them long enough on dealership Lots they're almost pre-sold all the time of course that is going to be the case in places like Florida California as you'd expect perhaps Washington State but in most places in Most states here in America we're starting to see what you see behind me a whole lineup of brand new 2024 Toyota Tacomas of various trims just sitting collecting dust and a lot of you guys send me photos on Instagram and quick little videos on Instagram all the time showing just how many are sitting at your local dealership Lots so in today's video instead of just showing you the ones here at my local lot I'm going to go to three or four different Toyota dealerships in my region to give you a better idea of just how this brand new 2024 Twitter Tacoma is not selling let's talk through it all right let me show you what we are working with here at my local lot first we have several lined up here up front a few over there one right here well a few over here I'll show you here in a second but we have a lot of srfs a few TRD off-roads and a few TRD Sports just chilling here we know that the new TRD Pro is going to start at 65 over $65,000 guys and just yesterday on Untamed reviews my other channel I posted a review of a brand new 2024 Ford Ranger Raptor the tag on that $60,000 and I tell you what as I look at that Ranger Raptor it looks pretty incredible in and out so when you have competition like that now and you got you know what what do we have the GMC Canyon um at4 X the Chevy Colorado ZR2 bison we have a lot of other very competitive options for people to choose from that are less expensive that what we're getting from to from Toyota now so that is a big piece of the equation I want to be fair with you guys you know spending $50,000 for these basic trims here the non-hybridized trims it's kind of a tough pill to swallow right let's get an idea of what we're looking at here real quick we have a TRD off-road this one just under $50,000 in that underground that looks great let's look at more Bare Bones here we have an SR5 right here well two of them right next to each other anyway it looks like how much they want for them so just over $440,000 for this Sr excuse me so not even SR5 and more barebones model but we're still over 40 Grand yeah this used to be high 20s kind of crazy huh so we have a few TRD Sports here one there one right here this is a little bit more expensive we're just under 53,000 for this particular TRD sport kind of crazy that that's where we're at with a 2.4 lit turbocharge 4 cylinder I don't know I think people are going to quickly miss what we have right here with the naturally aspirated V6 a lot more peace of mind although barely barely worse fuel economy a lot more peace of mind with this naturally aspirated platform here and I want to be fair with you guys this might be the most affordable TRD sport that I've found so far this one with very very minimal additional options beyond the standard base MSR so standard base 42,600 and well with the options it brought it up to 43240 but then well you can't escape that right the, 1500 delivery fee so just under 45 Grand for this TRD sport that's the cheapest I've seen for this trim now let me give you an idea of how many we have here we got 1 two 3 four five 6 7 8 nine the white one there 10 11 so it's 11 over in this section well excuse me 12 12 they're popping up everywhere 12 over in this section let's go check out the other side too and here is 14 and 15 tucked on the far side here beyond all the Tundras and well we have another Tacoma TD sport tucked over here this one obviously just dropped off you can see by the wheels still having the plastic on it as well as this Tundra right next door this one another TIY sport just under $50,000 was that number 16 here and we had a couple more that were trying to hide from us this is normally where we have all the Tundras fully lined up but we had a couple more snuck in number 17 and number 18 that I missed earlier out by these guys and here's number 19 another Sr this particular one $41,000 and here's number 20 this is an SR5 priced at 42,500 I counted 20 I might be off by one but 20 brand new Tacomas just sitting on the lot here so at this particular dealership this is Peterson Toyota down in Fort Collins we have a ton of Tundras but we only have a few Tacomas down here we have a Tacoma TI off-road here this one is just under $50,000 as well and then right next to it we have a SR5 so an SR5 over there for 42,500 so yeah not a whole lot we do have a third one up there on the corner let me show you another TD off-road sitting up there so still they're available but not as much down here in Colorado let's go check out another lot so just a little bit further south at stap Toyota closer to Longmont and Firestone I have 28 available Toyota Tacomas at this particular dealership only one is annotated as pre-sold on their website whereas you we have several right here behind me I see some in their back lot that had just arrived but they have 28 total that are currently well 27 currently available all the trims SR5 Sr TRD sport TRD off-road all of them are available and I got to tell you guys this is Colorado and Clos as closer you get to Denver the more popular the toota 4Runner and the Toyota tacom are it may as well be the state bird here so they're not selling here in Colorado you can absolutely get your hands on one in Oklahoma you can absolutely get your hands on one in Kansas Minnesota Tennessee wherever it is maybe not on the West Coast or the Far East Coast in Florida but anywhere else you can absolutely be choosy with the Tacoma you get and get a pretty good discount up to $ 33500 off guys it just blows my mind how many freaking Tundras are available so there's one lineup of them there and there's a huge lineup over on the far side I'll show you here in a second but let's look at the the Tacomas here I see the one that's pretty sold this over here I believe it's a TD sport we have Sr SR5 tierd sport TD offro off-road another SR5 here this is one that's spoken for it's a TRD Sport and then we have a TRD off-road right next to it available at the moment so that's the well you can see there in the window actually so that's the only one that's sold but well if you're been dieh hard looking for one if you're the few people who think that these are selling left and right well you can come here and pick one up pretty easily guys and well here's already a thing of the past this is that 2023 Toyota Tacoma TRD Pro with that crazy naturally aspirated V6 underneath the hood remember those days well they're already old news but a pretty Sleek looking ride but no longer an option for us ladies and gentlemen for Banger it is let's check out this black SR5 we are Sporting oh my gosh damn they get PR I didn't know they got even that high $46,000 for this SR5 that blows my mind that used to be top trim level just a few years ago right but well here we are Bare Bones model 45 46 Grand and well here's some more Tundras various trims here I don't see any TD Pros but nearly every other trim is just chilling here on the lot ain't that crazy that's a huge indicator of them being overpriced 25 30% pretty easily which is why they're discounting them $8 to $10,000 easily Nationwide pretty crazy looks like another one's being dropped off as we speak brand new how about that so now I'm over at McDonald Toyota down in gy Colorado if you guys have been following my channel for a while you know I've purchased a couple vehicles from here throughout the last 5 years and I definitely recommend them they've always been really really good to work with here at this dealership in total they have 26 available brand new 2024 toota Tacomas and I forgot to mentioned it earlier guys Peterson Toyota when you look at their website they have 44 new Tacomas available still only a handful of them are actually pre-sold or spoken for many of them are obviously in transit right now but only one of them on the actual lot is actually spoken for at that particular dealership so let me do the math for you real quick we had 20 up there in Cheyenne at kengar Toyota we had 44 down in Peterson Toyota 28 well we'll say 27 cuz one of them was spoken for 27 over at um stap Toyota and then now we're looking at 26 so easily over over 115 uh available between these four dealerships but we still have a few of you who are confident that these are just selling left and right and they're hard to come by they're absolutely not people are not that excited for a 4-cylinder pickup truck made in Mexico that cost over 50 Grand pretty easily no thank you so we'll start with this one right here behind me it is a SR5 long bed in Celestial silver we are looking at over $44,000 for this particular one all because of that guy right there well that's a big part of it anyway but SR5 $44,000 we got a mayay feature we got a mayay feature I may what you doing and we got a whole family feature hi look at oh look at it no shoes on we're just a BN oh my god look how he a mess this is utter chaos and we got a miss on T future hi YouTube crushed it all right guys let's look at more you know and honestly when throughout Toyota's history have we ever seen them introduce a full new redesign of one of their pickup trucks or SUVs and immediately have them just sit on lots and collect dust right out of the gate normally speaking it's it takes about a year year and a half two years for them to kind of die down in popularity normally they're kind of pre-old and they sell in a heartbeat because they're the new cheese people are excited about it not to mention what are we looking at here this is no kidding you it has been the number one best-selling midsize pickup truck out there right within the segment and for them to introduce this new model and have them just sit on Lots collecting dust that's pretty crazy to me don't you think and obviously the fact that it does have a for Banger underneath the hood is a big part of that the fact that they're made entirely out of Mexico much cheaper labor cost but well we don't see those savings with these huge price tags here kind of wild huh you know I give it until maybe 2026 in 2026 people will be longing for this platform again people will be lusting for this and actually paying top dollar for these naturally aspired platforms I give it till 2026 that's when people will realize oh crap where have we've gone where have we gotten to I'm not too thrilled with the four-cylinder turbocharge platform no thanks and here we have that common sight the whole lineup of Tundras and there's a few more out back and a couple on the side here but here we have a whole lineup just collecting dust here especially love that Toyota loves to beat their chest and pretend that Sals are through the roof right now with the tundra and they're only through the roof this last couple of months because they've collected on Dust unsold for several months at a time and that's the only reason why they saw an influx of a huge uptick in sales is because well they had to slash them $8 to $10,000 in order to even move these trucks cuz they are wildly overpriced and I think we can all agree on that and if this is not a telling sign right here I don't know what it is we have a brand new tundra TD Pro over here obviously in a little bit more of a controversial color the Terra color either you love it or you hate it but the fact that it's sitting here unsold speaks volumes when in recent years have we ever just seen a TRD Pro sitting on a lot I've seen these discounted up to $7,000 off for this particular exact one too a brand new Terra Tundra TD Pro $7,000 off of MSRP and they still can't sell them you know it would have been nice if Toyota would have at least offered a naturally aspirated V6 option right if that would have been an option I think a lot of lot of people would have still would have been happy with the brand they would have been happy with Toyota for that because we at least have a little bit more peace of mind when it comes to longevity within a naturally aspirated platform I mean that's just ask any mechanic I won't pretend to be one but my brother is ask any mechanic they will tell you straight to your face when you start to add complexities to the motor turbocharge it make it smaller make it work harder to generate more power and torque you're you're stressing that engine more especially when we hybridize it more complexity more things to break and fail with it that's the no-brainer for a lot of people but here we are we just have a four-cylinder option that's no good all right guys I'll wrap up the video there obviously I I come across as I'm totally beating up on Toyota for this pickup truck here but I really do believe that we need to call a spade a spade when we see it you know if we just roll over and pretend that this is the greatest thing since sliced bread we're we're only shooting ourselves in the foot we make Toyota think and honestly believe that they put out a gem of a truck that's only going to hurt us in the long run they're not going to make any positive tweaks or changes to it that would actually better it for the consumer so I'm just being CR critical of it for that reason because I truly care for Toyota I want them to make positive adjustments in the future cuz this right here this isn't what people wanted most truck people most truck guys did not want or ask for a 4-cylinder turbocharge pickup truck they didn't ask for that they didn't ask for it to be moved from America losing jobs for Americans to Mexico entirely they didn't ask for that they didn't want that and they definitely didn't want a $50,000 Four Cylinder pickup truck either so forgive me if I'm coming across a little too harsh on it but it's truly how I feel and I don't think I'm alone on that so if you guys appreciate this this kind of candid candid feedback tutorial or these types of videos I would sincerely appreciate it if you consider liking and subscribing you eventually someday we're going to get to a point hopefully that we're a big enough channel to where we can actually drive a positive impact or positive change for our favorite Vehicle Manufacturer Toyota thanks for watching as always till next time
Channel: Untamed Motors
Views: 107,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toyota, Tacoma, Tundra, 4Runner, Sequoia, TRD, Pro, FJ, Land, Cruiser, Heritage, Edition, TTUE, Trail, Teams, Untamed, Motors, Ford, Raptor, Electric, Lime, Metallic, Rush, Lunar, Rock, Solar, Octane, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2021, 2020, voodoo, blue, army, green, 4x4, off, road, quicksand, cement, grey, gray, magnetic, midnight, black, metallic, calvary, capstone, new, how, to, limited, sport, BFGoodrich, KO2, KO2s, 285s, 35s, dealers, can't, sell, all-new, 2025, trailhunter, gx550, lexus, fail, chevy, colorado, zr2, bison, at4x, jeep, gladiator, canyon, sales, nobody, likes
Id: JLcqe_T2fy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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