AI Invents New Swimming Stroke

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there are times in our life where we Face challenges for instance maybe you recently dropped a considerable amount of wealth in the ocean and need to swim into a dark hole to get it back if this has happened to you then don't worry we're about to fix this problem now unfortunately there aren't any characters in my videos who can swim so we're going to have to make a new one who can this is a red ragd doll it's 6' 85 kilos and is equipped with the most powerful AI that you can run on a Hello Kitty watch it also has a name guy in honor of the man who sent me several replicas hope you're having a good day guy now swimming isn't just about diving there is also racing which I've already made an AI for however and I can't stress this enough I don't want to make a video like this I don't I mean it's so Bland like why do all pools look like watery notepads there's nothing interesting about them anyway here's the racing AI it's fast and it goes straight and that's about all there is to it if you want to see more of this let me know all right let's move on if you've ever tried using a physics engine before you might have realized something interesting about them there is no water physics and since we're building a swimming AI we're going to have to program this ourselves let's start by dropping this Cube into the water now what exactly supposed to happen here there are two main forces that come into play buoyancy and drag thanks to Archimedes we can calculate the the buoyancy Force very easily we simply take the fluid density the force of gravity and the submerged volume and apply a force that opposes gravity drag is a little more complex drag directly opposes velocity and is scaled by the fluid density a drag coefficient and the submerged area of the object these forces are pretty trivial to apply to an object but a big issue arises when you think about the implications of the word submerged the buoyancy Force only acts on the submerged volume so we will need a way to figure out exactly what section of an object is underwater there are many sophisticated ways to do this one that comes to mind is bully in mesh operations something I implemented into a game a long time ago the only issue is that our AI is like a computational black hole so we'll need something a little faster here's what I propose we'll start by sampling a random set of points inside the object if these points happen to be above the surface level we'll throw them out leaving us with this subset from there we can simply take the percentage of the points that remain and use that to calculate the submerged volume we can then take the average of all these points and treat it as a center of Mass to apply the buoyancy Force Through the neat thing about this is that it can be applied to any shape we can think of a sphere a cube a capsule a fire breathing kangaroo it doesn't matter we can take this concept of randomly sampling points and extend it to drag as well drag acts against area so rather than randomly sampling from the volume we will sample from the faces of of the object instead allocating an equal amount of area to each point we can then calculate all the underwater points like before but this time we calculate the drag Force at each point individually if our object happens to be rotating each point will have a different velocity which will give them all unique drag equations after all the points have been processed we can simply apply each drag Force Through the point it came from it's really important to realize that this is just an approximation liquid simulations in general are an extremely difficult thing to simulate well without sacrificing an enormous amount of computing power but as long as we have the basics right we should be okay now this algorithm will work perfectly fine for a simple object but guy is a ragd doll made up of 14 bones and by the way a lot of these body parts aren't actually cubes they're capsules so I've been lying to you for at least six videos now because this structure isn't static we will treat each bone as an individual object let's see how this goes in practice as you can see guy is really buoyant which is weird because I tested this on my friend and he definitely doesn't float this might lead you to think that the algorithm doesn't work but it's actually working perfectly buoyancy depends on volume and as it turns out guy takes up a lot more space than a normal human so floating is really easy the same applies to guy's area too guy has a lot of surface area which means a lot of drag guy takes up about 190 L of space and about 8.86 M squared of surface area compare that to an average human which takes up about 70 L of space and about 1.9 M squ of surface area information I found in Hannibal lector's cookbook this means that guy is about 2.7 times more spacious and covers about 4.7 times more area the easiest way to fix this is to Simply scale the volume and area down so that it matches a normal human which is exactly what I did did and lo and behold the floating seems normal now why have I suddenly got the urge to hold my breath in count to 10 so we've sorted the physical part now we need to do the mental part how are we going to incentivize our AI to swim this is actually really easy first we'll set a Target the AI will be rewarded for moving towards the Target and we'll be rewarded more for approaching it quickly next the AI will receive a small punishment a small punishment for moving its limbs this will encourage you to find a technique that's a shut up shut the f up what's your name verse out of V at least you picked a simple name yeah you're done your Castle as well I'll refund the patreon later finally we will use the sphere of death this is essentially my way of telling the AI hey buddy I expect you to make progress faster than the sphere closes or I will end Your Existence so the AI should train a little faster and that's all we're going to do it's now entirely up to the AI to finish this video for me let's see how the training went [Music] PA [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one look at this thing and I can tell that we would get along well socially the AI learned how to swim in 10 days for reference my friend still hasn't learned how to swim and he started 5 weeks ago the technique that AI has learned is very interesting guy has learned to Flap his feet furiously in order to gain momentum this is coupled with the occasional hand and hip gestures in order to change direction honestly that's about as much analysis as I can give you I mean look at this thing the movements are simply too complex for my primitive brain to understand nevertheless guys now acquired the skills for an underwater Expedition and I really hope this works because there are five coins to collect and the AI can only hold his breath for so long so bon voyage guy I hope you have a safe journey [Music] w for I Co what go [Music] is go for to choose from you can craft the fish that's perfect for you that's right your fish in my videos the Banana Fish coat on patreon it's a good time and if you subscribe in the next 10 minutes you'll get a 0% discount this video was sponsored by B Studios have you ever watched my videos and thought damn I wish I could be a part of this well now you can be by joining the Banana Fish cold on patreon you'll get to design your own fish and be placed in the videos with over 40 cosmetic items and custom colors to choose from you can craft the fish that's perfect for you that's right your fish in my videos the Banana Fish coat on patreon it's a good time and if you subscribe in the next 10 minutes you'll get a 0% discount this video was sponsored by B2 Studios on w water for oh [Music] that was fun you know what's even more fun learning how to do this yourself which you can do at not to be confused with or better. org brilliant is a site where you can learn things like programming or maths or data analysis and now ai in a hands on 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Channel: b2studios
Views: 220,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paddling, swimmin, swimming, ai leans swimmin, ai learns swimming, b2sduios, ai laenrs swimming
Id: -4cphhvxI8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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