Everything About Kris's SOUL in Deltarune Chapter 2

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[Music] there's a third presence actually opening up dark world i think chris is made of three and one soul is the one player control soul frisk soul and either the player or christians may not have two souls with it the player is controlling chris not chris so that is not chris soul is wrong i'm sticking with the three soul theory of soul could be charged i personally think chara removes the heart and our control our major take is that chris is literally soulless well i think chris body is knight and chris so chris doesn't really have too much lack of soul is what could let chara control chris what if the third soul is one human soul inside one human body thus making chris a soul so what i got out of this video is chris has three things i figured it out but their soul is gaster hear me soul for the emotion you picked during character creation replaced it with the vessels suzie also has a soul not a human one though why not it seems only a human soul can seal the fountain what about frisks player moved by gaster and charis because of genocide root and others rips out glows white and red as if the soul was merged with a monster soul i think the soul in deltarune represents pain ain't that the truth buddy right so here's the thing this video was supposed to be about souls as in the little heart-shaped things from undertale they let you feel emotions shatter when hit by frying pans or skeleton lasers you know souls even before publishing my last video that was always the plan deltarune's been oddly quiet on the topic of souls thus far and aside from determination they just seemed like the most pertinent thing to talk about i figured i'd go over what exactly souls were in deltarune what properties they shared with their undertale counterparts what didn't they share pretty tried and true stuff however what has rapidly become apparent not only through reading the last video's comments but simply by giving it more than two minutes of thought is that everything about souls in deltarune actually just means what the [ __ ] is the deal with chris as of chapter 2 their soul remains the only one you've even heard referenced in deltarune let alone actually seen and as i hope the intro managed to convey community discourse on the topic seems to be somewhat fractured to say the least so new plan rather than analyze the concept of souls in general i'll be examining this facet of the lore through a very specific lens namely the nature and number of souls contained within everyone's favorite cara cosplaying chocolate chugging token human let's welcome to the stage our beloved protagonist chris [Music] and you know what chris does deserve a round of applause it is after all either through their endless patience or voiceless anguish that we are granted the privilege of exploring deltarune's world and interacting with its characters even if said interactions entail forcing them to awkwardly flirt with the pallet-swapped mildly lobotomized effigy of their own brother we will spend a large portion of this video waffling over what chris is and is not but let none of that detract from the fact that they are and always will be an absolute trooper however once we look past this kid's laid-back spectacularly androgynous facade we are met with chaos a seemingly bottomless quagmire of ambiguous and often contradictory plot points scattered across every dusty corner of the game pointing not toward any clear conclusion but leading instead only deeper into migraine-inducing darkness or in other words chris's lore is kind of [ __ ] if you disagree with me on this point and are perhaps at this very moment typing a comment to explain your elegant clear-cut theory for why chris obviously has to be souls and one of them is kara i got news for you that means you haven't thought about it hard enough make no mistake the exact composition of chris's soul is not a question i will be concretely answering in this video considering we now possess only two-sevenths of deltarune's total content there is no sane reason to expect we should be able to do this but that's not going to stop me from trying the way i see it even if the truth is guaranteed to be unreachable until future chapters that doesn't mean there's no work to be done in the present we can still narrow down the range of possible outcomes away the likelihood of certain scenarios against others and ultimately manipulate our amorphous confusion into a shape that is as vulnerable as possible to future evidence that way a decade from now we can go into chapter 3 on the offensive knowing what to look for picking up on hands as they're dropped rather than waiting for [ __ ] on the internet to spoon feed them to us through a video essay sounds pretty good right well it does to me at least and so to achieve this i think i've come up with just the thing the super soul searching christmas tree diagram 5 million let me tell you this bad boy can fit so many chris interpretations pretty much all of them actually at least within the milk toast bounds of my own imagination here's how it works you start at the top and progress downward through up to five simple questions each question you answer locks you into an increasingly narrow branch of the available schools of thought until upon reaching the bottom you arrive at a completely unique interpretation for the remainder of this video we'll be working our way down through a similar process comparing the relative likelihoods of each branch as we go and hopefully over the course of the trip smacking into just about every fragment of chris related evidence known to science the first question we have to ask is unfortunately one of the most complex to articulate i'll start with the world's coldest take in deltarune chris and the player are two separate entities we know this for a multitude of reasons and i'm not going to bother getting into it bottom line is that chris is an independent being with their own mind and will and we as the players override said will and control their actions via the red soul inside their body this first question is asking us to clear up a seemingly minor ambiguity with this arrangement specifically is this red soul a manifestation of the player that is not naturally part of chris or is it chris's own soul that the player has somehow taken over this distinction might seem nitpicky but the implications are actually huge if this is the player's soul for example and not normally part of chris this forces us to conclude either that chris was soulless before we were plopped into their body or that chris has two human souls now you might also find it convoluted that the player could somehow control a soul without it being their soul but this arrangement should actually be quite familiar if you've played another game called uh what was it oh undertale admittedly the nature of frisk's soul was never 100 clear-cut you have a couple bits of extremely fourth-wall-breaky post-game dialogue that make things a bit hazy but for the vast majority of that game no doubt is ever cast on the fact that frisk's soul is their own they were born with it as a human in the undertale universe and yet nonetheless you as the player are free to control their every action in a manner identical to what we see with chris furthermore at least in that game there was never any reason to question this frisk and their soul behave exactly as you'd expect from a video game protagonist i hope you're starting to see my point basically if deltarune is angling to deconstruct the relationship between game protagonists and the players that control them i can see no thematic reason why either of the scenarios laid out by this question would be more valid than the other we have to settle this through cold hard lore conveniently though the biggest chunk of direct evidence we have on this matter gets dropped on us literally the instant we boot up chapter one i'm talking about the beginning of the so-called goner maker sequence where a mysterious entity it's just [ __ ] caster okay he's literally gaster speaks to us directly through the screen asking are you there are we connected before a red human soul materializes seemingly in response to the appearance of the soul gaster responds excellent in other words the soul is evidence to him that we the player have connected to the game i see the wording here as a pretty solid point in favor of the red soul being somehow synthesized for or from the player rather than being originally part of chris but in a pinch we could also argue that the soul is instead being summoned to the spooky gaster void from chris's body so that we can inhabit it there's also that one line of spamming dialogue where he calls chris a heart on a chain which i take as a slight hint that the soul does belong to chris since that would then make the player the one keeping it on a chain whereas in the other scenario it would be more like the heart was keeping chris on a chain so for the time being this question really seems like it could go either way might as well get used to this level of ambiguity early on though because it's not going to get much better from here pressing onward if we decided in the previous step that the soul does belong to chris there's no further issue for now however if we want to roll with the soul belongs to the player interpretation we're immediately faced with a second question what's going on with chris's soul then there's only two options here one being that chris was soulless before absorbing the player's soul and the other being that chris during the course of the game simply has two human souls since neither of these are exactly a normal state of being my first impulse is to wonder what kind of side effects we might observe if either of these were the case a human body having two human souls unfortunately is a totally unprecedented scenario even in undertale so i don't think we can get very far trying to guess what kind of wackiness it might create it doesn't even help us explain the three save files at least not without a third soul involved but well i've got a thing or two to say about that later soulless beings on the other hand we do know a little about so what might lead us to believe that chris was soulless prior to the player's soul elbow dropping its way into their body as i understand it much of the evidence behind the stance comes from chris's unusual behavior when disconnected from the player's influence the clearest example of this is the bizarre zombie-like posture chris assumes after tearing out their soul as well as the instance where they're described as sleeping like a corpse during the time skip at the start of chapter 2 perhaps suggesting a lack of animation that goes beyond simply dozing off it seems that chris has difficulty moving or perhaps even maintaining consciousness without the player's involvement why would this be the case if they had a spare soul in their back pocket the whole time and were just left as a perfectly normal human after tearing out the player furthermore if chris has their own soul why do they always put the players back after going through so much effort to remove it this interpretation also fits well with chris's reaction to the fight against spam to neo where they seem to empathize with spamton's plight as a puppet who yearns for freedom but is unable to function once his strings are cut this logic is starting to sound pretty flawless actually until we remember that the one and only reference for the typical behavior of soulless beings flowey shares none of these symptoms he seems to get on just fine without a soul besides the whole absence of emotion and wanting to die thing no shambling no red eyes no catatonic naps the effects were strictly psychological and while the rules could simply be different in deltarune to align more with the game's new thematic preoccupation with freedom this discrepancy does knock a bit of wind out of an otherwise very solid argument a significantly worse argument for chris's soullessness that i nonetheless feel the need to address can be drawn from their behavior prior to the events of the game from comments made by the other citizens of hometown we can infer that chris has a reputation for being anti-social inscrutable and honestly kind of a dick furthermore this behavior has noticeably changed since the start of the game this point though doesn't sit too well with me seeing as the same symptoms we'd be ascribing to a literal missing soul could just as easily apply to any angsty high schooler ever including myself at the time when i first played undertale chris has got a lot going on in their life okay maybe cut him some slack before playing the soulless freak of nature card with all that said though the earlier points still stand and i ultimately find myself leaning toward the conclusion that chris is in fact a soulless vessel a quick reminder though the entire discussion we just went through regarding chris being soulless only applies if we decided in the first step that this red soul comes purely from the player and is independent from chris if we'd gone the other way and assumed that the player is puppeteering chris's soul directly we'd get explanations for all of this quote unquote soulless behavior for free since in order to escape the player's control chris would then be forced to rip out their own singular soul and of course if chris was somehow soulless under that interpretation we'd be left with exactly zero souls i hope i don't need to explain why that might be an issue okay how are we holding up so far heartburn setting in yet need a break maybe a gaster gif would cheer you up yeah here chill out for a sec just look at the gaster gift [Music] [Music] all right break time over with question two out of the way we're officially done with the simple part of this analysis you see if we stop here we're left with just three concise somewhat reasonable interpretations for the internal dynamics of our protagonist one chris has a single soul which the player controls two chris has no soul of their own and uses the players as a surrogate three both chris and the player have their own souls but the players is somehow dominant in all cases we're left with either one or two souls and more importantly exactly two conscious entities what this third question asks though is what if two isn't enough it is with sincere regret that i inform you all that there is actually evidence for this consider the aftermath of a snow grave run chris assumedly against their will has watched for the past few hours as the player acting through their own body steadily dragged their childhood friend noel down a path of senseless cold-blooded violence birdly as far as chris can tell is dead despite the rest of the gang's tacit refusal to entertain that possibility maybe through ignorance maybe through denial in either case the body is left slumped in the library while the thing people call chris spends the afternoon bumming around town with susie it's almost like nothing ever happened until of course they bump into noel at the hospital and mutually shatter all remaining hope that the day's prior events were just a bad dream you really would think in a scenario like this with the player's potential for violence and depravity laid bare that chris would maybe not want to keep playing this game you'd think it would be in the forefront of their mind as they focus their determination into their knife who might be the next to die what lifelong bonds could yet be callously severed by the entity controlling their body and yet despite everything [Music] they put the soul back and decide to do it all again this is troubling to say the least if you haven't already guessed the argument being made here is that chris simply wouldn't do this that whatever takes control of chris's body and the player's absence whatever is responsible for creating the dark fountains in chapter 2 and perhaps the other dark fountains as well must not be chris but rather some third entity distinct from both chris and the player and i have to admit this is not an easy point to ignore i've actually heard it argued that chris's actions after ripping out the player even in the normal route are too sketchy for chris to have done under their own volition these actions in summary consist of slashing their mom's tires to engineer a sleepover creating a dark fountain after rousey told everyone no that's dangerous eating some pie and i don't know doing a jeff the killer impression under different circumstances i would have just argued that these dubious actions rather than convince me of a third entity at work actually just redouble my investment in chris as a character that they paint a disconcerting yet intriguing portrait of a young adult who while perhaps unstable perhaps driven to desperation by the dismal circumstance of their own life shows no indication of inhumanity or evil this train of thought would have inextricably devolved into speculation about whether or not chris was the knight how the king and queen not recognizing them could be explained by chris's different outfit and mannerisms in the late world and how the knight could perhaps be only vaguely perceived by the dark nerves while in the act of creating the fountains this discussion would have meandered well outside the scope of this video and been a huge burden on the pacing of the script fortunately the snow grave root twist on this argument renders all of that obsolete arguing that chris would be willing to create more dark fountains after having a fun adventure and reconnecting with childhood friends is very easy arguing that they would do the same in the wake of a nihilistic horror show ending in the murder of one of their classmates not so much however that doesn't mean i'm still not willing to try i have a few ideas on the back burner but if i do end up tackling this argument it's going to need its own video and so for now we'll just have to let this point stand it does kinda seem like there could be a third entity so cool to cut a long story short deciding whether the third entity has a soul only really matters for two reasons one is that it'll bite us in the ass later when you try to make some guesses as to who the third entity might actually be and the other is tied to one very specific discrepancy that i noted in my previous video about determination namely the fact that deltarune gives us access to three save files when undertale only gave us one while tossing out some potential explanations i almost jokingly suggested that chris secretly has three souls or some fanfiction [ __ ] like that how naive i was to think that no one would actually take that seriously okay for starters the three save files were never conclusive evidence for chris having a third soul to be honest though that's kind of a sloppy argument to get drawn into and would involve retreating a lot of ground from the determination video which is why i'm so happy to now be able to present this piece of very very interesting information i came across just a few days before writing this from what i can tell this is not new information nor was it ever particularly obscure it's just sitting on the deltarune wiki plain as day but across the more than 1400 comments i read under my last video i came across not one single mention of it what i'm talking about is the file selection menu the game displays if you close and reopen the program after saving at least once but before beating chapter 1. instead of the beautifully illustrated ui you get after completing the chapter you get this the same menu but stripped down utilitarian the real interest though comes from what happens when you try to select the save file manipulation options take a look [Music] [Music] so is it just me or is this kind of huge the mysterious narrator speaks in a manner identical to the voice that greets us when he boot up the game in other words probably definitely gaster and on top of that he's talking us through editing our save files in decidedly scientific language giving the impression that he is receiving our commands and interpreting them into whatever technical wizardry is actually involved in bifurcating or annihilating a timeline taken together it almost seems too explicit to believe i don't know how to interpret this in any way that doesn't involve gaster or at very least someone somehow managing the save system for us in the back end of the game like a minecraft server admin just tie this in with the fact that save points only exist in dark worlds which we already know are artificial in some sense and some entry 17 quotes about darkness and bish bash bosh you've just written the next matpat video seriously why is no one else talking about this sorry back to the point i feel this revelation kind of sideswipes the whole discussion about souls corresponding to save files and deltarune i never thought i'd say this but in lieu of other decisive evidence my best working theory for the save system has literally devolved into it all being controlled by gaster this further weakens the argument that we need to be sold chris in order to explain the game having to save files and by extension undermines the argument that we need a third entity inside chris to explain that third soul but don't get carried away this is not an argument against the third entity having a soul but rather against the third entity needing to have a soul we need to explore the possibility of a third entity anyway because of the previously discussed snow grade root argument so freeing the entity from having to simultaneously explain the same system is in a way actually helpful but now i think it's time to quit beating around the bush there's still one question left to answer a question without which the previous seven minutes of rambling are kind of useless who is the third entity to refresh everyone's memory under our working interpretation this is the being responsible for at absolute minimum creating the dark fountain at the end of chapter 2. it's tempting to extrapolate their influence into explaining more of chris's weird behavior including any fountains they may have created off-screen but as far as i'm concerned the willingness to continue making fountains in the wake of a snow grave run is the only non-negotiable point we didn't do it and it's hard to believe chris would we're looking here for a being with little regard for morality who has something to gain from continually adventuring through the dark worlds who might even be trying to intentionally bring about the roaring and i've just talked myself out of half the candidates so the way i was initially planning to approach this section was to consider one by one the various candidates for third entity that had been brought up in my last video's comments i made little heart-shaped sprites and everything that were gonna come down in the ring like with photoshop flowey it was cool okay but working my way to this point from the bottom up like this has forced me to confront the fact that just picking through the contradictions inherent to some of these ideas focusing on the how of the matter is pointless because the real problem here is that there's just no sufficient reason why they should be seriously considered in the first place frisk cara asriel i'm talking about you take the idea that frisk's soul is somehow inside chris acting as the third entity whenever i saw this idea brought up by a viewer the argument being made was generally that the soul you were forced to give to cara at the end of undertale's genocide root ostensibly belonging to frisk was somehow smuggled between universes into the body of chris deltarune emphasis of course on the somehow but that's exactly the discussion i don't want to get drawn into rather i'd like to consider what line of reasoning would motivate this idea in the first place by transplanting frisk's soul into deltarune we achieve well a spare soul throw toward the effort of justifying the three save files and as i just spent quite a while explaining i no longer consider this to be all that significant what it doesn't do is explain our snow grave conundrum or really tie into any other aspect of the game so far if it isn't in character for our chosen entity to do the behavior we're specifically looking toward the third entity to explain and that's just a heap of extra narrative complexity for no real benefit the version with asriel's soul is the entity easily falls to the same argument though honestly there's so much other evidence stacked against that idea that i feel we're letting it off easy this way cara though as always as always is a bit more complicated first of all what does the third entity being cara even mean the specific cara from undertale the parallel universe deltarune version of kira that we maybe haven't seen yet but who also just happens to be some kind of disembodied presence in the new canon would either of those kids even be willing to create the fountain post snow grave run i don't know maybe if they were soulless again like an undertale but probably not otherwise i refuse to get drawn into a rant about cara analysis here but i remain firmly convinced that cara from undertale at least before accompanying the player on the genocide route and at very least before losing their soul was not a monster here's the kicker though a quick scan of deltarune's characters that have been ported over from undertale reveal that all the plot relevant ones are accounted for with the exceptions of frisk and kara frisk makes sense because they were never actually a citizen of the underground until the events of undertale which have clearly never occurred in this universe but all we get to feel the glaring absence of cara is this one stripy-shirted conspicuously gender-neutral human child who enjoys chocolate and knives and happens to be the adopted sibling of asriel dreamer but the names are different so they couldn't possibly be oh [ __ ] okay show of hands if you remembered that the first human is not really named kara again not getting into a carrier theory rant but the name kara seems to be a reference to an abbreviated form of the word character that would come up a lot when writing code for a game like undertale basically a default container word that's used to store the name the player actually enters so naming your character kara is kind of like naming your dog dog it makes sense to call this the true name from a certain meta outlook because it basically represents the player accepting the artificial nature of their interaction with the game world but i don't think it necessarily means that kira is the literal canon name of the first human within the fiction of undertale all that said it's always just kind of been my assumption that chris is kara or you know what kara would be within the alternate universe of deltarune i've also heard people say that chris represents a sort of unholy amalgam of both cara and frisk since their appearance and names are similar and well i'm not really sure how that works but it seems like a reasonable enough idea looping all the way back to the topic of third entities the thought of some version of cara being hidden inside chris just seems absurd to me there's already so much kera going on with plain old chris the human assuming for just a second that this game is being written by a rational human being what would be accomplished by making the protagonist two of the same person so who does that leave well there's gaster of course there's always gaster and honestly he's one of the more reasonable candidates simply because well he's gaster we know next to nothing about his nature his capabilities his motivations and technically even his appearance these properties combined make him simultaneously the best and worst answer to every inconclusive fragment of lore that's ever spilled out of toby fox's brain in a hypothetical scenario where gaster was exerting control over chris we don't even know what form that control would take does gaster have a soul is it a sign that something has gone terribly wrong with your delta rune theory if you need to ask whether gaster has a soul one thing i can say in favor of this interpretation is that there is a precedent for gastric being a puppet master of sorts as we see in the story of spamton and for anyone who needs a refresher and how we get from spamton to gaster it's actually surprisingly simple after beating spam to neil this blue edison recounts are going to sound coming from spampin's phone described as garbage noise which is also how the game's narration describes a sound that chris's phonemes when they try to make a call in the dark world the sound effect is the same as the one that plays in the hidden undertale room that displays f-17 and wingdings which is internally named room underscore gaster qed anyway that's about where my thoughts on gaster being the third entity end it's certainly plausible the game is already caked with the guy's sticky interdimensional fingerprints but it's impossible to read further into what such a scenario might imply until we better understand what role gaster actually plays in deltarune before closing this topic it's worth mentioning that there is an implicit fifth option of the third entity being a character we simply haven't seen yet this interpretation shares a lot of the same advantages as the their identity being gaster in short a character we know nothing about can't create contradictions when shunted into a new role in the story but predictably throwing up your hands and saying the character hasn't been introduced yet doesn't leave a lot to discuss and ostensibly the point of these videos is to fill time while waiting for chapter 3 not just to remind people that they have to wait so there i think that covers the majority of third entity candidates i saw people bring up after my last video and it also brings us neatly to the bottom of the super soul-searching christmas tree diagram the bottom of the diagram oh yeah that's it we made it each color in these rainbow lines was supposed to represent a possible answer to the last question so really what you're looking at here is about 30 different outcomes that involve the presence of the third entity in addition to the previous three with just chris and the player i hope you see now why i was so keen on this diagram even though it might seem to complicate things at first glance pretty much every other way i tried working through this information resulted in nothing short of a descent into madness but by carefully breaking down the topic into the five most pertinent questions we were able to efficiently consider the vast majority of relevant evidence tabulate every potential version of chris and tentatively compare the pros and cons of each competing school of thought having done that the video is over don't forget to roast me [ __ ] off we're not done here i've got a level with you about something back when i was making my first deltarune video about determination the script rating process was pretty straightforward i realized there was a thing in deltaru and i didn't understand i combed through the game for all the relevant evidence and then i worked through it until eventually it seemed that to me personally there was only one conclusion i could authentically draw this time however the first step of that process was instead reading several hundred conflicting takes on chris's soul from the comments on the determination video most of which i never even would have considered if left to my own devices and overall i think this change is good and necessary for exploring the full breadth of ideas floating around the delta rune fan base it is however not without its drawbacks chief among witch is the fact that i have basically been playing devil's advocate for the last 15 minutes so here's the truth if it isn't already obvious i don't like the third entity to explain why i'd like to ask a sixth question what is the most exciting thing about deltarune obviously this is a stupid question and everyone's going to have their own answer but as far as i'm concerned the most exciting element of deltarune isn't the increased production value or the party-based relationship dynamics or the spooky secret bosses or even any potential mobius double reach around connection back to undertale the most exciting thing is the thought of a toby fox game where the protagonist is more than a walking mass of plot mechanics held together by stoicism and a mystery tape now i realize that was a rather harsh thing to say perhaps a hot take but here's what i mean frisk has a lot going on they're the conduit for the player's will a diegetic vessel for the power of save file manipulation they also kind of contain a second person inside them who's also a metaphor for a bunch of [ __ ] it's a lot and i'm into it but the fact remains that they're barely a character we get hints of their disposition through the act menu but only hints and at the end of the day their personality is as malleable as the goals of the player controlling them the astute among you may realize that i'm describing what we in the business like to call a silent protagonist you may also realize that literally all of these traits apply to chris as well but here's the difference in undertale frisk's case of silent protagonism is never examined through the game's deconstructionist lens none of the other characters actually know frisk outside the playable events of the story and thus are unable to truly question the motivation behind their potentially bizarre actions frisk themselves in the same way never even implicitly challenges your will across the whole game the dissonance created through channeling your actions the player's actions through a in-universe human child is simply never confronted and yeah frisk being a thinly veiled player surrogate is the point undertale's not interested in throwing fictional characters under the bus to excuse the behavior of sentient ass human beings it wants raw player on game contact and a blank slate protagonist is one way to achieve that but in the process something is sacrificed and that something is frisk by the end of the game we acutely understand one way or another how every major character has been impacted by the role we played in the story and yet the one we're closest to the one who stands at the very epicenter of our influence on the world and beholds its impact from a front row seat has no discernible opinion on the matter now with all that said caster gaze back to chris in many ways the situation is identical but now our protagonist has a past they have friends and family and most importantly they are not you the unresolved dissonance that resulted from controlling frisk and undertale has now taken its due place under toby's deconstructionist microscope alongside saving and loading the bug has become a feature we've already seen this dissonance start to be addressed as early as chapter 1 when noel comments on how strangely chris has been acting under the player's control and this narrative thread has continued to develop into chapter 2. but above even the already fascinating angle of chris's friends and family coming to terms with the person they once knew being controlled by an unknown force what i desperately want to see explored in future chapters is how chris themself feels about this situation does chris understand who is controlling them are they tolerating our presence out of necessity or willingly playing along to derive some unseen benefit what is it like to be a protagonist questions that with frisk were not only unanswerable but that i never even thought to ask are slowly but surely being lapshaded by deltarune's story and the only way any of them can be meaningfully answered is if i can believe chris is a real character who has been impacted by either their conflict or cooperation with the player so maybe now you can better understand why pursuing an interpretation that deliberately compartmentalizes every significant action chris has taken outside the player's control as secretly the work of a hidden entity whose motivations are unguessable but ultimately makes sense in the context of some preconceived master plan that lies beyond the knowledge of chris and the player and also more or less defines the plot of the game is so unpalatable to me chris walking like a zombie and creating dark fountains and making potentially amoral and self-destructive decisions is weird and abnormal but guess what living for days at a time as the meat puppet of an unknowable and potentially extra-dimensional player entity is pretty [ __ ] weird and abnormal [Music] in the end of course this argument comes down to little more than gut intuition but the point i want to get across above all else is that feeling compelled to offload any potentially uncomfortable aspects of chris's character onto a sinister third-party scapegoat for the sake of keeping chris more i don't know wholesome or relatable or immediately comprehensible while perhaps tempting is selling the true potential of the game's story short we're only in chapter 2 here and apparently contrary to popular belief the outcome of chris's arc is not metaphysically limited to being either secretly evil or not maybe it's a mistake to go so far out on a limb of my own personal desires and expectations for the future of this game at the end of an otherwise perfectly good video but i just can't shake the feeling that instead of spending so much energy and breath trying to figure out what third entity might be controlling chris and the player's absence we should just be trying to figure out chris [Music] no no wait wait wait wait okay that's a downer ending it's way too somber um okay [ __ ] it let's just do the musical thing again [Music] slight probability of receiving one month on patreon.com you heard right folks i had one successful video so that means it's time to sell out if by sellout you mean realize that i simply can't keep this up for much longer without some wacky stacks from pop-up patreon i got an amazing amount of positive feedback about the quality of my last deltary essay which was lovely to see equality is the goal here but the sad truth is that making videos like this takes way too long to be sustainable via youtube revenue alone so this now is basically me casting my fate to the winds of the deltarune fanbase if you actually want to hear more of my arcane ramblings consider tossing me a buck that alone would literally outweigh the benefit of an entire lifetime spent loyally slurping down youtube ads i'm not just here to hawk my charity case [ __ ] though i'm officially a wannabe youtuber now and that means a discord server apparently if you want to communicate with me directly or simply immerse yourself in an ever more concentrated brine of deep lore addicted deltarune fandom dwellers i'd say it's your best bet but that's not all i spent so much time applying to comments after my last video that i've now decided to double down and just live stream the process as in spend several hours verbally replying to viewer theories in youtube comments it's a almost definitely a bad idea but i'm going to do it anyway even if no one shows up so if you did for some [ __ ] reason want to watch that live the stream will be taking place two weeks after this video goes up on saturday the 22nd at 6 pm pacific time last but not least shout outs to this dialog box that implies chris habitually toward their solo out even before the start of the game thus potentially rendering half the arguments in this video obsolete thanks for that toby very cool we can only be thankful that i didn't think of this early enough to actually work into the script otherwise this video would have taken six months to finish instead of three [ __ ] my life and see you all next time
Channel: Andrew Cunningham
Views: 297,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deltarune, Kris, Delta rune, undertale, analysis, lore
Id: GuzbM25CkUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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