Why I Don't Like Twilight Princess HD

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it's still the best version I just want to get that out of the way right now that all I'm about to say amounts to nothing more than dumb silly nitpicks and that on a more objective Outlook this is still the best version of the game whether you've never played Twilight Princess before or thought about replaying it then the Wii U version is the logical and most ideal way to play it okay Twilight Princess currently stands as my favorite game of all time not that it's realistic to even pick a favorite but if I had to give it to one game it would probably be Twilight Princess there are three versions of this game all of them more or less the same experience while also being very distinct among one another the 2016 remaster Twilight Princess HD is often regarded as the best way to experience this game and I will agree with that notion with that said it personally isn't my favorite way to play the game to put it all into perspective Twilight Princess was the first Zelda game I experienced I played it on a GameCube and after seeing wi w Aker get an HD makeover in 2013 I impatiently waited for Twilight Princess to get similar treatment it got further painful when a shockingly highquality render of Twilight Princess Link was making the rounds causing speculation of how big the graphical overhaul would be not to mention the Zelda Wii U Tech demo mostly using Twilight Princess Aesthetics finally Twilight Princess HD was revealed to mostly ambivalence as most people felt there was hardly a graphical upgrade to the game either way it came out out I went to the midnight release at GameStop which was pretty cool and felt the remaster was a sizable improvement over the GameCube original years go by and my feelings towards the quality of this remaster began to dwindle some Gamers like John cartright would bring special attention to how involved the graphical update really was in the remaster the perception of Twilight Princess as a whole seems to shift with some like me seeing it as the most polished and Pinnacle of the classic Zelda formula and others still hold on to the notion that this game is nothing more than an Ocarina up time clone but that's neither here nor there what I'm trying to get at is that as the years went on replaying the game on both Wii U and GameCube after making an hour and a half long video about it I can comfortably make the stance that I don't like Twilight Princess on Wii U and prefer to experience the game in its original GameCube format for the sake of making editing for the sake of more concise comparisons I'll proceed with my points categorically starting with the good if there's one thing to the HD version that is an objective Improvement no matter what it's the new gyro controls if you're still someone with the belief that motion controls are bad and that they don't improve the playing experience and are best left in the old days of the we then you despite Precision aiming never being totally required to beat the game the simple addition of Gyro makes aiming immediately more fun and engaging the river mini game automatically becomes more thrilling with the simple addition of gyro to be free of the limitations of the analog stick and aiming to be boundaryless within my control never ceases to feel amazing with all the improvements this remaster does make gyro motion controls is without a doubt my favorite addition the Wii version may have its infrared cursor aiming controls but I'd be lying if I said It felt that good the gyro on Wii U feels much better and it's the one thing that entices me to play that version the Wii version of Twilight Princess is without a doubt the most played version of the game which makes it all the more unfortunate that it's lacking full 3D camera control to be fair it's not like the game needs it aaran a Time established that a good reenter button that shifts the camera behind the character model is really all you need and Twilight Princess is perfectly playable that way with that said though that extra bit of control in the GameCube version is a strong argument in its favor for players of the Wii version now having that extra camera control in the Wii U version is inarguably an upgrade as a player of the GameCube version I can't help but feel the camera controls have gotten much worse it's functional don't get me wrong but like it feels like it's fighting with me and there's a noticeable input lag when moving the camera moving the stick to move the camera around has this resistance to it that makes it not good to control I think it's because they added this mechanic of having the camera remain still once it's moved because moving the camera also steers link as well when you're moving the camera while moving you feel this tug of war going on between the camera controls and player controls breath of the wild would have the same mechanic and it's nice because it allows me to frame the camera for some nice looking shots just for the hell of it but in breath of the wild the camera still controls perfectly without fighting me while in Twilight Princess HD it's ass trash the y- axis on GameCube also felt more comprehensible on GameCube playing with the c stick makes it clear that for the Y AIS there's a a zoomed in angle and a zoomed out angle you don't really have much more control than that while limiting it still felt very polished and allowed for getting some really awesome wide angles when riding a paona in hyro field the Wii U version technically also allows that and to be honest I do prefer the framing in the Wii U version opposed to the more overhead look of the GameCube version but because the camera still fights with me when I'm trying to move it it it just feels bad and as a bonus I don't think this version of the game was really programmed to have the camera zoom out because aon's Shadow keeps disappearing which come on am I an for expecting a little more polish than this speaking of aona so for a series with iconic imagery like link riding a horse it's surprising the horse gameplay within Zelda games never really amounts to nothing more than a faster means of transportation Twilight Princess is really the only Zelda game that did anything remotely interesting with the onor sword combat and flexibility like being able to perform quick mounts and Dismounts on eona the Wii U version isn't that different in that regard with the only Small Change being the controls suck ass okay it's not that bad but compared to how it was before it's so needlessly heavy now I get what they were going for they wanted Iona to steer more stiffly because it lines closer to how horse controls fell in Ocarina of Time and how they would feel in breath of the wild in that regard it does look a little weird to Iona jolt left and right in the original but it allowed Iona to feel much more responsive steering her in OG Twilight Princess is a breeze and the changes they made to make her feel stiffer ultimately feels like a handicap in those moments of intense horse combat as well as traversal it's not like aona can't be as flexible as the original but you got to move the stick an uncomfortably large amount to get her to move her ass whereas she feels much more responsive in the original which I feel is complemented by the octagonal gate which assists in steering her further I won't lie and say this change ruins the game or anything and I do understand the creative decisions on why the change was made but in execution I think it's an inferior control compared to the original if only it stopped there okay this is where explaining controls becomes even more challenging but I can't help but feel the base controls simply moving link around feels worse Link in the original had a prominent ount of weight to his movement and steering that felt very natural and good to control you know when you rotate the stick and you can see as well as feel how much the character is willing to turn it's that kind of control that helps give a character weight and here it feels good the Wii U version seemingly removes all of that weight making link feel a lot more Snappy you can see I can rotate the stick like crazy and Link will spin around like an idiot this snappiness can also be felt when playing normally and sort of causes a subtle Jitter to the camera which is kind of distracting for me I can see most people preferring the Wii U controls because it is technically more flexible personally I like the more weighty feel of the original and while it's completely subjective I do think the slight input lag in the Wii U version is an objective downgrade I can't be the only one who feels it it's admittedly hard to notice but pressing the button to do rolls definitely has a more laggy feel in the Wii U version which also applies to every other action I also read how anuma was pretty proud of the changes made to the swimming controls I honestly didn't notice for the longest time but doing direct comparisons yeah I guess turning while swimming has a little more weight to it which feels a tad more natural so cool I also noticed that you can Coast on the surface of the water with the Zora armor which you can't do as easily in the original really I only bring this up because Aluma made such a big deal out of it when it hardly changes anything in my opinion I never had issues with the swimming controls in The Originals so me they also doubled the climbing speed in the h D version this was one of those oh thank God changes because of how slow the climbing felt in the original but in retrospect it really was never that bad to begin with you really don't even climb that often in the game and once you get the claw shot you can basically skip most climbing segments it is still an upgrade I won't try to say otherwise but upon reflection it's not like it saves the game or anything overall these changes are so small that only a sad recluse nerd like me would notice so don't take these observations too seriously I'll be the first to say that I don't play the Wii version hell I've never even finished it but with that said I feel this remaster could have done better Justice to the game's largest player base keeping the mirrored version of the game locked behind a harder difficulty is pretty lame players of the Wii version shouldn't be forced to play a harder mode just to keep the proportions familiar I think both the harder hero mode and a mirrored mode could have and should have been separate toggles but not only that the missing mechanics of the Weaver version like the cursor aiming controls and sword motion controls are unfortunately absent that's not to say I was ever a fan of them to begin with I feel the cursor controls in the Wii version felt quite sluggish and not too precise all we get in the HD version is a third-person camera angle for aiming which is fine but I would have liked to see the actual cursor controls left intact and maybe even improved upon the motion sword combat really isn't better than the traditional controls but what would have been so wrong with at least having an option again I don't play the Wii version but I respect that most Twilight Princess players come from that version so I feel they should have been done better Justice by keeping those Unique Mechanics intact this is probably my smallest nitpick but damnn it if it's still doesn't bother the crap out of me so in the original during loading sequences the music lowers in volume a bit but is still plenty Audible you know it's to let you know you're in a loading screen and it comes off as very Polished in the HD version the music completely cuts out during loading [Music] sequences am I the only one who finds that distracting like I'm trying to enjoy the music but having it keep cutting out takes me out of it and only makes traveling through Hyrule more [Music] obnoxious still being able to hear the music in the original helped distracts at just how many loading zones there are in Hyrule but it's only so much more noticeable now when the music completely Fades out it also hinders the game's Dynamic soundtrack it's so cool how in castl town you can hear the different Arrangements fade in and out in real time and it's awesome in the HD version it's like whatever because the whole track goes mute so that transition isn't as cool anymore [Music] trash man this version sucks okay I understand this is going to be a pretty hot take so I'll try to be as respectful as I can when it comes to older 3D games of much simpler geometry I'm kind of ambivalent on the improvements updated textures bring either because I don't think the new textures respect the original art style as much as they should or because I feel the new textures Clash too much with the simple geometry for Twilight Princess HD the new updated textures are more noticeable than what most people would think in many cases the new textures really can improve the visuals of the game I don't want to undersell how effective textures alone can be to improve the visuals but in many cases in Twilight Princess HD I feel the extremely detailed highres textures slapped on a flat model only accentuates the dated visuals watch any review of Twilight Princess HD and they'll sure to bring up how dated the graphics look but try to think about how the game was originally played in the original resolution of 480 and most likely played on a CRT the lower res and softer look helped create an illusion of more detail by having more detailed textures to begin with the illusion breaks hair especially is less flattering in the HD version you can say this is a native issue with the game itself relying too much on models for the hair detail but my point is that if you're going to update the textures it would be wise to update the models 2 if the visual demands for it for older games like this it's a divisive battle over ideal visual preferences I feel Twilight Princess HD mostly does a great job paying respect to what the original textures are going for which is highly commendable but I don't know to me I I can't help but still prefer how the original looks like the paths on highr field they feel more natural and seamless in the original sort of reminds me of those walking trails you find on grass without sidewalks in the HD version it's similar but the paths jut out a bit the sand is more detailed but comes off as more flat and oh my God Iona what do they do to you I see what they were doing upon closer inspection there is more detail which is nice but the shading and lower res of the original sold an illusion of more detail the more Pure White texture doesn't integrate well with the model and looks much worse in my honest opinion there needs to be a balance of resolution to texture detail and model detail the enhanced resolution and text textures really don't do this game many favors look at how it butchers Ilia the model is the same but the lower res and frankly better lighting hides the imperfections and the older softer textures come off as more visually attractive honestly I'm starting to find a new appreciation for less detailed more vague textures at least for older games like if I were to see these Textures in a texture file dump or something yeah I probably wouldn't be able to tell what they were supposed to represent but in game with the lower resolution of curing more detail my mind fills in the blanks and I can see what it's all supposed to be in the HD version it's more clear to be sure but there's something about having all that detail front and center that sort of takes away the magic a bit for me it makes things like repeat tile textures more noticeable and distracting it clashes with older model assets and overall looks flat and uninteresting when put on admittedly simple geometry CRT like visuals for retro games are becoming the new favorite because what you don't see is just as important as what you do see in the end it's all a matter of taste and I totally understand those who feel the HD version is an upgrade visually I personally feel it doesn't do the game any favors and only makes the visual shortcomings more prominent and harder to ignore I feel the original visuals with the original resolution provides a more organic look that the original artwork is going for I guess I simply prefer a more consistent balance between texture detail and model detail Twilight Princess HD in my opinion could have done better by either cutting back on the extreme texture detail or updating models to complement that detail more probably the biggest addition made for this game was the additional functionality of the Wii U gamad it's the usual inclusions you'd expect like having a real-time map and real-time item inventory I'm not going to say these additions negatively affect the game inherently there's a new button to transform into a wolf more quickly which is nice but I fail to see why it's a Gamepad exclusive the minus button on the Pro Controller does jack so why couldn't it also be a quick transform button my main issue with the game pad boils down to one simple question what the hell happened to the item wheel most traditional Zelda games have the items laid out in a grid within the pause menu which works just fine but can make scrolling through it in the late game tedious because you have to go through more items to get to the one you want in Twilight Princess they gave the items its own submenu with the items laid out in a wheel then they added a snap feature that allows you to quickly select the item you want this was awesome as it made item management much faster than any 3D Zelda game before even though you only have two item buttons in the GameCube version in the Wii version it's even more crazy there's technically only one button to use an item but there's three more item hot Keys you can assign from a certain perspective you can see the game now having four item buttons which kicks ass so where the is it in the Wii U version for whatever reason they decided to bring back the grid which I'm sorry but it sucks oh yeah sure you can now swap items in real time cool but really does it actually save you time to have to look down at the gam pad use your finger to move an item to a button and then exit there's a third item button which helps but I swear to Christ the total amount of time spent around in the item menu is much longer in the Wii U version despite the convenience of realtime management the closest I got was pausing the game and highlighting item to then map it to a button but bear in mind you're holding the heavy ass gam pad with one hand so even if it was fast in its own right it's still not comfortable or fun to do and why the do I have to look at the GamePad to begin with it's not like a DS or 3DS where both screens are within your peripheral vision having to look down Takes Me Away from the game and over the course of the adventure it just gets cumbersome so I can't even avoid it in simu if I want to use the gyro controls and ignore the other gam pad functions if you're someone who prefers the Pro Controller and who could blame you as it's much more comfortable then you're stuck with the grid the item wheel is gone come on man am I the only one who appreciated it the way it would swoop up or down depending on what d-pad button you pressed how it doesn't obscure the rest of the game the HD version completely dwarfs the entire screen and just pops up like an annoying advertisement this this sucks man I'm sorry I cannot see this as an improvement to the experience even if it's seems like it on paper okay you've probably seen this coming but these stamps man yeah it was cool when meerse was a thing but come on all they serve now is another collectible that I'm sorry I don't care about what makes it worse is that these stamps accentuate an extreme hot take I have okay so in the Wii U version they've changed some things with the rupes the first thing is that they've gotten rid of the popup message that used to appear every time you booted the the game up and got a rupee that was understandably a little Annoying and having it gone is a good thing thumbs up for me the other thing that they did was increase the wallet sizes again all good in my book but I do have to question the usefulness of having such large rupee amounts other than making the game Easier by letting you use the magic armor longer the last thing they did was remove the return of rupes in chests when you didn't have enough room in your wallet and I'm sorry I have to say it but you I like that feature it keeps the chest valuable so I can come back later when I do have room let's dive into the real issue here the problem was really not having a lot of space in the wallet to begin with that's already fixed with the increased wallet sizes I can't tell you the amount of times I've opened a chest maybe in a dungeon looking for keys or heart pieces in the Overworld with a near full wallet to then get a large sum of rupees that ultimately becomes worthless because I only claim a small amount of them I wouldn't care too much because there's plenty of chests in the game but wait now half of them are filled with stamps maybe they could have made the stamps another collectible you could sell like the golden bugs this quality of life change only comes off as pointless and more hindrance in my [Music] opinion despite all that I've ranted on about in this video I would still say twilight princess HD is the version to play for newcomers and returning old players most of my points amounts to the dumbest of personal nitpicks that I'm expecting most people to disagree with with with that said I ultimately feel this re-release really didn't fix anything that was inherently wrong in the original the light vessel Quest everyone hates wasn't made any better just because they removed a couple of bugs you still had to comb all the Space the game was asking for so I doubt much time was actually saved the visuals really don't seem improved at all to me really the updated textures only seemed necessary because the game is in HD now a step Nintendo might not see as necessary anymore for a basic re-release given how how Pikmin turned out and an execution only made the rest of the game look more dated as a result I think it would take a more ambitious effort to improve the visuals of the game if a new Twilight Princess release had the same visual effort put in as Metroid Prime remastered maybe looking like that smash ultimate stage then I could be happy with it slapping new textures can only do so much to me but I recognize for most people it's a lot better same goes for the GamePad features I'll understand for the majority it's all improvements and only mind nitpicky ass would ever have a problem with it despite all that it's still the same Twilight Princess experience I love just not the end all Beall ideal experience even so it's unfortunately not easy to get Twilight Princess HD anymore assuming you'd still be willing to drop $60 on it you can't access the Wii U shop anymore don't even bother looking up used copies as they get pricier every day seu would be great but the GamePad functionality would be tricky honestly if you want to play Twilight Princess just boot up dolphin and play either the Gamecube or Wii version ultimately I feel the HD version spent too much effort fixing what was never broken we're in an interesting spot of how Nintendo approaches GameCube re-releases and I can only hope the next attempt really gives Twilight Princess the love and care I feel the game deserves Metroid Prime remastered showed us just how much of a drastic improvement in graphics can come from better models and lighting Nintendo continues to blueball us with Pixar quality models of link and gondorf they waste away for advertising purposes if these kinds of updated visuals can come from a new remake of this game then I'd probably fo at the mouth might as well if auma doesn't want to make new games with the traditional linear style so they could at least remake all the older ones with overhauled visuals for the ideal modern experience I want to thank those who tolerated my ranting rambling ass up to this point I don't plan on doing more rant Style videos anytime soon but this one was one I just had to get off my chest I think that will be all for me today so I just want to say thank you for [Music] watching
Channel: Mr.Welbig659
Views: 94,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JK4zrJwYtSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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