All about Chara: The hidden protagonist of Undertale

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undertale is an amazing game that makes you laugh and warms your heart but it also holds a lot of secrets underneath its surface you can easily play through the game without getting too deep into any of the secret lore but once you start to look into it there is a lot of small details that you can connect together for a full picture of the story one aspect of undertale has divided the fans since the beginning the nature of the original fallen human this human is commonly referred to as kara or chara but i'll be using the pronunciation kara since it resembles the word character this name originates from the game itself if you name your character kara at the beginning of the game you get a piece of text over it saying the true name people have taken this to mean that kara was the true name of the first child that fell into the underground the same autumn when undertale was first released i made a small comic about my interpretation of kara if you're interested in seeing it i still have the videos on my channel for the sake of letting art speak for itself i didn't really feel the need to explain every detail in the game that led me to create that comic well here i am over six years later about to do just that since the release of the first chapter of deltarune the nature of kara has resurfaced as a debate within the fandom i feel like a lot of people are probably confused about the whole ordeal especially if they only played through undertale once years ago in this video i wanted to make a comprehensive guide explaining how undertale builds up the mystery surrounding kera what the game finally reveals about the character and how people have interpreted this information in different ways i'll also get to the connection with deltarune and chris by the end of the video but for now let's start from the very beginning when you start playing undertale for the first time you get a small scene of a child climbing up mount ebbet in the year 2010 x the child seems to trip fall and end up deep underground laying in front of mysterious ruins the game then asks you to name the fallen human and you probably name them with your own name or something similar however for the sake of clarity i'll use the true name cara from now on the name shakes grows larger and you are shown a human child in a bed of golden flowers if you open the menu you see your name in the upper corner so you'd immediately think that this character you're playing as is kara but this right here is when undertale has already tricked you you probably won't even notice it during your first playthrough but none of the characters you interact with ever call you by your name toriel calls you my child and nearly everybody else refers to you as the human however the name you picked comes up several times in other contexts during the game if you die you hear a deep voice saying kara don't give up or cara stay determined when undyne drops you off a cliff you hear a mysterious person that seems to help you up after falling down cara huh that's a nice name but before the boys can introduce themselves you wake up in another bed of golden flowers [Music] before you approach king asgore you can visit the basements of his castle which has an empty coffin with the name cara engraved on it this freaks most players out since it seems that asgore has already prepared a coffin for you ahead of time this is not true but you wouldn't know it by this point when you first reached new home you learned that the king and queen of monsters used to have two children one was named asriel and the other was a human that had fallen into the old ruins and eventually got adopted by the family you learned that one day the human got very sick and died before their death they had wished to see the flowers from their village but the monsters couldn't cross the barrier which is keeping them all underground however after the human dies asriel is able to absorb their soul and with the combined powers of one human and one monster so he can pass through the barrier [Music] asriel carries the human's body into a bed of golden flowers at the center of the human village unfortunately the humans see ezreal and think this monster has killed the child they attack azrael but he does not fight back wounded ezreal manages to get back underground still clutching the human's body but sadly he collapses into the king's garden and turns into dust as all monsters do when they die it's a tragic tale of the cruelty of the humans and if you only played the neutral route of undertale that's how it would stay [Music] only when you reach the pacifist ending of undertale the true nature of the human named kyra is slowly revealed to you alphys grants you the access into her basement lab which contains all sorts of dark secrets in one of the rooms you'll find a bunch of old vhs tapes the first one has recordings of a dialogue between toriel and asgore back when toriel was expecting her child the second video shocks and confuses most players whoever is filming the video is talking to someone with the name cara these tapes are supposed to be very old and when you're under the impression that this human who just fell here is also named cara it doesn't really seem to add up [Music] from the context of the conversations you might guess that the voice probably belongs to prince asriel it's hard to figure out the true implications of the conversations in these videos when you're just playing through the game for the first time but trust me there's a lot going on here we'll get back to that in just a second when you're about to escape the lab a mysterious voice that you've never heard before calls you and addresses you as kara you continue to escort and meet a bunch of your friends but that's when flowey appears and attacks everyone he has managed to steal the human souls and with their help he absorbs all the monster souls from the underground to achieve his true form asriel dreamer i'll take a quick detour here to quickly go over how asriel ended up as a flower since i know a lot of people are still a little confused by that as well in her lab entries alphys talks about her experiments with the golden flower she mentions that the seeds just stick to you and won't let go so back when asriel carried the human onto the golden flowers some of their seeds likely got stuck to him and when he turned to dust the flower seeds also spread across the king's garden alphys also mentions that there is one special golden flower at the center of the garden that grew before all the other golden flowers after the prince had died now if you read some of the books at the snowdin library one of them tells you that in monster funerals the tradition is to scatter their dust on an item that they might have liked when they were still alive this way it is believed that their essence lives on in that object [Music] so when asriel dies his essence lived on in that first golden flower that grew from his dust alphys later has the great idea to inject determination into this golden flower essentially giving the will to live for something that does not have a soul the flower turns to life and escapes becoming flowey okay back to kara as ezreal fights you he calls you by the name kara many times he wants you to keep playing this game with him because he isn't ready to say goodbye to you again because you're special you're the only one that understands him and he's afraid to be alone you finally get to see an extension of the opening scene the human you saw there was not the one you're controlling right now but the human who originally fell down and was found by astral when you get to the end of the fight asriel finally admits the truth you are not actually cara cairo was asriel's adopted sibling and they have been gone for a long time the human we control tells asriel that their name is actually frisk asriel uses every soul inside of him to break the barrier since as we have learned earlier it takes nearly every monster soul of the underground to match the power of a single human soul bringing the soul power inside of astral to the equivalent of seven human souls after all of your friends wake you up they all call you frisk now because their souls were inside of asriel when he learned your name except for nabs the blook who just closed the blinds when the soul-stealing apocalypse tried to come in but if we only played as frisk the whole time why did the name kara follow you around the whole game why did azrael even think you were them to find out we first have to look deeper into the darker side of cara now that we know that the old videotapes contain past conversations with kyra and asriel let's take a look at what they actually imply in the second video asriel asks cara to do their creepy face but he accidentally forgot the lens cap on and cara refuses to do the face again in the third video asriel tries to prank cara but kyra interrupts him bringing up an incident when they tried to bake pie for asgore but used buttercups instead of cups of butter buttercups are highly poisonous so the flowers made asgore very sick asriel says he felt very bad about it and he should have just left it off like cara did this is the first bit of info that has been interpreted in multiple different ways one view is that kara poisoned escort on purpose as a prank or even with more sinister purposes and laughed about it afterwards on the other hand it might have truly been an accident and maybe karen even felt bad about what happened but because cara was a child they couldn't process their emotions of guilt properly and tried to laugh the whole thing off instead since we have so little information to go on both interpretations are definitely possible depending on how you view kara as a whole asriel asks why kara brought the incident up and in turn kara asks asriel to turn off the camera in the next video it's implied that kara explained their plan to asriel of camera asriel is hesitant but cara convinces them to go along with the plan while we aren't told directly what the plan is the lines will be strong will free everyone and in a later video six right we just need to get six they all strongly imply that the plan involves combining their souls walking through the barrier to get six more human souls and shattering the barrier forever letting the monsters go free the video ends with asriel saying that he'll go get the flowers the video after that starts with kara on their deathbed during the video astral whispers to kara that he doesn't like this plan anymore here it is heavily implied that kara poisoned themselves with the same buttercups that poisoned escort earlier personally i feel like kara might have only learned that buttercups were poisonous after ask or ate them and that's why they brought up the whole thing to asriel on the other hand i guess you can also say that karen knew about the poison and wanted to test it on escort or something although i don't know why they would necessarily need to go that far we know how things go from here despite asgore praying for kara to hang on kara died soon after getting sick ezreal absorbed their soul and went to the surface however we will soon learn yet another side of this tale after achieving the true passive ascending if you walk all the way to the first room where you fell you'll find azrael on the bed of golden flowers when you talk to him enough he reveals that kara did not climb the mountain for a very happy reason apparently kara hated humanity very strongly although they never told the reason why it's implied that they must have gone through something traumatic and either wanted to escape or vanish altogether before they fail into the underground azrael also tells you that after kara died and their souls were combined hera and azrael actually shared the control over their body when they got to the human village they fought for control as kara wanted to use their full power against the villagers but asriel resisted and because austria resisted they both ended up getting killed here we get to another point that people interpret in different ways this strongly implied that kara wanted to kill humans but to what extent remains unclear something that kara was manipulating asriel from the very beginning so that they would be able to cross through the barrier and destroy all of humanity with their new power since ezreal tells you that kara was the one who decided to carry their body into the village of the humans they could have planned that the humans would see the body and decide to attack them and asriel would have no choice but to fight back here kara's objective would have been just to kill as many humans as possible however this again relies on assuming that kara had the worst possible motivation for everything they did maybe their plan really was to get sick souls from the humans and free all the monsters it's possible that azrael was planning to gather these souls from humans that were already close to death while kara just wanted to get them as fast as possible may have hated humanity maybe enough to want to get rid of them entirely but so far we have nothing indicating that kara wouldn't really have wanted to free the monsters finally if we try to assume the best of kara kara might have just wanted to defend themselves against a human attack by force so kara wanting to use their full power against the humans might have just been in self-defense i know there are also people who want to view kara as a misguided child who did nothing wrong and up to this point everything we know about kara would have been possible to view in if not positive at least a neutral light however in the final conversation with asriel he admits that cara was not the greatest person he says that frisk is the type of friend he always wishes he had and he might have been projecting a little bit earlier based on how strongly asriel felt about gara during your final fight i don't think this would have been very easy for him to admit therefore i don't think we should doubt asriel's words here in the few exchanges we see between asriel and kara in the vhs tapes kara definitely seems to use some emotional manipulation to get asriel to do what they want but even if cara wasn't a good person there's still quite a large gap between a traumatized child who mistreated others around them and a demon child that manipulates everyone to murder and now we finally get to what has led many people to lean into the latter characterization the so-called genocide route of undertale you start the genocide route the same as you would any other regular playthrough but instead of pressing forward you stay in one area and kill all the monsters you can find after a while you get a message saying but nobody came and the whole mood of the game changes when you reach toriel's home and interact with the objects in the house some of the descriptive text is different from other routes when you interact with the kitchen cupboard you get an ominous red message which reads where are the knives if you interact with the mirror it says it's me cara in a regular run the message is it's you instead it seems that killing all those monsters has changed you and the spirit of kara has now taken over after you've killed toriel flowey has a little chat with you in this route he says you're not really human are you no you're empty inside just like me in fact you're kara right we're still inseparable after all these years listen i have a plan to become all-powerful even more powerful than you and your stolen soul let's destroy everything in this wretched world this tells us several things first it confirms that the one in control is kara asriel's childhood friend second kara is now not human and empty inside just like flowey we never heard what happened to kara's soul but after asriel died with kara's soul inside of him it might have been lost forever this version of kara seems to not have a soul anyway third kara now has a stolen soul which is the human heart that we still move around as we play while the genocide route dramatically changes many events of the game we only learn more about cara after we reach new home cara's voice echoes in most of the descriptions in this area the mirror only shows kara once again checking the beds in the children's room says his bed and my bed if you equip the knife the narration says about time and if you wear the heart-shaped locket with best friends forever engraved on it it says right where it belongs one of the more fun comments is the red no chocolate when checking the fridge which has convinced many people that cara really liked chocolate if you check the calendar it says the day i came here in a normal route the calendar is shown to be from the year 2010 x and a date is circled on it this confirms that the beginning cutscene of undertale shows cara who fell into the ruins in the 2010s therefore the entirety of the game takes place in the far future possibly by hundreds of years flowey appears once again and he explains what happened to him after he woke up as a flower soon after he mentions that all the characters in this world turn boring eventually he starts to address kara directly but you you are different i never could predict you cara he says that after you appeared he was unable to use save points because cara's determination was even greater than his next flower asks some questions that may have been on our mind for a while too i only have one question for you cara how did you get back to the ruins from here wait i know she must have taken you when she left and decided to give you a proper burial rather than hanging out in the basement forever but why then what made you wake up did you hear me calling you this explains to us that when toriel left asgore and moved to the ruins she took kara's body with her before his death asriel carried the body back underground so for some time the body was stored in a coffin in the basement so when we saw an empty coffin with your name engraved on it it was the original kara's coffin where the body had now been removed toriel gave the body a proper burial in the ruins and we can already guess which spot she picked the first room where you fell with a bed of golden flowers the seeds must have gotten stuck to kara's body as well so they grew after the body had been buried there flowey's second question is even more interesting we know cara was buried in the spot where frisk fell but what made them wake up after all this is the same place where humans typically fall and six humans have fallen into the underground before frisk considering everything i think flowey might be onto something with his question did you hear me calling you even if flowey has lived pretty long through saves and resets on a linear timeline he was a pretty recent experiment alphys created him and alphys doesn't seem to be any older than an average monster and the large majority of the monsters in the underground can't even recognize a human anymore because it's been so long since the previous human so we can assume that frisk is the first human that fell into the ruins after flowey came to existence if you remember when the game asks you to name the fallen human in the very beginning the name shakes and grows large almost as if someone shouts the name i know this is purely speculation but i believe that by calling the name of the fallen human in the beginning cara is brought back to life possessing the body of frisk but is it possible that someone other than flowey called kara's name here flowey continues his chat kara there's just one thing left i want to do let's finish what we started let's free everyone then let's let them see what humanity is really like to me this seems to confirm that their plan to break the barrier and free all monsters was a mutual one it also makes me wonder if it was also kara's plan to show asriel what humanity is really like it's kill or be killed out there still asriel getting killed didn't seem to be a part of the plan flowey also seems to believe that even if escort has refused to show flowey the six human souls he would do it for kara it sounds like cara might have been quite close with asgore towards the end of flowey's speech the tone starts to change you're the only one who understands me you won't show me any worthless pity creatures like us wouldn't hesitate to kill each other if we got in each other's way so that's so that's why what is this feeling why am i shaking hey kara no hard feelings about back then right hey what are you doing but back off uh i've changed my mind about all this you should go back kara this play is fine the way it is stop making that creepy face this isn't funny you've got a sick sense of humor a lot of people probably come to the conclusion that this is the true nature of cara a creepy child with a sick sense of humor who wouldn't hesitate to kill their best friend however we need to consider that at this point of the game both ezreal and cara don't have their souls and we are also at the end of the run where we have killed every monster in the underground that we have got our hands on but wasn't it cara who willingly and happily killed all those monsters there may be some truth to that if we only consider frisk as a controlled soul and kara as an evil spirit possessing frisk however we should also talk about the possibility of a third entity you the person who is playing the game undertale has a strong meta-narrative woven into its story if you kill toriel and restart from the last save point because you felt bad about it flowey calls you out on it the words from both flowey and sans imply that the game knows that you're probably not playing the genocide route because you want to be evil but because you can and you want to see what happens flowey even calls out the people who might be watching the genocide route on stream or youtube because they don't want to play through it themselves when you restart the game after achieving the pacifist ending flowey appears and begs you to let the game go and let frisk leave their life it really feels like he is talking to you through your screen but in the end he still refers to you as cara so i think while you might be able to look at kara as only a character in the game they also seem to be tightly connected to you the player after all you named them and many of us likely used our own name while doing so if we accept that kara possesses frisk right at the start of the game we also see that at this point we can still choose to kill or not to kill once the player has made the action to kill enough monsters kyra starts to surface more clearly but they were already there from the start and it's the player who still makes all the choices and when we kill kara's exp increases and as sans explains to us exp and lv standing for execution points and level of violence measure someone's capacity to hurt the more you kill the easier it becomes to distance yourself and the more you distance yourself the easier it is to hurt others and the harder it is for others to hurt you by choosing to kill we are slowly turning kara into a creature that only exists to hurt others the only kills that we as the player don't have a choice on are the second hit that kills sans and the attacks on asgore and flowey at the very end of the run here cara seems to act by themselves brutally uncaring for the sobbing face of their past friend you might say that the player being a separate entity in the narrative is purely speculation it's true that the game never mentions the player directly and pretty much every line that seems to address the player could be interpreted as only addressing a character in the game still in my opinion the narrative at the end of the genocide route just works better with the player included this is the first and only time when we get to see and hear kara as they appear before us greetings i am kara thank you your power awakened me from death my human soul my determination they were not mine but yours at first i was so confused our plan had failed hadn't it why was i brought back to life you with your guidance i realized the purpose of my reincarnation power together we eradicated the enemy and became strong hp attack defense gold exp lv every time a number increases that feeling that's me cara now now we have reached the absolute there is nothing left for us here let us erase this pointless world and move on to the next no hmm how curious you must have misunderstood since when were you the one in control [Music] okay there is a lot unpack here first kara states that our power awakened them from death i believe this might have happened because we named kara and called out their name we a human person behind the screen who is determined to finish the game are basically playing as kara who is using our name soul and determination however you can also argue that they are talking to frisk other humans have fallen into the same spot before but maybe frisk was the first one who possessed so much determination that it woke up kara's spirit from death but if cara was only addressing frisk here i feel that the imagery in the scene would be different kara is not shown in a traditional battle screen but just floating in the void staring directly at you and when kara comes to get you they grow very large like they are trying to jump scare the player and instead of targeting the human heart the slash goes through the whole screen directed at you second kara clearly says that they did not have a clear desire for anything after they were brought back to life they were just confused and the last thing they remembered is that their plan had failed if you look at the wording here cara specifically says our plan had failed instead of my plan this to me seems to further reinforce that kara and azrael shared the same goal of collecting six human souls and freeing all the monsters even if they disagreed on the methods and after kara's spirit was resurrected you guided them towards the path of destroying lives for more power so either the player is controlling kara directly who then controls the body of risk or the player controls the character of frisk who in turn guides kara to this purpose but in the end it is up to the player to choose fight or mercy and after you've showed kara the way to get stronger they thirst for more power since they associate themselves with any increase in numbers they seem to yearn to increase their strength be more in control and if you consider the meaning of exp in this game the power to distance themselves and to hurt less finally after you reach the maximum possible level of violence there is nothing in this world for kara or you if you refuse kara's offer kara thinks it's curious you're not the one in control anymore you've made them too powerful and now they will choose what happens next maybe you could interpret keras words here to mean that they always had the full control but based on everything i've talked about i just don't think that's the case either way the world is gone if you wait a bit cara will agree to restore the world for the exchange of your human soul this will bring the game back but it will affect any future pacifist runs you do in the game after the credits you either see red eyed cara wake up in frisk's bed in toriel's house or a photo of kara surrounded by all of your friends with their faces crossed out both versions also come with creepy music and laugh though not directly confirmed it does seem like this version of kara wants to destroy the good ending by taking over your soul at the end of the game and harming those we care about but who knows it could technically be just kara acting creepy to destroy your good vibes not letting us get closure there is one more thing we need to address if the player decides to go through another genocide run after everything has reset there is another set of intriguing dialogue you get from cara cara the demon that comes when people call its name it doesn't matter when it doesn't matter where time after time i will appear and with your help we will eradicate the enemy and become strong but you and i are not the same are we this soul resonates with the strange feeling there is a reason you continue to recreate this world there is a reason you continue to destroy it you you are wrapped with a perverted sentimentality hmm i cannot understand these feelings anymore despite this i feel obligated to suggest should you choose to create this world once more another path would be better suited now partner let us send this world back into the abyss here is the first and to my knowledge the only time when kara is referred to as a demon and at the end point of the genocide route they might as well be called one i find it really interesting that kara does say here that they appear when people call its name which supports that kara wakes up to us calling their name but with you choosing the same awful route twice even kara can't understand your actions probably part because they have lost all ability to feel for other people at this point but they do also try to guide you to play through another route next time whether this is to serve their own needs or because they feel weirded out by you bringing everyone back to life only to kill them again we can't say for sure as a final note of the complicated frisk cara the player triangle kara specifically says here that you continue to recreate and destroy this world not them and it can't be frisk either because at the end of the pacifist run flowey begs you to not reset the world so frisk can live their life on the surface with everyone no matter which action is attributed to which character i feel that the only one with the power to reset the whole game is the player note that both flowey and kara use the capitalized u in these sections that really seems to emphasize that they are talking to the other side of the screen it has become a fairly common misinterpretation that the two extreme routes of undertale represent the two intertwined playable characters in the pacifist route you would play as frisk who wants to show everyone mercy in the genocide route you would play as kara a demon child who takes over to kill everyone but the whole triangle between frisk kara and the player is at times honestly so convoluted that i think they're all present in every route at least there are many signs that cara is present in all routes of undertale no matter the route when we first fall to the garbage dump we get a flashback of kara meeting asriel for the first time every time we die we keep hearing asgore's words on kara's deathbed in the final battle with asriel we get a little extended flashback of asriel and kara growing up together which could be interpreted as cara's memories in fact there's a fairly popular theory that cara is the narrator of undertale because sometimes the narration says things that only kara would know or say i'll link the tumblr post describing the theory below but here is the basic summary of the evidence the narration of the game is only from a first person view in some lines that clearly refer to kara in all the other cases it refers to frisk in the second person if you look at the drawing of a monster that has absorbed a human soul the narration says that there is something very disturbing about this drawing if you tell washout dirty jokes you tell a joke about two kids who played in the flower garden or a kid who slept in the soil in the encounter with snowdrake's mother the narration tries to suggest mean things for you to say and is surprised when you don't say them you laugh and keep laughing it's so funny you can't stop tears run down your face what you didn't do that and finally the mirror in toriel's house usually says it's you but if you visit it after the pacifist ending it says still just you frisk while there are no clear contradictions to this kara might not be literally narrating the whole game the narration might be a combination of risks thoughts and opinions and keras memories that are flowing into frisk from their spirit ok let's do a quick recap of everything that we know of cara for sure based on what the game tells us or implies very directly in 2010 x cara climbs the mountain for a not very happy reason cara falls to the underground and gets injured but asriel hears their calls asriel leads kara to their home and in time kara and ezreal become like siblings at some point kara tells asriel that they hate humanity kara and asriel make pie for asgore but put in buttercups that make him really sick asriel feels bad but kara laughs it off carragher comes up with a plan and convinces azrael to go along with it the plan involves kara dying from the buttercup poisoning asriel absorbing their soul them crossing the barrier together and taking six holes from the humans to free all the monsters the plan works until cairo demands to use their full power on the humans but asriel refuses as a result they get bravely wounded stumble back home and collapse in the garden kyra's body is first stored in the basement but later taken by toriel and buried to the ruins the first room of the game after many years frisk falls down in the spot where kara is buried and kara's soulless spirit wakes up from death based on your actions in the game kara either stays in the background providing at least some of their memories to frisk or if you choose to kill extensively kara becomes stronger and soon takes over frisk if you go through the whole genocide route kara turns into a demon-like creature that eventually destroys the world even if you trade your soul for the ability to restart the game kyra will be there to mess up your happy ending in the end the true nature of kara is still somewhat left up to interpretation i know that the complexity of undertale's characters and the overall merciful nature of the game has made me leaning towards their interpretation that kara might not have been all bad we do have some details that make kara seem more human at least when they were alive both kara and asriel were hard lockets that said best friends forever did genuinely seem to like the golden flowers since they also drew pictures of them they might have needed asgora's sweater that said mr dad guy they do seem to like chocolate and finally there is also a bit in the canon undertale winter clock dialogue where toriel mentions that someone who is likely cara always used to fill their glass up to the rim with water because it was more efficient that way asriel soon started copying this behavior but you can also make the argument that kara mistreated asriel quite badly asriel still feels guilty for letting them both die just because he didn't want to kill humans asriel also calls himself a crybaby and it seems that kara enforced this a lot telling asriel that big kids don't cry so that he would go along with kara's plans but enough details are admitted that there remains multiple ways you can view kara as a person and that's all fine as long as you remember that other interpretations might work just as well i just personally find the story of a mean child who had potential to be better but dies prematurely and might turn into a demon as a result of the player's actions to be a more compelling narrative than a demon child was always bad and eventually reaches their full power through murder so the first one is what i'm sticking with for now and that's where undertale left us that would be the end of it too if it weren't for deltarune because since the release of the first chapter of deltarune people have been wondering what's the deal with chris and are they connected to cara in some way since deltarune takes place in a separate universe and no character named chris exists in undertale i think we should still consider chris as their own character however in many ways they seem a lot like a combination between frisk and cara their name is almost an anagram for frisk and we know how much these games love anagrams chris's skin and hair tones are also the exact same whizzy in frisk while cara looks completely different the history of chris however is very much like karas they are a human child adopted into the dreamer family with asriel as their brother in deltarune however asriel seems to be somewhat older than chris at the end of the first chapter chris wakes up in their bed reaches up to their chest pulls out the heart and throws it into a bird cage they then slowly raise a knife and their eyes flash bright red with good reason most of the fandom's thoughts immediately went to kara by this point it has to be mentioned though that although cara is popularly portrayed with red eyes in undertale they only have them in one of the bad pacifist standings for a brief while but even if this heartless chris reminds many of kara i would argue that the regular chris is also very similar to kara while kara's personality has always remained a bit of a mystery if you said that the personality of the regular cryst was exactly the same as carys i don't think it would contradict any information that we know of cara both chris and cara are described as creepy by other characters at some point chris seems to like doing relatively mean pranks like scaring noel multiple times chris doesn't seem to have any other friends but is likely close with asriel for example they often seem to google when university's summer vacation is so they would know when asriel comes home chris apparently also loves chocolate as chocolate based healing items restore more hp to them than others plus they often sneak chocolate snacks from toriel overall i would say that in many ways normal chris reminds me of the kind of person cara might have been when they were still alive while the soulless chris reminds me of the equally soulless undead cara finally if the connection between the player cara and frisk was quite vague in undertale the connection between the player and chris seems to be central to the plot of deltarune in the beginning of chapter 1 you are asked to create a vessel for yourself and the voice asks for names for the vessel and the creator separately when you save the game in the dark world for the first time it looks like the save slot has belonged to chris but as soon as you save it gets replaced with your own name instead specifically the creator name instead of the vessel name when chris later rips their soul out you can move the heart in the bird cage but no longer have any control of chris in the fight with spamton neo in chapter 2 spamton asks chris if they want to be a hard on a string forever and the fight leaves chris visibly upset we seem to be once again playing as someone who takes over the main character but this time chris clearly tries to resist it we only have the first two chapters of deltarune out so speculating any further seems pointless for now i'm very much looking forward to learning more about chris and the future parts and we'll only have to see whether this brings us any closer to learning more about cara as well thank you for watching this video i haven't done any analysis videos like this before but i'd love to make more in the future whenever i have time thanks for your time and see you again
Channel: ShrubSparrow
Views: 569,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undertale, chara, frisk, kris, deltarune
Id: fw4JKmfyiDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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